• Published 21st Jun 2015
  • 26,229 Views, 1,143 Comments

A New Flame - The Zebra Hybrid

A human named James is transported into Equestria with some surprising results. First installment of the Hybrid Universe[Displaced Story]

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Act 1: A New Day With Rainbow

Author's Note:

OH MY LORD THIS WAS A PAIN TO WRITE!! Also a decision has been made for the shipping with James so cease all votings!! SOrry if this chapter seems kind of dull but I promise the next will be better.

Oh and a good friend of mine named JDPrime22 just posted a new story but it is not getting the attention it deserves and he is a really good writer though, but for some reason no ones viewing his story? So go check it out and give him the support if you can!

Here is the link to the story.

"Who are you calling?" Sam asked with a confused look on her face.

"I was just thinking that we should have some fun tonight." I answer while searching through my contacts on my phone.

"But who are you calling?"

"The crew." she gives me a worried look.

"You're not going to do anything stupid are you?"

"Of course not, we're just going to go out somewhere."

"Like where?"

"I don't know, what time is it, like about six o'clock? So we could all go to the skating rink."

"ALright, but should you be driving while talking on the phone?"

"Why do you think I'm at a stop sign?" Sam gives me an understanding nod and smile as I give her one back. I put my phone up to my ear as heard the tone for my contacts phone ringing waiting to be picked up. I heard the the tone stop as I instantly knew that, my friend Rome, picked it up.

"Sup, James." he said on the other line.

"Hey, what are you and the boys doing?" I ask.

"Nuttin' much, Cam and Chaz are asleep and the rest of us are just watching t.v."

"So you guys' don't feel like going out tonight do ya'?"

"Nah, maybe some other time but you could ask Sam if she's around."

"Right, thanks again man."

"No probs." with that said we both hung up the phone, "Well it seems like the rest of them doesn't want to go anywhere."

"What do you want to do now?" Sam asked with a confused expression. I had to admit she was pretty cute when she gave me that face, I used to the biggest crush on her when we first met back in middle school. I still kind of do, but ever since she started to date that bitch, Flash, and after what he did to her that caused them to break up....I don't know....some of the feelings I had for her kind of went away.

Now those same feelings are starting to come back.

"We could....um....y'know see a movie." I say sweating bullets in my seat.

"If I didn't know any better. I say you're asking me on a date James." said Sam giving me a sly smile from my passenger seat as I tried to hide a blush forming on my cheeks. I coughed in my throat as I quickly regained my composure.

"And what if I am?" I reply trying to keep my cool, but instantly having it taken away as she leans over and gives me a peck on the cheek. I sat their like a deer looking into headlights on the highway. She lets out a cute giggle at my reaction as I am trying to process what happened.

"I swear James, sometimes you are so unobservent sometimes."

"Unobserved? Me? Girl, you must be smoking."

"Then you must've already noticed that I had a crush on you since the first day we've met."

"Really?" I felt her hand grasp mine I she gives a slow nod, "Well, to tell you the truth I had one on you since middle school."

"Really?" she said in shock, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I don't know actually. Maybe I was just afraid or never had the guts to tell you. So when you started dating Flash I just...let go." There was an awkward silence between us as we just sat in the car. She put her head down in what I could tell was guilt, but why was she feeling guilty? If I would've told her how I felt before none of that stuff with FLash would have happened. Hell, we might even be together.

"Sam I-hmpf!" I was cut off by her lips meeting mine. My eyes widened in shock for a second, but soon melted in the kiss. She moaned in pleasure as her tongue probed my lips asking for entrance which I gladly obliged. Our wet appendages wrestled for dominance as she massaged my arm and I caressed her cheek. We both let out a moan of pleasure in to each other mouths enjoying eachother's company.

We both separate for a breath of air, but our gazes are still locked on each other."You don't know how long I wanted to do that." she says with a smile on her face as I flash one back. "So does that mean we're..." I started as she nods her head in confirmation.

"In that case," I say as I start the engine to the car, which surprisingly no one drove from behind me since we stopped right at a stop sign, "What movie should we see?"

Sam puts a finger to her chin and thinks, "I haven't seen Jurassic World yet, have you?"

"Nope, guess that settles it." with that said I push the gas pedal and we drive to the closest movie theatres. Once we got there I had butterflies in my stomach, yeah I've been on dates before, but I felt calm, like the girls I went out with was just any other person and there was nothing special about them so it would just be a one night thing. This date though isn't like the others, my skin is sweating like crazy, my body temperature feels like it just came back from the sun, and my heart rate is going crazy that I could practically feel it in my chest.

Sam seeming to notice my state clung on to my arm after we got out the car, this made me relax a bit and let out a deep breath. "Thanks Sam I needed that."

