• Member Since 12th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Monday


So depressed and disenfranchised with reality that I NEED ponies to keep me sane by this point.

Comments ( 752 )

We knew this was coming.

Et tu, Game? I mean, seriously... I've got this nagging idea for a Displaced fic running around my mindscape, and now one of my favoured authors comes out with a Displaced Fic? And an anthro one at that? (One of the nagging questions was whether to make it anthro or not).

Fine! Jeeze. I've seen the signs, the writing on the wall, the phone calls at night. I'll write the stupid thing... *grumbles some more*

Anywho~ Trivial matters aside; I enjoyed this. Poor Konrad has a such fun stuff ahead of him. I'll admit, most of the Displaced fics I've seen haven't touched much on the role the Merchant plays in the grand scheme, so I'll curious to see where this will go.

This story seems to be interesting. Have a fav.

"Well,isn't this just Dandy?"
This is awesome can't wait for more :rainbowlaugh:
Other then knowing it was someone call The Merchant been the one sending people everywhere I didn't know anything bout him tho this got me looking him up :pinkiegasp:

We are overjoyed by this tale whom may have tragedy from others meeting most often, though we wonder about such crossovers.

Give him a top hat and he'll be marvelous Chester XD.

5723360 Yes, write it! I feel so excited to be writing this one, like when I started Liberare. If you do write it, I want to read it.

Now we have three Merchants in the Displaced-verse: The Merchant, this guy, and Umbra Shadow-Walker.


Now this looks interesting! A story about a guy using deals and contracts to his advantage. Sounds like my kind of guy and the guy is named Konrad, a name I heavily favor so kudos for that. First chapter and already two kudos from me one for his skills and one for the name, that only happens very seldom, so I added it to my tracking list and perhaps one day it will make it into the favorites. That is of course if you don't quit after five chapters, which seems to be the average lenght for most Displaced stories to end.

Much luck and I will be keeping my eye on this story.

Very interesting story can't wait to see where this goes.

Does this take place before Nightmare Moon?

5725249 Capitalism for the win! Wanna buy somethin'?

5725697 Pre-Discordian

So, very, very, very long ago.

lol I can see him getting attacked by everyone a lot XD

5726262 That's what I'm hoping for! I want everyone to try and kill him, not as a declaration of challenge, but because as I said: ultimate punching bag of the multiverse XD

I just love the idea of this itself. The Merchant makes a human into the Merchant. It can only end in lolz and/or awesome. Can't wait to read.

Read it, loved it. take my like and fav! TAKE IT YOU FOOL!!!


Looks like Aaron has some competition.

I can't wait for next chaptersince this is awsome!

{We need sustenance, preferably meat. Our Plaga is being forced to feed on our host body. From the feeling of it, we've just lost half the liver.}
'Great! I kinda want this host to live as long as possible since it is my original body! Could you please keep me updated?'

So,they're both really the Plaga or is their mind stored in both beings?

'Thank gog I'm essentially dead, and can't be bothered with things like heat and cold.'

Let then come! Let them call!

Just got it: Avarice = Greed :facehoof:

5731598 The Plaga thing will be clarified next chapter. Gog is an intentional running gag I picked up from Homestuck, also I don't like using the word god in reference to God for various reasons that I shall not elaborate upon. I'll be fixing that right now.

Huh, very interesting.


Oh look, another displaced fic.

Well, let's see who this one's o—

*looks at title*

*looks at fic*


5733764 Hey~ Nemmy~! Feel like playing once Konrad and Avarice are mutated enough?



I actually made a blog closing off my fic for crossovers but, with this new development I may need to make an exception...

The contract magic issues have a pretty simple solution IMHO:

We both agree that any bargain striked between us is void and nonexistent until is in writing and willingly signed by both sides. Deal?

5736130 Boo! Cheap and easy resolution is cheap and easy! Oh well, until Konrad/Avarice get their hands on some scrolls and quills (which are items very rarely without ownership intact enough for use) they'll have to word things carefully.

As for working against them, that only applies if they, in fact, owe someone something. They feel indebted to Dox for numerous reasons, not simply because his aiding them got his second backup killed, and so they still have debt to Dox. This is going to come into play later, I plan to crossover with DJ again in the future hopefully.

5734724 Yay~! I'm reading your story now, so I won't be completely clueless even if Avarice/Konrad is. Just PM me when you want to summon him/them.

