• Member Since 10th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago

Magenta Cat

The writer formerly known as Wave Blaster. It's been a weird decade. She/Her.


I was famished and extremely thirsty, I couldn't stand it anymore. I tried hunting some small animals; rabbits, foxes, birds, but it was a complete failure, what else could be expected from a city dweller whose greatest achievement was to prepare rice without burning it?

Luckily I could catch some insects that churned my stomach. It's incredible, almost two weeks and I was terrified dying, nearly hunted by some kind of horrendous bipeds dogs or almost burned by a dragon. A f*cking dragon!

I guess I'm not in Kansas anymore.

Nigh dead, the last thing I managed to see was some kind of insect-horse-thing approaching to me. I was terrified but also resigned to my fate. Maybe it's better die from once than keep suffering.

Concept and story by Giz.
Story writing and publishing by Wave blaster.

18-04-2015: Accepted in The GoodFic Bin. HA! In yo face bro!

Chapters (2)
Comments ( 106 )

From that comment and the favorite I deduce yo liked it?

But being honest I don't know how to continue from here.

4385171 maybe if you decide to do more show what happened afterwards so like what happened to both James and the changeling

First of all, thanks for the fav.

Second. This was more like a conversation with my good friend Giz about how a human would interact with Equestria. No real plot nor planing and was written in about an hour (and two more translating it from spanish to english).

Third. I got four other fics that really need some caring (two of them in an actual cliffhanger) so, for now, my attention is a little focused somewhere else.

If I (or Giz or someone else) can come with a good continuation, I will write it.

4385375 fair enough and no problem the story was good

Pretty good. Short and sweet

Then I suppose that I earned that fav from you. Thanks for that.

4391302 No problem, and keep up the good work!

I'm trying. Maybe you could look at my other work to see if you like it; The soldier and the princess and TCB: Judgement Day kinda follow this same spirit.
(shameless self promotion is shameless)

4391326 Alright I'll check it out when i get a chance, but from what I've read your work is pretty damn good.....so don't stop anytime soon!

You know what is curious? This is maybe the first or second time I'm on this side of this kind of conversation. Feels like a promotion from fanboy to almost-writer.

4391350 I wouldn't call it a promotion, but I would say you've got the stuff to be a writer one day if you wanted....

As I said.

*replace Ringo with rono and shepherd with writer*

4391388 Oh...Ohkay:fluttercry:

Oh I'm sorry. Samuel L. Jackson's BADASS! acting turned that commnent into a menace.:pinkiegasp:
Please don't cry.

4391408 lol it's ok i won't cry :pinkiecrazy:

That was fantastic, so glad I decided to read it.

Thank youvery much.

Thank you for reading and commenting.:pinkiehappy:

P.S.: And faving.

You know, you could turn it into a great multi-chapter story dedicated to the new dawn of relationship between changelings and ponies, brought over them by just a single human with one strong emotion dominating in his heart: compassion.

I'm not gonna lie to you, that sound interesting but I'm kinda sorta busy with my other regular fics as also with university.
With that said, as soon as I got a good scene I will write it, just wait for it.

4468383 Indeed, I believe it would be a nice idea for a new fanfic for you when you're done with your current projects.

You wouldn't believe how painfully ironic is that my other fics that have weeks of planing hardly get noticed (sans TCB: Judgement Day) but I do a one hour one-shot (which is the shortest fic I've ever wrote) and suddenly everybody wants a sequel.

Hilarious and painful.:rainbowlaugh::rainbowhuh:

4469203 Maybe it's exzactly the chance you've been looking for? Maybe it's the gift your fate is giving you then? Sometimes, you don't need to plan what you're going to write... sometimes you just open your notepad and start writing, and it just comes to you, like if someone is whispering in your ear.

4469203 Also, I have to say, if you somehow decide against writing a sequel to this story, I'll dare to write it myself. :trixieshiftright:

Go ahead, I'm not gonna stop you from that. The very purpose of this site is that stories never ends and anybody can make their own version.

Just remember who made it first and credit Giz and me for this when you do it.

4471964 Since that story would be based on yours, it would leave the reader confused if they didn't read yours first. Therefore, it would only be logical to enter your story's ID in the "prequel ID" field while uploading the story.

However, would you really not mind me writing it?

4472217 I don't know... I wouldn't write a story without discussing the fact of me writing it with the after of an original one. As you can see, I've written only one story so far (and it has only 1 chapter, even though it contains 7210 words), and it was a sequel to the story which was not mine. I have asked for the writter's permission first and it turned out she loved my sequel to death. :twilightsmile:

To quote myself:

Go ahead, I'm not gonna stop you from that. The very purpose of this site is that stories never ends and anybody can make their own version.

But now that I'm thinking about it, I would like to see what you got so it doesn't crashes against my own continuation (yep, I'm writing one too) so send me a PM to have a look at it.

4472283 Well, I still have to write it first, before sending you a PM. However, does it really have a point for me to write it if you decided to write a sequel to it? I told you I was going to write it in case you decide against it.

HEY! You got an idea? Use it!
Seriously, me doing a continuation doesn't mean that the fic is closed, if you got something to add I would be glad and honored to see it.
Also, I'm actually busy with my other projects so is not like there's gonna be something very soon.

Wow... I actually want more now. Good job, good job indeed

I will eagerly await that continuation.

Oi author, how dare you make such an emotionally charged story that has left me with a craving for more. you should be ashamed of yourself. :trollestia:

4531267 ra ra ra its a trap:twilightoops:

Could you please remove the swear word in the description? The rules state that, unless the story is rated Mature, neither of the descriptions can have swearing in them.

(FAQ-Rules-Story Submission Rules)

The title of the story and descriptions must not contain swear words unless the story is tagged mature

Of course, I'm sorry if you felt offended for that word.
When I publish the next part I may change that.

4604158 It is possible to edit the story without posting additional chapters (by use of the EDIT button), and I also suggest you edit it soon because it is against the rules and someone may notice.

I'm aware of how the editing system works, thank you very much.
It's just I don't like doing a la George Lucas by retconting anything of my stories.
There, I just censored the one single precision-f strike.

Not sure if it would gal under retcon. But you eat dessert, he is lost in a desert.

That aside I thoroughly enjoyed this one. I understand you have other projects, but I also would like to see more in this storyline.

Best of luck at Uni.

My mistake, should have been far more clear. I was typing on a Kindle and so tried to be short and succinct. Anyway, in this story you keep saying dessert, when you mean to say desert. Though the idea that the changeling hive is situation in the center of a large vat of icecream is possible, I somewhat doubt it is what you are going for.

Glad to see you are working on more, reading blogs now.

Oh, right. Well my friend, that's what happens when my editor is Word 2010.

Thanks for reading pal. And right now I'm working on it's continuation.

5008265 I..I...

shut up and take all my money!!!:flutterrage:

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