• Published 12th Mar 2016
  • 24,813 Views, 2,664 Comments

Divine Entertainment - Orthoros

A human with greek heritage is "lucky" enough to get a wish granted by no other than the Gods of the Olympus. His wish is granted, but the gods put their own little twist on it.

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16. Loyalty

Alex turned around to identify the oddly familiar voice. A few feet away from him stood a pretty disheveled looking Crimson. Their eyes locked, and they held their gaze for a few seconds, as if confirming that the other was really who they thought they were.

“It’s really you, isn’t it?” Crimson asked as he took a few steps gingerly towards Alex. “But how? I saw you die.” He whispered as he gradually drew closer.

When Crimson was within reach he slowly put a hoof on Alex’s saddlebags. His eyes drifted down till they were locked on Alex’s throat, trying to find any indication of the mortal wound he’d received.

“How is this possible?” He asked while he shot a questioning look into Alex’s eyes.

Meanwhile Alex sat there, trying to find his best course of action. He never believed he’d actually meet Crimson in High Rock. The city was huge, and there was no guarantee that Crimson made it out of the raid alive.

“Crimson?” Alex asked in a befuddled state. “You made it out of there?”

“I should be the one asking that, don’t you think?” Crimson answered with a raised eyebrow.

“Crimson, so nice to see you again.” Dusty intercepted their conversation. “What brings you back here, and what’s all this about dying?” He asked genuinely confused.

He looked back and forth between Alex and Crimson, awaiting an answer. They both looked back at the old stallion, and then at each other.

Alex got up from his sitting position and threw a hoof over Crimsons shoulders. “If you’d excuse us for a moment.” He said while sporting an ear splitting grin.

He started to lead Crimson away from Dusty and Belle, but not before snatching another pear. He was still hungry after all. Dusty and Belle were understandably confused, but let them have some space for now.

They entered an alley, and after checking to make sure no one followed them started to talk with each other.

“Crimson!” Alex said. “I’m so glad to see you! I thought you were dead! Are the others around too?”

“What about you?” Crimson asked. “If there’s anyone who should be surprised, it’s me! I literally saw how you got your throat slit and fell off a cliff! How are you not dead?”

Alex withered under the inquisitive gaze Crimson gave him. He took a bite out of his pear, so he could stall for time before he answered.

“Tell you what.” He said between two bites. “You tell me what happened to you guys after I fell, then I tell you what happened to me. Sound good?”

Crimson looked like he wanted to object, but he started to explain after a few moments.

“Well, the guy who slit your throat stopped me from getting to you.” He began. “I managed to get rid of him fairly quickly. So I tried to see if you managed to survive. But it was too dark, and I couldn’t find you in the river. I thought you were dead for sure, so I made the decision to go back to help the other guys.”

Crimson looked genuinely sorry for abandoning Alex, who apparently somehow survived. Alex munched on his pear and nodded towards him, telling him to move on.

“It was a losing battle.” Crimson sighed. “There were just too many bandits. We tried to hold them off for as long as possible, but eventually they overran us.” Crimson’s face adopted a hurt look. “Winter Banana told me to fly away, to save myself. I wanted to stay and fight to the death by his side, but he told me I should deliver a message to his family as a last favour.”

“So you fled?” Alex asked.

“Yes.” Came the answer from the red pegasus. “I take no pride in this, but I wanted to honor Winter’s last wish. I can still hear him scream when I sleep.”

“So you’re the only one left?” Alex asked sadly.

Crimson nodded in the affirmative. “Or, at least I thought so.” He said while looking at Alex. “Then I see you, casually hanging out with some of my old friends. What gives?”

Alex thought about what to tell him for a moment. Crimson saw how Alex died, so if he just bullshitted his way through this, he most likely wouldn’t believe him. On the other hand, Crimson proved to be a real friend. He even saved his live. Sort of. So Alex came to the conclusion, that only the truth would suffice.

“Crimson, tell me.” Alex said. “Can you keep a secret?”

Crimson looked at him confused, but confirmed his ability to do so.

“I’m serious Crimson. This isn’t just some ‘I ate all of your cookies’ secret.” Alex emphasized. “This is a seriously ‘top secret’ secret.”

“I understand.” Crimson answered.

“Alright, what I’m about to tell you, can never leave this alley. You understand?” Alex said, while once again checking for any other ponies within earshot.
Crimson simply nodded and swallowed heavily.

“Ok, you might think I’m crazy after you hear this, but it is the honest truth.” Alex hesitated for a bit, concerned about how Crimson would take it. “I’m immortal. I’m a half god, a descendant of the powers that made this very world.”

Alex looked at Crimson expectantly, he wasn’t disappointed as his expression quickly changed to confusion. He went through several facial expressions after, ranging from concerned to unbelieving in the span of a few seconds before he answered.

“Immortal? So like… you can’t die?” He asked.

“Exactly, no matter what happens to me, I’ll just get back up after a while.”

“Well… I did see you get killed. Now you're standing in front of me, still very much alive.” Crimson said. “Alright well this is a lot for me to believe. Not saying that I don’t. It’s just, you know how crazy this sounds right?”

“Remember, not a word to anypony!” Alex whisper-shouted him.

“Alright, alright, I got it.” Crimson said. “But what about your amnesia? Was that a lie too?” He asked.

Alex looked to the ground, ashamed of himself. “Yes.” He said. “But to be honest, it’s more believable than me telling everybody I’m an immortal. Everypony would just think I’m insane.”

“Yeah I could see that happening.” Crimson responded. “If I didn’t see it with my own eyes, I’d call you insane too.”

Alex let out a sigh of relief. He was afraid that Crimson would call him a nutjob and leave. He was happy to see those fears proved to be for naught.

“So… You still trying to reach the Crystal Kingdom?” Crimson asked.

