• Published 19th Apr 2015
  • 4,254 Views, 186 Comments

A Blueblood for Everyone - Macgyver644200

Who is Blueblood? He acted like a jerk during the Gala, but why? What is he really like? Which unlucky mare would he be ideally suited to?

  • ...

Blueblood the Tentative - Fluttershy II

The clouds are grey when my train pulls in. I get up and I carefully dust myself off before I get off the train. There are only a few ponies getting off with me at Ponyville and I was lucky enough to get my own compartment, so the noise and crowds aren’t too bad, although my side is still itching under my bandages. I reach into my satchel, only to find that while I remembered the flower, I’ve forgotten my umbrella.

Typical Blueblood. My first date ever and we’re both going to be rained on. What else could go wro- darnit.

“Hi there!”

I jump and spin around. Standing behind me with the biggest grin on her face is the pinkest pony I’ve ever seen. “I’ve never seen your face before! Who are ya’, stranger?”

The prevailing urge in my head is to run before this mare wears down my sense of sociability, but I remember my manners. “I’m Prince Blueblood,” I tell her.

She gasps. “Oh my gosh,” she says. Instantly I think that she knows Rarity and Fluttershy together. Between those two, I have no idea what her response-she zooms into my face. “You’re the guy Fluttershy got a crush on three weeks ago!”

I leap back. “Please don’t do that,” I ask.

Realization dawns on her. “Oh.” She smiles sheepishly. “Sorry.”

“That’s alright,” I respond out of habit.

“I was just so excited to meet you,” the pink one continues. “Fluttershy came back from Canterlot so incredibly happy, I assumed she’d mended fences with the animals at the castle, but she said that didn’t happen. Then, at our weekly spa meeting, Rarity realized she’d met somepony she had a crush on, but Fluttershy completely clammed up, so that told me that that somepony was somepony we didn’t like and wasn’t dumped on her by the princess! Combining the list of single stallions we don’t like combined with the stallions that live in Canterlot that we don’t like left you!” She leans in right next to my ear. “Don’t worry,” she whispers, “I don’t think anypony else’s figured it out yet, so her secret’s safe.”

Aunt Celestia, I beg you, let this pony have a… wait, Fluttershy has a crush on me? Excellent! I don’t have to wor… wait, she didn’t even tell them she was interested in me. OK, if our positions were reversed, I wouldn’t be too excited about it either, but… no, I don’t blame her. We were just friends when we parted, after all.

“Where can I find her?” I ask.

“Normally, she’s in her cottage,” Pinkazoid continues. “I can-“

“That’s alright,” I tell her. “Directions will be fine.”

Her face falls and I feel guilty, but Pinkazoid perks back up in a moment. “Just go down this road ‘til you get to the bridge,” she tells me.

“Thank you,” I say. I start to wa-

“WAIT!” I stop and regretfully turn around. “I know you’re not moving here, so I can’t throw you a proper ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party just yet, but I can give you a ‘Hope You Have Fun Here,’ mini-shindig!”


I get all the confetti out of my mane just as I reach the bridge. Across it is a house that I guess is her cottage. It doesn’t feel right, though. I always picture cottages as being smaller. However, I could be wrong: I’ve never looked up precisely what a cottage is. Regardless, I cross the river and walk up to her door. With some hesitation, I knock.

A rabbit answers the door with a frown. I’m not surprised by the sentient bunny; I’ve seen it before. “Hello,” I say. “I’m looking for Fluttershy. Have you seen her?”

The rabbit’s eyes widen, then his scowl deepens. She seems to have told her animals about me, at least. He points to my right and I look over. “The forest?” I ask him. I remember to turn my head back, since he can’t say anything, but the door slams in my face. “Thanks,” I mumble. Then I find a nice place on the ground to sit and I wait on the doorstep.

Several minutes go by and I don’t see Fluttershy. Should I go back into to- no. I might miss her, or I might encounter somepony else. Somepony who isn’t as open to the idea of me seeing her. Or worse, one of the ponies who openly hates me. And thus, I start naming families of beetles and their individual characteristics. After fifteen minutes, I stop, bored.

