• Published 6th Feb 2015
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A Different Perspective - Goldfur

An earth pony and his griffon best friend set out with Twilight Sparkle to study other cultures and how to forge bonds of friendship with them. Things rarely go to plan though, and sometimes comically wrong. Then Chrysalis changes everything.

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Chapter 15: Like Sand Through An Hourglass...

“What has your day been like?” Roseclaw asked her mate as they walked together to the castle’s dining hall.

Path gave her a rueful smile. “When Warfist won Razorbeak’s possessions, it was a huge boost to our resources, but a massive headache for me and Raza. I’m glad we’ve got Proper Place to help us sort it all out. He might have been thrust upon us, but Dianthia at least gave us competent help.”

“He has a pleasant personality also, although I suppose that would not be unusual for his kind. Nevertheless, I think he’s an asset to our House. Fortunately we won’t be needing him to teach his fighting skills too soon, so he can concentrate on the administrative duties.”

“How are the classes coming along then?”

“I’m very pleased with the classes for the young pony foals – so many of them are eager to learn. The older ones are having a harder time because of the slave indoctrination and lack of early education, but I have paired them with griff students to help them out. I have made it clear to the griffs that they would be also judged on their ability to integrate ponies with griffs in our House.”

Path nodded. “The first and most important lesson must always be that the House of Path is a family, and if they can’t learn that, then they don’t belong with us. One of these years, a griff might depend on his pony brother to save his life, and then there must not be a moment’s hesitation.”

“It would be good if we could get more species involved as soon as possible for that very reason,” Roseclaw pointed out.

Path shrugged. “Yes it would, but right now I’ve got my hooves full just trying to deal with those that we have already. However, Raza had an idea to post advertisements at the docks, and spread the word through the crews of the trading ships. I’m working on a recruiting drive in Equestria, especially for unicorns and pegasi. Maybe even get the attention of some thestrals.”

“It’s a pity that you never got around to checking out the thestral town that you told me about.”

“The Thestral Grand Colony is still on the list of places that we will visit someday. Our original mission is postponed, not cancelled. I see it as parallel to what we’re achieving here with the House. Originally we set out to learn more about the perspectives of other species so that we can learn to be better friends. Here we’ve started actually putting that into practice already. It’s a lot sooner than I ever dreamed it could happen, but we’ve had some amazing good luck.”

“And some bad too,” Roseclaw reminded him.

“Yeah, but it’s worked out for the most part. I hope Twilight comes to her senses and puts Free out of his misery though. He’s been a bit of downer to all of us.”

Roseclaw examined Path’s face for a moment. “And yet you seem a lot more cheerful than you have been for the past few days, despite everything.”

Path nodded. “It’s an odd thing, but a short while ago I just started feeling happy for no apparent reason. Sure, I was enjoying the work despite how much there is to do, but it’s not the kind of thing to put me in such a positive frame of mind.”

“I’ll take it, whatever the cause.” She leaned up against him as they walked down the passageway. “Puts me more in the mood.”

Path grinned and kissed her on the cheek. “Heh! Me too.”

Dinner was ready to be served as soon as they reached the dining hall, but they waited a little while for Free to turn up. Blue Streak was already there, and they chatted with him about his day. Path was taking a special interest in Streak and, as the colt had no parents, he decided to mentor Streak personally. Part of that was having the colt come for dinner at the castle and discuss what had been learned that day.

However, when after nearly a quarter hour had passed and Free was still a no-show, Path got up and said, “Free could be feeling more depressed than usual, and not hungry. I’ll go check up on him.”

A knock on Free’s door elicited a quiet ‘Come in’, and Path entered. He found the griffon seated at his easel, with lamps set up to illuminate his subject. Path’s eyes widened in surprise when he spotted the striped mane. “Is that Twilight? When did she get here? How did she get here?” he asked in hushed tones.

Free gave him the happiest grin Path had seen in far too long. “She got here less than an hour ago. Would you believe she teleported and flew all the way over the ocean?”

“That’s amazing. No wonder I heard nothing about it. Is she back to normal then?”

“She’s back to her adorkable self. She even wrote an essay to prove it,” Free said as he pointed it out still lying on the floor where he had tossed it.

Path picked it up and glanced at it, snorting in amusement at the title page. “So, did this explain everything?”

Free shrugged. “I didn’t read it. I didn’t care because she came back to me, Path. I hardly dared hope, but she nearly killed herself to be with me. I should be angry with her for what she accused me of, but I don’t care. She’s here now where she belongs.”

“It’s dinner time, Free; do you think she would want to join us?”

“I don’t think you could wake her up right now. She barely made it here, and she’s wiped out.”

“I see you’ve started painting her portrait.”

“I want to capture this moment. I’m so happy and inspired right now.”

“Huh! Y’know, I think I felt the moment that you and Twilight reconciled. Suddenly I felt in a very good mood for no specific reason.”

Free looked a little chagrined. “If the past few days have taught us anything, Path, it’s that you and I share a close bond. For the most part, it’s been a good thing, but occasionally it’s backfired on you. I don’t believe you would have been hit so hard by the death of that deer if I hadn’t been absent. On the other hand, I don’t know if you wouldn’t have made the big step and become Rose’s mate either.”

Path reached up to put a hoof on Free’s shoulder. “Free, I don’t care if that bond has caused us some trouble. I am proud to call you my brother, and I’m glad to have you sharing my life. I’m just glad that we’re all back together again.”

“Believe me, I am too.”

“I guess you don’t want to leave Twilight at this time. Want me to send food up?”

“That would be great, thanks.”

“It’ll be here soon.” Path turned to head out, taking Twilight’s essay with him. “Talk to you both tomorrow.”

# # #

Twilight pried one eyelid open, wincing a bit at the bright sunshine pouring through the window. She looked around and noticed a tray of food left beside the bed, the aroma of which had woken her up. She propped herself up on the pillow and looked around, wondering exactly where she was. Wherever it was, it was pretty fancy. Considering that her last memories were of flying to Path’s castle, she supposed that it was most likely a bedroom in there. Wait… not quite the last memories… something about the bed… our bed?

The memories started flowing back, just as Free entered the room, carrying a large pot of coffee.

“Good morning, sleepyhead. Breakfast is served.”

Twilight’s eyes snapped wide open and her face lit up in delight. She leaped out of bed, rushed over to Free, and hugged the stuffing out of him, nearly causing him to spill the pot of coffee.

“It wasn’t a dream! I made it, and you took me back. I love you!” She started kissing Free profusely.

“Whoa, girl! It’ll be a nightmare if I spill this on you. Let me put the pot down first.”

Twilight only released Free enough to let him put the pot down safely before resuming her ardent display of affection. However, this time Free was a willing participant. Eventually though, he gently pried her off and pointed her towards the food.

“Eat! I didn’t haul this here for it to get cold.”

Twilight was suddenly reminded that she was hungry, and willingly tucked into the food, while Free poured a large mug of coffee for her, and then another for himself.

“How long was I asleep?” Twilight asked between bites.

“Oh, about thirteen hours. You probably would have slept more, but I figured you wouldn’t want to waste more of the day.”

“Good heavens, no! I’ve got days to catch up on. I want to see everything that has been done since I left Griffonia. I want to meet the new members of the House. I want to see the students. I want to teach!”

“Whoa again, Sparkles!” Free said with a laugh. “We’ll get you into the groove soon enough. Concentrate on eating your breakfast so that we can go see Path and Rose. They’re eager to see you too, y’know?”

“Right! Food now!” She resumed eating in an enthusiastic and very unprincesslike manner.

“Hmmm, maybe a shower next. Darling, you worked up a sweat yesterday.”

Twilight stopped eating long enough to ask, “Will you scrub my back?”

Free grinned. “Sparkles, I was hoping you’d ask.”

# # #

“… and after I got a good sleep and a big breakfast, I was ready to leave at sunrise.”

“How could you be sure that even that much preparation would be enough to get you over the ocean, Twilight?” Path asked.

“I honestly didn’t know for sure. It was terribly impulsive of me, but I was so desperate to get back to Griffonia to see you all – to see Free again and ask him to forgive me.” Twilight tightened her embrace of the griffon. Throughout relating her experiences since they parted company at the hive, she had been hugging Free as if she was afraid that he would change his mind and leave.

“But you did make it. Free says that you combined teleporting and gliding?” Path asked.

Roseclaw said, “That makes sense; griffons will resort to energy-saving gliding on thermals while hunting for prey, so that would be the most efficient way to conserve power for teleporting.”

Twilight nodded vigorously. “Roseclaw has it exactly right. I knew that if I did nothing but a continuous series of teleports, I would run out of energy halfway there. So after teleporting as far eastwards as I could without over-straining myself, and at the same time raising my altitude to my height ceiling, I could just use my wings to glide with little effort. The great altitude gave me a lot of glide time, and by then I was fully rested and teleported again. However, the sheer number of teleports that I had to do eventually wore me out from mana drain. It’s a very good thing that I was able to get some rest on a cloud bank around midpoint.”

“It was still foolish. We could have sent the Skylark back for you,” Path chided her.

“Which would have taken at least a couple more days than I was prepared to wait, and frankly with my doubts about whether Free would want me anymore, I didn’t know if you would send it anyway.”

Free chuckled and said, “Twi, it’s a Royal Airship and you’re a princess – your commands would have overridden ours.”

“Still too slow,” she replied, poking her tongue out at him before snuggling him again. “Besides, that wasn’t the silliest mistake that I made coming over.”

“Oh? What was that?” Path asked.

“I took off due east, in the direction of the sun. In the middle of the ocean, it was an easy way to tell my direction. However, what happens closer to midday?”

Roseclaw shook her head in disbelief. “You lost your bearings because the sun was overhead!”

Twilight blushed. “Yes. I should have brought a compass. That was another reason why I rested on the cloud bank and the journey took longer than I had anticipated. I had to wait until the sun started lowering enough to be confident of direction again. I’m rather ashamed of my poor planning.”

“It was impulsive from the start,” Path agreed. “However, it also demonstrated how sincere you were in wanting to get back together with us, and we’re so happy to have you here.”

Twilight smiled happily. “I can confidently say that I’m where I belong. So, when do I get to meet the new House members?”

