• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 9,709 Views, 128 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

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Chapter 5

Chapter 5
Love Confusions and Confessions
Rainbow Dash POV

After her talk with Rarity, Rainbow Dash was trying to come up with a plan to try to ask Sonic out before Spitfire does but she became irritated because she couldn't come up with anything, 'Grr. I never thought asking a boy out could be so hard. How can I ask him? I need to think of something before-'"OOF!"

Rainbow didn't look where she was going and bumped into someone. Before she even fell, two strong hand caught her. She opened her eyes and she immediately blushed who it was, Sonic.

"Woah, that was a close call. You okay Rainbow?" Sonic asked.

Rainbow didn't hear anything he said. The only thing she did hear was her heart pounding like someone would try to bash a door down. She started into his emerald eyes that shined in the light, making them sparkle, which made her bones melt.

"Yo Rainbow, you alright?" Sonic called out. She snapped out of her trance and shook her head, "Y-yeah, i'm okay. Thanks for the save." She said getting herself back up.

"Well, I'm just glad you're okay. What happened anyway? It's not like you to not look where you're going?" Sonic asked.

Rainbow was not in full panic mode and was blushing deep red. She didn't know how to approach this situation. She still wasn't ready to ask Sonic out yet, "Umm…..Well….you see I…"

Sonic can tell Rainbow was somehow acting nervous around him. Before he can open his mouth, the bell rang, "Shoot, we gotta get to class." He said heading into his Classroom.

Rainbow sighed in relief and wiped a drop of sweat off her head, 'Whew, that was a close call. Thank god the bell saved me.' She thought entering the room. She went to her seat and sat down. She looked up at the teachers desk and saw Sonic talking to her Math teacher.

Sonic POV

"Oh, so you're one of my new students correct?" The teacher asked.

"That's right ma'am, names Sonic." Sonic greeted.

"A pleasure to meet you. My name is Miss Cheerilee. Now, you can go ahead and take any seat you wish." Cheerilee said smiling.

"Thanks." Sonic thanked. Sonic looked and saw an empty chair next to Rainbow. Sonic smiled and walked over to the chair. Rainbow saw Sonic coming up too her and was blushing again. But then, Fleetfoot appeared out of nowhere and grabbed Sonic's arm, "Hey blue boy, come over and sit with me and Spitfire."

"Huh?" Sonic didn't have time to answer as Fleetfoot dragged Sonic over to where she and Spitfire were sitting. Sonic awkwardly sat down next to Spitfire, and Spitfire was blushing a little, 'Well, this is really weird.' Sonic thought turning away from her.

"Fleetfoot, what are you doing!?" Spitfire whispered in a loud voice.

"I'm trying to get the two of you together." She whispered back.

Spitfire's face flared up deep red again, "How many times do I have to tell you, I don't like him that way! And when did your eyes become blue?" She asked whispering.

"What are you talking about? I've always had blue eyes." Fleetfoot said with a little attitude in her voice. She looked over at Rainbow Dash and saw her looking down at her desk sadly.

'Sonic must like Spitfire more than me. Guess I was too slow for blue blur.' She thought as a tear escaped her eye.

Fleetfoot smirked, 'It's working. All I have to do now is keep the two apart and keep Spitfire near Sonic.' She thought.

Sonic looked at Rainbow and saw a single tear running down her cheek, 'ooh Rainbow.' he thought sadly while frowning. He turned to Fleetfoot, who was looking innocent and opening her binder to get her papers. Sonic then felt a tiny wave of familiar energy coming from her, "That's odd, I can sense a small wave of energy coming from her. Is it what I think it is?" Sonic though suspiciously.

Through Math class, Sonic was struggling with a few of the problems, but thanks to his lessons with Tails, he was able to get through most of them.

"Hey blue boy." Sonic turned and looked at Fleetfoot.

"What?" He asked a little irritated.

"Wanna let you know, Spitfire has a great liking to you." She whispered.

Sonic's mind froze, while Spitfire blushed deeply.

Spitfire grabbed her and pulled her away from Sonic, "What are you doing?" She whispered nervously.

"It's like I said, I'm trying to get the two of you together. I know you like him, just go and tell him you want to go out with him." She whispered.

"Fleetfoot, what's gotten into you? You're never like this?" Spitfire whispered.

