• Member Since 7th Feb, 2012
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Alex Warlorn

Just your average Brony who happened upon an idea that might actually turn out to be clever enough for guys to love.


Starlight Glimmer's own personal account told in interview like style of her foalhood, how she was raised, how she came to believe what she believes, her adulthood, and all around what shaped her into the mare she is.

Starlight Glimmer, "What cause is more noble than equality and freedom? Since friendships are based on similarities, differences are the enemy of friendship."

Starlight (of My Little Pony Tales, G1,) "Now all anyone will think when they hear my name is HER! And the evil she's done! My name is mucked in SHAME twice over! No one will ever even REMEMBER! All they'll ever remember is that monster!"

Just how did Starlight Glimmer become a self-styled white knight of equality and freedom, and a complete and utter zealot against cutie marks.

OPTIONAL CANON to the Pony POV Series.

Made 'Popular story' section!

Picture done by partylikeapegasister

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Chapters (1)
Comments ( 47 )

It is interesting to notice the parallels with our real-world monsters (Herr Shickelgruber, Vladimir Ulyanov and Mao) that are placed in her origin along with the jab at middle management. This is a very good illustration of why the quiet boy (or girl) down the street who keeps their nose clean can be a real threat. The bit with Discord, it being your main schtick and all, did give me a chuckle.

In her mind she was also likely protecting Equestria from the Sirens. And thank you!!

And in some place (or probably several) of the Cosmos, Rota Fortuna facehoofs and groans "Not this shit again"

When I started reading this, I expected some fan theory about cliche mistreatment. What I just read was an incredibly well-written first person account of a pony that, personally, was the best villain of MLP thus far. You showed a very possible backstory for Starlight Glimmer, and I especially like the throwback to Gen 1's Starlight that you made. The name changing also explains why so many pony names match their cutie marks so well, and I personally see this whole account as canon. Thank you for writing such an amazing story.
-Chaos Storm


You're likely right.


Thanks! I wanted to avoid Starlight being this way because she was hurt by someone.
Second, as a fan of My Little Pony Tales, I had to reconcile Glimmer and Starlight having the same name somehow.

My brother would eventually marry into money. My little sister would learn to use every dirty trick in the book to get ahead, "everypony for herself." He had earned nothing, and she couldn't earn anything.

There is of course another way to interpret this. Her elder brother was decent and likeable and hence able to attract a richer mare; her little sister's short-term conniving made her unpopular and other Ponies were disinclined to cooperate with her. But we already know that Starlight Glimmer is an unreliable narrator in the sense that she can't put aside her own major biases.

Regarding her other stories, simply wanting a talent doesn't logically mean that one gets it, nor that getting it would necessarily be the best outcome. Would the filly who wanted to be a pinball wizard necessarily have been happy with this being her lifelong destiny? Perhaps she turned out to be good at something more suited to her long-term personality and attributes. When I was a small child I wanted to be a super-strong berserker -- I'm not sure that this would have really been a good path for me to take!

The two similar fillies who wanted to develop techniques of flight for non-Pegasi ... perhaps they lacked the intelligence or discipline to do so. Perhaps they gave up too soon. Maybe their friendship simply wasn't that strong, given that one big mutual failure apparently wrecked it. Not everypony can be Spark Wheel. And cutting Spark's briliant engineering skills down to the average would make society as a whole poorer. We do not know what those fillies went on to do.

I would see this a lot growing up, ponies whose friendships were built around a favorite toy, a favorite game, but as their cutie marks came in, and new dreams and goals called to them . . . they simply drifted away from each other. That is supposed to beautiful?

No, it's supposed to be life. Some friendships last, some don't. Some are dropped only to be resumed in the future; some are never repaired. Life's not perfect, and Ponies aren't perfect. Instead of constantly demanding perfect friendship, one should be happy for the friends one has and be good friends to them while one can still enjoy what one has with them. As is often the case, "the Perfect is the enemy of the Good."

On a trip to Hoofington, I saw a blue unicorn filly be teased about her low level of magical prowess compared to her classmates.

And . . . being a perceptive filly, I heard about ponies who were afraid of a pegasus filly who had pulled off the impossible while at the same time others wanted her to become the youngest Wonderbolt in history . . . then was forgotten about the moment she couldn't pull off the trick a second time.

Good dramatic irony. Trixie goes on to be quite a success, but first has to learn how to use her own talents to their best advantage rather than wish for ones she doesn't have, and she has to learn how to make friends; Rainbow Dash eventually learns to master the Sonic Rainboom. For extra humor value, in my fanon, the best friend Trixie ever makes is a Pony who has a soul-searching gaze as his primary talent, learns how to do card (and stage-mentalist) tricks, and by dint of hard work and making friends becomes the co-owner of a major theatre. And Piercing comes from humble origins, he starts out working on a traveling show.

Her conversations with White-Beard and Celestia count as "tragically missing the point." But then we knew that Starlight Glimmer was stubborn.

Oh, so she inspired her! Yeah, I can see Starlight of the Age of Wonders being unhappy to learn this ...

Starlight Glimmer, of course, here confuses "competition" and "debate" with "irresolvable conflict." And misses the point of diversity. Children have different desires at parties than do wedding guests (and I got the Shout Out there to Pinkie Pie and Cadance in "A Canterlot Wedding," but then Cadance in canon finds formality necessary but tiresome).

I began. This spell was my own invention. It wasn't my special innate talent, who cared? I pushed my abilities to their limit in creating this new type of magic.

I'm guessing that her special innate talent is for mental or destiny-changing magic in general, and this was but one of its possible applications. This means, ironically, that Starlight Glimmer's own success contradicted her theory -- she pushed her innate talent and chose one of its many possible manifestations, the same way that Rarity's aesthetic sense and gem-dowsing might have been applied to geology, gemology or architecture rather than fashion design -- Rarity chose fashion design. Naturally, Starlight Glimmer misses the implications of her own actions.

