• Published 19th Apr 2015
  • 4,253 Views, 186 Comments

A Blueblood for Everyone - Macgyver644200

Who is Blueblood? He acted like a jerk during the Gala, but why? What is he really like? Which unlucky mare would he be ideally suited to?

  • ...

Blueblood the Avenger - Rainbow Dash

"Looking for something, Twi-lens?"

A young Twilight Sparkle bumped her head on the bench she had crawled under. She swiftly scooched her way out from under the bench, her heart stopping when she turned around. Standing in front of her was an older unicorn filly: Kelliset. Her pelt was deep yellow and her mane and eyes were light blue. Her horn glowed blue as she waved a book in front of her. "And I thought you were a responsible filly," she said.

Twilight tried to magically grab the book, but the blue aura blocked it out. "Ah ah ah," Kelliset tutted. "If you can't take care of your library books, you shouldn't have them." Kelliset then took the book and stuffed it in her saddlebags.

"Kelliset, wait!" Twilight ran after her, but Kelliset shoved her away. "I need that book!" Twilight cried. "It's almost overdue!"

"Well, too bad," Kelliset told her. "You know the rules: you're responsible for whatever happens to this book, including theft. Guess you're going to have to pay for it."

"OK, how much?"

Kelliset and Twilight turned around. Standing little ways away was a teenaged white unicorn with a black eye and a smile. Kelliset snorted. "Hello, Blueblood," she said. "Did the track team beat you up again?"

Blueblood kept smiling. "Not all of them," he said easily. "Shining Armor ran screaming for the coach as soon as the fight started." He giggled. "And he thinks he's going to be a royal guard when he grows up."

Twilight frowned at Blueblood, but kept her mouth shut. Kelliset, however, continued. "Yeah, that scrawny little nerd thinking he has a chance? Though he'd at least be better at it than you. You can't even beat ponies that run track. Didn't your mother take on twelve guards at once?"

Blueblood's smile wavered for a moment, but remained in place. "I'm not completely useless," he said, his voice straining. "I'm very good at getting even."

Kelliset snorted. "Have to take after one of your parents, I guess. Well, au revoir, Prince Blueblood."

She gave an exaggerated bow, then turned and strutted away. Blueblood scowled after her for a long moment, then turned to Twilight. "Can I have one of your hairs?" he asked.

Twilight's brow furled. "Why? Ow!"

"Just watch." Blueblood held the hair in his teeth. Then he pulled out a stinkbomb as his horn lit up. "Just got to work a little sympathetic teleportation..." There was a bright flash of light, which forced Twilight to avert her eyes for a moment. When it was done, he held out his hoof. "Is this yours?"

Twilight seized the book out of his hoof and pressed it to her heart. "THANK CELESTIA!" She stuffed it into her bookbag, then launched herself onto Blueblood. "Thanky-"


Twilight recoiled. "Oh! Sorry! How're you doing?"

"Better," Blueblood said, holding his side. "The bruising on my rib's gone down at least."

"Good." Twilight paused. "Blueblood, what are you planning?"

"Nothing." Blueblood smiled coldly. "At least, nothing that won't come off in time."

Twilight frowned. "Shiny isn't going to get hit with it, is he?"

"Don't worry, Twilight," Blueblood assured her. "I told him to give the showers a wide berth for the next few days. He'll be fine."

Twilight's frown remained, but it softened a little. "OK, Blueblood," she said. "Have you thought about just transferring out?"

Blueblood scowled at her. "Why do you think I'm here?"

"Oh." Twilight averted her eyes. "Sorry."

Blueblood sighed. "That's alright. Problem is, having my parents..."

He trailed off. Twilight waited for him to speak, but the silence only stretched on. Finally, Twilight cleared her throat. "So," she said, "that's a new spell."

Blueblood looked back at her. "Celestia taught it to me." He smiled again. "I'm really good at it. I can even teleport a bowling ball across the school campus."

Twilight's eyebrow rose. "That's oddly specific."

Blueblood chuckled. "Well, it involved Brobdingnag..."


Blueblood stormed down the hallway, mane bedraggled and a cloud of rage hovering over him. Last night had been going so well. Find rich ponce, induce irritation, leave, wait for Celestia to find his surprise. That had worked for the past several years. This year, however, something had gone wrong, something that could have easily been prevented.

