• Published 6th Feb 2015
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A Different Perspective - Goldfur

An earth pony and his griffon best friend set out with Twilight Sparkle to study other cultures and how to forge bonds of friendship with them. Things rarely go to plan though, and sometimes comically wrong. Then Chrysalis changes everything.

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Chapter 12: There's No Place Like Home!

Before they had retired for the night, Twilight had left word with Quiet Words that Long Path was okay, and they would be returning in due course to continue their work there. She had asked him to pass the talkie-trottie to Warfist in the morning so that they could update him also, and get any news from the House. Twilight vowed to make sure that there were more of her devices to spread around to key people in future. Instant communications was proving to be very important, and she intended to have a talk with the Council of Mages about further developing her invention for greater functionality and convenience.

All four slept in late that morning. Both Twilight and Roseclaw woke before their partners, but chose to stay with them until they also woke. Twilight’s emotional support continued to help Free’s recovery even as he slept, while Roseclaw simply wanted to be with her mate now that he had recovered. She was there for him from the moment that he opened his eyes, and they reaffirmed their love.

Because they had all retired very early, their breakfast was not too late in the morning, but it did drag out a good deal as they caught up with the details of their experiences while they had been separated. It might have gone on for even longer if they had not felt the need to contact Warfist, and they all gathered in Twilight’s palace apartment.

“It’s good to hear from you again, Lord Path,” Warfist replied. “I was confident that you would recover with your friends’ help.”

“Thanks, Warfist. It was Free Agent’s help that I mostly needed. I look forward to introducing him to you.”

“I look forward to meeting him. I hear that he has already made a big impression on the common griffs.”

“That’s his special talent, I reckon. Anyway, it will have to wait for a few days because I’m under orders to rest for a few days, and he’s recovering from battle wounds.”

“Battle?” Warfist asked, his voice giving away the curiosity aroused in the old griffon.

“Free was instrumental in saving the Crystal Kingdom from invasion by changelings. He got pretty banged-up, but he’s recovering fast.”

“I was under the impression that he was artist caste?”

“Free has many hidden talents, and it’s best not to underestimate him.”

“Wise words that I’ll take to heart, sir.”

Roseclaw said, “We’ll give you the juicy details when we get back. Meanwhile though, how are things at your end?”

“We have continued recruiting as much as possible during your absence, Lady Roseclaw. I have conditionally approved a few more, awaiting your and Lord Path’s final say. There is one I fully approved immediately though, if you will forgive my presumption. A griff hen by the name of Raza Copperquill. She has the finest knife skills that I have seen in any griff bar none. However, it’s her organizational skills that sold me. While I am grateful that you have confidence in me to leave me in charge, it takes a different skill set from mine to coordinate the many plans that you have set in motion. Raza makes it look easy, and I have already assigned her that job. With your approval, she will be your right claw as we build the House of Path.”

“That sounds great. Is Raza a noble?” Path asked.

“No – quite the opposite in fact. She sees membership in House Path as a major step up the social ladder.”

“As long as it isn’t just a perpetuation of the griffon quest for status. House Path must stand for more than that, even if she is otherwise excellently qualified.”

“I have already enrolled her in the House ethics program, sir.”

“One step ahead of me as usual, I see. I look forward to working with her. Any other news?”

“On the subject of nobles, yes – two in particular, actually.”

Path’s mood sunk. “Let me guess – Razorbeak and Blacktalon?”


“Mocking me, I suppose? Poor pony breaks down after seeing a deer killed?”

“That was the case, sir.”


“One does not mock a lord with impunity; especially the head of a House. Other members of said House might take exception….”

# # #

Warfist studied the invitation and pondered his response. While he was not a noble, his military rank had earned him regular invitations to high social functions for many years. However, unless he was obligated for some important reason, those invitations invariably ended up being thrown out. His status might put him on the same level as the nobles, but he had little but contempt for the majority of them. Most lived on their rank and achieved very little with their lives. Others were born into warrior Houses, but had never truly earned their caste. He felt no desire whatsoever to socialize with them.

This, however, was a golden opportunity. Razorbeak’s party was obviously the griff’s excuse to boast about the recent hunt and his coup in hurting Long Path. Lord Razorbeak was going to regret that he did not personally select the invitees.

When Warfist turned up at Razorbeak’s castle, the griff servant at the door looked at the former general curiously, never having seen him before. However, the invitation that he carried was genuine, so he admitted him. Warfist had deliberately turned up later than most in order not to be conspicuous, and he mingled with the crowd. His relative obscurity kept most from even trying to initialize conversations with him. When they did, inevitably most of what they talked about was boring and trivial, but it did enable him to listen out for the important things without really missing anything, or having to respond. However, it did not take long for the moment that he was waiting for to arrive, and Razorbeak started conversing with a group of fellow nobles.

“You should have seen his expression when he realized that the deer was sapient. The fool never realized that his lands are grazing grounds for a whole herd of them.”

Blacktalon added, “He started crying over the corpse. What sort of lord cries over prey?”

Razorbeak grinned, “A weak pony, that’s what. I knew that he would fold if I pushed him hard enough, and that upstart House of his would be shown up as the joke it is.”

Warfist spoke up. “What makes you feel that it’s a joke, Lord Razorbeak?”

Razorbeak eyed the old griff. “And who might you be?”

“Warfist Bloodfeather, General of His Majesty’s army, retired.”

“A true warrior! Then you of all griffs should understand what it takes to be a warrior and the leader of a House.”

“I do, perhaps more than you realize. I ask again, why do you think Lord Path’s House is a joke?”

“How can a pony understand what it takes to be a Griffonian lord and what is expected of his House? He won his caste, and certainly was not born noble. He seeks to undermine our very values, and attracts other weak-minded griffs to him and his bizarre causes. Where are the strengths and the proud traditions of griffon society?”

“He says he seeks to build something greater, with all species welcome in his House. Is this not a noble goal?”

Razorbeak scoffed. “He is a fool, and anyone who joins his House is a fool.”

Warfist let his self-control lapse and he flared his wings and gave out a war scream. “Lord Razorbeak, I am Warfist Bloodfeather, warmaster of House Path, and you have insulted me, insulted my House, and insulted my Lord! I demand satisfaction in an honor duel!”

Razorbeak had reflexively stepped back, and stared in shock. “You… you’re House Path?”

“I am, and on behalf of my House, I will defend its honor to my final breath!” He turned to look at Blacktalon. “You! You were Razorbeak’s accomplice in this matter – would you care to defend his actions?”

Blacktalon shrank back from Warfist’s glare. He was in absolutely no doubt that he was looking death in the eye. “No! It was Razorbeak’s idea.”

“Coward!” Warfist sneered, and then turned away, ignoring the griff.

Blacktalon realized that he had shown his true colors in front of a crowd of nobles, and knew that his status had just taken a huge, irreparable hit. Perhaps a duel would have been the better choice, but Warfist had been right – he was a coward.

Razorbeak meanwhile had been considering the situation. Warfist obviously had sufficient status to demand an honor duel, and his reasons for doing so would stand up. He had no choice but to accept. Unlike Blacktalon though, he knew how to fight, and was not afraid to do so. “Very well, we duel first thing tomorrow.”

“Done. We fight to the bloodletting.” While Warfist had the status to call a duel, he could not enforce anything more.

Razorbeak had other ideas though, and as head of his House, he had the rank to demand more. “No, we fight to the maiming, and all will see that the House of Path is the joke that I say it is.”

“You are an even bigger fool than you claim that I am. So be it.” Warfist then took to wing and left.

# # #

“Considering that you’re calmly talking to us this morning, I’m going to bet that Razorbeak was indeed the bigger fool,” Path commented.

“An honor duel is fought without weapons. What did I say was my specialty when I joined your House?”

“Unarmed combat – Razorbeak really didn’t do his research, did he? So how did you maim him? Destroy a wing like I did?”

“Let’s just say that his one-eyed opinions are now matched by his physical appearance.”

Path winced. “He sure got what he deserved, I suppose. What about you though? You’re not going to tell me that you got through a duel unscathed?”

“Hardly, but I’ve had worse wounds during my career. They’re not hindering me in the performance of my duties. I am glad that I have Raza to help me though. I seem to be awash with new possessions that I need to put to good use for the House.”

Path laughed. “I sure know that feeling. Warfist, I think I’ll be saying this a lot, but I am deeply honored and pleased that you joined our House.”

“For the first time in decades, I feel that I am going to make a real difference, Lord Path. It is my privilege to be part of that.”

Roseclaw added, “We are more than just a House. Our unity of purpose makes us a family, or as my mate likes to put it, a herd. I am happy to have you as part of it.”

“Thank you, Lady Roseclaw.” They could all hear true pride in Warfist’s voice.

Twilight said, “I think we had better let Warfist get on with his work – it sounds like he’s going to be quite busy for a while.”

Path nodded. “Keep the communication device with you, Warfist. We’ll check in with you at least once a day, and you can call us if you need.”

“Yes, my lord. Farewell.”

“Why doesn’t anypony like my name for my device?” griped Twilight as she set it aside.

Roseclaw giggled. “Because it sounds silly, and nobody wants to sound silly also saying it.”

Twilight just pouted.

Free put an arm around Twilight. “So you aren’t great at naming things; nobody invented something like this before, so you get that satisfaction.”

“I suppose so,” she replied with a sigh of resignation.

“So what’s next on the agenda?” Roseclaw asked.

“I want to bring Twi home to meet the folks, and tell them about what I’ve been up to lately,” Free said.

“That’s a great idea, Free. I want my parents to meet Roseclaw too. What say we go to your place for lunch, and mine for dinner? I know Thundercloud and Zephyr are likely to be home because they’re retired, but my folks are still working. I can send word to them warning them to expect guests.”

“Sounds like a plan to me.”

Twilight said, “I need to run a couple of errands. Can I fit those in before we go to lunch?”

“Sure,” Free replied. “In fact I need to do a couple of things also.”

“I’ll take the opportunity to show Roseclaw around while you do that,” Path said. “She hardly got to see much of Canterlot when she was here with her father.”

Twilight nodded. “Let’s meet back at the castle gates at midday and then go to Free’s place.”

“Okay by me,” Path replied.

# # #

Twilight had been dreading this. She had asked for the responsibility, but it was not going to be easy. She had avoided the morning rush, so she would have decent opportunity to talk, but she hardly knew what she would say. She braced herself and walked into the True Brew Café. There were only a few patrons and only one customer being served, and that pony left the counter with his coffee and cake before she even reached it.

