• Published 16th Jun 2015
  • 9,709 Views, 128 Comments

Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fates Between Worlds - DarkMaster0224

Sonic, Shadow, and Silver have been sent to the human world of Canterlot High, to save it from the eternal darkness. Along the way, they will make new friends, meet old and new enemies, and much more.

  • ...

Chapter 15

Chapter 15
New Relationships and Dance Preparations
(Rainbow's House)
(6:30 am Sunrise)
(Sonic, Rainbow Dash, Sunset Shimmer, and Dark Steele POV)

Rainbow's eyes opened slightly to the dim sunlight passing through her curtains and onto her eyes. She looked at her clock and saw it was 6:30 am. They had school today at 7:30, so she had to get ready to leave soon.

She got up and saw that Sonic had already gotten out of bed earlier.

She smiled and walked out of her room and peeked into Sunset and Dark's room. They were both still fast asleep, Dark had his arm behind Sunset's head, and Sunset had snuggled into him.

Rainbow smiled at the two and thought, 'Those two are a happy couple. Seems Dark has been happy since meeting Sunset. Glad they met each other.'

Then she remembered that the school had early release today because of the school dance tonight.

Rainbow then smelled something being cooked, and it smelled good. She walked down stairs and into the kitchen, and saw Sonic cooking some eggs and potatoes.

Rainbow smiled, walked up behind him, and wrapped her arms around him, "Morning Soniku."

"Oh. Well good morning Rainbow. How did you sleep last night?" Sonic said smiling and turning to his girlfriend.

Rainbow gave Sonic a kiss, "Like a cloud."

"That's good. I began making everyone breakfast." Sonic said pointing at the table.

Three plates had already been set with fried eggs, potatoes, and bacon.

"Smells good." Rainbow said smiling.

"Hey just out of curiosity, what did you do with the Rainbow Rose I gave you?" Sonic asked flipping his egg over.

"Oh, I put it in a glass vase on top of my bureau. I'm always taking care of it. I'll never let it wilt." Rainbow said.

Sonic chuckled, "Well that's good. Are you going to wake Sunset and Dark so they can have breakfast with us?"

"Yeah. I'll go wake them and then I'm gonna go get changed and ready for school." Rainbow said giving Sonic another kiss.

Rainbow walked back upstairs and opened Sunset and Dark's door a little. The two were still fast asleep, same position they were in before.

Rainbow giggled a little and decided to have a little fun. She pulled out her phone and its camera. She turned the flash and sound off, pointed it at the two and took a picture. Then she sent it to each of the girls, minus Sunset, with a message, "Aww. Look at these two. So cute." She put her phone away and decided to wake the two.

Rainbow tapped Sunset's shoulder, and she woke up, "Huh? What? Who? Rainbow? Why did you wake me? I was having an amazing dream."

Rainbow giggled a little, "We have school today. Wake up your boyfriend. Sonic has already made breakfast for us all." Then Rainbow left, closing the door behind her.

Sunset yawned and then looked at Dark, who was still sleeping. She smiled and hugged Dark.

Dark's eyes fluttered open. He looked down and saw Sunset hugging him, "*Yawn* Morning beautiful. Sleep well?"

"Very well. What about you handsome?" Sunset asked.

"Like a peaceful shadow." Dark said smiling. Then he gave Sunset a kiss on her lips.

Sunset's cheeks flared up, but she returned the kiss.

The two stayed there for a few minutes, then they broke away.

"C'mon Dark. We need to get ready for school." Sunset said as she got out of bed and walked over to her bureau.

"Agreed." Dark said getting up and stretching.

Sunset looked back at his body, blushing in the process, 'He's such a great boyfriend. I'm glad I'm with him and not Flash Century.'

(Fluttershy's House)
(Tails, Twilight, Fluttershy, and Ace POV)
(Same Time)

The sun lit up and beamed its warm light from the window. The beams of the light hit Ace's face as he started to stir and wake up from his peaceful sleep. He slowly opened his eyes and felt the warmth of the sun's beams hitting his face.