# # #

“And this is all the awesome equipment that Lord Path was able to get for me!” Techbird enthusiastically explained as she showed off her workshop. “After Warfist won his honor duel, the House had the resources to buy all this.”

Twilight grinned at her enthusiasm. “I gather that you already have some projects in mind?”

“I already had so many before I knew we would get the resources. I hardly know where to start!”

“I know that feeling. I hope you’ll share some of that equipment with me when I wish to pursue one of my own projects?”

“Oh, of course, Twilight! Maybe we can cooperate on an experiment or two also?”

“I think I’d like that. Since scientific research is my responsibility, you’ll be reporting to me anyway, so we can discuss any projects that you have in mind.”

“I’m so thrilled to have you here. I think you’re going to love what I have in store for you.”

“Techbird, I think that I have finally found someone who actually exceeds my own enthusiasm for science. I think we’re going to have a lot of fun.”

“Oh, yes! Science should be fun, shouldn’t it?”

“Definitely! It’s even better if it has practical applications though, and with that in mind, I have a high priority task for you to have a look at.”

Techbird was immediately intrigued. “What’s that?”

“Faster intercontinental travel. While the Skylark is the fastest airship in the fleet, it still takes too long to get between Equestria and here. There have been plans in the works to build a faster model for quite a while, but there have been problems that have held up the design, and little priority on the need until now. I would like you to have a look at the designs with an eye to applying Griffonian engineering techniques, perhaps incorporated with Equestrian mana-powered engines.”

Techbird’s eyes lit up. “Ooh! That sounds like a challenge. How soon can I start?” she asked eagerly.

Twilight giggled. “Just as soon as I can get copies of the plans couriered over. I think you’ll have plenty to occupy your time meanwhile.”

The griffon looked a little disappointed, but she shrugged it off. “You’re right, I do. By the way, have you heard of the Puzzle?”

Twilight looked at her curiously. “Which puzzle?”

The Puzzle. The ultimate puzzling question.”

“No, but I think I’m going to enjoy finding out.”

# # #

“This is the class that I’m most proud of,” Path said quietly to Twilight as they stood in the doorway of the room filled with a mixture of pony foals and griffon chicks. A small griffon hen was patiently teaching them spelling and sentences. “We’re starting these foals education alongside their griffon peers, and it’s our goal to see them grow in full equality. They’re the future of ponykind in Griffonia, with the griffs growing up accepting ponies as a normal thing, and worthy of respect. Hopefully, slavery will eventually be nothing but a bad memory, and wars between us a thing of the past.”

Twilight was a little less optimistic. “History shows that it’s not that simple, Path.”

“I know. History also shows us that it’s our lack of understanding between species that starts some of those problems. This is my way of doing something about that. Education is just the beginning, but it’s the bedrock that is the foundation on which we will build.”

“I couldn’t agree more. I hope that you… no, we succeed.”

Path showed Twilight some of the other classes for the older students. The proportion of ponies to griffons dropped off sharply with age, but there was always at least one. “I’ve also started a mixed class teaching basic Equish which I am teaching. It’ll help a lot if the House members can all be at least bilingual. Fortunately the ponies haven’t forgotten all of their former language, so that gives them a head-start over the griffons.”

They moved onto another classes, and Twilight noticed something. “There seems to be more colts and fillies here than your description of Ravenwing’s herd indicated?”

“Surprisingly, we have a few ponies from other Houses. I never expected it, but some of the lords were interested in educating their slaves also. Of course they’re greatly in the minority, but it’s a start. I think they’re putting the onus on me to make this work, but I’m fine with that.”

“I’m proud of what you’re doing, no matter what the outcome.”

As they moved on, Path said, “There’s a favor that I want to ask of you if you have the time?”

“Sure! What is it?”

“When I was connected to the hive-mind back at the Green Hive, I acquired a great deal of knowledge as a consequence. However, I am having a lot of trouble sorting through it and organizing it in a useful fashion. I need someone to aid me in this, and I think that you’re best suited to the task.”

“That sounds like it could be fascinating. I’d be happy to help you. Once I’m completely settled in and have had a chance to make a proper schedule, I will make a timeslot for us to work on that.”

“Thanks, Twilight. I’m so glad that you’re back with us. There’s also that deal that I’m trying to broker with the king and nobles that needs your support.”

“The mutual defense pact in particular, you mean?”

“That’s the one.”

“I gave it a lot of thought back when you first mentioned it. I’ll write up a speech to present to the court, but I’ll let you and Quiet Words review it first. I suspect that it’s going to be no easy task to persuade the nobles to ally themselves with Equestria.”

“Yeah. Getting past the warrior mentality is going to be your biggest problem.”

“Or perhaps the key to success? The more years I have had as a princess, the more that I’ve realized how things can be turned to one’s advantage. Celestia has mastered this in her centuries of experience, but she’s not in a position to do this at this time, but we are. I’ll make this work, I promise.”

“I’ll be happy enough that you tried, Twilight.”

# # #

Warfist was quite formal in his greeting of Twilight. “It is an honor to meet you in person at last, Princess Twilight Sparkle.”

“I’ve heard a lot about you, General. I would be interested in spending some time with you to do some research on Griffonian history.”

“I am at your command, Your Highness.”

“Please, Warfist, here in the House, I am just Lady Twilight.”

“As you wish, milady.”

“I also wish to discuss battle techniques with you. While I have a lot of power at my command, fighting is not my forte, and if the aims of this House are to be achieved, I must remedy that.”

“Is there anything specific that you have in mind?”

“As a matter of fact, yes. I have a presentation to make to the king and nobles of the court, and I expect that it won’t go without challenge. While I will also be looking for a broader education, this is the most immediate need.”

“If you would like to arrange a time for me to assess your abilities, we can work on that for you.”

“I’ll let you know when I have my schedule made. I’m really looking forward to this, General.”

# # #

“Wow! Can I get wings like those too?” Blue Streak asked as he stared at Twilight’s feathered appendages.

“Sorry, but it doesn’t work that way, my little pony,” Twilight replied. Before she could explain further, Blue Streak changed his attention to something else.

“What’s that pointy thing on your head?”

“That’s a unicorn horn.” She looked at Free and asked, “Hasn’t he seen a unicorn before?”

“He’s only ever seen earth ponies. Wings and horns are a complete novelty to him.”

“What’s it for?” Blue Streak asked.

“I can do strong magic with it, like this.” She telekinetically lifted the colt a couple of meters up into the air.

“Whoa! I don’t need wings!” he exclaimed with a giggle.

“And I can make magic shields,” Twilight said as she formed a bubble of energy around herself. She lowered Blue Streak onto the top of the bubble, and the colt tapped experimentally on it with a hoof.

“Looks strong,” he commented.

Twilight was intrigued to sense the colt’s own earth pony magic vibrate through her magic field. ‘Quite a strong talent in this one,’ she mused. She picked up the colt and put him back on the ground. “I hear that you’re very fast. Let’s do a short race, and I’ll show you another trick that I can do.”

“Sure! Where to?”

“Just to that oak tree over there. Ready? Go!”

Blue Streak was off like a flash. Twilight powered up her horn and teleported over to the tree. She was shocked to see though that Blue Streak was almost to the tree already. She had barely beaten him in the time it took to power up the teleportation spell!

“Wow! That’s a cool trick!” Blue Streak exclaimed, unfazed at losing. “Wanna rematch? I think I can beat you.”

Twilight gaped in awe at the colt. ‘Scratch that – make that an extremely strong talent!’ “I believe you. I think I’m going to need a longer race, my young friend,” she said with a laugh. “Let’s give you a test against my wings this time.” She pointed to a statue that on the far side of the castle’s grounds that she could barely see even with her farsight. “Do you know the statue over there?”

“You mean the one on Ravenwing’s dad’s grave? Sure!”

Twilight had no idea what it was, but it was the only one in that direction. “I want you to race me over to there. Don’t hold back.”

“Is this a test?”

“Kind of. I like to study talented ponies like you.”

He grinned. “You ain’t seen nothing like me!” he said proudly, but without arrogance. He was just stating an obvious fact.

“That’s what I’m hoping, Streak,” Twilight replied, matching his grin. “Ready?”

“Of course!”

Twilight spread her wings. “Go!”

Blue Streak kicked up clods of dirt as he raced off while Twilight pumped her wings to take off and put on speed. She was not anywhere near as fast as Rainbow Dash, but she had considerably improved her speed over the years since gaining her wings. Nevertheless she quickly realized that she was not going to be able to catch up with the colt. However, winning the race was not her goal. She powered up her horn to scan Streak and she was amazed at what she found.

His earth pony magic is reinforcing his running ability in ways that I’ve never seen before! Normally it gives them great strength or stamina, but this seems to be translating mostly into great speed for him. Sweet Celestia! He’s still accelerating!

Twilight was losing ground as Streak’s speed kept increasing. The gap might have gotten even greater faster if the colt had not reached the statue and skidded to a halt. Moments later, Twilight landed beside him, and she noted that he was barely breathing hard.

“Congratulations, Streak, you beat me easily. You are quite the remarkable pony. Would you mind if I test you again in the future?”

“You think I can do better?”

“If you can go this fast at this age, I’m wondering what your speed limit will be as you get older.”

“Will you race me again?” he asked eagerly.

Twilight laughed. “If you wish, but you’re already faster than anything except my teleportation. Maybe I can persuade my friend, Rainbow Dash, to race you someday. She’s the fastest pegasus I know.”

“What’s a pegasus?”

“Oh! That’s a pony with wings like me, but no horn. She’s the only pegasus to ever do a sonic rainboom.”

What’s that?”

“That’s when she goes so fast, she breaks through the sound barrier.”

“Wow! I’m going to be the second pony to do that one day,” Blue Streak declared confidently.

Twilight opened her mouth to tell him that was impossible, only to stop herself as doubts hit. If what she had just witnessed was any indication, the young colt might just prove her wrong someday. Instead she said, “Would you like to see what it’s like to travel instantly with teleportation?”

“Heck yeah!”

The colt’s indomitable enthusiasm was infectious. “Okay, but just a warning – first time can make you feel a little queasy.” She powered up the teleportation spell for the two of them and bamfed over to where Free was patiently waiting for them.