Frothy Brew’s face up lit up in pleasure at seeing her. “Twilight! It’s been a while. You want your usual?”

“Not now, Frothy. I didn’t actually come in for coffee today. In fact, I am the bearer of bad news. Are Peach and Cherry available? I’d like them to hear this also.”

Frothy was puzzled. “Peach is preparing for the lunch crowd over in the restaurant, but can spare a few moments. I don’t think Cherry has had a chance to take her nap yet because of Mocha. The young foal tends to need attention at the most awkward times.”

Twilight smiled. “Yes, I hear that they tend to do that.”

“Give me a moment while I fetch them. Mixitkl – look after the counter for a moment, please.”

Twilight fidgeted while she waited, but a couple of minutes later, Peach and Cherry had joined them in a quiet corner of the café.

“I’ve just returned from the Crystal Empire, dealing with an incursion by Queen Chrysalis, and unfortunately there were many casualties. It’s my sad duty to inform you that Sterling Shield was among those lost.”

Cherry gasped, but as expected, it was Frothy who looked as if he had been punched in the gut.

“How? What happened?”

“He was assassinated in a covert attempt to gain access through the changeling barrier. He died in the line of duty, and will be greatly missed. He and all the other Royal Guards who lost their lives that day are going to be formally buried in a ceremony tomorrow at the Canterlot military cemetery.”

“I… I need to attend, Twilight,” Frothy said.

“I expected that you would. I’ll leave word that you are to be admitted to the ceremony.”

“Thank you, Twilight. He may have been a great Guard, but to me he was a greater friend.”

As Twilight left Frothy in the comforting embrace of his wife and daughter, she could not help but think of what her feelings would have been like if Free had been one of the victims that dreadful day.

# # #

“Fired! But why?” Free asked.

“Look, Free,” his former boss began, “you’re a great physical instructor, but to instruct, you have to actually be here, and you just haven’t been for too long. I’ve hired somepony else to take your place now, and he’s more reliable than you can promise to be now that you’re gallivanting all about Equestria.”

“Yeah, I suppose so,” Free glumly agreed. Then he cheered up. “Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. No hard feelings. I’ll just grab my stuff and vamoose.”

“Thanks for taking it well, Free.”

“I suppose I’ll be too busy with a lot of other things like my engagement to Princess Twilight Sparkle,” Free said casually as he headed off to the lockers.

The flabbergasted gym owner could only stare after the griffon, wondering if Free was spouting a load of horseapples, or whether he had just fired someone who could have given his gymnasium a lot of publicity.

# # #

The Dean of Canterlot University felt distinctly uncomfortable under the gaze of the very large she-griffon who had accompanied Long Path as the earth pony had reported in. He shuffled the papers that Path had given him.

“I’m sure that this is going to make very interesting reading, Mister Path. However, while you were absent, all teaching positions came up for review, and the faculty has decided to terminate your employment.”

The griffoness’ glare intensified, but Path took it equably.

“That’s unfortunate. I’d hoped that the university and I could work together in creating a new campus for the branch of the House of Path.”

“The House of Path? What is that supposed to mean?”

Roseclaw spoke up. “What Lord Path means is that he is a noble of the Griffonian Kingdom, and his noble House is in the process of establishing a college there for warrior-scholars, and he wishes to do the same here.”

The dean gaped. “Surely you’re not serious? A pony lord in Griffonia? It could never happen.”

Path grinned. “I know it sounds impossible, but I assure you that it’s true, and if need be, I can call on Princess Twilight Sparkle as a witness. Oh, and she’s a founder of the House also. However, what you believe is irrelevant because I intend to set up the college with or without the university’s help.”

The dean threw Path’s papers back to him. “Get out! You’re not going to pull a fast one on the faculty while I’m in charge. I’ve never heard such a pile of horseapples in my life! Take your things and leave!”

Path shrugged and picked up his report. “Let’s go, Rose.”

If looks could kill, Roseclaw’s gaze would have slain the dean on the spot, but she followed Path out of the office without a word. Once outside though, she let her feelings known.

“What a pompous buffoon! How can you be so calm about this? Things are going to be a lot harder without the university’s support.”

“That was before Warfist substantially increased our resources. Yeah, it’s still going to be a little harder, but it has the advantage that we’ll be totally independent now. As for being calm, I just have to picture the dean’s face when he learns that we told him the absolute truth, and he threw away the opportunity of a lifetime.”

Roseclaw thought about that for a moment, and then her beak split in a grin. “Yes, that is a most satisfactory mental picture. I for one will be happy to follow it up with a personal visit to rub it in his muzzle.”

“Now, now, dear, no need to trouble yourself. I’ll be happy to do that for both of us.”

Roseclaw giggled. “Yes, my lord.”

# # #

The foursome met up promptly at midday and headed off in the direction of Free’s parents’ home. As they walked, they exchanged accounts of what they had done that morning.

“So you’re unemployed too?” Path asked.

Free shrugged. “I liked the job, but I wasn’t married to it. I like to think that it’s an excuse to concentrate on other things now, like House Path stuff, and my art. It’s not as if I will have to worry about being able to pay the rent anymore. Oh, crap! I haven’t paid the rent lately. We better see the landlord tomorrow.”

“I don’t think you need worry about a roof over your head,” Twilight pointed out.

Free shook his head. “Maybe not, but we still have all our stuff that we left there.”

“Good point,” Path said. “We better do something about that very soon.”

“I have a suggestion – I have a castle in Ponyville with tons of spare rooms. If you like, you can store your stuff there.” Twilight moved closer to Free to rub up against his flank. “I even have a special room for us.”

Path looked at his griffon friend curiously. “Free?” That one word conveyed a plethora of questions.

Free just gave him a huge grin that gave an equal number of answers.

“Congrats!” Path told them both.

“I am happy for you, House Sister,” Roseclaw added.

It was a very happy and carefree group that arrived at their destination. Unsurprisingly, it was a house located right next to one of the cliffs that delineated Canterlot. A rear exit gave immediate access to open skies which suited the large griffons who preferred more room to take off than pegasi. The street side though was an unremarkable two-storey dwelling, and unless you knew otherwise, it could have been home to ponies also.

“Here we are – home, sweet home,” Free declared as he rapped on the door.

Very shortly, the door was opened to reveal an elderly griffoness, grey of feather and fur, although the feathers were ticked with black markings that were quite attractive. She was also much larger than Free, although not quite as big as Roseclaw.

“Cirrus! Where have you been for so long? Don’t you want to visit your parents anymore?” she scolded him.

“It’s Free Agent now, mom – don’t you remember?”

“Call yourself what you like, but you’re always going to be my little Cirrus. And speaking of little, when are you ever going to grow up? How are you ever going to attract a mate and give me grandchicks?”

Free rolled his eyes. “Mom, you know I can’t do that anyway, but that doesn’t mean I can’t find a mate.” He turned his head to indicate the others behind him.

The matronly griffon eyed Roseclaw. “Well, she’s pretty, I give you that, but isn’t she a bit big for you?”

“Another crack at my size already, ma? Sheesh! Besides, Roseclaw isn’t my very special somepony. Twi, come meet my mom.”

Twilight stepped up and said, “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Mrs. Ironbeak.”

The griffoness eyed her coolly before remarking to Free, “Well, I suppose a changeling is an appropriate mate for you.”

Free blinked in surprise. “Changeling? Mom – this is Twilight Sparkle, alicorn Princess of Friendship, Harmony Bearer of the Element of Magic!”

“And I’m the Queen of Griffonia,” his mother replied. “Son, I love you dearly, and you don’t have to try to show off like this. I would have been happier if she had taken a more appropriate form instead of something so unbelievable as this.”

Free’s frustration was not helped by the sniggering that he heard coming from Path. “I know this sounds incredible, Mom, but this is the real Twilight Sparkle.”

“I really am,” Twilight said earnestly.

“Well, if you wish to keep up the pretense, I won’t nag you about it. Come on in and you can tell me what you’ve been up to while ignoring your parents for so long.”

Free shrugged and entered the house. Path and Roseclaw stepped up to the door.

“Hello, Zephyr. It’s good to see you again.”

“You too, Path. Why didn’t you bring Cirrus around to visit sooner? You’ve always been the more responsible one.”

“Busy with my castle and estate in Griffonia, while he was saving the Crystal Empire.”

“Oh, this just keeps getting better and better. I see I won’t be bored this afternoon. And this young griffoness came back with you, I suppose?”

“Yes, actually. This is Roseclaw, daughter of Far Scream, the Griffonian ambassador, and my betrothed. Rose, this is Zephyr Silverfeather, Free’s foster mother.”

“Betrothed? Now how did that happen?”

Roseclaw smiled in fond recollection. “First he won my mind, then he won my heart. He is my chosen warrior.”

“Warrior now, is it? Long Path the bookworm has won a warrior noble? Are you trying to outdo Cirrus’ tall tales now?”

Path exchanged grins with Roseclaw. “I think we both have enough to boggle your mind.”

“Well there’s no point in doing it here in the doorway. Inside with you both and make yourselves comfortable in the lounge room. I was about to make lunch; have you eaten yet?”

“Rose and I haven’t, and I don’t think Free and Twilight have either.”

They joined Free and Twilight in the lounge while Zephyr went over to the staircase to the upper floor.

“Thundercloud!” she shouted. “Come on down! Your son and his friends have come by for lunch.”

“Be there in a moment,” was the muffled reply.

Zephyr then bustled off to the kitchen.

“Well, that was unexpected,” Twilight said. “I’ve had quite a variety of reactions to me since I became an alicorn, but not outright disbelief.”

“My fault, Twi,” Free said, putting a wing around her and drawing her closer. “I never gave Mom a reason to believe that I would be anything more than a carefree bachelor with little ambition. I was happy with my life until you showed me something a lot better.”

“I don’t know, Free – it seems to me that a mother always expects more of their children than they think they can do.”

“Maybe, but I’m a rather unique case, and Mom has never had chicks of her own. I think she has been resigned to settling for raising me with low expectations.”

“Now you’re putting yourself down, and I know better than that.”

Free was about to retort, but he was interrupted by a bellowed greeting.

“Cirrus! It’s good to see you, son!”

The old griffon’s aqua feathers were fading, but obviously not his vitality. He bounded into the room, grabbed Free, and hugged the stuffing out of him.

“Awk! Easy, Dad!” Free gasped.

Free’s father let him go and stepped back to look him over. “You’re looking a little worse for wear; what’s been happening since you last visited?”

