• Published 7th May 2015
  • 13,794 Views, 1,626 Comments

Actually, I'm Dead - Magenta Cat

What if the Alicorn Amulet did more to Trixie than we saw?

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Chapter 6 (part four): Quiet as the Tomb

It was a sunny late afternoon in Ponyville.

The daily activities were almost finished by then and most of the town’s ponies were ready to take their leave and have a well deserved rest after a good day of hard, honest work. As everypony was either done with hurrying or simply too tired to move too fast, afternoons in Ponyville were almost always peaceful times for ponies to go back home, grab a cider, sit down to have a moment with the family.

There was peace; everything was good in good old Ponyville.

However, peace like that rarely ever lasted in Ponyville. The first sign of something different that afternoon wasn’t too overt, but Octavia, who was sitting down on her house’s porch at the edge of the town, heard a strange sound coming down the road. As a musician, Octavia had a very good ear to identify sounds, a useful skill in this type of situation. The problem was that, when the source of the sound came closer and became easier to hear, it unsettled her to no end.

This new note was something that Octavia had never heard before, and with her background as musician, an entirely new sound wasn’t something usual for her. She would have described it as something between wood and strings, but with a strange alien quality, as if whatever was producing it, it wasn’t something natural. Fascinated by it, Octavia didn’t want to move until she discovered what could possibly be making such a noise; but when the sound was clear and loud enough, she realized she shouldn’t have heard it in the first place. She realized what the sound was too late, and because of that, she couldn’t help but gaze in horror at the frightening source behind it.

Octavia heard, for the first time, the moaning of those who died long ago. It was as if Death herself was crying out loud while charging down the road. The image of Death, walking among the living and charging with a furious cry of war, proved to be too much for the less adventurous cellist. She froze in place, hoping for Death to pass her by and spare her life.

Death never even looked in Octavia’s direction as she thundered, wailing, down the road.

Never in her life had Octavia Melody felt so alive as after the departure of that azure and silver ghost, it following the road’s direction instead of looking at her house. So relieved was she, that she didn’t notice the purple unicorn chasing after Death.

If she did, she didn’t care.

Octavia had witnessed Death itself, and survived to tell the tale. After that, she decided to never waste her lifetime again. The very next night, a white and blue unicorn, who had learned to replace words with music, would find an engagement ring in her champagne.

Some hours before, when Ponyville wasn’t even close to end its activities, a mare living outside the colorful town was having a very grim time.

As per usual at this hour of the day, Fluttershy was feeding the animals under her care. Although she never thought of herself as a methodical pony like Twilight or Rarity, she had a very strict schedule to follow in order to feed her animals. Because of Fluttershy’s desire to serve the animals as best she could, her schedule was carefully planned and so precise that anypony could use it to adjust his watch to the second. It was a hard labor, not only because of the timing it involved, but also because of the sheer amount of animals that relied on Fluttershy as their caretaker. And because of that, Fluttershy knew that all the effort invested was more than worth it.

There was a relationship of mutual trust between her and the life around her. They trusted her to look out for them and she trusted them to behave around her and others. It was an incorruptible bond, born out of love, compassion, and a pony’s almost instinctive will to not only live for others, but also to commune with life itself by being a part of it. The years of caring one for the other ended up connecting Fluttershy to her animals in ways that only the ancient ponies from before civilization could understand.

It was thanks to that same connection that both Fluttershy and the animals knew there was something wrong that sunny afternoon.

That strange sense of dread disrupted Fluttershy’s routine. At first, she attributed it only to Trixie’s short but harsh period as Ponyville’s dictator. The enclosed space under Trixie’s dome put her animals’ patience to test, as none of them were used to being in captivity. Sure, some barely even left Fluttershy’s sanctuary, but that was by their own decision. To have an actual barrier holding them there, trapped inside and forced to stay, brought about some very bad reactions from them.

But now, even after Trixie’s cursed reign was over and the dome gone with it, they were still unsettled. Some of them didn’t want to eat at first, so Fluttershy had to stay and make sure they would, at least a little bit. Then there were those that became extremely territorial, and acted out of pure instinct when it was feeding time. They took most of Fluttershy’s time since she not only had to watch them when eating, but also had to keep a constant eye over them to prevent fighting and other acts of aggression. At the end of the day, only Angel bunny and Harry the bear were keeping themselves together. They were a help instead of a problem for Fluttershy, but even then they were clearly not in their usual mindsets.