"Hello, Prince Blueblunder!"

Blueblood growled as the grey, grinning, and geriatric earth stallion sauntered up to him. "Just heard about last night," the stallion said. "Your parents would've been so proud."

"Don't you have a poor box to spit in?" Blueblood asked.

The stallion ignored him. "Just imagine how they'd feel knowing that their son, the son of Grandmaster, turned one of the Elements of Harmony and one of Celestia's royal guests into his personal chew toy! What do you do all day when you're supposed to working?"


"Well, I'd wish you good luck, but nothing's going to save you from being out on your plot this time next week. Ta ta!"

The stallion marched off, and Blueblood had to summon all of his strength not to throw something at him. "No," he told himself. "No. You can hide a rotten egg in his room later." Blueblood took a deep breath and continued on down the corridor.


"So, how'd your date go?"

Rarity set the cup down. "I told you before, Rainbow Dash, I don't want to talk about it."

Seven ponies sat around the breakfast table: Princess Celestia and her guests. Rainbow Dash snickered. "C'mon, Rares," she pleaded. "So he forgot to use his napkin. Big whoop!"

Rarity glared at Rainbow Dash. "He held me in front of a flying cake!" Rarity groaned. "How a brat like that became a prince, I'll never know."

Celestia looked up. "Prince?" she asked.

"Yes, your highness, and a less fitting candidate for the position I have never seen! He's rude, selfish, arrogant, vain, and so-"

The doors slammed open, which caused Fluttershy to jump and everypony to turn. Stomping through the door was a white unicorn with a ragged blond mane. "Aunt Celestia," he growled, "we need to talk about last night."

"You!" Rarity shouted as she rose to her hooves. "You swine!" She stomped over to him. "After everything you put me through last night you have the gall to-"

"Rarity, it's alright," Princess Celestia said as she rose from her seat.

Rarity stopped as she whipped her head back around. "I beg your pardon, your highness?" she asked.

Celestia motioned forward. "Rarity, this is my nephew, Prince Blueblood. Blueblood, you're right, we do have something to talk about regarding last night."

Blueblood's glare faltered under his aunt's, and soon it had morphed into a blush. "Ah, yes." He cleared his throat. "Miss Rarity, I'm sorry for my behavior last night. Somepony," he glanced up at his aunt, "did not inform me about six very special guests, so I had to rely on her sister to find out about them."

Celestia's frown faded. "I'm sorry about that. Something came up and it just slipped my mind."

Blueblood glared at her for a moment, but eventually he closed his eyes. "Very well. Apology accepted."

"Is there anything else you need?"

Blueblood circled around the other ponies as he moved next to Celestia. "Yes. As a matter of fact, I do." He turned to the chair at Celestia's right. "You're Fluttershy?"

Fluttershy gulped. "Uh, I-I am." she whimpered.

Blueblood glared at her, softly but surely. "I understand you had an interesting run-in with some of the animals. If I could borrow you for a moment-"

Rainbow Dash leapt to her hooves. "Just a minute, Prince Backside!"

"No, Rainbow Dash," Fluttershy said. "I was awful last night, and I should apologize for what I did."

Fluttershy got up and turned to Blueblood. With a brief nod to Celestia, he led Fluttershy out of the room.

Everypony turned to the head of the table. "Yer highness-"

"It's alright, Applejack," Celestia told her, quite easily. "He won't hurt her now that he knows her."

Four of the ponies looked at each other, then back to Celestia. "Forgive me, your highness," Rarity said, "but what I have seen of that... stallion, I find that a little difficult to believe."

Celestia looked over at Twilight. "She's telling the truth," Twilight told the others. "Blueblood is a pain, but he isn't... well..." Twilight paused for a moment. "...he doesn't go too far. And since he knows-"

"Twilight," Rarity interrupted her, "forgive me for interrupting, but have you forgotten last night?"

"That was partly my fault," Celestia said. "He has a personal vendetta against the ponies of Canterlot and must have assumed you were one of them. He's also not very well informed. I should have told him about you, but something came up in Seaddle and it slipped my mind."


