• Published 15th Jan 2015
  • 10,340 Views, 101 Comments

Upon Breaking Rules - Habanc

The spectacular failure of when awkward meets anxious.

  • ...

The Spectacular Failure

Princess Celestia did a double-take.

Skipping by her door, Luna was humming to herself, shopping bags in magical tow.

"Luna?" she called from her study. "Luna, are you there?"

The clippity-clop of hooves paused, and then grew closer until the princess' head popped into the doorway. "Yes, sister? What is it?"

Celestia smiled. "Come in for a moment, would you?"

Nodding, the younger diarch entered the room, bags trailing her. She arrived at one of her sister's velvet pillows and sat down, tilting her head in curiosity. "What bothers you, Tia?"

The sun goddess took the spectacles on her nose and put them down, rising to her hooves. A smile played on her features. "Nothing. I'm just wondering, that's all."

"Wondering about what?"

Staying silent, she rounded her desk and sat beside her sister. Giving her a shrug, she answered, "These." With a touch of magic, she brought one of the outlet bags to her.

"It– it's nothing." Luna tugged back. "Honestly sister, it's just a few necessities."

"Nonsense." Celestia shot her a grin. "We have all of our 'necessities' here at the palace. Besides, I don't think I've ever seen you out shopping on your own before."

Blue ears pressed back against Luna's head. "Again, it's nothing to concern yourself over. Haven't you some paperwork to finish?"

Celestia dismissed it with a wave of her hoof. "Oh, please," she pulled the bags closer to her, "this is of major concern – for a nosy big sister, that is. The paperwork can wait."

"Tia, honestly," Luna whined. "Just– don't... don't fret yourself over me."

Her sister blinked. "But it's my duty to do so. Besides, what is so secretive to keep it away from your only sibling?"

Luna looked away. "I don't wish to discuss it."

Celestia's grin grew. "Is this – oh, I don't know – a gift for a special somepony?"

"Tia!" Luna turned to her, cheeks ablaze and eyes as wide as saucers. "I– I– I do not know how one pony can make such an irrational jump of logic so as to propose–"

"Oh, relax," Celestia interrupted her. "I was only teasing."

Luna closed her mouth, giving an indignant pout.

"Now, I really am interested," the elder alicorn continued. "Could you please tell me what's inside?"

The midnight mare looked to her, and eeked out a sentence, "On one condition."

"Of course."

"I am allowed one night exempt from rule fifteen."

Celestia's face scrunched up. On Luna's return, they had decided on a list of personal rules to hold each other to, for both safety and wellbeing. It seemed like an easy way to fast-track her sister into the modern era.

Rule fifteen was, "Under no circumstances should alcohol be consumed."

"I don't know if I can allow it," Celestia said.

"But Tia," Luna whined again, "it's for a perfectly acceptable reason!"

"Oh? And what reason is that?"

Through the fabric of reality, a letter popped into Luna's hooves. She turned it over.

"Dear Luna," Celestia read aloud.

"You are cordially invited to Pinkie Pie's Great Gala of Gaiety and Gifting in Getups, at Sugarcube Corner on the night of Hearths' Warming Day!

"Be sure to dress in Hearth's Warming theme and bring a wrapped gift!

"Tons of sugar,

"Pinkie Pie!"

"I wish to go," Luna proclaimed before her sister could get in a word edgewise.

"Well, of course you may." Celestia found herself beaming. "Although, why do you insist on breaking our rules?"

"I read up on the matter," Luna confessed. "I hear that alcoholic eggnog is by and large the main drink, and, well, I wish to participate." She held her in a defiant stare.

"Lulu, we made these rules for a reason," Celestia reasoned. "With our level of power, one lapse of judgement could bring about something, well..." she fidgeted mentally for the right words, "... well, to be blunt, rather stupid."

"Sister, I understand the risks. However, Twilight and her friends will be there, and they are the most suited, beyond you, to keep ponies in line." Getting no response, she resorted to a doe-eyed look. "Just for one night, I beg you. I promise I won't do anything, uh, stupid."

Celestia sighed. It was only so often her little sister attended social gatherings of her own, so very far and few between.

"Alright. But just for this once." She ignored Luna's squeals of glee. "Now, onto my part of the bargain."

Dragging over one of the bags, Celestia fished inside and pulled out its contents. It was a set of red fleece stockings, trimmed white.

She at least had the decency to blush.

"Well this is... naughty." Celestia couldn't suppress her giggles.

"What!" Luna looked mortified. "N– n– no! That is not the intent at all!" Her cheeks were again flaming red, as she grabbed ahold of another bag. She emptied it along the floor spilling out a cloak and pom-topped hat of the same design. "See! I promise!"

"Is that all? Or is there a garter I'm not seeing?" Celestia quipped.

"Tiaaa." Luna took a pillow and covered her face with it.

"I apologize." An alabaster wing draped over her. "You know how much I enjoy poking fun."

"Perhaps too much," came Luna's pillow-muffled reply.

"Oh, come now. I'm delighted for you, I'm sure the party will be wonderful." She went through the last bag, discovering a soft, orange scarf. "And, oh, Luna, this is lovely. I think it'll look great with your outfit."

Luna said nothing, but her eyes looked up to her, as if to say, "do you think so?"

Celestia wrapped it around her neck, careful not to dislodge her sister's pillow. "See?" She floated over a mirror. "You look charming already."

Luna dropped her muffle and nuzzled up against her. "Thank you, Tia."

Celestia smiled and nuzzled her back. "Of course, Lulu."


Luna's wings flapped anxiously at her sides. She shook herself, trying to free herself of the jitters that threatened to consume her. There was nothing to be worried about.

Except my costume.

She had to freely admit that it was odd to wear. Stockings were an entirely new sensation, and the cloak – while thankfully covering her flanks – left her feeling oddly exposed on her chest. She supposed the distinct absence of her peytral didn't help. Her hat was no crown either, and so in the end, the only thing that didn't feel awkward was her scarf.

She pulled at it, putting it over her chest in an attempt to feel better. It didn't do much, and with a sigh she resigned herself to her current state.

Holding out her hoof, she knocked on the door and stood as patiently as she could. Unfortunately, nervousness was still doing rounds across her veins, which made waiting in-place unbearable.

Will ponies laugh at me? What if I wore too much? Or too little? By the stars, this was a bad idea.

Just as she was about to start moving, the door clicked open. In swung the hunk of wood, and out popped Twilight's head.

"Oh, Luna! There you are!" Her face lit up. "I'm so glad you could make it!"

Stepping out from the shadows, Luna ushered herself into the bakery. "Thank you, Twilight. I'm glad your friends considered inviting me."

She awaited Twilight's response, but quickly discovered the alicorn eying her clothing. Anxiety ran along her spine, almost begging her to tear off the stockings and cloak.

Luna coughed. "I thought this would be an appropriate outfit."

"Oh no, it is!" Twilight rebounded. "I'm just– wow, I mean, it looks great! And here I am with a painted nose and a pair of fake antlers."

Luna noticed these as soon as Twilight pointed them out, the tip of her nose painted red and two pudgy antlers fixed to a headband. Still, her own face burned brightly at the heaping of attention given to her.

"Thank you, Twilight." Luna dipped her head. She took a moment to look around, and found the interior of the bakery to be, well, incredibly festive. Holly was covering every mantle and molding available, dripping like deciduous streamers. Wreaths caparisoned each wall, a flagship for the fleet of smaller decorations in red and green.