When lunchtime was over and Fluttershy was absolutely sure that no animal under her care was left without its proper meal, she began to worry about herself. Without her chores to distract her, her mind raced through the endless possibilities. She found fears that she never considered before and that began to consume her mind, turning any trace of willpower into fear. Fluttershy felt the same anxiety her animals felt, and her animals knew she was scared of something. If there was something even their caretaker feared, then they had every right in the world to fear it, too.

That fog of unease settled over the quaint, neat cottage on the edge of the woods, bringing great distress and worry to all those inside it.

Trixie ran.

She didn’t know where she was going or what she was running away from, she just knew instinctively that she had to run.

The world around her was blurry at best, every detail lost between the speed she was holding and the dark liquid in her eyes. But Trixie didn’t care about any of that, or how long she had been running without feeling tired, or even about the purple pony chasing her. She didn’t want to think about any of that or about anything at all for that matter. She just wanted to run. Run and forget about everything.

The world had once again crumbled around her.

Twilight Sparkle wasn’t Rainbow Dash; she wasn’t an athlete used to pushing her body to its limits, she was a scholar. Yes, she had faced monsters and dragons but she’d always ended up running from those, never chasing after. Additionally, her body was still limited by the needs of a living pony, and racing from Fluttershy’s cottage back to town and then going through town yet again was clearly far beyond the unathletic librarian. Her muscles ached and she could feel most of her bones about to snap out of the pressure. Yet, a friend needed her and she would never give up on a friend, even if it was painful. Especially if it was painful.

Still, it was the second time today that Trixie had fled and the third time she had gotten out of Twilight’s sight. The poor purple unicorn wasn’t sure how much more of this she could take. Panting and stumbling to a halt, Twilight leaned on the side of Bon Bon’s candy shop to catch her breath.

A moment was all she allowed herself before pushing off and resuming the chase once more. Given that her quarry had eluded her sight, Twilight began to think where Trixie could have gone to this time. In her current state, she doubted Trixie would be just hanging around under a tree like the last time.

Or would she?

A puddle of pink on the ground brought Twilight to a stop in front of her home, the great tree of the Golden Oak library. She realized that in light of everything that had happened with her and to her over the last several days, it was the one place in Ponyville that Trixie might consider safe.

Still puffing with exhaustion, Twilight pushed open the door. The main room was empty and quiet, and Spike didn’t respond when she called for him. When she tried the door to the basement, she found it locked.

She hadn’t locked it before going out that morning.

Trixie used to have so much, to be so much. Years of perfecting herself for her art’s sake, of traveling far and wide, of doing all she could to be the very best out there. She bitterly remembered all her long days of hard work and nights of missed sleep, all her hours under the unforgiving sun of the desert or the merciless cold of a storm. And for what? To have it all become meaningless in the face of one, just one, just one single mistake that took it all from her.

Now Trixie only wanted to be left alone. She wanted nothing more than to find a refuge and lie there until the world forgot about her.

Trixie only wants to finally rest in peace.

But the dead cannot find peace amongst the living. In her blind rush from what had confronted her in that idyllic cottage, Trixie had once more put herself in the middle of town, surrounding herself with the living who wanted no part of a thing like her.

Desperately she searched for someplace to retreat to; someplace she could go to ground and not be disturbed. Maybe because it was her only real option, or maybe because it had a space already prepared for her, Trixie sought out the great tree of the Golden Oak library. Yes, she had her resting place right there and the tree itself would serve as a fitting monument.

The front door was unlocked, as was the one to the basement. After turning the lock on that inside door, she descended into the darkness below.

Trixie wanted to rest in peace, so she just did that.

A corpse would never care about a good resting place, that was for the living ones left behind it to worry about. But since Trixie had no real bonds with any living being, she just let herself fall right where she was standing, on the basement’s floor. As a dead corpse, Trixie decided to not only finally lie motionless, but also the stop her thoughts. Closing her eyes for the last time, Trixie dedicated her last reflection ever to a quick calculation. She allowed herself one last action, a smile, before going limp after determining the distance between floor and ceiling was, yes, in fact six hooves underground. It was all terribly appropriate.

Closing her eyes, she finally stopped everything. The numbness she has been feeling since waking up in that hospital room stopped being annoying as she embraced it.

The door and the lock proved stubborn, but not as stubborn as Twilight’s magic. Knowing she could never kick a door off of its hinges or break the lock, she charged her magic and blasted it open that way, rushing inside to turn the basement’s lights on. When darkness was forced to retreat, Twilight saw to her horror the unmoving, pale body of Trixie lying on the floor, just a few steps away from the bed.

