• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 10,024 Views, 1,637 Comments

The Dazzlings Are Insane - Justice3442

A collection of short stories about the Dazzlings going through their daily lives of annoying each other and pretty much everyone around them.

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The Dazzlings Do Thanksgiving Part 1: A Delicious Cut of Meat

The Dazzlings Do Thanksgiving

Part 1: A Delicious Cut of Meat

Sunset Shimmer stood on a familiar doorstep and stared at a familiar door, her heart pounding in an all too familiar fashion as she felt a regrettably familiar sense of hesitation well up inside her. She had been here more times than she cared to admit and rarely, if ever, had it been an enjoyable experience. At least this time she had brought plenty of support.

“Are you sure this is a good idea?” a young man’s voice asked.

Support that would not stop asking her the same freakin’ question!

Sunset wheeled around and shot an annoyed glance at the source of the voice, squinting slightly in the dim light of as dusk set in. “Flash! I already said I was tired of hearing that question!”

“Okay, but you never actually answer it!” Flash Sentry retorted.

The scowl on Sunset’s face deepened. Flash stood off the doorstep about an arm’s length away. Behind him were most of Sunset’s friends, standing on a walkway flanked by grass that looked like it was cut unevenly with a sword rather than a lawnmower. Two exceptions to Sunset’s friend brigade being Twilight Sparkle, who was back in Equestria probably not having to deal with the same, admittedly reasonable, question over and over again, and also Twilight Sparkle who was standing next to Sunset Shimmer with a trepidatious look on her face as if she had picked up on everyone else’s misgivings at the group’s current location.

Sunset shot a quick ‘thank you’ to the powers that be that this world’s Twilight had the decency to wear glasses and a different hairstyle than that of her pony-world counterpart. Granted, the two Twilights didn’t exactly have mirror personalities, but it was nice to be able to tell them apart at a glance.

“He has a point, partner,” Applejack chimed in from next to Flash. “Ah mean, just about everyone here has asked that question—”

“I haven’t!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed excitedly.

Applejack’s lips tightened in irritation as she powered on. “—but you just snap at us and move on.”

A few girls in the group nodded their heads in agreement.

Sunset let out a huff. “Look, we all agreed we’d come here as a unified friendship force.”

Rarity raised an index finger. “After much protest.”

Rainbow Dash nodded her head towards Rarity in agreement. “Yeah! You practically guilt-tripped us into going!”

Sunset threw her hands up in the air. “Because the Dazzlings actually extended the olive branch of friendship towards us for a change! I mean, how would it look as diplomats of friendship—”

“Wait,” Rainbow Dash said as she glanced upwards and tightened her brow. “Are we the Unified Friendship Force or the Diplomats of Friendship?”

Rarity’s eyes lit up. “The Fabulous Friends!”

“The Magnificent Seven!” Applejack cried.

Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes this time. “That’s taken, AJ.”

“Ah know! But there’s actually seven of us!”

“What about Flash?” Fluttershy asked.

“He doesn’t count!” Applejack exclaimed. She turned towards Flash. “No offence.”

“None taken,” Flash said. His lips tightened slightly. “Still a little sad, though.”

Twilight gave Sunset a hesitant glance. “Uh… should I…”

“No,” Sunset said bluntly. She looked back over the group. “Focus everyone, we’re not here to…”

“Super Friends!” Pinkie said excitedly as she jumped up and down.

Also already taken, dear,” Rarity pointed out.

“… Animal Friends,” Fluttershy suggested.

A unified groan went up from the group.

“Fluttershy,” Rainbow Dash began, “you’re the only one who’s that much into animals!”

Fluttershy put on a pout. “But you all have pets! Also we kinda turn into ponies when we transform… Look, maybe if you see my presentation again, I can…”

“No! Just ‘no’, Fluttershy!” Rainbow Dash said forcefully as she crossed her arms in front of her in the shape of an ‘X’ before throwing them to her sides. “No amount of bullet point slides and cute animal sound effects are going to sell us on the name.”

Fluttershy let out a sad whimper.

“Alright,” Applejack said as she inserted herself in between Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy. “This is gettin’ a might bit heated, maybe we should table this discussion for—”

Pinkie Pie suddenly inhaled as much air as she could fit in her lungs. “The-Unified-Magnificent-Seven-Fabulous-Animal-Diplomatic-Friendship-Force!

Everyone turned to stare at Pinkie.

