• Published 11th Mar 2015
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I Am Going To Save And/Or Destroy Equestria! - Bucking Nonsense

In an Equestria where Celestia and Luna have slain each other, a human is brought to Equestria in the body of King Sombra, in hopes that he might be able to save the kingdom from the fiends of Tartarus...

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Today I Will Put A Positive Spin On Negative Situations

There is an old saying: I'd rather be lucky than good. Let me come right out and say that I've never been lucky, at least, not before coming to Equestria. As the circumstances of my birth and formative years can tell you, I pretty much grew up being chance's bitch. That is, I think, why I was so interested in both computers and probability back home: Computers are, at their core, completely and indisputably logical, and unless you program randomness into them, they literally cannot do anything other than what you tell them to. With probability, you can gain an understanding of how likely it is for shit to go wrong.

Anyway, since I couldn't be lucky, I've always had to settle for being good. Really, really good. So good that, no matter how lucky an opponent may be, I can still overcome him. Of course, I'm talking about video games, mostly, but I've learned that, if I ever wanted to get anywhere, I needed to be at least ten times better than the other guy, since I had to fight both my luck and whatever obstacles would be in the way for ordinary people. In Equestria, strangely enough, my bad luck had not seemed to have followed me as of yet.

However, the drunk raid was a point in time when my old luck reared its ugly head and tried to reassert itself, and I nearly paid dearly for it. In retrospect, I should have seen it coming: Sombra's revelation about how Diretusk wasn't nearly as strong on his own as anyone expected should have made me realize where his power truly was, but my increasing inebriation was fogging my mind, and blinded me to the hornet's nest I was about to kick...

And there was one final factor I had not considered, one that even Discord had not taken into account, which could easily have spelled my untimely demise. Then again, who could have expect that HE would show up?

Anatomy of a poko bender.

Poko is a unique, magical blend: An absurdly powerful liquor to be sure, but it has a second component, and this is what makes the drink so potentially dangerous, as it offsets, for a time, the depressant aspect of the drink...

Poko is a lot like a magically enhanced jager bomb, as it also contains enough caffeine, among other stimulants, to make a statue jump up and start dancing. So, instead of feeling groggy, clumsy, or depressed, poko makes you as hyper as a three year old who just drank ten Red Bulls, a dozen Five Hour Energy shots, and snorted fifty pixie sticks. Meanwhile, the alcohol does wonders in removing your inhibitions, so that you have slightly less restraint than said three year old.

That is why poko benders tend to be a whole lot more... interesting than your average drunken bender: It turns you into something like if the Tazmanian Devil ripped out the Energizer Bunny's heart and ate it, gaining his powers. But like I said, it is also very dangerous, since once that stimulant effect wears off, your former friend, Mister Alcohol, will come up behind you and whack you in the back of the head with a frying pan...

And stimulants typically wear off a heck of a lot faster than depressants.

"It's a lot more impressive up close," I admitted as I looked upon the fortress that Diretusk had based his operations out of. While it might have been a cliche doom fortress, it was, in fact, a really fucking huge cliche doom fortress. It was the kind of castle you'd expect to see in a Castlevania game, honestly. I kinda wished that I had a castle like it, if for no other reason than because of how intimidating it looked from the ground.

*A pity what we're going to do to it.*

'Heh. Yeah. Wrecking the motherfuck out of this place will make a great distraction. If our last encounter with Diretusk's 'elites' is any indication, the moment I show up in full 'Shadow Giant' mode, they'll head for the hills.'

Turning back towards Acorn and Storm Cloud, I asked, "Are you both ready?"

Acorn nodded, and said, "In your time, your majesty."

Storm Cloud, looking slightly unsteady, but definitely sporting her game face, said, "I am beyond ready, your highness."

"Go," I said, and they both took off towards their respective targets.

I nodded, turned towards the fortress, and...

Okay, changing into shadow giant form is kinda weird, I'll admit it. I can't explain it well. It's kinda like... back home, they have these toys called 'Stretch Armstrongs'. Basically, they look kinda like people, but the limbs and torso can stretch many times their own length. That is kinda what it felt like: Everything got longer.

Yes, except for that. Get your head out of the gutter. That's where my head is supposed to be!

I noted a pair of new additions on my new form, ones that I hadn't really noticed before: Wings. Maybe they'd been there for my fight with Tirek, and I'd not noticed them, but my shadow giant body was now sporting a pair of feathery black wings. I have to say, they looked really intimidating, especially on a body that big. I could see dozens of boarcs on the walls, all staring at me and pointing as I grew larger and larger. As my head cleared the tops of the castle ramparts, I put on a ferocious grin, and began announcing my presence, my voice loud, and yet my tone frighteningly cold.