"I'm trying to help you win his heart. Is this how you thank a friend?" She asked a little irritated.

"You're not making this any easier for me Fleetfoot. I do like him, but not in that kind of way. I'm still processing weather to ask him out or not, and you're not-" Spitfire said, but was cut off by a voice.

"Excuse me, is there a problem here?" The two looked up and saw miss Cheerilee looking at the two girls.

"Uh, n-no ma'am, everything's fine." Spitfire said quickly.

Miss Cheerilee looked into their eyes for a second, "Alright, but be sure you two are working."

"Yes ma'am." Spitfire said. Cheerilee walked back to desk and continued filling out some papers.

"Remember, you need to ask him out." Fleetfoot whispered.

Spitfire was not liking her attitude one bit, 'I don't know what's gotten into her, but she needs a wake up call….but still,' She looked over at Sonic, who was in a little struggle with a math problem, 'I have to admit, he's a pretty cute boy, also very strong, and good with sports. I...I guess I'll try to ask him out after class.' she thought.

The bell rang signalling the end of class, Sonic grabbed his belongings and was about to get up, but Spitfire stopped him, "Hey Sonic?"

Rainbow heard her and stopped at the doorway as the rest of the student left, 'Oh no. Please no. Please no.' She thought worried.

"Yes Spitfire?" Sonic asked.

Spitfire rubbed her arm nervously and and blushed, "Ummm...I was wondering…..do you….umm… I wanted to ask you something…"

"Uh… Sure. When?" Sonic asked nervously.

"Right now would be nice." Spitfire said.

"Ok." Sonic said.

'No! No it can't be true.' Rainbow burst into tears and ran down the halls crying.

She ran right past Fleetfoot, who was laughing at her. She pulled out the blue chaos emerald and looked at it, "All thanks to you my beautiful, I crushed Rainbowdash's heart by using Sonic and Spitfire." She put the emerald back in her pocket and then left for last period class.

Sonic walked into the halls followed by Spitfire, "Thanks Spitfire, that helps a lot."

"No problem blue boy." Spitfire said leaving Sonic.

Rainbow Dash POV

Rainbow was running in tears down the halls, trying to find somewhere to hide. She found an empty classroom that wasn't used for anything but storage. She ran into the room and locked the door behind her. Then she slid down the door and sat down, cry into her hands, "Why Sonic? Why did you have to fall for her? Why couldn't you fall for me?"

The loud speaker turned on and Principal Celestia spoke, "To all students who are part of Band or are interested in joining, please head to the Band room now. Thank you. Anyone else who isn't may leave for home. Have a good rest of the day students. See you tomorrow."

Rainbow was part of the Rainbooms, and she didn't want to let them down. She wiped away her tears and left the room.

She got to her locker and unlocked it. She grabbed her guitar and case, closed her locker back up and then turned to go to the band room.

She then saw Sonic turning a corner. She decided to go the other way to the band room.

Band Room

Rarity, Applejack, Pinkie, Fluttershy, and Twilight were setting up their band stuff and realized Rainbow Dash hadn't showed up yet.

"Have any of you seen Rainbow Dash?" Twilight asked a little worried.

"Nope." They all responded.

Shadow and Silver entered the band room and then saw the girls.

"Hey girls. You're all in a band?" Silver asked.

"Yeup. We're part of the band called, 'The Rainbooms'." Applejack said, "Though one of our members is missing."

"Who?" Silver asked.

"Rainbow Dash. Duh." Pinkie said playing around with her drum set.

"What are ya'll doin here anyways?" Applejack asked.

"We're joining band class also. Though one of our members is missing." Shadow said, "Where is that lazy head Sonic?"

The band doors opened and Sonic walked in, "Sorry I'm late."

Shadow rolled his eyes, "Just go get set up." Shadow said picking up a black electric guitar and a mic. Silver went up to the silver drum kit and grab some sticks. Sonic picked up a blue guitar and mic. As they finished up getting ready, the doors opened and Rainbow walked in.

"There yer are, we've been...you okay Rainbow?" Applejack asked seeing Rainbow's eyes wet and puffy from her crying.

"Y-yeah I'm fine." She responded wiping the last of the tears away.

"Perfect timing Rainbow." Sonic said, "This song is dedicated to you from us. Mostly me." Sonic said winking.

