• Published 27th Jan 2015
  • 10,014 Views, 1,637 Comments

The Dazzlings Are Insane - Justice3442

A collection of short stories about the Dazzlings going through their daily lives of annoying each other and pretty much everyone around them.

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Are You Down With The Sickness?

Aria moaned in pain as she rolled onto her back in her sweat soaked blankets. The twin ponytails her hair was usually in were gone, and instead her straight hair clung to her cheeks and neck in drenched masses. Aria found herself pulling on her covers to find a dry spot. Even making herself slightly less soaked did little to comfort her. Under the covers her body burned, but without them she would quickly start shivering. This wasn’t nearly as bad as the muscle aches that wracked her body. Her back, her arms, and even her chest continuously assaulted her with pain that prevented her from being able to fall asleep as tired as she might be.

Bare arms ventured from the swampy environment of the blankets out into the frigid cold to grab a pillow and pull it into the dark, muggy cave.

Aria arched her back just enough to wedge the pillow under it, but it did nothing to alleviate the pain in her back. Aira sighed to herself, wishing she had someone who could at least help take care of her.

“Oh Ariaaaaaa~…” A sultry voice sang out as Aria heard her door creak open.

Aria sighed to herself, wishing she had been a little more specific about the qualities of the person she had just wished for.

Aria glanced towards her door past the walls covered with video game and rock band posters. Adagio was standing in the doorway, hips tilted with one hand on her waist. She was wearing a lab coat, white bra with a red cross on the center of each cup, and a pair of white panties that bared a similar cross. A stethoscope around her neck and a pair of white high heels completed the ensemble.

I heard someone was feeling a bit under the weather~!” Adagio continued to sing out.

Aria rolled her eyes. “Real nurses wear pants Adagio… and shirts.”

Adagio frowned and tugged at the edges of her open lab coat. “Doctor,” she corrected. “The coat means I’m a doctor.”

“Whatever, please just tell me you’re here to give me a lethal injection.”

“Better!” Adagio said as she sauntered up to Aria’s bed, taking care to step over the various mediaeval weapons from various countries and time periods that littered the ground. “I’m here to help you!”

“I choose ‘death’, thanks.”

Adagio wrung her hands together and grinned wickedly. “Don’t worry I’ll take good care of you.”

Aria felt her hot sweat turn cold. “What? You can’t seriously be thinking of—”

“NURSE!” Adagio called out.

Aria sighed. “Oh dark metal Satan, please no…”

“Here!” Sonata called out as she cheerfully bounded into the room, her ponytail bobbing up and down behind her. She wore a little nurses hat with pink trim and a pink heart with a white cross on it, a white top with pink straps and a pink ribbon which covered her breasts and just a few inches below leaving her midriff exposed, a mini-skirt with pink trim that also had a heart with a white cross in the center, and thigh-high socks that held up by pink straps that disappeared under her skirt. She also wore a pair of pink high heels.

Aria let out a gurgled, irritated moan. “Nice to see your spending our budget so wisely, Dagi.”

“Oh please,” Adagio said as she quickly whipped out her smartphone and snapped a few photos of Sonata, “I’m going to make a killing off these costumes on the internet.”

Sonata raised a hand behind her head and made a kissing face as Adagio snapped another photo. “Gotta keep my fans happy!”

“Fine, whatever!” Aria said dismissively. “At least you guys can help bring me some soup or something.”

Adagio waved a finger back and forth. “Now we can’t do that! We need to figure out what’s wrong with you first.”

“It’s the flu, Dagi! I looked up the symptoms on the internet. They’re ‘everything hurts and the fluids in your body are trying to escape it because they know it’s poisoned.’”

Sonata sat on the bed and leaned her head back. She tut-tutted as she shook her head back and forth. “Self-diagnosing on the internet.”

Adagio grinned and folded her arms across her chest. “Did it tell you have anything else? What color on the autism spectrum are you?”

Aria began to growl as she clenched her teeth. “I swear I’m going to punch the heck out of you two. Flu, or no flu.”

“Oh calm down,” Adagio said. She held out a hand towards Sonata. “Thermometer?”

Sonata reached into her top and pulled a digital thermometer out from between her breasts.

Aria cocked an eyebrow. “I don’t think that’s a very sterile way of carrying a thermometer.”