He looked down and saw Fluttershy sleeping peacefully under his grasp. His arms were wrapped around her and her head was snuggled against his warm chest. He smiled and placed a small kiss on her head, making her stir a little, but smile and nuzzle deeper into him. Around the bed were a few bunnies and squirrels that were sleeping peacefully next to him. He chuckled quietly and stroked one of the baby bunnies heads, making it snuggle closer to him.

Fluttershy's eyes slowly fluttered opened and looked up at Ace, who was still stroking a baby bunny softly on the head. She smiled and blushed a little at him, 'He's such an amazing boy. I'm so glad me and my friends met him.' She thought while looking at the grey teen.

Ace looked back at Fluttershy, who was now awake. He gave her a warm smile and said, "Good morning Fluttershy, sleep well?"

Fluttershy's blush deepened a little, but smiled and said, "I did. And you?"

"Very." He leaned forward and kissed Fluttershy softly on the lips, surprising and making her and blush deeply, but she slowly relaxed and returned the kiss.

The two broke the kiss a few minutes later and smiled at one another.

Fluttershy nuzzled once more into Ace's chest, listening to the soft beating of his heart. It was like a soft song, soothing her mind and body.

Ace smiled and softly stroked her pink hair, 'She's such an amazing, sweet girl. I'm really glad Dark and I came to this world.' Ace thought continuing to stroke her hair.

Fluttershy's blush deepened by his soft touch with his fingers stroking her hair, but she smiled and nuzzled deeper into his chest, 'I feel so happy around him. It's like he and I were meant to be together. Not only that...It's like he's my guardian angel, willing to protect me.' She thought.

But their beautiful moment was interrupted when a carrot hit Fluttershy in the head.

"Ouch." She winced a little in pain when she felt the carrot making contact with her.

"You okay Fluttershy?" Ace asked a little worried about her.

"Y-yes. I'm okay." She responded rubbing her head.

Ace turned his head and saw Fluttershy's pet bunny, Angel, near the doorway, tapping his foot impatiently while crossing his arms and glaring at the two.

'Goddangit Angel.' Ace thought irritated at the bunny.

"Alright Angel, I'll get your breakfast ready." Fluttershy said to the bunny as she got up from her bed.

Ace sighed and climbed out of the bed as well. He stretched and yawned. He got his clothes on and walked downstairs. He was then greeted by some of the other bunnies, squirrels, and birds. He chuckled and pet some of them.

Ace and Fluttershy walked into the kitchen and saw Twilight and Tails tinkering around with some kinds of small devices and putting them into the materials of Twilight's school stuff.

"Good morning guys." Ace greeted.

Twilight and Tails looked up and smiled at the two.

"Good morning you two. Did you two sleep well?" Twilight asked.

Ace nodded and wrapped an arm around Fluttershy' shoulder, making her blush, but smile.

Then, Twilight's phone went off and she took it out.

"It's a message from Rainbow. Let's see here…" Her eyes widened and her jaw dropped as she gasped.

"What's wrong Twilight?" Tails asked.

She remained silent for a second, until she bursted into laughter.

"What's so funny?" Ace asked.

She waved her hand over to him while still laughing her brains out.

Ace walked over to her and looked at her phone. He went wide eyed and his jaw dropped when he saw an image of his brother Dark and Sunset snuggling together in the bed.

He then bursted in laughter and fell to the floor, clutching his stomach while tears ran down his eyes, "SWEET CHAOS, THAT'S RICH!" He shouted while laughing harder, "You must send me a copy of that picture. Here's my number." Ace gave Twilight his number and she added him to her contacts. Then she sent him a copy of the picture.

"Oh Dark is gonna be so embarrassed when he sees this." Ace laughed as he set the picture as his background photo.

"Umm… are you sure he won't be mad instead? Or worse." Fluttershy asked a little worried.

Ace chuckled, "Don't worry Fluttershy, I'm sure he'll understand it's just a joke."

"Oh...o-okay." She said.

(Shadow and Pinkie POV)

Shadow and pinkie were already up. They had breakfast on the table and were eating.

Shadow looked up at Pinkie, which she just turn away and blush, 'What is up with her? She never acted like this around me when we first met.' Shadow thought.

