• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 1 hour ago

Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


Little slight AU of the season 5 premiere episodes.
Suri, Gilda, and the Flim Flam brothers are caught in Our Town and made to see the magic of friendship by Starlight Glimmer and her followers, whether they like it or not. Don't worry, they'll be so grateful afterwards.

Made It To Popular Stories Section!

Has nothing to do with the pony pov series.

Cover art provided by Jeatz-Axl

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 36 )

That would have been interesting

Of course, everything Starlight Glimmer said wasn't a lie. That's the Association Fallacy, aka "Hitler Ate Sugar." Friendship really is important and arrogant disdain really is a bad thing. Starlight Glimmer believed many false things and did some evil things in their pursuit, but she also believed many true things and did some good things, too.

Not too shabby there. I liked what was presented. Wouldn't have minded seeing it blown out to a full story instead of just a recounting, but it was still good.



Thank you, I just wanted to make it as concise as possible.


Which is the entire freakin' POINT here. And the way her herd flip flopped on everything she taught them, it felt like they were trading one singular mind set for another.


Yes. Which was done in both directions -- by Starlight Glimmer and her followers in rejecting everything good about their Marks and Talents because their own mistakes regarding them had caused pain in their lives; and then by her disillusioned followers Starlight's lie had been exposed, rejecting everything good in her philosophy.

Or ... maybe not. Most of the Ponies of the Village seem to want to keep on living there and continue the friendships they had made there, only on a more honest and individualistic basis. So it's possible that Starlight Glimmer actually accomplished some lasting good as well.

An “at least the trains run on time” story. Interesting.


It's just jarring with the existence of ponies like Diamond Tiara who DOES use cutie marks as a form of division among ponies (if only for her grudge with Applebloom). I felt there should have been some mention after Glimmer's lie was beaten, that the ponies' DIDN'T think equality in of itself is bad.


The reference is to fascists making the trains run on time. The demarking and equalization reformed the 4 of this story.. This brings up an interesting point:

I heard Theists promote converting criminals for reforming them. I figure that once the criminals realize that they can get into heaven by killing nonbelievers, it could badly backfire. Besides, the criminals might figure out that religion is fairy tales. It is better to instruct them in secular humanism and explain that arse-ponding prison is a choice:

If one does not want to go to arse-pounding prison, stop committing crimes.

If you shave off 3 words, this story will have the Registry Number of the USS Enterprise NCC 1701.


Were you a bit disappointed by the fact that the recent episode seemed to have Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon getting some screen time -- but it was actually just Apple Bloom's dream-versions of them?


That actually sounds logical. Sharing faith with criminals and letting them know they're not alone in the world. And the idea that turning from faith is inevitable is rather narrow minded. Even MORE narrow minded is the idea all faiths teach "kill nonbelievers and you'll get into Valhalla," or that killing nonbelievers is the way to break your cycle of reincarnation and reach enlightenment. Seriously, that's a vicious anti-religious view, even if you think trying to convert criminals wouldn't improve their behavior, those reasons are more about taking stabs at religion than the idea itself being impractical or a poor result outcome.

This fic was about how the entire town flip flopped on EVERYTHING Glimmer was saying. And HOW such flip flop attitudes are just as dangerous as Glimmer's zealot attitude! And the classic association fallacy.


Applebloom isn't about to imagine them as anything BUT enemies since their only interactions have BEEN as enemies. When she gets a cutie mark she can be proud of, they don't show up at all because she can't imagine how they'd react if they couldn't tease her about it.


Exactly. It made perfect sense that Apple Bloom's dream-visions of them would have been as their own worst and most stereotypical manifestations.

I was bummed that the twittermites probably aren't real either. They were cool creatures. Maybe they are real, and Apple Bloom took them from some half-remembered biology class?


They could just as easily be an invention of her mind. My only regret is that Bloom didn't have an exchange with her shadow AFTER it was revealed what it was.

We were thieves, cons, and jerks.

From what I know, you're actually just a b*tch, two conponies and a jerk.

They drag us to that stupid cave, only Gilda really resisted, the rest of us . . . weren't exactly physical types. Gilda put up quite a fight, trying to get away. But for being all identical, when one fell, another just took its place.

Like battle droids, or stormtroopers. Except these guys have a degree of individuality.

Flim and Flam had experience running from mob of angry towns . . . but this town had experience in taking care of ponies trying to get away . . . a lot of them had tried to get away after all.


So . . .maybe I only couldn't really resist.

To be fair, you're a designer, not an athlete.


Pot kettle black.