“Oh like you’re going to get any sicker,” Adagio said as Sonata handed her the thermometer.

“This is stupid!” Aria cried. “Just look at me! Of course I have a fever.”

“Stop whining, you big baby!” Adagio said.

Baby! Baby!” Sonata said in a mocking sing-song tone.

Aria removed an arm from her blankets to take a swipe at Sonata, but in Aria’s fatigued state Sonata easily got up in time.

“Look, this thing takes two seconds.” Adagio said. “It’ll be over before you know it.”

“… Fine,” Aria said begrudgingly. She opened her mouth.

Adagio grinned. “Oh, this doesn’t go in there.”

“What?!” Aria cried. “Of course it does! It has multiple settings.”

“Well it’s not set to that one,” Adagio informed.

“Adagio, there are just two buttons, just hit mode until—”

“Sonata? Covers.” Adagio said simply.

“Sonata! Don’t—”

Out into the cruel world with you~!” Sonata sang as she grabbed Aria’s covers and quickly pulled them off her revealing Aria’s sweat soaked black tank top and sweatpants.

Aria immediately wrapped her arms around herself. “AHHHH! Sooo… ca-ca-ca-cold…”

Adagio’s smile widened. “Turn her over.”

“You’re the doctor!” Sonata replied.

“Sonata! Don’t—!”

Sonata leaned down, placed her hands under Aria, and quickly flipped her onto her front.


Aria flinched as she felt a small cold piece of metal shoved into her armpit, but went quiet. A few seconds later she heard a beeping sound and the digital thermometer was removed.

“101 degrees!” Adagio announced as she handed Sonata back the thermometer. “You, my dear, have a fever.”

Ugggghhhh…” Aria moaned as she turned back onto her front and reached for her covers. “Adagio, you’re just the worst,” she said as she pulled her damp blankets back over her.

“Yay!” Sonata exclaimed. “I’ve been replaced.”

Aria narrowed her eyes. “Sonata, you’re the worst…”— Aria trailed off as her eyes darted to the side for a second—“…est.

“Oh yeah?” Sonata replied. “Well at least I’m not all sticky and gross!”

“How the heck did you avoid getting the flu anyway?” Aria asked. “You eat food off the ground for crying out loud!”

Sonata blew a dismissive gust of air as she waved her hand about. “Pffft… All that just makes me stronger! My body needs as much germs and viruses as possible to be the vessel for the ultimate, unstoppable disease!” Sonata’s smile suddenly went supernova as her lips opened up into a tight dagger-like smile. “When I get sick it’s going to be cataclysmic and world ending!” Her focus suddenly went distant as if she was staring at something far beyond the walls of Aria’s bedroom. “It will be glorious…”

Aria sighed heavily. “Sonata, I keep telling you all it’s far more likely you’ll just be the one with a debilitating…” Aria trailed off as Sonata’s shadow fell over her. “Wait, what are you doing?”

Sonata leaned her face closer to Aria’s.

“Seriously, you’re creeping me out, and—MMMMPGH?!”

Aria’s eye went wide as Sonata suddenly placed her mouth against hers and plunged her tongue far past Aria’s lips.

Adagio’s smartphone was out in an instant accompanied by the digital sound of a camera snapping a photo.

Sonata pulled away.

“Sonata?! What the Hell?!” Aria cried. Her heart pounded in her face and she could feel her already hot face turning hotter.

Sonata leaned up with a satisfied grin on her face. “Another sample for the super virus!” she announced proudly.

Aria glowered at her as she wiped an arm across her mouth. “You are so going to regret that in a few days.”

Adagio waved a hand about. “Enough of the little weirdo’s little hobby, if you have a fever, you need to drink plenty of fluids.”

“So you’re finally going to do something useful?”

Adagio waved Sonata towards the door as her smile went from wicked to full on devil. “You might say that.”

Sonata smiled and carefully walked out of the room closing the door behind her.

Aria followed Sonata with a suspicious look then turned towards Adagio. “What stupid thing are you plan—Whoa! Adagio! What gives?!”

Adagio suddenly crawled onto the bed and then sat up on top of Aria, startling her arms and chest with her legs and placing herself very close to Aria’s face.

Aria felt her face go cold again. “You… you can’t be serious.”

