• Published 7th May 2015
  • 13,824 Views, 1,626 Comments

Actually, I'm Dead - Magenta Cat

What if the Alicorn Amulet did more to Trixie than we saw?

  • ...

Chapter 5: Bring Out Your Dead

The road between Ponyville’s Hospital to the town’s library was like walking through the gates of Tartarus and into eternal damnation, being judged and sconred by all those she trotted past.

Or at least that’s how Trixie viewed it.

When Twilight Sparkle came to escort her, she brought Trixie the black cloak she wore with the amulet when she came to town. Since neither the doctors nor Twilight knew how Trixie would react to direct contact with weather and sunlight under her new condition, they proposed she wear the cloak, just in case.

But Trixie knew better; the cloak was to cover her up, not keep her safe. It was to prevent her from being seen and likely terrifying the population of Ponyville. With the cloak on, she was just a silhouette under a dark cloth. Without it, she was an horror show that would surely attract everypony’s attention and only give rise to panic.

Even so, in a town like Ponyville where most of the population went about au naturel, a pony as enshrouded as Trixie still drew some looks.

At least there weren’t any screams, she absently noted.

Gosh, Trixie used to love that feeling, of knowing that every pair of eyes was fixated on her as she passed, paying attention to her every move. Watching her. Idolizing her. But that attention had to come from respect and admiration, not out of pity and fear, and maybe even hate.

Twilight assured Trixie that the town was already informed of how the amulet was possessing her and how she was mostly innocent of what happened. But Trixie knew that even with that in mind, she was pretty much the most hated pony in Ponyville. She could feel the glares and hear the murmurs each time they passed next to more than one pony. She could see, even with her head low and under the hood, how pretty much everypony stopped dead in their tracks to give a look and wonder who the freak might be accompanying Twilight Sparkle.

Only when they were safely inside the tree-library, away from anypony’s eyes, did Trixie dare look up again.

When she did, she was impressed by the library’s interior. With bookshelves extending from floor to ceiling and its nice hoofmade wooden furniture, it all gave the place a cozy feeling. Trixie remembered her own foalhood, always locked away inside Hoofington’s library, and she admitted in silence how much she wished she had met this place under better circumstances.

“Nice, isn’t it?” Twilight said, snapping Trixie out of her thoughts. “Spike really did a good job cleaning it up, after the mess that my friends did while researching about--” but she cut herself mid sentence, not wanting to bring up what might be considered an uncomfortable topic.

It was actually one of the few times that Twilight had stopped talking since she had picked Trixie up at the hospital. All through their trip through Ponyville, pretty much as soon as the doctors were done with them, she had been prattling on about one thing or another. Up until now she had done a good job of avoiding the obvious. Since it wasn’t a topic Trixie was eager to touch on herself, she chose the closest alternative at hoof.

“Sure, it looks like a nice place,” Trixie broke the silence. “All this wood reminds Trixie of the inside of her old wagon”

“Your wagon… yes, ahem,” Twilight started again, a nervous smile on her muzzle.

“Think nothing of it, Sparkle,” Trixie told her, drudging up her old haughty and dismissive tone. She walked further into the library so Twilight wouldn’t be able to see her expression. “Trixie got over what happened to her wagon long ago.”

“Oh, huh, okay,” Twilight looked away, awkwardly rubbing one foreleg with the other. She’d still managed to hear the hurt in the voice of the other unicorn. “Uh, your room is all prepared downstairs. This way, Trixie.”

They got Trixie settled in quickly enough. She had to admit that it was a nice, if simple room. It, and really the whole library, were reminding her more and more of her time in Neigh Orleans. The room Twilight had shown her to, she was informed was a hastily converted storeroom in the basement. There was a bed, a small table, and even a set of drawers for her to use. Trixie caught herself momentarily in the mirror that had been hung on the wall, unable to stand more than that quick glimpse of herself. There wasn’t anything else in the room, except that either Twilight or her dragon had moved in a small shelf with a couple books to try and make it feel welcoming.

In spite of Twilight’s forced cheer through the whole thing, part of Trixie still couldn’t help snorting at the idea of her having to stay underground now. She surprised herself wondering if they were the traditional six hooves deep.

After that, Trixie was given a quick tour of the rest of the library. Then, she and Twilight had settled down for a quick bite of breakfast. Like the other rooms, the kitchenette was nicely appointed and the windows allowed in just the right amount of sunlight.

“So, the Princess will be working from her end in Canterlot,” continued Twilight around a mouthful of fresh oatmeal and fruit. “I’m not sure how much help we’ll still be here, as the girls told me they pulled this place apart pretty good while trying to find information on the amulet. And from what I found when I got back, ha, well, I can believe it!” Twilight’s muzzle ticked up briefly in yet another forced smile.

“That’s… fine,” Trixie sighed, resting her head atop her forelegs on the table, and looking out the window. She could see out of the corner of her eye how Twilight opened her mouth to try talking about something else again.

“Hey Twilight -- Whoa!” A third voice joined them. “Oh geeze, Twi-t-t-Twilight!”

Trixie lifted her head and turned to the kitchen’s door just barely in time to see a purple and green blur shoot towards Twilight and hide behind her back. When it stopped, Trixie saw it was actually a baby dragon.

“Wha-- whatisthat!” he asked frantically while pointing a claw at Trixie.

“Spike! Calm down,” Twilight admonished. “She’s just--”

“Don’t you recognize the Fallen and Powerless Trixie?” Trixie asked sardonically, turning away and laying down on her hooves to look out the window once more. She reached up with a hoof for the cloak’s hood, pulling it over her head, just like when she was outside in the streets.

