• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,229 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 2: A New Destination

Equestrian Train

Sam sat in an empty cart watching as the snowy ground and mountains passed her view. Bash was with Flashwing in the cart before her keeping her company and looking over her injuries, while the others were up front, where Drobot was driving the train. She let out a sigh as her mind drifted to back to Manehattan. She felt her chest tighten as she remembered leaving that train station without James, while he stayed behind to fend off Princess Luna. Sure he wasn't alone but Princess Luna was a pony you should not trifle with.

"James, please be okay." she whispered to herself as she now glanced at the floor, swinging her tail back and forth.

Her thoughts were broken when the sound of a door caught her attention. The purple dragoness turned her head to see the two mares, Applejack and Rarity, walk in with concerned looks on their faces. The two mares sat in the seats across from her, but didn't say anything, Sam didn't blame them for she didn't know what to say either. The three sat in a moment of silence, until Applejack decided to break it.

"Do ya' miss him?" suddenly asked Applejack as Sam nodded in response.

"Us too, darling." added Rarity.

"Tell me," started Sam gaining the two's attention, "has James been...happy with you ponies?"

Applejack and Rarity noticed the grief in her voice, they had nearly forgotten that her and James had just recently reunited only to be separated once again. Rarity opened her mouth to say something that could ease Sam's mind but Applejack cut her off before she could have the chance.

"Yes, he has," The country mare answered, "And he has made many friends."

Rarity immediately noticed Sam's depressing look and stepped in, "But he has missed you as well, darling-"

"No, it's fine." interrupted Sam, "It's just...does he even love me anymore?"

"Just why would he say that? It's obvious he cares for you."

"Yeah, as a friend, but...as a lover."

"Sugarcube," said Applejack, "I ain't not good with this lovey dovey stuff like Rarity, but ah' can say that he still has some feelings for ya'."


Applejack and Rarity gave each other glances, Sam should know right? That he also caught the heart of three other mares, but hasn't decided. It would be best to not tell her from her condition right now, but when she finds out it'll ruin their friendship, but if they do tell her it might break her already shattered heart. The two mares nodded before turning back to Sam.

"Sam," started Rarity, "Jame's is a good dragon, and he'll never do anything to hurt you or any of us."

"Where are you going with this?" hesitantly said Sam.

"Sugarcube," started Applejack, "What we're tryin' ta' say is that there are three other mare's who also have feelin's for James."

Sam sat silently before answering, "Has he...decided?"

The two mares shook their heads before the dark elemental asked another question, "D-Does he share these feelings."

"It's hard to tell, darling" replied Rarity, "These mare are really close him and good friends of ours, and it is possible but that doesn't mean he hasn't gave up on you."

Sam stayed silent trying to process what she was hearing. Who were the other mares? I guess she couldn't blame him too much, she was supposed to be dead. But...why didn't HE tell her! Yeah, he's not with them but he's not that naive to not know that three mares have feelings for him....but then again. Sam let out a defeated sigh, as she remembered that James isn't....the most observing person.

"I-I want to know about these mares." suddenly asked Sam.

Applejack nodded, "How much do you want ta' know?"


Frozen North; Caverns

Malefor and I ran deeper in the caves until we reached the caverns. The windigos were still close behind and were gaining, the caverns were to cramped so we couldn't fly to gain some extra speed. I ducked as another blast of ice soared over my head, Malefor was doing the same. It was not looking good we weren't that deep in the cave yet to fight these things, it was still too cold. But if this keeps up we'll be icicles before time.

"We won't last long like this." I called out to Malefor beside me.

"No shit." he called back, "Damn it, we have no choice we'll have to take care of them here."

I nod as me and Malefor came to a skidding stop as the windigos started to fly around us. Their ghostly whines echoing through the caves, as if they were celebrating that they finally caught their prey. Me and Malefor stood back to back keeping out eyes on the ghostly horses that surrounded us. From the looks of it there were eight in total, which meant if me and Malefor could take out four each then we'll be in the clear.

One of the windigos decided to charge the both of us causing me and Malefor to separate, Malefor which out wasting anytime fired a ball of purple flame into the windigo's back causing it to howl in pain, but it didn't go down yet as it charged Malefor. I was about to intercept the windigo but two more knocked me to the side, I quickly recovered and dug my claws in the ice beneath me as I came to a skidding stop. I was faced with the four windigos with killing intent in their eyes.

My horns engulfed in flames as I charged, bringing my head down and bashing one in the chest knocking it back, before I swept another one with my tail tripping it and digging my teeth into its neck and tossing it aside. I spread my wings and fly up dodging an ice blast from one of them and returning a flame blast of my own. I was surprised to see the windigo freeze the fire in it's place causing it to drop to the ground like a rock. I was caught off guard as one of the windigos struck my back from above knocking me to the snow below.