'Why am I starting to feel nervous around Shadow now? This just doesn't make any sense.' Pinkie thought while her heart was pounding whenever she would look into his crimson red eyes.

"Pinkie…" She looked up and saw Shadow's face just inches away from her own. Her heart pounded faster and her face flushed deep red.

"What's wrong?" He asked the party girl.

"Umm...Well...I...Umm…" She couldn't form words in her mouth.

Then, her phone went off. She sighed in relief in her head and pulled out her phone.

"I got a message from Rainbow. It says…." She lost her words and her eyes widened and her jaw dropped.

"What is it?" Shadow asked.

He didn't get any response, only gut laughter from the party girl. He was confused at first until he looked at her phone and saw the image of Sunset and Dark snuggling close together.

Shadow looked back at Pinkie who calmed down while wiping a tear away. Hey sky blue eyes sparkled a little with her tears of joy. He looked away and smiled a little while closing his eyes.

"*GAAAAAAAASP* IS THAT A SMILE I SEE!?" Pinkie shrieked.

Shadow then turned away, still smiling a little, "I don't know what you're talking about." He lied.

"C'mon let me see it. PLEEEEEEEEASE!" She begged.

'hmhmhm, how can I say no to her.' Shadow thought.

He turned back to Pinkie, still smiling and opened his eyes at her.

When Pinkie saw his small smile, she squealed with happiness and hugged Shadow tightly.

"I KNEW I WOULD MAKE YOU SMILE! I KNEW I COULD!" She shrieked while hugging him.

Shadow's smile grew a little more and he returned the embrace.

Pinkie felt his arms wrap around her and she blushed. She only smiled and nuzzled deeper into his chest, listening to his soft, beating heart, making her blush more.

'I...I think I understand now why I'm acting like this. I think...I...I'm in love with Shadow.' Pinkie thought.

'This feeling...this warmth….it's amazing. Is this what it feels like...to fall in love with someone?' Shadow thought.

He then felt his hand slowly stroking her puffy pink hair, but he didn't care.

The two stood there for a few minutes, enjoying their company.

(Canterlot High)
(Group POV)

Sonic and Rainbow were waiting outside the school for the others to show up. Dark and Sunset had already gone inside to ask Principle Celestia something.

"Uhg. How much longer are the others going to be?" Rainbow whined.

"I know right? This is boring. It's a good thing we got here early." Sonic responded.

They then saw Silver' car and Shadow's bike pull into the school parking lot.

"Well there they are. What about the other four?" Sonic asked.

Just then, an orange sphere warped next to them and Tails, Twilight, Ace, and Fluttershy appeared.

"Nevermind. I found them." Sonic said smiling at his little brother.

When everyone got together, Rainbow smiled, "Did you all get the picture?"

Everyone smiled and pulled out their phones and showed the picture.

"They're so cute together." Rarity squealed.

Ace smiled, "And I have it set for my phone's background picture. I'm never deleting this."

"Never deleting what?" A familiar voice said behind the group.

They all looked up and saw Dark and Sunset standing at the top of the school steps. They all put their phones behind their backs and smiled.

"Uh. Nothing. Nothing bro. Nothing at all. Ehehe." Ace said trying not to sound suspicious.

Dark raised a brow at his little brother, "What are you hiding from me Ace?"

"Nothing." Ace said.

Dark raised his hand and waved it, with a dark blue shadow aura around his hand. Then Ace's phone appeared in his hand.

"Gah! No don't!" Ace shouted reaching out for his phone.

Dark turned the phone on and his eyes widened. Suddenly a dark aura formed around him and his voice darkened, "Who took this picture?"

"What picture?" Sunset asked taking the phone and looked at the picture. Her eyes widened and her face flushed bright red.

Rainbow giggled a little.

Dark's eyes darted towards her, "Rainbow Dash! Did you take this picture!?"

"BWAHAHAHAHAHA! I'm sorry. I couldn't help it. you two just looked so cute together. I just had to take a picture." Rainbow explained while laughing.

Dark growled in pure anger, "Did you share this picture with anyone else!?" He asked still pissed.

Rainbow calmed her laughing, "No, just the group. I Pinkie Promise I didn't share it with anyone else."