Everypony's head whipped around. Rainbow Dash jumped across the table, grabbed the bottle of milk, and chugged it down. A few seconds later, the bottle was empty and Rainbow Dash was panting. "OK," she breathed. "Twilight, I take it back. Tea is not a sissy drink."

Celestia smiled. "That is more his style. When I first met him, he was a colt who was trying to play every prank possible on me. I trained him and taught him to harness his powers for good. Well, for the most part." Celestia sheepishly smiled at Rarity.

Rarity did not return the smile, instead remaining silent for several moments. "...alright. I'll accept that. However, I thought princes were supposed to have wings and a horn?"

"Blueblood is a special case. I'd advise you to ask him about the rest. Raven, please order a new pot of tea." Celestia looked into the seat of her chair, tsked, and tossed a whoopie cushion onto the floor. Then she sat.

There was a loud snap as the chair collapsed, dropping Celestia onto the floor. The other five ponies shot out of their seats and to her side, but Celestia waved them down with a smile. "It's alright," she said. "Although I think I need a nap after this. I'm losing my touch."


"Rainbow Dash, you don't know what you're getting yourself into!"

"Be quiet!" Rainbow Dash hissed.

Twilight groaned. Rainbow Dash was peeking over a hedge, wearing a ghillie suit and war paint, and aiming a water gun at the Prince. Standing next to him was Fluttershy, happily letting a bird nestle in her mane. "Dash, our train leaves at two minutes past noon and you can't afford to-"

"I can fly back to Ponyville before the train gets there! Now please shut up!"

Twilight sighed at her friend. "Fine. Don't say I didn't warn you."

"Yeah, whatever, now go away!"

There was a flash of light and Twilight was gone. Rainbow Dash turned her sights back onto Blueblood. "C'mon, Fluttershy," she quietly pleaded, "move over!"

"Thank you so much, your highness," Fluttershy said.

Blueblood stroked the bird on Fluttershy's head. "Please, just call me Blueblood."

Fluttershy blushed. "Oh. Well, thank you... Blueblood."

"MOVE!," Rainbow Dash whispered.

Blueblood pulled away. "Are you going to be alright?"

Fluttershy started. "Oh, yes."

"Excellent. I think your train's about to leave."

Fluttershy's face fell. "Oh. Well, can I expect to see you again?"

Blueblood smiled. "Most probably. I'll see you then."

Fluttershy nodded. "OK." She paused. "Look, about what those ponies said-"

Blueblood's smile vanished. "I'd rather not talk about it," he said. "But thank you."

Fluttershy nodded. "You're welcome, Blueblood."

Blueblood smiled once more before he poofed away.


Rainbow Dash spun around and pulled the trigger, but Blueblood knocked the gun out of her hooves. "That model has too short a range," Blueblood said. "However, I will credit your mastery of surprise. If you weren't making all that racket, I'd have-"

"I was not making a racket!" Rainbow Dash snapped.

Blueblood snorted. "Please. That flash almost woke the dead."

Rainbow Dash stared at him for a moment, but then snarled. "Twilight..."

"Doubtless she gave you sage advice," Blueblood said. "I assume you're Rainbow Dash? Based on what I've heard of you, you're about to play with forces beyond your ken. Putting pranking on a karate belt scale, I'd say you're a yellow, maybe an orange belt. I am a 6th-dan master."

Rainbow Dash growled, but then it broke into a smile. "Yeah, I guess it was a long shot." She put her hoof out. "Put 'er there, Blueblood-Kyoshi."

Blueblood scrutinized her, but Rainbow Dash just wiggled her hoof. Eventually, he smiled and put his hoof out. Just before contact, however, he grabbed Dash's hoof and twisted it to reveal a joy buzzer. "Really?" Blueblood asked. "I expecte-"


Blueblood stood still as merangue ran down his face. Dash pointed at him. "HA! Backup plan!"

Blueblood summoned a cloth to wipe the pie off of himself. "Impressive," he said, his smile returning.

"That's at least a black belt, right?" Dash asked.

"Only about green, I'm afraid."

Rainbow Dash threw her hooves up. "Oh come on! I just outpranked a master!"

