• Published 20th May 2012
  • 10,667 Views, 370 Comments

My Little Staring Contest: Alicorns can stare for a very long time - CosmicAfro

Luna and Celestia stare at each other in a contest for a muffin

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For the Muffin to end all Muffins

Annoying Author's Note: If you see any errors, please feel free to let me know. I'd like to thank overdonefictions and Samaru for inspiring me to write this. You guys are... strange.

“Good morning, Luna,” Celestia promptly greeted her lunar counterpart as she entered into the breakfast room. The alicorn of the night found her normal seating space at the opposite end of the elongated table draped with a decorative cloth that gradually darkened/lightened based on the princess sitting at the table. She returned the gesture with a polite bow and a hearty hello before seating and then readied her own plate.

There were many foods to be had, from toast and waffles to soup and salads. While one was there for their dawn of work, the other had yet to see dusk close on hers.

The muffins had been exceptionally exquisite, or so Celestia had boasted, so Luna decided to indulge in one. She was inclined to agree, and she helped herself to but a few more.

“’Tia, what flavor is this?” the younger sister asked with a mouthful.

“Officially it’s chocolate chocolate chunk with a pudding filling that’s been heated perfectly over an undisclosed period of time, but I prefer to call it ‘bliss.’”

“Well they’re absolutely scrumptious, I wish these could be made more often.”

As she finished the line, Luna levitated the last one on the muffin tray and beckoned it to come towards her so that she may enjoy its wonderful flavors. However, the polar power had the exact same idea, so the muffin refused to budge as it floated in place with both auras of magic swirling amongst each other.

“Luna,” Celestia spoke, “would you perhaps mind if I finished this one?”

“But ‘Tia,” she nearly whined in reply, “you get these all the time while I had only these today. Surely you could spare this one?”

She tapped a hoof on her chin in perspective thought, but ultimately came to the conclusion and said, “Normally yes, but I think you’ve had enough today.”

A blush burned into Luna’s cheeks. Catching the undertone of the phrase, she replied, “A-are you calling me fat!?”

“No,” she rolled her eyes, pretending as if nothing insulting was said. She only then realized that the aforementioned action didn’t help disprove her argument, but she stuck with it.

“I think you’re calling me fat, ‘Tia.”

“Well, the moon has been rather large as of late,” she managed to mention this while looking not at Luna’s face, but at her… moon.

Slamming her hooves on the table, causing a silver spoon to drop to the floor, the night Alicorn furiously demanded that she have the last muffin as retribution for the childish mockery from her sister.


“Fine, I see that thou wishest it no other way,” she said, returning to a mix of her archaic speak and common tongue. “We challenge thee to a staring contest! The winner who’s lids refusest to drop last wins the chocolate muffin!”

“Luna, must we res-“

“Art thou afraid of losing?”

“No, but fee-“

“Or… art thou chicken? Your enlarging thighs wouldn’t disprove mine theory.”

With a sly smirk, Celestia rose out of her seat. “Very well sister, I shall accept your challenge. What are the terms and conditions?”

“We shall meet, after I have lowered the moon, back in this room. We shall not move from our side of the table so that we may both keep our eyes on each other and the prize. There shalt not be any magic. Taunting shall be allowed. The winner receives the muffin.”

“Very well, sister.” They met at the middle of the table and shook hooves before taking off for their respective duties. Meanwhile, a servant who had been eavesdropping through the door had overheard the challenge and was already well working on spreading the news.


“My my, it seems we have garnered quite the crowd,” Celestia stated with a smile. “Do you think you can handle the attention?”

Taking her position at the table, wearing a light blue headband and sucking on a straw that led all the way down to a bottle of water on her leg, Luna stated her resolve, “I do not fear my subjects, sister. For when they see that I have the stronger, keener, and watchful eyes of the sky who can see the slightest movement in the blackest darkness, they shall know who has the stronger will power.”

The audience, who had set up benches and betting tables in the royal dining hall, oooooooh’d at the Solar Princess.

“You forget, Luna,” Celestia continued with her trademark grin, “that my eyes are set to view in the brightest day. When they are done following your rouse, they will come to terms that my sharper, healthier, and observant eyes are superior to yours. Always have, and they always will be.”

They jeered and jested as the crowd became split with indecision about who they should root for.

“Very well, art thou ready for the contest of visual combat?” she boomed with her astoundingly vocal voice.


“Alright,” a referee took his queue and stood in the middle of the table, “the terms and conditions have been stated so I expect both princesses to follow them. I want all audience members to stay at least fifty feet from the table at all times. Anyone caught trying to interfere will be escorted out of the room by the royal guard. Is everyone clear?"

“Yes!” the audience yelled in response with vigor.

“Very well.” The ref put a flag in his mouth, one that was adorned with both crests of the celestial royalty. “On the count of three, you’ll stare.”

They closed their eyes, awaiting the moment to begin.


Celestia didn’t seem phased in the least as she kept a perfectly stoic expression, a mask that she had created over the few millennia she had lived.


Luna was pumped, eagerly trotting in place, and had put in her earbuds to her Mp3 at some point. The genre of her music was unknown.


There was a tangible silence… the room fell completely still.


They cheered and yelled before they were almost immediately silenced.

“Hey, so, how long do these things go for?” a servant asked the referee.

“A long… long time.”