Perhaps half a dozen ponies were in the dining area, but from the noise she could tell that more were located further inside.

I hope none of them will mind me in an outfit such as this, away from proper decorum. It's a bit showy, I suppose– and a touch more complex than most ponies, and flashy, and... oh dear. Her stomach sunk.

She looked back to Twilight and tried to smile. "I like your costume too."

Twilight chuckled, closing the door and leading her inside. "This was something dumb I put together at the last minute." The words rattled from her mouth. "But, um, Rarity will be sure to love yours!"

"What will I love?" came a voice from the back of the room. Out popped a white head from the crowd, topped with a red bow. Rarity weaved through the crowd, dressed wonderfully in a green gown, populated with little white dots. "Twilight, is that you? And, why, I almost thought that was Princess Luna–"

"Good evening, Rarity." Luna bobbed a small curtsey toward her.

"Pr– Princess," Rarity gabbered. "I apologize profusely–"

"You needn't worry about it, and ‘Luna’` is fine." She allowed herself a grin.

Rarity put a hoof over her chest, exhaling. "Well then, what a welcome surprise to find you here! Oh, and my my, what is this?" Her eyes inspected Luna's clothing. "The hat, the cloak, the scarf, they are all so cute! And, well," she nodded towards the stockings, "a touch of the risque never hurt anypony. A downright adorable outfit, if I do say so myself."

"Thank you," was all Luna could muster, flushing. Perhaps it wasn't so bad.

"Now that greetings are in order, I was about to bring Rainbow Dash and Applejack their drinks. Would you like to accompany me and say hello?" Rarity asked.

"Of course." Luna caught the frown that fell over Twilight's face. As she was leaving, she said to her, "Perhaps we may meet again soon? It has been awhile since we last talked."

Twilight brightened. "Oh, sure! Yeah, okay, that sounds good!"

Returning to Rarity, she followed her to a table that held an array of drinks, least of which were the three bowls of milky, off-white eggnog, slowly being drained by ladles and cups.

Rarity poured one and gave it to her. "Here, I suppose you would like one as well."

"Yes, thank you very much." Luna barely looked up from the beverage. It was... odd. The idea of ingesting whipped eggs didn't appeal to her, but if this was what tradition stated, so be it. She took a sip.

It wasn't bad, but neither was it good. Tolerable, she decided. As predicted, there was the lingering burn of brandy within, but mellowed. The creamy taste helped.

Floating her glass close by, she followed Rarity into the storeroom-turned-dancefloor. It was large enough to fit at least forty ponies, and it was filled to the brim. Strobe lights hung from the ceiling, splashing light across the room's otherwise earthen palette. Two speakers in the corner churned out a wave of music and sound that could be felt rippling through her chest. A couple fire codes were probably being broken.

"Oh Applejack! Applejack, where are you!" Rarity called. She glanced around the room, only to find the farmpony emerge from the dancers. Seconds later, Rainbow trailed her.

Applejack had turned into a snowman, for once replacing her stetson with a top hat, combined with a fake, carrot nose and a vest with coal-like buttons. Rainbow is... an elvenpony, Luna decided. There was a weird hat on her head, and not much else. Yes, an elvenpony she'd have to be.

"Woah, hey, Luna!" the pegasus called as she trotted over. "Cool costume! Didn't know you were coming, by the way."

"Yeah, but that don't mean we're not happy to see ya, right Rainbow?" Applejack put in. She tipped her hat to the alicorn. "A mighty thanks for showin' up, Your Highness."

"Please," Luna held up a hoof, "I would prefer to be called Luna. Are we not about to spend hours enjoying each other's company?"

"Yeah!" Rainbow Dash agreed, taking her glass from Rarity. "That, and getting drunk!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Rarity exclaimed. "You don't need to be such a base brute about it!"

"But admit it, Rares, you were looking forward to this, too." She laughed at Rarity's "harrumph" of a reply, and handed the last glass to Applejack. "How about you, Luna? Are you up?"

"Well, I lack the chance to drink often at the palace, so yes, I would be "up" for it."

"Great!" Rainbow looked to Applejack. "Well, how about we make a toast, huh?"

"Why the heck not." AJ surveyed the room, and her eyes ultimately returned to the alicorn. "Well, I ain't much good with words, but I reckon this one here goes to Luna!"

"I agree." Rarity was the next to put her glass up. "To our guest, Luna, and her absolutely darling outfit!"

Rainbow let out a catcall, and raised hers as well. "Yeah, to Luna!"

"I..." Luna was at a loss. "Thank you, all of you. As the griffins say, prost!" Luna raised her drink with the rest of them, for a moment being abolished from her uncertainty. She drank from it quickly, and lowered her glass.

To her astonishment, she found the other three to be still going, seemingly intent on finishing their eggnog in one go. Even Rarity was swilling from her cup in an unlady-like fashion.

Not wanting to be left out, Luna resumed drinking, eventually descending into a full chug in order to keep up. It was vile and cumbersome, having to breathe through her nose as the alcohol kept coming. The brandy was playing scorched earth with her throat, as her tongue slowly became numb to the taste.

At long last, all of them put down their glasses, Rainbow punctuating their victory with an abrupt belch. Rarity gasped, Applejack rolled her eyes, but Luna found herself grinning. It was a dirty, messy event, and her stomach was rumbling in response, but it felt good. It felt daring. It felt free.

"Let us do that again!" Luna exclaimed, before her mind could clamp down on her vocal chords.

The three looked back at her, with varying levels of shock and approval.

"That's what I like to hear!" Rainbow shouted. "I'll be right back." Her take-off was halted, though, as Applejack had held her by the tail.

"Oh no, you don't." She reined the pegasus in, keeping her locked down until she calmed. "You're the last pony to get drinks, 'cause before we know it you're bringing in round after round and everypony has worked themselves up into a tizzy." She took a moment, and looked to Luna. "That being said, I haven't had anything else. I reckon I could do with one more."

"Applejack, Rainbow, honestly!" Rarity interjected. "Pacing is key to any lady at a social gathering. Why, do you really want to end up like a bunch of babbling, screaming idiots? I think we should show some more restraint for now. At the very least, please, do not be the first ones to be drunk off your hooves."

"Oh, you can shut it, Rarity!" Rainbow stomped a hoof. "We all know you're gonna be the first one to get emotional and start babbling and giggling. Like, it happens every time we go to a party!"

"I do no such thing, Rainbow Dash!"

"Do too!"

The argument faded into the background as Luna watched in amusement. It was a spectacle. To see some of the most venerated ponies in Equestria devolve into squabbles and harmless contention was a welcome sight. Relaxing, even. If someone of their esteem could come off their pedestals without worry, then, perhaps she could as well.

An elbow from Applejack cut Luna loose from her awe. "Just go, Princess– I mean, Luna. I'll keep 'em busy, you just slip out real quick, okay? Rarity's just being fussy 'cause you're around. She'll calm down sooner or later."

"Of course. Thank you, Applejack." She dipped her head and departed, following her tracks from whence she came. Of the few bows she got from the ponies she passed, she shook her head and asked them to rise. Hopefully, no explaining would be necessary.

Arriving back at the drinks table, Luna placed the glasses on the table.

"Luna! There you are!" She turned to find Twilight approaching, a curious nod given towards the cups. "What are those for?"

"Oh, hello, Twilight. I am obtaining – what's the term – 'refills', is it?" She began using a ladle to replenish their drinks.

"Wait, what?" Twilight froze beside her. "You all already had a drink? But– but it's been like, five minutes! How?"

