• Published 7th May 2012
  • 8,401 Views, 385 Comments

Eternal - Path_of_cloud

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Rarity still couldn’t believe that it had been three years since Spike and her had started dating. It had been the best three years of her life, and she never wanted it to end. Since their first date Spike and her had begun spending more and more time together. Hardly a day went by they didn’t spend together anymore. Now that Spike’s size matched his age and mentality he had joined the girls in their adventures, proving he deserved to be there every time. It was wonderful, all the unique places they visited and the sights they saw. Spike had quite the knack for finding beautiful views and scenery for Rarity and him to share while the others sat around the campfire. It was truly magical, and she loved every second of it. Still even on normal days in Ponyville, like today, he found ways of making her life special.

Oddly enough though, Rarity hadn’t seen much of Spike the last two weeks. Twilight often answered the door when she went to see him at the library and delivered her messages to him. Sure, she still saw him occasionally, but the sudden change in frequency had started worrying her. She knew what Spike and her had was special, and the thought of him losing interest seemed absurd. Still, she couldn’t help but worry that something was wrong. When the heart shaped note and a single rose had appeared on her door yesterday asking her out for, “A night she’d never forget,” her own heart had skipped a few beats in joy. She doubted she’d forget about any of the time they’d spent together, but still, it was a bold proclamation from her love. She could tell that tonight was going to be truly special, and so she had created a new dress just for the occasion, a long, purple, ruffled, dress with ruby red accents. Realizing that Spike would be there shortly, Rarity began freshening up.

A knock rang out through the boutique. Rarity answered the door in her new dress with the Fire Ruby pendent gracing her neck; she only wore it on special occasions. Spike stood outside her door in his tuxedo, bathing in the light of midday. He’d hardly grown in the last three years; his next growth spurt wouldn’t happen for around twenty more years.

“Hello, beautiful.”

“Spike you know you don’t have to compliment me every time you see me,” Rarity said, developing a light blush.

“I’ll stop when it stops being true, but that day will never come,” he said, staring into her eyes.

Rarity stood there rubbing her right front leg against her left; she was amazed at how after all these years he still got to her with his compliments.

“We have a big night ahead of us, we should get going. Oh, and I love your new dress, it really accentuates your mane and the Fire Ruby necklace.” Spike leaned forward, a sign that he wanted Rarity to climb on to his back.

“Thank you, Spike. I made it just for tonight,” she replied, climbing onto his back.

“Hold on tight.”

“I would even if we weren’t going flying.” She nuzzled into him, basking in his warmth.

With a strong stroke of his wings Spike took off into the blue sky. Rarity had gotten use to flying with Spike over time, but she still revealed in the feeling of the wind on her face and the air through her coat. Naturally, she used a spell to keep her mane and tail in place. She looked down and noticed a large, grassy plateau overlooking a small meadow. Spike began his descent landing cleanly on the plateau without so much as a sound.

“We’re here, milady,” Spike said, sweeping his hand over a previously set up picnic near the edge of the plateau facing the meadow. He lowered himself down allowing her to dismount as comfortably as possible.

Rarity looked over the picnic area: it had a small blanket, a three pronged candle holder sat in the middle, next to it a bucket of ice chilled a bottle of wine, a straw weave basket sat off to the side, but the most surprising addition was Rarity’s large luxury couch.

“Spike, how did you get my couch here?”

“It’s your spare; Sweetie Belle helped me get it out of storage. I know how you hate laying on the dirt after all.”

“Oh, that was very thoughtful of you.”

Spike walked up behind her and nuzzled her cheek. “Anything for you.”

Spike laid out the food, gemstones for him and a small plate of vegetable lasagna for Rarity. He then poured Rarity and him a glass of cider from a bottle he had pulled from the basket. They sat together, Spike on the ground and Rarity on the pillow from her couch, enjoying their meal and making small talk. As they finished, the sun began descending over the horizon. Spike laid down on the couch.

“Rarity, come watch the sunset with me,” he beckoned, patting the couch in front of him.

“Of course, darling.”

Rarity gently laid down against Spike. He brought his arm around her holding her firmly but lovingly. They watched the breath taking sunset as it descended over the plateau and beyond the horizon, allowing night to blanket the land. The stars and moon came out creating a beautiful painting in the sky, and in the far distance the lights from Ponyville could be seen. The two lovers basked in the serenity of the night.

“Rarity, I want to show you something.”

Rarity felt this was the moment she’d been waiting for all night, whatever Spike’s true intention they were about to be revealed. She allowed him to lead her to the edge of the plateau.

“Look down at the meadow”

Rarity did as she was told but, “I don’t see anything.”

Spike blew a green stream of fire catching a small spot in the meadow. Suddenly two trails of emerald fire etched their way into a heart. As the flames came together closing the heart, they dipped downward into it creating a simple message in emerald flames. Rarity stood there with tears in her eyes as she read it. Rarity, will you marry me?

Rarity turned towards Spike to find him on one knee holding out a jewelry box towards her. Inside the box sat a golden hoof band with a twenty carat Forest Emerald cut in the shape of a flame and inlaid with three blue diamonds.

Rarity jumped on Spike knocking him to the ground.