Then it occurs to me that I’m about to do something I’ve never done before, and that I should probably practice. Then I remember that I’ve read nothing about asking someone out. But whatever, I’ve seen several movies that involve a couple getting together; I can extrapolate. Even weeding out the crash-into-get-togethers, I still have something to work with. But what if the rest are just longer versions of sleezy pick-up lines that no mare would ever believe? Then I remember my mom’s advice: just be honest. I take a few deep breaths, and I start composing.

“Fluttershy,” I say, “you are beautiful. Not just in body, but in personality. You are gentle and forgiving, and I find myself attra-“ ‘I find myself’? Really? Start over.

“Fluttershy, I am in lo- I believe I have a crush-“ No. Don’t be so forward. If she doesn’t feel the same way, it’ll just be awkward, and you really need friends outside of your office. Try again.

After a few seconds, nothing’s coming to mind. I try to fish for poetic imagery, but it just sounds cheesy. I try to elaborate, but I just feel like I’m sounding desperate. Finally, I decide to try for something simple. “Fluttershy, will you go out with me?” There, that should do it, I hope. Just raise the volume a little. “Fluttershy, will you go out with me?” Better, but be less jittery. “Fluttershy-“


I feel like I’ve been dunked in a snow-cloud. After leaping a foot in the air, I whip around. Right behind me is Fluttershy, and next to her is that little jerk of a bunny laughing his fluffy little tail off. “Y-yes?” I ask. “When did you get here? Uh-”

“Just now,” she says. “Angel here came to get me fifteen minutes ago.” She’s blushing. “I, uh, I heard everything. I just couldn’t think of how to interrupt you.”

My heart sinks. “Ah,” I say.

She smiles at me. “And yes, I would love to go out with you.”

My heart shoots back up. “Thank you!” I cry out. “I mean,” I reign in my enthusiasm, “thank you.”

She giggles. “You’re welcome.”

“Anywhere you had in mind? I’m sort of new to the area and I don’t want to drag you back to Canterlot.”

“I know a few places,” she says. “Was there anything you wanted?”

“I’m fine with anything,” I say. I’m personally yearning for something sweet, but she might not.

“You’re sure?” she asks.

OK, is that an invitation to suggest something or is she just being polite? Come to think of it, she seems a little more reserved than when we met last time. Well, regardless, I decide to take the plunge. “Is there a bakery anywhere near here?” I ask.

She nods. “The best is Sugarcube Corner. It’s one of my favorite places to eat.”

Thank goodness we agree. “Sounds good,” I say. “Lead the way.”

We walk off, Angel frowning at me, but hopping off and letting us be. Unless he’s preparing to do something evil very quickly. I put my mind off of that, but I keep a part of my attention focused backwards.

“Blueblood?” Fluttershy asks me.


“Well, I just wanted to apologize for… being so forward the last time we met.”

“That’s alright,” I say.

“It’s just, I really like your work and I really wanted to like you. Well, that and we had a high spore count that day.”

That last noun catches my attention. “Spore count?” I ask.

Fluttershy nods. “Ponyville is right next to a large patch of Poison Joke. Their spores tend to have-“

“Persona- sorry.”

“Personality-altering effects, yes,” she finishes. “Don’t worry, it should be a low-spore day today.”

I can feel the spores in my lungs already, like little spider eggs fluttering around. Then the 'personality-altering' part catches up to me. Already, I can feel my emotions playing closer to the top of my head! That odd smell wafting down the street of town, what if I start heaving? What if an odd chewing noise causes me to start screaming at the top of my lungs? I smack myself. "Relax," I mutter to myself. "If you imagine bad thi-"

“Ah, Fluttershy, I-“

I recognize her voice right as I see her. Rarity drops several bolts of what look like very nice fabric as she sees me. “YOU!

She storms over to me. Memories of her shaking cake onto me fill my head and I realize she can probably make mud quite easily. I back away, eyes wide, babbling out “I’m sorry!”