“Lots, Dad. We’ve got tons to talk about when Mom can hear it also, but for now, let me introduce my very special somepony….” Free started to indicate Twilight.

The griffon grinned broadly and said, “Princess Twilight Sparkle!” He grabbed her right hoof and shook it vigorously. “It’s a real pleasure to meet you. I hope my boy has been doing right by you?”

Twilight was a little dizzy from the sudden turnaround and introduction. “Um, yes sir. He’s been making my life pretty interesting lately.”

“That’s my son! Well done, Cirrus!”

“Please call me Free, Dad. You know I prefer that.”

“Sure! Sure! Free Cirrus Ironbeak.”

“Close enough,” Free conceded. “Anyway, Twilight, obviously this is my father, Thundercloud Ironbeak. As you might be able to guess by the paint splattered on his feathers which he has just smeared on me, he’s an artist.”

Thundercloud grinned. “If you don’t get a little paint on yourself, you’re not showing enough passion.”

Free returned the grin and said, “I take after Dad in that department. He gave me lessons as a chick, and I’m still trying to get half as good as him.”

Thundercloud turned his attention to the others in the room. “Long Path! Let me hug you, my boy! Seems like you’ve both been too busy to visit lately. And who’s this gorgeous lady?”

“It’s good to see you again, Thundercloud. This is Roseclaw, daughter of Ambassador Far Scream. We are betrothed.”

“A pleasure to meet you, sir,” Roseclaw said, extending a claw.

“The feeling is mutual, my girl! Young Path here is a fine catch for a fine noble griff like you.”

“I don’t need any persuading on that point, sir.”

Path said, “It’s okay, Thundercloud. It’s not like you and Zephyr.”

Roseclaw looked at Path curiously. “I sense a story here.”

Free spoke up. “He means that Dad was a low-born artist caste, while Mom was a high-born warrior. Mom fell in love with Dad, but Dad didn’t have the status to present his suit for her. They left Griffonia to live here in Equestria to get away from the caste system and other restrictions, and get married.”

“I see. That’s a touching story. I wonder if I would have had the same strength of commitment if Path had not gained warrior status?”

Thundercloud looked at Path in surprise. “You’re a warrior? How did that happen?”

“It came as a shock to me too. Long story.”

“I can’t wait to hear it.”

“Well you can tell us over lunch,” Zephyr said from the door of the kitchen. “Cirrus, come help me serve up the food for our guests.”

“Okay, Mom.”

“The rest of you make yourselves comfortable at the table. Food will be coming right out.”

“Just one moment, Zephyr,” Twilight said. “I have something to tell you first.”

“And what would that be?”

“Changelings can’t teleport; only alicorns and some unicorns.”


Twilight’s horn lit up and she popped out, only to reappear at the dining table. “I’m not a changeling,” she said matter-of-factly.

Zephyr gaped as realization dawned on her. “Sweet Celestia! You really are Princess Sparkle! Oh, Your Highness – I apologize for my disbelief and rudeness. I’m honored by your presence in our home.”

“It’s okay, Zephyr – I understand. I’m here today as just plain Twilight Sparkle, Free’s special somepony, and not as a princess. I hope that we can have a nice family get-together.”

“Yes! Yes, of course. Oh, I’m so flustered right now.”

“Told ya, Mom,” Free said as he passed by with a plate of sandwiches.

“No smart beak from you, Cirrus!” Zephyr said crossly.

“It’s Free Agent now, Mom!”

Twilight giggled. “Yep, just like home.”

# # #

The four of them spent all afternoon talking, catching up on the news, their change in status, and the plans for the future. They would probably have talked on into the evening if they did not have an appointment with Path’s parents for dinner. Hugs were exchanged on the way out, and they left in high spirits.

“I like your folks a lot, Free,” Twilight commented.

“I can’t complain, Twi. They took me in, gave me love, and raised me well.”

“I didn’t even know they had a griffon in the City Guard.”

“Yeah, but as a warrior, Mom liked the work. It let Dad concentrate on his art, and look after me as a chick.”

“It makes me wonder why we don’t have more griffons in the Canterlot community. We even have one living just outside of Ponyville near the Everfree Forest, and he seems to fit in well enough when he comes into town.”

Path replied, “That’s the kind of thing that we’re trying to find out with our studies. We’ve been a little side-tracked lately with the House and Chrysalis, but we’ll get back to it eventually. Maybe we can find the opportunity to have a chat with him while we’re there to bring our stuff to your palace?”

“It certainly can’t hurt to ask. The worst that can happen is that he tells us he’s not interested.”

They ambled along in quiet amiable companionship for a little while before Roseclaw asked Path, “How are you feeling now, dear? We aren’t putting too much strain on you so soon after recovering, are we?”

“As long as we take it easy like we’re doing, I’ll be fine. I’ve had a good rest and a couple of large meals to build up my strength again.”

Free laughed. “I thought Mom was trying to fix that all in one go, the way she kept pushing food on you.”

Path grinned back. “You know she’s always acted a bit maternal towards me. Hard to believe that she’s a tough City Guard when she’s like that. Anyway, she kept stuffing you almost as much. I reckon she still thinks you’re a growing boy.”

“That’s something I’m curious about, Free,” Twilight said. “Your mother pointed out that you haven’t grown to their size, and you’re certainly smaller than any adult griffon that I’ve ever encountered. It’s not as if you can’t use your shape-changing ability to ‘grow up’, so why haven’t you?”

Free shrugged. “I’ve never really thought about it. I hardly ever encountered other griffs before we went to Griffonia, so maybe I just wanted to blend in with the average pony. Path and I are virtually the same size, so maybe I just wanted to be more like my best friend.”

“Maybe it’s time you took a slightly bigger form? It’d probably help stop your mother from bothering you about that.”

“What? I thought you liked me like this?” Free said with an exaggerated wounded look.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I’ve liked you in all sorts of forms. A bigger one won’t make a difference to me, but might make your mother happier.”

“Your wish is my command, O Princess of my Heart.” Free looked about and then ducked into a nearby alley. A moment later there was a flare of magic, and then Free stepped back out, basically unchanged except for being a few inches taller. “Enough? Can’t grow too much in such a short time. Ponies might start wondering.”

“Good idea, and a fine start,” Twilight replied. Then she nuzzled him. “Hmm, I think I’ll have to take back what I said earlier – this does make a difference to me.”

“You like?” Free asked with a roguish grin.

“I like,” she replied happily.

“I think I’ll keep it then.”

“Hey, you two,” Path interjected, “Remember that we’re still in public before you start getting too steamy.”

Twilight blushed furiously as she realized what she was doing, and pulled away from the unrepentant griffon.

Path and Roseclaw chuckled. Neither of them cared about their significant size difference, but it was amusing to watch the reactions of their friends in the same situation.

Eventually they came to another home, this one somewhat more upmarket than Free’s parents’ house. The fact that Path had come from a fairly wealthy family compared to Free’s had never made the slightest difference to either of them though. Each had spent almost as much time at each other’s place as their own. One of the more obvious differences between their class levels was the maid who answered the door.

“It’s good to see you again, Long Path,” the maid said with a genuine smile. “And you too, Free. And these are the guests that you said you were bringing?” Her eyes widened in sudden recognition. “Oh my, are you Princess Twilight Sparkle?”

“I am,” Twilight replied with a warm smile. “But I’m not here on official business, so please just call me Twilight.”

“Uh… yes, ma’am.”

“And this is Roseclaw,” Path said.

Roseclaw gave the maid her friendliest smile, but it was clear that she was a bit intimidated by the large griffoness.

Free said, “Hey, it’s okay, Lacey. Rose may be a lot bigger than me, but she’s cool.”

White Lace nodded. “Please come in. Long, your parents are out on the balcony enjoying the afternoon sun. I suggest that you join them out there. Dinner will be served in about half an hour.”

“Thanks, Lace. Come on in, everyone.”

As they followed Path through the house, Free said, “What’s the bet that they make the same mistake that Mom did and think that Twi is your mate?”

“Don’t be too sure. Mom’s isn’t as narrow-minded as most – she’s never had trouble with you being my friend, after all,” Path said with grin. “Besides, with my mother’s connections, she might have heard something that most ponies haven’t.”

“Try not to give it away. I want to see if you’re right or me.”

They exited onto a west-facing balcony which was enjoying a colorful sunset. A black-coated earth pony stallion with a white mane was reading a rather thick book, while a green-coated unicorn mare with a dark green mane was sipping tea. She was the first to notice the group arrive.

“Winding, our son has arrived with his friends,” she said. “We also seem to have some extra special company for dinner.”

The stallion looked up and his face lit up in pleasure.

“It’s good to see you again, son. Your mother and I have been looking forward to hearing about your adventures. Ah, I see what my wife meant by special company. Welcome to our home, Princess Sparkle.”

“Thank you, sir. Please just call me Twilight though. I’m here socially, not royally, if you understand what I mean.”

Path said, “And this is Lady Roseclaw, daughter of Far Scream, the Griffonian ambassador.”

“Another unusual guest! You are most welcome also, Lady Roseclaw,” Path’s mother said with a genuine smile.

Path continued, “Rose, Twilight, this is my Father, Winding Road, and my mother, Ivory Tower. Dad’s a historian, and Mom’s on the board of the Council of Mages. I get my academic streak from Dad, obviously, but it’s Mom who got me interested in unicorn magic, and helped me figure out how to adapt it to earth pony magic.”

“Ivory and I are already acquainted,” Twilight said with a smile in the mare’s direction.

“Indeed,” Ivory agree. “It would be a little odd that the Element of Magic was not familiar with the members of the Council of Mages, and vice-versa. Twilight has managed to make quite an impact on our magical studies despite her youth.”

“Your son managed to do something that even I had not thought of yet, though. I think he owes a lot to you for that.”

“You’re too kind, but I am proud of his accomplishments.”

“You’re going to be flabbergasted by what he’s done lately then,” Free commented.

“And we’ll have plenty of time to talk about that later,” Path interjected. “However, first of all I have an important announcement to make. Mom, Dad, I have recently gotten engaged, and I’m here to show off my fiancée.”

Ivory eyed both Twilight and Roseclaw with keen interest. “Oh? Which one?”

Path winked at Free. “Told you!”

Roseclaw moved over to Path and wrapped a wing around him. “Path is my chosen warrior,” she said almost shyly. Apparently confronting her future mother-in-law was a little daunting even for a large warrior griffoness.

“A warrior now, is it? This is getting more interesting by the moment.”