“Yeehaa! That was awesome!” Streak exclaimed.

“Glad you enjoyed it. Do you feel okay?”

“I’m fine, Twilight.”

“That’s all for today, Streak. I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Okay! Bye!” Streak left at his usual breakneck speed.

Free chuckled and said, “You’re going to regret showing him how you teleport.”

“Oh? Why?”

“Because one day, he’s going to figure out how to go faster than that!”

Twilight stared at Free for a long moment before replying. “Y’know, you might just be right.”

# # #

“… I therefore conclude that I believe that the proposed mutual defense pact between our great nations will bring peace, prosperity, and glory to us all. I await your decision.”

Twilight had to put the speech before the King’s Council as the most nerve-wracking of her career. The unrelenting and generally hostile reception that she had been given was not unexpected though, and she had been braced for it. There could have been nothing worse than trying to make a speech of this nature while showing any signs of nervousness.

There was a rumble of conversation as the nobles exchanged views for a couple of minutes before one of them stood up.

“I wish to question the Princess.”

The court page announced, “The court recognizes Lord Ripping Talon!”

“Princess Sparkle, you come here promising us much with little but your words to back you up. You claim to have warrior status, but we know nothing of you beyond your words once again. How do you expect us to react to your proposal when we know next to nothing of you?”

Twilight considered his words and replied, “I have been a princess for only a few years, and yet in that time I have fought against many enemies, both by myself and with allies. I am not without experience, but I can understand that many of you would not have heard of any of this. What can I do to convince you that I have earned the title of warrior?”

“Prove it in combat – a duel to settle whether we will accept your status and consider your proposal.”

“I have seen your honor duels, and cannot accept such a challenge. You have no claim on me to demand one, and I have no wish to inflict such harm on you just because of a perceived insult to me.”

There came a lot of scoffing from the audience, and Ripping Talon smiled slyly.

“You think that you would be the one to inflict the harm? I think you’re boasting to cover up your fears. You are no warrior.”

Twilight sneered at him. “You think to either shame me or goad me into a duel? Now who is playing with words? However, I will offer a compromise. I will engage in a demonstration fight with you, and any other griff who seeks to test me. I will seek to disable you with a minimum of harm to prove my point.”

“And what of us? What would you have us achieve to prove us right? A scratch on the cheek? A broken feather?” Ripping Talon mocked.

Twilight shrugged. “Do what you will. Prove that you are more than a blustering fool.”

Ripping Talon scowled. “You will regret that, pony princess.” He turned to the other nobles and asked, “Who else wishes to put this upstart would-be warrior in her place?”

“I do,” one immediately replied, followed rapidly by three more.

Ripping Talon turned back to Twilight. “Five warriors – five chances to prove yourself, princess.”

Twilight shook her head. “I will waste no time fighting five duels. I will fight you all at once. I trust that will settle things once and for all?”

The griffon nobles looked startled by that, but then they laughed uproariously. Ripping Talon just smiled though. “You will pay for your overconfidence, pony.”

King Glimfeather rapped his scepter to draw everyone’s attention. “It is decided! Princess Twilight Sparkle will duel Lord Ripping Talon and his supporters in a demonstration duel. This court will reconvene at the arena in half an hour. Page, advise the arena authorities to open the schedule and prepare for our arrival. Court dismissed!”

Twilight trotted over to where her companions were sitting in the audience section. “Well, what do you think?”

“Just the right amount of griffon noble arrogance in your challenge,” Roseclaw said approvingly.

“Thanks. It’s really not my style, but Warfist convinced me that it was best, and it seems to have worked.”

Path added, “We knew that they would probably challenge you eventually, so shaping it to our advantage was always going to be the best course.”

“Just be careful, Twi,” Free said worriedly. “I just got you back, and I don’t want anything to happen to you now.”

Twilight gave Free a kiss on the cheek. “Don’t worry too much – we’ve got this planned.”

# # #

The group quickly made their way to the arena. The king and his right-claw griff, Silverbeak, were already in the royal box, and the nobles settled into their areas. Free noted with interested that some were making wagers, and briefly considered getting into the action. The thought that Twilight would not approve though quelled that idea.

The master of ceremonies waved to Twilight to come into the arena, and she flew down to the center and calmly stood there, waiting for all the warriors who had challenged her to take up positions around her. When the fifth and last settled to the ground, Twilight spoke up.

“I don’t wish to deprive the king of so many of his best warriors at one time, so I would remind you that as an alicorn, I possess more power than you realize.”

Ripping Talon smirked and replied, “More powerful boasting perhaps.”

Another griffon said, “Rank and species mean nothing in a fight. Prove that you’re a warrior!”

“Then none of you will withdraw?”

Twilight was greeted by stony silence.

“Very well. Let the contest begin.”

The griffons leaped to attack – some from the ground and some in the air. Twilight was ready for them though, and she immediately threw up a magical force bubble around herself as she had planned.

The warriors slowed to a halt.

“Hiding behind a shield? You are no warrior!” Ripping Talon mocked.

Twilight shook her head. “You forget – a shield can be a weapon too.”

In the blink of an eye, she expanded the shield, slamming three of the griffons into the arena wall, and the remaining two into the roof. She immediately retracted the shield to lower the unconscious griffons down to the ground before turning it off.

Twilight bowed to the king and then to the nobles. “I trust that this has been a sufficient demonstration and proof of my claim. I will await your decision on my proposal.” She bowed again to Glimfeather and then flew out of the field to join her friends.

King Glimfeather chuckled and said to Silverbeak, “Five warriors taken out in just seconds, and she was trying not to hurt them too much! These Equestrians continue to amuse me greatly.”

“Do you think that this will placate the more belligerent warriors?” the king’s right claw griff replied.

“Do you recall how not too long ago, my spies reported a fight between Princess Twilight Sparkle and a centaur named Tirek? This monster had stolen all the magic in Equestria, including the flight magic of my spies. A mountain was nearly leveled and a new lake fills a crater that was formed during their fight. If but one of my spies had reported this, I would have called him mad, but they all had similar stories, and the shattered mountain and the crater are there to be seen. Knowing all this, which would you advise – war with Equestria, or the princess’ proposed mutual defense pact?”

“I believe that is a rhetorical question, sire.”

“That’s why you’re second-in-command and not one of those idiots. See to it that the status reductions of these five are posted prominently.”

“At once, Your Majesty!” Silverbeak replied. He never did like Ripping Talon.

# # #

“Magic armor is hardly a new concept,” Twilight told Path.

“This isn’t going to be regular armor, Twilight. Since we signed that pact with Griffonia last month, I’ve been considering ways that we can uphold our part of the deal, and that means being ready to fight. Now I’m not a soldier, so that means taking advantage of my other talent, and what is that? Adapting unicorn magic to earth ponies! I’ve been consulting with Mom about this, and instead of trying to do it all internally, she reckons that it would be best to do it with some form of talisman or power object. There’s no reason why that talisman can’t be armor, and every reason why it would be a good idea to have my battle armor be that power object!”

Twilight nodded thoughtfully. “You make a good point. However, talismans have to be shaped to suit the spell or spells that they are required to augment. There’s a reason why magic wands aren’t more common – they’re just too limited in scope. What are your requirements?”

“Besides the thunderhoof and shield against magic attacks, Mom and I have been working on a few new spells. The biggest priority was a physical shield because I don’t ever want to go through something like that honor duel again without being able to defend myself somehow. Second, because the thunderhoof only works best if it’s a surprise, I needed another offensive technique. Mom reckons that would probably work best if I draw upon the power of the earth as is the earth pony nature, and use a conversion spell to turn it into a form of energy that can be projected. I think that would require a specialized device.”

“An artificial unicorn horn!” Twilight exclaimed. “We could incorporate it into the armour’s helmet, and the conversion talisman into your hoof gauntlets. You would be the instigator and controller of the spells, drawing mana from available sources, converting it, and projecting that energy via the horn. That’s a great idea! Hmm… I’m going to need Techbird’s help, I think. She’s better at the practical application while I’m better with the theory. Now let’s see… I’m going to have to take some readings and measurements of your mana flow, the revised unicorn spells, and the proposed armor materials.”

Twilight’s eyes focused on the unseen equations being written in her head, and Path knew that she was hooked. While his mother had been uncertain of the possibility of achieving his goal, he was confident that once Twilight set her mind to it, it could and would be done. He only hoped that it would never actually have to be used for its intended purpose.

# # #

Path was getting a little tired of all the tests that Twilight had been running on him, but he only had himself to blame. He had set her a complex task, and that required a lot of data. However, this time it gave him the opportunity to ask a semi-related question.

“Streak asked me today if it was possible for him to learn the thunderhoof technique, and I wanted your opinion.”

“On what? Whether you should teach him, or whether it was possible?”

“Er… both, I suppose, although I have already told him the basics.”

Twilight frowned in thought. “Hmmm… I’m not sure if teaching that to such a young colt is a good idea, but on the other hoof, I was already learning some dangerous spells at his age. If you think he’s ready, I won’t object, just as long as you also teach him to be responsible with it. Not that I think that he wouldn’t, but you can’t be too careful with something like that. However, the point may be moot.”

“Huh? Why?” Path asked with a puzzled frown.

“Because of the way he uses mana. He has a very specialized and powerful talent for magically enhancing his speed, but that same talent would likely interfere with other spells. He could in fact be a one-trick pony – an extremely good trick, but limiting him in other ways.”

“He’s going to be disappointed to hear that.”

“I know, but he already can do things that other ponies can’t, so I believe he should be satisfied with that.”

“Me too. He’s young, and he’ll get over it.”

“There’s something that I wanted to ask you too.”

“What’s that?”

“Techbird and I have been making a lot of progress with the new airship design, but we’re running into one major stumbling block – it’s too heavy.”

“What about using aluminum?”

“Hard to produce, very expensive, and not suited to some of the applications.”

“Then what did you want to ask me?”

“I was wondering if in that reservoir of knowledge that you brought from the Green Hive, whether they know of any suitable lightweight materials that could replace some of the heavier ones that we’re currently using?”

“That’s an interesting possibility. Let’s have a session after you’re done with these tests.”