"Wretched swine, prepare yourselves. For your crime of invading Equestrian soil, you will suffer my unending scorn. There are none who stand above me. There are none who can stand before me. I am the overlord of Equestria, KING SOMBRA!!!"

Catrina the sorceress, up in her tower, looked at the massive figure outside her window, then down at the cigarette of witchweed she been smoking.

"Wow," she said, her voice filled with awe, "it usually takes longer for this stuff to kick in..."

And this was where shit started going wrong for me.




Motherfucking cannons, man.

The world was at a level of medieval technology, more or less, right? But consider this: Back home, in China, they'd invented gunpowder back in the ninth century. It didn't reach Europe until the thirteenth century, but it was still used in cannons well before personal firearms were invented. Both of those time frames can be considered 'medieval'. While it took a long time to refine the technology to the point that it was common on the battlefield, cannons were still something that could sometimes be found in medieval fortresses. While the ponies had yet to develop gunpowder weaponry, the boarcs had, and were not afraid to use it.

That was, in part, why they were able to subdue the fiends long enough for Diretusk to Subjugate them: While most fiends are able to bounce back from injuries that would be fatal to a mere mortal, a solid object moving eight hundred feet per second can do a fuckton of damage, even if it was a conventional cannonball, and it takes time to bounce back from that kind of a hit.

But this wasn't a conventional cannonball. It was a canister shot, for one thing: Dozens of little balls, scattered like a shotgun blast. But even then, it wasn't lead that they hit me with.

Remember how I said that, when Celestia and Nightmare Moon had their big tussel, Moonie pulled stars down and started throwing them around as projectiles? When those stars hit the ground, they ended up as chunks of metal. Star metal. The kind that, in just about any fantasy setting, will wreck the shit out of anything, but most especially supernatural creatures, like, oh, I don't know, say a giant made of shadows?

So yeah, I took a shotgun blast to the chest, one filled with something specially designed to lay out guys like me. Several, in fact. At the same fucking time.

I was knocked flat on my ass, naturally, and I think that the fact that I had enough alcohol running through my system to inebriate an army kept me from passing out in pain. Still, it felt like someone had just emptied a clip into me while wearing a bulletproof vest (I went through that once for a $500 bet, and I promise you, it is an experience you do not want to repeat if you can help it). And why it didn't kill me?

I ate a star, and was now the alicorn of stars. So, while they could certainly hurt like the God Emperor of Motherfuckers, rounds made of star metal wouldn't be fatal. Instead, they had succeeded in pissing me right the fuck off...

"ALRIGHT, YOU PORCINE FUCKS, THAT DOES IT!!!" I rose to my shadowy feet, and began slamming my fist on the ramparts. "I AM GOING TO GUT YOU, CARVE YOU UP, FRY YOU, AND MAKE BACON SANDWICHES OUT OF THE LOT OF YOU!!!" I shot a hand forward, to a group of armored hogs who were desperately trying to reload, and grabbed the cannon, crushing it easily. As I did, my hand brushed the cannonballs... which stuck. As I watched in awe, I saw the metal melt, crawl down my arm, and join the star in the middle of my chest. I also noticed that the rounds that had filled my chest were gone...

*Are you thinking what I am?*

I grinned, held up a hand, and flexed some mental muscle. The metal that had just vanished into the star on my chest came out, and spread over my right hand, forming a metal gauntlet, the fingers tipped with sharp claws. With a thought, the gauntlet melted and returned to my chest

*Instant armor and weaponry. Impressive.*

'Nanomachines, son!'

I turned my attention back to the boarcs, and...

"Shamans! Pin him!"

And that was when I learned the second reason why the boarcs were able to subdue the fiends: Diretusk wasn't the only magic user in their ranks. They had plenty of spell casters of their own, mixed in with the regular soldiers: No feathers, no fancy staffs, they were in regular uniform like the others, so it was impossible to tell them from their more mundane comrades... but there were hundreds of them, enough to pin an alicorn, a fiend, or a shadow giant...

Suddenly, I found myself paralyzed. I couldn't move, couldn't blink... couldn't even breathe. If I hadn't been in shadow form, I'd have suffocated in minutes. Instead, I was a sitting duck.

"Reload the cannons, this time with the Nth metal rounds!"

*Uh oh.*

'That doesn't sound good.'

*It isn't. Nth metal negates magic, and in this form, we're almost pure magic. If one of those rounds hit us when we're in this state...*

I didn't need him to draw me a picture, but I was powerless to move a muscle. I couldn't even change us back to alicorn mode. We were stuck...

*I really didn't want to have to do this...*

'Do wha...!'