"Applejack proposed a toast. I was surprised to find them drinking their whole glass, but I joined in nevertheless." Luna frowned. "Why? Is this wrong? Forgive me, but it's been awhile since I've had alcoholic beverages. I'm afraid I'm not versed well enough in modern custom."

Twilight's expression paled. "Well, no. It's just that it isn't smart. Drinking so quickly can really impair you in a short period of time, and that lowers your inhibitions to drink further–" she halted at Luna's lowering mien. "I mean, it's all a matter of preference if– if you want, that is!"

"You're making a fair point, but I don't believe two beverages will be enough to reduce me to a fool." She reversed her frown to a grin. "It's not often that I'm able to act as such, and, well, I may as well enjoy it." She finished refilling the glasses and returned the ladle.

"Yes. Of course." Exhaling, Twilight squeezed past her and filled a glass of her own. "Well then, I may as well join you, right?"

"Of course!" Luna nodded. "Now, remind me, which way to the dancing arena? I seem to have forgotten."

The librarian brightened. "Oh? Okay, follow me."

Luna accompanied her across the room, and into another that she hadn't seen before. It was yellow, covered in more tables and chairs, along with a coffee bar. Different, but she found herself not minding as much. Hmm, and so my inebriation begins.

"Why are we going this way, Twilight?"

"Well, do you want to have to fight through a dozen ponies just to get there? Trust me, this way is faster."

Ignorant otherwise, Luna accepted it and followed. She was led through a maze of short, quick turns, down hallways and through rooms. The thump of music grew louder, seeping through the walls. She eyed the drinks in her grasp, making sure they were level.

At long last, the glowing, energetic sights of the storeroom returned.

"Well, here we are." Twilight paused, before continuing through the archway. Luna followed her, only for a cry to erupt from within.

"Hey, you two!" The distinct tone of Rainbow Dash rung out. "You walked under the mistletoe!"

"What?!" Twilight cried, her gaze soaring to the ceiling above.

Luna followed, and discovered a small bit of foliage hanging from the archway, right above them. Odd, Luna mused, what purpose does this serve? It certainly isn't hung with the purpose of a decoration, so why is it

"You know what that means!" The pegasus demolished her train of thought. "You two gotta kiss!"

Luna snapped to Twilight, then to Rainbow Dash, and back. Her mouth was agape, watching numbly as the scene unfolded. The mare beside her grew more and more flustered, ears plastered back and cheeks alighting, body statuesque and paralyzed.

Legs kicking out, Luna stumbled backwards and crashed into a corner table. Half-filled drinks crashed to the ground as her legs kept shuffling, trying to evacuate herself from the scene.

"Woah, woah, okay! Nevermind!" Rainbow fought through the crowd to reach them, holding the remaining drinks on the table before Luna could knock them over. "It was just a joke, sheesh."

"Oh?" The word squeaked from Luna's mouth. "Oh! I see, you've created a fictional use for that decoration. I understand." She let out a breath.

"No, it's– it's true." Twilight shuffled forward. "If you walk under the mistletoe with somepony, usually you have to kiss them. If– if they want to, that is," she paused and cast a glare towards the pegasus. "Don't worry about it, though."

"I– I see." Luna couldn't stop the quaking in her legs, despite her best attempts to do otherwise.

A silence lingered between them, hanging in the air between the three of them. Eventually, Rainbow asked, "So, are those cups ours?"

"Yes. Could you direct me to Rarity and Applejack as well?"

"Nah, you stay here." Rainbow started off. "I'll get 'em real quick."

Things calmed as she left. "So," Twilight began, "sorry about that. You know how she can be sometimes." She forced a giggle. "Such a prankster."

"Of course. I apologize if my ignorance of modern custom is making things awkward."

"Awkward? What? No, you're not being awkward at all!" Twilight waved her hoof.

"I– I must admit I'm not assured..." Luna looked at her hooves. "It's that, if only I was aware what this... mistletoe meant, perhaps I could've avoided it."

"Psshhh, that's not the point. You're supposed to get caught under it," Twilight explained. "That's what makes it fun, I guess."

"Oh?" Luna glanced up to the tiny branch hanging from the ceiling. "It's meant for fun? I figured it was to embarrass somepony."

Twilight flushed. "Well, I mean, it's fun if you're under there with a pony, who, you know..."

"I'm afraid I don't follow." Luna stood there, dumbfounded. Perhaps it was the lights, or the slow seeping of alcohol into her veins, but logical sense was hard to come by, now. Forcing a pony into an embarrassing situation was fun?

"It's..." Twilight seemed only more agitated. She huffed out a sigh and shook her head. "Oh, don't worry about it. Hey, here come the girls now."

"Howdy, y'all!" Applejack called. "Enjoying yourselves?"

"Quite!" Luna responded. "And for you, fair Applejack, I have acquired something to slake your thirst." She passed out glasses to them all.

"Thank you ever so much, Luna." Rarity adjusted the bow atop her head. "If I'm being honest, I didn't expect you to take so well to this sort of party."

"Well, if I am to be honest as well, I don't think I am performing as well as you believe." Luna smiled. The comfort and at-ease she felt previously was beginning to resume. "Thank you, nevertheless."

The party shuffled around until all of them could fit in a circle. "Well, I suppose we may as well get a head-start, I suppose," Rarity began, giddiness creeping into her voice. "There's no point in being reserved and lifeless at a party, now is there?"

"Wow, Rares, I thought you were going with this whole, 'a lady must pace herself' thing," Rainbow Dash said. "What made you turn so quickly? That stallion giving you looks from across the room?"

"Rainbow Dash, honestly!"

"What? It's totally obvious–"

"And that does not mean a lady should drink her way into bravery!" Rarity huffed.

"Now now, let's calm down." Applejack held up a hoof. "I, for one, would just like to get my hooves greased for a little dancing. So, why don't we?"

The three other Elements of Harmony agreed, least of which was Twilight, with a faint nod of her head. Luna looked to the dancefloor, herself. It was a sectioned part of the room, crammed with ponies that moved, freely and organically, to the thumping beats that filled the room. It was chaos, a chaos that could not be deciphered or understood like the ball dances of old. It was frightening.

"Of course!" Luna raised her glass eagerly. If there were a night to engage in such a disheveled, unorganized conglomerate of bodies, tonight would be it. As much as she hated to admit, she couldn't imagine garnering the courage to do so sober.

Smiles from Rarity, Applejack, and Rainbow greeted her as they all held their drinks aloft. They clinked their glasses together and began to tip them over.

Luna looked over to Twilight. Her face was contorted, nervous, and obviously uncomfortable. The midnight mare reached over and touched her cup to Twilight, offering a smile.

A smile, in turn, rose on Twilight's face, and with a small bout of hesitation, she joined in. Luna followed, and so again the uncomfortably long, tireless process began. It was an overload of the senses; the taste of the eggnog and the trailing burn of the brandy, the smell of sweat and cinnamon and the sound of music and raucous chatter.

It felt like hours before Luna lowered her glass. Her stomach was performing all sorts of acrobatic maneuvers now, but she couldn't quite care. A warm, lofty buzz was coming over her.

She returned to Twilight, watching the tiny alicorn struggle to finish. But she came out victorious, gasping for breath.

"Yeah, Twilight!" Rainbow cheered, placing her glass on the table. "You go girl! Now, let's hit the floor!"

The other girls cheered and left them, as much as Luna wanted to follow. However, she found herself unable to. No, somepony else had to be checked on first.

