• Published 6th Mar 2015
  • 6,745 Views, 144 Comments

Dark Souls: A White Knight - Timeless Lord Slayer

Ever wonder what happened to the first Heide Knight in Dark Souls 2? No? Well too bad, you're going to find out anyway.

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Chapter III: Meeting A Princess

My armor clinked with each step I made as I walked with the Pegasus mare beside me. Knowing that I had little memory regarding my past, she had told me of her friend, an alicorn Princess called Twilight Sparkle, that may be able to help me. So it was that we made our way through the town of fearful ponies, all either running to their homes and hiding or simply staring in wonder and fear.

It was a quaint little town. Each house had simple thatched roofs and was either two stories tall or one. They all followed a simple design, and despite it being slightly repetitive it was rather endearing.

I sighed at their reactions. I suppose I couldn't blame them, I was, after all, a towering giant in rather intimidating armor. Regardless of their reactions, I kept my gaze locked on the road ahead of us. Although I couldn't help but notice that each house was still just as small as Miss Fluttershy's. My eyes widened in shock as I noticed the towering construct of shimmering crystal in the shape of a tree in the distance that we seemed to be heading towards, and I stopped to ask if that was the abode of her friend.

"It is. Why do you ask?" she wondered.

"No reason. Just...surprised is all." I answered.

"About what?" she asked innocently.

"Surely you jest, the monstrosity is made entirely of crystal!"

She giggled. "I guess that is a little surprising once you think about it."

'A little?' I thought. These ponies must have high standards if they find crystal to be just another building material.

We continued on towards the gargantuan crystal castle, until we were stopped by a pink blur. "HI!"

"GAH!" I cried, before falling flat on my behind in the dirt. I looked up to see a pink Earth pony with a dark pink mane and tail and three multicolored balloons on her (with a voice like that it had to be a girl) flank.

She bounced in place as she spoke in rapid succesion, "WhoareyouareyounewwhyareyousobigdoyoulikecakeIlovecake!"

Fluttershy interrupted her. "Um...Pinkie?"

The mare, apparently called Pinkie, turned to face Fluttershy. "Whatcha need Fluttershy?"

"W-well you kinda startled my friend there..."

"Oh! Sorry!" Pinkie turned to me and offered a hoof and helped pull me up.

"Thank you, Miss Pinkie." I thanked her, to which she giggled.

"Just call me Pinkie, everypony does!"

"Yes Miss–I mean, Pinkie."

"Are you two heading to Twilight's?"

"Yes, actually. How did you know?" I asked.

She smiled at me. "My Pinkie-sense told me!" she chirped.

I tilted my head in confusion. "Pinkie-sense?"

"Oh that's just Pinkie." Fluttershy answered, as if that actually answered a thing. I shrugged my shoulders and resolved to ask later.

Pinkie turned to me. "So what's your name?" she asked innocently.

I paused for a moment before answering. "I don't remember..."

Pinkie gasped. "You don't remember!?"

I shook my head solemnly. "Not even a little."

Fluttershy frowned at this, but remained quiet. Pinkie looked flabbergasted at me for a moment before smiling brightly again.

"I know! Why don't we give you a name?" she suggested.

A smile crept across my face. I had never been given a name. For years on end I was nameless, unsure of what to do with myself. And here were two beings that actually cared enough to give me a name. It was heartwarming, to say the least.

"How about Tin Man? Ooh! Or Iron Giant?"

Well...at least she was trying.

"Um...what about Gentle Shield?" Fluttershy timidly suggested.

I listened to them go back and forth for a few minutes before I heard a voice say Asmund... I swiveled my head around, trying in vain to find the source of the voice. Was that my name? Asmund? I decided to ask the two mares if they had heard a voice.

"No, why?" Fluttershy asked, confused.

"I thought I heard a voice say Asmund..." I replied.

"Asmund?" they asked in unison.

"Yes. It sounds so familiar...I feel like that might be my name."

"Are you sure? It sounds so funny." Pinkie asked.

"Yes...yes I'm sure of it now. That's my name." I affirmed.

Smiling under my helm, I looked up at the beautiful blue sky and thanked the Gods. I had remembered something of myself! It wasn't much, but it was a start! Fluttershy smiled sweetly at me, glad that I had discovered something of myself.

Pinkie ran off again, saying she had to go prepare for my 'Welcome to Ponyville' party. I smiled at the prospect. They barely knew me and yet they cared enough to throw me a party. Such kindness was unheard of in Heide, many would take advantage of such a thing. But these ponies, they didn't seem to care about such things. It seemed more like they were content with things as they were. Everything was simply peaceful.

We continued down the path towards the gigantic crystal castle, and within a few short minutes we were standing in front of the large double doors. I opened the door with little effort, and gestured for her to go first. She smiled at me as she walked in. I followed and closed the door behind myself.