"Damn," I wheeze out, "For being made of ice these guys are no joke."

You would think that a fire breathing dragon versus four horses made of ice would be an easy win, but when their fighting in the middle of a blizzard it's not. I pick my self up from the snow and jump to the side from another ice blast, I couldn't fly because of this tight space so I can't attack them blindly.

I look up and a light bulb appeared over my head as I noticed the ice-sickles above the windigos. I took a deep breath and sent a ball of fire to the ceiling causing a fiery explosion causing the debris of the ice-sickles to land on the two windigos, crushing them instantly. I look behind me to see the other two windigo's that had recovered from my charge earlier.

"Two down, two to go." I breath out, "Luckily that didn't bring the whole cave down on top of us."

I take a quick glance to the side and saw that Malefor had been having better luck with him already destroying three of his windigos with his purple flames and was already facing off with his last one. "We don't have time for this," I say to myself, "the more time we waste here, the more time we lose on getting to the Crystal Empire."

I teleport in a flash of flame and appear behind one of the windigos and knock it to the ground. The other one tries to help it's comrade but I powerful flap of my wings summoned the air magic knocking it away hard enough to crash through several pillars and smash into pieces on the nearby wall. I turn back to the last remaining windigo and dodge a stab from its horn and chomp down on it's neck and pulled. It whined in pain as I separated it's head from it's body before breaking down in chunks of ice.

I sit out the chunks of ice in my mouth and looked over to Malefor who had just crushed the head of the last windigo in his claw before making his way over to me. We glanced over to where we came from and noticed that the way that we came from was completely sealed off in rocks and ice, preventing us from turning back, probably caused from when I launched that fire ball at the ceiling.

"Well, shit," grumbled my darker half, "what do we do know, since you sealed us off?"

"Oh shut up, " I retorted, "It's obvious we head deeper in the cave."

Malefor gives me an "are you serious" look, "Really? And what if it's a dead end?"

"I don't think so, usually caves that have caverns like these has more than one way out. SO we're bound to find some sort of opening. The only problem is that this cave is to tight and crowded, so if we get attacked again, we're pretty much screwed if we can't even move around."

Malefor rolled his eyes, before crossing his arms and giving off a cocky grin, "Please, those windigos were nothing. If my memory serves right you were the one having a little trouble."

"I'm sorry, who was the one that beat Princess Luna and saved both of us?", Malefor's grin vanished as he stood there with a silent glare, "Yeah, that's what I thought."


Fluttershy's Cottage

Twilight and Derpy stood in front of Fluttershy's home, with determined expressions. The two felt kind of guilty giving Flutters the news, she had just recently started feeling better. They could hear her singing coming form the inside and noticed how happy she was. Twilight even thought about not telling Fluttershy and then jumping on the train with Derpy, but she decided against it. Fluttershy was one of the ponies James first bonded with she has more than the right to know.

Twilight nodded as Derpy acknowledged and then quickly knocked on the door. The singing from inside stopped and the door opened to see not Fluttershy but, the deer, Evelyn instead. The teenage deer gave them confused looks before a smile came to her face. "Hello Ms.Twilight, Ms.Derpy, can I help you?" she asked with an innocent expression.

"Hi Evelyn," replied Twilight, "Is Fluttershy home? It's really important that we talk to her."

Evelyn's smiled dropped, "I-Is it about, M-Mr.James?"

The two ponies nodded.

Evelyn didn't say a word as she went back inside the cottage, Twilight and Derpy stood their for a few moments before the familiar yellow mare known as Fluttershy came in the door way. She looked like she had seen better days, her mane frazzled and a sad smile on her face, they both noticed Bolt beside trying to give her as much comfort as he can.

"Twilight, Derpy? What is it?" asked Fluttershy.

"Fluttershy, they found him." answered Twilight as Fluttershy's eyes went wide.

"R-Really! I-Is he okay! Did he get hurt! Where is-"

"Fluttershy, calm down," stepped in Derpy, "The guards found him in Manehattan and then escaped toward the Crystal Empire."

"Wait.." realized Fluttershy, "Didn't Applejack and Rarity go to Manehattan for the Cutie Map?"

"Yes, and that's the problem, " replied Twilight, "the guards have claimed that James and...Malefor attacked Manehattan, put Princess Luna in the hospital, and kidnapped Applejack and Rarity."

"But James will never do such a thing!"

"Which is why we're going to the Crystal Empire and sort things out with Shining and Cadence. Things had gotten out of hoof and if we don't put a stop to it, I'm afraid something bad is going to happen. Rainbow and Pinkie are already waiting at the train station for us."