“Heck, yeah, Ivy,” Free said enthusiastically. “We’ve all had quite an adventure or two in the past few months. Maybe the biggest adventure is still ahead of me. You see, Twilight and I are in a relationship too.”

That finally shook the mare. “You and Twilight? Is this your idea of a joke, Free Agent? I love you like a second son, but….” Ivory was lost for words.

Free chuckled. “Hey, I can hardly believe my luck either. Even my Mom couldn’t believe it, but I’ll declare this in front of you and anypony else who cares to listen…” Free paused to nuzzle Twilight’s cheek, and she promptly blushed. “I love Twilight Sparkle.”

When Twilight did not refute Free’s claim, Ivory was forced to accept the farfetched notion that her son’s eccentric best friend had indeed won the princess’ heart.

“I see history in the making here, Winding.”

Winding Road nodded gravely. “It has interesting implications for Equestria. My boys, you and I are going to have a long discussion on how this came to be.”

“Speaking of history, Dad, we’ve got some additions and corrections for you with regards to the last Pony-Griffon War. They’re going to intrigue you, and frustrate you also because some simply can’t be published as yet.”

“Son, if you think that will deter me, then you don’t know me as well as you think you do. However, I suggest that we move inside and start your stories from the beginning. We have all evening to hear all the details. And Lady Roseclaw – welcome to our home, and hopefully to our family.”

“Thank you, sir.”

# # #

Roseclaw managed to get comfortable enough with Ivory to relax in her company. She still spent almost every moment cuddled up to Path as if to affirm to the mare that she was serious about her relationship with Ivory’s son. Path was a little mortified when his mother brought out several photo albums to show Roseclaw pictures of him in his foalhood. Many were taken with a very young Free Agent with the colt, including one where Path was excitedly riding Free while he was flying.

“Moments later, Path fell off, but fortunately I caught him with my magic,” Ivory explained. “He never tried that again.”

Twilight said, “That might account for Path’s nervousness with heights.” She glared at Free. “You never did learn your lesson there, did you?”

Free shrugged helplessly. “I was only six then! Gimme a break, hon!”

They might have talked all night, but eventually Path had to plead weariness due to his recent debilitating experience. The foursome left in high spirits, promising to visit again before they left for Griffonia once more.

The streets were virtually deserted at that time of night. Of course the steady rain might have had something to do with that also.

“I forgot that rain had been scheduled for tonight,” Path said glumly.

“I still find it fascinating that your pegasi control the weather here,” Roseclaw commented.

“I suppose I could hold an umbrella shield over us all until we get to the castle?” Twilight suggested. She was feeling quite tired by now though, and wasn’t keen on putting in so much effort.

“”I’ve got a better idea,” Free declared. “Our place is much closer. We can crash there for tonight.”

“That okay with you, Rose?” Path asked.

“As long as I’m with you, I don’t care where I roost.”

“Seems like a plan,” Twilight said, powering up her horn and forming a large umbrella shield. “Let’s trot!”

With Path leading the way, the foursome set a fast pace.

Free kept close to the alicorn, working up the courage to ask a question. He knew it was inevitable, but it didn’t make it any less daunting. “Umm… Twi, when are we going to see your parents? I mean, we don’t have to immediately, but if you really want to…?”

“I checked this morning, and my parents are out of town at the moment. I hope they come back soon; I really want them to meet you.”

“Sure, sure, Sparkles,” Free replied, trying to keep the relief out of his voice. With a bit of luck, they would be gone before her parents returned. He would rather face Chrysalis than Twilight’s parents right now – at least he didn’t have to worry about her opinion!

They made good time to his and Path’s apartment, and were soon at the doorstep. Path fortunately still had his key in his saddlebag, and soon had the door opened. He stepped inside, groped for the light switch, and a moment later the magic crystal flared into life to illuminate the room.

“Come in and be welcome,” Path said with an exaggerated bow.

Roseclaw entered, closely followed by Twilight. Free pulled a piece of paper off the door before closing it behind them.

“What’s that?” Path asked.

Free scanned it and replied, “Notice of eviction. Apparently we’re really late with the rent.”

“Jobless and homeless – whatever will we do?” Path said melodramatically.

Free chuckled. “I’ll go see the landlord tomorrow and square us up for back rent, and to give us a chance to move our stuff out. What do you think, Twi? Start moving immediately?”

“You two are still recovering. I’ll arrange for some movers to take your things to my castle.” She looked about at the furniture and their other belongings. “Although I’m not sure how much of this stuff is actually worth taking.”

Path sheepishly rubbed the back of his head with one hoof. “We weren’t exactly much worried about the décor. It was a roof over our heads, and a place to sleep and eat. Neither of us had exactly been worried about bringing future wives here. Sorry, Rose.”

“A warrior needs no more than this,” Roseclaw pointed out. “That said, a lord deserves better.”

“Right now, I just want to get some sleep,” Twilight said.

“Allow me to show you to the boudoir, Your Highness,” Free said with an exaggerated bow and a sweep of his claws in the direction of his bedroom.

“Most gracious of you, sir!” Twilight said primly, with a barely noticeable smirk of amusement. She headed into the bedroom, with Free following close behind.

Path held out his hoof. “Will you join me, my lady?” he asked, keeping up the formal theme.

“With the greatest of pleasure, my lord,” Roseclaw replied, taking his hoof into her talons and allowing him to escort her to his bedroom.

Some minutes later, Free had switched to pegasus form in order to do some serious kissing and cuddling with Twilight in his spacious bed. Abruptly they heard a crash from the other room.

“What was that?” Twilight asked as she lifted her head and swiveled her ears in the direction of the noise. “Should we check on Path and Roseclaw?”

Free reached up to pull her head back down to his level. “My guess is that Path’s bed collapsed under the weight of a big earth pony and an even bigger griffoness. Judging by the emotions that I can taste coming from their room though, neither is particularly worried. In fact… oh yeah… that’s my buddy!”

“Free! Stop being so voyeuristic!”

“Can’t help but taste it, y’know?”

“Perhaps I can distract you?” Twilight suggested coyly.

The mare had the same aroused look that she’d had the previous night, and its effect was just as great as the feelings for him that she exuded and he savored. Suffice to say, Free did not notice what was happening in the next room for the rest of the night.

# # #

Free was the first to wake up the next morning because the previous night had charged him up with sufficient love energy that he needed little sleep. He carefully disengaged himself from Twilight so as not to disturb her too much, even though he realized by now that she was a habitual early riser. She would wake up when she was ready.

He made his way to the kitchen with the intention of making breakfast.

“Hmmm, let’s see what we’ve got that can feed two ponies, a big griff, and myself,” he muttered as he opened the coolbox. He immediately slammed it back closed as a repugnant odor wafted out. “Uh-oh. Strike one. How about the pantry?”

A search of the pantry cupboard was less than encouraging. He found a box of oats, a bag of flour, and four cans of beans. He remembered now that he had not bothered stocking up due to their taking off for a long trip. He decided that a quick trip was in order.

Free grabbed his coin satchel and headed out to the market. Hopefully it would not be too soon.

Less than half an hour later, he returned with several parcels and headed for the kitchen. On the way, he noticed the sound of the shower running, and knew that at least one person was now awake also. He began the breakfast preparations promptly, starting with heating up the stove, and then he began making some batter for pancakes. Next he sliced up some fruits that he had bought and put them on a plate. Then he unwrapped one of the parcels to reveal the slab of bacon that he had been pleased to be able to procure. He sliced some off and had it ready to fry as soon as Roseclaw and Path showed up, along with some eggs.

Twilight walked in about then, freshly bathed, with her mane neatly brushed into her usual style.

“There you are! I woke up to find you gone.”

“Sorry, Sparkles. I hoped to bring you breakfast in bed, but we were short on a lot of stuff, so I had to zip out to the market. I’ll have some pancakes ready for you in a minute, but there’s fruit there already.”

“That was thoughtful of you, Firetail.” Twilight sat at the table and levitated some of the fruit onto a plate that Free had already set there.

Free started making the pancakes, expertly turning out a stack of them in a short time. He presented them to the alicorn along with a jug of syrup and a bowl of berries.

“Wow! These look marvelous!” Twilight said with a lick of her lips.

“I’ve been the chief cook for Path and myself for years. Practice makes perfect.”

“Didn’t Path do any of the cooking?”

“Let’s just say that after sampling his efforts when we first moved in here together, I knew that he was never going to earn a cutie mark in cooking. I banned him from doing anything more than heating up a can of beans. He gets to do the cleaning up afterwards.”

Meanwhile, Twilight had started on the pancakes. “Mmm, these are good. I’m glad that I’ve got a coltfriend who knows how to keep his special somepony well fed.”

Free grinned. “Oh? Then can I tempt you with my bacon and eggs on toast?” he asked mischievously.

Twilight paused chewing and glared at the griffon. “Are you trying to spoil my appetite?”

“Come on, Sparkles – you know ponies are perfectly capable of eating meat. You have to try it out eventually.”

“Not yet, I don’t. Right now I’m still working on not being revolted by watching others eat it.”

“Better be done before the others turn up for breakfast then. I’ll wait to have mine then also. You want a drink? I’m making coffee.”

“Coffee would be good, as long as you have milk to go with it. I don’t like it black.”

“You’re in luck – I picked up a bottle of milk while I was out.”

He was just pouring out a mug for her when Path and Roseclaw made an appearance, both looking a bit disheveled.

“Hey, lovebirds, do you want to have breakfast now or shower first?” Free asked.

“Give us a moment to freshen up,” Path replied. “If you have breakfast ready, we’ll skip the shower for now.”

“Is that bacon that I smell?” Roseclaw asked.


“We’ll be back soon!” the griffoness said eagerly.

“See, Twi?” Free told her smugly. “Bacon is always good!”

“Free!” she said in a tone that warned him to drop the subject.

Free chuckled and went to prepare the bacon and eggs.

Path and Roseclaw were soon at the table, and Free served them both a big plate of bacon and eggs over easy, on top of hot buttered toast. Roseclaw got stuck into hers immediately, but Path looked at his with less enthusiasm.

Path looked at Free and said, “I’m sorry, but I really don’t feel like having bacon at the moment. Could you heat up some beans for me?”

Free was surprised for a moment before he realized what was wrong. “Sure thing. Do you want some extra bacon, Rose?”

The griffoness nodded and Free forked the bacon onto her plate, leaving the eggs on toast for Path. He then headed off to the pantry to dig out a can of beans to heat up.

Eventually Free was able to sit down and have his breakfast also. “So what’s on the agenda today?” he asked before shoveling a loaded forkful of food into his beak.