"Just don't go passing out in the movie on me." she says playfully as we both laugh while walking to the ticket booth. And everything else went perfect from that point, I paid for our tickets for the movie, we went to the concessions for some warm fresh popcorn and a extra-large ICEE with some candy on the side. We found some good seating, because since the movie came out like a couple weeks ago there wasn't anybody in there with us so we had our privacy.

Sam had her head on my shoulder throughout the movie while we ate our popcorn and candy and also sipped on our ICEE. Some parts of the movie did make us jump a little causing Sam clench on to my arm making me give out a light chuckle. Once we finished our popcorn, candy, and ICEE, Sam came out of her seat and sat in my lap. We held each other close as we watched the rest of movie, we shared a passionate kiss as we embraced, enjoying eachother's company.

Everything was going perfect. Once the movie came to the end Sam stood up out of my lap and so did I out of my seat. I grasped her hand and we both left the the theatre, after going to the restroom real quick after drinking that extra large ICEE. Once our business was taken care of we started to head back to the car, Sam clinging to me until we got there. "I really had a great time, James." she whispered in my ear.

But before I could answer someone with a black sweatshirt with his hood up bumped making Sam almost fall on her back, but luckily I was there in time to catch her. "Hey man, watch where you're going!" I yell at the hooded man, which I instantly regretted and that's when things started to go down hill.

"What did you say to me?" the hooded man said in a low gruff voice.

"I said watch where you're going because you almost knocked us over." I say in a stern voice.

"Well maybe if you paid attention to your surroundings instead of being stupidly distracted by one another nothing bad will happen." this comment made my blood boil.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN BY THAT!" I felt A tug on my arm trying to get me to let it go but I ignored her wanting to know an answer, but instead the hooded man reached in his pants......and pulled out a pistol. Everything then went so fast I couldn't even process what happened. All I saw was Sam jumping in front of me and the sound of the trigger being pulled.


My eyes shoot open in my bed panting heavily, I'm sweating like a storm as I quickly pull off the covers and put my claws in my hands. I felt tears start to build up in my eyes. I couldn't believe I had that nightmare again, I take a glance at the clock at my night stand and it read two o'clock a.m. Bolt was curled up at the end of the bed still fast asleep not awakened from my outburst. I didn't want to go back to sleep, I needed to clear my mind.

"Maybe I just need some fresh air." I say to myself as I walk over to the window and open it before flying off in the night.

I flew over the town of Ponyville everything was dark, with ponies in their homes having peaceful dreams, but not me though. I flew high until I reached the clouds I stopped and hovered there watching my surroundings I could see Twilight's castle towering over the town like a beacon of hope, I see Sweet Apple Acres with it's trees full of leaves and apples swaying back and forth slowly in the night breeze. I flew past Fluttershy's place and it looked so peaceful, that's one of the things I do miss about living with Flutters, it was always so peaceful when she was around.

I spotted a random tree close to her house and decided to land there. I took a look around and noticed that it was between The Everfree and Flutters house which is good, just in case something tries to pay Fluttershy an unwelcomed visit. Laying my scaley down at the trunk of the tree I let out a yawn and rested my head on the soft grass and let sleep take me.

I slowly started to wake as someone was softly shaking me. "Hey James wake up." I instantly recognized the voice as Rainbow Dash, I slowly got up and stretched my les and wings until a popping sound was heard. The sun was out and from the looks of it, it was about midday. I turned my attention to Rainbow who now had a confused but some what annoyed look on her face.

"Sup Rainbow? What's the matter?" I say with a confused expression.

"Well, other than you being in one of my favorite places to get some z's I'm cool." simply said Rainbow shrugging her shoulders.

"Oh, sorry about that I didn't know."

"Nah! Forget about it, I have other spots around Ponyville. So what are you doing today?"

"Well, I don't know actually probably just stay home and chill out for the rest of the day."

Rainbow didn't agree. "How much as that sounds tempting to do, you won't be doing that today."

"Why not?"

"Because! You and I are going to Cloudsdale, everypony there wants to meet you since you're one of the few dragons that are....well welcomed...in pony society, plus we're going to Scoot's club meeting."

"Wait how did they know about me so quickly? I only been here for a couple weeks?"

"That's because you live in Ponyville. Whenever something strange or important happens here all of Equestria knows in about two days time."

"So they won't trip, if I went there?"

"Well, there are some ponies who....are not too fond of dragons....but since you'll be with the one and only me you'll be A-okay in my book." Rainbow finishes with a playful salute and a determined expression.

"Alright, cool. Just let's just head over to my place for a sec. Gotta go check up on Bolt." I say before spreading my wings getting ready for take off.

"No problem, let's go." with that said me and Rainbow fly off from Fluttershy's cottage toward Ponyville. As we were flying Rainbow decided to bring up a random conversation. "So that was some party last night. huh?" started Rainbow as I raised an eyebrow.