“Rarity,” Fluttershy says, “As you know, this is-"

"PRINCE! BLUEBLOOD!" Rarity shrieks.

"I'm sorry," I mumble.

"What are you doing here?" she asks.

Fluttershy stands between us. "He's taking me on a date," she says.


I look up. Falling out of the sky is a blue mare with a rainbow mane and wide-eyed anger on her face. "Tell me you're kidding," she tells Fluttershy as she lands. "You're seriously going on a date with this pompous snob?"

I take a step back, but Fluttershy stays where she is. "Yes, Rainbow Dash, I am," she says.

"Why?" Rainbow Dash asks.

"Remember that stallion I mentioned last week?" Fluttershy replies.

Rarity starts. "I didn't think you were talking about..." She motions to me. "That!"

I frown. I know this will end badly, I should just leave and get it over with.

"He was a very different person when I saw him," Fluttershy says. "And even if he was leading me on, don't you think after Discord that I can handle myself?"

This silences them. The two look at each other, then glare at me. I want to reassure them, but I keep my mouth shut: they wouldn't believe me anyway. Finally, they turn back to Fluttershy. "Very well, Fluttershy," Rarity says. "Your heart is your business, and we will leave you to it. Come, Rainbow Dash. Let's give the two lovebirds some space."

Rarity walks off. Rainbow Dash looks back at Fluttershy, then back at me, then walks off after Rarity. Fluttershy turns to me. "You OK?" she asks.

My face reddens as I realize I've let Fluttershy fight this battle. I can't think of anything to do, but I feel like I should've done something. I force the thought of spores out of my mind: I’ve always been… cautious. "I'm OK," I say. I hear something and I look over the way the two ponies went. “They’re watching us,” I say.

Fluttershy frowns. “They won’t do anything,” she says. “They’re just curious.”

My frown deepens. “Shall we keep going before-“

"Howdy, Fluttershy."

A passing orange pony in a stetson with a wagon catches my eye. Then she stops. Then she turns around, frown in place. I smile nervously, she turns to Fluttershy. "Fluttershy?" she asks as she motions to me. "Care t' explain?"

"He's with me, Applejack," Fluttershy says.

Applejack (or as I remember her, the food cart pony) turns back to me, eyebrow cocked. "I'm sorry about the night of the Gala," I say, hoping my words aren't coming out too easily. "Your fritters were actually quite delicious." I stumble over the word briefly, but that part’s true and her frown doesn't tell me if she noticed, even if her eye contact is starting to scare me. "I just..." I stop myself from making an excuse. Then the urge to explain myself takes over. "I wasn’t allowed to say anything in their company."

Applejack keeps frowning at me, then looks at Fluttershy. Then Applejack smiles. "Ah know what ya' mean,” she tells me. “Ah spent time in Manehattan high society. Celestia bless mah Aunt an’ Uncle Orange, but Ah hated it there." She turned to Fluttershy. “Ah take it he’s th’ guy ya’ met in Canterlot?”

Fluttershy blushes, but nods. “He is.”

“Hm. He seems nice enough.”

“Yes,” Fluttershy says. “He was just having a bad night that night.”

"If ya' say so, sugarcube." She smiles at me. "Where y'all headed?"

"Umm, I think it's called Sugarcube Corner."

"Excellent!" Applejack just beams at me. "Let me buy ya' the first round o' treats."

The two walk into a nearby building. I walk up to the steps, but I hear ponies inside. They’re loud, at least for me. “Maybe we can eat outside?” I suggest.

Applejack’s staring at me and Fluttershy looks a little uncomfortable. “You sure about that?” Applejack asks. “It’s s’posed t’ start rainin’ any second now.”

The joke speeds out of my mouth. “Please,” I snort. “When has the weather department been on ti-”

I’m glad I’m not the only pony who jumped at the lightning, but I’m the only one getting wet. “One o’clock!” Rainbow Dash calls. “Right. On. Time.”