One pegasus who couldn't stand the constant pressure by everypony around her expecting her to be the next captain of the wonderbolts.

A unicorn whose balloon sculptures were deemed 'so last season' and 'infantile' by self important art critics.

A baker whose had to close her shop in the face of a chain store's larger, cheaper, and better quality pies and muffins. Crushing the competition is no fun when you're the one being crushed. When we didn't compete against each other, everypony won, why did I have to explain this to them?

And of course, an earth pony stallion, Double Diamond . . . I met him alone in those mountains... he had no friends. In his passion to become the greatest skier ever, he had alienated his friends, family, and his special-somepony. He hadn't cared as they abandoned him one by one as he pursued his dream, until he suddenly found himself alone.

Together the two of us would form Our Town.

I like these origin stories. I like that you show why they were originally willing to sign on to Starlight's philosophy in the beginning, and the obvious alternate paths they could have taken to succeed despite having made mistakes in the past.

I got from the episode that Double Diamond was special to her.

Discord couldn't get close to Our Town, without puking his guts out, apparently we "stank" too much of order. He excused himself saying he'd 'deal with us' later.

Yes, I imagine that Starlight Glimmer would be in law-vs.-chaos terms pretty Lawful, and so would the Spell of Sameness. This is an excellent example of why Lawful doesn't have to be Good (I'd actually rate her as Lawful Neutral in D&D terms, which is an excellent example of why D&D alignment systems can't describe everything in enough detail to understand them).

I liked the way you showed how Changelings would intersect (and conflict) with Starlight Glimmer's philosophy and the Spell of Sameness.

The story really sounds like it needs another chapter, or a sequel.


I like these origin stories. I like that you show why they were originally willing to sign on to Starlight's philosophy in the beginning, and the obvious alternate paths they could have taken to succeed despite having made mistakes in the past.

Oh? Tell me more about them.

Starlight Glimmer, "No, what did you tell me? That my vision for an equal Equestria is beautiful?"

Starlight, "Hm?"


One pegasus who couldn't stand the constant pressure by everypony around her expecting her to be the next captain of the wonderbolts.

A unicorn whose balloon sculptures were deemed 'so last season' and 'infantile' by self important art critics.

A baker whose had to close her shop in the face of a chain store's larger, cheaper, and better quality pies and muffins. Crushing the competition is no fun when you're the one being crushed. When we didn't compete against each other, everypony won, why did I have to explain this to them?

And of course, an earth pony stallion, Double Diamond . . . I met him alone in those mountains... he had no friends. In his passion to become the greatest skier ever, he had alienated his friends, family, and his special-somepony. He hadn't cared as they abandoned him one by one as he pursued his dream, until he suddenly found himself alone.

Night Glider might have chosen a use of her talents as a flier that wasn't about competitional or show athletics. Party Favor might have moved out of art into entertainment, or even into something where he could use his balloons as emergency supplies in support of somepony else (search and rescue, maybe?) Sugar Belle could have gone into specialty baking, finding a niche that the chain store wasn't serving -- or she might have become a specialty supplier for the chain store. And Double Diamond didn't have to alienate everypony who cared about him to excel as a skier.

They fell into their traps through lack of imagination in the application of their talent, and Starlight Glimmer -- with her bias -- was only too ready and willing to blame it on the mere existence of Cutie Marks.

I've been called many things: a mad-mare, a cult leader, a monster, a con-mare, 'power-hungry', 'evil.'

What about communist? Also, evil, is fairly subjective. I don't approve of what you did, but still.

None of it is true.

Oh really?

I am perfectly sane. I lead a community, not robe wearing maniacs sacrificing animals to Nightmare Moon. I have no interest in wealth or power for its own sake. And 'evil' only in I have turned against what society had deemed something sacred when it was in fact the true monster.

In society's defense, they've had cutie marks far longer than your Equal Marks have existed, and ponies tend to like being able to stick to what they know.

I am a doctor, and I am treating a disease.

Again, subjective.

No, I am not like those lunatics from the myth of Sunnytown, who murder ponies for having cutie marks. They thought every cutie mark was the cutie pox. They were not completely wrong.


There is little difference between the cutie marks that appear on a victim of cutie pox, and the one that normally controls a pony their whole lives. The only difference is with so many conflicting commands at once, the pony finally NOTICES they are being controlled. This is a crude comparison I know, but ponies truly don't realize how much their cutie mark controls them even when face to face with the truth.

And yet in more than once case, said cutie marks allow them to be happy doing what they love, Pinkie loves making others happy and is a Super Duper Party Pony, Applejack loves apples, and she's an Apple jack-of-all-trades. (Sorry, I couldn't resist the pun.), Rarity enjoys gems, and her talent is finding and using them. Dash loves going fast, and she's a racer at heart, and her cutie mark is racing.

If you do something because your cutie mark is telling you to, then is it really your own choice? If you're only doing it because it's your 'destiny' then how can you even say you're free? Then what is the difference between having the 'right' cutie mark, or the 'wrong' cutie mark? In the end, you're just following its programming.

Again, what if it makes you happy? I'm more than willing to concede that there might be such a thing as getting a cutie mark you don't like, I won't elaborate further in case anyone reading this hasn't seen the latest episode of Season 5.

They say I'm an enemy of individuality and progress. I say I am alley of equality and freedom.

I think you think you're an ally, not an alley.

All foals are born equal, this is an undisputed fact. And I was no different. But we sadly don't stay that way for long. But I was one of the lucky ones, and had the good fortune to realize I was lucky. I was safe in the middle, and was not corrupted by extremes.

How so?

I was born into a middle class family, a middle child.


My mother ran a halfway house. You have no idea how selfless or brave she was, teaching ponies who had been made desperate by the unfairness of the world, reduced to 'everypony for herself', or society telling them to WANT MORE than they could possibly have.