'What? But I thought he was with Spitfire. What's going on?' Rainbow thought confused.

"Our Band's name is Super Sonic Boom; and we're gonna play one my favorites. It's called Reach for the Stars." Sonic said.

"One… two… One, two, three, four" Silver tapped his drumsticks together and began a fast drum roll.

Sonic and Shadow began to play their guitars.

Sonic and Shadow began to sing:

(Play Reach for the Stars - Sonic Colors)

"Take off at the speed of sound

bright light's, colors all around

I'm running wild living fast and free

got no regrets inside of me

not looking back...

not giving up...

not letting go...

I keep on Running!

I'm gonna reach for the stars….

Although they move pretty far….

I'm gonna find my own way

And take a chance on today

The sky with stars so bright

the colors feel so right

I've never felt like this

I keep on running

The sky with stars so bright

the colors feel so right

just take my hand we're gonna reach for the stars tonight...


As the song played, Rainbow was now blushing, 'Does...he really still care and like me?' She thought in her head.

"Wake up living day by day

do what I want, and i'll do it my way

the world is flying right below my feet

got no regrets inside of me

not looking back…"

"(not looking back)"

"not giving up…"

"(Not giving up)"

"not letting go...

I'll keep on Running!

I'm gonna reach for the stars….

Although they move pretty far….

I'm gonna find my own way

And take a chance on today

The sky with stars so bright

the colors feel so right

I've never felt like this

I keep on running

The sky with stars so bright

the colors feel so right

just take my hand we're gonna reach for the stars tonight...


(Guitar Solo)

During the guitar solo, Sonic winked at Rainbow, causing her to blush again, 'I...I don't know what to say...' She then smiled as tears of joy ran down her face, 'He does still care and like me.'

"I got it in my sight, the colors feel so right

Got my feet on the ground

I keep on running

Oh I can feel it now, the colors all around

Just take my hand, we're gonna reach for the stars

Just take a chance"

"(Just take a chance)"

"We'll do it right again"

"(We're gonna reach for the stars)"

"Just take my hand"

"(Just take my hand)"

Then all three of the boys sang together

"We'll take a chance TONIIIIIIGHT!

Reach for the stars



Silver faded out his drum roll.

(Stop Playing Reach For the Stars)

The Rainbooms were completely blown by their performance, but Rainbow was completely overwhelmed by so much happiness. Sonic placed his guitar down and jumped down the stage. When he did, he got a sudden hug by Rainbow, which surprised him completely.

"Did...did you really sing that song just for me?" She asked.

Sonic smiled and stroked her cheek gently, "Yeah I did. Did you like it?"

"No...I lOVED IT!" She cheered hugging him again. She then let go and said, "But, I don't understand, I thought you were into Spitfire."

"What?! No no. Spitfire is a cool girl, but no one is cooler than you Rainbowdash." Sonic said lifting Rainbow's chin up while smiling, "And now I'll prove it to you."

"W-what?" Rainbow asked blushing.

Sonic then did something no one was ever expecting. He leaned forward and kissed Rainbow on the lips.

Rainbow was shocked the most out of everyone in the room, then she slowly closed her eyes and kissed him back deeply with so much love and passion.

Rarity was now crying in tears of joy happy for the two speed demons, 'I knew she could do it, and I'm soo happy that those two are together now.' She thought wiping a few tears away.

Silver saw Rarity crying and walked up to her. He placed his arm around her and gently stroked her shoulder, "You okay Rare?" He asked.

"Y-yes. I'm just so happy Rainbow finally has a special someone for herself." She said smiling at the two who still continued in their embrace and kiss.

"I never thought Sonic would ever slow down to find someone for himself. Though in the same respect, he doesn't have to slow down much. Hehe. Know what I mean?" Silver said.

"Of course darling." Rarity said smiling at him. She felt her cheeks burn up bright red and her heart pounded, "Ummm, Silvy?"

"Yeah?" Silver asked.

"Umm...do you have….anything planned after school?" Rarity asked.

Silver felt his cheeks burn red as well, "Umm….no. Why you ask?"

"Umm...There's a new movie that came out tonight and I really want to see it. I was wondering….would you like to see it with….me?" She asked while her cheeks turned more red.