She locked us in a tiny room like we were criminals (which to be fair, we were: fraud, plagiarization, and stealing an apple.)

Fair enough. But at least you didn't steal an Apple, then you'd be screwed, I'd like to think Applejack is a fair level headed pony, but woe betide you if you screw with her family.

The same message playing over and over, how cutie marks were bad, how being the same was for the best, how we'd all be happy and we'd all be friends once we accepted we were no better than everypony else.
What a total lie! Of course I'm better than everypony else!

Vegeta, what does the scouter say about her power level?

Vegeta "It's, 5."

Really? What about her ego level?

Vegeta "Lemme check." *scouter explodes* "That answer your question?"

Yes, thank you.

We were in there for days. Those messages never stopped.


Flim . . . without his brother, broke much faster . . . apparently the two were practically two halves of a whole, they had relied on each other all their lives, looked out for each other, cared for each other, even when it was just them against the world they never stopped helping carry the other's weight. Pathetic. It's every pony for herself, blood or mud.

Hey, it's one of their few redeeming qualities, along with having a great singing voice!

Gilda and I lasted weeks. I should have known the dumb griffin would break eventually though.
Geeze, drama much?

It's Jeez, and like you're one to talk.

I was the last to go, holding my hooves to my head screaming the truth Manehatten had carved into my soul. "I't s everypony for herself! It's every pony for herself!"

It's. Not i't s.

And finally one morning, seeing all those smiling faces, just wanting me to join them, offering no reward or treasure except themselves, not want anything from me except myself . . . I snapped!
"It's all for one, and one for all!" I declared, donning that maniac grin. Having finally seen the truth: Yes, friendship was magic, and friendship was equality!


Glimmer and Gilda even used how selfish Gilda had acted had destroyed hers and Rainbow Dash's friendship as the ultimate object lesson, how their different opinions and views on what made something 'cool' or 'lame' had destroyed the beautiful friendship they once had. Wasn't that proof how even without cutie marks, differences were poison to even the longest and strongest friendship?

Not always. Heck, Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash are fire and rain yet they are the best of friends.

As Glimmer said, "Differences that can't be reconciled exist, and must be eliminated."

Granted, but most CAN be.


No comment on them flipping back to being jerks?


Not really. I kinda expected it.


It was the whole tragedy of the piece.


Considering they were being lied to, technically abused, and had their trust betrayed by her... why WOULDN'T they just ditch her and everything she brought with her? Distance themselves from her and her ideas, grow closer with one another. Only natural.

Keep in mind, they weren't there to be philosophical. Glimmer was the philosophical dictator/conqueror. They were there to be free of their pain and insecurities, which Glimmer promised them. It's not about them taking in her ideology, it's about them following her instructions in order to find happiness and trust and real friendships, which she abused horribly.

5886415 I liked the fact that, at least according to Apple Bloom's subconscious, the adorabullies take turns picking on others, in a twisted way it was nice to see Silver Spoon taking the lead on something and Diamond Tiara following.

I was also disappointed by how everypony in town turned instantly and completely on Glimmer, that seemed unrealistic. On the other hand, these are individuals who are part of a cult, and have had a very strong follower mentality pushed onto them, so I guess once it seemed like the Mane 6 had a stronger message, they instantly fell in line.
Still, the ending, where all the other ponies were like "we're going to stay in the town that Starlight founded and embrace the friendships that she made possible, and if she ever makes it out of the caves alive of course we will arrest her and hand her over for judgement" seemed kind of harsh.

And yeah, I do wonder if some of those foals who grew up in Our Town really do have = cutie marks, since that's how they were raised, and what they will do now.


Personally, I just see that as Applebloom's unconscious at work, since Silver Spoon and Diamond TIara are utterly identical in her mind.

It's a really interesting take on the idea of how maybe Starlight's utopia really did do something good (at least for this gang of miscreants). But my biggest problem is that this is too good an idea for a tale told entirely as a recount. It would be much better as a narrative with all the events and details and dialogue. I do mean that as a compliment, though: it's a neat idea and I really find myself wanting to know more instead of the bare-bones version Suri gives us.


Only Siths deal in absolutes .


Doubt she sees it that way. She wanted a community of complete and total equals. Now her utopia is lost.


Should I take that as a compliment?


Be sure to tell me when you've posted it.


The problem is that I fear season six will fall into that, rather than Glimmer's good intentions not being evil in of themselves.


They appear together in some segments of the Ponies and Dragons collection.


Well. Should have seen that one coming. Seems like failures is all I can write sometimes.

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