Twilight had fetched her day planner and was using it to ignore the carnivorous activity at the table. “We have to attend the funeral for the fallen soldiers this morning. Before then, I’ll arrange to have some movers come by after the funeral and you two can supervise what you want taken to Ponyville, and what you want to get rid of.” She looked up to eye Path and Roseclaw. “Things like old beds, perhaps?”

Path looked at Roseclaw with chagrin, and she giggled.

Twilight continued, “I don’t want either Path or Free exerting themselves unnecessarily – you’re both still officially recovering, and another day’s rest is ordered, so stick to packing just your personal stuff. Let the professionals do the hard work.”

“Yes, boss!” Free said with a salute.

She blithely ignored his cheekiness and went on, “I’ll have someone at my castle to supervise the unloading, so all you need do is mark everything for whichever rooms that they need to go to. There’s one for Path and Rose, one for me and Free, and a general storage for now. We can sort out anything more later.”

Free looked at Twilight with a serious look on his face for once. “Are you absolutely sure that you want me moving in with you, Twilight? I mean, it’s what I’d love to do, but you… well you’re kind of new to this and…”

Twilight closed his beak with a spark of her magic and smiled. “I made up my mind two nights ago, Firetail. Did you really think that I would have second thoughts? I love you, you idiot!”

Free abruptly transformed into pony form, wrapped his hooves around Twilight, and drew her into a deep kiss. Twilight’s wings snapped out in surprise, but she quickly enfolded them both in feathers and lost herself in the kiss.

Roseclaw said, “I’m never going to get used to that. Must be convenient being able to shift form like that though.” She looked at Path. “Do you miss me not having lips to kiss you?”

Path carefully considered his reply. “Darling, there’s so much of you to love, I don’t have much to miss. Besides, you still kiss very nicely.”

“Good answer,” she replied as she leaned down to affectionately rub her beak along his cheek.

When both couples were done showing their affection, Twilight got back to business.

“I’ll arrange for dinner in the banquet hall. Pinkie Pie will inevitably want to throw you all a ‘Welcome to Ponyville’ party, so we might as well take advantage of that and make it a dinner party.”

“Sounds fun,” Free said with a grin.

“I’m sure it will be, but for now we have to the serious stuff to prepare for. Let’s get ready and head up to Canterlot Castle. The funeral is going to be held at the military cemetery in about two hours.”

# # #

Free recognized many of the faces at the funeral, including that of Captain Diamondhard. To his surprise, the captain came over to Free when the crystal pony noticed him arrive.

“I was hoping to see you, Mister Agent,” Diamondhard said.

Free was surprised. “That would be a first,” he replied.

“No doubt, but I will be the first to admit that I was wrong about you. I didn’t appreciate having you foist upon me, and I didn’t like your attitude. I didn’t pay attention to your suspicions because of that, and it was unforgivably foolish of me. A pony in my position does not have the luxury of ignoring a problem just because I don’t like the person, and not only were you right, you were instrumental in preventing the invasion of the Crystal Empire. I wish to offer my sincere apologies, and also my gratitude, and that of all under my command.”

Free gave the captain a smile. “Apology accepted, Captain, but if you’re serious about your change of heart, then heed my warning – I still feel we’re overlooking something.”

“Can you be more specific?”

“Sorry, I wish I could, but it’s eluding me. Unlike last time, I don’t have a specific target for my suspicions.”

“If you do, please don’t hesitate to inform me. I will endeavor to cover every possibility. Good day to you, sir.”

Free watched her go join the other crystal ponies who had come for the funeral. That was about as friendly as Diamondhard ever got, and it was with him? Wonders never cease!

Princess Cadance arrived to join Celestia, Luna, and Twilight who performed the commemoration ceremony. Prince Shining Armor could not attend as he had to stay in the Empire while Diamondhard and Cadance attended the funeral. The fallen soldiers were praised for their dedication to duty and mourned for their loss before being interred with full military honors.

Cadance took a moment to pass on her thanks to Free before she had to hasten back to the Crystal Empire. She almost missed him though because he’d had to excuse himself from the funeral. He found the burden of negative emotions was debilitating him, and he wondered how the changelings in attendance were able to bear it. Weren’t they overwhelmed by the sadness of every single one of the ponies in attendance like he was? He was glad when the service was over, and Twilight and the others reunited with him.

“Frothy Brew has invited us back to the family restaurant for luncheon in honor of Sterling Shield. Think you’re up to it?” Twilight asked Free.

“I’ll be okay,” he promised her. “I want to share with him what I knew of Sterling.”

The True Brew Café and Restaurant was closed to the public for the first time in years, but it was still crowded. Sterling Shield had had a lot of friends and comrades, and they remembered him with joy that day.

# # #

The luncheon delayed their return to the apartment, and they found the moving crew impatiently awaiting their arrival. After getting the process started, Free went to the landlord to square away their back rent and let him know that they were moving out today. Twilight accompanied him both for moral support, and to make sure that the landlord did not try any funny business. Perhaps because of that, things went smoothly, and they quickly finished business.

The movers were incredibly efficient, and had the apartment emptied in a very short time. Their belongings were loaded onto a pegasus sky-wagon, and the stuff that they were discarding loaded into a conventional cart to be hauled away to the junk yard by a couple of dour earth ponies.

Despite having lived in that apartment for years, neither Path nor Free was sad to leave it. Having had their horizons expanded so much lately, it was just a small episode in their lives now. Path locked the door to the now-empty apartment and handed the key over to a messenger colt to deliver back to the landlord.

“Let’s go,” Path said.

“It’s too late to catch the train to Ponyville in time for the welcoming party,” Twilight pointed out. “It’s not too far though for me to teleport us all there if you like?”

“Sounds good to me,” Free said.

“Okay by me,” Path replied.

Roseclaw looked a little uncertain, but opted to go along also.

“Good. Now as none of you have ever teleported before, it can be a little nauseating the first time. I suggest you take a couple of deep breaths and brace yourselves.”

“And you were going to teleport us from the dirigible at Griffonia?” Path pointed out.

“The longer the distance the worse it is. That hop to the ground would have been barely noticeable. Anyway, deep breaths!” She fired up the magic in her horn, formed the spell in her mind, and a moment later, the foursome disappeared from Canterlot…

… and reappeared in front of Twilight’s castle. “Welcome to Ponyville!” Twilight exclaimed. “How are you feeling?”

“A little dizzy, but okay,” Path replied.

“I think I left my stomach back in Canterlot,” Roseclaw said.

“I’m perfectly fine,” Free replied. “Cool castle, Twi!”

“If you think this looks nice, you should see how my friends decorated the interior. They really made it into a home. Come on – let me show you to your rooms and then give you a quick tour before the pegasi arrive with our stuff.”

Needless to say, they were impressed with the castle. Twilight took them into almost every room with one particular exception. “That’s Spike’s room. I don’t go in there unless invited. That’s his little sanctum.”

“Spike’s the young dragon that you mentioned lives with you, isn’t he?” Roseclaw asked as they headed back downstairs. “Where is he?”

“He is, and he’s probably with Pinkie, helping to organize the dinner party in the banquet hall right through here. He-eek!”

Twilight jumped ten feet in the air as the banquet hall doors slammed open and Pinkie Pie leapt out and yelled, “Surprise! Welcome to Ponyville!”

Twilight face-hoofed and muttered, “You’d think I’d be used to this by now after all these years.” She fluttered back down to the floor, trying to ignore the grins of her companions. “Pinkie – you weren’t supposed to surprise me!”

“I know; that’s why it makes it such a great surprise!” Pinkie exclaimed with a huge grin on her face.

Twilight sighed and gestured for the others to enter. “Looks like the party is ready to begin.”

Inside they found the rest of Mane Six, plus a few more guests, including Applejack’s brother, Big Macintosh, Mayor Mare, a stallion named Cheese Sandwich, several other Ponyville friends, and a yellow and red-maned unicorn who had come in from the Crystal City with Cadance.

Spike stepped up to the group and said, “Welcome home, Twilight! These are the new friends that you told me about?”

“Thanks, Spike. Let me introduce you to Long Path and his mate Roseclaw, and this is Free Agent, my very special somepony… or somegriff, I should say. Guys, this is my little brother, Spike.”

Spike regarded Free a little suspiciously before extending his hand to Free. More introductions were made all around and then the party started in earnest.

# # #

The Great and Powerful Trixie finished her command performance to wild applause. Since turning down her ego and turning up the quality of her show, her popularity had grown considerably, and it had been fortunate that she had been available at short notice for the party. Of course the opportunity to dine and converse with royalty and other influential people was a strong incentive also. She took her bows and then left the stage to take a seat at the table. Twilight gestured her over to sit next to her.

“You stumped me with that last trick, Trixie,” Twilight enthused. “How did you manage that?”

Trixie smiled superiorly, and then winked to show she wasn’t being snotty. “A magician never gives away her stage secrets. Besides, it’ll give you something to try to work out for yourself, won’t it?”

Octavia Melody took the stage with her cello, along with a couple of violinists and a violist for their second set of the evening. By request, the mares had been playing more upbeat music than they usually did for formal affairs, and they started playing a tune that they called Kismet.

Some of the guests were oblivious to the great music though. Fluttershy was curled up against Big Macintosh’s flank, content to just enjoy the occasion in the company of her mate. The large stallion had brought along some of Sweet Apple Acres’ best hard cider for the occasion, and he and a few others had gotten into a drinking contest. Rainbow Dash was already snoring under the table, having passed her limit at least two mugs ago. Path knew that he was losing, and only a strong will had kept him upright so far.

“Hey Mac did I ever tell you about this cute thing that Rose does if you lightly ruffle the small feathers on the back of her head?”


“She turns into a cute little kitten! Which is ironic considering she’s half bird, half lion!”


“She curls up around you and makes half crooning and half purring noises.” He tried to pick up his mug to get a refill, but couldn’t figure out which of the two wavering objects was the right one. ‘Never have another drinking contest with a stallion as big as your fiancée,’ Path reminded himself before slumping over into said fiancée’s arms. “Hi, darling,” he slurred.

She grinned, propped him up against her shoulder, and held out her empty mug to the red stallion. “Another?”

“Eeyup,” Big Mac agreed, pouring her another mug full.

After the musicians finished the song, Cheese Sandwich leaped up onto the stage holding an accordion. “Hey ladies, I’ve got a song just for the dessert course. Try to keep up!” He then started singing, “Eat It!” The mares kept up suspiciously well, and as the song neared its climax, Pinkie Pie wheeled in a giant cake on a trolley and left it in front of the stage. As Cheese Sandwich sung the final “Eat it!”, Pinkie Pie burst out of the cake and threw a pie in his face.