Suddenly, my shadow shot up, like some sort of a snake with the head of a unicorn. Two eyes, with red irises and green where the whites would normally be, opened wide, as did a mouth filled with teeth sufficient to make a shark jealous. It spoke a single word.


And all of the activity on the castle walls halted, as if someone had hit the great cosmic pause button in the sky. The boarcs, soldiers and shamans all, froze in place, trembling. They weren't paralyzed, but rather frozen with fear.

"You have done well to have come as far as you have," the voice admitted, as it gazed over the boarcs with a look that expressed, if not admiration, then at least respect. "You are well trained, and you are strong. However, there are things that transcend training. That are beyond strength." The shadow's mouth took on an evil grin, and said, "Let me show them to you."

From the journal of Sgt Boris Boarinsky, Artillery.

"Let me show them to you."

In an instant, there was a flash of light, and when my vision cleared, I was standing in a forest. I looked around, and found a piece of paper nailed to a tree. I approached it, curious, and read it. It said, simply, "Always Watching. No Eyes." As I read that last word, I saw a flicker of movement to my right. I turned, and saw...

A figure stood amid the trees, a good distance away. It stood on two legs, had two arms, and was mostly clothed in some manner of black garment. It was its face, however, that drew my full attention, or perhaps I should say it was the lack of a face... It was bone white, and devoid of any features...

I had always considered myself a brave boarc. I was there when we captured Crunch the Stone Hound, and looked the beast right in the eyes as he stormed our position, just before we fired the round that rendered him unconscious. But when I saw that thing's face, I was overcome with a feeling of such dread that I cannot put it into words. When I looked upon that thing, I knew only that death and madness would find me if I didn't flee then and there. I turned, and...

And it was there, still distant, but closer. I know I didn't see it move. In fact, it was so still that I would swear it had always been there. Real fear began to creep into my heart as I turned again...

And there he was again, even closer...

I turned again, and he was suddenly close enough to touch...

I blacked out...

I don't know what it was I saw, and I've been told it was just an illusion, but some days I swear, I see it standing out among the trees outside my cabin... watching me...

From the journal of Lieutenant Pork Hogins, Shamanic forces.

"Let me show them to you."

In the blink of an eye, I found myself in a strange town, with buildings of an architecture I could not recognize, from what I could see. Most of the town was shrouded, however, in fog, thick enough that I could almost swear it was solid. I saw a sign to my left, and turned to read it. Even though the language was unfamiliar to me, it seemed to untangle itself in my head, becoming the words, "Welcome to Silent Hill." I saw a strange box nearby, and I suddenly heard a strange crackling sound from it.

It was almost immediately afterwards that I heard the sound of metal on stone. I turned and saw a figure approaching at a walk, dragging a sword behind it. It was bipedal, I think, with its lower half clad in a dirty, no, grimy kilt that reached all the way to the ground, and with the upper half of its torso bare, revealing grimy, chalk white skin. However, it was the ornamentation upon its head that was the most arresting: Its head was encased in a strangely pyramidal helmet, with no slots of eyes or ears. However, it approached me with a level of surety that spoke of senses that that transcended vision or hearing.

And I saw other, stranger, more grotesque things coming out of the fog, following in its wake.

I turned and ran, and as I did, I heard a siren, and the town began to change...

I... can't write any more. I'm sorry. There are some things no one should go through twice, not even in memory...

From the journal of General Dire Swineson, former warden of Dire Keep.

"Let me show them to you."

I blinked, and I found myself inside of a building of some sort, of a type I had never seen the like of, before or since. I was in some sort of... office? I don't know. I wasn't given much time to study my surroundings, as I suddenly heard a ringing noise, and suddenly a voice said, "Hello, helloooo? Well, if you're hearing this, chances are you made a very poor career choice..."

I suddenly heard a noise, one that sounded similar to a suit of old, rusted armor in motion, and turned...

The thing I saw wore a costume that looked like a caricature of a rabbit, but it was old, falling apart, and as it opened its mouth...

I saw something inside. Whatever it was, it had once been alive, but was rotting... and yet it glared at me with an animosity so intense that I knew, without having to be told, that it wanted nothing less than to end my life in the most violent way imaginable...

I've fought the undead before, but somehow I knew in my heart that fighting that thing here, in what could only be its place of power, would mean death and worse than death.

I turned to run, and saw... others...

I... I'm sorry. I can't go on...


Even now, bears, rabbits, foxes, and yellow birds scare the dung right out of me. And don't even get me started on balloons...

As I tiptoed around the shrieking, huddling boarcs, I couldn't help but feel a little pity for them as I took their star metal cannonballs and absorbed them. They were all clearly terrified of whatever it was they were seeing.

'What did you do to them?'