Halfway house?

No my father wasn't a middle manager, he was a psychologist. Helping troubled ponies through their pain and confusion, being the friendly ear and guiding light they needed. Poor ponies who thought their lives had no value, that there were so many better than them. The crushing pressure to succeed. All those ponies who suffered mid-life crisis', struggle with the cutie mark that was supposed to be 'best' for them but not feeling the satisfaction they should have, struggling to get themselves to believe its lies in the face of reality.

All this talk of middle seems like it's leading to something else.

I saw my parents did far much more good than I ever saw the Princess ever do.


I saw my little sister desperate for attention, and my elder brother being given undue favor. Only I was granted the happy middle-ground.

You are aware it's not always like that?

I still remember that one morning . . . my big brother having so many building blocks, and my little sister having so few. So I equally divided them among them. My sister loved me for it. My brother disliked me for it. My parents said my heart was in the right place, but I had overstepped my bounds. That it had been my brother's responsibilty whether to share or not his toys. They never gave a reason WHY my older brother should have more blocks. Because he got here first? What kind of reason was that? Or why they hadn't made him share. Weren't adults supposed to make things fair for their foals? All I knew was that things had been uneven and I had made them even. Next day all five of us went out for a picnic and had ice-cream.

ResponsibilIty. Life is rarely fair.

Oh I'm sorry, were you expecting some 'middle-filly' sob story?

Not particularly, but, your middle filly thing did remind me of Trixie, who shares a few similarities to you, she has a brother, a sister, well,sisters, is a unicorn with a connection to Twilight, is a middle filly, but your views and talents are fairly different.

My parents both loved me. We had a perfectly healthy income. I was respected by my classmates. And my parents were accepting of my choice to follow neither of their paths.

Once again, fair enough.

I once saw a filly spend an entire summer vacation trying to get a pinball-pro cutie mark, only to return to school in tears, not having hit the high score on any of the machines, and still a blank flank, it was the cutie mark she had wanted, and it wouldn't come to her, how was that supposed to be free will?

The Force works in mysterious ways. That, and would the kid have been happy in the long term with getting a pinball pro cutie mark?

My brother would eventually marry into money. My little sister would learn to use every dirty trick in the book to get ahead, "everypony for herself." He had earned nothing, and she couldn't earn anything.

Your bias is showing.

All I felt was sympathy and disgust for the two extremes. Ponies who worked for nothing their whole lives, and those who worked their whole live sand earned nothing. This madness had to be opposed. If nopony else was going to bring equality and balance to their fellow ponies then I would. Not to say that I had formed my vision in a day simply because of what happened to my siblings, oh no, don't be silly.

No worries, Miss Glimmer.

There were many truths I learned over the course my life that led to Equality. It was simply one of many factors. What kind of mare develops her entire way of thinking (or abandons it) on a single incident? Besides, that happened when we were all well into adulthood. Like any pony, I developed my views and goals as I grew-up.

Which is perfectly normal. Mind you a single incident CAN have a lasting impact on a pony, a prime example, would be The Jester (my headcanon name for the Pony equivalent of The Joker) and his "One Bad Day".

While my classmates would draw landscapes or kittens, I drew geometric designs that were perfectly balanced. My teachers said I had no imagination, I imagined much.

I know what you mean.

This world wasn't equal, wasn't fair, but I'd make it so.

That sounds a lot like Nightmare logic.

In my class once were two fillies. They were best of friends. They weren't sisters, but their appearance was close enough. They had the same favorite color. The same favorite story (Repunzel). They had the same favorite animal and flavor of ice cream. They even had the same birthday! They even had the same dream of flying one day, and give flying to every non-pegasi! They even had it as their joint finals. Except, one wanted to fly using magic (studier gossamer wings, growing wings, etc) and the other wanted to use mechanics to fly, flying harness, flying machines . . . And by the time came for their presentation, it wasn't even done. They both failed. They blamed each other. Their friendship ended there.

I see. And studYING, not studier. Also, as Mr Jordan179 said, not everypony is destined to be the quote unquote "inventer of the wheel."

I would see this a lot growing up, ponies whose friendships were built around a favorite toy, a favorite game, but as their cutie marks came in, and new dreams and goals called to them . . . they simply drifted away from each other. That is supposed to beautiful?

No, it's supposed to be life, things like this happen.

My own friends? . . . I had classmates I hanged out with. I wasn't a complete recluse. As I said, I was neither high enough to alienated those around me, nor low enough to possibly 'drag others down.' I was safely in the middle. Everything is about being equal in things after all. I socialized. I even helped at my mother's half-way house once or twice.

I see. Seriously though, what is a halfway house?

Then of course, having to leave my own friends behind to pursue my own cutie mark. (How I look back at myself that day and wish I could shake myself and slap her in the face and tell her how selfish I was being, I didn't need to be 'special' I should have just stayed average to be with them).

If it helps, we ALL have moments like that.

I was accepted into Celestia's school for gifted unicorns. And all I could think of while I was there was the unicorns who had tried their hardest, only to face the their parents' disappointment. I saw the few looks of envy, and my fellow foals hearts' crushed at being told they 'their best wasn't good enough'. How was any of that supposed to be fair?

Face their parents' dissapointment. You can remove the the and extra space. And again, life isn't fair.

And of course, my classmates who cut out their own hearts and place them on the altar of success, 'everypony for herself.' And the ponies who had 'just barely' made the grade, and were looked down on, teased, hazed. I gained a bit of a reputation as a protector for those poor ponies.


How was it fair that a pony whose cutie mark was for, say, card-tricks, had to struggle and burn the midnight oil, while those with a cutie mark for epic magic were able to breeze through without even trying?

Trixie and Twilight.