Oh. Right. That’s one of her friends I’m insulting. I’m embarrassing myself and Fluttershy and my bandages are getting wet. I should just cut my losses and run. Who knows what the spores... no. I won’t. That would hurt Fluttershy’s feelings. I stand there for a moment, pondering whether being wet and cold trumps being overloaded. Then a wind picks up and I march inside.

Thankfully, the place is still relatively quiet, in that I can point my ears and hear with effort. Maybe if we eat quickly, I-sorry, we- can get out before it starts getting loud. Unless Fluttershy lingers to talk. Please don’t linger, Fluttershy. Fluttershy vouches for a window seat a small distance away from the door, close, but away from the wind. I smile at her, then we sit.

“Hi guys!”

Darnit. “Hey Pinkie,” Applejack says. “Three apple fritters on me.”

Darnit. “Comin’ right up!” Pinkie bursts. I open my mouth. “Here ya’ go!” Pinkie doles out three apple fritters, then speeds off.

“Thanks, Applejack,” Fluttershy says. Then she starts eating.

I look at the fritter. There is no liquid on the table of any kind. I look up; Applejack is looking right at me. She’s smiling, but it doesn’t quite meet her eyes. She’s daring me. Right as she opens her mouth, I put the thing in my mouth and bite down.

I barely keep from spitting it out. Ugh, the outside feels so crunchy! This is what normal ponies call crisp? This is pumice! And they’ve got little pieces of stuff in them, like I’m eating pebbles! I can feel my face contracting: my cover’s blown. With the greatest of effort, I swallow. I look at her with a smile and she smiles back. “So, did ya’ OMIGOSH!

I’m distracted by Pinkie going off behind me. What did Applejack say? I want to say ‘like it’ but what if she meant ‘hate it’? OK, yes and no are out; be certain. “It’s good,” I say.

“D’ya Daddyyyyy!

A little brat’s whining distracts me. The place is starting to fill up and the noise is becoming irritating. I still have to deal with Applejack, though. “I’ll finish this first,” I say, swiveling my ears around.

Thank Celestia I seem to have got it right because Applejack nods with a more eye-reaching smile. “Well, ye’r polite, Ah’ll give ya’ that.” Good, I’m in her good graces. She turns to Fluttershy. “crunchcruchcruchcrucnch go. Thank th’ beavers MUFFINS!

Wait, what did she say? “I will,” Fluttershy says.

“Wait,” I say. “Beavers?”

“Yeah,” Applejack says. “Fluttershy spoke to them and they a-snerrrt take down the dead trees.”

I think I got this. “And you don’t have to worry about flooding?” I ask.

“Once,” Fluttershy admits, “but that’s been taken care of. How are the vampire fruit bats?”

Applejack frowns. “They’ve been scraaaaaape outside their part o’ th’ orchard again. Ah found two more SLAM! drained dry this mornin’ an’ Winona’s goin’ up th’ gulp, gulp, gulp, gulp, clunk! gonna’ have a bit of a crunch on our hands come October.”

“I actually think I can help with that,” I say. “Vampire fruit bats don’t like things that make noise and move, like wind chimes. Certain preserves have started using spells that simulate that across a boundary line, so that bats turn back when they cross it. If you want, I can cast it for you.”

She’s giving me an odd look, probably because I’m a little too loud. “snerrrt great. Thanks.”

“You’re welcome. Anything else I can help you with?” Poor choice of words. “How is everything besides the bats?”

Applejack’s frowning at me as the background noise grows louder. “Well, scoochscoochscoochscooch are a little diseased but that’s HEY, OVER HERE! I mean, NO! HERE! IN THE MIDDLE OF THE ROOM!

I barely refrain from pounding my hoof on the table. Can’t they see I’m trying to- no, of course they can’t. I can see Applejack frowning.


The sounds are blending together and forcing themselves into my skull. I try to filter it out, putting a hoof to one ear, but I still can’t understand the ponies right next to me. I scowl, putting my head to the table. In the corner of my eye, I can see Fluttershy telling Applejack something, but the homogenous emulsion of a crowd talking is all I hear. I close my eyes. The lack of light helps for a moment, but the sound continues to build and build and build within my skull. I look like an idiot once more, and my patience reaches an end.


