• Published 20th May 2012
  • 10,678 Views, 370 Comments

My Little Staring Contest: Alicorns can stare for a very long time - CosmicAfro

Luna and Celestia stare at each other in a contest for a muffin

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Day 2, 4 a.m. 42 minutes, 12 seconds

Day 2, 4a.m., 43 minutes, 12 seconds

And for a long time, nothing happened (as is with most staring contests). The jumps of time between actions exponentially increased as both bided their time…

The muffin had long since been removed from the tray after they silently agreed it had expired. Regardless of the original purpose being removed, the two kept at it. Neither had moved from their previous position outside of the lone head bob. Their fortitude and adamancy was something to be admired, from the few who chose to stay anyways.

Luna finally broke what had been a dangerously long silence. “So, sister, do you feel that urge to blink, that creeping feeling in the back of your mind that’s encouraging you to end your cruel punishment? You and I both know that we’re nearing our limits. My water strapped to my leg has long since been depleted and your mane has ceased flowing as well as mine.”

Astounded that she had the ability to speak so readily, Celestia snapped back into full alertness, letting her drooping eyes return to completely open. With it came a terrible burning sensation, one that was akin to a sunburn. She found it ironic… and bad news.

“Yes, you see it now, don’t you Celestia? I’m going to win and the subjects will know my will is stronger than the sun!”

There was something twisted about the way she had phrased her sentence. Bargaining against her own physical limitations, she spoke, “Luna, what’s happening to you?”

She hadn’t taken much notice to it previously, but her coat had been becoming darker and her mane was filling with magical power. Her eyes were just like-

“Luna! Cease what you’re doing right now! We both agreed to no magic for this game!”

“Yes, Princess Luna agreed to those terms… but I am no longer Princess Luna. I am-“

Miraculously, or unfortunately for Celestia, Luna shifted her body into the form of her darker side. There was no aura, there was no field or cloud or potion that was ingested, it simply happened like a strike of lightning, minus the flashing effects produced by the natural anomaly. The alicorn of the day didn’t know how it was possible, but the transformation was indeed without magic… she had successfully returned to her vile counterpart.

“-Nightstare Moon!”

The remaining members, all three of them, of the audience gasped in horror, except for one who thought it was really cool and started rooting for her.

But, worse news came. With the subtle change came a completely refreshed and reinvigorated princess. Her serpentine eyes glimmered with a newfound reinvigoration; it was comparable to a second wind in a marathon runner.

“Fool, you should know that your genre of Rock and Roll developed during my absence boosts my attentiveness and my alertness. I have acquired the ability to listen to the songs for incredible amounts of time without pause. There is no magic about it, it’s a natural occurrence. Most call it a personality disorder, I call it my greatest strength.”

Celestia was about to give in and give up, until her eyes noticed an object in her peripherals.

A lone, silver spoon.


“You should know by now, Luna, that I will never give in. You will not win this staring contest!” she yelled with royal authority.

“Foolish sister, I already have won! And when I have made it official, I think I’ll add a new constellation into the sky.”

“W-what might that be?” Celestia stuttered due to fear and sleep deprivation.

“You and your star pupil, Twilight Sparkle, kissing.”

Now it was her turn to blush as the solar princess realized the consequences, her reputation and her student’s would be compromised. It was a low blow but it visually stressed her.

Now, Celestia was fighting for not only herself, but for her royalty.

The servants in the room were in the middle of signing standard contracts delivered by the royal guard agreeing not to disclose the information released on punishment of banishment.

The fight continued…