… T.M.!” Pinkie added added.

Sunset looked over the group with a frazzled smile. “We can talk about this later.” She turned towards the door and raised her hand to knock. “Right now we—”

“You still haven’t answered the question, darling,” Rarity said.

Sunset’s left eye twitched and her forced smile twisted upwards and turned crooked. She turned and began to motion to everyone individually. “Twilight’s learning about friendship, Applejack and Rainbow Dash get to have their crazy, borderline violent, video game competitions with Aria, Fluttershy gets to check up on Aria’s goat—”

Fluttershy glanced behind the group. “The goat is eating the Dazzlings’ mailbox…”

“See! She’s already on it!” Sunset continued, “Flash gets to be the only guy in a group of almost a dozen girls…”

“That’s a great point, actually, even if three of those girls are completely bonkers,” Flash said. “I formally retract any protests I might have issued.”

“Pinkie actually wants to be here.”

Pinkie smiled. “I get to hang out with Sonata! Go team TUMSFADFF T.M.!”

“Four of the girls,” Flash corrected. “I stand by my previous decision.”

Sunset focused her gaze on Rarity. “And you can… I don’t know, talk to Adagio about fashion or something!”

Rarity pursed her lips. “I’ve tried that. The conversation actually goes great until Adagio starts talking about ‘evening wear’, offers to model some of her existing outfits, and starts rubbing my thigh.”

Sunset folded her arms across her chest and glanced away for a second. “Just like… Wait for her to start rubbing herself against someone else and start the conversation!”

Applejack seemed taken aback. “Yer suggestin’ Rarity strikes up a conversation after that nymphomaniac with cheesy-poof hair starts harassing someone else here?”

Fluttershy put on a thoughtful look while Rainbow Dash raised her hand. “I can volunteer for that,” Rainbow Dash chimed in.

Fluttershy frowned slightly but said nothing.

Twilight looked over the group in confusion. “I feel I’m missing a fair bit of context here… Like, all of it.”

Sunset shook her head. “No one needs to become Adagio’s unwilling or semi-willing victim here because she’ll probably have her hands all over Trixie!”

A collection of surprised exclamations of protest rolled through the group.

“… Oops…” Sunset uttered.

“Okay, five bonkers girls,” Flash said. “Still in.”

“Again,” Twilight chimed in. “All of the context, all of it.”

Sunset turned towards Twilight. “The Dazzlings were involved in a mind control plot to take over the school and Trixie once trapped us in a storage room.” Sunset put up her hands in a shrug. “The first is sort of old hat for everyone here and the second is small potatoes compared to everything else the group has gone through.”

Applejack spoke up. “You didn’t mention anything about Trixie being here, though! Ah mean, our history with her goes beyond some entrapment while under the effects of mind control.”

Sunset narrowed her eyes. “Look, if anyone can benefit from a little TUMSFADFF—”

“T.M.!” Pinkie stressed.

Sunset sighed. “—T.M. it’s Trixie!”

Rainbow Dash grit her teeth. “But she’s just so… so... so… self-centered!”

If looks could scream, Rainbow Dash would have gone deaf from everyone giving her expressions that screamed ‘really?!’

Rainbow Dash chuckled nervously. “Alright, retracted, but still… Trixie!”

“Come on guys!” Sunset said. “Think of all the friendship we can spread like cranberry sauce over delicious turkey.”

Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Fluttershy all exchanged glances.

“Darling, you and Pinkie have been to everyone’s family Thanksgiving celebrations.” Rarity said. “You can’t possibly still be thinking about food.”

Pinkie’s eyes focused on a point far, far beyond the house. “I spent all week just making pies for everyone’s Thanksgiving. I’ll be dead before I fail at getting them to everyone… and watch them eat them!”

Rarity grimaced. “My parents were wondering why you insisted on an early dessert… and why you kept staring…”

“Well, that explains Pinkie,” Applejack said, “but what about Sun—”

Much to Applejack’s surprise she soon found the green collar of her shirt in Sunset’s grasp.

“We don’t eat turkey in Equestria, Applejack, and that’s our folly!” The hints of a manic grin hit Sunset’s face. “Do you know how many ways there are to prepare turkey?!” Sunset released her grip and let out a heavy sigh. “Oh, when will Equestrians learn that quality of life can be greatly improved with the occasional murder of a bird or pig, setting it on fire, and then feasting on its flesh?”

