• Published 12th Mar 2016
  • 24,872 Views, 2,664 Comments

Divine Entertainment - Orthoros

A human with greek heritage is "lucky" enough to get a wish granted by no other than the Gods of the Olympus. His wish is granted, but the gods put their own little twist on it.

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39. Current Events

Scholar Arc
Day 26

Those tests sucked...hard.

Atlas let his head fall on the wooden table with an audible thud, ignoring the visible worry apparent on his friend's faces.

"I'm just so tired," he groaned as his head wobbled up and down comically while he spoke. "Those researchers are getting beyond ridiculous! I was dragged out of bed in the middle of the night because some asshole thought he had a breakthrough and needed me for confirmation!"

A pink leg wrapped around his shoulders wrapping him into a one-legged hug. The comforting contact with his marefriend calmed him down a bit.

"They'll have everything they need eventually, you'll see," Belle reassured him. "Just pull through this now, and who knows? Maybe you'll learn something important from them."

Atlas found himself agreeing with her since the information about his mana pathways actually helped him learn the stamina boost spell.

"Yeah, like how they discovered your screwed up mana pathways," Amethyst interjected from the side. "Although I'd really be glad if they stopped barging into our room when we're sleeping. I need my beauty sleep."

Amethyst wiggled his eyebrows dramatically while he fixed his mane with a hoof. Atlas snorted after incredulously glancing at him.

"I think you need a lot more than beauty sleep."

"Gasp!" Amethyst said dramatically. "My feelings! They hurt!"

Belle giggled at their antics and now sensing that Atlas calmed down a little, put her leg back on the ground. She stayed close to him though, leaning against his side.

Atlas glanced over at Belle without her noticing. Ever since they got official she got kind of clingy, initiating bodily contact whenever possible. He had no idea if this was a pony thing or just a Belle thing, and while he didn’t particularly mind, it could get annoying from time to time. Still, it was a new side to her he didn’t know before, allowing him to get to know her even better.

They were sitting at a table outside Apple Bee's, enjoying the pleasant weather. A few clouds dotted the blue sky but otherwise, the sun's task wasn't obstructed in any way.

Atlas silently thanked Crimson for the work he was doing and lifted his head from the table. The red stallion was currently late to their little get-together. Atlas let his eyes wander over the street as before scanning the sky, checking for any signs of his approaching friend.

Crimson promised to bring his co-worker the next time they all got together, and Atlas couldn't wait to meet this mysterious mare who apparently got Crimson head over heels. After finding no red whatsoever in the skies, he looked back down to find a wall of red looming in front of him.

"Hello, Friends!"

Apple Bee's rolls of fat wobbled as he waved energetically at them, despite being right next to their table. Atlas could never figure out how such a massive stallion managed to sneak up on him, maybe he should put a few bells on the restaurant's owner.

"Long time no see! What can I get for you?" Apple Bee asked, a wide smile on his face.

"We're still waiting for Crimson, so could we maybe just get something to drink for now?" Atlas said smiling to himself.

The big stallion’s attitude always helped lift up his spirits.

"Sure thing, just let me know what you need."

"A glass of cider for me please," Atlas said.

"For me too," Belle added.

"Just some water, please," Amethyst said.

"Alright, two ciders and one water, coming right up." Apple Bee confirmed and made to turn around. "But before I do that..." He stopped his motion, eyeing them curiously. "...what's this?"

He alternated between pointing at Atlas and Belle who were still leaning on each other for support. Apple Bee squinted his eyes at them, waiting for an answer, only getting a matching set of confused stares back until Atlas finally made the connection.

"Umm... We're kind of a thing now..." Atlas answered him, a sheepish look on his face.

Apple Bee's face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning, a very unmasculine squee escaping his lips. Before either of them knew what was going on, Atlas and Belle were wrapped into a mass of red and green. The huge stallion practically lunged at them, pulling them into a hug.

"Ohhh I'm so happy for you two!" Apple Bee shouted. "It was about time, really!"

Atlas struggled against his new flesh prison, Apple Bee showing a surprising amount of strength. Belle on the other side laughed happily, not bothered by the stallion’s show of affection.

"Amethyst... help!" Atlas managed to squeak out, his eyes locking pleadingly onto Amethyst’s.

Amethyst shot him a look of pity, before pointedly looking away with a smirk on his face, finding a sudden interest in the wooden grooves of their table.

"Trai... tor!" Atlas choked out, the image of a stormtrooper coming to his mind as his air supply started to dwindle.

Thankfully Apple Bee released the pair from his hug of doom, Atlas immediately breathing in generous gulps of the life sustaining nectar called air.

"Don't be so dramatic, it wasn't that bad," Belle said, rolling her eyes as she straightened out her mane.

"Not an... earth pony..." Atlas managed to get out between two breaths.

"Oh come on! A little skinship hasn't killed anypony!" Belle said, pulling Atlas into a hug of her own, snuggling into his neck.

"What did you mean by 'it's about time' Apple Bee?" Belle asked the massive stallion curiously.