Why should a unicorn whose magic is based on fruit, have to struggle to present one familiar for her class assignment, when a unicorn whose special talent is based on animals, presents three having spent half the effort? THIS was supposed to be 'you can become whatever you want to be?' More like 'you can become whatever you want to be, but we'll make the ones we don't want you to extra hard.'

Like I said, life isn't fair.

She made one the size of a building when most animal based unicorns can't make one half that size? In a few days in a church with limited supplies?...I never heard of it. Shut up! If she had had a talent in that line of magic she'd be making familiars the size of Dracozilla by now if the effort she's put in! She shouldn't have to make a weak talent stronger to compete!

And why not?

And . . . I saw the pain of "low-class" and the fear against "high-class" unicorns, neither of whom had any say in the matter.


I was lucky. Not powerful enough to be feared, but not so innately weak as to be patronized.

Middle again.

On a trip to Hoofington, I saw a blue unicorn filly be teased about her low level of magical prowess compared to her classmates.

Poor Trixie.

And . . . being a perceptive filly, I heard about ponies who were afraid of a pegasus filly who had pulled off the impossible while at the same time others wanted her to become the youngest Wonderbolt in history . . . then was forgotten about the moment she couldn't pull off the trick a second time.

Hilarious thing is, Trixie eventually became an Element of Magic, and Rainbow Dash, both in the main Pony POV timeline and Dark World/Light World, have mastered the Sonic Rainboom.

And there was a unicorns foals who were feared simply because they had been born with more power than others with no choice of their own. Didn't they deserve to have normal lives?

Twilight, and in the show, that magic got her out of many a tight jam.

And . . . there was the pony who inspired that trend. I met her once, I was very young myself. It astounded me how much she got away with simply because she was Princess Celestia's ward. How she inherently saw herself as better than everypony around her. And none thought to tell her that she WASN'T better than those around her. And what she did to ponies for her own selfishness. Sunset Shimmer, if this world can produce ponies like you, how can any sane pony say it doesn't need to be fixed?

Because it can also produce Twilight Sparkle.

There was also when one of my classes had a substitute teacher while our regular teacher Ink Well was on a mandatory vacation: a white bearded gray unicorn stallion with a gray cloak. I felt sorry for him learning he had to struggle to get where he was because so much of his talent was 'stage magic' based. He had a way with everypony in class. He seemed more impressed than upset when I pointed out his slight of hoof tricks.

I see. And it'e slEight of hoof.

I was surprised when he wanted to speak with me after class, after all, I had been neither doing poorly or overwhelmingly good.


"This isn't a problem dear, just some advice from a stallion whose been around. You have a great talent for organizing groups with ponies with different styles and strengths, but I think you need to learn better when to compromise."

You have no idea.

"I always make sure things are equal," I said.
"Equal and compromise are not the same thing," The old white-bearded unicorn told me.
"What difference could there be?"

You want the short answer or the long one?

"Equal doesn't need to compromise, compromise is both sides accepting that neither is one hundred percent right or wrong and they need to come to a solution in which both benefit. And sometimes, it's simply best to agree to disagree and admit the other side is just as right as you are."

Or you could do it for me, suck all the fun out of it why dontcha.

"Then a unicorn and an earth pony should agree to disagree that Earth ponies should be 'grateful' for Unicorn helping 'civilize' them during the three tribes era as unicorns are 'clearly' grateful for their manual labor? Or agree to disagree that pegasus are superior to earth ponies because are one with three of the material elements, while earth ponies are only one with a single element? Or that earth ponies are superior to others because they are one with the planet while the rest just live on it?"

Tragically Missing The Point, check.

"My little pony, you misunderstand me. There's a difference between a time when there's a CLEAR right and wrong and you shouldn't compromise AT ALL, and one where there's NO true right or wrong and compromise truly IS the right thing to do."
" . . . Thank you teacher . . . I shall keep that in mind."

No you won't.

And . . . of course there was Princess Celestia . . . I saw how she acted, so friendly, so coy, so playful, and yet ponies were too scared of her, or too wrapped up in her 'superiority' to them to see the mare on the inside. She smiled at me and wish me good luck when I told her some day I'd make it so everypony wouldn't see her as superior to them. I could SEE the pain of isolation it gave her.

Now if you'd done that, she might be happier.

Yes, I dared approach her a few times, she did visit HER OWN SCHOOL more than once, even if her focus was upon her apprentice. And there was one time . . . where she let me on her secret, where she transformed into Sunny Day, and let me spent one afternoon with her. And I saw, I SAW how happy it made her, being the same as everypony else! And nopony would ever let her live this life for real, because the expectation of her to be their princess was always there. I saw her joy in being just another pony, and the pain of others never letting her be one.


"Can't you just give it up? And be Sunny Day all the time?"
"Oh my little pony, while such a thing would make me happy, I have responsibilities. I am a ruler and mother to a nation. I love my little ponies, but I also look forward to the day, be it years or millennium, when I can step down as leader because they have grown enough, but for now, I am also the sun, and always will be, and the sun must rise. A sun must nurture those caught in her sight."

That's why.

I felt my heart crack at those words. Being just another pony is what made her happy, but she didn't think she could escape her role.

More like she literally can't.

I'll admit, one of the most satisfying things I did as a rebellious and selfish teenager had to do with a part time job I took at a pizzeria. It wasn't about the money, I just wanted to experience what other ponies had to who couldn't make ends meet with their special talent. Oh don't tell me! You didn't REALLY THINK every single pony whose ever asked you 'would you like hay fries with that?' had retail, fast-good grunt, or cashier as their special talent did you? Don't make me laugh!

You are a sad strange little mare. Well, not that little, I mean, you're roughly normal unicorn size, and while your hairstyle is rather unique, it doesn't detract from anything. Though many have pointed out the physical similarities between you and one of the Sirens from legend, you have the same color scheme.

You have any idea how many ponies' whose special talent is writing? How many have their special talent as music? Acting? Do you really think that they all succeed at what destiny has pinned on their rear? The Manehatten Best Seller List. The Top 10 songs? For everypony who reaches the top, there are countless ponies in the same field who fail to even be published.