At first, Twilight only used words and her own voice to try and reach for the fallen unicorn. Desperately trying to reach her, to help her friend, only for her pleadings fell on deaf ears. She tried once, she tried twice and she tried again, over and over again, but the answer never came. Twilight had the unsettling feeling of shouting to a tombstone. She quickly shook that thought from her head, and decided to do something a little more drastic.

Without even thinking anymore, Twilight nearly threw herself over Trixie, not caring about anything but her wellbeing. Still, she had enough presence of mind to stop herself before touching Trixie’s chest to check her pulse, fearing of what could happen to her if she came into contact with the Accursed Alicorn Amulet. Fearing of what could happen to Trixie. So, instead, she pressed her hoof against Trixie’s foreleg, dreading what she would find when doing it.

Tears began to fall down Twilight’s cheeks as her breathing was becoming erratic. Adrenaline rushed through her veins as she began to deny with both her head and her mouth. Trixie’s pulse was nowhere to be found and her chest was not moving, at all. Twilight held her lost friend’s corpse between her hooves and made to shout to the skies above a shriek of sorrow that would have break any heart able to hear it.

Her moment of tragedy was interrupted when a hoof from below closed her muzzle. Startled, she jerked back and looked down, to be met by the milky and now open eyes of Trixie.

The former showmare glared at her, softly telling her she was ruining the moment. Then, Trixie closed her eyes once more and put both hooves over her chest.

With tears still falling down her cheeks and a ear to ear smile, Twilight silently thanked every god, deity, concept, and higher power above for what she just saw.

Trixie was resting in her new bed. Just resting from a long day of meeting ponies, that was it. Trixie just needed to rest for a moment to rise up again. That was what Twilight told her when placing Trixie in the bed before going upstairs to give her some space. Trixie had just managed to overhear her telling Spike the same before trotting up the stairs to her own room for a much needed respite. As per Pinkie’s invitations they still had a couple more hours before even needing to get ready, so Twilight allowed both of them that time to simply rest.

Two stories under her, Trixie wasn’t having that same peace of mind. Even if her body was completely motionless to the point of not even having vital signs, inside Trixie there was still a storm, a war between the only two options she had left. A real confrontation to decide what would be the path to follow from this point.

On one side, there was acceptance of what she was now; an animated corpse. An unnaturally animated thing that owed its existence to a magic so dark and dangerous that Princess Celestia herself was already involved with how it should be contained. That side argued about what she was to others; ponies like Applejack or Rainbow Dash or Fluttershy only saw her as the abomination she wasn’t entirely sure she wasn’t. And even before that, Trixie had already been seen as less of an actual pony who deserved a chance, and more of a villain to be kept aways from civilization. In essence, the world around Trixie didn’t want her around long before of this whole mess happened.

Now here she was, already one hoof in the grave. Trixie’s face twisted into a grimace of pain at how that side was gaining a good portion of ground.

But Trixie already promised to never give up, ever. When she met the seven ponies who would change her life, or at least give her purpose beyond aimless wandering and survival, she had sworn she would keep purpose and focus in her life. They had each given her a window into the history of her family’s name and the legacy it carried. By knowing about her mother and about her heritage, Trixie was taught to have a purpose, to not simply go around without anything to do.

Trixie remembered her training sessions. Kunai Tail, the implacably serious teacher, forging in Trixie a steel-like determination while Battle Axe, the one-mare-army-corps, made sure that said determination had a strength of body to back it up. Finally, there was Emerald Archer, who explained to Trixie that such drive would lead her nowhere without the patience to find her target first. The three of them would only show disappointment at how easily her will got broken by such an irrelevant thing as other ponies’ opinion and how far down she had fallen.

The first side came back, arguing that what happened to Trixie wasn’t something small, or natural to begin with, and that her very magic was taken from her. The essence of what made any unicorn -magic- was now lost to her. She had every right to want to just give up on everything.

But deep inside her heart, Trixie knew that such argument was a fallacy. After all, wasn’t she taught by masters that were not unicorns that such magic wasn’t necessary for life? Wasn’t she shown how to escape the most impossible traps without even thinking about her magic? Hadn’t she been shown that the greatest illusions were those beyond mere spells?

Didn’t Scot Free and Reverse Mirror, Equestria’s two greatest magicians alongside Hope Lulamoon, Trixie’s very own mother, give her a legacy to carry on? Instead of that, what was Trixie doing? Scot Free would mourn at the loss of his surrogate daughter, while Reverse Mirror would only ask what did the world do to Trixie to make her do nothing in the face of the injustice of losing her freedom.