“Wait! What? How did she…?” Trixie sputtered.

Twilight grinned. “If you ever figure that out, let me know.”

Free, who had been having a conversation with a white unicorn with two-tone blue hair, took to the stage with his lute, and challenged Cheese and the mares to a little improv, and they spent the next hour bashing out tunes. They might have still been going at it if Applejack and Big Macintosh hadn't had to beg off.

“Work to do, y’know?” Applejack explained. “Still catching up after spending so much time in the Crystal Empire. Anyhoo, glad to see y’all, and I hope you drop by and say howdy before you gallivanting off again.”

Other guests started making their excuses then, and the party drew to a close. Trixie was given a room for the night, and then once everyone else had left, the foursome headed off to bed. Actually Roseclaw carried Path to their room on her back; the stallion was still conscious, but rambling incoherently.

Roseclaw gave Twilight and Free a wink and said, “It was really good cider. I don’t think we’ll be trying out the new bed’s limits tonight.”

When the alicorn and the changeling griffon settled into their spacious bed, Free said, “I like your home, Twi.”

Our home, Free. It may be Princess Sparkle’s castle, but it’s definitely our home. What’s mine is yours.”

“I’m afraid I don’t have much to share in return, Sparkles,” Free replied sadly.

“Oh yes you do, Firetail, and you’re going to give it to me right now,” she replied with a smoldering look on her face.

Free didn’t need another hint, and they made love with renewed passion.

# # #

Path and Free spent the morning sorting out their stuff into the new rooms, and making a pile of some things that they intended to take to Griffonia with them. It would have taken less time if not for Path’s massive hangover. Twilight fetched a remedy from Zecora that got the earth pony functioning again though, and he was pretty much back to normal by lunchtime.

Meanwhile, Twilight took Roseclaw for a tour of her home town, or private little kingdom as she jokingly referred to it. Many of the ponies were a bit taken aback by the large griffoness, but were reassured because she was in the presence of Twilight.

Rainbow Dash ended up doing an aerial tour for Free after they got chatting about flying over breakfast. The colorful pegasus had apparently slept the night under the table, and had only woken that morning when Spike poked her and told her that food was on the table. With the highlights done, it didn’t take long for the competitive mare to challenge Free to another race. The result was as much a foregone conclusion as the one in the Crystal Empire, but Free enjoyed the challenge anyway.

“Hey, Beaky – wanna do a sonic rainboom?” Rainbow asked as they rested on a cloud.

“Oh sure, I’ll just fire myself out of a cannon to get up to speed,” Free replied sarcastically.

Rainbow Dash grinned. “I’d like to see that, but no, I think we can do it my way, if you’re game?”

Free could not resist a challenge. “So how do we do this?”

“Follow me!” Rainbow shot up like a rocket to gain altitude, and Free did his best to keep up with her. After getting to a safe height, she paused and waited for Free to get level with her. “Okay, here’s the deal. We’re going to do a power dive. When you’re up to your best speed, I want you to grab my hind legs and hold on tight. Try not to stab me with those talons though.”

Free held up his front limbs. “No problem!” A swirl of magic fire reduced the talons to mere nubs.

“That’s kinda handy,” Rainbow admitted. “Anyway, once you’ve grabbed me, fold back your wings and streamline your body as best as you can, and leave the rest to me.”

“Gotcha. Let’s do this!”

They dived and accelerated until Free could go no faster. He glanced at Rainbow who was easily matching his speed, and she nodded and moved in front of him. He grabbed her legs just above the ankles, and a moment later she accelerated while he hung on for dear life. The wind pressure was incredible, and Free could barely see with his watering eyes nearly shut. Just when he thought that he could hold on no longer, there was a tremendous shock, a loud boom, and an explosion of color around them. Suddenly their high speed flight was smooth and almost quiet, and Free screamed in delight as the landscape passed by them at an incredible rate. Rainbow kept up the supersonic speed for a few moments longer until she had to slow down once more. Free let go once they dropped down to a speed that he could handle, and the pair circled down to a landing just outside the castle.

“Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ooooooo!” Free yelled. His feathers were mussed, his eyes were wide as saucers, and he was so full of adrenalin that he could hardly stand still. “That was so awesome! How often do you do that for others?”

“You’re the first. Wasn’t sure that I could pull it off while dragging a passenger, but it worked out because I’m the best!” Rainbow said proudly.

“No argument from me, sister! I’m gonna be talking about this for the rest of my life.”

“So, have you had enough for one day?”

“Are you kidding? I’m Free Agent, and I’m always ready for more!”

Rainbow grinned. “You asked for it. Let’s go!”

That day turned out to be one of Ponyville’s more infamous in terms of the hijinks that the pair got up to. Needless to say, Rainbow had found a kindred spirit, and Equestria would never be the same.

That afternoon, Rarity and Fluttershy invited Roseclaw and Twilight to join them in a session at the Day Spa. Roseclaw did not want to do it unless Path was with her, so they invited him also. It was exactly what the earth pony needed, and despite the girly nattering that went on, he relaxed and let the last of his troubles be soothed away. Between Free, Roseclaw, and the kindness of his friends, he reached mental equilibrium once more, and he would be ready to take up his duties as Lord of the House of Path when they got back to Griffonia. Life was good.

# # #

Breakfast the next morning was interrupted by a messenger bringing a telegram for Twilight. She smiled when she read it, and then turned to Free.

“Before we return to Canterlot today, I want to make a short visit to friends over in Whitetail Meadows Village, and I’d like you to come with me.”

Free was a little surprised but not unwilling. “Sure, but what’s the occasion?”

“I think I’ve mentioned a Blue Changeling friend of mine who settled down with a unicorn mare after the invasion of Canterlot?”

“Oh, yeah. So that’s where he lives?”

“Yes. I sent a message to him, asking if he’d be willing to meet up with me and you, with the implication that I’d be revealing his identity to you and vice versa. He says he’s okay with this, although he’s yet to refuse a request from me. He still feels obligated because of the big favor that I did for him a few years back. I keep telling him that we’re square, but he doesn’t pay attention. So please don’t abuse the privilege.”

“Hey, I kept my nature secret for years, so I can’t blame him for wanting the same. I’ll be good. When exactly do you want to go?”

“Thanks. Early this morning would be best. It’s a weekday, and he’ll be working, but he says he’ll make time for us today.”

“How about straight after breakfast? We can visit and get back with plenty of time for us both to finish our preparations for heading back to Canterlot.”

“That would be perfect.”

Less than half an hour later, Twilight and Free arrived above Whitetail Meadows Village in the typical flash-bang of teleportation. They spread their wings and started gliding down to the ground and through the town, with Twilight leading the way. They alighted in the main street in front of a florist signposted as ‘Wild Dreams’, and a few passing ponies gave Twilight a cheery greeting.

“The locals seem just as blasé about an Equestrian princess as the ones in Ponyville,” Free observed. “They don’t seem so sure of griffons though,” he added as a pony couple crossed the street to avoid him.

“I’ve been coming here often enough now that I’m a familiar sight, and I’ve always preferred informality. However, I don’t know if most have ever even seen a griffon before, so it’s hardly surprising that they’re a little nervous around you. Come on inside – we don’t want to upset too many ponies.”

Twilight led the way into the flower shop. Free followed and soon spotted a green unicorn mare with a two-tone purple mane, serving a customer. She had an oddly small horn for an adult, and he wondered about that. Twilight waited patiently until the mare finished the transaction and turned her attention to them.

“Twilight! It’s wonderful to see you again!” she exclaimed, coming over to hug the alicorn.

“It’s good to see you too, Lavender.”

“When Cogs told me that you wanted to pay a visit in the middle of a working day, I guessed that you must be squeezing it into a busy schedule.”

“You guessed right. I’ll be heading back to Canterlot this afternoon, and my friends and I have plans for Saturday. We’ll be heading back to Griffonia not long afterwards.”

“You’re certainly getting around a lot more nowadays. A princess’ job is never done, I suppose.”

“You’re certainly right, but it’s gotten a lot more interesting lately,” Twilight said with a glance at Free.

“And who is your friend?” Lavender asked with a smile in Free’s direction.

“More than a friend. Lavender, I’d like you to meet Free Agent, my very special somepony… or somegriff, I should say. Free, this is my very close friend, Lavender Dreams.”

Free took Lavender’s outstretched hoof and shook it carefully. “A pleasure to meet you,” he said with his most charming smile.

“Ah, I’m already seeing what you like in him,” Lavender said with a smile.

Twilight blushed a little. “He has his charms,” she admitted before changing the subject. “So, is Cogs available?”

“You’ll find him in the back yard working on a repair job. He brought it home with him yesterday, knowing that you would be dropping by sometime today, so he wouldn’t have to go out. He’s keeping an eye on the foals too, so mother isn’t here today, which means that you won’t have to be careful with what you want to discuss.”

“Perfect! I didn’t want to have to be rude and ask your mother to give us privacy for a while.”

The shop-door bell rang just then, and a stallion entered the shop. Lavender glanced his way and then said to Twilight, “Go on back – I’ll come when I’m free for a moment.”

Twilight nodded and then beckoned Free. “Follow me.”

She took them through the door at the rear of the counter, which led them into a large living room, but she didn’t stop there. Twilight opened the door that led into the back yard and they exited the house. There they saw a male, grey-coated pegasus with a teal mane and tail working on a piece of machinery that was sitting on a workbench that had been set up there. Right next to it was a playpen containing a very young unicorn foal, and playing in a sandpit nearby was a buttery-yellow pegasus foal.

Twilight said, “If we’d flown in from the other direction, we might have seen this touching family scene.”

The pegasus stallion looked up and smiled in delight. “Twilight! I’m glad that you could make it. It’s been too long since your last visit.”

“Auntie Twi!” the pegasus foal cried as she hurtled into the alicorn’s embrace.

“Hi, Dandy! Have you been a good filly since I saw you last?” Twilight asked.

“Best filly!” Dandelion replied proudly.

“Good! I brought treats for best fillies, and their sisters too.” Twilight telekinetically lifted two lollipops from her saddle bag and passed them to Dandelion. “Pinkie Pie gave me her very best lollipops from Sugarcube Corner to give to you and Fern.”

The filly’s eyes grew wide in delight. “Thank you, Auntie Twi!” She then scampered over to the playpen, gave one to the younger foal, and then started licking hers enthusiastically.