“Hmm?” Alex looked back up from the ground. “Oh yeah. Although it isn’t quite going how I planned it. I tried everything to get a job here, or join another caravan, but none would take me.”

“Yeah, the ponies of High Rock are pretty unaccommodating towards unicorns and pegasi.” Crimson said while pawing at the ground with his hoof.

Alex realized that Crimson must have had similar problems like him after he arrived in the city. Minus the ‘not being able to starve’ thing.

“So you’ve had some problems too, huh?”

“Yeah.” Crimson said. “You remember how I told you about those rough days I had before Winter Banana gave me a job? I spent those days living in Dusty’s little community here. I just came to visit, and see if I could crash here for a few days.”

An awkward silence fell over the two. Both of them had a wealth of new information to take in. Alex finished eating his pear while he contemplated what to do next.

“Can I ask you something Crimson?”


“What’s your plan going forward?”

Crimson took a while before he answered.

“I honestly don’t really know.” He sighed. “Word’s spread about how I abandoned the caravan. So now I can’t find work with any of the couriers or trade caravans. Adding to the fact that I’m a Pegasus, finding work now is almost impossible.”

“I don’t really know what I’m supposed to do.” Crimson continued. “All my life I followed someone. I always had someone to follow. And now that I’m alone, I really have no idea what I should do. Without someone that I can depend on, or someone to depend on me I have no purpose.”

Crimson let his head hang to the ground as his ears pressed to his skull. His comfortable life had been pulled out under him for a second time. Alex could relate to how Crimson must be feeling right now, as an idea formed in his mind.

“Say,” He began. “Why don’t you join me on my trip to the Crystal Kingdom. I could use a friend who could look out for me on the way there.”

Crimson looked up in surprise.

“Join you?” Alex nodded. “On your journey?” Alex confirmed again.

Crimson took a few moments to contemplate the offer.

“You know, I can’t promise you anything.” Alex said. “I can’t pay you. But I’m sure that the two of us will manage somehow. You need someone to follow, and I need someone to protect me. So what do you say? Are we a team?”

Crimson looked Alex deep in the eyes, looking for any sign of deception. After a while he started to smile.

“Sure!” He said. “Who better to throw your lot in with, than an immortal god?” Crimson joked as he pulled Alex into a hug.

“How about being loyal to a friend?” Alex asked.

“Hah, that works too.”

A familiar feeling washed over Alex, as he could briefly feel something akin to a rush of energy pulsating throughout his whole body. His eyes flashed a deep red, before returning to their normal silver color.

“Cool, so you guys are going to the Crystal Empire?” A voice asked above them.

Alex and Crimson parted from their hug in shock and looked up. There, poking over the edge of a low roof was Charity Belle’s head.

“Can I come with?” She asked. “I always wanted to go there. Magic must be sooo cool!” She squeed.

The duo looked up to her, a baffled look on their faces. Belle jumped down, landing with a heavy thud in front of them.

“How much did you hear?” Alex asked in a panic.

“Oh not that much.” Alex visibly relaxed upon hearing her say that. “Just that you’re an immortal god that survived being killed, and that you two are going to the Crystal Kingdom.”

Alex’s jaw fell in disbelief. Here he was, telling his biggest secret to a friend, and she just eavesdropped in on them like it was nothing.

“So… Can I come with?” Alex’s eye twitched.

“How dare you just listen in on a private conversation like this!” He shouted.

“Well you guys took so long, so I just thought I’d check in on you two.” Belle said with a smile.

“And you decided to do so by eavesdropping?”

“Ohhh that’s a big word!” Belle said jovially. “What’s it mean?” She asked with a grin on her face.

Alex facehooved, while Crimson just stood next to him dumbfounded.

“Listen. Miss Belle.” Alex started after a few calming breaths. “What was discussed here, is a secret. You cannot tell a single soul about what you heard here. Do you understand?”

“Yup. No problem at all. I’m like, a master at keeping secrets! Here let me exchange one with you. My real name is Morning Sun! But please, just call me Belle.” She exclaimed.

“I’m not sure what I should do with this information.” Alex sighed.

“Keep it a secret. Duh.” Belle responded.

Alex’s hoof met once again with his face. Crimson shook himself out of his trance.

“Your real name’s Morning Sun? Why didn’t you tell me before? Why even keep it a secret?” Crimson asked.

“For, ummm, reasons?” Belle said with a look that just screamed to not press further.

“Alright. Secret. Got it.”

“Listen. Belle.” Alex tried once again. “We will keep your secret safe, if you keep mine. But I literally just met you, and I don’t think I know you good enough to just let you join Crimson and me on our journey.” He said while pointing to Crimson and himself respectively.

Belle’s face fell in disappointment. “Awww. But… Magic!” She said while giving Alex her best puppy dog eyes. He had to shield his eyes from the cute to not die from an overdose.

“Alright!” Alex exclaimed in defeat. “We’re gonna be here for a few days anyway. If you can prove yourself useful, I might consider taking you along.”

Belle’s face lit up in joy as she jumped between them, pulling them into a bear hug.

“You guys are the best.”

“Urrgh!” Both Alex and Crimson said in unison.


“So finally Morning Sun reveals herself.” A pony clad in a black cloak walked away from the alley. “As well as a pony who claims to be immortal. Her highness will want to hear about this.” He said while disappearing into the shadows.

Author's Note:

Hey guys! I've just posted some important information about the new release schedule of this story on my blog. If you're interested you can read about it here: Blogpost

Other than that, I hope you like this development! Belle is great fun to write :pinkiehappy:

Hope you had a good read, and feel free to comment!

Once again, thanks to my proofreader/editor Ambros for a job well done!

Todays chapter was brought to you by this song. For what i believe to be obvious reasons.

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