Dark glared at her, and his eyes grew fire in them, "If I find out you did, you better watch yourself." He warned.

"Don't ever do that ever again Rainbow. Or I'll do it to you and Sonic." Sunset warned still blushing a little, but mad also.

"So what did you two go ask Principle Celestia?" Sonic asked changing the subject.

"Oh. Uh… That… Well… Iaskedhertochangemyscheduletomatchsunsets" Dark said quickly.

"What was that?" Sonic asked.

Dark sighed and pulled out his and Sunset's schedules, "I asked Principle Celestia to change my schedule to match Sunset's."

Ace looked at the two schedules and saw they were exactly the same, "Bro. You even changed your PE schedule. Maan. Now we're not in the same PE class anymore."

"Sorry bro, but I wanted to get my schedule changed." Dark said.

"Is it because you want to be closer with Sunset?" Ace asked smirking in a teasing way.

Dark blushed, along with Sunset, "Shut up Ace." Dark said looking away.

Ace chuckled, "It's understandable bro. Also, I'm just teasing you. It's great you want to spend time with Sunset more. I've never seen you this happy in a long time." Ace smiled, "Also, I know Mother would be very proud of us."

Dark looked back at his younger brother and smiled while he wrapped an arm around Sunset, making her blush.

They all smiled at the two.

"You two are such a cute couple." Rarity squealed.

Dark nodded, "Thanks. So are the rest of you guys. Let's get going, before the bell rings."

They all nodded in agreement and walked into the school.

(Tails and Twilight's POV)

Tails and Twilight walked down the hallways of the school, to get to their history class.

"How far are we with the project Tails?" Twilight asked.

"We're almost done. All we have to do now is put in our final conclusions and the project will be done." Tails explained.

Then, Tails' com went off.

"Tails can you hear me?" Sonic's voice asked through the speakers.

Tails put the com up to him and said, "Read you loud and clear Sonic. What's up?"

"I forgot to tell you that the power ring I have is drained. I was wondering if you could recharge it during your free period." Sonic said through the speakers.

"Sure thing. I'll come by to your room and pick it up." Tails responded.

"Thanks little bro." Sonic finished and the speakers went off.

"I gotta stop by Sonic's free period class quickly. I'll join you in a sec." Tails said to Twilight.

"Alright, but don't take to long." Twilight said smiling at him.

Tails nodded and walked off to Sonic's class.

'He's such a sweet boy.' Twilight thought while she walked to her class, but was looking where she was going, 'I'm really glad he and his friends came here. I hope'-OOF!"

She was pulled from her thoughts when she bumped into someone. Two arms caught her and she opened her eyes and she blushed a little to who it was. It was Flash Sentry.

"Oh….uh...Hi Flash." Twilight greeted sheepishly as she lifted herself up.

"Umm...hey Twilight." Flash greeted sheepishly as well.

Awkward silence fell to the two as they looked away, not looking in their eyes.

Flash sighed and decided to break the silence, "Listen Twilight, I understand things didn't work out between the two of us. I really hope the two of us can start over. And...I'm wondering if you want to go to the dance with me?" Flash asked blushing.

Twilight blushed as well, but knew she couldn't, because Tails already asked her first.

Twilight sighed and said, "I understand if you still have feelings for me Flash, and the fact you want to take me to the dance, but... someone already asked me out. And I said yes." Twilight explained.

Flash's heart twisted a little by the news, but he kept his cool and said, "Oh. So who asked you?" He asked.

Before she could answer, a familiar voice caught them, "TWILIGHT!"

The two turned and saw Tails running up to them.

"Sorry about the wait. Sonic had trouble looking for the ring." Tails explained.

"It's fine Tails." Twilight said in understanding.

"Who are you?" Flash asked.

"My name's Miles, but everyone calls me Tails." Tails greeted holding his hand out.

"Flash. Flash Sentry." Flash greeted as well shaking his hand. He turned his attention back to Twilight, "So, who is it that asked you?"

"Well...Tails asked me." She answered.

"You asked her?" Flash asked looking at the yellow teen.

"Yeah. Is that a problem?" Tails asked.

Flash sighed and said, "No. Just wondering who she's going with." He answered.