I'm sure.

Yes that was a bit of a tangent, the pizzeria. A group of ponies came in and ordered a large pizza. No, a family size. No, medium size. Olives and peppers. No, half pineapples, half tomatoes. Stuffed crust, no, raised crust. They just continued to bicker, not caring in the least for the growing line of others customers behind them. When I finally just gave them a plain cheese pizza, that shut them up, and the other customers actually clapped. Was I fired? I'll leave that one for you to figure out.

That'd be a yes.

Cutie mark for taking garbage vs cutie mark for opera singing. These were supposed to be even?


A stallion whose special talent was war in peace time. Were we supposed to start a war just for him? Were we supposed to have peace at the cost of one of our ponies being miserable and unfulfilled?

*le shrug*

Yes I played some role-playing games with others once as I grew older. I did not enjoy Ogres and Oubliettes level base and character class system. I much preferred the point based systems where no character was truly cast in one role.
Huh? Have I ever tried playing a campaign in any role-playing game with all identical characters? Yes...we got slaughtered by the second boss. Why? Because the game is unfair! Any character should be able to win if they've trained hard enough!

Even a low level can beat an elite if they train hard enough, to paraphrase Goku. Also, the reason they're all different, is for the sake of variety.

I enjoyed fiction, same as most ponies, but I didn't care that much for heroic epics. A single character who solved everything, with the rest of the cast just there to make the hero look good, it was a downright infuriating to read.

Downright infuriating, not A downright infuriating. And yeah, I can see what you mean. Though knowing Mr Warlorn's style, I can't help but feel that's a Take That at something.

But my true interest was in reading history, but not 'modern' history, or pre-classical. I read further, not to the Age of Myths. My interest was in the Age of Wonders, even if many ponies considered accounts of that time exaggerated and as much fiction as say Aquestria (and I have my doubts about the fiction of that). I dug through the archives. I read about a time when the ponies tribes were separate but equal. When the racism the three tribes age was infamous for did not exist.


Records were spares. Apparently ponies of that era had used a type of record keeping that let them keep libraries worth of text on items the size of a bit. But sadly, without the proper spells (calls 'operation-soft-where') they were less than paper weights. They had turned from paper records, their newest books and entertainment not even having a yard existence, merely stored on 'flashing-drivers' whatever those were and 'servers' whoever those were.

CallED operation. And it's software, Miss Glimmer, and flash drives.

So much knowledge lost forever. And, after the great destruction, I could see it. So many ponies with cutie marks cutie marks for 'electrisitian' (whatever that was) in a society where 'electronics' no longer functioned. Ponies whose talents had been in 'programming' but there was no longer anything to 'program' wit the end of their civilization, doomed to spend the rest of their lives with worthless cutie marks. Why can only I see the madness in this system we've clung to?

WitH the end. And because you're a zealot.

I also read about her. She had caught my interest. I dug as deep as I could dig. Going through records that were more fragile than dead leafs, older than history. Many records called her a monster, a mad-mare, a fiend in pony shape who had lured ponies with a false promise of a better world only to enact their destruction, laughing evilly as the world was destroyed and herself with it. Or a delusional dreamer who captured all in her wonderland fantasy and lured pony civilization over a cliff.

Who are you talking about?

But I dug deeper.
I separated fact from fiction. Lies from the truth. And I may or may not have found a little book. And what I found, was a mare who had loved her friends, whose friends had loved her. A mare who had wanted to give to the world more than anything, who was able to bring ponies together. A mare who saw herself as no better and no worse than anypony else. A mare whose only dream was to bring the power hidden away for so long back into the hooves of the ponies. To make a better world, one where all would be happy and equal.


I won't say I wouldn't have taken up my mission if I hadn't learned about her, but I will say that she was one of several pillars that I leaned on for strength in the hard times. I had never met her. But I read what precious there was about her that existed underneath the exaggerations and agendized accounts. There was the tiny fact she had been friends with Saint Sweetheart, a little fact left out to make Sweetheart seem more pure and her more evil, to fit their narratives, their roles, their purposes that had been given them.

Let me f*cking guess, the original Starlight?

I had not changed my name when I first got my cutie mark, but it was still my legal right, since there had never been a stature of limitations put on a pony choosing a new name after they got their cutie mark.

Fair enough.

I had been born Pane Glimmer. Now my name would Starlight Glimmer.

And thus was born the villain of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic Season 5's premiere's villain. And my name would BE Starlight Glimmer.

I would succeed where she failed. And so by proxy she'd finally succeed. She deserved that much for what she had tried to do for everypony, and the monster ponies had painted her as when she was dead and couldn't share her side of things.

We'll see.

Starlight, watch, and I will fulfill your dream. I promise.

And cue Starlight complaining about her counterpart.

I severed ties with my family, they wouldn't be targeted by those who'd violently cling to how things were, rather than how things could be better. Those were scared to live their lives without a script, too scared to live their lives without their cutie mark telling them what to do.

Ever thought that ponies are happy the way they are?

I was a doctor, I would make ponies better, I'd cure us of the disease that had controlled us for so long. Cutie marks had dictated who became what for far too long, they had decided our history, our present, our future, not us! No more.

Not a madmare huh?

There were country ponies who saw the hard work high class ponies put into being attractive, speaking and acting a certain way, knowing a mountain of dos and do-nots, as a waste of energy and arrogant snobs. And the high class ponies looking down on country ponies, ignoring the hard work it took to keep a farm running even with the best of equipment and modern techniques, and saw them as uneducated bumpkins. Those who worked hard and started from nothing, no match for those who ALSO worked hard AND were born into money. WAS I THE ONLY SANE PONY IN THE WORLD? Was I the only who say our nominally 'free society' had divisions that needed to be torn away?!

