• Published 7th May 2012
  • 8,401 Views, 385 Comments

Eternal - Path_of_cloud

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Once again, the Council of Elders had convened within the stone chamber. Spike and Rarity walked in, stretching their necks upward to view those who had been entrusted to judge their love. Where one would expect stone cold faces they were instead met by a kind warm smile, a terrible flirt waving playfully at another, a cold killer stare aimed far from them, the proud and stoic perceptive eye of an artist, and a cuddling pair with high expectations of them.

The white dragon stood tall, drawing himself as the focal point of the room. “Young ones, I, Niveus, of the Gifted Breath Clan, will provide the next trial. Create for me a masterpiece that shows how strong your bond is. You have until the witching hour and may use any material you can get your hands and hooves on. Any questions?”

Quick to break in, Spike voiced his curiosity, “I thought these trials were supposed to be more dangerous than the last? Creating something seems less deadly than fighting an army of undead, even an illusionary one.”

The elder dragon smirked. “We picked the order by gambling, but, if you prefer, I can always flash freeze you two if you fail.”

Spike’s blood froze a bit, not from his fellow dragon’s comment, but because of the glare Rarity shot at him. “N-No, I’m good.”

Having relayed her feelings on Spike’s need to put his scaly foot in his mouth, Rarity focused back on the elder. “This is more than just wanting us to create something beautiful, you’re seeing how well we work together, how we decide on what to create, and how we divvy up the work to best compliment both our individual talents to make something more than the sum of both, correct?”

“Very perceptive, young unicorn. The two most artistically talented could create something beautiful and fail because they clash, but two of the least talented could create something unique and pass because of their special bond. For many, knowing that would change how they approach this challenge.”

She moved closer to Spike and sat beside him, snuggling a bit into his side. “Not at all, I just appreciate the depth one can gain from art.”

The old dragon’s lips curled up, pleased to have a kindred spirit before him. “Indeed. Now, you may begin.”

To each of the elders’ surprise, Spike curled around Rarity from behind leaving her front unobstructed, her tail subconsciously swishing back and forth against him.

“You heard me say-”

Spike lifted his claw to his lip silencing Niveus. “She’s getting into ‘The Zone.’”

Seeing little other option, one by one over the course of the next hour each of the council members followed Spike example and laid down, getting comfortable. Ten minutes after Niveus himself had roosted Rarity’s head snapped up and her eyes shone like diamonds. “I’ve got it! Spike, I’ll be right back, clear a space for us to work!” and with that, she trotted off down the tunnel.

The other dragons and the one pony left in the room jolted up staring wide-eyed at the quickly retreating white form.

Fulcio was the first to recover, “Well, that was random.” For his comment he received a deadpanned stared from a certain blue dragoness.

“Young dragon,” slowly Niveus’es head turned back towards Spike, “explain something to me.”

Amethyst wings unfurled he turned his back to them. “Sure.” With one powerful flap he cleared the immediate area of any dust or small debris and proceeded to use his tail to sweep any leftover rocks away.

“Usually when I issue this test the engaged couple discuss, sometimes even fight, about what they’re going to do; instead, you laid down and she did whatever that was. In all my years, I’ve never seen anything like that.”

His job finished, Spike addressed the older dragon, “She has this great artistic nature and mind. Sometimes she goes wild and nearly destroys the entire boutique.” He chuckled a bit. “I trust her to come up with something amazing; after all, she’s never disappointed before. Although, just between us, some of the hats she makes are a bit flamboyant. There should be a limit on how many and how large feathers can be on a hat.”

Fulcio and Adamo were trying to contain their laughter; Backdraft however let it out in without restraint. It was at this moment that Rarity appeared sporting red work glasses and her saddle bag. “What’s so funny?”

Adamo was quick to swallow his laughter. “Oh, just another one of Fulcio’s attempts to woo Arcanea biting him in the haunches.”

“Hey!” the two dragons yelled in unison.

A soft, comforting, and sincere smile was sent Fulcio’s way. “Well, I’m sure it was very sweet,” her gaze moved to the other couple in the room, “and you two ought to be ashamed giving him such a hard time.”

Backdraft, finally coming down from her giggle fit, looked over at Fulcio. “We’re so sorry for our behavior.”

Positive that Rarity couldn’t see him, Spike quickly mouthed, ‘Thank you,’ to Adamo and Backdraft.

Honestly, Rarity was almost tempted to believe all dragons were childlike in nature, and only the behavior of Arcanea, Niveus, and Aduro spoke otherwise. “Well, now that that’s over, we can get back to the task at hoof. Niveus, would you mind being a dear and creating a large block of ice for us, about ten feet tall and six feet wide, with you ice breath?”

“I would be honored.” The great white dragon’s chest expanded as he took in an impressive amount of air before a light blue beam shot from his great maw. Where it touched the ground ice began to form and in almost no time at all a block exactly as Rarity requested had been created.

“Perfect! Now, Spike, be a dear and-” Without allowing her to finish Spike placed his Dao Swords beside her. “You really are the best assistant. I hope you don’t mind me using them as impromptu chisels.”

“Of course not.”

“Alright then,” a piece of parchment floated up in front of them held in a teal aura, “here’s what I’m thinking.”