"How are you holding up?"

I'm– I'm fine." Twilight assured, before a burp erupted from her chest. Her eyes darted away, hooves over her mouth. "Sorry. No, honestly, I think I'm good."

Luna snickered. "Are you sure if you'll be able to join me whilst dancing? If you feel unwell–"

"No, no!" she interrupted. "No, I can dance." She slammed down her glass. "Let's go."

"Twilight," Luna pressed, concern filtering in, "are you positive–"

"Yeah, of course! I'm... I'm totally fine. I've done this before." Twilight steadied herself and set off. "Let's go."


Lights rained down in streams like a meteor shower: relentless, unforgiving, and captivating. Sound waves rippled through every pony in the room, reverberating through chests and hearts and muscles as they all moved to the beat. The ground shuddered beneath them as countless steps were taken each second. Music filled the air, as hooves shook the ground, and as colors washed the world.

Luna was somewhere. That was the best way she could put it. Small facts had become irrelevant. Yes, she was dancing with the Twilight Sparkle. The sequence of events of how and why were insignificant. She couldn't quite tell where her hooves were, as all semblance of delicate motor-control was lost.

The specifics were lost on her, that was true. But it was fun. She was exhausted, exhilarated, and exhumed from the boring, ho-hum life she had been living. There were no second guesses, no anxious titterings, no inhibitions keeping her from where she wished to go.

In the present, she wished herself to be dancing, in the crowded storeroom of Sugarcube Corner, with the wild sway and swing of Twilight's mane keeping a grin on her face. And, to her joy, she found this to be so before her very eyes.

Snapping from her fuzzy reverie, Luna kept pace with Twilight. They were facing each other, grins slapped across their faces as they panted to remain in-sync. One wrong step could send them tumbling, so sporadic and entropic that it had pushed Rarity, Applejack, and even Rainbow Dash to the wayside. Fortunately, Luna could appreciate the craziness. The term "lunatic" had been born for a reason.

Their dance was completely uncoordinated, a series of organic, rhythmic, unorthodox movements that were bred from both a lack of ability and an overabundance of confidence. She had learned it from minutes of watching, attempting to keep up, and finally discovering the method to the librarian's madness. It was dorky, clumsy, awkward, and a whole plethora of other adjectives she would've been embarrassed to be around before.

Now, it was as intoxicatingly fun as anything else.

Twilight slumped forward, resting her head on Luna's shoulder. "Could... could we take a break for a bit?"

"But, did we not just leave for another drink?" Luna asked. She was not about to surrender without a last stand. "We've done so maybe five times in the last..." she racked her brain, only coming up with, "couple hours. I think. Could we please stay for awhile longer?"

"But, I'm really getting tired."

Luna couldn't dismiss the soreness in her legs. It was true, even with their breaks it had been a long time to be dancing, as even Rainbow Dash had exited for a lengthy reprieve.


"Please?" Twilight asked, growing closer to her ear.

"I suppose." Luna's last stand crumbled without so much as a shot fired.

"Thanks." Twilight extended a wing, using Luna for support as she wedged out of the dancing floor. They got out in the open quickly enough, where she sagged to the floor.

"Phew! Gimme a second, I just– I just need a break."

"Of course," Luna responded, planting her hooves so as to avoid swaying too much. The world about was a blur. Not in a physical sense, as, yes, she could distinguish ponies and sounds well enough if she tried to. However, that also pointed to where the problem was. Focusing was difficult. It was much easier to take in everything and be overridden by it all. A group of ponies became a wall of under-lit smears. Music and chatter and cheers morphed into a wall of noise.

A yellow pony drew close. It was one of them. One of those elements. Damn the stars! I should remember her name!

"Twilight, Rarity is..."

The words blended away. Dammit, why couldn't she remember! The mare was reserved and quiet, and Luna was surprised to find her here.

Why would a pony so shy and– shy... that has something to do with it. Ack! Shy, shy, shy, your name is passing me by like the flight of butterflies. Oooh, that was rather poetic. I wonder if the roving troubadours are still about– no! What is her name! Shy, butterflies... hmm, butterflies don't do much besides look beautiful and flutter about– wait, that's it!

"Fluttershy!" Luna exclaimed, a toothy grin on her face.

"Oh!" the poor mare squeaked, now alone. "Yes, that's– that's me." She tried to smile. "Hello, Princess Luna."

"Fluttershy, I hadn't the slightest clue you were in attendance tonight!" Luna exclaimed, as the pegasus sunk towards the floor. "Why did I not see you earlier?"

"Well, you know, I might have been upstairs, away from all the loud noises and new ponies for awhile..." Fluttershy was pressed back, made uncomfortable by Luna's continued press into her personal space. "How– how are you?" she asked, as a last-ditch attempt at peace.

"Oh, good. I have been enjoying myself." Luna slouched back, staring off into space. "You know, I do want to apologize – because, as you may not know, I do not get these chances to be so candid – for not seeking you out earlier–"

"–It's alright, Princess–"

"–I was simply wrapped up in the moment with your other friends. Yes, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Applejack are all wonderful ponies." Luna sighed happily. "I mean to say, how often may I be so jubilant and carefree as this? Have you not seen me so gay?"

She spun in an awkward, off-balance pirouette.

"I..." Fluttershy did her best to retain her giggles. "No, I don't think so."

"Me neither!" Luna threw her hooves in the air and laughed. "This is truly a delight."

"I didn't know that you were going to be here, actually," Fluttershy admitted. "But," she added, an honest smile growing, "I'm happy for you that you're having fun."

Luna felt her heart glow. For an unknown reason, her words had touched her. Perhaps it was the alcohol. "Thank you!" She wrapped the pegasus in an embrace. "Your words mean much to me, Fluttershy!"

Placing her down, she found Twilight to be waiting for her with a roll of her eyes. "Are you two done?"

"Never!" Luna proclaimed. "Fluttershy is a wonderful mare! Should she ever require assistance, I shall be the first to arrive!"

Fluttershy gaped up at her. "I– um– what? ...Oh dear."

Twilight chuckled into her hoof. "Oh, leave her alone, you... you silly filly!" She stuck her tongue out at Luna. "Come on, you totally need some fresh air."

"I do? But I wish to stay and laugh and dance!"

"Yes! You'll have plenty of chances to do that later. We won't be gone for that long." Leading her by the hoof, Twilight pulled her through Sugarcube Corner, as she stumbled and tripped over her hooves.

It felt like she barely blinked before they were surrounded by the cool, open air of the night. The thumping of the bass raged behind them as they ventured further into the abyss. Houses were dark, their windows as black as the sky. Only moonlight kept them on their hooves, briefly distinguishing the road before them.

"Come on, I know a really nice place not far from here," Twilight mentioned. "If– if you'd like to sit down for a bit, I mean."

"Sure," Luna shrugged, "why not?"

"I don't know," Twilight admitted, slamming against Luna's side as she swayed in her gait. Luna offered a wing to keep her steady, which turned out to be ineffective. She kept it nonetheless. "You seemed so, y'know, excited! About dancing, and talking, and moving! I theorized that, well, you wouldn't want to stay still for a bit."

Luna snorted. "I am... Oh, stars, tis the question for the evening, is it not? I am– hmm. I suppose I am taking each moment as it comes, sinking my self and soul into every puddle of life I may..." she paused, before erupting into more giggles and adding, "and some other poetic babble like that. Oh, look at me! I am a mess, Twilight! An absolute wreck."

Twilight joined in on her laughter. "I think it's nice."