Yes, but gradually, I doubt ponies will take it well if they have all they are sued to ripped away from them just like that.

A pony whose cutie mark was for entertaining foals, would have a completely different definition of beautiful from a mare whose job was to carter to weddings, with the result EVERYTHING would be seen as ugly! A pony whose cutie mark was for lumber-jacking, would have a different view of what was 'enough trees' than a pony whose cutie was nature preservation. Fur hunter vs veterinarian. A cutie mark for street art vs classical painting (and what happened when both were out of style?!). Envy! Jealous! Elitism! Egotism! Prejudice! Nepotism! Favoritism! Want! Cutie marks turned ponies against each other!!! I'd bucking fight fire with fire if I had to!!!

Calm down Miss Glimmer, you're starting to get worked up.

I began. This spell was my own invention. It wasn't my special innate talent, who cared? I pushed my abilities to their limit in creating this new type of magic.

Says the pony who is all about being average.

Hypocrites? Are doctors hypocrites for using vaccines when they're made of dead or part of a virus? Is a Guard a hypocrites for flying fast after a speeding chariot in a slow flying zone? Are those who use violence to defend themselves and their loved ones from violence hypocrites?

That's different.

Violation? Is using a spell to break brainwashing a violation? Yes,there's some momentary discomfort, but that's just because that parasitic spell is ingrained too deeply in them to be removed. It's like a tick. But you aren't the first one to ever believe it is that, I've heard that from many particularly stubborn cases.

Breaking brainwashing is not violation, brainwashing like you are doing IS however.

And it was ready. I'd tried to infuse my magic into an object that could be used without me, but it proved beyond my abilities. I didn't dare trust this secret with anypony. They would only see the 'gifts' cutie marks gave them, not the control they had over their lives I was freeing them of.

I see.

Separating the pony from the cutie mark, removing their talent. Cutie marks were clinging things though, they insisted that the pony they claimed was theirs, they would never let go of their slave, so into a container it went.

*rolls eyes*

And in its place, a new special talent was given, the Equal Mark. Ponies whose special talent was being equal. A new message, a new destiny. Free of the roles fate had cast them in. Now they were equalized. Now they would be inspired to live as equal rather than endlessly trying to out do each other in an endless cycle of one-up-mareship, never knowing happiness. Now, that nopony was better or worse than any other, there was no role they couldn't choose to fill. No pony was superior or inferior. There were no losers, now everypony won.

You realize by that logic, that there are no winners, and everypony loses.

I found a place separate from the rest of Equestria, somewhere safe and sound, nowhere were I could bring together those that I could share the truth with. Collecting raw materials and supplies in a sublime matter was another challenge. We would have to be self sufficient. No if, ands, or buts. Not until my little ponies were ready to spread the truth to the rest of Equestria.

Fair enough. Also, not sure sublime is the word you want.

And my little ponies found me. Like moths to a flame? What a crass thing to say. Cutie marks had failed them, betrayed them. The evils of exceptionalism had led them all down the path of misery. But they had clung to the lie, even as it dragged them to the bottom of the ocean. And I saved them them from drowning.

Hm. Also, one them.

One pegasus who couldn't stand the constant pressure by everypony around her expecting her to be the next captain of the wonderbolts.

Night Glider.

A unicorn whose balloon sculptures were deemed 'so last season' and 'infantile' by self important art critics.

Party Favor. (My headcanon is that his balloon art cutie mark gives him slight toon powers, similar to Pinkie or Cheese, but on a much smaller scale and it only applies to his balloons.

A baker whose had to close her shop in the face of a chain store's larger, cheaper, and better quality pies and muffins. Crushing the competition is no fun when you're the one being crushed. When we didn't compete against each other, everypony won, why did I have to explain this to them?

Sugar Belle.

And of course, an earth pony stallion, Double Diamond . . . I met him alone in those mountains... he had no friends. In his passion to become the greatest skier ever, he had alienated his friends, family, and his special-somepony. He hadn't cared as they abandoned him one by one as he pursued his dream, until he suddenly found himself alone.

Reminds me of Sunset in a sense.

Yes I secretly kept my mark, don't call me a hypocrite! I was a necessary sacrifice on my part! ONly with my magic could I free ponies, give them equality. I couldn't have my little ponies suffer knowing I kept this burden that I freed them of.

Red my lips Glimmy, Z-E-A-L-O-T!

My 'Education House?' That's just for those who need help, who don't want to listen to reason, who refuse to see the truth. It's merely to break the brainwashing done to them by a life time of cutie marks. After all, there are concrete medical reports of ponies who had been freed of mind control magic, but still needed help to be true free of the control they'd been under. It was merely to speed up the process, and remove the cutie mark's brainwashing now that it could no longer reinforce it.

Good Lord I traded Vegeta for this.

We were happy, we were together, we were one, we were whole, we Equal. I had made one tiny corner of Equestria the true definition of friendship and harmony. We had no fighting, no violence, no thievery, no mares or stallions who didn't get 'no meant no', no unhappy marriages, no bickering siblings, no schoolyard bullies, no wage slaves. No elitists. No thieves who wanted something for nothing, and none who worked so hard but never reached their dreams. We were complete and totally free!

I'm reminded of Harrison Bergeron, ever heard of it, Hadicapper General?

Not to say Our Town hasn't faced its equal share of threats.
The endless night . . . the ultimate proof that Equestria was broken and needed to be cured. Princess Luna. Because of her unequal treatment by the ponies of Equestria, had gone mad. Yes . . . Nightmare Moon's rampage was the ultimate proof that what I was doing was right and needed. Inequality, and all the emotions that came with it, envy, jealous, resentment, egotism, had nearly destroyed Equestria. It would be madness for me not to continue my mission. I promised myself one day, day and night would truly be equal. The pain they had both endured from inequality was too much to allow to continue.

One word for ya, lady, equinox.