The regular data-sorting sessions that Path had scheduled over the weeks since coming back to Griffonia had largely consisted of her using magical hypnosis techniques to allow Path to focus his concentration on a particular area of the vast cloud of information that he had unwittingly brought out with him from the hive-mind. He was then able to relate that information to Twilight in a coherent and complete manner, and she preserved it in a more accessible way. They had begun to build a small library of reference materials, and yet they had barely scratched the surface of what he subconsciously knew.

This time was slightly different though, in that they were looking for specific information rather than working their way through the mass of knowledge. In a surprisingly short time, they had their answer.

“Of course!” Twilight exclaimed, slapping herself in the face with her hoof. “The answer was staring me in the face all the time!”

“To be fair, it’s been years since you’ve seen it put to use out in the field,” Path tried to mollify her.

“It’s kind of hard to forget how Celestia was encased in that chrysalis. However, the resin that they exude fits the bill perfectly! It’s light, strong, and even flexible up to a point in different types. With that, we can not only meet the weight restrictions, but beat them by a comfortable margin.”

“That’s if we can persuade the changelings to produce a lot of it to meet our needs,” Path pointed out.

“Seeing as I’ll have to go back to Equestria in a few weeks to attend to duties anyway, I’ll take the opportunity to pay a visit to Queen Dianthia and discuss this with her. If she’s not willing, then perhaps one of the other hives might be.”

“It’s certainly worth pursuing. Maybe you can ask it as a favor for Iridia failing to warn you not to eat the emo-gel?”

Twilight shuddered. “I hope it doesn’t come to that. I’d much rather forget all about that incident, thank you!”

“Yeah, I suppose you would. Still, if any hive would be amenable to cooperation with this, I’d say they would. Anyway, aside from all that, I bet you’re happy that you’ll be getting to see your friends again.”

“Oh yes! And my goddaughters too. I used to see them a lot more often before this all started happening.” She paused and chuckled.

“What’s so funny?”

“I just realized something about my goddaughters. Think about it – Free is my special somepony, and he’s the child of Chrysalis. So is Whirring Cogs, or at least a grandchild, and that makes Dandelion and Fern her great-grandchildren. We’re practically related!”

Path grinned. “You’re not becoming envious of Cogs’ foals, are you?”

Twilight gave him a mock glare. “I’m in no hurry to become a mother, if that’s what you’re implying.”

“Why not? Rose has certainly been hinting broadly enough about it lately. I thought you might feel the same.”

“She has? Why hasn’t she asked me for a compatibility spell then?”

Path laughed. “She picked up one while we were in Canterlot.” At Twilight’s startled expression, he said, “Don’t look so surprised; Roseclaw has always known what she has wanted, and has prepared appropriately. There are only two things stopping it from happening – first: she has to go into heat, and second: I have to be willing to become a father.”

“I gather that it’s the latter that’s the real hold-up?”

“Yeah, but she’s been wearing me down. Wanna know what has really been making me think seriously about being a dad? Blue Streak. That colt is a joy to have around, and if he was my son, I’d be enormously proud of him. Heck, I am anyway! I’d love to be able to point him out to ponies though and say, ‘That’s my son’.”

“We all like having him around. He’s always attentive and full of life and laughter. We’re so lucky that we found him before slavery could oppress him.” She paused thoughtfully. “You know, we could always adopt him into the House?”

Path was startled. “We can do that?”

“Why not? He hasn’t got any family other than his aunt who cares for him, and nowadays he spends most of the day with one of us anyway, and even comes to dinner a lot of the time. His aunt is a good and responsible pony, but not really a mother to him. We are already providing more of a family to him than he’s known since the death of his parents. If we adopt him into the House, we can provide even more for him.”

“I think… I like that idea. I’ll ask Rose about it later and hear what she has to say.”

“I’ll mention it to Free also. If we’re going to do this, it should be a unanimous decision. Of course, as Lord of House Path, you could make it a unilateral decision.”

“As far as I’m concerned, that’s just a title. All four of us are the House, or the herd in this case. We all agree on these big decisions, or else they won’t pass.”

“I think that’s wise, but frankly I doubt that you have anything to worry about.”

“Thanks, Twilight. Funny, this started off as a discussion about Streak, and now it’s come back to him again. Maybe I had him more on my mind than I realized?”

“Maybe not that surprising? Did you consider that he might be seeing you as a father-figure, and subconsciously pushing that idea onto you?”

Path gave her a lopsided grin. “Maybe that’s a good thing? If we both have the same idea, I think we might just make it work.”

# # #

A few weeks later, Path stepped into Roseclaw’s office. “Have you got a few minutes to spare, Rose?”

Roseclaw looked up from the reading material that she had been preparing for her students and replied, “I’d be glad to take a break, actually. What’s up?”

“Twilight and I have been studying Streak’s ability. She’s determined that he mostly draws on his magic talent subconsciously, and she believes that if we can get him to draw on it on a more conscious level, he’ll be able to go even faster still. However, we need more data.”

“So where do I come in? He’s already faster than me in a flat race.”

“In a flat race, yes, but we need him to perform far more than just straightforward racing with minor dodging around obstacles. What we want him to do is every possible twist and turn at speed.”

“An obstacle course then?”

“More than that. With a set course, he can plan ahead. We want him to make instant decisions on the run. So what we’d like you to do is play a game of tag with him. You will go through the course while doing your very best to evade him. Make him work his hardest to try to catch you. Maybe we’ll reverse it and have you chase him. Twilight will have some magic monitors on him to track his mana usage and so forth.”

“Sounds exhausting!”

Path put his foreleg around her and gave her a smooch. “You’ve been sitting at a desk too much lately, love. A bit of exercise will do you good.”

Roseclaw prodded him in the side with a talon and replied, “Look who’s talking. I believe you’re putting on weight. At least I have an excuse for that.”

“All the more reason for you to get a bit of exercise,” Path retorted.

Roseclaw grinned. “Let’s do this then.”

# # #

Blue Streak recited the essay that he had written in Equish, while Path listened with a critical ear.

“That’s enough for today, Streak. You’re making good progress with your lessons.”

“Thank you, Lord Path.”

While Blue Streak was an otherwise unexceptional student, he had become determined to be able to speak and read the Equestrian language, and had requested extra lessons. Path had been only too happy to oblige, and he had scheduled tutoring lessons in his den in the afternoons just before dinner. While it was clear that the colt was not ever going to be a linguist, given his poor education before House Path had started teaching the former slaves, his progress had been very satisfactory.

“I’m going to have you practice what you learned at dinner tonight. I want you to speak only Equish if possible. Don’t stress too much over this – it’s only for practice, not a test.”


“Good. Let’s go eat.”

They were running a few minutes later than usual, which meant that Free, Twilight, and Roseclaw were all in the dining room already before they arrived. Streak greeted them in Equish, and continued to do his best during dinner conversation. Path let him off the hook though as dessert was brought in – a large cake with candles on it – which was placed in front of the colt.

Path smiled at Blue Streak and said, “I found out from your aunt that today you turn eleven years of age. Happy birthday, Streak!”

The others chorused ‘Happy birthday!’ and the colt started grinning from ear to ear.

“Gee, thanks! I’ve never had a birthday cake like this before!”

“Blow out the candles and make a wish,” Twilight urged him.

Streak did so, and Path gave him a knife to cut slices for everyone. As he did so, they started taking out presents from concealment, which they’d had the opportunity to do because Path had deliberately let Streak’s lessons run late. Roseclaw presented hers first.

Streak eagerly opened the box and pulled out a set of shoes with cleats.

“When we were testing you the other day, we noticed a problem that these might help you with,” she said. “They should stop the traction problems that you’ve been having at your super speeds. I asked Techbird to create some special shoes in your size out of lightweight metal, and Twilight enhanced them with spells to make them automatically adjust to different surfaces. I think that you’ll be able to run faster than ever, don’t you?”

“Oh, wow! These are great! Thanks, Lady Roseclaw! You too, Lady Twilight!”

“Don’t forget to thank Techbird later also,” Roseclaw reminded him.

“Don’t worry – I will!”

Free gave him his present next.

“A caste cape?” Streak gaped in awe. “Only important griffs get to wear these.”

“Important ponies can too, and we think you’re very important,” Free replied. “Besides, you might want it when Path gives you his present.”

Streak looked to Path with puzzlement. “Why?”

Path smiled. “I think you’ll figure that out for yourself. My present is a bit different though, and it’s only mine to give because I’m the Lord of House Path, but it’s really from all of us. Streak, we have all grown very fond of you, and I believe that you enjoy spending time with us also. We’ve talked this over between ourselves, and with your aunt too, and we think that this would also be to your greater benefit. You still have the choice to accept it or reject it though. Blue Streak, we wish to formally adopt you into the House of Path. We want to be your new family. I know that we can’t replace your real parents whom you lost so long ago, but we…”

Path got no further because Streak threw himself into a hug with the stallion. “Yes! I want to be your son, Lord Path!” The colt was starting to cry with the strength of his emotions at that moment.

“Phew! What a rush!” Free said as he was a hit with a wave of emotional energy. “Told you he was going to need the cape!”

“Whoa!” Path said with a laugh. “I need those ribs, Streak. And drop the ‘Lord’ now. Since you obviously accept our present, you are now officially family, and you get to call me just Path from now on.”

“Can I call you ‘Dad’ instead?”

Path felt a little choked up at Streak’s ready acceptance of his new status. “I would be proud to be called your father, Streak.”

“And you can call me Mama Sparkle, if you like?” Twilight suggested.

Streak disengaged with Path to give Twilight a hug too. “Thanks, Mama,” he said with a teary smile.

Roseclaw said, “I hope you like being part of the family, because you’re going to be a big brother in a few months.”

“You’re having a foal?” Streak asked.

“A chick, yes. Or maybe a foal after all? How does that work between a griffon and a pony?” she asked nobody in particular. She shrugged. “Anyway, do you think you’ll like that?”

“I’ll be the best big brother; you’ll see!”

“How about us, champ?” Free asked. “We’re still going to be best buddies, right?”

“Yeah! Of course!”

“Then I’m going to let you in on a family secret.” Free looked around to check that none of the staff was present. “Don’t tell anypony or anygriff, but I’m kind of special because I’m only part griffon,” he said in a conspiratorial tone.

