• Published 28th Aug 2019
  • 446 Views, 2 Comments

An Ocean Away - Tennis Match Fan

Adagio is looking forward to spending the summer with her boyfriend, but when he announces that he's going to the Amarezon Rainforest, thinks get complicated.

  • ...

Chapter 6: Goodbyes and Cinnamon Honey Ice Cream Floats

A few weeks later, the 27th arrived, bright and sunny.

Sonata and Aria had been packing for the last week. Between purchasing new clothes, lengthy band practices, and last-minute arrangements, they were kept busy., As a result, Adagio barely interacted with them. She was spending most of her time with Cap, anyways, since they only had a week left together.

Adagio woke that morning and got dressed as quickly as she could. She was going to Cap's house to wave him off in a few hours. Adagio pulled on her best sundresses, wedges, and some chic sunglasses.

She pulled open the front door and came face to face with the members Blazin' and Bangin' (plus Sonata).

"Hi, Adagio!" Sonata grinned. "Here to say goodbye?"

"Uh, sure," Adagio answered, adjusting her sunglasses.

"Hello, Adagio." The lead singer, a stoic brute named Gilda, stepped forward and offered her hand. "Sorry we're taking away your old bandmates for the summer."

"No problem." Adagio gladly shook Gilda's gloved hand. "I should thank you for taking them off my hands." The other two band members, Heath Burns and Crimson Napalm, snickered.

"We're leaving now." Aria stepped forward, arms folded over her chest. Her lips were coated with a layer of dark mulberry lipstick. "Last chance."

From underneath her sunglasses, Adagio smiled. "See you in five weeks, Aria." She held out her hand. Aria grasped it and they exchanged a quick yet firm handshake.

"Bye Adagio!" Unlike the previous two girls, handshakes weren't Sonata's style. She went in for a full-on hug. "I'll miss you!"

"Don't ruin the dress, Sonata!" Adagio snarled, noticing Sonata was tearing up. Then, in a softer tone, she added, "I'll miss you too, okay? Keep Aria in check for me."

"Yes, ma'am!" Sonata saluted her and then skipped away to help load equipment into the van.

A few minutes later, Blazin' and Bangin' piled into their van and pulled out of the driveway. The band members waved as they drove away.

"Bye!" Adagio was still waving as the van turned the street corner and disappeared from view.

"And that's two problems out of the way," she said softly, her expression halfway between a smirk and a smile.

Adagio walked briskly through town. Clear blue skies and breezy winds made it a gorgeous day to say goodbye. Adagio felt confident about the whole situation, which heightened her mood considerably.

When she arrived at Cap's house, the rest of the Eco Kids and Cap's other friends were all there.

"Adagio!" Cap greeted her with a hug. He was wearing a Camp Everfree t-shirt and clean cargo pants.

"Cap!" Adagio leaned into the hug, savoring every moment. "I'm going to miss you, but I know you'll have so much fun in the Amarezon!"

"I'll miss you too, Dagi!" Cap ran a hand through Adagio's hair, which she had worn loose that day. "Do me a favor and keep my friends out of trouble, okay? Don't let them get mind controlled by aliens or whatever."

"Noted." Adagio smirked.

"Hi Adagio!" Sweet Leaf and the rest of the gang joined in on the conversation. To Cap, she quipped, "Your mom told me to tell you that the plane leaves soon, so you probably need to get in the car now."

"Oh, alright then." Cap turned and waved at his mother, who was already sitting in the car.

"Bro, I am going to miss you," Green Cycle said, wiping his eyes. "I hope your spirit guide keeps you out of danger during your travels." He wrapped an arm around Cap.

"Don't forget to eat healthy!" Starlight agreed. "We don't want you getting scurvy!"

"We'll miss you, Cap!" Paisley added.

"Group hug!" Sweet Leaf threw her arms around Cap, as did Paisley and Starlight.

"Thanks for all the support, guys!" Cap grinned. "I'm gonna miss you guys, too!"

"I'll miss you the most!" Adagio protested.

"I'll miss you the most," Cap countered.

"I'm going to miss you the most, and that's final." Before Cap could reply, Adagio kissed him on the lips. The rest of the kids disbanded from the hug. Adagio wrapped her hands around Cap's neck as they continued to kiss.

"Get a room, bro!" Green Cycle laughed.

Adagio and Cap broke apart when Cap's mom honked the car horn.

"Gotta go," he said. Adagio and the Eco Kids followed him to the car.

"Bye Cap!" they chorused as the car pulled out of the driveway. Neighbors waved and other kids from school cheered.

"Let's follow him!" Sweet Leaf suggested as the car started down the street.

"Adios!" "Call me!" "Don't get bit by a snake!" "See ya, Captain!" Paisley, Sweet Leaf, Green Cycle, Starlight, and Adagio ran down the sidewalk, shouting, waving, and laughing. They could see Cap's hand waving from the car window.

When they reached the end of the street, Adagio shouted, "I love you!" Then, like Aria and Sonata, Cap disappeared down another street.

The teens stood there for a moment. Adagio's dress fluttered in the wind.