Fluttershy nodded, "Alright, I'll go tell Evelyn that I'll e gone for a few days and me and Bolt we'll go with you."

"Bolt is coming too?" asked Derpy.

"Of course, Bolt misses him too. I if there is a chance to see him again I won't keep that from him."

Derpy and Twilight nodded and Fluttershy dissipated back in the cottage to inform the deer of the situation. After a few moments the yellow mare came out of the cottage with the white shepherd by her side and nodded in confirmation telling them that they were ready. The three mares then quickly left the cottage to meet Rainbow and Pinkie at the train station.

Equestrian Train

"And that's everythin'" finished Applejack.

Sam nodded as she took in all the information she gather on Twilight, Derpy , and Fluttershy form the two mares. From the sound of it they were all good girls, so she didn't worry...much. It still made her feel uneasy that these mares all have feelings for James and he might have the same back, but....she couldn't blame him she was supposed to be dead...gone...forever.

"Sam dear," started Rarity, "I'm not trying to bring down your hopes or bring them up but....be ready."

Sam gave her a confused look, "Ready?"

"What Rarity here," added Applejack,"Is that the Twi', Flutters, and Derpy aren't planning on sharing James and from your reaction as well neither are you. Ah'm not picking any sides but all ah have to say is, if you love James as much as ya' do tell him when ya' get the chance."

"She's right dear," came in Rarity, "And I'm sure they will be doing the same and who ever James picks....I hope your still happy....like your day at the movies."

Sam's eyes widened, "H-how..."

"James told me everything from your first date to when you ended up in the hospital..."

"You don't have to say anymore....he really cares for you ponies does he?"

Applejack nodded, "He does, but he cares for you and the other dragons on this train as well. So don't ya' think he's not thinking about ya'."

Sam felt the tears run down her cheeks as she nodded, she felt Applejack and Rarity on both sides of her rubbing her back. Everyday Sam would think why this 'Merchant' had even visited her in that her in that hospital room in the first place. Why did she even agree to what he offered!? She should've known it was a scam from the start! Since then James had been living without her thinking that she was dead when reality she was transported to a world she was unfamiliar with!

Now here he was again, years later and he is still hurting after that day at the moments. Blaming himself that he should've been strong enough to stop that guy with the gun. The door to the cabin opening brought the three's attention as the familiar blue unicorn, known as Trixie walked in. She noticed their situation and instantly became guilty for ruining the moment that was happening.

"The metal dragon said we'll be arriving in the Crystal Empire shortly." she said, "He also said to be ready for we don't know how they'll react when they see us exit the train."

"Thank ya', Trixie." replied Applejack.

Trixie only nodded as she left the cabin leaving the three alone. Sam sniffed and wiped the remaining tears and stood from her seat, as Applejack and Rarity did the same.

"I'll go inform Bash and Flashwing." she said, "You two go and see if Drobot needs any help."

The two nodded knowing that Sam needed some space for a while and left the cabin as well. Sam let out a sad sigh before leaving the cabin as well hoping things will go smoothly, but deep down she knew she was wrong.

Crystal Empire

A crystal guard bowed before his rulers after taking off his helmet in respect. He had just gotten the news from Canterlot and had rushed all the way from headquarters to their royal highness's himself to relay the message.

"Princess Cadence and Prince Armor," stated the guard, "I've come to inform you that the hijacked train form Canterlot containing the dragons his close to arriving."

Cadence and Shining's eyes widened, the two were confused on the whole situation taking place. Celestia and Luna had informed them that the dragons and this James and Malefor, were dangerous and were to be contained for questioning. At the same time though, form Twilight's letters it was all a big misunderstanding and that James wouldn't hurt any anybody for the joy of it.

"Captain," stated Shining causing the guard to stand at attention, "I want you to take a squad and clear out the train station, Do not engage the dragons unless your are attacked first. Do you understand?"

The guard nodded, "Yes, Prince Shining Armor! I'll leave at once!"

With that said, the guard quickly galloped out the throne room leaving the couple to their thoughts.

"You really think we can trust these dragons, Shiny?" asked Cadence in an unsure manner.

"If Twily, says that they're no harm, Then I'll take her word for it, she hasn't let me down before." replied Shining.

"But what about Auntie Celestia and Luna? They said that they were not to be taken lightly...ugh...all of this is so confusing! I wish we knew what's going on!"

"I do too, and we're about too, once those dragons arrive," Shining Armor nuzzled his wife as she did so back, "And we'll see what the truth really is."

Author's Note:

Over 700 LIKES!!!!! Thank you all who have been following and supporting this story! I really appreciate it and hope that you had a Happy New Year!

Also things are starting to rumble with everyone going to the Crystal Empire for answers, but the real question in how will Cadence and Shining respond?

As usual comment down below on what you thought of the chapter!