“YES, YES, YES, YES,” she shouted, between assaulting him with short quick kisses.

He brought his head forward and captured her mouth against his in one long passionate kiss. As they parted, Rarity nuzzled into Spike’s chest. They laid there against one another in silence for a few minutes.

“Rarity, how about we open that Champagne, and celebrate?”

“Sounds lovely.”

Rarity, albeit it somewhat reluctantly, got off of Spike allowing him to get up. Spike shoot three small match head sized flames at the candles igniting them and casting an emerald glow around them.

“So Spike how did you get your fire to do that?”

“Twilight created a flammable liquid a few years back, it burns out quickly so the meadow should be okay.” Sure enough the fire was extinguished leaving only a small portion of the meadow charred in the shape of the message.

Spike opened the Champagne and poured each of them a glass.

“To a long and happy life with my love,” Rarity said, raising her glass for a toast.

“To a dream come true.” Spike tapped their glasses together, and they drank the precious liquid holding their ambitions.

As the night moved on Spike decided it was time to head back to Ponyville, he once again allowed Rarity access to his back and took off. Rarity stared at the stars, her heart filled with seemed like endless happiness. Still, something was bothering her.

“Spike what have you been doing for the last two weeks? I’ve hardly seen you at all.”

“Sorry about that. I was hunting the gems and gold for your band; then I spent the rest of the time crafting the band, cutting the Forest Emerald, and inlaying the diamonds. It came out quite beautifully I think.”

“It’s perfect, just like you.”

“I missed seeing you every second though.”

“Me too,” Rarity bent down and kissed his cheek, “but now we have all the time in the world together.”

Spike landed in front of the boutique and walked Rarity to the door. He opened it to the impending darkness within.

“SURPRISE!” a melody of voices shouted.

The boutique sprang to life as the lights came on revealing all of their friends, Sweetie Belle, and the rest of the CMC. The room was filled with streamers and balloons but the most notable change of décor was a large banner with “Happy engagement party Spike and Rarity!” written across it, surrounded by small painted hearts.

Rarity and Spike were in shock.

“Spike, did you plan this?”

“I had no idea. The only person I even told was Twilight.”

Suddenly a pinky blur appeared between them. “And then when you guys left earlier Twilight told us. I was all like wow we got throw them a super awesome engagement party cause they're two of our very best friends and they’re getting married. So I got out the party cannon, broke into the boutique, and set everything up!”

“Sorry about this you two, I just wanted everyone to be able to congratulate you. I didn’t expect Pinkie to go all out, in hindsight I really should of though,” Twilight said, a small grin and blush gracing her face.

“Sis, I’m so happy for you. You finally got your fairy tale ending complete with your own prince charming.” Sweetie Belle hugged her sister, something that was much easier now that they were the same size.

“Thank you, Sweetie. I really am one lucky mare to have all these good friends, an adorable and caring little sister, and a drake who makes every day brighter just be being in it.”

“I think I’m the lucky one,” Spike said nuzzling against her cheek.

“Ugh, mushy stuff. PILE ON THE LOVE BIRDS!” Rainbow Dash shouted embracing her friends.

The rest of the gang piled into one big group hug with Spike and Rarity in the middle.

“I reckon we should let um breath now,” Applejack said, letting go of her friends. “You two really do deserve each other.”

“I agree with big sis, you’re just so cute together,” Apple Bloom chimed in.

“I’m with Rainbow Dash to much mushy stuff, but I am happy for you two,” a certain dark orange mare with a purple mane remarked.

“Ah shush, Scootaloo,” Apple Bloom reprimanded.

“I wish you two the best. I just hope poor Opal and Peewee can get along together.”

“Oh, I’m sure they’ll be fine Fluttershy, darling.”


Spike cleared his throat and spoke up, “attention everyone thanks for being here for Rarity and me. NOW LET'S PARTY!”

Sweetie Belle headed towards the karaoke machine to show everyone how she got her cutie mark. Twilight trotted over to the betrothed.

“So my little brother and best friend are getting married. I couldn’t be happier for either of you. However, I think you should write the princesses a letter on the matter.”

“Worry not darling, we intended to do just that; we’re even going to ask them to preside over the wedding”.

Spike reached into a drawer, “Yea Twi, I got the quill and parchment right here. I bet Celestia will be thrilled to hear we’re getting married. She’s practically my mother after all.”

Spike and Rarity quickly wrote the letter, eager for the response.

Dear Princess Celestia and Princess Luna,

Spike and Rarity here, we wanted to share some wonderful news. Tonight Spike asked me to marry him, and she said yes! We were hoping you two would do us the honor of presiding over the ceremony. Also, we’re having a surprise engagement party, courtesy of Pinkie Pie, if either or both of you would like to come by and congratulate us in person and join in the festivities.

Your loyal subjects,

Spike and Rarity.

With a gentle blast of fire, Spike sent the letter on its way. He then offered his claw to Rarity and led her to the dance floor to take part in Sweetie Belle's performance. Her sister’s natural talent filled the room with a slow love song as she walked up with her dragon.

Before they began dancing though, a flash of white light filled the room and at its center stood Princess Celestia.


Everyone froze.