• Published 11th Mar 2015
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I Am Going To Save And/Or Destroy Equestria! - Bucking Nonsense

In an Equestria where Celestia and Luna have slain each other, a human is brought to Equestria in the body of King Sombra, in hopes that he might be able to save the kingdom from the fiends of Tartarus...

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Interlude: My Transformation Begins With Me Getting Tired Of My Own Bullshit

The dimwit's... Ambrose's progress was nothing short of exemplary. For all his impulsiveness, he has proven himself to be skillful at planning, at motivating others, and in drawing out the best qualities in other ponies. Even Ladyhawke, a mare who, by all rights, should hate him with the fiery fury of a thousand erupting volcanoes... instead seems to be somewhat taken with him, although she disguises that attraction with a facade of constant anger. Ambrose's memories call this tendency 'tsundere', although I'm uncertain if she is truly in such a state. If she uses the phrase, 'It's not as if I like you or anything," I'll know for sure. In the meantime, I have more relevant concerns...

Ambrose's body is changing, and not simply in that he grew wings: My body was originally nothing more than a husk in which to contain my true essence. The Crystal Heart could damage that husk, even destroy it, but all it could do to my true essence was expel it from the city. The Elements Of Harmony, being of much stranger and more powerful magic, were able to destroy even that.

Had the resurrection that the mares had intended gone as originally planned, I would have returned to that state. Instead, there are two Sombras now, one of which is Ambrose, an alicorn who is now fully of flesh and blood...

And myself, a creature of pure darkness, currently disguised as Ambrose's shadow.

I am currently conflicted: Ambrose, as mentioned, has made exceptional progress, having slain two fiends in as many days, and seems to have no intentions of slowing. In one moon's time, he may have completed a quest that should have taken years to accomplish, if it could have been done at all. I cannot help but to cheer him on, and yet... and yet...

And yet I realize now, since he is me and I am him, just Sombras of two different worlds, that I might have been capable of as much, or more, than him, had I simply taken a different path.

I am slowly becoming less relevant to his quest: He didn't realize it until after he had succeeded in slaying Tirek, but he'd done everything himself, from creating that musical performance to striking down the centaur with the power of the cosmos. He didn't need me at all. I don't mind being his adviser, it is the role I had intended to play, but I had not planned on his being so quick a learner...

And then there's the biggest issue that I cannot help but ponder as Sombra flies the unconscious unicorn up to Sanctuary. Yes, he even appears to have gotten the hang of flying, in spite of only having been aware of his wings for a few hours. His progress is simply terrifying...

Ah, sorry, I was distracted. My biggest concern?

Ambrose told me that there were questions that I should have asked before, and that there were choices I could have made, choices that might have sent me in a radically different direction than the one that ended with my death. The choices I understood immediately: Upon awakening to my heritage, I could have chosen to turn my back on it and leave the Crystal Empire behind, going with Radiant Hope to keep her company while she learned from the princesses. I could have listened to the princess of the Crystal Empire that night when I stole the Crystal Heart, and stopped myself before I did something truly unforgivable. Hades, I could have slapped myself in the face, jumped up and down on one hind leg, or painted myself purple and sang the Equestrian National Anthem in pig latin while doing the hokey-pokey! I had been told that I had no choice, and I had believed the one telling me so, in spite of having known that individual for less than a day.

Ambrose would not have fallen for it, as he had learned a very important lesson from a game called Bioshock: When someone tells you that you have no choice, it's because that person wants you to take the choice that they want, not one of the millions upon millions of other options that the world provides you at every second of every day. I didn't even understand that much...

I was manipulated, I can see that now. I had called myself a king, when in truth, I was a pawn. Never again.