I open my eyes. Everything’s quiet, and everyone’s staring at me from all over the restaurant. I see Rarity and Rainbow Dash scowling at me a few tables over. Applejack is staring at me. And Fluttershy… she looks startled, and she must be so embarrassed right now.

“I’m sorry,” I say. “I’ll just go now.”


Too late. I’ve teleported out. Now I've blown it for good. Tears are rolling down my cheeks, and it’s still raining. I fire a volley of concussive shots into the clouds, leaving several spots for the sun to shine through. After a few minutes I find myself too weary to continue, so I just plod away to find somewhere out of the rain. I bump into somepony, mumble out an apology, and continue.


I stop. There’s the last one. The one I knew before the Gala. Princess Twilight Sparkle walks up and extends an umbrella over me. “Are you alright?” she asks.

I sigh. “I’ll be fine,” I tell her.

“What’s wrong?” she asks.

I turn around to look at her. She’s frowning, but it isn’t too harsh and her eyebrows are raised. She doesn’t look mad at me, though I can only imagine she’s waiting to unload on me, too. “Nothing,” I tell her.

“Blueblood, I don’t blame you for the Gala,” she tells me. “I’ve seen how you get under a lot of stress, and the night of the Gala definitely counted. If I'd known you were there, I'da been with you." Her eyebrows change, one cocked up. "What were you doing there, anyway?" she asks.

"I'd gotten my ticket months in advance," I explain. "I'd made plans to go, and I was going to do it, whatever happened."

Twilight chuckles. "I know how that feels. Did you hear about the whole Smarty-Pants thing?"

I shake my head, but then it hits me. "I did," I say. "Were you alright?"

"Yeah," she says. "Hard to believe I went to camp with you, isn't it? Thank goodness Princess Celestia was very understanding. My friends really helped, too."

"You have friends?" I ask. Wait, that came out wrong.

"Yep," she says. "Five of them. They're actually the reason I stayed here." Her smile goes away. "Speaking of which, how's your date with Fluttershy going?"

"You worked it out," I say.

"Just a hunch," she says. "You made her really happy," she tells me. "That was her first breakup, even if it was really gentle."

Something occurs to me. “She’s not-“ I stop myself. “Well…”

“No,” Fluttershy says. “You’re not a rebound.”

I look at her. “Fluttershy.”

“I broke up with him a month before I met you. I was ready to move on.”

I start to turn pink. “I’m sorry about…” I stumble here. “…embarrassing you in there.”

“You didn’t embarrass me,” she says. “I looked after Discord: they trust me.”

I can guess what she means, but that’s not a high complement. “Thank you,” I say.

“Would you like to finish our date?”

She motions behind her. Applejack is moving a table into a spot out in the open where there isn’t any rain. I look up: there’s a break in the clouds maintained by Rainbow Dash. I look back down and Rarity is laying out a tablecloth, two plates, and a vase of flowers. I turn back to Fluttershy. She smiles at me. Then I turn back to the others. Rarity and Rainbow Dash have stopped scowling at me, and Applejack is smiling supportively. I turn back to Fluttershy. Slowly, I nod. “I’m willing if you are.”

We walk over to the table. As I sit down, I pull off my bag. “Oh!” I open it and pull out a long tubular container. “This is for you,” I say as I open it.

Fluttershy, Twilight, and Rarity gasp as I pull out a white flower. “Moly?” Fluttershy asks.

“Hoof-picked,” I say. “Hence the, well, remains of the bandages.” Indeed, the bandage is partly see-through now, revealing a rather nasty wound on my side. “It’s hard to pick,” I continue. “If it’s done wrong, the pony gets incinerate…”

Rainbow Dash has stopped frowning and is looking at Twilight, but Fluttershy is staring at me. “Is it too much?” I ask. “You said you wanted it and I-“

Fluttershy is beaming. “No,” she says. “It’s perfect.”

Author's Note:

Sorry this is late! Had to deal with insurance worries this week. Also, this chapter gave me trouble, so please tell me if I've screwed anything up.