"True," Blueblood said, "and that was a genuinely impressive display of Pie-style pranking, but there are two problems. Firstly, that was with your backup plan, and secondly, look down."

Rainbow did so. She had just enough time to notice that the joy buzzer was off of her hoof before Blueblood zapped her with it. "Brown belt," Blueblood continued, "slight of hoof. Red belt, stopping slight of hoof." Blueblood let go. Rainbow Dash crumpled on the ground, wings smoking and mane going every which way. "It takes years to master the art of pranking," Blueblood told her, "and I simply have more than you do."

Rainbow Dash shook herself, and smiled. "OK, yeah, that was pretty cool." She pointed at him. "But I will get you back!"

"Not by pranking me."

"Alright, I'll race ya'." Rainbow Dash cast her gaze around for a few seconds. "How about first one to the front gate?"

"Where's the front gate?"

Rainbow Dash opened her mouth, but her face fell. "...uhh... well, just follow-"

"We're in the wrong part of the grounds: there's a thick hedge separating us from the gate. There are also several other obstacles that would make the route longer for me. Do you fence?"


Blueblood's eyebrow quirked up.

"I took it in high school!" Rainbow Dash protested. "It can't be that hard to relearn!"

Blueblood kept looking at her, but Rainbow Dash didn't give. Finally, Blueblood sighed. "Alright, have it your way."


Five minutes later, the two stood on an island in the middle of a pond. An aide had fetched two blunted rapiers, and Blueblood twirled his expertly around the basket hilt. He momentarily dropped it, however, when he noticed Rainbow struggling to copy him. "Are you sure you want to try this?" he asked.

"Pointy end goes in the other guy. I'll pick up the rest as I go."

Blueblood rolled his eyes. "Very well. En guarde." Blueblood grasped the hilt of the weapon in his fetlock, standing on his back hooves. "You know how to do this?"

"Pfft, please." Rainbow Dash then launched herself onto her back legs, her wings moving back and out to balance. "You ready?"

Blueblood saluted with the blade. "Of course."

Rainbow Dash copied the salute. "OK, go! OW!"

Rainbow Dash hopped on one leg as Blueblood smirked at her. "How long has it been since you've done this?" he asked.

Dash put her hoof back down and raised her sword again. "Let's just go again, smart-aleck," she said.


Dash lasted a few more strikes before getting whacked in the side. She tried again, and lasted a little longer, but a feint from Blueblood led to a nick on her sword hoof. Round after round passed with a victory for Blueblood each time. "OK," Rainbow Dash said, "I'll admit: you're fast."

Blueblood bowed his head a mite. "Thank you. I conserve an entire day's worth of energy for moments like this. En guarde."

Blueblood swiped at Dash's left, but Dash parried it. Blueblood moved forward, Dash moved back. Head. Right leg. Forward. Left body. Feint right, lunge.


Blueblood's hoof went to his side as Rainbow Dash smirked at him. "Did I mention I was the best in my class?" she boasted.

Blueblood smiled at her as he straightened up. "Well, you're remembering. But I've had practice for the past few years. You haven't."

The next point went to Blueblood, but Rainbow Dash came after that twice. Blueblood scored twice, then Dash scored twice. Then Blueblood scored once before Dash scored five times in a row. "Well," Blueblood said with a chuckle, "I guess it really is coming back to you. That or you're learning my tells."

"How do you think I got to be the best?" Dash told Blueblood. "I also did really well when the teacher brought in kids from other classes."

Blueblood smirked. "Is that a fact? Then I'm going to have to stop coddling you."

Rainbow Dash barely blocked Blueblood's next swing in time. He then pushed himself closer, forcing Dash to back up. Gradually, he pushed her back over the bridge, her barely managing to block his blows. Left hoof, right side, head. Dash slashed back, but Blueblood sidestepped it. Dash barely parried the blow. The two made it to the mainland, still trading blows. Then Dash stumbled and fell on her back. Blueblood lunged.

Dash rolled, Blueblood's blade sticking into the ground. She then slashed at him, but he ducked behind his blade. "Nice!" Blueblood said, pulling his blade out of the ground. "Was that out of Hidden Fortress?"

Dash brightened up as she struck back. "Yeah, actually, once. You didn't do too bad dodging it!"