Uh… alright then…” Applejack said in an unsure tone as Twilight gave Sunset a concerned look.

“I don’t eat animals,” Fluttershy said meekly.

“Good for you, you’re wrong!” Sunset said.

Fluttershy’s eyes went wide and she let out a distressed whimper as the rest of the group looked at Sunset in slight shock.

Pinkie looked at Sunset accusingly. “That’s not very TUMSFADFF T.M. of you.”

Sunset gave Fluttershy an apologetic look. “Sorry Fluttershy, but I eat just so much junk during the year because I can’t cook or bake… like at all… I mean… remember the bake sale?”

Everyone but Twilight grimaced.

“How could we forget?!” Flash exclaimed. “How could anyone within a ten block radius of the bake sale forget?!”

Rarity wrapped her arms around herself and shivered slightly. “I had to go to the hospital, and then to therapy, and then I was triggered by some gingerbread men at the store, had a panic attack, and had to go to therapy at the hospital.”

“See!” Sunset said. “I’ve got to get in as much delicious home-cooked meals I can, even if those meals come from the Dazzlings… And I sure as heck don’t want to deal with their insanity on my own.”

“Words hurt, Sunset Shimmer,” a syrupy feminine voice said.

The group jumped slightly and turned to the heavy wooden door as it slowly opened revealing Adagio Dazzle wearing a ribbed purple sweater with an opening on the chest that showed her cleavage and a piece of black fabric that could generously be called a ‘skirt’ but was a close to size to a belt. She looked over the group as a alluring grin oozed across her face like thick gravy poured over mashed potatoes. Her eyes focused on Flash. “Really, Sunset? Just one man? The poor boy is going to be practically dead by the time all us ladies are done with him.”

Definitely in,” Flash said.

Adagio opened her lips into a smirk. “Not yet, dear.”

Flash grinned wide and leered at Adagio, who only seemed to relish in the attention.

Sunset turned to glare at Flash and punched him in the shoulder.

“Ow!” Flash exclaimed as he rubbed his shoulder. “Hey, you’re the one who brought up the guy/girl ratio! And I’m not made out of stone.”

Members of the group began to sniff the air and all the eyes turned to the open door Adagio was standing in.

“That’s right,” Adagio struck a pose. “Get a good look.”

Despite Adagio’s comments, all eyes and noses remained pointed to the door even Twilight and Fluttershy stayed focus on the entryway without a hint of pinkness in their cheeks.

“Oh my stars and garters,” Rarity uttered. “That smells heavenly.”

Rainbow Dash began to salivate. “Oooooh, I want all of that inside me.”

Adagio’s grin widened. “Well, I know what I’m going to be thankful for…”

Applejack’s face lit up. “Wooo-wee! It smells like an entire feast is being cooked in there.”

Adagio nodded. “Sonata goes all out for Thanksgiving…” The hints of a consternation crossed Adagio’s expression. “There’s really no stopping her…”

The group simply stood in front of the house, looking at Adagio expectantly.

“Well, don’t just stand there!” Adagio said as she stepped into the house and opened the door wide. “Come on! I can use some people to talk Aria and Trixie out of catatonia…”

“Wait, what?” Sunset said as she walked in, the group shuffling in after her.

“Do you want to know what 17 birds stuffed into each other a bed of herbs, onions, and salted pork tastes like or not?”

“Oh, God. More than anything,” Sunset answered.

“That’s what I thought,” Adagio said as the last few girls shuffled in. “Sit down! Make yourself at home! For-the-love-of-God-stay-out-of-the-kitchen.”

“Seriously, what is going on?” Twilight asked.

“Oh my gosh!” Adagio said as she closed the door. “Twilight, are you trying a new look?! It’s so… so… submissive-looking. I want to devour it.”

“Meep!” Twilight uttered in alarm. She turned towards a doorway the other girls had shuffled through. “Sunset?”

“Oh my gosh! Now I know what it likes to want to make love to a smell!”

Adagio inched closer to Twilight, causing the timid girl to back against a wall.

“Stop! I’ll scream!” Twilight cried.

Adagio leaned her head close to Twilight’s. “Not if I cover your mouth with mine…”

Twilight swallowed, suddenly wishing the wall her back against was a bit less unyielding and maybe equipped with some pepper spray or a taser.

End Part 1

Author's Note:

Part one of some holiday shenanigans that I'll hopefully get through during the long break.

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