"Oh, but of course!" Luna jumped and skipped into the air. "Losing oneself is a wonderful feeling every once in a while. Come, tell me Twilight, are you not an absolute wreck as well?" She offered her wing back.

Twilight scuttled underneath. "Yeah, I– I totally am. I haven't been this bad since, oh gosh, university? That was, whew, four years ago?"

"Oh?" Luna grinned. "I am usually not in favor of petty one-uppance, but try a thousand years."

The smaller mare just shook her head, guiding Luna aside to a short, grassy knoll. "Here, sit down."

Before them was nothing more than more of Ponyville's infrastructure, but looking up they could observe the twinkling heavens above. The grass was cool and damp with dew, the air begone of sweat and sweets. Luna sighed.

"You have chosen well. This is a very nice spot to be, Twilight."

Twilight smiled, but wrapped her forelegs around her own body. "Yes, although it's a bit chilly."

"Is it?" Luna looked to her. "Why, of course! Your ascension was only so long ago, and therefore I could not expect your pegasi magic to ward off the cold!" She undid her scarf and floated it to her, tying it around her neck. "Better?"

Twilight shrugged. "Well, this scarf is– it is very nice." She pulled it up to her cheek, admiring the soft texture of it. "But I'm still a little uncomfortable. Sorry, Luna, I just don't have any warm clothes on me. I think– well, I mean, maybe– as in, uh, I liked it before but–"

"Oh, oh!" Comprehension dawned on Luna's face. "We understand, you needn't ask."

"I... you do?"

"Yes! Don't feel intimidated. I am your dear friend, after all."

"Oh, well then..." Twilight began to lean into her.

Luna placed her own cap on Twilight head. "A-ha! There we are! I've read recently that a pony loses much of their body heat through their head, and as such it makes perfect sense to lend you my hat."

"Right..." Twilight shifted back to her upright position. "Yeah, th– thanks, Luna. It's, umm, nice!"

"I'm glad," Luna murmured, before falling onto her back. It wasn't long before Twilight joined her.

"Do you enjoy watching the night, Twilight?" she asked.

"Yes! Each week I spend a night on my balcony, stargazing." Twilight sucked in a breath. "Maybe, oh I don't know... umm, you could come over and spend it with me?"

"Personally," Luna began, diving into her own tangent, "I detest watching the stars. It's like an artist, continually looking at his half-done masterpiece, you know?"

Twilight couldn't hide the frown on her face. "I... What do you mean, 'half-done'?"

"Well, many ponies are unaware, but I used to change the stars each night. At dusk, I would paint each blank canvas of sky with them. And then, well, in my absence, Celestia didn't have the time to do so. The stars were locked, and have stayed locked. So many ponies use them as points of reference, as myth and legend, that I can't summon the will to break them apart again." She let out a rasping, wavering exhale. "It's painful, to see them so caught, so expressionless, so dead."

"Oh," was all Twilight could muster. She put a hoof on her her shoulder. "I... I'm sorry."

"Thank you," Luna responded, looking back to her. "Perhaps I shall take you up on your offer. Although, you're only allowed fifteen minutes to discuss the stars. Anything more and I fear I shall fall asleep." She stuck out her tongue.

Twilight responded in kind. "Oh, whatever. Thank you, though."

"No, no, thank you!" Luna exclaimed, sitting up. She looked down at her, her breathing exasperated and thoughts muddled. "Why, you have been a most excellent guide and companion throughout tonight. Parting small bits of knowledge with you is the least I can do to repay your kindness."

Twilight struggled to sit back up as well. "Do... do you really mean that?"

"Of course." The midnight mare softened her tone. "Why, I would've been lost without you. Granted, your friends had introduced me to the drinking, and without that I fear I would've been helpless. However, it was largely with you that I've had my fun. It has been, well, wonderful and delightful so far! I have learned so much, as well!"


"Yes." Luna nodded, and looked about. "Now, I must hold you to an oath that you tell nopony what I am about to tell you. Can you keep a secret?"

"Of- of course!"

"Well, one thing I have learned in particular is..." she leaned in close, "I had no clue what the term 'lingerie' meant. And yet, I had unknowingly bought my outfit from a vendor of such goods!"

Twilight's face dropped. "No way."

"Yes, uh, way! Can you believe this, lingerie! Of course, other terms had existed in my day, but this is rather modern." Luna giggled. "Rarity told me what the word meant. Normally I would be embarrassed to the umpth-most degree, but for now I could care less!"

"But, Luna," Twilight took a moment to run her eyes along her apparel, "what did you think the stockings were for, then?"

She shrugged. "I figured it was an acceptable part of the costume. I saw it in the window and, without a thought, purchased it on the spot."

"Well, I mean, it is very, uh, good looking."

A sly grin rose on Luna's face. "Oh, don't play coy! I noticed you looking at me before, when I had arrived."

"H– huh?!"

"You could not keep your eyes off me, as entered the party. Entranced, were you?"

Twilight flustered and sputtered. "I– I– I– I did not! I was just, uh, you know, impressed!"

"Please," Luna teased, rising to her hooves. "Other ponies haven't given my legs so much as passing glance. Admit it, you are jealous."

Silence held in the air.

"Oh, um, right! Ha-ha, that's it, you got me," Twilight replied lamely. She rolled over and scrabbled up.

"Why did you refrain from telling me earlier and spare me the embarrassment, though?"

"Uh, I don't know. I didn't think pointing it out would've helped at all."

"I see." Luna remained mute for a second as they began their trip back. She offered her wing again. "Then I owe you my thanks, because you were certainly right."

Twilight sighed, settling under the feathery port. "You're welcome, Luna."


Luna followed Twilight in to the Sugarcube Corner, blinded by the lights as vision adjusted on the run. Again they were submerged in a loud and rambunctious world, and she found herself glad to be back.

"Twi! Twilight!" came as harsh whisper from the side.

The pair looked over, to find Rarity and Fluttershy sitting at a table. The unicorn's mane was disheveled, mascara sullied across her face.

"So?" she asked.

"No! Be quiet!" Twilight waved her hooves at them, simultaneously trying to block Luna's view.

"What's the matter?" Luna asked.

"Oh, nothing!" Twilight smiled and led her away. "Come on, how about one last drink, huh?"

"I suppose one more would be nice." Luna nodded. "Would you like me to get it?"

"That's perfect! Thanks!"

"Of course." Walking off, Luna made her way over to the refreshments. One whole bowl of eggnog was gone, and the other two were starting to dwindle. Although, it surely wasn't that late. She checked where the moon was in the sky, and was astonished to find her readings as... inaccurate. Fuzzy. Her internal, moon-based clock put the time somewhere between twelve-thirty and one in the morning, but that was as close as she could get.

Luna rubbed her face with her hooves. The weight of the hours gone by were finally crashing down on her.


"Huh? What?" Luna turned around, one half-filled glass in her aura. "Oh, good night to you, Pinkie Pie."

"Luna! It's you!" The pink mare dropped her cupcake and bounced on her hooves. "I totally had a belly itch and a tongue twirler earlier, and that meant an unexpected guest was showing up at party. But I never thought it was going to be you! Oh, I'm so excited!"

"You– you were not the one to send my invitation?"

"Aw, sorry! If I knew you could leave Canterlot, I totally would have! And – ooh! – I'll be sure to in the future! Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!"

Luna's letter popped into existence. "But then where did this come from?"