“Are you part pony too?”

“A little, but I’m a lot of one other species. Watch!” With a flare of green magic fire, Free transformed into his least favorite form – his natural one.

Streak gaped in surprise for a long moment before asking, “What are you?”

“I’m what is called a changeling. I was brought up as a griffon though, but I can take other forms.” Free changed into a pegasus. “Hi, I’m Firetail,” he said with his usual cheeky grin.

“Whoa! That’s so cool! Can I do that too?”

Free laughed. “No, I’m afraid not. You need to be born this way.”

“Aw!” Streak’s disappointment lasted only a few seconds though. “I have an awesome new family though. Thanks, everyone. This is the best day of my life!”

# # #

Free untied his caste cape and hooked it up on the coat rack.

“Phew! A bit warm for capes today,” he commented to Proper Place.

“Then why wear one? Does it really matter that much to you to show off your caste membership and rank?”

“Of course it does! At least in griffon society.”

“I’ve noticed that only the upper echelon bother with the things. Are you sure that there isn’t another reason that you wear it?”

Free grinned. “Heck, yeah! It makes me look cool!”

Proper Place just arched a skeptical eyebrow.

Free rolled his eyes. “Okay, okay! It’s also because I get tired of griffs bugging me about my cutie mark.”

“Why don’t you just conceal it when you go out?”

“You think I wouldn’t if I could? No matter what form I take, it’s always there!”

Proper Place looked surprised. “You’re saying that not even illusion can hide it?”

“Say what?” Free said in perplexed tone. “Am I supposed to go out and get a cutie mark concealment spell, or something?”

“No – just use your illusion power.”

Free stared at him blankly. “What power?”

“Surely you can’t be serious?”

“I am serious, and don’t call me Shirley.”

The quip threw the green changeling for a moment, but he decided to ignore it and pursue the important part. “I know that you were raised as a griffon and only learned that you were a changeling many years later, but surel… but you must have learned about illusions at the same time as shape-changing?”

Free shook his head. “Learning that I’m a changeling was a shock, and frankly I didn’t want to have anything to do with it beyond learning the bare minimum.”

“Wow. I’m truly amazed. Illusion is how we can make ourselves look like something that we can’t physically transform into. For example, we’re limited by our mass, so we can compress our bodies no smaller than about a six year old foal, but more importantly we also have a limit to how big we can get. I would have a hard time trying to imitate Princess Celestia for example, and yet I can do this….”

With a flare of magic fire, Proper Place suddenly grew enormously to practically fill the room, forcing Free to step back away from the gigantic pegasus changeling.

“Whoa! Don’t tread on me!” Free said half-seriously.

“I couldn’t if I wanted to. This size is all illusion. Like I said, there’s a hard limit on just how big our physical transformations can be.” He shrank down to normal size again. “However, that’s hardly the only use for illusions. For example….” He gestured to his flank, and his cutie mark changed to one consisting of four books marked A, B, C, and D stacked in alphabetical order. “That was going to be my alternative mark. I didn’t transform to show you it though – it’s an illusion on top of my current one. In the same way, you could make your cutie mark disappear and you’d be a blank flank again.”

“Tell me how to do it!” Free demanded.

# # #

Twilight idly traced the pattern of Free’s cutie mark as they rested after making love. “Y’know, there’s probably a lot more to your cutie mark than we originally thought,” she commented.

“How so?” Free replied with mild curiosity.

“Well, we thought that you got it because of your lust-filled craze, but now that we know that you’re a queen changeling, it could be more indicative of your inherent urge to breed for the hive, brought forth by your overexposure to the Crystal Heart.”

Free shuddered. “Don’t remind me. I don’t see my destiny as an egg-laying factory for changelings.”

“I thought you had come to terms with what you are by now?”

“I accept what I am, but it doesn’t mean that it’s who I am. I’m still Free Agent, son of a griffon, and the bastard lucky enough to have won the heart of an alicorn princess.”

Twilight giggled. “Yes, that sums you up well. And yet, it still leaves so many questions unanswered. You’re still the first changeling that we know of to get a cutie mark. We’re pretty sure still that it’s because you were in pony form at the time, but you’re hardly the first queen to have taken a pony form.”

“But am I the first to do so near the Crystal Heart?”

“Since the Crystal Empire returned? Almost certainly. Before it disappeared?” Twilight shrugged. “We have no way of knowing for sure.”

“It wouldn’t have anything to do with me being a mutant, could it?”

“It’s certainly a possibility that we can’t eliminate at this time.”

“Well I’d say it’s a strong possibility. After all, how many non-equines have ever gotten a cutie mark? Zero, I believe, and I am half changeling, half griffon, and no pony.”

“That’s not entirely accurate,” Twilight demurred.

“Huh? What do you mean?”

“From what Dianthia told us about queens breeding heirs, it’s likely to the point of certainty that Chrysalis’ mother conceived her daughter the same way, and the sire was extremely likely to have been a pony. In other words, your grandfather was a pony.”

Free chuckled. “Heh! How about that? I wonder what type? Maybe a pegasus? It’s my favorite pony form, and that might be the reason – just like Iridia takes after her sire.”

“Unless you ever get to ask Chrysalis, and providing she herself knows, you might never know for sure.”

“Eh – it’s not as if it matters. I’m always what I want to be anyway.”

Twilight giggled. “Yeah – a griffon with a cutie mark!”

“Oh, shut up. I’m used to it by now.”

“Is that why you still wear that caste cape of yours all the time?” Twilight asked with a sly grin.

“Like I told Proper Place, it’s not the cutie mark that bothers me – it’s all the griffons who won’t stop gawking at it and bugging me about it! Besides, I can dispense with the cape now anyway.”

“Why is that?”

“Watch the cutie mark.”

Before Twilight’s gaze, the indelible mark faded from view to leave unblemished fur.

Twilight looked at Free in consternation. “You got rid of your cutie mark? How?”

Free smirked. “No, I didn’t get rid of it. Proper Place educated me on the use of illusion in shape-changing. Basically you’re looking at an illusion of what my fur would look like without the cutie mark.”

“Oh! That makes sense. Why didn’t you ever do that before?”

“Like I said, Proper had to teach me. I must be the most uneducated changeling in the world! I’ve learned so much about myself in just a few months. It makes me regret a little that I turned my back on it when I was younger.”

“Weren’t you curious back then?”

“No, I was disgusted to realize that I was a freak, and not even a real griffon. If it wasn’t for my loving parents, and for Path especially, I don’t know how I would have coped. Of course now I know that I really am part griffon, and that’s been a major source of comfort to me, and it’s helped me cope with learning more about my nature.”

“But not enough to want to pursue it further?”

“Twi – I might have been born a changeling, but I don’t see it as my destiny. You, Path, this House - those are parts of my destiny, not a hive.”

Twilight snuggled up to him. “I like that. It’s something that you’re making for yourself rather than having it hoofed to you.”

“Hey – you earned your wings, and so can I! Metaphorically speaking, of course,” he added with a grin.

“Want to earn some more?” Twilight asked while nibbling on his neck.

“Again? We have to get up early for the flight back to Equestria tomorrow.”

“We can make up for the sleep on the trip. Right now, your princess wants some more loving.”

“By your command, Your Highness,” he replied with a tender smile.

# # #

The long flight back to Equestria was a bit of a vacation for both Free and Twilight. Both had thrown themselves into their new roles as teachers and role models for the new House school, and they welcomed a break. Or at least Free did.

“Twi, for Celestia’s sake, stop preparing lessons for when you get back, and relax a bit!”

Twilight pushed back from the desk a little sheepishly. “Sorry, it’s a habit that’s hard to break.”

Free put a wing around her and gave her a hug. “I know, and you wouldn’t be you if you stopped completely, but even over-achieving alicorns need to relax now and then. I was thinking of taking Streak for a flight. Wanna come along?”

“That sounds like fun, and I could do with some fresh air.” She closed her reference books and neatly stacked them and her notes to one side. “Okay, I’m ready. Where do you think Streak is at the moment?”

“Probably the same place he’s been since we left Griffonia.”

“The bridge?”

“Yep. He’s fascinated by how the airship is run.”

“It’s a good thing that Captain Fairweather is tolerant of having a foal on the bridge,” Twilight said as they started heading that way.

“Probably because he keeps his hooves off everything and pays attention to what he’s told. I think he doesn’t want to make us regret bringing him along with us to Equestria.”

“There’s no real risk of that; it’ll be good for his education,” Twilight replied.

“It’ll be fun,” Free retorted.

“Education is fun!”

“Am I going to have to do an intervention, Sparkles?”

Twilight merely giggled and poked her tongue out at him.

They found Streak on the bridge as expected, listening intently to Captain Fairweather’s explanation of the function and use of one of the instruments. They waited until she was finished before interrupting.

“Hey, Streak – wanna go out for a flight?”

“Sure, Free! Thanks, Captain,” the colt replied as he joined the two.

They went to the observation deck where Free surreptitiously increased his size. “Climb aboard,” he instructed as he knelt down.

Streak scrambled onto Free’s back, settling himself between the griffon’s wings.


“Let’s go then!” Free leaped over the railing, closely followed by Twilight. While they had done this before back in Griffonia, they always played it safe and had Twilight ready to catch the colt in case of emergencies.

Streak squealed in delight as Free power-dived, and then pulled up sharply into a high-gee climb. After some low-risk aerobatics, he then beat strongly for a nearby cloudbank, coming to a landing on a puffy cumulus facing the dirigible.

“How do you like the view, Streak?”

“It’s great! Can we get a closer look at the airship from above? I haven’t seen that yet.”

“Sure, we can do that.”

Streak reached out with a forehoof to a puff of cloud within his reach, only to have it whirl away insubstantially. “How do you stand on the clouds?”

“It’s part of our flight magic. All griffons and pegasi can do it,” Free replied.

“And alicorns,” Streak pointed out.

Twilight said, “Alicorns have the abilities of all the pony types, so it’s the pegasus in me that has the ability.”

“I wish that I could do that too, but I’m only an earth pony.”

“I can’t run half as fast as you despite being an alicorn,” Twilight pointed out.

Streak’s smile brightened. “Yeah, because nopony is faster than me!”