"Yeah, it was."


"So, I saw you on the dance floor with Derpy." this made me almost lose control of my flight pattern as Rainbow just giggled at my reaction. My cheeks heating for realizing what kind of talk this is going to be.

"Yeah, so."

"Oh come on! Don't tell me you don't see it!"

"See what?"

"Derpy! She likes you dude." This made me stop causing Rainbow to do the same as we hovered in the air surprisingly over my house. I didn't care at the moment though as my brain was trying to process at what Rainbow Dash just said.


"I said the Derpy likes you. Alot too." Yep, that's what I thought she said. Wait a minute?"

"How do you know this?"

"W-well, D-Derpy was the one that told me."

"Wow...this is just....damn I was not expecting this."

"Well, just be careful."

"Don't worry I'm not going to hurt Der-"

"I was talking about the OTHER ponies that have a thing for you."

"They're others?" Rainbow let out a groan in annoyance and faced hoof, "Oh come on! You can't be this unobservant of your surroundings!" I only shrug in response. She let's out a defeated sigh and looks around like what she was about to tell could end the world if the wrong person heard it.

"Flutters and Twi'...." she whispers.

"What about them." I whisper back.

"They are the other ponies that like you stupid!"

"They told you this too?"

"Well no....I've known Fluttershy for a lot longer than the others so I know how she reacts to things, and with Twilight I...uh...read her diary."

"You didn't." I say in disbelief.

"Well, it didn't say that she had feelings for you but the way she described and talked about...it was definitely leading up to it."

"Wow Rainbow, I'm speechless...."

"Yeah, I didn't expect them-"

"No no no, I mean that you are telling me that Derpy has feelings for me even though it's probably a secret, can tell when someone is in love, and reading other people's' diary. I expect this from Rarity, but you? Wow, I'm impressed." Rainbow sent me a glare with her cheeks as red as cherries. I busted out laughing as Rainbow punched the side of my arm obviously mad for making her feel embarrassed.

"Just go in your stupid house and what you have to do." she grumbled crossing her forelegs in a pouty manner.

"You got it!" I send her a wink before I descend down to the front door and enter the house. I was met with Bolt who was sitting on the couch....reading a newspaper? Okay, ever since I adopted Bolt he has been acting strange. Like the other day he poured himself a glass of milk. How the hell did he manage to do that!? He even went to the bathroom! Flushed and everything! Maybe I'll visit Twilight or Fluttershy to see why he's acting like this.

I freeze in place, does Twilight and Fluttershy really like me? I only been here for about three weeks, plus the information IS coming from Rainbow Dash and I know how much she loves pranks. I'm still cleaning out my vents because of her and Pinkie's butter incident. But the two have been acting strange around me since the party, I just thought it was that time of the month so I just shrugged it off. And Derpy how long did she have feelings for me? Is that why she wanted to dance at the party because she...loved me? Me and Dinky are pretty close and she does always leaves of that piece of heaven(Banana Nut Muffins), every time she delivers me mail or someone else's mail.

"Do....I like them back?" I say to myself.

That's ridiculous, they're a whole 'nother species. It's basicly taboo to get in a relationship with a pony....dragon or human. Fluttershy does has that cute giggle that she does and Twilight's eyes are like you looking to the stars themselves, and Derpy's adorable attitude, who could say no to tha-

"GAH DAMMIT!!" I yell throwing my hands up in confusion. What am I thinking and even IF it was okay to date a pony I can't have all three of them! Well, maybe it's different here where there is a specific way to maaaaaAAAAHHHHHH DAMMIT!

I let out a sigh of defeat, "I'm going to have to talk to Rarity about this stuff, she seems like the expert of these kind of things."

I said my goodbyes to Bolt who barked in response before going back to read the newspaper on the couch. "I'm never going to get used to this" I said slowly walking to the door and opening it and meeting Rainbow with an impatient look on her face. "What's up with you?"

"What took you so long?" asked Rainbow with an angered expression.

"What? I was only inside for like ten or fifteen minutes?"

"Exactly! I would've taken ten to fifteen seconds." I roll my eyes and walk past her.

"Yeah, yeah let's just go."

I was about to take off until Rainbow stopped me by putting a hoof on my shoulder. "Why were you screaming?"

"O-oh, ya' herd that?"

"I'll have to be pretty deaf to not hear that."

"Well for your information Skittles," causing her face to frown, "I...uh....stubbed my foot on the table..Yeah!"

"Wow, you even worst then Applejack when it comes to lying. ANyways how about a little race to Cloudsdale?"

I give her a cocky grin, "You dare challenge me mortal?"

"Anytime, anywhere!"

We both laugh as we both spread our wings and take positions, until I noticed something. "Wait a second I don't know where Cloudsdale is?"