*I know a spell that can trap individuals in their worst nightmares. However, since these are trained soldiers, they're not exactly that easy to frighten, even by the things that scare them most, so the spell normally wouldn't be effective. Instead, I've trapped them in some of the worst nightmares your world has ever created.*

'Like what?'

*Slender Man, Silent Hill, Five Nights At Freddy's. That kind of thing. A few Creepypastas for variety. They'll be like this for several hours, so now we have plenty of time to go about our business.*

'...Damn, Sombra, you are one scary son of a bitch.'

*I didn't get to be the ruler of the Crystal Empire by being nice.*

'Yeah, and look how that turned out for you.'

*Touche. Let's hurry up and finish, so we can move on to Diretusk's hidden arsenal of magical artifacts. I doubt the others will have problems like we did, but it would be best if we hurry: I don't think they saw us having problems, and it would be best for morale if nopony knew how close we came to getting killed just now.*

'True. So... when were you going to tell me you weren't just a ghost in my head?'

*We'll discuss that later. For now, focus on the task at hoof. I think I got all the boarcs on the ramparts with that spell, but if there are any we missed, I'd rather we not get caught off guard. Plus, the castle is likely full of boarcs who are mobilizing for battle, and if the bugbear doesn't side with us, we'll be fighting them alone until Storm Cloud finishes her business.*

'Right. I wonder how the others are doing...'

Acorn nodded at the bugbear as it went by. As a changeling, she shared a level of understanding with the half-insect creature that most other entities could never approach, and that rapport had made it easy to communicate the overall plan, including the idea of a long-term alliance. While the beast was no fan of ponies, it was currently much more interested in visiting some retribution upon the boarcs, and would be happy to do so on ponykind's behalf as repayment for his freedom. After the captives were free, and everyone had finished their respective tasks, the bugbear had agreed to meet at the planned rendezvous point, for extraction back to Sanctuary. From there... well, they'd see how things went.

The disguised changeling located a ring of keys hanging from one of the walls, and after unlocking one cell, handed them to a mare with instructions to free the rest, but quietly, as the jailor, while definitely asleep upon Acorn's arrival, and driven further unconscious through a precise blow to the back of the head, might still awaken if too much noise was made. With that, she turned her attention to the Smooze, and began determining the best way to free the blobby creature...

She'd likely need a hammer...

Storm Cloud looked down at the sleeping Raptorians with an expression of supreme disdain. She could easily kill them where they slept, but that wouldn't be... proper. Instead, she cleared her throat, startling them into wakefulness. She said, simply, "My name is Storm Cloud. You killed my father. Prepare to die."

And then... she did what she did best. She was a knight, trained by one of the greatest that had ever lived, and as strong as any two stallions even before she had become an alicorn. Now? Now she was strong enough, and fast enough, that defeating her foes was practically foal's play, even with her slight inebriation. She hadn't needed a single spell: Instead, she beat the three of them to death with her bare hooves.

Five minutes later, she wiped the blood off of her hooves on one of the corpses of her slain foes. She did not, as a rule, feel satisfaction in killing other beings, but she had to admit, she felt a level of pride at a job well done. The death of the Raptorians would not bring her father back. However, it might help his spirit rest easier, and would certainly keep the feathered and fanged wretches from hurting anypony else...

Crunch the Stone Hound had been startled from his slumber at the sound of cannonfire, but otherwise had not moved. His orders were clear: Stay put until master's return. So, he remained in the catacombs... waiting.

Until he suddenly found he was not alone. A goatish shadow filled a corner of the room, with red eyes staring out at him.


"Crunch. My, how the mighty have fallen."

The stone hound scowled, and said, "Begone. We were allies once, but those days are long past. The master commanded that I remain in the catacombs, but that won't stop me from tearing you apart if you irk me."

The shadow chuckled and said, "Well, I actually wanted to talk to you about that." Suddenly, the shadow's eyes flashed, and Crunch went very still.

"Now," Grogar asked, "who is your master?"

"You are," the re-subjugated stone hound said, bowing. "You, and only you."

"Good dog. Now, I want you to go up to the castle courtyard, and kill anything you find. Understand?" The dog nodded. "Good boy. Oh, and don't worry, you won't be on your own up there: I just finished... recruiting Squirk a few minutes ago. I'll be teleporting him to you shortly. You and he are to work together, understand?"

The stone hound bowed, and said, "Your will, master."

"Good dog."

As the stone hound left the catacombs, Grogar chuckled to himself: With any luck, they'd all destroy one another, and then only the two true fiends in the Crystal Empire would remain. If not, then either Sombra and his mares would go and do the job, or the two subjugated fiends would do so while Grogar claimed Sanctuary for his own devices. So, no matter what the outcome, Grogar would win...

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