"Oh dear," Apple Bee responded. "With the way you were looking at him every time you were here, it was clear as day that you had a thing for him." Apple Bee winked at her. "I may not be good at much, but I know ponies and I can recognize a mare in love from a mile away."

Belle looked at him dumbfounded. She always thought she did a pretty good job at hiding her feelings for Atlas.

"Was it really that obvious?" She whispered barely audible.

"Well, anyway, let me get your drinks." Apple Bee said as he turned around. "And congratulations again!"

They watched their host retreat back inside the restaurant to get their beverages, silence reigning over the table with an iron hoof after the display they just got.

"If it helps, I never noticed," Atlas said after he caught his breath and calmed down.

He started to lean into Belle's embrace, which seemed to be frozen in place.

"Huh?" Belle said, blinking a few times trying to refocus on the present. "Oh, okay."

Belle nuzzled Atlas's neck once more before giving him a light squeeze and returning to her position next to him, leaning on him for support.

"Can I interest you two in a room?" Amethyst interjected from the side. "You know, one with a nice view and maybe away from the public eye?"

"Oh hush." Atlas quipped. "You just don't like being ignored."

Amethyst raised an eyebrow at Atlas, shooting him his best 'really?' look, to which Atlas responded with an extremely mature eye roll.

"Well, as long as you don't start making out in the middle of the street I guess I can tolerate you two."

Belle remained blissfully oblivious to her friends bickering, content with leaning into Atlas's side.

Her feelings for the gray unicorn had been steadily growing ever since he agreed to take her along on their journey to the Crystal Kingdom. Although she had made friends with pretty much anypony she met, Atlas seemed to be somewhat special at first.

One of her lifelong dreams was to go to the Crystal Kingdom and learn more about magic. Since her mother positively hated unicorns and everything they did, magic was a big taboo in her childhood. As is usual with children, they're most interested in the things that are forbidden to them and Belle was no different in that regard.

Magic fascinated her, the thought of being able to manipulate things mentally, and in however way one wished was an amazing concept to her. The things one could do were almost limitless, and thinking about an entire kingdom built by unicorns and how amazing it must look made her want to go there every day.

Atlas was the one who finally made her wish a reality, and she was incredibly thankful to him and Crimson for fulfilling it for her. Atlas even saved her from Dusty back in High Rock at the cost of his own health and later, even his life.

For the first time since leaving the palace as a little filly, she was able to confide her story to somepony, and she was accepted nonetheless. Although she almost lost her mind when she found her dear new friend with a slit throat the next morning.

That was probably the first time she realized Atlas was a little more to her than a simple friend.

Her feelings grew and solidified during their travels. Even though Atlas seemed reluctant to go into detail about his past, she still learned a lot about him from their long talks on the road.

She wasn't sure when exactly it happened, but at some point in their travels she realized her true feelings for her travel companion. Not wanting to make things awkward, she bided her time, testing the waters if he possibly shared her feelings and waiting for the right moment to confess.

Up until Dusty reappeared and took the decision out of her hooves.

Thankfully, the whole fiasco went better than expected and they were now together. Even though Atlas still seemed a little bit unsure about the whole thing, she was sure she could definitely win him over.

Her musings were disturbed by a mug of cider gently being placed on the table in front of her. Apple Bee had returned with their drinks and was currently in the process of distributing them.

"Two ciders and one water as ordered." Apple Bee confirmed. "I'll be back once Crimson gets here, alright?"

"Sure, thanks," Atlas responded, already sipping on the beverage levitating before him.

Belle stared at the floating mug. Ever since coming to the Crystal Kingdom she was able to see magic being used left and right. But to see it this close, and used by her special somepony to boot still amazed her.

Apple Bee nodded once before going to serve another table which had just recently become occupied.

"So when do you think Crimson will get here?" Atlas asked. "It's not like him to be late."

"Maybe he got held up somewhere?" Amethyst suggested. "Or maybe his coworker showed up late?"

"Or maybe he got stood up by her?" Atlas said with a smirk.

"What's this I hear about me?" A voice called out from above them.

Three heads craned upwards to see two pegasi approaching their table to land. One of them being Crimson who just talked to them. The other a sky blue pegasus with a slightly lighter blue mane that had some teal streaks running through. Her rose colored eyes scanned their group curiously as she alighted on the opposite of the table, next to Crimson.

"Oh you know, the usual lies and slander we talk about whenever you're not here," Atlas responded.

Crimson just rolled his eyes before introducing his companion.

"Yeah, sure. Anyway! This here is Blue Current, my co-worker at the weather factory."

"Pleased to meet you all." Blue Current greeted them, smiling.

"Likewise, I'm Atlas by the way." Atlas introduced himself and offered his hoof for the newcomer to shake.

"My name's Charity Belle, but you can call me Belle!" A pink hoof was offered to Blue Current, which she gladly shook.

"And I'm Amethyst Blade, Amethyst for short."

After the introductions were done everypony settled back down at their place, Crimson was just about to strike up a conversation when he was interrupted.