“Ooh, you’re going to love meeting Rainbow Dash,” Twilight said with a knowing smile.

“Let’s give you that look at the Skylark,” Free said, spreading his wings and taking off in pursuit of the airship.

“Yeah!” Streak yelled in excitement.

Half an hour later, they finished their flight and Streak trotted off to tell Fairweather all about it.

Free watched him go with a grin on his face. “That was fun. Adopting Streak into the herd was a great idea. One day, we’re going to have a foal just like him.”

Twilight smiled slyly. “Seems I’ve already got two on my hooves. I’m in no hurry for another.”

“Hey! Is that a crack at me? Oh, it is on, Princess!” He mock-growled while reaching out with his talons.

With a shriek of laughter, Twilight turned and made her escape.

Free grinned and gave chase. Someone was in for a severe tickling!

# # #

Streak watched in wide-eyed wonder as they closed in on Canterlot. He was sitting in the captain’s chair as the mare gave a steady stream of orders to maneuver the dirigible around the castle and down to the landing field outside the city. Eventually there was a gentle bump as the airship touched down.

“All hooves – secure stations!” Fairweather ordered before turning to the colt. “End of the journey, my young pilot,” she said with a smile.

Streak saluted her and said, “Thank you, Captain!”

“Better get going. Musn’t keep the princess waiting.”

“Yes, ma’am! Seeya!”

Streak dashed off at his usual breakneck speed as the mare watched him fondly.

“Feeling a bit maternal, Captain?” a crewmare asked.

“Perhaps, and mind your own business, Lieutenant,” she replied curtly, but the smile never left her face. ‘Perhaps it’s time that Quiet Words and I take our relationship to the next level?

Twilight and Free were waiting for Streak at the passageway to the boarding ramp. They exited together and started off for the castle. The colt’s head kept swiveling around while trying to take in all the new sights.

“So many ponies!” he said in awe. “Why are there so many with horns?”

“Canterlot was established mainly by unicorns, and it remains a city dominated by unicorn families,” Twilight explained. “I grew up here before I moved to Ponyville, and before I became an alicorn. Of course, you’ll find other types of ponies here, as well as a few griffons.”

“Cool!” He then barraged them with questions about just about everything he saw along the route.

At the castle gate, the Royal Guards saluted and one stepped up to say, “Welcome back, Princess Sparkle.”

“Thank you.” Twilight beckoned Streak forward. “Sergeant, this is Blue Streak whom we have adopted into our herd. He is authorized to be anywhere in the castle with the normal exceptions. Please inform the Captain of the Guard to pass the word around.”

“It shall be done, Your Highness.”

They then proceeded inside, and Streak resumed his questions.

“Where are we going now?”

“We’re going to the throne room. Princess Celestia is expecting us.”

“That’s the princess in charge, right? What about the other one?”

“Princess Luna is probably asleep right now. You’ll get to meet her later.”

When they reached the throne room doors, Twilight asked Streak to put a hold on his questions for the moment. The Royal Guards at the door nodded respectfully and allowed them inside. They marched up the thick red carpet that led to the throne room, and Streak’s mouth dropped open in awe.

“That’s the biggest pony I’ve ever seen in my life!” he said without taking his eyes off the majestic alicorn sitting on her throne.

Celestia smiled. “Hello there, my little pony. You must be Blue Streak. Twilight has told me much about you,” she said in Griffish.

“I… I…” For once, the colt was lost for words.

Twilight nudged him and said in a loud whisper, “Just say hello.”

“Hello, Princess!” he squeaked out.

“Welcome, Blue Streak. Those are very interesting shoes that you’re wearing. I can feel the magic in them.”

Streak snapped out of his awestruck mood and proudly held one up for the alicorn to better see. “They’re my birthday present. They help me run faster. Wanna see?”

“Oh yes, but not right this moment. I don’t think my throne room is a very good running track.”

“Oh. Right.”

Celestia turned her attention to the others. “Welcome back, Twilight, and to you too, Free Agent. I trust that you had a pleasant journey?”

“It was quite enjoyable,” Twilight replied.

“Yeah,” Free said, “but I’m looking forward to having some fun back in the old home town. Had any good parties lately, Celestia?”

The princess allowed herself a small smirk. “A few, but they weren’t as much fun without a certain griffon there to stir them up a bit.”

“Naturally! I think we owe you a day out. Luna has had her turn, so what do you want to do?”

Celestia looked surprised. “I don’t know if that’s a practical idea. There’s so much on my schedule right now.”

“Luna made time,” Free pointed out.

“My sister has less on her schedule.”

“Your sister knows how to open her schedule.”

“I find it difficult to go out with everypony worrying about what I want and making me uncomfortable by going out of their way to please me.”

“Luna went to dinner with us as she is, and then dressed up as a leathermare.”

“I’m not dressing as a leathermare!”

“Why not? You might enjoy it!”

“I’m thinking more like a long, slinky evening gown.”

Free blinked in surprise, and then a huge grin split his face. “You’re on, Princess!”

Celestia shook her head. “No, not Princess. You’ll be taking Sunny Skies out on the town.”


Twilight smiled knowingly. “Don’t worry about it, Free. Will tonight be okay, Celestia?”

“That would be best. We have a busy couple of days ahead of us tomorrow.”

“We were planning to leave for a night out on the town about six o’clock. You will have set the sun by then.”

“I’ll be ready at the usual place,” Celestia replied.

“We’ll be looking forward to it. Come on, Free.”

Twilight started heading out of the throne room, with Free and Streak following suit.

Free said, “Celestia is very good at containing her emotions, but I get the feeling that I have maneuvered myself into doing exactly what she wanted.”

“Celestia has had centuries of experience with that sort of thing. Did you think that you would so easily get her to do what you wanted?”

“Fair point, but what did she mean by taking Sunny Skies? A pseudonym isn’t going to make her any less conspicuous.”

“You’ll see,” Twilight replied enigmatically.

“What about me?” Streak asked.

“You get to go to a play that I hear is popular with foals at the moment. After that, you go to bed. You’re only eleven years old still.”

“Aw! But it’s my first night in Canterlot!”

“There will be several more before we return to Griffonia. Free will be spending a lot of time with you over the next few days while I take care of my princess duties. You won’t miss out on anything.”

Streak gave a dramatic sigh. “Okay.” Then he smiled slyly. “Who’s going to understand me? Who’s going to tuck me in later?”

Free grinned. “Guess what, champ? My mother is going to foalsit you. Not only does she speak Griffish, but she sure knows how to make cheeky foals behave.”

Streak’s face fell. “Oh.”

Free and Twilight chuckled at the colt’s dismay at being outmaneuvered.

# # #

“Are you ready yet, Twi?” Free called out to the bedroom.

“All set,” Twilight said, stepping out and stopping to pose. She was wearing an attractive evening dress that covered over her wings, and she had her hair done up in a different style from her normal bangs.

“Wow! If I had lips, I would wolf whistle right now, but you’ll have to settle for a hubba-hubba!”

“Speaking of lips, could you change into your unicorn form, please? Oh, and make your size a little bit bigger than me.”

“Uh… sure.” He did so. “How’s that?”

“Good. Oh, wait. Could you use illusion to change your cutie mark?”

“Sounds like we’re going incognito. Okay, I often used to use this cutie mark when I posed as a pony before we met.” Free concentrated, and an image of a bass clef covered over Free’s real mark. “As a musician, it was obvious what it was meant to represent.”

“That works fine. Now, I had a formal jacket sent here for you. Have you seen it?”

“Oh, that’s why it was too big for me before I transformed – you planned for me to increase my size. I’ll go put it on.” He did so, and then asked, “How do I look?”

“Like a million bits, dear. Now let’s go or we’ll be tardy.”

“Hey, I’m not the one who was primping for an hour.”

“We’re exactly on my schedule, as long as we leave right now,” she urged.

Free decided that now was not the time to tease her with a bit of procrastination. He was still curious about what Celestia was going to do, although considering what Twilight had done and his present alter ego, he suspected something in the same vein.

“Where are we headed, Twi?”

“Stick to calling me Sparkles tonight, Firetail. We’re heading for the rose garden.”

“Ooh! Secret moonlight rendezvous in the palace garden – I like this already!”

Twilight shared a smile with him. “Celestia used to do this occasionally when she wanted to get away from the court for a while. Sunny Skies is her secret alter ego. She shared that secret with me one day after I had become a princess, and was having a bit of difficulty dealing with the constant demands of the office. We've had a mare’s night out more than once since then, and they've really helped us both. The rose garden is our normal rendezvous point. It’s in line of sight of Celestia’s balcony, so she can tell if anypony is there before teleporting down so that she can elude her Royal Guard for the night.”

Free chuckled. “There’s something really amusing about the idea of a princess sneaking out of her room like a naughty teenage filly.”

“That only made it more fun.”

When they reached the rose garden, they found a white unicorn with pink mane and tail there. While she was much larger than an average unicorn, she certainly was not as large as Celestia, and the sleek and slinky red evening gown that she was wearing certainly did not conceal wings like Twilight’s did. Free’s doubts as to who she was were quickly allayed though when Twilight greeted her.

“Hi, Sunny! You remember my coltfriend, Firetail, I hope?”

“I do,” the unicorn replied in Celestia’s distinct voice. “You’re looking particularly fine tonight, Firetail.”

Free stared at Sunny for a moment before saying, “Okay, you’re no changeling, so how did you do it?”

Celestia laughed. “By suppressing my magic, my mane loses its ethereal flow and reverts to its natural color, and my size reduces to this. I also cast an invisibility spell on my wings. Goodbye alicorn, and hello unicorn.”

“So now it will be just three fairly ordinary unicorns going out together,” Twilight said smugly.

Free grinned. “A stallion out on the town with his marefriends – I’m going to enjoy this! Where to, ladies?”

“Luna highly recommended the theater restaurant that you patronized, so I would like to try that also,” Celestia/Sunny replied.

“Aw! If I had known that we’d be doing this, I would have worked up an act,” Free/Firetail lamented.

“Which is probably why you weren’t told in advance,” Twilight/Sparkles replied.


# # #

Without the hassle of the recognition that had caused Luna some trouble, the threesome had no trouble being seated and served in the venue’s normal competent and pleasing manner.