"Oh, okay. Well, it was nice meeting you Flash, but me and Twilight have to get to class now. See you later." Tails waved goodbye and walked into his class.

Flash looked at Twilight again.

Twilight sighed and said, "I'm sorry Flash." She then walked into class as well.

Flash watched Twilight walk into her class. When she left, he sighed sadly and left to get to his next class.

(Dark and Sunset POV)
(1st Period English Class)

The English classroom was one of the quietest classrooms in the entire school, because the students either had to be writing, reading, studying, or talking quietly.

The English teacher, Mrs. Wren Hayes, was quietly going through the student's last week assignments, grading them.

Dark and Sunset were quietly writing/drawing in their journals, and holding each others hands.

Dark was writing about his adventures back in his world with his little brother, but stating the adventures were actually real; while Sunset was drawing a few things she could remember about Equestria.

Dark looked over at Sunset's drawing, which was Princess Celestia.

"Hey. That looks very much like Principal Celestia. But in pony form." Dark commented.

Sunset just realized she hadn't told Dark that she was actually from the same world as Twilight was from, "Oh that's right. I forgot to tell you. I'm not actually from this world either. I'm actually from the same world as Twilight. This is Princess Celestia. One of the princesses and rulers of Equestria."

"Oh. So what kind of pony were you?" Dark asked looking at the picture.

"I was a unicorn." Sunset explained sheepishly, looking away as her cheeks flared.

"Aww. That's cute. I'm sure you were a wonderful unicorn. Think you could draw me a picture of what you looked like?" Dark asked turning her head back towards him.

Sunset looked back at him and smiled a little, "Thanks Dark, and sure. I think I can draw myself as a pony." She looked back at her drawing of Celestia and frowned. She bowed her head a little and sighed sadly.

"What's wrong?" Dark asked. He didn't get a response from her as she just looked at her picture. Dark realized what she was thinking, "You miss her, don't you?"

"*Sigh* Yeah, a little. I used to be her student before Twilight, but I became stupid to my actions and I turned my back on her and left Equestria. I came here, but I wanted revenge on her and through Equestria."

Sunset quietly explained to Dark about what happened when she returned to Equestria to retrieve Twilight's Element, the Fall formal Dance, and everything else that happened.

Dark was surprised by her story and what she went through.

"I was such an idiot for abandoning her and try to get revenge on her, and almost trying to hurt Twilight and her friends. After the Fall Formal, mostly everyone in the school, except you, Twilight and all of our friends hate me for what I did. I'll never forgive myself for what I did." Sunset said as a tear fell from her eye.

Dark understood where Sunset was coming from. She went through a rough past, and now wants a better life. He gently cupped her cheeks and wiped her tear away.

"I know it's hard to try to let go of the past and try to start over. Like you, I had to do something like that and I had a lot of trouble getting over." Dark said remembering some of his darkest memories of his friends and his Mother.

"Ace explained to us about what happened to the two of you when you left the hospital yesterday. He even told us about what happened to your mother." Sunset said in a soft voice.

"*Sigh* I knew he would tell you all that. It was the worst thing I've ever done in my life." Dark said. Then he reached into his jacket pocket and pulled out a dark blue, metal locket, "This is all I have left of my mother before she was… corrupted. It's still empty though."

Sunset frowned and placed her hand on Dark's, making him look up at her, "I'm sorry you lost you mother Dark. I'm sure she meant everything to you." She then smiled sadly, "But, I'm sure she's smiling at you right now for who you are today and for what you've done for all of us...and for me." She finished blushing a little.

Dark smiled, "Thanks Sunset." He leaned forward and gave her a soft kiss on the lips.

Sunsets cheeks flared, but she relaxed and returned the kiss.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything." Said a familiar voice.

The two broke the kiss quickly and looked up and saw Mrs. Hayes smiling at the two.

The two blushed madly.

"Umm...we..uh.." Sunset couldn't form words in her mouth while she was blushing deeply.

Mrs. Hayes only giggled, "Don't worry you two. I can really tell you two love each other very much, but be sure you two are working, okay?" She asked still smiling.

"Uh...r-right." Dark said still blushing.