“You always spoil them, Twilight.”

“I get so little chance to do so nowadays, Cogs, and this rushed visit may be the last for a while.”

“Then we better make the most of it.” Cogs turned to look at Free. “So this is the changeling you wanted me to meet?” He cocked his head and frowned in puzzlement. “Why can’t I tell what hive he’s from?”

Free grinned smugly. “I’m my own hive!” he declared as usual.

“What do you mean by that?” Cogs asked.

Twilight interjected, “It’s a long story, but first – introductions. Free, this is Whirring Cogs, Lavender’s husband and father to these two foals. Cogs, this is Free Agent, also known as Cirrus Ironbeak, my coltfriend.”

“Judging by the feelings that I’m tasting right now, maybe a little bit more than a coltfriend?” Cogs asked with a knowing smile. “So, have you decided to copy our lifestyle, Twilight?”

“I hadn’t planned to,” Twilight replied with a blush. “It just kind of happened.”

“It kind of just happened to me too,” Cogs reminded her.

“That’s one of the reasons that I wanted to bring Free here to meet you. If we’re going to be serious about a relationship, I want him to see how it’s worked out for you and Lavender.”

“In that case, let me clean up and start making some lunch for all of us. We’re going to have to cover a lot of stuff in a short time. I hope you’re up to it, Free Agent?”

Free shrugged. “How hard can it be?”

Later as they returned to Ponyville, Free was to remember those words ruefully.

# # #

That evening in Canterlot, Princess Luna was considering wrapping-up Night Court. It had been a quiet night, and her schedule had been light, so although the official hours were not yet done, there was little point in staying in the audience chamber. There was not even Scribe to chat with, as she had yet to return from her visit back to her hive. Her sole companion was a very serious-looking thestral Royal Guard.

It was normal practice to have at least one member of the Royal Guard on duty at the court sessions, and the bat-pony was just one of the number that constituted a squad in the Night Guard. However, this was an unfamiliar face, probably freshly graduated, and taking his job extra seriously because of it. In other words, he was no fun whatsoever.

She was just about to dismiss the Guard and leave, when Free walked into the chamber without announcement, startling the young thestral.

“Hiya, Luna! Got a moment?”

The thestral dashed between Free and Luna, and lowered his spear threateningly. “Who are you? Show some respect for the Princess!”

Free stared at the Guard for a moment before bursting out in laughter, much to the thestral’s consternation. Free crooked a talon in the Guard’s direction. “A newbie, I take it?” he asked the Moon Princess.

Luna grinned. “Verily – most new. Stand down, Guard. Free Agent doth be a good friend of ours.”

The thestral was confused, but did as he was ordered.

Luna turned her attention back to Free. “I do indeed have a moment – several in fact. How can I help you?”

“What are you doing tomorrow night? The guys and I have some fun planned, and we’d love for you to join us.”

“’Tis a Saturday night with no Night Court, so I am open to suggestions.”

“Great! We know how hard it’s been for you to find opportunities to relax and have fun outside of things like Nightmare Night, so this is going to be something totally obligation-free and an excuse to let your mane down. Interested?”

“Indeed. Go on.”

“We have this group idea, but there’s only the four of us, but with you it would be five. Six would be best, but not essential.”

“One more needed? My sister might be interested, but she would likely be asleep.” She pondered for a moment, and then looked at the thestral. “Guard – what is your name?”

The thestral was startled to be addressed, and stammered his response. “P-private L-leatherwing, Your Highness.”

“Private Leatherwing, if you are to be my personal guard, you will need to attend me at all times, correct?”

“Yes, Your Highness!”

“Good. You shall join us. Free Agent, you have your sixth member.”

Free grinned at the dismayed look on the Guard’s face. “Great! If you’re free now, we’re about to start our first rehearsal, and it’ll give you both an opportunity to see what you’ve let yourselves in for.”

“Lead on. Leatherwing, attend us.”

“Yes, Your Highness,” Leatherwing said reluctantly.

# # #

Revelry Restaurant was an unusual venue in that it was a theatre restaurant that had special nights at regular intervals where the diners could become part of the show. If the participants put on a good act, they could have their meals discounted in proportion to the reception that they got from the other diners. Really popular acts could even dine for free, but most came to watch rather than participate.

Tonight though was proving to be somewhat unusual, what with not one but two alicorn princesses among the guests. The staff initially started trying a little too hard to please their royal customers until Twilight and Free spoke to the manager and pretty much ordered him to cut it out and treat them like normal ponies. They made it clear that they were there to relax, and put on an act. The latter surprised the manager even more, but he did as requested, and the party of six enjoyed competent but not ridiculously good service.

When they had finished their meal, Free indicated to the act coordinator that they were almost ready to do their act, and he showed them to the dressing room at the back of the stage to prepare to go on in a few minutes. They had brought along costumes, and they donned them. Free gave them a looking-over and gave them an approving nod.

“Everypony ready? Great! Let’s do it!”

Free handed the stage manager a record with instructions on the track to play, and they headed for the stage. When the spotlight was turned on, Free stepped out onto the stage wearing a feather headdress and buckskin jacket. He took the microphone from the stand and said, “Good evening, Mares and Stallions! Have we got an act for you tonight! In fact, you might say it’s a royal command performance. So – how many of you have enjoyed the services of the Young Mares Canterlot Association? Let the Village Ponies tell you why you should if you haven’t.”

Free nodded to the stage manager who put the record on, and the amplified music started playing over the stage’s speakers. As the introductory bars played, the others marched onto the stage, starting with Path dressed in a construction worker’s shirt and helmet, followed by Roseclaw in a sailor outfit, then Luna in a leathermare jacket, boots, and bling, Twilight in a cowgirl outfit, and finally Leatherwing in a City Guard’s constable uniform and helmet.

Free started singing, with the others doing back-up vocals:

Young mare, there's no need to feel down.
I said, young mare, pick yourself off the ground.
I said, young mare, 'cause you're in a new town
There's no need to be unhappy.

Young mare, there's a place you can go.
I said, young mare, when you're short on your dough.
You can stay there, and I'm sure you will find
Many ways to have a good time.

It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
They have everything for you mares to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys...

It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal,
You can do whatever you feel...

By this time, it was obvious that Path, Roseclaw, Luna, and Twilight were really getting into it. Leatherwing was still looking nervous and uncertain, but his voice was steady and strong, perhaps because he was afraid of letting down Princess Luna.

Young mare, are you listening to me?
I said, young mare, what do you want to be?
I said, young mare, you can make real your dreams.
But you got to know this one thing!

No mare does it all by herself.
I said, young mare, put your pride on the shelf,
And just go there, to the Y.M.C.A.
I'm sure they can help you today.

On this chorus, they got up on their hind legs and started forming the letters with their forelimbs.

It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
They have everything for you mares to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys...

It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
You can get yourself clean, you can have a good meal,
You can do whatever you feel...

Young mare, I was once in your shoes.
I said, I was down and out with the blues.
I felt no mare cared if I were alive.
I felt the whole world was so jive...

That's when someone came up to me,
And said, young mare, take a walk up the street.
There's a place there called the Y.M.C.A.
They can start you back on your way.

It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
It's fun to stay at the Y.M.C.A.
They have everything for you mares to enjoy,
You can hang out with all the boys...


Y.M.C.A. by the Village People, with slightly re-written lyrics.

The audience burst into applause, and the singers grinned in appreciation. Even Leatherwing started looking less worried and hesitantly smiled.

Free held up his arms to get the audience’s attention. “Do you want some more?”

There was a roar of agreement.

“I think we’ve got another for you because You Can’t Stop the Music! Hit it!”

“Everypony that you meet, the children in the street
Are swayin' to the rhythm, there's somethin' movin' in them…”

When the song was done, the applause was even louder this time, and the singers were thoroughly enjoying themselves.

Free waited for the applause to die down before he said, “I can tell you want more, right?”

There was much hoof-stamping and yells of agreement.

“Yeah, I thought so. Music makes the world go around in the magic of Harmony. That’s what makes this a Magic Night!”

When I'm with my friends then it's magic in the air
Good vibrations always surround us
Play some good music, the moment has left
Happiness and joy's everywhere.

So have a good a time, everypony have some fun
People leave your problems behind you
Come and sing along, join in on my song
Sing about this magical night.

Magic night - magic's in the music
It's a magic night - we all need the music
We can have a good time
And enjoy all the magical vibes of this great -
Magic night - good friends all around you
It's a magic night - magic sure will find you
So let's all try tonight to feel love
Coming from inside each other.

When I'm with my friends, friends with whom I can share
All my ups and downs and betweens with
When I'm with my herd, the moments are clear
So much love is found in the air.

Magic's when I come, together with my friends
People from the world all around us
Sharing good things we all love to share
So much love is found in the air.

Magic night - magic's in the music
It's a magic night - we all need the music
We can have a good time and enjoy all the magical vibes
Of this great magic night - good friends all around you
It's a magic night - magic sure will find you
So let's all try tonight and feel love
Coming from inside each other.

Ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh - so much magic!
Ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh - so much magic!
Ahh-ahh, ahh-ahh-ahh - so much magic!

Magic night!

Magic Night by the Village People, with slightly re-written lyrics

Free was getting slightly high on the good feelings flowing from the wildly applauding audience, and while the rest of the group couldn’t taste the emotions like he could, they were still getting almost as buzzed from the reactions of the ponies to their act. It took a long time for the audience to quiet down and Free could talk once more.

“Thanks, everypony! That’s all we’ve got for you tonight, but we’ve had a great time singing for you.”

There was a collective groan of disappointment from the audience.

Free shrugged. “It’s been so much fun that maybe the Village Ponies will make another appearance sometime with some more songs for you.”

There was some enthusiastic hoof-stomping to that idea.

Free grinned. “Thanks again! It really has been a magic night! Goodnight everypony!”

The group marched off the stage and back to the dressing room.

“Verily, I have not had this much enjoyment in a thousand years!” Luna enthused.

“Told you it’d be fun. Gonna keep the outfit?” Free asked as they changed out of their costumes.

Luna looked surprised. “Of course! Didst thou not promise that the Village Ponies would return?”

Free grinned. “Hear that, everypony? We have a return engagement by royal command.”

“Fine by me,” Twilight agreed.

“I’m just glad that you sing better than you dance,” Path said with a grin.

Twilight just poked her tongue out at him.

“This is the kind of thing that I wanted to do when I was here with my father,” Roseclaw said. “He didn’t let me have any fun at all though.”