Pinkie zoomed up beside her, all four hooves rooted to the ground the entire time. "Hmm. This is certainly a mystery!" She took out a comically-large detective's hat and placed it atop her head. "Do you have any clues?"

Luna stared the the slip of paper for a moment. "I may. Stand back, Pinkie Pie. I– I am not stable, and something might explode."

"Ooh, fireworks, yay!"

With the proper space she required, Luna encapsulated the letter with her navy-colored magic, glowing brighter and brighter until it was a bluish-white. The spectacle continued for seconds on end, information and analyses of all kinds being collected and rendered by an intense magical relay. It would take days to sort through all the data collected, but certain details stuck out like turnips among carrots.

Luna released her magic, the light fading away.

"So?" Pinkie asked.

"This is a copy," she surmised. "A very, very good copy. It would've taken quite a bit of skill to achieve."

"But why?" the earthpony beside her wondered.

"I don't know. Hmm." Luna cast a smaller spell on the forgery. It was old magic, and she doubted it would turn up anything, but it was worth a shot.

What's this?

It was the faintest of hoofprints, a remnant of magic that had been used before. Dainty and fragile, Luna inspected it cautiously.

Even without deciphering the magical signature, she knew who's this was. She had felt it before.


"Wait, what?!" Pinkie Pie exclaimed. "Twilight?! Why, why would she have to fake it? She knows I would totally make another one for her." She sagged for a moment, before wiping it off completely as she stuck a bubble-pipe in her mouth. "That is, unless she meant to keep it a secret! Why would Twilight want to keep it a secret? Maybe she was embarrassed, but that'd be silly. Why would anypony be embarrassed about inviting you, Luna?"

Oh, was all her mind could summon. Oh my.

Her heart was thundering at her ribcage, doing its damndest to get through. Chills were racing over her body like greyhounds, seeping into her nerves and paralyzing her limbs. For a moment, she had seized up.

But the liquid courage in her bloodstream was already working to warm herself up. Perhaps not on any other night, but tonight she may as well be able to doing something about it. Just maybe. Ideas were already beginning to hatch in her head, opinions, thoughts, questions that she asked herself in a futile cycle of logical decision-making.

Who am I? Celestia? she recoiled after moments of fruitless analysis. No, this would not do, as it was not herself. That fake, plastic mask of royalty and cunning and charisma had slipped away as soon as she had her first drink down. There was no sense in retaining some logical remainder of that facade.

Gathering herself, Luna strode off from the drinks table, remembering their glasses as she departed. "We– we shall speak later, Pinkie Pie. It was nice to see you again."

Looking around the room, she found Twilight standing beside Rarity's table, talking closely with her. She approached cautiously, keeping tabs on Twilight as best as she could – which was pretty poor with her current state of mind.

"Twilight?" Luna asked, hesitantly.

Rarity, Fluttershy, and Twilight all looked to her, the former unable to keep a grin off her face.

"Oh, th– there you are!" Twilight laughed anxiously. "I– I didn't know you'd be back so quick."

"Yes, well, here I am." Luna splayed her wings out, meekly by royal standards. "I hope I wasn't interrupting anything."

"Oh no, you are fiiine, dear." Rarity's voice was sluggish, and she gave her a wink.

"Ignore her," Twilight shot in.

"If you insist." Luna stood there awkwardly. "Although, do you think we may head back to the dancing arena?"

"What?" Twilight flustered. "Oh, no – I mean, I don't know – it's just that it's late and I might not want–"

"Oh, go!" Rarity pushed her away, mumbling. "Stop being such a– a– a Twilight Sparkle!"

"Hey! What's that supposed to mean!" Twilight rounded on her.

Rarity gave her an innocent look. "Oh, nothing. I mean, that is, well, you know..." she descended into giggles.

"Come on," Twilight turned around, "let's go, then."

Luna followed her partially across the room, noting that Twilight preferred to lead her. In fact, she had hardly made eye-contact with her at all, now that she thought about it.

Is she nervous, or is something wrong? Is– is she no longer interested? I was so sure only a moment ago, and now...

Her brain froze as her thoughts were internalized. A pony... interested in her? It was true, she had figured it out earlier, but its full weight was still not upon her.

Was she interested in return though? Was the feeling mutual? She honestly couldn't tell. Of course, she had a blast so far, learning many things about her and in the process gaining a dozen things to admire. Not to mention, they had professional meetings occasionally since her ascension.

She was kind, sweet, intelligent enough to hold her own in conversation and humble enough to not abuse it. She was, in the very least, a highly likeable pony. But was that enough?

A part of her dared to try the sight test. A quick peak wouldn't hurt, or so a side of her argued. Inebriated as she was, it seemed appealing, but no. She wasn't about to be so base as Celestia could be; she didn't pick from the barracks as one might from a wine cabinet.

The question lingered, but time was fleeting. There were only so many hours in the night, and perhaps never another one alike. Years upon years she had held a small hope, a wish that there might be a chance like this. A decision had to be made now.

She had no clue what she was doing. Romance hadn't been felt in over a millennia, to the point where it was foreign. There was no guide, no barometer, no scale to judge her feelings on.

There was only this anxious, ansy, tingling sensation in her chest, that said if she let this go, there might never be another.

"Twilight?" Luna asked. "Twilight, where are you going?"

"Hmm?" The librarian stopped. She looked back to Luna. "We're going to the dance floor."

"We should go that way," Luna offered timidly. She pointed towards the route Twilight had taken earlier.

The mare before her froze. "But– but I think this way will be quicker now, because, you know..." she trailed off. "Because– because, you know, there will be less ponies or– or something."

Luna could scarcely feel herself breathing. "But I... I, uh, wish to go that way."

"Oh." Twilight's cheeks were turning rosy pink. "I... okay."

"Right," Luna exhaled.

Both of them stood still for a moment, looking off into the adjacent room. Each waited for the other to take the first step.

"So," Luna struck off, unable to take the silent torture, "shall we go?"

"Of course!" Twilight volleyed. "I mean, sure. Yeah, let's go."

Together, side-by-side, they turned and headed off into the alternate path. Luna dared a look towards Rarity and found the unicorn watching with intense eyes, whispering across the table to Fluttershy.

Hooves clopped across the wooden floor as the made their way through the bakery. Echoes were borne of nothing, found where previously they couldn't have been. Each creak of the floorboards was painful, their breathing scraping against Luna's ears like nails on a chalkboard.

"Have you been enjoying yourself tonight?" she asked, unsure of what else to do.

"Uh, yeah!" Twilight agreed after a moment's deliberation. "Yeah, I mean, it's been nice to see all of my friends together and having fun, and... you know, just enjoying the party."

"Of course!" Luna responded immediately, her anxious tongue rattling away before she could get a thought in edge-wise. "I have found this whole experience to be wonderful. Thank you for inviting me–"

No, no, no! Why in Equestria did I say such a thing! I have exposed her too soon! I have ruined–

"Oh, you... you found out about that?" Twilight asked quietly. She was avoiding eye contact again, preferring her hooves instead. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. I just saw you weren't on the list so I figured I would make another and send it."

"I'm glad you did. I was utterly thrilled to discover I was invited. By the stars, I must've spent three nights searching stores and boutiques for a proper outfit. Why, there was this cute candy cane costume I also fancied, and I spent hours languishing over which to buy," Luna rambled.

Given a respite from her insatiable chatter, she could hear the thumping music growing louder. Flutters started working in her stomach.

"Oh, really?" Twilight laughed, edged with nerves. "I'm glad that you were so, um, enthusiastic about it! I was hoping you wouldn't bored or something."