Mrs. Hayes smiled and walked back to her desk and continued filling out the papers on her desk.

Dark and Sunset smiled at each other and then went back to their journals.

(2nd Period Gym Class)
(Sonic, Shadow, Silver, Ace, Applejack, and Rainbow POV)

Our 2nd period athletes walked into the gym and went straight into the changing rooms.

Five minutes later, they all came out.

"Alright everyone. Today, we're playing soccer." Coach Armor said to everyone.

"Aw yeah!" Rainbow said pumping her fist in the air.

"And this time the super-powered students have been authorized to use their abilities freely. But, they are not to use them to physically hurt anyone. And they will not be on the same teams." Coach explained while smiling.

Everyone cheered loudly.

"Uh. Coach, I don't think this is a good idea, for two reasons." Sonic said, "A, It would raise the chance of injuring someone highly; and B, It would kinda ruin the game. Not everyone has powers like us."

"I know, but I want the students to have an opportunity to see what you and your friends are capable of." Coach explained.

"Guess you have a point, but i'm only going to use my powers to my full, because I don't want to hurt others." Sonic said.

"Understandable, now then, let's get the teams organized." Coach armor called.

The students lined up against the wall.

"Ok. Flash Sentry's team members are, Heavyweight, Soran, Fleetfoot, Shade, Flare, and Lightning." Coach read, "And Sonic's team members are, Rainbow, Knuckles, Shadow, Silver, Applejack, and Ace.

So the teams split to their proper teams and then went out to the school soccer field.

(Soccer Field)
(Sonic's Team POV)
(Play Sonic Heroes - What I'm Made of - Crush 40)

Sonic had his team get ready immediately, "Ok, forwards are me, Rainbow, and Shadow; Defence is Silver, Knuckles, and Applejack; And goal is Ace."

They all nodded and went to their positions.

Sonic's team started with the ball. Sonic, Rainbow, and Shadow began to run forward with the ball. He saw Heavyweight charging up at him. Upon hearing that Coach Armor saying they can use their powers, Shadow smirked and shouted, "CHAOS CONTROL!"

He along with the ball vanish and reappeared behind Heavyweight. He dashed forward again and was close to the goal.

"Shadow open!" Sonic shouted.

He nodded and kicked the ball to him.

Sonic caught it and kicked the ball into the goal.

Score: Sonic team 1-0.

They all got into their positions again, but Flash and his team started with the ball.

Flash went forward and passed it to Heavyweight. He gave the ball a very powerful kick, but Ace caught it. However, he felt pain running through his fingers and hands.

'Damn, that guy can kick hard.' Ace thought rubbing his hands. He got up and threw the ball to Sonic.

Sonic and Rainbow continued to switch places with the ball simultaneously, confusing the opponent's. When the two were close to the goal, they smiled and kicked the ball together, shooting another goal for their team.

"YES!" Sonic cheered as the two exchanged high-fives to each other.

Score: Sonic team 2-0.

'Man, this bites.' Flash thought.

Throughout the remainder of the game, Flashes team was able to get five goals, but Sonic's team dominated the game by 17 points.

(Time travel: Lunch Break)
(Flash Sentry POV)

Flash walked through the halls to the cafeteria. It was not his day at all. Not only he got his butt handed to him during Gym, but another boy already asked Twilight to the dance.

"Man, this sucks." Flash said as he banged his fist against a locker, "I can't believe how stupid I was. I never should have let Twilight go. Now what can I do?" He asked himself.

He decided to step outside for a few minutes to clear his mind. It calmed him a little bit, but not by a lot. He wanted to find a way to get Twilight back, but how could he? Suddenly, he saw a faint red glow in a pile of red wood chips not to far from him.

Curiosity getting the best of him, he decided to check it out. He dug through the pile and found something that made him wide eyed. It looked like a diamond, but it was large and had the color red.

"What is this?" Flash asked as he picked up the Emerald.

Suddenly, the Emerald glowed and a red aura engulfed him. When the aura died down, Flashes blue eyes changed ruby red. He then started chuckling evilly.

"If I can't have Twilight, no one can. I need a plan to stop the dance, but what?" He asked himself. Then, his brain snapped and he started chuckling evilly.