"I'll be right there!" yelled a feminine voice.

We waited for some time, so I took this opportunity to look around. Everything was made out of crystal, the floor, the ceiling, the walls, the furniture, everything shimmered with a crystalline shine. There was what looked to be two large couches lined with gold and cushioned with red silk, a small round table sitting between them. The architecture on the inside reminded me of the Cathedral of Blue back home, only with crystals. A large chandelier hung high above us, a wonderful joining of crystals and gold that held a simple circular design that radiated elegance.

The click clack of hoofs against polished crystal floors turned my attention to the balcony above us, and I was surprised to see a small purple horse with wings and a horn and a six pointed star on her flank. I assumed this was the alicorn friend Fluttershy had spoken of, so I immediately kneeled as she came down the steps leading from the balcony towards the front door. I heard a gasp and her pace seemed to quicken, for in a few short seconds I could feel her gaze upon me.

"Fluttershy what is this thing? Where did you find it?" she asked excitedly.

"Sir Asmund of Heide, at your service your Highness." I said, remembering my manners.

She gasped again. "You can talk!?"

Nodding, I answered, "Of course, your Highness."

She clapped her hooves together. "Perfect, I can get the answers straight from the source! So, what are you? If you don't mind me asking,"

"I am human, if you can even call it that anymore."

The two mares tilted their heads in confusion. "What do you mean?" they asked.

I let out a sigh as I thought of an answer. How am I to explain a curse so terrible, so dark? A curse that has plagued mankind since the beginning, leaving nothing but despair? I sighed again and decided to start with the basics.

"For longer than any can remember, my people have been cursed. Cursed, with undeath and madness. I am one such afflicted, known as an Undead."

"Isn't there a cure?" Twilight asked hopefully.

I snorted at the thought. "None. Many have tried, but all we know is that the curse is traceable to the soul."

"The soul?" Fluttershy asked, curious.

"Yes. The curse can be staved off with souls, the essence of life. But only for a time. Eventually, Undead turn Hollow, and pray upon men."

"That sounds terrible!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

I nodded. "Before I came here, I was Hollow. I do not know how, but I have been cured of it, if only for a time."

"How did it happen?" Twilight queried.

"I haven't the faintest idea. I remember being slain in battle, and then, I woke up here. That's all I know."

"You mean...you died? Didn't you say Undead couldn't die?" Twilight wondered.

"Technically, we can't. We can die, but never truly. We always come back, most of us forgeting that we died. But an unlucky few can remember." I paused before continuing. "When we die, our body slowly starts to decay and we begin to lose our memory. Without any souls, we eventually turn Hollow, preying upon the living for their life force."

"How did your people deal with something so horrid?" Twilight asked, aghast.

"I can't rightly remember, your Highness. I came here hoping that you might be able to restore my memory."

"I see...Well luckily for you, I just so happen to have a spell for that! But first, I need you to remove your helm."

I complied and removed my greathelm, revealing my visage to the two ponies. Twilight stared for a moment in silent wonder before shaking her head and approaching me, her horn aglow with a purple aura. Her eyes flashed white for a second before she touched my forehead with her horn, and I saw numerous images flash through my mind.

Countless faces flitted through my mind before the images changed to one of a large wall of water, crashing down on an old city. Then, everything faded to black and I lost consciousness.

I groaned as I woke up, my eyes opening slowly. My vision was blurry, and I could only make out shapes and colors.

"He's waking up!" said a familiar voice.

I blinked to clear the blurriness away, and soon found myself able to see clearly again. Looking around, I noticed that I was in a rather stylish looking golden bed with blue sheets, and Fluttershy and the Princess were on either side of me.

"Are you alright? How are you feeling?" Fluttershy asked.

"I am fine, just a little disoriented." I replied.

Twilight sighed in relief. "That's good to hear. Do you remember anything?"

I thought for a moment on this, trying to remember what I could. I sighed when I came up with images and nothing more.

"Only images, it seems." I finally answered.

"Really? It usually works. Do you want to try again?" Twilight asked.

Shaking my head, I answered, "No thank you, Princess. I'd rather not fall unconscious again. Once is enough."

Twilight frowned. "If you're sure then. May I ask what the images were?"

"It's mostly jumbled, but it seems to be a number of faces and a tsunami of sorts crashing into a city." I replied.

"Nothing else?" Fluttershy asked.

"No, nothing."


I smiled. "Do not fret, this is a momentous occasion! It may not be much, but it is progress nonetheless!"

Fluttershy smiled as well. "You're right."

"Why don't we celebrate? I'm sure Pinkie is already done setting up a party for you." Twilight suggested.

"Sure, why not?" I replied, a little excited at the idea of a party held in my honor.

I got out of the bed, picked up my greathelm from the nightstand next to the bed, and walked out the door that was luckily my height with the two mares leading on.