"Bored? Me? No, no, no, boring is Night Court. Believe me." She returned with a laugh of her own that grew more strained as strobe lights began leaking onto the walls.

"So, uh, you didn't buy that other costume, though?" Twilight defibrillated up the conversation.

"No. It was quite – what's the word – ah, flashy? Is that it? Well, regardless, far too much glitter and sheen to it. I don't think blinding everypony would be a wise choice."

"Yeah, of course." Twilight's words died off as they rounded the corner, and through one more doorway the party raged on. "I... I would've liked to have seen it on you, though."

"Oh?" Luna breathed.

"Yeah," Twilight whispered back.

Luna resumed walking for the two of them. "You– you do like my current costume, though?"

"Oh, of– of course!" Twilight waved a hoof. "Yeah, no– I mean yeah, duh, of course."

Luna stood at the doorway. "So, you do like it?"

Twilight waited beside her. "Yeah, yeah, I do!"

Her mind drew a blank, and repeated the command. "S– so, you like my outfit?"

"Um, yeah, I just said that."

Luna could feel her face heating up. A look to Twilight confirmed the same for her. Neither dared to move.

"Is– is that mine?" Twilight asked, pointing to one of the glasses.

"Huh?" Luna had nearly forgotten about the drinks. "Oh, right! Yes, this is yours. That I got for you. In the other room."

"Thanks." Twilight cracked a smile, and took a long swill. With nothing else to do, Luna followed suit.

"This is really good," Twilight observed, as they both watched dozens of ponies dance beyond them. "Do you like it?"

"It is... quite new to me." She inspected her cup. "But, yes, I do enjoy it."

"So, you like it?"

"Y– yes."

"O– o– okay. Good. I like it too."

Luna could feel the nervous rushes of energy beginning to fade, the clarity of sobriety beginning to squeeze in along the edges. She didn't have time for this.

This is all rather silly, anyway, and why I should even be afraid of a situation where the outcome was practically assured makes this entire debacle nothing more than

Without noticing it, she had taken a step forward. Transgressed the barrier. Broken the plane.

Luna looked up at the small, insignificant, weak tuft of greenery hanging from the ceiling by a pathetic length of twine. It was frightening.

She looked back down, and found Twilight waiting for her.

Lips locked with hers, homing in like a missile. Her rump was pressed against the wall as Twilight held her close, a long, satisfied sigh exhaled through her nose.

It was messy and uncoordinated, a series of organic, unorthodox movements that, such as their dancing, were bred from both a lack of ability and an overabundance of confidence.

Luna was in heaven. She had absolutely no clue what she was doing, and for the second time tonight, she loved it. With the mare before her, she discovered, there were no expectations, no boots to fill. Part of it was that Twilight was as horribly bad as her, but even if she weren't, a hunch told Luna it wouldn't matter anyway.

Twilight rolled back around the doorway, taking Luna with her. They crashed into a series of boxes, sending cake tins and trays across the floor as they retreated back into the other room.

"Sorry," Twilight murmured as she broke their kiss. She held her head close to Luna's neck, nuzzling her. "I... I got a little embarrassed, out there in the open." She giggled, hugging close to her.

Luna laughed, having no other idea what to do. "I understand. I was, uh, a little unnerved myself. But, well, if I may be so bold as to point out... we are hidden away in a storeroom, currently."

"Oh." Twilight pulled her head away, giving Luna her first look since kissing her. Her eyes were radiant, cheeks ablaze, but with a most genuine smile on her face. "So, you'd, umm, like to do it again?"

"If... If that would be alright with you," Luna muttered.

All she got was a nervous grin, before Twilight closed her eyes and leaned in once more.


Luna stumbled out of the party a couple hours later, exhausted by the nth degree from a night full of dancing, drinking, and, frankly, emotional tension.

But none of that mattered to her at the moment.

"Luna, hold up!" Twilight hopped down the stairs outside of Sugarcube corner.

"What is it?" she asked, halting to a stop. She still wobbled.

"Where– where are you going?"

"I was thinking of flying home." Luna smiled at her. "Don't worry. I will anxiously await meeting you over the week, as promised. Although, now that I think about it, we should do without stargazing. It really is dreadful, and boring, and not nearly romantic enough for a date of any sort."

Twilight's ears pinned back. "Fine, that's okay. But, I mean, for tonight, should you really be flying? You're kinda drunk."

"And so are you," Luna responded, bopping her on the nose.

"Sure, whatever. But I don't want you crashing."

"Well, how else am I to get home?" Luna asked.

"You... you can stay with me," Twilight suggested.

Luna felt her body begin to heat up and her skin start to itch. "And– and why is that?"

"Because I like your costume."

"And what has that to do with anything?" The burning sensation was only getting worse, sweat beginning to form along her hairline.

Twilight pursed her lips, before a giggle erupted from within. She tried to pause and hold Luna's stare, her jaw trembling, but again a bout of giggles broke free.

Sucking in a deep breath, she drew close to Luna's ear and whispered. "I think it's hot."

Fleeing with a bashful grin, Twilight skipped in front of her. "Come on, Luna! It's not that far!"

Luna's hindlegs gave out.

Author's Note:

I kinda just wrote this after seeing the cover art. I'unno. Tell me what you think in the comments.

Proofreading done by the wonderful Auramane.

Comments ( 95 )

Well that was a lot of fun! A little chaotic, but it's nice to let Luna be free and wild. Shame you stopped writing before it got too wild, though. And why are there no good pouting emotes? Ugh.

Spectacularly wonderful, H! But you already knew I thought that. Good show all around.

I came in here not knowing what to expect, and I was pleasantly surprised. A nice, well-written, fluffy little TwiLuna piece. Good job. :twilightsmile:

Aww, so fluffy and cute. Luna's costume looks great too. It's been too long since I've gotten a nice, new, sweet TwiLuna story.

Twilight + Luna = Tuna

Now back to writing, forthwith. (Hue... plays on words.)


I prefer not to visualize of a piece if sashimi when I think of this ship. :scootangel:

So very cute!

Plenty of time before hearts and hooves day for a sequel... :raritywink:

5509344 but it's so catchy! It rolls off the tongue. :derpytongue2:

WHO SPIKED THE EGGNOG!!! *see spike sneaking near the door* DAMN IT SPIKE

Let nobody ever say Habanc is a one note writer. Buddy, you've got some damn fine range

The world needs more unabashedly adorable, well-written TwiLuna fics like this one.

"Oh, good. I have been enjoying myself." Luan slouched back, staring off into space.

"Me neither!" Luan threw her hooves in the air and laughed. "This is truly a delight."

Not quite sure why, but I pictured Luna as a muscular Hawaiian dude both times I read this. Never getting that image out of my head. :rainbowlaugh:

Habanc, you've done it again. Thanks for another sweet (and silly) romance.

5508442 Thank you! Drunken chaos is something I've worked on a lot within my prompt-based work, so I wanted to see how it translated over here. Also, yeah, if there were pouting emotes I would literally be the worst with them. Probably for the best.

5508507 You flatterer :P

5508593 Thank you! Wasn't mean to be anything more :D

5509217 Thanks! All the inspiration on the costume, and mistletoe plot device, and pretty much everything goes to the cover art and its artist. I also know the empty space in my heart for some fluffy Twiluna, so I figured I might as well provide some :3

5509324 Do I know you? Only a certain quantity of Twiluna fans call it Tuna, and I know a fair chunk of them. (Also I like Tuna better)

5509516 Of– of course, right away! You'll know that you can count on me! I'll be on it ASAP! *Runs into a glass door on his frantic rush out* (Thank you so much for the vote!)