"Hmhmhmhm, oh this is too good. I know just what to do." Flash said as he walked back into the school and placed the Emerald in his pocket.

(Group POV)

Sonic and the others were in the cafeteria, talking about the dance that will happen tonight after school.

"So Knuckles, who are you going with?" Sonic asked the red haired teen.

"Uh..I'm uh...going with Applejack." He answered blushing a little.

"Really? That's great. You two are a great couple." Sonic said winking at him and Applejack.

"Stop it Sonic, you're embarrassing me." Knuckled said turning away while blushing deeply.

Sonic only chuckled and wrapped an arm around Rainbow, making her blush a little, but smile and nuzzle into his shoulder.

"By the way Twilight, who are you going with?" Rarity asked.

Twilight and Tails both blushed and got a little nervous.

"I bet you 10 dollars it's Tails." Rainbow said smirking at the two.

The two blushed deeper and Rarity squealed.

"That's great Twilight. You two are such a perfect match." Rarity squealed while holding Siver, making him blush a little.

"Yeah because they're both eggheads." Rainbow said.

The two looked at each other and blushed again, but smiled a little at each other.

Sonic smiled at the two, 'I'm glad Tails is going out with another girl now. It seems he's taking a very big liking to Twilight. I've never seen him this happy ever since he fell in love with Cosmo. I know Twilight will continue to..make…..him….' He was pulled from his thoughts when he looked at Shadow and Pinkie. His eyes widened and his jaw dropped by what he was seeing.

Shadow was smiling.

'Oh my Chaos! Shadow's smiling!' Sonic thought.

"Sonic, what's wrong?" Tails asked his older brother.

He didn't say anything. Instead, he slowly raised his hand and pointed at Shadow.

Tails was confused at first, but had the same reaction like Sonic when he looked at Shadow.

"Oh...My...Chaos." Tails said, "Knuckles, you need to look at Shadow."

Knuckles was a little confused, but looked at Shadow, "Why do you want...me…" Like the two, Knuckles eyes widened and his jaw dropped.

Silver saw their reactions, and Looked at Shadow, and was dumbfounded by what he was seeing.

"S-Shadow?" Sonic asked nervously.

Shadow looked up at Sonic, while keeping his small smile, "What is it Sonic?"

"Are...are you smiling?" He asked trying to find this hard to believe.

Shadow let out a small chuckle, and asked, "Is it that obvious?"

"I can't believe this. No one has never made Shadow smile. Pinkie how did you do it?" Sonic asked the party girl.

"It's what I do. I always make everyone smile, but Shady's smile is the best I've ever seen." She said and then giving him a kiss on the cheek, making him blush a little.

The mobians looked more shocked than ever that Pinkie actually kissed him, and he didn't get angry at all. They couldn't believe that they're seeing Shadow smile...and the fact he let her kiss him.

"What happened to you Shadow?" Sonic asked still shocked.

"What? That I can't change?" Shadow asked.

"Uh...no. It's just that, it's surprising that you're smiling. And the fact you're acting more calm and happy than you've ever been." Sonic explained. He then smiled as well, "I think it's great that you've changed. I'm glad you're becoming more open to all of us now."

Shadow smiled again, "Well, I don't think it would have been possible, if we never came to this world...and that I met Pinkie." Shadow said smiling at her.

Pinkie blushed and smiled back, "I'm glad to help you Shady." She then gave him a warm hug, which he returned by wrapping an arm around her.

The mobians and girls smiled at the two, while Rarity squealed in happiness.

"Oh my goodness, you two are so cute." Rarity said squealing by all the love she's seeing.

Shadow only shook his head and smiled again.

'I never thought I would see the day Shadow would smile. I know Maria would be very proud of him.' Sonic thought watching the two.

Then, Principle Celestia's voice went off on the speakers, "Attention students, we have some sad news about the dance tonight. Apparently, someone trashed the gym and the dance will have to be moved to tomorrow. Until then, please wait. Thank you."

From the news about the gym being trashed, all the students in the cafeteria became upset and the group began hearing everyone arguing about the mess.

"I can't believe this!" Someone said.

