• Published 30th Jan 2015
  • 3,125 Views, 352 Comments

The Bridesmaids - Meep the Changeling

The story behind Lyra, Colgate, and Twinkleshine winding up mind controlled beneath Canterlot is far more complex than most ponies think.

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The Realization

Twinkleshine / Meep

The train ride to Canterlot took a lot longer then I remembered. The conductor said we would arrive in five hours, but I recalled the trip taking only three last time I made it. With how punctual the Equestrian Rail Service was about their trains this concerned me. That same bad feeling I had when Lyra asked me to be a bridesmaid for Cadence came back. It was a twisting feeling in the back of my mind. Slithering. A snake of suspicion, whispering that something was wrong.

I guess that Cole could see me squirming. “You look anxious,” she said sadly, “I don't think that anyone will keep bothering you if you ask them to go away. It's been a few years.”

“It's been one year and eight months. I still get offers in the mail.” I repplied. Turning to face Cole I shook my head, “But that's not it. You know all the... dangerous incidents which have been happening recently? The reawakening of a primal god of chaos, two dragon related dangers, a timber wolf attack on the outskirts of town... The world is getting dangerous again. Not just outside of Equestria ether like with the Griffon Kingdom's assault on Germaney. Most of what I mentioned happened in our home town.”

Cole nodded, “I get it. I think.”

“I got a bad feeling about this.” I stated flatly. “There is an underlying tension in the air. Like somepony's field is overcharged. I don't like it. Mark my words, we are going to be running and screaming by the end of this.”

Cole gave me a confused look, “Do you mean that or are you just tying to get out of the wedding?”

“I mean it.” I looked out the window at the white towers of Canterlot. The city's soaring spires, grand walls, and gold capped palace were very familiar to me. I'd lived within those walls many times. “This is the wedding of the first pony to ascend to Princesshood. She is the new Goddess of Love. For Celestia's sake Cole! We are going to a high profile political wedding of a pony of extreme importance to a state religion and the ruling family! Someone is going to try something.”

“Huh... You know when you put it like that you do have a point.” Cole shifted in her seat and looked out the window with me. “Well... whatever happens... I'm here for you.”

Cole's words hit me like a brick. Occasionally Colgate seemed to speak to me in a way that was just a bit more than friendly. Often enough I would feel a slight spike of love from her during these molments. I had no problems with the idea of two ponies being together no matter what gender they were. Before I moved to Equestria I didn't even know that was a problem for ponies. Changelings pair off with whomever we like. Gender is pretty meaningless to shapeshifters.

In each of my lives I had avoided obtaining a lover. It was simply too much risk for the reward. Someone that close to me would eventually realize what I was. Yet, Colgate was that close already, and she only held the title of my best friend. Tartarus, she also was the single most delicious pony I had ever met! That's saying something to. I've fed off of millions of ponies over the years. Cole beat them all even on her worst day.

Perhaps just this once I should take a lover. This was my vacation after all. I turned to look at Cole. It couldn't hurt to ask her how she felt right? “Hey Cole... I've been-”

A blazing ball of pinkish red light flared up in the center of Canterlot, cutting me off mid sentence. The ball expanded, quickly engulfing the city and resolving into a single massive spell shield. It engulfed the city, it's airspace, and a good chunk of the surrounding mountain. “-Oh what fresh spore of madness is this going to be?” I groaned.

“Holy Sisters!” Cole gasped, “You totally called it!”

My eyes widened in terror as I realized the shield covered the railway and was a matter of molments away at our current speed. “Chakaaryc!” I cursed, an old Changelish oath coming to my lips in my terror, “Were going to hit the shield! We have to jump!”

Cole's eyes widened, “Horseapples! You're right! Um... quick the window! We are almost over the river.” Her blue aura quickly unlatched the window of our car and pushed it open as wide as could be. “Why dose this thing not have an emergency exit?” Cole shouted.

I lit my horn, preparing to cast a spell to reduce my mass in case I missed the river below. My mind preformed all the math for the jump, It was futile. The speed of the train and approximate distance to the shield would have us hit the shield rather than the river. “Gods damn the conservation of angular momentum...” I muttered.

If I was to save us I would need to fly. A changeling isn't strong enough to lift a grown mare. There wasn't even time for me to fly myself out, we would hit the shield in seconds.

I gave Cole one last look, “... We wont make it...”

She looked into my eyes, tears welling up in her blue eyes. “I lo-”

A pink wall of energy surged through our car. It slammed into my side, throwing me against the wall in an instant. Stars exploded in my vision as I slammed into the floor. Moaning, I pushed myself up, stars still dancing in my eyes. Cole's voice called to me, but I couldn't hear it. My ears were ringing like a quartz crystal somepony overcharged with mana.