Once again, that other side of Trixie’s mind argued that it wasn’t just about how ponies saw her or about having to work without her magic. Those were the symptoms, not the real disease. The ponies around Trixie were reacting as they were not just because of her past, but also because she wasn’t something natural anymore, which was again the cause of her magic being cut short. She wasn’t a living pony anymore and she didn’t belong to the land of the living. Trixie Silverlight Lulamoon was dead and she needed to start playing the part. No more trying to act like she was alive.

But Trixie wasn’t dead either, wasn’t she? Trixie could still move, her five senses were still somewhat functional and she was able to talk. Bootlegger always said that she could do anything she wanted; all she had to do to convince other was to first convince herself. Trixie still could move, sense and communicate, to which the mentor would have said that was more than enough. Screw the other ponies then, would say Hell’s Blazer. He knew Trixie’s mother better than anyone else and thanks to him, Trixie knew she would never give up for something like this. If a pony like him could accomplish the impossible feats that he did, why should the loss of her unicorn magic matter to her so? If Hope Lulamoon wouldn’t surrender, neither would her only daughter. Trixie would never surrender against anything, ever.

The show must go on.

With more than a little effort, Trixie rolled out of the bed where Twilight Sparkle placed her and put a hoof on the ground in front of her. Then the next, and the next, and the next. Trixie accepted that her condition wasn’t bad enough to stop her, just slow her down. In the end, she was the only pony stopping herself.

Trixie walked around the room, looking for her cape to get outside. She then remembered Rarity replaced the ragged black cloak for a pink one. At some point after the ‘meeting’ with Fluttershy it had gone missing.

Trixie turned around and caught sight of the dreaded creature that had been haunting her since this whole mess began. In the mirror, hanging from the wall, she had a complete and terrifying view of what was left of her; her corpse. But unlike the other times she had been confronted by her destroyed reflection, this time Trixie didn’t freeze in fear or attempt to avoid the look. Instead, she walked straight to the glass hanging on the wall. She wasn’t looking at the walking corpse approaching the mirror, instead she was looking at the seven ponies behind it.

From the land of thought and dreams, the memory of her seven mentors looked back at Trixie and she remember the most important lesson that the seven of them imprinted with fire on her; Life is a choice, you just need to choose to live it.

Maybe it was actually willpower, or maybe just stubbornness, but Trixie decided to keep going once more, even if she was going to have do it alone in the face of a world that wasn’t willing to accept her. But she wasn’t alone, was she? Twilight has been tagging along with Trixie the entire day and even when Trixie was in her worst moments, Twilight was there to support her. Trixie realized that Twilight's friendship wasn’t out of pity as she early assumed, but actually a real one and maybe even the first real friend Trixie had had since leaving Neigh Orleans. Then, there was Rarity, the mare who offered Trixie all the generosity in the world, only because she wanted to do it. And even that pink one, who was about to host a party, only for Trixie, to which she had to attend that very night.

Trixie wasn’t alone anymore, something that she hadn't felt in years. With a revitalized optimism and a renewed will to keep going, Trixie went upstairs and slowly opened the basement door, not minding her appearance anymore. She found Twilight sitting on a cushion and reading a book in the living room, with Rarity’s pink cape hanging next to her. Trixie tried to cough, but when that failed, reminding her again of the limitations of her body, she softly tapped the floor with her left hoof. Twilight lifted her head and both unicorns looked at each other for a moment. At first, Twilight’s expression was only of worry, but when she saw Trixie’s small but firm smile, she knew that things were turning for the better.

They spent the next half hour talking like two friends would. After that, when the night had just settled in, two smiling ponies and a dragon exited the library to go at the party awaiting for them.

Although the sun was still bright in the sky, it was starting to set as the light of day once more began its retreat for the dark of the night to take over, following that eternal dance that kept life going on in Equus since times immemorial.

Twilight and Trixie finally arrived at their destination. Departing from Rarity’s on good terms had done wonders for Trixie’s mood and it showed. For example, even if she was still hiding her appearance from view, she also did her best to keep her posture straight and proud, not even minding how the pink color of the cape was still attracting the views of everypony around.

Twilight felt so positive at the change that she didn't noticed how uncharacteristically silent was the road to Fluttershy’s. Unknown to Trixie and ignored by Twilight, every animal close enough to Trixie to sense her presence did their best to stay out of her way. It was as though they instinctively knew something was wrong with her, or maybe were reacting to the dark magic of the Alicorn Amulet itself. Whatever the reason was, no animal dared to stay closer than a mile away from the walking dead.