Blueblood shrugged. "Of course, I own that movie."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened. "Shut up! My dad only owns a copy through a friend! How'd you find it?"

"Prince, remember?"

The fight continued. Left side, right leg, lunge. "I always preferred Burning of Two Rivers, myself," Dash said. "The fight scenes are more acrobatic."

"Acrobatic, hmm?" Blueblood said. "Like this?"

Blueblood somersaulted over Rainbow Dash's head. Dash tried to score a point, but Blueblood always kept the blade between himself and her. As soon as he landed, he whipped around, bringing the blade around in an arc Rainbow Dash had to duck. "Whoa!" Rainbow Dash said. "How did you learn to do that?"

Blueblood shrugged as he parried a blow. "Practice."

"Yes, I imagine you get a lot of that."

Blueblood's smirk momentarily turned into a frown as a yellow unicorn mare walked up behind him. "Hello, Kelliset," Blueblood said, continuing to fight.

Kelliset smirked. "Hello, Blueblood," she said with a chuckle. "I see you're still in that lame-duck assignment. You'd think they'd give you something after three weeks."

"I have plenty to do," Blueblood assured her. "You just can't see it."

"Of course, of course," Kelliset continued. "Planning to recreate your parents' great disaster? Not off to a good start, if the Gala's any indication."

Blueblood's smile completely vanished. "Original," he said. "You're only the thirteenth pony to make that joke today."

Rainbow Dash's eyebrows rose as she dodged a sword swipe. "What're you talking about?" she asked.

Kelliset stared at her. "You don't know?" She snorted. "Well, a few years ago-"

"Don't you have somepony else to bother?" Blueblood snapped.

Kelliset hmphed. "Oh, very well. I suppose I can do that. Ta." Kelliset turned to leave. "Oh, Rainbow Dash, was it?" She smiled. "I'd suggest you ask about Grandmaster and Lethal Weapon before you go joining him on anything."

"Leave," Blueblood commanded.

Kellicent made a small bow, then teleported away. Rainbow Dash blocked a blow, the force ringing down her foreleg. "Who was that?" she asked.

"Old irritant," Blueblood snarled. "Been trying to remove me, but can't."

"OK." Rainbow Dash slashed at Blueblood, but he parried it. The force caught her off-balance, but she recovered. "Why do those ponies hate you so much?" she asked. "Did you flush firecrackers down the House's toilets or something?"

"They're snobs like that," Blueblood told her. "They don't need a reason."

"But who're Grandmaster and Lethal Weapo-"

"I. Don't. Want. To. Talk. About. It. Now. Leave. It. ALONE!"

Dash backed up. "OK, OK. No more quest-"

Rainbow Dash stopped. "Your parents tried to take over Equestria!"

Blueblood turned impossibly whiter. "SHUT UP!"

Rainbow Dash started talking to herself. "And Princess Celestia made you a pri-AHH!"

In the space of a breath, Blueblood had rocketed forward. Rainbow Dash tried to dodge, but Blueblood had hacked her in the wing. There was a loud SMACK and Rainbow Dash fell onto all four hooves. After several moments of hard breathing, Blueblood's eyes widened. He dropped the rapier, and fell onto his hooves. "I'm so-"


As soon as Blueblood got in range, Rainbow Dash cracked him in the jaw. When his sight returned, he was on the ground and a furious Rainbow Dash was right in his face. "What the hay was that for?" she snapped at him.

Blueblood tried to move, but Dash had him pinned. "I'm sorry," he said. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"Hurt me?" Dash asked him. "You could've broken my wing!"

"It isn't, is it?" he asked.

Rainbow Dash looked at it. "I don't know. Doesn't feel like it." She got off of Blueblood and lifted off. Immediately, she winced and landed. "Well, it's not broken," she said, glaring at Blueblood. "But it'll take a while before I can use it."

A large bell started tolling the hour. Rainbow Dash looked up at the clock, then her eyes shrank to pinheads. "Oh, no," she whispered. "Ohno ohno ohno ohno ohno! The train's leaving in two minutes and there's no way I can make it there in time! And the mayor gave me my last warning!" She fell to her knees. "I'M GONNA LOSE MY JOOOOOOOB!"