During the meal, Sunny surprised the others by getting the attention of a waiter, and asking to be given the opportunity to sing for her supper. Sparkles gaped in astonishment.

“You’re really going to sing? How long have you planning to do that?”

“Since my sister told me how much fun that she had doing it. I figure that it was worth trying for myself.”

Firetail said, “I suppose you’re going to tell us that you even have a record in your purse, rather than using one of the theater's stock ones?”

“Of course,” she replied smugly. “You don’t get to my age and not know how to plan ahead.”

It wasn’t until some time after they’d had their desserts that Sunny was called up to the stage. She gave the stage hand the record with the music she wanted to sing to, and then stepped up to the microphone. Centuries of experience gave her stage presence, and she quickly gained the audience’s attention.

“Good evening, mares and stallions. My name is Sunny Skies, and I would like to invoke a bygone era of smoky nightclubs and torch singers. I hope you like smooth jazz.”

She nodded to the stage hand, and he started the record. A mellow trumpet began and Sunny closed her eyes and started swaying softly to the beat. Then she began to sing:

“I love the chase, 'til the minute I win it
A beautiful face 'til there's love for me in it
Give me your heart and baby I'll bill it
I love the chase, 'til the minute I win it
A beautiful face 'til there's love for me in it
Give me your heart and baby I'll bill it
'cause I always kill the things I love.”

Firetail’s jaw had dropped in surprise, matched by an equally surprised Sparkles.

“Some folk would die for the sake of another
Lay down their life for their sisters and brothers
For me sacrifice is something quite other
'cause I love to kill the things I love.”

“The look in your eyes will turn to surprise
As you feel the pain and you realize
The one hurting you is somebody who
Once said "I love you".”

“Somebody we'll pay back all we've borrowed
What we loved today we'll lose tomorrow
But I won't need to wait for my share of sorrow
Because I always kill the things I love.”

“But I won't need to wait for my share of sorrow
Because I already killed the things I love.”

(I Always Kill) The Things I Love – LA Noire [original soundtrack]

The music faded out, and Sunny bowed. The audience broke into strong applause, and Sunny thanked them before making her way off the stage and back to her table.

“Well, what did you think?” she asked her dinner companions.

“That song… it’s just not you at all, but you did it so well!” exclaimed Sparkles.

Sunny grinned. “That was the whole point. I’m totally letting myself go for tonight. Tomorrow I’ll be the same proper and restrained person that I normally am, but just for this evening, I get to be a sexy and slightly wicked mare.”

Firetail said, “Sparkles, it’s lucky that I fell in love with you already, because otherwise Sunny might have just stolen my heart!”

“I think you have a big enough herd already,” Sunny replied with a smile.

“Don’t tempt him!” Sparkles warned, half-seriously. “Stranger things have happened.”

“Duly noted. So, who’s up for some ballroom dancing?”

# # #

Despite the late night, Twilight and Free rose early in order to have breakfast and get to the station in time to meet the train from the Crystal Empire. Princess Cadance was coming to join the rest of the princesses for top level talks with representatives from neighboring countries.

Among the issues being discussed were the increasing public interactions of changelings with the local populations. While Equestria had been making big strides in that matter, other nations were only just coming to terms with the fact that there were likely many changelings living and working among them, and they needed to formulate policies on dealing with that if it became an issue. As Equestria’s foremost authority on changeling-pony relationships, Twilight’s presence had been required, hence her return from Griffonia. Queen Dianthia also made an appearance at the talks, arriving disguised as pegasus.

However, while that was the highest priority reason, it wasn’t the only one, nor necessarily the most important. Less urgent issues were examined and discussed, decisions made, and bureaucratic details dealt with. It did highlight Twilight’s need to commute more often to cope with her obligations in a more timely manner, so when she finally had some free time after a few days of hectic work, she paid a visit to the Royal Engineering Service so that she could present the plans that she and Techbird had been working on for several weeks. She brought along with her a sample of the resinous materials that Dianthia had her drones supply. There was a lot of excitement among the engineers as they realized that many of the technical problems that had been holding up the construction of the new airship design had been solved with a combination of griffon technology, changeling materials, and advanced magical systems designed by Twilight. That evening, Free and Streak had to virtually drag the alicorn away for dinner.

During the days that Twilight had been busy, Free was enjoying seeing family and friends again, and introducing them to Blue Streak. He took the colt on a tour of Canterlot, mindful of Twilight’s instructions that at least some of it had to be educational. Dinners were eaten at Free’s parents’ home at Zephyr’s insistence. She had taken a shine to Streak, and insisted that he call her Oma, a Griffish idiom for grandmother.

On the fourth day after they had arrived, they packed up their luggage and headed for the station to catch the train to Ponyville.

“I can hardly wait to introduce you to my friends!” Twilight gushed excitedly to Streak.

“I know, Mama. That’s the seventh time you told me today,” Streak said with a touch of exasperation.

“Eighth,” Free corrected.

Twilight blushed. “Sorry. I just miss them a lot. That’s also why I want to be able to commute faster between Griffonia and here. Anyway, I have to see how Spike is coping with the new librarian too. Oh, and Pinkie is going to throw you a party, so be ready for that.”

“Fourth time you told me that too,” Streak said drolly.

“A-heh! Right. Shutting up now.”

Streak was left to enjoy the view as they traveled, and he had no time to grow bored before they pulled up at Ponyville station. They disembarked and were met by six mares who swarmed over Twilight, exchanging hugs and nuzzles. Then it was Streak’s turn to be fussed over. Free was not totally ignored either, and he got a few welcoming hugs.

It did not take long for Rainbow Dash to get buddy-buddy with Streak. “I hear that you’re supposed to be real fast – wanna race sometime?” Dash asked in a mixture of Equish and Griffish that she had learned from her childhood friend, Gilda.

Streak gave her a confident grin. “If you think you can keep up.”

Dash grinned in return. “I hope you don’t mind eating my dust!”

Applejack said, “Why don’t y’all get it outta your systems and get it over with? See Twi’s castle over yonder, young ’un? That’s where we’re headed. You two can race to get there first, okay?”

“Sure!” Streak replied after they made sure that he properly understood the farm mare.

“I’ll give you a head-start seeing as you can’t fly over obstacles,” Dash offered.

“You’ll be sorry!” Free sing-songed.

“Pardon me, girls – I’m going to teleport ahead to meet them,” Twilight said, and then put her words into action.

Free said, “Okay – ready? Go!”

Streak accelerated at an astounding rate, a gust of wind whipping the manes of the mares left on the platform, their jaws dropping in astonishment.

“Better get going, Dash,” Free prompted.

“Wha? Oh heck!” Rainbow Dash belatedly took off, sparing no effort to catch up with the colt who had already disappeared from view. A moment later, a sonic rainboom thundered through the village.

Rarity cringed and said, “Ooh! That’s going to annoy everypony.”

“How in tarnation can anypony run that fast?” Applejack said. “I thought Twi was exaggerating a mite when she told us about him.”

“It’s his special talent,” Free explained. “His reflexes are a lot faster than anypony else’s also. His whole body is wired for speed, and he keeps getting faster as he grows. Twilight isn’t sure yet, but she thinks he might one day be able to break the sound barrier like Rainbow Dash if he keeps improving at this rate.”

“That’s amazing,” Rarity said, still staring in the direction that Streak had gone, noting the reactions of the ponies he had passed. “So who do you suppose won the race?”

“With all the ponies, buildings, and other obstacles in Streak’s way, he probably couldn’t get up to anything near his top speed, so Dash probably won despite her late start,” Free replied. “I can see a re-match in the works soon, but with less of a handicap to Streak.”

“Well, we’d better see if you’re right and head over to the castle before Pinkie bursts. She’s been preparing for this party for days.”

“Where is Pinkie anyway?” Free asked, noticing that she had disappeared also.

“Probably at the castle by now. No, don’t ask how – that’s just Pinkie.”

The group headed off at a far more leisurely pace than the racers. When they got to the castle, they found Dash and Streak playing a game of tag while Twilight watched.

“Rainbow Dash beat Streak,” she confirmed, “but even she realized that Streak was hampered by the obstacles. They’ve already decided to race again, but I made them put it off until later. Right now she’s trying to test just how fast he is with a game of tag. She hasn’t managed to do so yet.”

Free shouted, “Hey, Streak! You can stop showing off now. Party time!”

Streak raced over to Free and Twilight. “I’m hungry. Let’s eat!”

# # #

Later that evening, as Twilight was tucking Streak into bed, she asked, “So how do like my castle?”

“It’s cool, Mama. And your friends are cool too, even Rainbow Dash.”

Even Rainbow Dash?” Twilight queried.

“Yeah – she won’t admit that I can be faster than her.”

“You realize that she probably is a lot faster than you?”

“Yeah, now, but not always.”

“Ah, I see. Rainbow has always been very competitive, so even if you get as fast as her one day, that might just push her to get faster still.”

“Then I’ll have to get faster again.”

Twilight laughed. “That’s going to be a mighty rivalry. I think I’m going to enjoy seeing what comes in the future. Now let’s see how fast you can go to sleep.”

# # #

After breakfast the next morning, they paid quick visits to Twilight’s friends’ places. At each stop, Twilight and Free encouraged Streak to speak Equish whenever possible, but translated back and forth as needed.

They visited Rarity’s boutique first before she got too busy with the day’s work. While Streak was not too interested in that work, he did like the scarf that she gave him.

“A young colt like you needs something to show off just how dashing you are,” she said as she wrapped it around his neck.

Streak thought that she might be right about that, and thanked her profusely.

Next they dropped by Rainbow Dash’s cloud home, with Free providing the taxi service for Streak. Dash showed off her collection of Wonderbolts memorabilia, and gave her a couple of free passes good for the next show that she and her team-mates were performing at. Of course they then had to have the re-match race. This time Streak had an open road to use, and he made the most of it. Dash still beat him without resorting to a rainboom, but she was pushed hard to achieve that.

“That was awesome, Streak! You gotta come back and race me again someday, ’cause I know you’ll be faster.”

“You bet, Dash!” he replied, hoof-bumping her.

The race had concluded at Fluttershy’s cottage, where the yellow pegasus showed him all the animals that she was caring for.