“This is amazing, but,” his claw toughed the page and gently traced a line, “the wings are a little too wide here, it’ll throw off the movement of the piece.”

“You’re right! How could I have missed that, you really are the best assistant ever, Spikey. Now,” her hair magically pulled back as a few pins flew from her saddle bag, reforming her mane into a bun, “let’s make this masterpiece.”

The council watched in amazement and awe as the dragon and pony attacked the ice. Blasts of fire flew from Spike’s mouth melting entire areas of ice with impressive precession as Rarity’s magic used the elegant blades to cut and chisel at the freshly re-proportioned spots. The emerald flame and teal aura’s light bathed the room, as the two of them seemed to glide and flow with each other, a beautiful and strange dance of creation. They continued, the blasts of fire becoming less frequent and being replaced with claws gingerly and skillfully carving in details. At the same time, Spike’s tail would move into the saddle bag and pull out gems and hold them for Rarity. Dragon skin could feel the hardness of materials, allowing them to know what gems they had dug out of the ground without having to see them. Thanks to the natural adaptation and years of working and becoming attuned with Rarity, the two of them never missed a beat. In their trance like state no words were needed, though the occasional small smile could be seen shared between one another.

As time moved forward the block of ice began to show a dragon’s wings and a ponies head. As the ice continued to be chiseled and melted the form of a large dragon came into view with its tail touching what appeared to be the sun. The magnificent creature had a joyous smile on its face as it glided towards it target. The pony had been transformed into an alicorn with a flowing mane that the dragon’s front claws appeared to be running through. She too was laughing, full of merriment as she ran playfully from the dragon. Before long, the final touches were placed on the ice sculpture and Spike collapsed, Rarity falling on him comically, holding him in her embrace lightly.

Niveus looked upon the display. In all his years he had hardly seen such workmanship and such harmony between any working together. He had thought the dragons building the city a well-oiled machine, but these two young ones had put them to shame. “An interesting piece, would you mind telling me about it?”

The first to regain her breath and stand back up was Rarity, poking her hoof daintily against the lazy dragon at her hooves. “Spike was raised by Princess Celestia. As a dragon among ponies Spike always felt different, especially as a child; however, Celestia told him stories of a Dragon and an Alicorn Princess playing together in their younger days. Spike shared those stories with me, and I could imagine nothing better to display before you but one of my loves favorites, the day the two first met and played tag together. Celestia refers to it as the moment she knew dragons and ponies could coexist in harmony.”

“I see. A decision well made.”

Spike sat up. “But that’s not all. Rarity, why don’t you show them what the gems were for?”

Strolling up to the impressive statue, Rarity’s horn lit up. A diamond almost impossible to see in the ice lit up. The light shot out of the diamond cascading through the statue and hitting more gems as it went. In seconds the entire thing gained color, from the rich royal purple hue of the dragon’s scales to the multicolored mane of Celestia herself. “I hope you don’t mind, but I incorporated the idea behind the gem in your magnificent city.”

Everyone in the room seemed entranced by the spectacle. Each elder stood at the edge of their pedestals looking down, craning their necks as far as they could to get the best view. Niveus gilded softly to the floor below and inspected the piece. A deep blue fire sprang from his maw, coating the entire at once, to Rarity and Spike’s horror, but as the flames stopped the sculpture stood unharmed. “Arcanea, lock the magic into place, please.”

The dragoness formed arcane circles in the air with her claws, chanting in a voice that could hardly be called a whisper. Her eyes became white flames as her hand thrust forward; a blue rune with strange white draconic symbols encompassed the masterpiece, and then disappeared. “It is done.” She saw the awestruck and confused look of their guests. “Allow me to explain. Niveus poured some of his magic breath into the ice to prevent it from melting, and my magic spell locked his magic inside indefinitely. No amount of heat, time, or force stronger than Niveus’ and my magic combined will be able to destroy what you two have crafted this day.”

Rarity’s eyes lit up. “That’s amazing! I wonder if there’s a way to do something similar with my dresses.”

“I would not suggest trying to find one. This sort of magic is very taxing. There are few who could use it without collapsing on the spot, and even then its success would not be guaranteed. Niveus and I are very powerful, but even we will enjoy a rather exhausted sleep this night.”

“A shame,” Rarity bowed before the two dragons, “and an honor that you would go to such lengths for something Spike and I created.”

Niveus, for the first time since the statues lighting, looked at the two creators, a smile adorning his old face. “I have seen many things in my long lifetime, but this is one of the most beautiful and wonderful. I was even more gifted and honored to see the skill, trust, and harmony its makers displayed in creating it. The dragon with Celestia is our king. This is one of his favorite moments as well, and I’m sure he’ll be thrilled to see it reflected like this. You two have shown the souls of artists, and the harmony of two attuned far beyond the normal. You have passed my test with flying colors. And if you would allow me one request, I would ask that you allow us to display this piece for all of our kind to see,” he bowed before them, “please?”

Spike and Rarity smiled softly at one another. He spoke for the two of them, “It would be our honor.”

After congratulations from all of the Elders, Spike and Rarity headed off happily to see more of the city and find dinner, an impromptu date, as it were. The six remaining souls regarded their departure and faced each other in a circle. Niveus was the first to say what they were all thinking, “Those two might be the key to creating a new future between dragons and ponies.”