• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 3,126 Views, 352 Comments

The Bridesmaids - Meep the Changeling

The story behind Lyra, Colgate, and Twinkleshine winding up mind controlled beneath Canterlot is far more complex than most ponies think.

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The Mistake

Twinkleshine / Meep

There is a phrase in Changelish, 'Haatyc or'arue jate'shya ori'sol aru'ike nuhaatyc.'. The Equestrian translation is crude but it basically means 'Better one big enemy you can see than many small enemies you can't.' Normally that saying is meant to apply to the speaker. It's meant to inform the listener of the value of attacking in groups while remaining unseen. It's used in changeling military schools everywhere to instill the value of stealth and guerrilla tactics. Hearing it is nothing compared to being on the receiving end of the tactic.

The first night in Canterlot was great. Aside from the heart attack Cole gave me by revealing how badly I had messed up my infiltration, the terror of the shield being raised, military marching openly in the streets, and the complete alien otherness of Princess Cadence that is. The day at least had some highs to go with those lows. The biggest one was well, I had never before gotten to have freshly made love, let alone help make it. That was the single greatest moment of my life. Too bad the following day was filled with some of the worst moments.

We went to the dress fitting. To my astonishment the dresses were being made by the Element of Generosity herself. I figured at the very least if I must be forced into an abomination of fabric at least it would be one of the best made abominations of fabric.

Lyra, Cole, and I were the only three who would be getting dresses, so the three of us and the princess went that afternoon to visit Rarity in her suite for the fitting. The entire walk there was agony to me. The scent around the princess was not a one time thing, nor had it been some trick of my imagination. It was there, it was real, it was wrong.

Cole could tell something was wrong with me. She kept frowning whenever my face came into view. Lyra knew something was up too, I could tell by the way she kept narrowing her eyes to give me her 'I'm inspecting you' stare.

I was so distracted by the fear churning in my gut that I barely noticed we had arrived in Rarity's suite. It wasn't until Rarity bowed before the princess and informing her of the incredible honor of sewing for her wedding that I snapped back to reality.

“Uh huh,” the princess dismissed before asking, “Is my dress ready?” in the tone of someone who didn't give a rats ass about the dress.

I didn't give a rats ass myself. I was more concerned with the puzzle of where I had smelled that scent before. As Rarity babbled on about the particulars of the dresses I realized something crucial to the puzzle. There wasn't a pony bride anywhere on Equis who wouldn't care about her dress.

Everypony I had ever met dithered on for ages about their wedding day, how it was 'the most prefect day'. The care and love they poured into a wedding was of such cultural importance, such social merit, as to be the single most important day to almost every single mare. Cadence was not speaking at all like she was getting married.

As I wondered why the princess would be acting as if she were not getting married when asking about her wedding dress, it hit me. I remembered what her scent was. My eyes widened in terror for a moment before instinct took over and I slipped into autopilot, babbling along with everypony else about the dresses. “I think they're lovely.” I forced myself to quip apprehensively.

Cole and Lyra quickly agreed with me, then did a double take. They knew exactly how I felt about clothes. In that instant they had to have realized something was incredibly wrong with me, but a glare from the princess halted anything they might have done. Or rather, a glare from whomever was impersonating the princess.

That wasn't the princess, that was a changeling. Not just any changeling ether, this was a member of the Sapphire hive. Religious zealots who had been my own hives sworn enemy since time immemorial. Even worse this meant the Sapphires were making a serious push to take Equestria. My people were likely dead, enslaved, or so overwhelmed as to allow a large task force to slip through our territory.

Anyling chosen to impersonate a princess had to be very skilled and very powerful. No hive would entrust anyling less than the best of the cream of the crop to take such a high profile target. The fact that they were taking this target, during her state wedding compounded just how dangerous this changeling had to be. Worst of all, he or she had recognized me by my own scent the moment we had met. I was a dead 'ling walking.

This changeling had to have back up. A whole team would be sent to assist. Replacing key personnel, forging documents. This was a big operation. Who knew how many 'lings were in the city? Who knew who they were?

I felt my heart skip a beat. They knew who I was since I met 'Cadence' yesterday. The mysteriously delivered meal... Had they poisoned me? I would have poisoned me. They likely would make a move during the wedding to assassinate Celestia herself. Equestria's sun goddess was the greatest affront to changing mythology after all.

The changeling dismissed us in a carefree manner. We left Rarity's suite shortly as my panic shifted into overdrive. The false Cadence trotted off down the hall, and rounded a corner. The second she turned the corner I began to look around as quickly as I could. Noling would take me by surprise!

Suddenly the last piece of the puzzle fell into place. “By the wastes of Tartarus it's an ijaat akkan!” I squeaked in realization prompting Cole and Lyra to wheel around and confront me.

“Ok, what's wrong with you?” Lyra demanded looking at me in a sort of angry confusion.

Cole nodded in agreement a deeply worried look on her face, “You are totally terrified. Why?”

If only Lyra hadn't been there. I could have spoken at a frequency only Cole and I could hear. Everything would have been fine. We could have taken the time to plan an escape without more people learning what I truly was.

“I- Um.” I gulped, “So, Lyra. You know how humans are your... obsession?”

She nodded, “Passion. But yeah, why? Dose this somehow-”

“No It dose not involve humans!” I barked.

Lyra jumped at the tone of my voice. “Ow.”

With a wince at my explosion I continued, “Sorry! Just... you understand how a species can be allegedly a myth, but really exist right?”

She nodded. Cole gasped realizing what I was about to do and shook her head and mouthing 'no' as fast as she could.