"Well that's your problem! One-two-three-go!" Rainbow then shot off in the sky leaving a rainbow trail....leading in the other direction.

"That cheating sonova BITCH!" I scream before turning around and shooting off after her.

Me and Rainbow stood at the entrance of Cloudsdale panting like a storm, even though she tried to be slick and try to win, I was able to catch up and make it a tie. "Nice....hah....rice...hah." I try to squeeze out before sitting down.

"Rice?" asked Rainbow with a confused expression.

"I meant race...hah...nice race."

"You are really out of shape are you?"

Coughing and and taking one final breath I was able to recover my breathing, "I'm not out of shape...kind of....I just hadn't been in a race for a while." Rainbow rolled her eyes in response.

"Yeah, yeah come on I wanna show you around before it get's too late."

"Wait...I just noticed we're standing on clouds!"

"Yeah and.....don't you humans stand on clouds where your from?"

"Hell no!"

"Well the question you need to ask yourself is how is a dragon standing on clouds when only pegasi can?"

"I don't know maybe it's because I'm different." I shrug which Rainbow does the same as we both walk through the cloudy entrance, I instantly noticed that almost everything was made out of...you guessed it...clouds. The buildings, roads, poles....even a freakin' pay phone was made out of clouds! While Rainbow Dash showed me around town and telling me where everything was, but I wasn't paying attention to her I was mostly focusing on the other pegasi we walked pass.

When I say that these ponies were glad to see me,,,I mean they were REALLY glad to see me. Some had huge smiles plastered on their faces and waving at me and Dash, while some would actually come up to us and ash us questions mostly about me.

"Hey numbnuts, you listening?" asked Rainbow snapping me from my thoughts.

"Oh yeah, of course."

"You weren't really listening were you?"

I let out a defeated sigh, "Not really sorry I was just-"

"James! Over here!" I look behind me to see....Derpy.....I couldn't even look at the same after what Dash told back in Ponyville. But she doesn't know that I know right? SO maybe if I don't make it awkward things will be alright. "Hey Derpy, what's up?" I say while me and Rainbow walk to her.

"I was just delivering some packages, for some ponies here."

"Don't you deliver mail in Ponyville though?"

"Oh I do but I sometimes deliver it to other places depending on the pony receiving it."

"Oh that's cool." awkward silence. This is so weird, I shouldn't be freezing up right now.

"H-hey, if you don't mind I was wondering if you...um.." stuttered Derpy pawing at the ground. I could hear Rainbow snickering from beside because of the obvious reason in front of us. I put a claw on Derpy's shoulder as she looks at me with a nervous look. "It's ok Derpy you can ask me anything and I guarantee nine out of ten I will say yes."

Derpy seemed to produce a little confidence at this, "I was wondering if you want to go to Sugar =cube Corner for a muffin....as friends of course!" she quickly says hiding a cute blush on her cheeks. I myself was taken back at first, Rainbow wasn't kidding when she said Derpy had a thing for me.

"S-sure, how about next Friday?" I say causing her to squeal in excitement and pull me into an embrace, which I gladly gave one back.

"Oh thank you thank you thank you! I'll see you then." she says before flying off.

"So I see you're going on a date with Derpy?" says Rainbow with a playful tone making me blush.

"It's not a date it's just a meetup between two friends."

"Of course it is, plus what are you going to do when Twilight and Flutters find out about this?"

Oh shit I totally forgot about them. How would they react? Would they be jealous? Would they be not care? Gah dammit I'm thinking way too much about these mares right now. Maybe I should just go home and clear my head 'cause if I don't we are going to have a serious problem.

"Hey Dash, I'm sorry but I need to get back home." I apologize while Rainbow just looks at me in confusion and disappointment.

"Why?! I haven't even showed you the stadium where the Wonderbolts practice at!"

"I just....don't feel good..and just need a little nap to clear my head.

Rainbow expressions softens a little, "Fine, but you owe me." she gives me a light bump on the shoulder and flies off. I let out a deep sigh and fly the other direction thinking about three certain mares. "I should really talk to Rarity about this shit soon." I grumble as I fly toward Ponyville for a good nap.

"And it's been acting like this for the past few days?" asked Celestia examining the now cracked crystal.

"Yes ma'm." said one of the guards as Celestia had a stern look on her face.

"I want this crystal taken to the lab immediately for testing." said Celestia as the guard nodded and lifting the crystal with his magic and disappearing down the hall. Celestia sat in her throne room pondering on what was going on. What has James given her? Why was she feeling a dark presence fro this crystal? And why did this presence feel like James is inside the crystal even though she knows he is in Ponyville?

"I need to get to the bottom of this." simply said Celestia as she took out a quill and parchment.

Dear Princess Twilight Sparkle....