“Ow...” I groaned, ears slowly starting to clear up.

“Are you ok?” Cole asked, her voice sounding incredibly concerned.

“Yes... Are you? That could have shattered bone... Am I bleeding anywhere?” I asked.

She trotted around me, moving my mane with her magic to check the back of my head. “No, you look ok. It didn't do anything to me.”

“Really?” I asked incredulously.

“Really.” She answered.

Astounded at the situation I looked around, “I guess they modulated the shield frequency to allow us to pass through. They must have done a piss poor job of it.”

Cole nodded, “Probably... I don't like this. I think you are right Shine. Something big is going on... I um... Do you happen to know any combat spells? 'Cuz I never took a self defense class or anything. I've never been good with magic, and I never thought I might have to... well fight somepony.” she laughed nervously, closing the window as she looked out to be sure we were safe.

I nodded. I had picked up a few over the years. “I know a few that even somepony like you should be able to do. Can you do a shield? Or anything?”

She shook her head. I sighed and turned to look towards the door, just to be sure we were safe. “We probably don't have much time. If the Guard is putting up a shield danger is close or they know it's coming sometime soon. Besides, a trained soldier would take us apart.”

“Why?” Cole asked curiously.

“Training.” I answered bluntly.

“Oh right. Fighting is literally their job... Still, I would feel safer-”

I cut her off with a raised hoof, “I can teach you a basic ray spell. But if anything happens, we hide. Don't fire unless you have to ok? Covert is always better than overt.”

I spent the next six minutes explaining the workings of one of my more potent spells to Colgate. Funnily enough I didn't actually know the simple ray spell used by most unicorns. The only one I knew was a changeling version for using while in a unicorn form. It was a hive defense thing. We all get some measure of training to help protect the hive if needed. Magic was better suited in certain tactical conditions then psionics.

I hadn't cast the spell in over a hundred years so it was a bit tricky to remember. But after some effort I managed to recall it and broke it down into the simplest components I could. Cole's magic strength was abysmal, her parents were Earth Ponies so I assumed that the oddities of pony genetics were responsible for her low aptitude.

Fortunately for us Cole was very bright. It also helped that I had plenty of experience teaching everypony type from retards to geniuses. Once I was sure Cole had memorized it I decided to give her a quiz, “Ok, so how dose it work?”

“I form the spell matrix, but keep it active around my horn. Then I push more mana into the matrix which forms a beam which ionizes a path to the target. If I keep pushing energy through it will then generate little... um... packets?” She stopped asking me if the word sounded right.

I nodded.

“Packets of particles,” Cole continued, “that are sent to the target and deliver the mana in the form of kinetic energy, heat, and light.”

“What else?” I prompted.

“Oh! Um... Depending on how much mana I push through the matrix at once the ray will ether stun, k-kill, or completely disintegrate the target.” She kicked the floor with one hoof, a concerned look in ther eyes. “H-how can I be sure that I'm only going to stun the target?”

“Push through as little as you can. Remember, the ray will make a scratching sound, if you let that surprise you, you might use too much power... I think we can both agree we want to escape, not fight our way out.”

Cole nodded. She still looked pretty afraid. I knew I was still afraid.

“With luck you won't have to use that. Unlike Ponyville there is a military base in the city.” I reminded.

“Yeah... I know. I'm just worried about the train.”

As Cole finished speaking the train screeched to a halt. A loud hiss of steam escaped the engine just before the whistle blew. I was about to peek out into the hallway and check to see if everything was clear when a voice crackled over the train's loudspeaker.

“Attention passengers. Please remain in your seats. This is Lieutenant Brass Cannon of the Royal Guard. You probably noticed the shield spell which has been placed over the city. We have received a threat from an unknown source stating the wedding of Princess Mi Amore Cadenza will be attacked. To ensure everyponies safety the train will be searched before you may disembark. I promise this will not take more time than is necessary.” The speaker crackled as the voice stopped.

“Princess who?” I asked turning to Cole.

“That's Princess Cadence's real name.” she informed.

“It is? Huh... I should probably read up on her before being her bridesmaid.” I chuckled nervously.

Suddenly the train car's door was pulled open by a yellow magic field. Three unicorn guards instantly blocked the doorway so nopony could even hope to squeeze by them. The one on point looked around the compartment quickly while the two at his flanks levitated their spears at us nervously.

“Papers?” the unarmed unicorn asked.

I reached up to the rack where my suitcase was with my magic, popping open the latches to take out my passport. Cole did the same.

The guard's eyes narrowed as I presented my passport, “You have an unusual aura color.”

I nodded, “I know. My mom had blue, my dad had yellow, I have green. That's how it works right?”