“Well I happen to be an expert on changelings. They exist, the myths about them are largely untrue, and one of them has replaced the princess.” I sighed knowing next would be a demand for proof.

Lyra laughed bitterly, “Shine, seriously? It's not cool to make fun of somepony like that. Especially a friend.”

Cole on the other hoof turned white, “Y-you mean that's not Cadence?”

Lyra shot her a look, “Don't play along-”

I dropped my disguise. The flash of green fire reflected in Lyra's eyes. “Lyra, I think I can recognize the psionic scent of my own species. Thank you very much.”

Lyra screamed in alarm, jumping backwards in a panic. Hoping nopony else saw me I quickly threw my disguise back up. Cole cursed and pounced on Lyra shouting, “Don't you dare run! Do you want to get her killed?”

Lyra opened her mouth to scream, but Cole managed to stuff her hoof firmly inside it. “For the love of Celestia why did you do that?” she begged looking at me pleadingly.

“Because we literally have no time to waste!” I hissed.

Bending down I stared right into Lyra's eyes, “Listen to me very carefully. I'm not a monster, I don't eat ponies. I also am not replacing Shine, I am Shine. I made her up from scratch, she's my alias. None of my people mean any harm to ponies, we do our best to protect them... from another hive of changelings. Do you remember what color my eyes were? You can tell changeling hives apart by our eye color. Mine are yellow.”

Lyra squirmed and kicked, Cole gave me a pleading look, she wouldn't be able to hold her down for much longer. I had to sell the point home. “Look, the world isn't all like Equestria. You know that conspiracy you keep talking about? How the truth about some parts of the world is hidden? Well it's at least a little true. I used to live in a small country to the west. I will happily tell you all about it later and I know for a fact you will be interested because there is a human city-”

Lyra stopped struggling under Cole and mmphed something fervently, her eyes widening in shock. I grinned grimly, grateful that had grabbed her attention. “-which my fauther visited once. I'll tell you all about it later if you don't blow my cover, and listen to me because all of our lives are in danger!”

It wasn't quiet a lie, it was more of a large town than a city, but humans were rumored to own it. Or at least had been a few centuries ago. It could have been ash by now if the Lizardfolk had gotten their act together.

Lyra mmphed rapidly as she pulled her head to try and dislodge Cole's hoof from her mouth. I nodded and Cole let her go. “Sorry.”

Lyra made a disgusted face the second Cole's hoof was free and spat some dirt out onto the floor, “Oh my Celestia! Cole, wash, your, hooves!” Lyra begged before wheeling on me and staring right in my face, “Prove you are you and telling me the truth about a human city and then I'll listen!”

“Vi and Tavi are a couple but hide it because Tavi's parents are homophobes. You own a human costume which is very poorly made and honestly it's not flattering on you, stick to wearing pants and shirts. Vi's dad is apparently somepony really important but she wont tell us who for some reason. Oh and you can't roll above the DC on any acrobatics check you make to save your life. Literally.” I informed, hoping that would be enough.

“Who did I go to senior prom with?” She asked quickly.

“I have no idea... I don't even think I went to that.” I replied.

Lyra frowned and swiftly turned to Cole, “I can't remember ether... Did she?” Then she gave Cole an accusing glare, “hold on your helping her! I can't trust you ether.”

Cole facehooved and groaned, “No duh I'm helping her. I've been in love with her for years! Oh and by the way, yes I knew what she is the entire time. I guess chitin is just my turn on.”

“Oh.” Lyra said blushing slightly before her eyes opened wide, “Oh my gosh you just admitted you love her in front of her! You should ask her out before-”

“Oh, right. We sort of became a coupe last night. I realized she liked me and-” I growled and slammed one hoof to the floor angrily, “We are getting way off track and this is important! Everyone in this palace could die at any minute!”

Cole nodded, “Look... Lyra, you know something has to be up. The shield spell over the city, the EUP in the streets, the palace is under heavy guard...”

Lyra nodded, “Ok... So I'll believe you for now 'Shine'. What's going on?”

“There are two hives of changelings that live near Equestria. One is mine, it's... It's name is very hard to translate... Just call us Amber Hive. The other is the Sapphire Hive. We are mortal enemies, as in, constantly at a state of war with monthly border skirmishes at the most peaceful, and actualy repelling attacks on our settlements at the worst. Our hives are at war over a matter of religion. Ambers believe the gods ordered us to farm love from ponies through kind deeds and harvest it peacefully. Sapphires believe the gods demand we feed directly on a pony, consume them completely, and rule over them like masters to slaves.

I sighed, wishing I had time to explain it fully. “Now, mind you, Celestia moves the sun thus proving the entire religion wrong. It's a Sun God thing. Most Amber'lings I knew agreed with me on that and we don't actively practice the theology anymore, just the culture. But Sapphire'lings believe that Celestia stole the sun from one of our gods... And the changeling who replaced Cadence is one of them. So we are probably in the middle of a brewing holy war. A Sapphire crusade to crush the infidels and reclaim the sun for Ra-Horakhty.”

“Oh... well... fuck...” Lyra whimpered to herself looking at a point behind me for some reason.

“Umm...we should run like a bat out of Tartarus.” Cole croaked with equal fear.

“Yes!” I exclaimed, “We need to literally drop everything and run before-”

“You stupidly inform your friends of my little plot in the middle of a public hallway.” 'Princess Cadence' interrupted, her voice coming from over my shoulder.

“Mir'osik!” I cursed.

“Yes, you certainly seem to have 'dung for brains'.” The changeling laughed.

I could see her horn blazing green reflected in Cole's terrified eyes. Emerald flames encircled all of our hooves and an instant later and I was falling down a dark well.