"I was waiting all month for this!" Another whined.

"This is ridiculous!" One shouted.

"This is the Fall Formal all over again!" Yelled someone.

"Who could've done this!?" Someone asked.

The group was getting a little awkward around all this whining and shouting. Then, things got worse.

"I bet it was her again!" One student shouted pointing at Sunset Shimmer.

Upon being pointed at made Sunset wide eyed in shock that's she's being blamed for no reason.

"He's right! Only Sunset Shimmer would do this!" Someone agreed.

"You pathetic witch!"

"Why did you do this!?"

"You were never welcomed here!"

"You never should have came here to our school!"

"Heartless girl!"

"You never changed! You were just trying to trick everyone again!"

Sunset was breaking down into tears by the negative comments from the students, "But I...I didn't do it. I would never do that ever again." She said sobbing.

"Likely story witch!"

"Witch! Witch! Witch!"

Sunset continued to sob as her tears flowed. She never felt such pain in her heart in all of her life, even more since the Fall formal, 'Maybe they're right. I never should have came here. I'm just a heartless girl.' Sunset though as she continued to hear the word 'witch'.

Dark began to growl at the other students calling Sunset names. A dark flame-like aura formed around him, "Grrr. WHY DON'T YOU ALL GO DIE IN HELL! Why are you being assholes to Sunset? She couldn't have done it. She's been with me all day so far. So lay off!"

"Why are you standing up for her!? That girl is s witch! She doesn't belong here!" One of the students shouted.

"I know, he's standing up for her because he had something to do with the dance being ruined as well!" One female student shouted.

"His sad excuse for a brother might have been involved as well!" One of the students shouted pointing a finger at Ace.

Now Dark was now pissed. His eyes went from blue, to pure white, and his aura grew so big, he looked like he was on fire. He crossed his arms and then yelled. A huge shock wave shot out from his body and caused everyone to fall down, "First of all, Sunset and I haven't been to the gym yet today. Second, if any of you want to blame or disrespect anyone of my friends or family again, you will be dealing with dark nightmare tonight. And lastly, give me one reason we would want to trash the dance? We've been waiting for the event ever since it was announced."

Everyone then stayed quiet, due to them either being too scared to say anything, or realizing Dark had a good point.

"Heed my warning, all of you! If I hear any of you talk any bullshit about my girlfriend being called a witch or blaming my little brother again, I'll send you all to the deepest depths of darkness! Now... SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LEAVE US ALONE!" Dark shouted.

The students scampered away from the group and sat down, not being dared to look at the group, or calling Sunset anything else.

(??? Flash Sentry POV)
(Lunch Room Entry Way)

Flash was standing at the entrance of the lunch room during the chaos. His newly red eyes glowed in success. He began absorbing the negative and chaotic energy given off all the students, "Ahhh. Yes. So much negative energy. That was a delicious meal. Especially from the dark one's outburst." He then pulled out the red chaos emerald, "I needed all that energy to disguise your energy signature from the other chaos users. Soon, they'll all feel the true wrath of Chaos."

Author's Note:

Shadicbro B: Well everyone that's a big wrap up for this amazing chapter. I'll summarize what happened.

Dark and Ace have now grown their relationship with Sunset and Fluttershy. Rainbow had a little fun by sending a pic to her friends about Dark and Sunset. Shadow's happiness continued to grow, thanks to Pinkie Pie. Flash Sentry tried to ask Twilight out to the dance, but failed when he discovered Twilight is going with Tails. During Lunch, he finds the red Chaos Emerald and the Emeralds power corrupted him. Sonic and his friends saw the very first smile coming from Shadow. Then, the students discover the dance is now on hold and the students started blaming Sunset. Dark stepped in and stopped the chaos after the students falsely blamed him, Sunset and Ace. Flash absorbed the negative energy from the students and from Dark and is now onto his next step of his plan. Can our heroes fix the dance? What is Flash's real plan? Will the group ever get the Emerald back!? Find out on the next awesome chapter of Mobians and Equestria Girls: Fate Between Worlds!

DarkMaster0224 and Shadicbro B: Thank you everyone! DarkMaster0224 and Shadicbro B OUT!