He took my passport in his own magic and looked it over quickly, “This checks out... Hold on, Twinkleshine Midnight?”

I nodded. He took Cole's passport and checked it over as well. “Minuette Second. You two are her highness's bridesmaids. Sorry for the suspicion mams. I have orders to have you escorted directly to the castle, if you would please collect your bags. Shield, Pike, escort these two to the castle and send Dirk to help me finish checking the passengers.”

“Yes sir!” The two guards saluted before the three white stallions parted to let Cole and I through.

Within a few molments we were herded out of the train and into a group with Lyra, Bon-bon, Octavia, Vi and a few other ponies I assumed were also involved in the wedding. The full military escort of EUP troopers was quite concerning to say the least. It looked like the Royal Guard had been the ones to check the train solely for the moral of the passengers.

Our escorts were not the friendly police force of the Royal Guard, this was a squad of EUP troops, in their field kits. I couldn't remember the last time the EUP had been deployed. Seeing them walking in a bipedal battle stance on the streets of Canterlot itself in full armor, saddlebags packed, crossbows in hoof was extremely unsettling. From the looks on my friends faces it was downright surreal to them.

“Whatever threat was issued it is being taken very seriously.” Bon-bon whispered.

“You have no need to be afraid mam. My boys are here for your protection, nothing will burn our city to the ground on my watch.” The Sargent leading our group along informed, having apparently overheard Bonnie despite the distance between them.

Everypony was quiet until we arrived at the castle. The grand entry hall was in a chaotic flurry of activity. If it weren't for the dire situation at hoof I would have laughed at the sight. Soldiers and wedding decorators were tripping over one another as each attempted to go about their business. It was like something out of an old vaudeville comedy.

Our escorts led us up the grand staircase and into the north wing of the castle to a large room. The two EUP troopers guarding the door nodded as we approached and opened the door for us. I had just enough time to take in the fact that we were in some sort of lounge before somepony's irritated voice cut through the air like a knife. “These are my bridesmaids? Ugh... I suppose they will have to do.”

Noticing everypony else bowing I bowed as well, only afterwards spotting the mare I assumed was Princess Cadence. She was pretty tall, not as tall as Celestia or even Luna, but I assumed that was simply an age thing. She had a rather interesting tri-color hair pattern in her mane and tail which I remembered an old friend of mine mentioning was a genetic trait of one of the nation's oldest Royal lines.

The purple, violet, and cream colors did certainly look lovely, but didn't quite mach up with what I expected. I guess a changeling's sense of what a personification of love should look like simply isn't a pink alicorn with multicolored hair. Some blue would have helped get things a bit closer. A proper set of fangs was also a must.

A chamberlain started to introduce us to the Princess one by one. She walked to each of us as we were introduced and shook hooves in the typical fashion of a royal celebrity. A quick, almost non-extant hoof touch. This irked me. I was perhaps one of the most important scientists in Equestrian history! I deserved a proper hoofshake at the very least.

“This is Twinkleshine Midnight of Ponyville.” The chamberlain introduced as he came to me.

Princess Cadence held out her hoof, “Charmed.”

Taking her hoof in my own as firmly as I could I started to give her a proper shake before something stopped me dead. Her scent was wrong, it was not scent a pony should have. I couldn't put a hoof on it but her scent was completely, inexorably, quintessentially wrong. I let go of her hoof, blinking in surprise as my lips twisted into a confused frown. “Um... Pleased to meet you?”

She gave me a weird look as well. It was part surprise, part shock, and mostly hared. That single look sent me mentally reeling into a void of pure confusion. It was only there for an instant before she moved onto Lyra but it felt like an eternity. I turned to watch everypony else as they interacted with her. None of them seemed to have any sort of reaction to her. Could they not smell whatever that was?

I stood there puzzled for the rest of the introductions. I knew that I knew what her scent was, but I couldn't place it. This was a downside of my age defying technique. Information I don't use regularly tends to vanish from my mind. I assumed that this had to be something I had forgotten long ago, but still remembered on a subconscious level.

That scent was wrong. It was the scent of danger. It made every single part of me want to flee or maybe fight. I honestly couldn't tell. Before I could properly react or sort out my mind the Princess's voice cut into my thoughts as if her every word filled my entire head.

“There is the recital is next evening, there will be a dress fitting a few hours before it. The day after will be the wedding itself and I expect you to memorize the song list by then. A servant will give you the details later. I understand a thank you dinner has been arranged for each of you in the rooms. My chamberlain will show you to them now. There is a lot of work to do. Get some rest. I won't have my prefect day ruined by tired ponies.”

My mind completely blown at the combination of her bafflingly wrong scent, the completely unloving tone in her voice, and the way she ordered everypony like they were beneath her. I quietly stumbled off with everypony to our rooms. Following along like a lost puppy.