Adagio regarded Aria with predatory, hungry eyes. “I think you can use a big drink from the furry cup,” she said as she placed a hand over Aria’s eye and applied a little pressure to force Aria’s chin up a little. “Now don’t fight it~! That’ll only make it worse…”

Aria attempted to struggle, but between Adagio’s body weight on top of her and her fatigued state, she found she could do very little. “What?! Wait! Adagio! Stop! You can’t!”

Aria felt something fuzzy press against her lips then a cold liquid enter her mouth. She coughed and sputtered as Adagio removed her hand from her eyes.

Adagio still sat on top of her, her face a mixture of evil delight and pure mirth as she fought back the urge to laugh hysterically. In her hand she held up a cup that appeared to have grey fur of some sort glued to the outside of it.

Next to the bed, Sonata broke into a fight of laughter which filled the room as she leaned a hand on the bed to support herself.

Adagio slowly positioned herself so she was no longer on top of Aria, then placed her feet back on the ground. She took care not to spill the furry cup of water in her hand. “Oh Aria, I told you not to fight it. What are we going to do with you? You can’t even drink water right.”

Cough… cough…” Aria attempted to melt Adagio and Sonata with her eyes, but quickly determined she lacked the mutant ability to do so. Still glaring she, reached out for the cup Adagio held. Adagio gave Aria a half smile as she handed her the cup. Aria felt the cup bend slightly in her grip, it was obviously just plastic underneath the fur. Oh well… It’ll have to do…

Aria shook her head as she sat up and brought the cup closer to her face. “I can’t believe you two went this far just to torment me while sick. You two are horrible.

Adagio chuckled. “The look on your face was priceless.”

Sonata held up a smartphone. “And I captured it so we can enjoy the moment again and again!”

Aria began to mumble angrily to herself in between gulps of water. “You guys… glug glug…Hate you guys… glug… so much…”

“Still,” Adagio continued, “give me some credit. I’m not going to take advantage of you in your weakened state.”

One of Aria’s eyes twitched. “That’s exactly what you’re doing.”

“Well we have to have some fun at your expense, don’t we?”

Sonata nodded her head in agreement.

Aria finished her water and hurled the cup at Adagio which bounced off her harmlessly. “Uhg… I can’t wait until you two catch this stupid thing.”

- o~A few days later…~o –

“This isn’t glorious!” Sonata cried from the Dazzling’s purple easy chair from under a quilt decorated with images from The Hungry Caterpillar. “This isn’t glorious at all!”

Sonata’s hair was down and stuck to her face and neck, sweat soaked much like the rest of her.

Across from her on the girls couched laid Adagio under a puffy lilac-colored comforter. Her hair either clung to her face in messy wet clumps, or was in a curly, frazzled mass depending on if it was soaked in sweat or not. “This would be a heck of a lot less unpleasant if you’d stop whining!”

“Unpleasant?!” Sonata cried. “Adagio, this is the worst thing ever!” Sonata gave Adagio a worried look. “Am I dying?”

“… Maybe.

Sonata whimpered in response.


The girls turned to see Aria dressed in what might be considered a nurse’s outfit if nurses walked around in dingy, torn, blood splattered blouses that covered them down to their thighs and not much else. A pair of high heels, a white nurse’s cap in similar condition to the blouse, and bandages wrapped around Aria’s head completed the getup. Aria had left her top couple buttons undone exposing her cleavage. She stood with her body bent into a slightly unnatural-looking, angular pose and held a thermometer in her hand as if she was wielding a dagger.

“No, Aria! No!” Sonata cried as she pulled her quilt over her head.

Adagio merely sighed and rolled onto her front before tossing her comforter off of her. It fell to the floor with a ‘flumph!’

“Adagio!” Aria cried. “You’re not wearing—”

Adagio’s massive mass of disheveled hair covered her from head to her waist, leaving her bare behind and legs exposed making it look like some sort of matted hair beast was consuming a naked girl.

“Hurry it up!” Adagio said from under her hair pile. “I might suffocate under all this hair!”

“Dagi! I wasn’t actually going to—”

“Don’t be gentle,” Adagio added. “I like it rough.”

Author's Note:

Inspired by my recent bout with the flu.

Maybe Adagio will realize how absolutely horrible she was being and apologize to Aria at some point, but I can't help but feel the nymphomaniac will try requesting something bigger than a thermometer first.

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