With a sad sigh, Twilight turned back to her dragon assistant. “What did you need, Spike?”

“I… don’t remember anymore,” Spike couldn’t take his gaze from Trixie until Twilight gave him a soft poke in the ribs. “Oh, right! I was about to do today’s chores and noticed we ran out of soap. Do you want me to get some at the market with the rest of the groceries now, or just work on re-shelving the books now and wait on the soap until later?”

“Trixie can work on the re-shelving.” Spike and Twilight turned to Trixie, who still looking out the window and hadn’t turned when she spoke. “Chores like that are the least Trixie can do to repay you for your hospitality, Sparkle.”

“Actually…” Twilight replied, her voice perking up as a smile came to her muzzle, “Spike can handle the reshelving. You and I can do the shopping. I figure it might do you some good to get outside, since you’ve been cooped up in that hospital room so long.”

Trixie finally lifted her head. Her ears were perked and she wore a frown. “It’s… quite alright, Sparkle. Trixie can handle your precious books just fine, you don’t have to foalsit her.”

“No, Trixie, it’s not that,” Twilight told her as she got up from the table and moved to Trixie’s side. “I just think that it would be good for you to get outside a little. Plus, I want you to meet my friends. Really meet them, I mean.”

“You mean the three ponies that heckled Trixie’s show the first time?” Trixie turned her head to follow Twilight. “The one who directly said that Trixie wasn’t good enough for a rock farm, too, I presume? And that yellow one?” she asked, her voice keeping a level same monotone.

“Well, when you put it that way…” Spike mumbled.

“They’re my friends,” Twilight explained as she lay a foreleg over Trixie’s whiters before jerking it back only to settle it again with a more determined expression. “I know that if you give them a chance they’ll be able to come around and understand.” Trixie’s only response was to look away. “Or,” Twilight continued, “we could spend the rest of the day studying your condition.”

Trixie looked down at the hoof wrapped around her and then back up at the awkwardly smiling unicorn. She wasn’t sure how serious Twilight was being, but Trixie surely knew she wasn’t in the mood to be examined and studied as though she were some kind of freakish oddity, even if she actually was one.

“Okay, Sparkle. If you think it’s a good idea.” She couldn’t help a smile of her own, though it was more mocking and ironic than Twilight’s unsure and hopeful. “It’s your funeral.”

Outside again, Trixie tried to be more sure of herself. The first time out she had let her fear and uncertainty of what other ponies would think overcome her. She had vowed the night before that when she left that blasted hospital room she would not allow herself to fall into self pity again.

Still, having to face other ponies for the first time since she had changed was more daunting than expected, and her whole breakfast with Twilight had sapped a lot of her resolve. But, if she was going to be paraded around town by the Princess’ Personal Student, then she was going to own that position with as much grace and dignity as the Great and Powerful Trixie possibly could.

It helped that the cloak hid her cadaverous look, minimizing negative reactions.

“So, tell Trixie again where are we going?” asked Trixie once they walked out of the Quills and Sofas with a fresh supply of parchment and writing materials for their research. It was all packed in Twilight’s saddlebags despite Trixie’s objections.

“Oh, you’ll love it!” Twilight levitated a piece of parchment out of her saddlebag. “I have everything all planned, so you can meet all of my friends today without wasting any time.” The floating roll of parchment unrolled until it almost touched the ground, to which Trixie raised an eyebrow.

“Can Trixie see that?” she leaned her hoof towards the paper. Twilight released it from her magical grasp so Trixie could pick it. Due to the shadow of the cloak’s hood, Trixie had to get it closer to her eyes to read clearly.

“Sparkle…” Trixie said, not sure if her eyes were right or if they had finally stopped working alongside the rest of her organs. “Have Trixie’s eyes finally stopped working like the rest of her, or have you planned the entire day down to the second?” Trixie put her hoof and the parchment down to look at Twilight only--

“Heya there!” A cartoonishly high pitched voice assaulted Trixie’s ears as a pink… something invaded her entire field of vision.

“Ahh!” At the sensory overload, Trixie did what anypony in her situation would do; try to jump away from the sudden disturbance. But in her hurry to backpedal from the pink… thing in front of her, Trixie stumbled with her cloak, falling over.

“Oh sorry, name’s Pinkie Pie, but we already know each other. I just wanted to check on you, because Twilight says you’ll be staying here, which means that you’ll be living in Ponyville, and since I’m friend with everyone in Ponyville, even to ponies who don’t want to be my friend at first, or to ponies that aren’t that friendly in general, that means I owe you a party! Parties help with everything, you’ll see! They make ponies smile and everypony deserves a smile, and ponies smile when they’re happy, and the best way to make a pony happy is to befriend them, which means, by pure and simple logic, that I have to throw you a Welcome to Ponyville Party!” She finally backed out of Trixie’s personal space, making a squee noise as she smiled. “I’ll see you there this evening! Don’t forget! Oh, and hi there, Twilight! You’re invited, too.”

Before either unicorn could get a word in, the pink earth pony turned and galloped off back into town.

Trixie just blinked, still lying on her back on the ground. She looked over at Twilight. “You have strange friends.”

Author's Note:

Wave Blaster: I honestly have nothing to say this time.
nightwalker: Just a comment about getting out and about and seeing how each of the mane six feel about trixie one on one.
Wave: Yeah, that one sounds right. Oh, and before I forget, the last part reminded me why Pinkie is my second fav pony (no guesses on who's on first place).
Pinkie: It's a good thing than I'm not competitive as Dashie. Jeez Wavy, why don't you just make a self insert and marry her?

And of course, thanks for reading and don't forget to comment. See ya.