5509561 Hiiiiiiiiii Willsons! How are you? Thanks for the comment, by the way!

5509673 We'll see :P

5510189 Spike probably can't hear you. The lampshade is still stuck on his head.

5510344 ...This is beautiful. Like, for anyone who puts their work out for others to read, this is something that really gladdens my heart to hear, especially from someone I've seen around the community as much as you. Thank you so much, Pizza. I'm glad you enjoyed the story.

5510352 AUGHUHGHGUHGUHGUHG noo!!!1 I cannot tell you how many "Luan's" I had in my original draft. I thought I had caught them all! I am not a pokémon master, it seems :C

This was the quickest story I've written (I averaged 2k/day), so I made a ton of typos. Oh well, I guess I've inspired a new ship. TwiLuan, sipping pina coladas on the beach at dusk. I'm happy you liked it!

5510577 Thank you! I really am enjoying silly romances, as sometimes I find there's too much doom and gloom and sad and awful around these parts. Hopefully I can do it yet again in the future!

Luna made my face hurt

5510677 We is good, how is you?

5510701 I've been called either so often on here I really couldn't care. But I'm a guy, so no worries, you were correct! And caffeine is my lifeblood like I'm totally not living on a liquid diet of tea.

5510736 Hmm? Was she just not to your liking? Or just so awkward and embarrassing that you felt bad for her?

5510747 Pretty good! Just enjoying some time off.

5510762 That is nice! You been doing much? It's been a while since we talked.

5510793 Uh, yeah, as you might've noticed, not a whole lot of writing until now (New Years' Resolution and such). But it's mostly been focusing on my studies. I should have a better time balancing my time this semester :/

Yeah, sorry about going dark, it's just that I got into school after the summer and I overbooked myself.

oooo, Ilove tihs!

Very nice, fluffy, fun and you really got the dialog, both internal and external down. It flowed really well, and I never had to stop and question something. Will read again :twilightsmile:

So full of... D'AWWWWWWWWW:twilightblush:


Well written with appropriate words for the dialogues of each characters. Compliments to the author.

Didn't realize that it was a fillyfooler fic though. Complete with passionate kissing. The "Romance" tag is just so...general. Really didn't think it was a fillyfooler fic.

A few possible errors that may have gotten through editing:
1. Perhaps half a dozen ponies were in the dining area, but from the noise should could tell that more were located further inside.

2. "Of course!" Luna nodded. "Now, remind me, which way to (the?) dancing arena? I seem to have forgotten."

3. "Woah, woah, okay! Nevermind!" Rainbow fought through the crowd to reach them, holding the remaining drinks on the table before Luna could knem over. "It was just a joke, sheesh."

4. Snapping from her fuzzy reverie, Luna kept pace with Twilight. They were facing eachother, grins slapped across their faces as they panted to remain in-sync.

5. "Thanks." Twilight extended a wing, using Luna for support as the wedged out of the dancing floor.

6. "Oh, good. I have been enjoying myself." Luan slouched back, staring off into space. "You know, I do want to apologize – because, as you may not know, I do not get these chances to be so candid – for not seeking you out earlier–"

7. It was the faintest of footprints, a remnant of magic that had been used before. Dainty and fragile, Luna inspected it cautiously.
-replace with 'hoofprints,' perhaps?

Great story! I love the slow, awkward build up to the end.

5510677 I'm the 435th werewolf in the Woof Woof brigade.

Lt. Rub-rubs, at your service.

As far as knowing each other... not as far as im aware.

In the last 6 lines it's a tad hard to identify the speaker....

5511336 Because it's so hot, the lines melted.

Aaaaaw, wasn't this adorable. :twilightsmile::heart:

And funny thing, I read this couple hours before a big party. :pinkiehappy:

5510841 That happens, don't worry about it. Best of luck with the new year and your writing.

Poor spikes gonna get woken up by two drunk awkwardly romantic alicorns.

This was alot of fun! :twilightsmile: Made me smile alot which not many fics have done so... kudos
Still this was really good.

5510915 Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it!

5511085 Aw, thank you! I try my best.

5511134 Thank youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Hehe sorry couldn't resist! I'm glad you liked it!

5511184 Thanks for taking the time to comment and point out typos! I've already gone through and fixed them, so again, thanks! As per the "fillyfooler" comment, well Twilight and Luna are the only ones in the character selection, and eh, what does it matter if it's the two of them? Romance is romance.

5511201 Thank ya kindly! I looove awkward, sheepish, "I know you like me, and I know you know I like you" situations. Too precious!

5511205 Oh, ok! Well, it was nice meeting you, Lt. Rub-Rubs!

5511336 You think so? Hmm. I thought I made it easy enough through referencing eachother in their dialogue, or narration before-hand, but I'll definitely take another look. Thanks!

5511488 static.fjcdn.com/pictures/Hot+leg_e63067_4853059.jpg

5511600 What a coincidence! Thank you for reading and commenting, Juu50x!

5511981 Thank you for commenting, I'm glad you liked it! And yes, she should! :3

It was cute and fun. Good work over all. And Rarity drunk is hilarious.

5512156 Well, tough luck. He'll have to get used to it, because Tuna Train don't slow down for nobody! :P (Thanks for commenting!)

5512244 Thank you, Cryptic-Dash! It's awesome to know this brightened your day, and I'm glad you enjoyed it so much!

5511720 Aw thanks a bunch, Willsons! I have some Kinetics for you, like, tonight!

"Because I like your costume."

Best line there is. :rainbowlaugh:
This little tale of yours was the kind of story that kills ruthlessly via cuteness. Your characterizations felt spot-on and Luna is quite an entertaining drunk to watch. I would've liked to see where Raritys drama of the evening was going, but then again, this story wasn't hers.
And then, that line showed up... because she liked her costume... heh... normally, I probably would've complained that they maybe rush things a bit, but then again, they're both still kinda drunk and... oh screw the whole 'trying to explain'-thingy - I sat here for a few minutes giggling like a teen.
It was a fun ride.

Thank you.

Such amusement! Thanks for a fun read.

And as nice as brandy is, I'm rather fond of Schläg in my Nog.
Na Zdorovie!

Twiluna AND drunken alicorns? This is a godly blend. :raritystarry:
Felt surprisingly natural, not at all forced, which is somewhat of a rarity for these sorts of things. Me likey.

5512502 Woot! Awesome story inbound.


5512480 I try to keep romance (eros) between male and female characters in the fics I read. As for same gender characters, I have read some pretty intense friendship (philia) fics and those are what I seek out.

This is so cute and amazing. I particularly liked how Luna's thoughts got more chaotic as she got drunker. Nice touch that, still the way that Twilight acted was adorable.

Look like I finally found the greatest use for alcohol ever : a sweet and cute romance about two awkward drunk alicorns.
Have an upvote...
...and a toast : To this story and it's author ! *drink post apocalyptic whiskey*

Sequel Please :twilightsmile: So love this story 10 out of 10 TwiLuna RULES :heart::pinkiesmile::twilightsmile:

I wholeheartedly agree.

That was cute! Looking back over it, I can see where Twilight had set up this or that... and Luna just kinda brushed by it without giving it the proper notice - according to Twilight's ultimate plan.

Adorable! Faving!

5512492 the feeling is mutual. And I gotta say, "because I like your outfit".

It made me giggle on the inside.

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