• Published 6th Mar 2015
  • 6,743 Views, 144 Comments

Dark Souls: A White Knight - Timeless Lord Slayer

Ever wonder what happened to the first Heide Knight in Dark Souls 2? No? Well too bad, you're going to find out anyway.

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Chapter I: A New World

The warm rays of the sun shone down on me as I sat with my back against a tree in the overgrown ruins of the fort that resided within the age-old Forest of Fallen Giants, as it was now called. The sun was hot, but not unbearably so. My tattered white cloak flapped against the wind, but I ignored it and continued to sit quietly, staying as stoic as ever in my rusty chainmail suit. Moss and vines covered nearly every inch of the ancient fort, and the stone beneath me had sprouted a thick coat of dirt and grass. It was beautiful, in its own way. The air smelled mildly of rotting corpses, courtesy of myself and the three corpses strewn around me. The sound of metal clinking and clanking pierced the tranquil air as I silently watched each blade of grass move with the wind. Suddenly, the sound stopped just in front of me. A shadow fell over me as I heard the creaking of metal whilst someone kneeled before me.

"You poor thing..." said a sweet voice. I remained silent, my decaying lips not moving. I felt a painful tug on one of the two arrows sticking out of my neck, and I immediately shot up from my sitting position, breaking the arrow in half. I looked down with my one good eye, the other gone thanks to a lucky archer, to see a woman in Elite Knight armor staring up at me in shock, a broken arrow in her hand. The Elite Knight's were a respectable bunch, and the armor of which they wore had been around longer than anyone could remember.

Despite my inner protests, I brandished my sword at her, and tried to thrust my sword through her chest. She was quicker though, and rolled out of harms way. She quickly stood up and took out a reddish kite shield with a silver eagle emblazoned on it and a standard longsword.

She raised her shield and spoke, "I do not wish to fight you!" she reasoned.

'Nor I you, fair lady.' I thought. But I knew it was pointless to try and retaliate, I was not in control, the madness was. My body tensed and my decayed muscles went taut, but my stance was sloppy and full of weak points. I lazily held my sword in one hand, my other arm limp at my side. I watched in despair and grim acceptance as we slowly circled each other.

I let loose with two horizontal slashes which she blocked with ease, and shot a quick thrust at my abdomen. I backstepped, ignoring the pain and focusing on the fight. I made for another horizontal slash at her chest, which she barely dodged. I could hear the sound of cloth tearing as my blade tore through with ease. She rolled away and took a quick glance to her chest. I'm certain that she was thanking the God's that she had a leather tunic underneath all that armor, for if she didn't she would be sporting a sizable gash across her chest.

She scowled lightly, and did something I did not expect. She pulled out a tan orb of clay and tossed it at me, causing an explosion that knocked me flat on my rear. She took this chance to rush over and stab me straight in the heart, and I gasped at the pain. I bled profusely, and everything grew more and more cold. I looked her straight in the eyes, past the visor, and saw deep blue eyes full of compassion and remorse. I coughed, staining the inside of my greathelm with fresh blood.

She leaned down to my ear and spoke in a soft whisper, " ...Forgive me..."

'Thank the Gods it's over...Bless you, m'lady.' I thanked her in my mind, despite knowing she could not hear it. My limited vision grew even more limited, until the coldness of the dark completely enveloped me.

I woke with a start, gasping for air as I looked around. My breathing calmed slowly as I took in my surroundings. Everything was as pitch black as the Abyss, but ahead of me I could make out a faint light. I stood up and inspected myself. The first thing I noticed was that the madness of Hollowing was gone, my mind was my own again.

The second and even more surprising thing I noticed was that I was still wearing my armor and my sword was in it's sheath on my waist. Both items were back in tip-top shape, even the arrows were gone, allowing me to see with both eyes once again. My snow white cloak was still worn and tattered, but otherwise still fine. Even my wounds had been healed. I looked around in confusion, trying to find a cause for this revival.

Finding nothing but the faint light ahead, I began to walk towards it. The light grew brighter and more blinding with each step I took, and I had to shield my eyes to continue. Eventually the light grew so blinding and so bright, that all I could see was white. And then, I lost consciousness again.

I opened my eyes slowly, getting a glimpse of a cloudy and gray sky. Countless drops of rain splattered against my armor, like a hail of liquid arrows. I got to my feet slowly but surely, and looked skyward.

"Is this...heaven?" I asked aloud. I had no idea as to what heaven was like, so I had no clear idea as to whether I was in heaven or not. I looked around myself to find that I was in a clearing in some strange forest. The branches were covered in moss and numerous vines hung from them like natural curtains. A dirt path lay ahead of me, so after double checking to make sure that I had all my proper equipment, I set out to find civilization.

I walked for some time, simply admiring the natural beauty of the forest. Though for some strange reason it seemed ominous, as if something was lurking within. I shook my head. Probably nothing. Soon I found myself staring up at a slightly overgrown looking cottage, which I was used to. Most of Heide was overgrown ruins, so it made no difference to me if there were a few more overgrown buildings. The only difference was the growth looked controlled, tamed even.

I crossed the tiny cobblestone bridge leading to the cottage and made my way to the front door. Then, I noticed something truly strange: the door was at least two feet shorter than me! Were angels shorter than men? They couldn't be, right? I shrugged my shoulders and decided to ask the owner of the property.

I knocked lightly on the small door, and soon after heard a sweet voice call out, "Coming!"

I waited patiently for whomever was inside to open the door and soon enough it had opened.

"What are you doing outside in this horrible weather? You'll catch a—" I stared down in surprise at the small, butter yellow horse with wings that was standing in the doorway. It had large, teal eyes that stared right back at me in fear before it promptly shut the door on me with a cute little "Eep!"

I stood motionless at the door, standing there in the rain wondering what in the world just happened.

Author's Note:

I was toying with the idea of making a crossover with Dark Souls for awhile, so here it is! I hope it's all to your liking and as always, thanks for reading!