Discord couldn't get close to Our Town, without puking his guts out, apparently we "stank" too much of order. He excused himself saying he'd 'deal with us' later.

Makes sense, Glimmer is either Lawful Neutral or Evil, and her Spell of Sameness seems to be as Orderly as it gets, the opposite of Discord, even on a good day.

We also once had a new arrival who said he had found our town from the love in the air, and how he wanted to join us.
He was more nervous and tense when I was about to free him of his cutie mark. And he was outright SHOCKED and CONFUSED by the sight afterwards much more than a typical convert.
He also screamed, a few had before, but his was louder, and it felt like I had DUG into him far deeper than I should have with my magic. It almost felt like trying to use my magic on a blank flank, almost. But a medical examine didn't show anything amiss.
Speaking of which, our population of foals was reaching the age where cutie marks would appear. But our little treasures embraced the truth their parents and I had reared them on. We were all looking forward to seeing their equal signs when they'd appear, there was no doubt in any of our minds. Equality was their destiny. I could envision it as clear as day.
He was acting scared and confused, unsure, like his world had been turned upside down. But we made him feel loved, we welcomed him, let him know he was an equal, that he was one of us now.
A few weeks later (after his house was built), he was banging on my door in the middle of the night, sobbing. He showed me what he truly was. Changeling.

That explains it.

For the record, no matter what form he took, our Equal Mark remained.


He found our home, and saw it as easy pickings. After all, us all looking alike, acting alike, should have been effortless to infiltrate.

Normally, yes.

But ... instead he had been struggling with the Equal Mark I had given him, and what it could mean... that it was even possible.
Ad how, we constantly reminded him of the Hive, how none was greater than the whole, and how like their Queen who had eliminated their cast system and given common changelings the right to have names. Just like I had had he said, freed ponies of what arbitrary fate had dictation them to be.

A parallel between Chrysalis and Starlight Glimmer. Not sure what's worse, the comparison, or the fact that they are similar in more ways than one. And dictatED them.

Oh right, he also told three of my little ponies had been replaced, and plans to replace me were already in the works. How long were they replaced? What does that matter? We move and act as one,, the imposters were in the reeducation house in fifteen minutes or less! We also recovered our replaced herd mates.

One comma between one and the impostOrs. Also, "We are The Borg, Resistance Is Futile."

They lasted much longer than most... but slowly starving to death from lack of love helped break them, and they joined our community. Meanwhile, he sent back false reports to Chrysalis.


They screamed even louder than he did, and I had to dig deeper than before than I had with him. It was tiring, I nearly gave away the 'Staff of Sameness' was just a wooden prop.

Pity you didn't.

But in the end, it tore out of them what enslaved all ponies and added them to the vault. They were left complacent and meek seeing those strange ink drawing like marks that had emerged from their bodies.

Must be hard for them.

He assured me only the Queen and those here knew Our Town existed. Good.
He warned me that if Queen Chrysalis ever did show up, the best course of action was simply to run and take the town with us, at least at our current state. Chrysalis had apparently slain a being capable of killing a dragon in single combat and her skill made his and the other three look pathetic in comparison. While such an injustice against equality would need dealt with some day, I put an escape tunnel underneath my bed at my house, if Chrysalis did show up before I was ready to deal with her, the town could escape out that way.

Good idea, I sincerely doubt you could beat Chrysalis, heck, the Mane 6 and co barely did.

I was interested in the uplifting process used to turn other equines into changelings. It would bring Sameness to a level like never before. But spies had no idea how it worked. Only the Queen and Alchemists knew.


No, I am not telling you which ones they are, they are part of Our Town, that is all that matters.

*pouts* Fine.

They're my little ponies after all, my friends, my family, I would protect them from outwards threats that would try to corrupt them.

This reminds me of Celestia in a twisted way.

Your legacy lies safe with me. I like to believe I carry your spirit with me, my teacher, my friend. And I shall bring our dream to reality. Even if it's taken several thousand years to recover from a rampage of selfishness, I shall break the shackles of cutie marks, and bring true friendship to everypony. We failed once to bring not our dream, but true freedom and happiness to everypony, and was branded a monster for it. But we wouldn't give up, and now, my friends know and understand too. Even if they still need my help every now and again, it's all about baby step after all. Just as I know they'd help me stay pure. They're my friends after all.

Makes me wonder how she'd react to the original Starlight chewing her out?

I am Starlight Glimmer, and Equality Is Friendship.

No, you are Starlight Glimmer, and you are a ZEALOT.

(Well, this was fun, seeing your take on Starlight Glimmer, our latest villain, and a totally different one to every other villain, to the point where this 2 parter doesn't even fit the "checklist" of tropes used in previous 2 parters. I look forward to seeing how you may or may not incorporate Miss Nightmare Anti Cutie Mark into the main universe. In the meantime, this is ShadowLDrago, signing off.)


^ This guy. You win the Internet sir.


Wait, Starlight is Suri Polomare's sis?


For readers to decide.


I saw my parents did far much more good than I ever saw the Princess ever do.


Which is perfectly normal. Mind you a single incident CAN have a lasting impact on a pony, a prime example, would be The Jester (my headcanon name for the Pony equivalent of The Joker) and his "One Bad Day".

I was thinking more of Twilight one night saving the world with the girls.

I know what you mean.

Starlight, "Hm?"

Poor Trixie.

Ironically, if Glimmer had gotten to KNOW HER, she'd find out Trixie was everything she thought a unicorn should be! Average in everything!

Let me f*cking guess, the original Starlight?

Dude. I know you hate G3. But what do you have against MLPTs?

Hypocrites? Are doctors hypocrites for using vaccines when they're made of dead or part of a virus? Is a Guard a hypocrites for flying fast after a speeding chariot in a slow flying zone? Are those who use violence to defend themselves and their loved ones from violence hypocrites?
That's different.