The little voice in the back of my mind which had been whispering danger to me since Lyra asked me to come here was screaming at me. The Princess was completely alien to what she should be, but also exactly who she should be. There was a threat against the city so dire Celestia had mobilized the EUP. This was going to boil over any moment now. I could feel it.

“This is where you will be staying, Miss Midnight and Miss Second.” The chamberlain announced suddenly.

I jumped at the sudden noise of him speaking. Everypony stared at me as I nervously took a few steps back blushing brightly, “Er... just spooked me is all.”

The chamberlain rolled his eyes and handed Cole and I each a brass key. “Come along everypony. Your rooms are further down the hall.”

Cole opened the door and nodded for me to go in. It was a nice room with plenty of fancy looking carved furniture, a balcony, and a nice flat television set into the wall was a lovely touch of modernity. A table on one side of the room had several silver platters with all manner of fancy looking foods on them.

My attention was still fully occupied by the panic which had overwhelmed me. It was slowly fading, but I could still feel the fur on the back of my neck standing on end.

“Huh... Somepony on the staff thought we were a couple.” Cole said dreamily.

“What?” I asked confusion replacing my fear almost instantly.

Cole giggled and pointed to the room's bed. It was a nice four poster wooden piece complete with privacy curtains, plush pillows, and very fine looking quilts. “There's only one bed.”

I frowned for a moment at the lack of separate beds. Then I realized that was the least of my worries. I shrugged. “Oh well... I don't mind sharing a bed for a week.”

Cole beamed me a smile of epic proportions, the single expression showing the full sparkling power of proper dental hygiene. It was almost blinding. “This will be fun! I've never slept with anypony before!” she said still beaming me her stellar magnitude minus one point four smile.

I took a step back, my ears drooping I gave her a timid look, “Errr... I didn't mean share a bed in that sense of the phrase.”

Her smile vanished. “I know... I just never have well... cuddled, or anything... So you know, something new to try.” She trailed off looking down at the floor in embarrassment.

I felt bad. With one sentence I had taken the wind right out of her sails. Tartarus, I could even taste her sadness. That made me feel even worse. What I had said literally caused her pain. My mind went back to the train, to just before the incident with the shield. Cole definitely had feelings for me, feelings she normally masked for some reason.

“Hey... Cole...” I started, pausing to try to find a good way to summarize my thoughts.

“Yeah?” She asked, choking back a sniffle.

“I'm a scientist. The stars are my passion. You know how deeply focused on them I can get. I usually have my head in space... We both know this makes me miss some things that happen in the here and now. I... I'm sorry for that. I really am.” I sat down in front of her.

Cole's blue eyes tilted up to meet my face, a hint of surprise on her face from my words. “What?”

“I... I know what I just said hurt you, and I understand why.” I continued. “I... Well I kind of figured it out on the train today. I just didn't connect the data points properly until then. Also, I've never thought of having a relationship with somepony.”

Cole emitted a wave of pure depression at my words. It was enough to make me literally gag at the rancid taste. I could feel bile building up in my thought. I made a note to remember Cole could also be the worst tasting pony.

Hoping to cover up my gagging and prevent myself from vomiting I quickly added, “But you are somepony special to me! You put up with all of my quirks, are always there for me, cheer me up when I am down, bring me treats, and... Oh. Oh! Oh... You've been... All that time...”

That's when my brain exploded as the perceived form of our friendship flew apart in a puff of logic. Unable to think of anything to say I reached out and pulled Cole against my chest in the tightest hug I could manage.

She eeped in surprise, “Shine! I-”

“I'm so sorry! I'll make it up to you. Starting right now I'll return all of your feelings ok?” I couldn't help it. She had spent at least five years at the least lovingly helping me with everything out of well, love. For me. What else could I do but return the affection? “If only I had the money to take you to a fancy restraint or something.”

At that precise moment our room's door burst open, and in trotted a tall white coated, black maned stallion in a chef's uniform pulling a small trolley behind him. “Apologies madams, but ze ratatouille, she needed a touch more cyanne.” The stallion levitated a full meal platter and set it down on the table, eyeing the food already there with distaste. “Bah, ze cooks in zis place are amateurs. Let me remove zis... affront to ze arts for you.”

He quickly loaded his trolley with the platters which had been on the table gave us a little bow announced, “Enjoy ze meal, complements of l' house de repas préfet.” and left as quickly as he came.

“How in Tartarus did you do that?” Cole demanded incredulously.

“I didn't...” I exclaimed with equal incredulity.

Shaking off the confusion Cole blushed, looking at me carefully, “So um... I guess we need to talk about a few things.”

I nodded.

“Can I eat first?” She asked.

“Eat first.” I agreed.