"I miss him already," Starlight sighed, fiddling with her necklace.

"Me too," Adagio agreed, gazing up at the sky.

"Do you want to go get ice cream or something?" Green Cycle asked. "I'm actually pretty hungry."

"Why not?" Adagio shrugged. "How about Sugarcube Corner, near CHS?"

"Sounds like a plan!" Sweet Leaf rubbed her palms together. "You know, I have a theory involving Sugarcube Corner... Mrs. Cake is pregnant again!"

"Oh my gosh," Starlight groaned as they walked back. "That doesn't even have anything to do with Sugarcube Corner, just the owner."

"It's creepy that you're observing Mrs. Cake that closely," Adagio pointed out, disdain lacing her voice.

"Fine, I'll cross that one off my list," Sweet Leaf huffed.

The five friends piled into Green Cycle's old car and drove to Sugarcube Corner.

"Hey Adagio, I bet you've never had Sugarcube Corner's secret menu!" Sweet Leaf exclaimed as the shop came into view.

"I didn't know they had a secret menu!" Adagio responded, surprised. "What's on it?"

"I'll show you when we get inside!" Sweet Leaf unbuckled and hopped out of the car. Adagio followed the Eco Kids inside

"I think I'm definitely going to get the cucumber-melon smoothie this time," Starlight said as they joined the line.

Paisley shook her head.

"Why not?" Starlight asked.

"I think they've run out of cucumbers," Paisley replied. "You order that every time."

"What can I getcha?" Mr. Cake asked when it was their turn.

Sweet Leaf winked at Adagio, then leaned forward. "I'd like to see what Pinkie Pie has to offer, please."

"Well then, you can certainly go back to storage and ask her," Mr. Cake answered stiffly. "Next!"

"Follow me!" Sweet Leaf led the group through a door to the back of the shop where ingredients were kept. "Ta da!"

"What. The. Heck." Adagio was met with the sight of Pinkie Pie wearing a grass skirt and flower-patterned crop top. Her usually fluffy hair was pulled into a braid and interwoven with strips of bark. To top it all off, Pinkie was sitting on a mound of dirt. A mountain. Of. Dirt.

"Hello all!" Pinkie chirped. "I heard you wanted the-" she dropped her voice to a stage whisper "-secret menu!"

"Why are you sitting on a mound of dirt? Why do the Cakes let you do this in their shop?" This was some Sonata-like shenanigan.

"I'm appealing to my customers." Pinkie grinned. "So, what can I get you? Unfortunately, we are out of cucumbers" -Paisley elbowed Starlight- "but everything else on our all-natural menu is stocked up!"

"I'll have a banana honey split!" Sweet Leaf requested.

"Right atcha!" In record time, Pinkie Pie presented Sweet Leaf with a grass-woven bowl. Inside were two bananas and a scoop of strawberry ice cream; as a bonus, the dish was drizzled with honey.

Adagio wrinkled her nose.

"Can I get a sour cream frappe, please?" Green Cycle requested.

Adagio's frown deepened. Please tell me this is a joke. A prank. NOT REAL!

After Pinkie fulfilled the boy's request, Paisley inquired about a cinnamon honey ice cream float. Something tame in compared to the other's orders, in Adagio's opinion.

Starlight bought a carrot concoction, then all eyes in the group turned to Adagio.

"What are you gonna have, Dagi?" Pinkie asked cheerfully.

Adagio pursed her lips. "Don't call me Dagi, Pinkie Pie. I'll have," she paused, wondering if it was too late to run, "I'll have a cinnamon honey ice cream float, what you got Paisley."

"Gotcha!" Pinkie Pie winked and whipped up the order in no time. She handed Adagio a crystalline cup filled to the brim with a frothy liquid.

"The best part is the cup! It's made of raw sugar, so you can eat it afterwards!" Pinkie beamed. "Thanks for ordering off the secret menu! Everything is on the house, my treat! Come again soon!" With no explanation, Pinkie pushed them out of the room and slammed the door shut.

"What was that about?" Adagio asked, glancing at the door.

"It's Pinkie," Sweet Leaf reasoned. "She lets us eat free sometimes."

"Oh." Adagio forced out a chuckle.

"Let's eat outside!" Starlight suggested. "It's a really nice day out!"

"Everyday is a nice day out," Paisley remarked as they left Sugarcube Corner. "That's the beauty of living on Earth."

These hippies and their obsession with nature, thought Adagio. Apathetically, she took a sip of her float. To her surprise, the brew didn't make her want to vomit. "This is actually kinda... good!"

Green Cycle chuckled. "We did it, guys! Adagio Dazzle likes all-natural recipes now!" He exchanged a high five with Sweet Leaf.

"Yay!" Starlight cheered.

"Hold it!" Adagio's eyes widened. "Just because I like this one drink doesn't mean I'm going to become a vegan!"

"You're hilarious!" Sweet Leaf chortled, throwing an arm around Adagio. The rest of the Eco Kids joined in, laughing hysterically.

Adagio was mystified.

Author's Note:

I'm just publishing these chapters (that I wrote, like, three years ago) without bothering to see if they're well-written haha