Starlight Glimmer, "How so?"

Good Lord I traded Vegeta for this.


I'm reminded of Harrison Bergeron, ever heard of it, Hadicapper General?

I have.


Again, what if it makes you happy? I'm more than willing to concede that there might be such a thing as getting a cutie mark you don't like, I won't elaborate further in case anyone reading this hasn't seen the latest episode of Season 5.

Didn't Luna say that getting a cutie mark you don't like would mean that you don't like YOURSELF?

Rather like the Zombuktos in Bleach.



Sorry, just a little hobby, I keep an imaginary list of how many times I've heard certain themes, you'd be amazed how many time I've heard "such and such is more helpful than the Princess" or stuff.

I was thinking more of Twilight one night saving the world with the girls.

Fair enough.

Starlight, "Hm?"

I'd rather not talk about it.

Ironically, if Glimmer had gotten to KNOW HER, she'd find out Trixie was everything she thought a unicorn should be! Average in everything!

I know. I know.

Dude. I know you hate G3. But what do you have against MLPTs?

Nothing in particular, I just wrote this while I was rather frustrated and while I know this is your thing, all the references to previous generations can get a bit tedious, no offense.

Starlight Glimmer, "How so?"

For one, doctors remove the harmful part of a virus that allows it to multiply, and as for violence, let me put it this way, if somepony tried to hurt your mother, would you do anything in your power to protect her?


One of TFS Frieza's lines, it's basically exasperation mixed with disbelief.

I have.

I was talking to Starlight Glimmer.

Didn't Luna say that getting a cutie mark you don't like would mean that you don't like YOURSELF?

I think.

Rather like the Zombuktos in Bleach.

Who the hell is that?

I really like this. There were some typoes I think, but in terms of content? It was fantastic. You made Starlight sympathetic, and hit some great points as to how she would arrive at that philosophy, while still making her a villain.

I mean, its told from her PoV, but I don't think anyone can read about ponies screaming, or her trying to find out the changeling conversion process and still think she's a hero. Starlight is a complicated villain, and this feels like a nuanced take on her.


Thanks! I wanted her to be more than 'something bad happened to me, so I do bad things.'

An excellently written piece as always.

Although how the Equally crippled wrecks managed to catch and hold changelings I have not the faintest idea.


Element of surprise. Superior numbers. Having a turn coat that they trusted completely.

When I first saw Cutie Map, I remember thinking it reminded me of a Pony POV episode. Faux-cheerful creepy opening, dark and edgy middle and happy ending? Check. Complex villain with a coherent ideology and goals, who breaks into the hero's exposition with her own? Check. "Background" ponies getting fleshed out and ultimately saving the day, instead of just the Mane 6 doing everything while everyone else stands around? Check. The only thing it was missing was the villainous origin story, which was supplied here.

As you can tell, I love your origin for Glimmer, and I love the idea that she was inspired by the original Starlight. Heck, I think G1 Starlight is being a little harsh on Glimmer, they aren't THAT different, and Glimmer never changed anyone's gender.

Oh, and I definitely agree that there was some sort of special relationship between Starlight Glimmer and Double Diamond. I don't know if they were "equal-someponies," but he definitely was her 2nd in command and enforcer.

I do hope we see more stories about what Our Town was like. One thing I've been wondering about: Remember Magical Mystery Cure, when Fluttershy almost went home to Cloudsdale because she hated "her" cutie mark? Can you imagine if she had somehow ended up at Our Town instead of Cloudsdale?


You thought of MY fanfiction when watching a season premiere episode?! I'm blushing!!!

*Starlight Angel breaks down crying being reminded how her unconscious dislike of her failed relationship erased an entire gender!*

As to your what if scenario. Fluttershy would have become Starlight Glimmer's minion faster than you can say "Welcome to Our Town."


5890217 I wonder if the = sign removes the Stare? If not, the conversion shack would probably no longer be necessary.


That is a disturbing thought.


Starlight, "What do you mean? That feels like forever ago, I can't remember."

I don't quite get the stuff with the changelings, though I suppose it's part of some larger part of the universe you write these things in, but regardless this story is really interesting. Since the premier I've really liked Starlight Glimmer as Well-Intentioned Extremist type of antagonist and this lines up with that idea perfectly. I don't know how closely it will match any future revelations about the character, but this certainly is a cool take on her story and a great character exploration. This one is going on my list of favorites!


Agreed. She's more interesting as a fanatic with a Messiah Complex than a female Flim and Flam.

I really liked your take on her origins. You should write some more stories involving Glimmer some time.


Thanks. I wanted her to explicitly not to have a freudian excuse in the traditional sense, she comes to this conclusion logically and rationally in her way, and she does what she does cause she thinks she's a hero.


The story really sounds like it needs another chapter, or a sequel.

Not sure what a sequel would be, or the next chapter would be. And I've learned adding stuff to stories that wasn't intended to have stuff added to is a BAD IDEA.

@Starlight: You do realize this kind of equality leads to replacability.

6798924 Starlight, "Which means we won't lose any friends! Yippie!"

Now I just want a sequel where Pane "Starlight" Glimmer meets the real Starlight, who as we know would not be happy with this behaviour at all. :trixieshiftleft:

Considering her behaviour in Cutie Re-mark, I think she'd either (a) collapse in grief over her role model not being everything she imagined her to be :fluttershbad:, (b) go completely bonkers over her role-model being as insane as the rest of the ponies in the world :flutterrage: or the most likely option (c) both because Starlight Glimmer does nothing by halves.


One of Princess Amicitia's visit to the grim dark worlds HAS HER meeting Starlight The First as a final resort measure to get her to come to her senses in the Friendship is Equality verse when the stakes and ante just keep rising!

I was safe in the middle, and was not corrupted by extremes.

Says the most extreme extremist this side of the nearest nightmare.


The biggest absolute is the absolute middle.

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