What the two mares had taken for tranquility changed drastically when they came to Fluttershy’s main door. Where once was silence, now a very audible revolt could be heard on the other side of the door. Every animal that could make a sound was shouting out loud to the skies, making the place a cacophony of frightened cries and shrills. While this unsettled both ponies, Twilight did her best to reassure Trixie and keep them calm. Fluttershy was a kind, gentle pony who had a way with animals. This must just be them acting up over something, probably some territorial dispute that was being sorted out. Such things were rarely serious. Acting as natural as she could under the circumstances, ignoring all the barks and howls around them, Twilight knocked on the door with her hoof.

If they weren’t sure of an animal revolution before that, they certainly were after Twilight’s knocking. When the hoof hit the wood for the third and last time, the inside Fluttershy’s hut exploded a deafening riot of all kind of disorder. Panicking over her friend, Twilight told Trixie to wait outside and without waiting a response, she burst open the door open with her magic.

With the sun now below the tops of the trees, the inside of Fluttershy’s hut was darkened and Trixie was unsure if she even wanted to know what was happening. Twilight’s entrance marked a crescendo in the zoological cacophony, but after a considerable amount of time, Trixie could only hear two pony voices speaking too soft to tell what they were saying. Trixie sat down, patiently waiting for any signal that it was now safe for her to enter the strange cottage. But Trixie’s patience had a limit and when an amount of time that she considered long enough passed, she rose up to her four hooves, attempted a deep breath she could no longer take, and dared to enter the weird place.

The scene that welcomed Trixie was too bizarre to be real.

The first thing that happened when Trixie entered was a loud, collective gasp that could be heard far away outside the hut. Then, as her eyes adjusted to the darkness, Trixie saw a collection of almost every kind of animal she knew about, all gathered on one side of the room and protectively hugging each other. There was a mare in front of them, a butter yellow pegasus with a soft pink mane with her forelegs flung out to either side, as if trying to offer herself to protect the animals behind her. Between Trixie and everything else was Twilight, looking at the pegasus and still not aware of Trixie’s presence.

Trixie finally managed to speak. “Wha-what’s going on?”

“Trixie!” Twilight turned around in surprise. “I…”

“Please, leave,” Fluttershy’s soft voice implored. “Please, you’re scaring them.”

Trixie’s ears dipped to the back of her head as she realized what was going on. All of the animals behind Fluttershy were clearly frightened and not taking their gaze off Trixie. Some were even becoming aggressive, arching their backs and showing their teeth. Being observed in such a manner made Trixie feel vulnerable, and she quickly tried to pull the pink cloak around her for protection.

“Trixie, wait,” Twilight tried, looking back and forth between the two ponies. “Fluttershy, please.”

But there was no use, and Trixie could see it in Fluttershy’s eyes.

The mere sight of Trixie was scaring her witless. Was scaring all of them.

Trixie saw how violently Fluttershy trembled in fear. Still, she stood between Trixie and her animals, acting as a shield against the unnatural darkness that had entered her home.

"S-st-stay away from us," Fluttershy pleaded.

Trixie couldn't believe how much fear those large aquamarine eyes held. She knew she was a freak already, that had been evident since her first glance at the mirror back in the hospital room. Trixie had even seen the fear her appearance caused in other ponies, such as Applejack or that flower trio. But this? Such primal and literally animalistic fear? That the natural world itself would react so violently to her mere presence was something Trixie would never have expected.

"You should not be here. Please, leave," Fluttershy tried once again.

It reminded Trixie that she wasn’t a pony anymore, or a even a living being. This pony’s reaction was the confirmation she didn’t want to have. It was too much for Trixie. She wanted to escape, to be left alone. Trixie knew herself as something that was apart from the land of the living and now she only wanted to put as much distance as possible between them and her.

Doing the only thing she could, Trixie turned around and ran away, in the direction of the setting sun, crying out in pain and frustration.

It was a sunny late afternoon in Ponyville…

Author's Note:

Yeah, we know this was a bad chapter. We got experimental with the storytelling and it bit us in the ass, hard. Please don't think this reflects on the rest of the story, as it returns to normal story structure after this one. Please don't downvote just becase of this chapter.

Wave Blaster: Okay, experimentation time again, people. As this fic started as a new writing style for me, I felt it would be fair enough if I tried more than just one structure. In this case, an Alan Moore-eske non linear time structure. I'm not quite sure from where did the no dialogue idea came, but it was interesting to rework some parts I initially wrote as spoken.

nightwalker: This was probably the most interesting chapter to work on so far. As someone who does dialogue a lot it was quite a shift. Still, it's nice to try something different and I think it came out well. It certainly fits the title well.

:fluttershyouch:: D-did she leave?

Wave: Oh boy, I made Trixie cry (again) and scared the everloving heck out of Fluttershy, all in the same chapter *ducks under desk*.