Immediately, Rainbow Dash curled up into a ball and started muttering to herself. Blueblood just stared at her for several seconds. Then, however, his face set, and he walked over to her.

"Is your dress on the train?"

Rainbow Dash looked up at him, then scowled. "What's it to ya'?"

"Is it or isn't it?"

Rainbow Dash kept scowling. "Yeah, it is."

"When does your train leave?"

"In two minutes. Look, if you're-"

"I need a hair from your mane."

Rainbow Dash's head tilted. "I can teleport you to your train," Blueblood explained. "However, due to the distance, I need a piece of your mane. With it, I can lock onto your dress, and thus also the train."

Rainbow Dash glared at him. "I'm sorry," Blueblood repeated. "Please, let me make things right."

Rainbow Dash looked back up at the clock. The minute hand had moved once already. Reluctantly, she put her head forward. "Do it."

Blueblood reached forward and plucked one of the hairs from her mane. "Hold on," he said. "This is going to take it out of me." There was a flash of light.


The first thing Blueblood noticed was that Rainbow Dash was holding him. Then he noticed a heavy wind. Then he saw trees rushing by and a full view of a clear blue sky.



"REALLY?" Blueblood asked. "I COULDN'T TELL!"


Blueblood focused his magic. He tried to block out the rushing wind from the train, the swaying it made, and the piercing migraine in his skull. He tried to hold focus for he couldn't guess how long.

"I CAN'T!" he shouted. "NOT ENOUGH MAGIC!"




Blueblood focused his magic again, trying to build the spell in his mind, but there was nothing. Blueblood tried to think of options. He couldn't teleport, he couldn't magnetize, magic was low.

"HOLD ON!" he shouted.

"I HAVE A CHOICE?" Rainbow Dash shouted back.

Blueblood collected power in his horn. When a moderate amount of it had built up, he let it out. A burst of sound and light shot from his horn in all directions. Rainbow Dash almost dropped him, but recovered her grip. He charged another burst and let it go. Then another. And another.

"TWO MILES!" Rainbow Dash shouted.

Blueblood forced power into his horn, firing more quickly. Eventually, however, the bursts began to get smaller and further apart. Blueblood tried to force more to come, but nothing happened.


Blueblood pulled like he had never pulled in his life. Every drop of magic in his body came into his horn. His body started to go numb, and Blueblood was sure he could feel something dripping onto his chest.


There was one last flash of light, and no more.


Blueblood could make out six blobs of color around him. As time passed, he noticed that they were all frowning at him. Their images became clearer, facial features came into focus. Finally, he felt clear-headed enough to talk. "Is Rainbow Dash alright?" he asked.

"Yeah," he heard her say. "Twilight got us."

"She told us an interesting story," the purple mare said. "Something about a sword fight?"

Blueblood tried to get up but Twilight forced him to lay down. "That's my fault," Blueblood said. "I'll tell the mayor anything. Just make sure Rainbow Dash keeps her job."

"Don't worry," the orange one told him. "She's the manager. As long as she's at work on time, she'll be fine. But mighty nice o' yeh t' be concerned."

By now, Blueblood's eyesight had completely focused. He was on the train now, lying on a row of seats and surrounded by the Element-bearers. He felt under his nostrils and noticed a napkin wedged there. "You had a nosebleed," Fluttershy said. "That'll close up in time."

Blueblood turned to face her. "Thanks."

Fluttershy blushed, then cleared her throat. "Well, we'd best give him room to recover, girls."

Blueblood turned again. "Rainbow Dash, can I talk to you for a moment?"

Rainbow Dash remained put as the others filed out of the compartment. "I owe you an explanation," Blueblood said. "About the whole-"

"That's OK," Dash said. "I guessed it was a touchy subject. You just lay back and rest; you can tell me later."

So he did.

Author's Note:

Phoo, this took a while. But I did it! I passed my End of Program Exams, I finished this chapter. Some of you have even got a sneak peek before it was quite finished (thanks to Shigawan for the review). But I'm almost done with college, and with that, these chapters should come out just a little bit faster. Not too fast, though, due to my full-time job. I'll do what I can, though. I had no idea how I was going to make more of this pairing, but I found a way. I always do. So, next time, Applejack.