Silver's heart froze and his cheeks turned bright crimson, 'Is she asking me on a….date?' Silver thought.

"Ummm….I… uh…*ahem* I would love to go see a movie with you." He said with a little hesitation in his words.

Rarity squealed and hugged Silver, causing both of them to blush, "Thank you very much Silvy."

Shadow growled and was a little disgusted at all this romance, "Uhg. Too many hugs and kisses."

"Oh Shady?" A certain squeaky voice said.

Shadow's eye widened a little and groaned, "Oh shit."

Pinkie Pie jumped up and gave Shadow a death squeezing hug.

"Hrgh." Shadow was a little mad, but then he felt normal again. Actually, he felt a little happier than normal, 'What is this feeling?' Shadow decided not to fight Pinkie's grip and just sat there quietly.

Applejack chuckled at all the romance in the room, "Ah knew this wud happen the moment ah saw those three boys. Only three of us don't have someone for ourselves." Applejack laughed, 'Twilight probably won't find someone here though. She'll probably find some pony back where she came from.'

Sonic and Rainbow finally broke the kiss and stared into each other's eyes, while blushing madly and smiling.

"I was wondering Sonic, do you want to see a movie or go out for some dinner after all this?" She asked.

Sonic kissed Rainbow's head, "I would love to." He said smiling.

Rainbow smiled and nuzzled into Sonic's chest, enjoying his warmth and the love the two shared together. She has never felt this happy before in all her life.

"Hey, seeing as how you four are going on dates, why not go on a double date?" Twilight suggested.

Rainbow and Rarity's faces blushed a little, but then smiled, "I think that's a great idea Twilight. What do you two say?" Rarity asked the two brothers.

"Fine with me. Silver?" Sonic asked.

"Of course." Silver answered smiling..

'This really going to be an interesting day.' Sonic thought as he hugged Rainbow once more.

Suddenly the door burst open and the group turned and saw Fleetfoot on the ground, rubbing her head, "Ow"

"Fleetfoot?! What are you doing here?" Rainbow asked.

Fleetfoot got up and dusted off the dirt off her shirt, " I accidentally slipped on the door and fell." She answered a little nervous, 'Crap. Busted.'

"More like you were spying on us." Shadow replied crossing his arms. Then he felt the energy of a Chaos Emerald nearby, 'What the? The energy of a Chaos Emerald?! But who has it?'

"Shut up, I was not spying on you guys!" Fleetfoot almost yelled.

Shadow was starting to get suspicious with her. He knows something's up with her and her attitude, plus her eyes were not blue the first time they were here.

"I gotta go." She quickly said leaving.

The group stood their in awkward silence for a second, "What's gotten into her?" Rainbow asked.

"Beats me." Sonic answered shrugging, then he noticed Shadow had been staring at Fleetfoot when she was in here.

Shadow signaled that he felt the power of a chaos emerald when Fleetfoot came in. Sonic nodded, 'I was right, there's negative chaos energy coming from Fleetfoot. Does this mean she has a chaos emerald?' Sonic thought.

After the group put their instruments away, they left the room.

Fleetfoot POV

Fleetfoot walked down the halls to the exit, 'Grrrr. I can't believe Sonic and Rainbow are one now! This is so unbelievable." She took out the chaos emerald and looked at it for a few seconds. Then, something clicked in her head and she smiled evilly, 'oooh I know what to do. I did overhear the four are going on a double date tonight. If I can ruin Sonic and Rainbow's date, Sonic will have to break up with her, and then I can get him to go to Spitfire. But first, I need to get everything ready.' She thought putting the emerald away.

Author's Note:

DarkMaster0224: And that's a wrap. ShadicBro B, will you do the honors of summarizing please?

ShadicBro B: Rainbow Dash thought she lost his chance with sonic, but in the end, she and him are now one. Silver, Rarity and the two speed demons are now going on a double date. Shadow is getting suspicious with Fleetfoot and Fleetfoot has an evil plan to ruin their date and have Sonic try to break up with her. What will be in stores for our heroes now? Will Fleetfoot succeed? Will the mobians get the emerald back? Find out next time on Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates between Worlds Chapter 6.

DarkMaster0224 and ShadicBro B: PEACEOUT everybody! DarkMaster0224 and ShadicBro B signing off. Until next time.