“Lots of things have changed for all of us, darling,” Path said. “Life is bound to be a lot more interesting, and hopefully fun too.”

“Well, the fun isn’t over for tonight yet. Once we settle up the bill, we’re heading off to a nightclub that a friend of mine is D-Jaying.”

“You didn’t mention that before,” Twilight commented.

“I said that I had plans for after dinner, but I didn’t mean that it was just our Village Ponies act. You don’t even have to do anything except enjoy the music and the drinks, and dance ’til you drop.”

“I’ve never been to one, but it sounds good,” Twilight agreed. “Let’s go!”

# # #

“Twilight Eve Sparkle – what is the meaning of this?!”

Twilight blearily lifted her head from… what was she sleeping on? It appeared to be somepony’s flank. She tried to track the source of the familiar voice.

“Well, young lady?”

Abruptly her vision focused on the face of a very annoyed middle-aged mare.

“Hi, Mom. Er… what’s up?”

“That’s what I’d like to know,” Velvet replied, waving a newspaper in front of her daughter’s face. “And who are all these ponies?”

“And what are you all doing here in Luna’s bedroom?” came another familiar voice.

Twilight turned her head, making her head swim for a moment before she refocused. “Celestia? Where did you say?” She looked about, slowly taking in her surroundings. Path, Luna, Roseclaw, Free, and herself were all piled up on a thick rug with several thick cushions and blankets. The flank that she had been using as a pillow turned out to be Luna’s, but she realised that hers in turn pillowed Free. Roseclaw and Path were a tangled mess of limbs which looked mightily uncomfortable.

“I… I have no idea,” Twilight confessed.

“Well, you can’t sleep here all day,” Celestia said with amusement in her voice. “Time to wake up!” she added in the Royal Canterlot Voice.

Everybody’s head shot up, accompanied by many groans.

Luna’s head rose also, but her eyes remained closed as she declared, “The nightlife shall last forever!” Then her head crashed back onto the pillow and she started snoring.

Twilight’s head throbbed, reminding her of the pounding music of the nightclub. And the drinks. So many drinks! Everypony wanted to buy the princesses a drink, and how could she refuse? Reluctantly she struggled to her hooves.

Velvet opened the newspaper and practically shoved it in Twilight’s muzzle. “Who is this, and what’s been happening while I’ve been gone?” she demanded.

Twilight focused on the newspaper. It appeared to be a tabloid full of photographs, and her eyes widened in alarm at the plethora of images of her drinking and dancing in the company of an alicorn. Oh, and kissing. Kissing a lot. Twilight groaned as she recognized Free in his Alicorn of Awesome guise. “Oh yeah, that’s my coltfriend, Free,” she said before clapping a hoof over her muzzle.

“Coltfriend? And with an alicorn that nopony has heard of before? Where is this coltfriend of yours now?”

“Present!” Free said, unsteadily holding up his right arm.

Velvet frowned. “Quiet, griffon! We weren’t talking about you.”

“Um, yes, we were actually.” If Free was happy to reveal his secret, that suited Twilight. Honesty always sat better with her, although in this case she could have delayed the confession for a more auspicious moment.

Velvet looked annoyed. “You’re not making sense, Twilight. I get back from our trip on the overnight train to Canterlot, only to find the morning papers full of pictures of you, Luna, and this other alicorn at a nightclub, apparently partying the night away. Whatever happened to the dignity of the Equestrian royalty? Whatever happened to letting your mother know that you have a coltfriend? And I ask again, where is he?”

Twilight rolled her eyes. “Geez, Mom, you’d think I was still a filly. We had a perfectly wonderful night out… I think. It’s kind of hazy near the end there. Princess Luna needed to have a night off, and we showed her a fun time. There was nothing formal about it, so to hay with dignity! And as for letting you know, how could I with you and Dad out of town? And your final question has already been answered, but here’s the confirmation.” She looked at Free. “Honey, would you oblige?”

“Whatever you want, Twi.” With a flare of magic, the griffon was replaced by the alicorn seen in the photographs.

Velvet’s eyes bugged out. “Your coltfriend is a changeling? Are you out of your mind?!”

“What? No ‘welcome to the family’ for me?” Free asked mournfully.

Velvet glared at Free. “A common changeling harvester having designs on my daughter, an Equestrian princess? I see what you’re up to, mister!”

“Actually, Free is technically Griffonian nobility,” Twilight interjected.

“I don’t care if he’s King of the Changelings – my daughter isn’t going to have a changeling coltfriend!”

Anger burned Twilight’s mind clear, and she replied coldly, “No, not a coltfriend – a fiancé.”

“Uh-oh,” Free said, tasting the impending explosion. He looked at Path and Roseclaw and said, “Better run for your lives, guys.”

Before anyone else could say or do anything though, a quiet but firm voice interjected.

“Not in Luna’s bedroom,” Celestia ordered. “My sister obviously needs her sleep, considering that I had to lower the moon for her this morning. We will all adjourn to another room where we will calmly…” Celestia looked pointedly at Velvet. “…discuss this. Free Agent, please return to your normal form. We have more than enough to deal with already without having to add more sightings of a male alicorn in Canterlot Castle.”

Free obliged, and everybody followed Celestia out of the room. A magic glow surrounded the door and it closed behind them.

After a couple of minutes, a heaped-up blanket moved, and Leatherwing crawled out from underneath. He looked about frantically before face-hoofing. “The sergeant is going to kill me! But Princess Luna ordered me to stay with her… oh, who am I kidding? I’m doomed.” Leatherwing started to leave, but paused to say, “It was an honor serving you, Your Highness.” He bowed and left, closing the door quietly behind him.

Another two hours passed with nothing happening but the gentle snores of the Lunar Princess. Then one wing stirred and lifted to reveal a white unicorn with a two-tone blue mane. She looked about and grinned. “Whoa! Wake up in a strange room, cuddling up with a princess? Best. Night. Ever!” Vinyl Scratch declared.

# # #

Celestia had drinks served for everyone, and wisely forestalled more outbursts from Velvet by insisting that Twilight and her comrades give an account of their adventures since Twilight had last visited her mother. This gave the mare time to cool down while getting a truer picture of what was happening. Twilight only left out the parts when she and Free had made love, but otherwise told her everything, including the misgivings as well the highlights.

Twilight was glad that she had Free, Path, and Roseclaw there to help tell the tale. She had a pounding headache, and she kept having flashbacks of the previous night as she slowly sobered up. Had she really been the center of a cheering mob as she and Luna danced to the bass beat? And the silly, drunken telekinetic tricks with Free – they seemed hilarious at the time. Roseclaw with dozens of glow-sticks hanging off her, laughing and dancing with Path. Free up on the stage with the DJ, dedicating a tune to her! Then there was the kissing… A goofy smile spread on her face as she recalled that bit. Okay, that was nice. That was very nice.

Although Velvet’s dislike of Free was greatly softened when she heard about his heroism in averting the invasion of the Crystal Kingdom, she remained resolute in her opposition to her daughter being affianced to a changeling. “Twilight, I want you to come home with me and tell your father what you’ve been doing. Perhaps he can talk some sense into you.”

Something snapped inside of Twilight, and her mind turned icy cold. She got up and walked over to Celestia and said, “Please pardon me for what I am about to do.” She then turned around and spread her wings while powering up her horn. Her eyes glowed with the enormous amount of magic that she emanated which threatened to engulf them all. Then she began to speak.

I am Twilight Sparkle, Princess of Equestria, Avatar of the Element of Magic, Alicorn of Friendship, Lady of the Griffonian Noble House of Path, and I will not be talked to like a little foal!” She then turned down the magic aura, folded her wings, and walked over to her quivering mother who probably thought she was going to be turned into a potted plant again. “Mom, I love you, but I decide what to do with my life now, and I decide who I will marry. I love Cirrus Ironbeak a.k.a. Free Agent, and nothing that you or Dad says will change that.” She went to turn away, but paused and added. “And if you can’t live with that, then I won’t invite you to the wedding.”

Velvet was left in shock at the turn of events. Free, however, was awed. He came over to Twilight and took her in his arms. “My hero,” he said with a smile.

“And you’re mine too,” Twilight replied before kissing him thoroughly.

Celestia said, “If everything is cleared up now, I need to attend Day Court. I’m afraid that I’m going to have some rather annoyed ponies to deal with due to this delay.”

“Thank you for your time, Your Highness,” Path said.

“You are welcome, my little pony, but next time you take my sister out for the evening, do try to have her back before dawn.” She gave Path a wink, and she was about to leave when a court messenger hesitantly knocked on the door.

“Beg pardon, Your Highness, but a representative from the Green Hive has just arrived and she has requested an audience with you.”

“Please give her my regards and inform her that I will be there very soon.”

“Yes, Your Highness. She has also requested that if possible, a griffon named Free Agent be summoned to the court.”

“Me?” Free blurted out.

The messenger turned to him and said, “If you are Free Agent, yes sir. She was most insistent.”

Free looked at Celestia who nodded. “How intriguing. Tell our visitor that he will be accompanying me.”

“At once, Your Highness.” The messenger trotted away hastily.

Celestia said, “I suspect that this is going to involve more than just Free Agent, so you might as well all come to the court with me.”

Everyone followed the alicorn of the sun out, and they made their way to the Day Court at a dignified pace. They encountered a crowd of disgruntled ponies who had been waiting for some time for the court to open, but had been prevented from entering the audience chamber by the Royal Guards flanking the doorway. Celestia extended her apologies to them, and begged them for a little more patience as she dealt with one last matter before opening the court to the public. She led the group inside and the Guards closed the door behind them.

Once inside, they found a tall and graceful pegasus mare waiting for them, with Scribe standing beside her. She smiled and gave Celestia a small bow, and then did the same for Twilight.

“Thank you for seeing me at short notice, Your Highness. I am Princess Iridia of the Green Hive, and I have come with a message from my mother, Queen Dianthia. She has asked that the changeling known as Free Agent the griffon attend Her Majesty at her hive at his soonest convenience.”

Free looked at Path and Twilight with shock. “No bucking way!”

# # # # # # # # # #

Author's Note:

Who knew Luna was so into singing? I wonder what happened to Leatherwing?

You won't believe how much this chapter grew from its initial planning! I had intended to have it completed by last weekend, but it got away from me a little. So much more to write yet though, and much more to learn about Free in particular. Stick around to find out!

A bigger version of the Village Ponies picture can be seen at http://www.furaffinity.net/view/16593517/ Art by Foxenawolf

The illustration of Free introducing Twilight to his mother was done by Baron Engel.