“Have you got a pet?” she asked. “No? Oh, everypony should have a pet! I’ll help you choose one.”

Twilight was a little dubious about Streak’s choice of a ferret, but Fluttershy assured her that they made good pets for young colts.

Fluttershy’s cottage was of course just a stone’s throw from Sweet Apple Acres, and that was their next destination. They found Applejack working the west orchard, and she paused in her work long enough to give Streak a quick tour of the farm. She gave him a demonstration on how she harvested apples by bucking the trees, but when Streak tried to emulate her, he failed miserably.

“Don’t you worry none, young fella. There’s a technique to bucking apples that you just haven’t learned.”

“Can I try something else, Applejack?” Streak asked.

“Go right ahead.”

Streak put his forehooves on the trunk and started shaking the tree. Faster and faster he shook until the whole tree was vibrating, and then it suddenly was raining apples.

“Well I’ll be jiggered – never seen that done before. Not bad, Streak. I could make an Apple of you someday.”

“That’s how I got almonds from the tree back home. I thought it would work for apples too.”

“Sure did! Well, you harvested them, so you get to take as many of those apples as you like with you.”

They left Sweet Apple Acres with a basket-load of apples and headed back into town. The next destination was Sugarcube Corner where they stopped for morning tea. Pinkie Pie had prepared a special confection just for Streak, and they sat in a booth enjoying it with mugs of hot chocolate.

“How did Pinkie know I’d like this so much?” Streak asked.

“Oh, you probably mentioned something to someone at the party last night, and Pinkie noted it down,” Twilight explained. She added in a conspiratorial whisper, “She has a secret room where she keeps detailed notes on everypony she meets. If it pertains to a party, it’s in there.”

“Where’s this room?” Streak asked between mouthfuls.

Pinkie suddenly popped up between them. “It’s a secret!” she hissed, and sank back out of sight.

Streak stared at the spot where Pinkie had been for a moment before grinning and saying, “I really like her – she’s weird!”

They spent the rest of the day exploring the rest of Ponyville and meeting the townsfolk. Blue Streak’s wide-eyed excitement for everything that he saw renewed Twilight’s love for her home town. Seeing the place through fresh young eyes helped her appreciate again what had become so familiar to her over the years.

Around four o’clock in the afternoon, Twilight announced, “I want to make a quick side trip over to Whitetail Meadows to check up on my goddaughters, and introduce Streak to Cogs’ family. Want to come along, Free?”

Free started scratching his head and looking askance. “Umm, I’m not sure if that’s a good idea, Twi. Considering what we learned about my past, it could get a bit awkward.”

“We don’t have to bring up the subject.”

“I know, but I don’t want to seem to be deceiving Cogs by not telling him either. Truth has a nasty habit of coming out at the worst time.”

Twilight cringed a little at that. “You have a point. Maybe I can bring up the subject in conversation, so you can visit next time without worrying about a negative reaction?”

“Okay, but don’t force the subject. There’s no hurry at this time.”

“I’ll be careful, I promise.” She kissed Free to seal the promise, and then held out her hoof to Streak. “Come on, we’re going to teleport to my friend’s home.”

Alicorn and colt disappeared with a bamf! Free half-regretted opting out, but he still thought it was the best course of action for the moment. He looked about and spotted the town’s tavern.

“Hmmm… a cold beer with the locals sounds mighty good right now,” he murmured to himself, and he set off to slake his thirst.

It was a weary trio who sat down to a dinner prepared by Spike that evening. Twilight asked Streak what he thought of Ponyville.

“It’s great, Mama! So many ponies, and so friendly!”

“Is this a place that you could call home then?”

Streak thought about it for a moment before replying, “Home is where you and Free are together with Dad and Mama Rose.”

Twilight was deeply touched by the colt’s sentiment. “You’re right, Streak. However, this castle will be our second residence, and Path and Roseclaw will be living here with us occasionally also.”

“Then it would be a great home,” Streak declared.

“I think so too,” Twilight said happily, holding out her hoof to Free who took it in his claws. She held out the other to Streak who took the cue from Free and joined hooves. “We’re happiest when we’re all together as a family, so tomorrow we’ll head back to Canterlot to start our journey back to Griffonia. Someday soon, I hope, we’ll all come here and stay a bit longer. Does that sound good to you, Streak?”

The colt grinned happily. “Yeah, Mama – that sounds great!”

# # #

Just as they had been met at the station when they had arrived in Ponyville, so were the threesome farewelled by their friends the next day. Upon arrival in Canterlot, Twilight made arrangements for the Skylark to be ready for departure in the morning. She then checked on the progress of the various projects that she had set in motion. With those out of the way, the remainder of the day was spent with family and friends, giving Zephyr an opportunity to fuss over her grandson once more. Even both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna took the opportunity to spend a little time socializing before they departed.

Eventually though, it was time for Blue Streak to go to bed. Twilight tucked him in and kissed him goodnight before starting her own preparations for sleep. Their departure at first light meant getting up early, and thus she felt it wise to get to bed early too. However, when she exited the bathroom and found Free posing saucily on the bed in pegasus form, she had to smile.

Perhaps not too early,’ she thought before leaping onto the bed to join him.

# # #

Something was wrong – the tree was falling too soon and in the wrong direction.

“Dad! Mom!” he screamed as he watched them frantically try to get out of its way, only to see the massive tree branches slam into both of them. He ran up to where he could see his mother pinned to the ground, blood pouring from a gash in her head. He tugged on her foreleg, trying to free her, but his efforts were totally in vain.

“Streak,” the mare began before breaking into a fit of coughing. She continued weakly, “Go get help. Run, son! Run as fast as you can!”

The terrified foal reluctantly backed off. “Okay, Mom,” he said as tears streamed from his eyes. He turned and galloped away, pushing himself faster than he had ever done before. He headed for the herd’s workshop where he knew he could find help, but no matter how fast he ran, it never seemed to get any closer. He ran until he felt his heart would burst, and then collapsed, wailing in misery at his failure.

“Hush, child, ’tis but a nightmare of things past,” came a sympathetic voice above him.

Streak looked up and saw that the forest and fields had been replaced by an amorphous mist, filled only by the midnight blue form of an alicorn.

“Princess Luna? What’s happening?”

“I would guess that you were reliving the death of your parents. Your nightmare distress touched upon me, and I sought you out. I am truly sorry for this to have happened to you when you were so young, but it is a shadow of the past now, and you have new parents who love you very much. Take strength in that, my little pony.”

“I ran as fast as I could to get help, but they were dead before I got back. I’ve never forgiven myself for that. If only I’d been a bit faster!”

“So you push yourself for ever-greater speed? You are a remarkable colt, but even you cannot cheat death. It’s not your fault that your parents died.”

“That’s what everypony tells me, but what if they’re wrong? What if I had been five minutes faster, or even just two? Would they still be alive?”

“Even I cannot answer that, but you cannot let the unknown tear at you and ruin your life. Mourn your parents, remember them with love, and put their memories to rest. Look forward to your life with your new family, because they deserve your love as much as you deserve theirs.”

“I do love them, Princess. I haven’t been so happy in a long time.”

“That is very pleasing to hear. Now remember that when you wake…”

The mists swirled away, and Streak sat up in bed with a gasp. Twilight was there at the bedside looking at him in concern.

“Streak, I heard you crying! What’s wrong?”

Streak shook his head and wiped away the tears on his cheeks. “It’s okay, Mama. It was just a nightmare. Princess Luna came and helped me though.”

Twilight hugged the colt. “If you want, you can spend the night with us.”

“Yes, please, Mama.”

Twilight led Streak to their bedroom where Free was sitting up in the bed, waiting to find out what was happening. He arched a questioning eyebrow at the alicorn.

“Streak will be spending the rest of the night with us,” Twilight explained.

Free nodded and patted the bed next to him. “Climb up here, champ.”

Streak did so and Twilight got into the bed next to him. She pulled the blankets over them all, turned off the light, and said, “Sleep well, boys.”

“Yes, Mama!” Streak said happily.

“Yes, Mama,” Free echoed with a grin unseen in the dark.

“Oh, hush up!” Twilight replied.

Streak giggled and snuggled up closer. He was soon asleep again, but his dreams were peaceful this time.

# # #

A scheduled overnight shower left Canterlot gleaming in the morning sunlight, nearly dazzling Twilight, Free, and Streak as they watched the city recede from the observation deck. The air was a bit chilly at that time, so Streak was wearing the scarf that Rarity had given him, and both adults had a wing around the colt between them. As they watched, a burst of light came from the highest tower of the castle.

“That was Celestia’s final farewell to us,” Twilight told Streak. “But it’s also a message that you’ll always be welcome in Canterlot. Do you regret having to go back to Griffonia so soon?”

“No, Mama. I know I’ll be back some day. Right now, I just want to go home.”

Free said, “We all miss your Daddy Path and Mama Rose too. Yeah, it’s time to go back.”

They watched for a while longer until their route around Mount Canterhorn took the city out of sight, and then they headed inside where it was warmer.

“Me and Slick are going to the bridge,” Streak announced.

Twilight eyed the ferret perched on top of the colt’s head which seemed to have become its preferred observation post. “Enjoy yourselves, but make sure Slick doesn’t get in the crew’s way.”

“Okay, Mama!” Streak dashed away at his usual headlong pace.

“You think he might want to be an airship pilot when he grows up?” Free asked.

“I wouldn’t be surprised at all.”

# # #

Slick was promptly banished from the bridge. Who’d have guessed that Captain Fairweather would be allergic to ferrets?

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Author's Note:

Let me head off any controversy right away and say that I am NOT shipping Celestia. It's just a bit of fun innuendo between them. Celestia is such a troll sometimes!

"Oma" is actually a term used by my Dutch relatives, and is a contraction of the word for grandmother. I just thought it would be cool that griffons used it too. (Opa too!)

This chapter got so long that I lost track of certain things. I caught a sequence error at the last moment, and I hope that I haven't missed any more. The chapter was mostly about developing them as a family, but I still have a bit more to add with the actual House in the next chapter. I hope that I gave enough of an impression of time passing that the readers realize that a few months have passed between the beginning and end of the chapter.

All art by Kat Miller a.k.a. Foxenawolf.