Food for thought: Avarice the Merchant can only use his coat/pack to grab things without ownership, or are owned by him. But, and he hasn't tested this yet; if he is given express permission, he can "deliver" a person's item to them through his coat, for a fee of course

To think about it, formally Celestia and Luna can strike such a deal with Konrad/Avarice including all their "little ponies", which means it is applied to everypony who thinks about self as their subject. Idea with paper is really not good, as it makes deals in extreme situations, where signing a document is difficult like in battle or impossible like other side is near death or severely ill, for example, unlikely to be able to be done. So this seemingly simple solution has its own underwater boulders in it. And concerning lack of paper, we can say "any deals are void until explicitly confirmed". For example Dox couldn't make a bargain by just saying 'You'll owe me', Conrad has to summarize the deal's consequences like "So we agree that you do this and I do that etc. Do you agree with it?". This also lessens ability to make a deal one or both sides are not OK with. Say he flirts with someone, says "I could give you a star if only you loved me forever", she responds "Prove it" and she is bound to love Konrad forever, who in turn has to get a star. And either all of them are called dibs by Luna either they're free but still are giant orbs of flaming gas who are impossible to give.

5736638 You are cute, isn't this person cute? Everybody, please, comment on how cute this person is.

All that noise; forget it.

Debt is held in either fact, or sensation of fact.

Moss still feels indebted to Avarice, so his debt hasn't been paid yet. Avarice feels indebted to Dox, so his debt still has yet to be paid.

Contracts are verbal, and can only be confirmed through the mutual words of both parties, or a transaction.

Sadly, the silly things you've said could still happen, but only if Avarice actually decides to initiate the contract. Of course, unless he's drunk or something, something silly like that's never going to happen.

I guess I understand now. I was looking at this "contract magic" like the contracts are driven juridically - by specifying both parties' demands, maybe indirectly, and mutually agreeing. And in your POV this contract magic is, well, more of magic and operates on feelings. So if a person feels like owning Konrad, he will have to repay his debt Konrad, vice versa. So it seems like moral supplied by magic, with a difference that you can feel debt paid only after the creditor agrees at it as well, no tricks like "I'm already doing him a favor accepting his help", right?

And I object against calling me cute. Definitely.

So, this story is actually good enough for me to read an anthro, and don't take offense, but I can see why this story isn't all tat popular. The idea is great, but to actually understand it, from what I know you would have to be pretty deep into the Displaced minifandom (if that's what you call it).

5737129 No tricks. The deal in saving Moss's life is as close to a trick as can be done in this scenario. Because even if Avarice had not enacted debt, Moss still would've been effected by the magic and be indebted because then he would've been the one to enact the debt.

And you object to being called cute? Must be a man's man then or something or other, because there's nothing wrong with being cute.

5738111 Yeah, I'm writing this with a pretty good understanding of the Displaced-verse. I'm mostly trying to keep it close to the chest in writing for a more original pre-canon than follow-canon though. Most Displaced fics start off in canon, and make allusions to past events in flashbacks or hearsay. So that, and it being anthro is a standout among most Displaced settings.

I'm going for a character that is adaptable, and also not all-powerful. He'll be powerful, deadly so, but he won't be anywhere near the danger levels of Displaced such as Nemesis, Gilgamesh, or Pyramid Head for a LONG time. Avarice's threat rating comes from his guile, his uncanny luck, and his desire to get ahead without making needlessly risky ventures unless said ventures have a big payoff.

That said, next chapter is going to be a pretty damn dark one, coming in a bit actually.

5732691 Wait, that was actually a reference?

5738176 Yes. At some point, not sure when (who fucking knows a correct timeline for Homestuck anyway?) but one time, when John Egbert is being Trolled by Karkat, John misspells god as gog when trying to explain the concept of religion, and from then on Karkat starts to use Gog in reference to God and the other trolls start picking it up too, and it just became a thing over time. Classic.

I find it amusing that Konrad effortlessly landed himself a gal, particularly a Changeling Queen, and all he had to do is get himself stranded in an alternate world as the Merchant, lose his body, and devour some Changelings.

Immensely enjoying this. From tracking to favorites it goes.

great story and i wonder if in a thousand years time he will be the grand father of a certain changeling queen. :rainbowkiss:

So, Konrad after his original body died, evolved from a basic dominant species of Las Plaga into a Vertugo, committed mass cannibalism, killed and ate two changelings, banged their Queen, and is most likely going to be baby-daddy/father to Chrysalis? Well, I believe we can call that one seriously productive sequence of events.

5738412 It's like a night out on the town in Las Vegas! Only, replace the cannibalism with lots of booze and maybe getting drugged.

hmmm if he impregnated her doe that mean he spread the virus to her as well?

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