"Hey, I'm Apple Bee, the owner of this humble establishment." Apple Bee had apparently noticed Crimson's arrival and had rushed over. "Any friend of these guys is a friend of mine too, pleased to meet you."

Blue Current and Apple Bee exchanged pleasantries while the latter handed out menus to the tables occupants.

"Can I get you two something to drink while you decide?" Apple Bee asked the two newcomers.

"Ice Tea please," Crimson ordered.

"Some water for me please," Blue Current said.

"An Ice Tea and a water, coming right up," Apple Bee confirmed, leaving them to their menus.

For a few moments they were all absorbed in their task of choosing what to eat and nobody said anything. After they had all made their decisions, Atlas spoke up.

"So, Blue Current, it's so nice to finally meet you. Crimson has told us so much about you!" He said with a smile.

"You did?" Blue Current tilted her head to the side, the question directed at both Atlas and Crimson.

"No, actually," Atlas sighed. "Crimson here has told us next to nothing about you, so why don't you introduce yourself? What do you like to do, all the good stuff, you know?"

Crimson shot Atlas an annoyed look, while Crimson received an amused one from Blue Current.

"Sure, so... where to begin..." Blue Current tapped her hoof on the table a few times, lost in thought.

"Well, I'm sure as you all know, I work at the weather factory with Crimson, we're on the same team. My father owns the factory by the way."

"In my free time, I enjoy hanging out with my friends, reading a good book or training for some aerial stunts," Blue Current smiled. "I'm generally always up for fun stuff, so you know, if you got something planned, be sure to invite me."

While Atlas was listening, he was actually more interested in Crimson than Blue Current. He seemed to act as nonchalant as possible, but Atlas caught him glancing at Blue Current rather often and generally acting more awkward than usual. Almost as if he had no idea how to act around her.

Geez, I hope he isn't like that while at work too. Atlas thought to himself.

Atlas wondered how crazy his introduction would be if he told the truth.

Cool, I'm Atlas, full name Alexander Atlas Riptis. I'm an immortal being, sort of responsible for the creation of your universe and on my way to becoming a god myself. By the way the creation story you all believe in is wrong. My gods just made this place on a whim as a prison for me.

Wouldn't it be fun to introduce himself like that? Atlas suppressed a sigh and put a smile on his face.

"Well, as I've already said I'm Atlas," He introduced himself for real this time. "I'm currently enrolled in the Kingdom’s military academy while getting an education in magic. I haven't picked a specialization yet. I'm currently spending most of my time studying but come down from the academy island whenever I can to hang out."

"I'm also currently on a watchlist and am constantly being shadowed by a guard because I'm considered dangerous."

Atlas had no idea if Crimson told her about that whole fiasco, but if he hadn't, Atlas would much rather keep it a secret for now.

Atlas's smile became slightly strained towards the end and he took a look around trying to spot his shadow. As always whoever was on duty seemed to do a good job blending in or hiding away and he couldn't spot anyone suspicious.

"Pleased to meet you," Atlas finished.

The rest of their time at Apple Bee's was spent introducing themselves in more detail and getting to know each other better. At some point, Apple Bee came back to take their orders and later brought their food.

Blue Current was quickly accepted into the group, much to Crimson's relief. Her jovial nature allowed her to make quick friends with them while relating on some level or another to each of them.

They stayed at Apple Bee's for most of the afternoon, ordering drinks from time to time and exchanging stories with each other. Alas, the time came when they had to part; more specifically, Blue Current had to head back to the factory to prepare for tomorrow.

"It was a pleasure meeting all of you and I'd be happy to do this more often, but I really need to get going now," she said while checking the sun's position. "There's still a lot of work to be done."

"I'll accompany you on your way back," Crimson offered a smile ever present on his face.

Atlas wiggled his eyebrows at Crimson suggestively when Blue Current wasn't looking their way, at which Crimson seemed to blush slightly. A fact Atlas was impressed by since his coat was already red.

"We'd be happy to have you around more often!" Belle exclaimed happily.

Belle had bonded especially well with Blue Current, since up until now Belle was the only female in their group. She loved all of her friends dearly, especially Atlas, but there were just some things one couldn't discuss with stallions.

Crimson and Blue Current took off into the air, waving and saying their goodbyes as they flew into the direction of their workplace.

"I approve," Belle said after they were out of sight, nodding sagely.

"Approve of what?" Amethyst asked puzzled.

"Of those two," Belle gestured into the general direction their feathered friends just disappeared in. "They'd make an awesome couple."

"Are you Crimson's mother now or what?" Atlas asked bemused.

"They grow up so fast," Belle said overdramatically, wiping away a fake tear with her fetlock.

Belle's antics garnered her laughs from both Atlas and Amethyst, as they also got up to return to their respective homes.

Author's Note:

>inb4 Coral Reef jokes.

This is more or less just a chapter to remind everybody that Blue Current still exists. Have you forgotten about her? If yes, try to remember from now on, cause she's going to appear a few more times ^^

Once again, thanks to my editor Ambros and my proofreader Kilobytes for a job well done!

Today's chapter was brought to you by this song.

Bonus Video:

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