• Member Since 10th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 16 hours ago

Magenta Cat

The writer formerly known as Wave Blaster. It's been a weird decade. She/Her.


This story is a sequel to Show MUST Go On!

In the distant future of Equestria, after a millennium of Princess Twilight Sparkle's rule, there's a filly under the name of Trixie Lulamoon.

At first, she didn't know what having that name implied. Till one day, when her family's legacy will catch up with her. She will find out what does having the Trixie name means. She will find out who was this "Great and Powerful" Trixie with whom she shares her name.

Only one pony really knows the truth, and is not who Trixie would expect.

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 23 )

Also, I gained Princess Twilight’s trust. Only this morning she sent me to prepare everything for her visit in Hoofington, tomorrow at the Summer Sun Celebration.

History repeat itself ?:trollestia:
nice fic Wave really nice

Provably. After all, this is based on Brainiac 5's story in the Legion of Super-Heroes. Who knows what kind of hero does the Equestria of the future may need? Maybe the Lulamoon house has be given a new chance to shine.

As always, I'm really glad that you liked it.

You have no idea on how long I've had that one in reserve, waiting for a good moment to use it.

Adapted from real life painter Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juán Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso (for the record, I wrote that without googling it). I figured out that, if Blueblood was actually a direct descendant of Princess Celestia, there would be a lot of titles involved. Also based on the old Spanish belief that, the more names, the nobler is the gentleman.

Well, this is already a second part, so the third is, by this point, more of an eventuality. The only thing I have for sure tough, is the tittle; On with the Show. As for my two main ideas, they are:
1.-Trixie the Fifth, after burning her skull about it, finally manages to create a time travel system that sin't limited by a unicorn's magic. Her first trip? Meeting the pony that influenced her life from beyond the wall of time. She ends up being that mysterious mare talking with Trixie in Show MUST Go Om! closing the circle.
2.-Starting right where this one leaves us, Trixie the 5th goes to Hoofington and meets five friends (no sh*t). Together, they will become the new generation of the Elements of Harmony. Their first enemy? The missing ghost of Trixie the First, trapped and controlled by the Alicorn Amulet.

Trixie is definitely not a failure, only misunderstood. :pinkiesad2:

Thanks, I'm glad you liked it.

Interesting and very novel story. It's interesting to see how each descendant ran with their heritage. They're all quite exceptional in their own way, even if they lost sight of themselves.

I get the feeling you rushed this one out the gates, because there are a lot of typos. For instance, the first chapter's title should probably end with 'later', not 'latter'. And it's 'title', not 'tittle'. (unrelated, 'tittle' is the name for the dot over a lowercase i or j. Yes, really.)

Also, this:

Bellatrix Silverlight Lulamoon and Blueblood was my (repetitively) great grandmother by my mother’s side. She lived a thousand years ago, aspiring to become the ‘Greatest equine who ever lived’.

The keyword there is ‘wanted’.

Said keyword doesn't appear in the sentence. Did you mean 'aspiring'?

Not a fan of BlueTrix, but a male progenitor was needed and marrying a noble would be an accomplishment, I suppose. And it's not like it was the focus of the story. Really, I'm just a big un-fan of any pairing where the author just throws two characters together, stamps "couple" on them with no further effort to justify it, and then expects the readers to care. Here, it's appropriately just a footnote in the story.

Other than that, I liked it. (Even if I kept it on my to-do list for months.) All in all, good read.

I get the feeling you rushed this one out the gates, because there are a lot of typos.

I need a tag that says "one-sit one-shots" for this kind of fics I do. Once in a while, I have an idea that won't leave me a lone so I'm forced to kick it out of my head by writing it.

Said keyword doesn't appear in the sentence. Did you mean 'aspiring'?


Not a fan of BlueTrix

The ship has its charms, done properly. But it was mostly an excuse to finally use Blueblood's overly long name I had in storage.

Anyways, thanks for reading and glad you liked it.

5805482 And Trixie was overwhelmingly arrogant, supremely overconfident in her own abilities, a career liar and con-artist, dismissive of 'Lesser' Ponies and conceited to the point she hunted down an artifact of ancient evil for petty revenge ... and then she finally flubbed it hard enough to realize just what path she was walking down and chose to walk away from it.

Here's hoping we see some more Trixie doing good and embarrassing the tartarus out of Twilight in the process, but in a good way.

I think that the appealing aspect about Trixie is how open to interpretation is her character. Depending on how do you want to see her actions, she's either a tragic victim, a cosmic plaything, a harmless villain, all of the above or none of them.

Very few characters have that quality in universal fiction. Of the top of my head, I can only name the Quixote and Ismael. To think that Trixie has that same property, is something that really gives me a feeling about writing about her.

Thanks for reading.

Sorry for doing this, but I'm going to have to down-vote your story. There are way way way too many typos even on simple words that aren't that difficult to spell (hoves? how about hooves); tenses flying about willy-nilly often within two sentences and a character who doesn't do anything really. I am sorry if you are someone who has ESL, but proofreaders help out. I also understand that you just sort of sit down and let the creative juices flow as it were, but maybe after you're done going through and even looking at the Gdocs proofreader would help.Other than those issues, good job on trying something (somewhat) new. (seriously nothing is completely original on this site)

A good reason to down-vote? A neutral and polite language?? Actually useful feedback???
And the guy/gal (hard to tell on the internet, specially on this community) also complimented my try to be original?!


P.S.: But seriously, in comparison to the other two down-votes (an anonymous and a known troll) you're AWESOME!

6051257 Thank you, I took a paragraph from Georg's front page and included reasons why I was downvoting this:twilightsmile:

TRIXIE THE FIRST WAS NOT A FAILURE !!! She may have been misunderstood, but she had the courage to walk away from that. I wonder what her relation with twilight was like, after becoming essentially a noblemare. I truly hope that twilight has fond memories of Trixie, to aspire to. Trixie redeemed herself, even if it was not widely acknowledged. I hope that twilight can set the record straight, about Trixie's unsung feats.

That's kinda the point of the fic; compare Trixie's image with who she really is, through history. And her relationship with Twilight was neutral. Not the closest of friends, but no hard feelings. In fact, when Trixie the Third entered Twilight's guard, Trixie the First was proud of that.

And yeah, now that Trixie the Fifth got the real story and with Twilight aware of how is 1!Trixie seen, things will be amended.

5777790 Oh please, please, PLEASE, write those story ideas. I actually liked the sequel more than the original.

Well,, I must be honest, Show MUST Go On! and this one are extremely personal, as both contain a heavy load of my personal favorite stories, tropes, character traits and even personal experiences are somehow involved in the writing process of both. With that in mind, the hypothetical sequel requires a particular mod I need to be in order to keep it true to its predecessors, which means that I can't quiet tell accurately how long or short has will be the wait.

With all that said, On With The Show is in the works, but just in the conceptualization stage for now.

5772665 Then who would be Nightmare Moon?

The missing ghost of Trixie the First, trapped and controlled by the Alicorn Amulet.

You get 11 out of 10 cut onions for this short sweet redemption story.

There's an idea I could have explored more. Trixie's future image. Specially in regard she ended through the series as a hero and respected public figure.

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