As Ambrose begins making the arrangements for the unconscious unicorn to be put to bed and kept under observation until he recovers from his fatigue, I cannot help but to take a peek at what is in the cart that those crystal mares had brought with them. I was expecting the Crystal Heart, or perhaps the remains of the princess whom I had transformed into crystal and shattered to pieces. Both, I suppose, were foolish expectations: The Crystal Heart cannot be destroyed, nor can it leave the Crystal Empire, else I would have destroyed it immediately, rather than stealing it, or else just banished it to another dimension. As for the princess' remains, those were scattered far and wide, and while I could recall them in the blink of an eye, it would take lesser ponies years to collect them all.

Instead, what I saw sleeping in that cart spawned a thousand questions, as well as a few terrible, painful answers. I returned to Ambrose immediately...


'What, no more dimwit?'

*I'll call you that again when you've done something stupid. I doubt it will take you long to do so, so enjoy this while it lasts,*

'Heh. Alright, what's up?'

*After we've returned to the Crystal Empire, and you've finished dealing with the fiends there, I need a favor.*


*Really? No jokes? No conditions?*

'You've been straight with me, and I wouldn't have gotten this far without your help, so if you really need something, I don't mind, as long as you're not going to ask me to do something bad.'

*...Thank you. Alright, I think you were on to something when we were speaking in our dreams last night. There are questions that I need to ask, questions that I should have asked before now, and I'll need your help to get the real answers, rather than just the ones that others will want me to know. I need to know the truth. If you will help me, I'll be grateful and indebted to you.*

'If it's the truth you want, I don't mind helping you get it. But, will you want me to play it 'sane', or would you want me to go full 'Spider Jerusalem' when the time comes?'

Heh, Spider Jerusalem, one of Ambrose's idols. I'd done some research upon him after Ambrose mentioned him last time: A reporter, a man obsessed with finding the truth, no matter where he needed to go or what he needed to do in order to find it. It had cost him everything, but in the end, he succeeded in destroying one of the most terrible monsters of his time, and had done so knowing that he'd never receive any just compensation for it. His methods were extreme, but the results more than justified the ends he went to.

*Ambrose, if you have to, feel free to blow a knee cap off of the fucking world.*

I had questions, and I was going to get the answers to them. Why? Because I'd just been given the answer to a question that I had not even considered asking, and probably had a few more answers already that I needed to confirm.

As I peeked back at the little filly sleeping in the cart, who had somehow managed to remain fast asleep in spite of everything that had happened...

A little filly with a dark gray coat, and a mane and tail as black as soot...

...I knew in my non-corporeal gut the answers to questions that my head needed evidence to confirm, and while I doubted that the red chunk of crystal that had originally set me on my path of darkness would give me the straight truth, I needed to confirm whether or not I'd be given more lies instead of the truth. But I feared that the answers, the real answers, would be the ones now rumbling inside of me, slowly festering into a hatred sufficient to burn a hole into the fabric of the cosmos itself...

Why was I born?

Because mommy wanted to be free, and can't break out on her own.

Why was I born and left alone in the snow outside the city?

Because that way, no one would suspect your true nature. Otherwise, you'd have been sent away, to live your life peacefully in another place far from the Crystal Empire, where you'd never be able to fulfill the role I had planned for you.

Weren't you worried that I might freeze to death out there? Or that the Crystal Heart might destroy me during the Crystal Faire?

Worried implies loving or caring, and Umbrum are incapable of both, so no, I wasn't worried. Not even a little.

Why were the Umbrum sealed away?

For the same reasons that ponies seal away anything else: We're bad news, and no matter how much time passes, we won't stop being monsters in pony form.

And of course, the biggest questions on my mind, only one of which I had an answer to...

Will I be the last time you try something like this?

A little filly with a dark gray coat, and a mane and tail as black as soot...


Was I the first? Not the first to make it to the Crystal Empire, but the first one of my kind that you spawned in the deathly cold snows outside of the city? The same snows that I was found in?

...I hope, I hope, I hope so badly that the answer to that question is yes, but I fear that the answer will be no... and no... and no... and a thousand times again no... and that the path I had first walked to the Crystal Empire was carpeted with the frozen remains of my brothers and sisters...

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