• Published 28th Aug 2019
  • 446 Views, 2 Comments

An Ocean Away - Tennis Match Fan

Adagio is looking forward to spending the summer with her boyfriend, but when he announces that he's going to the Amarezon Rainforest, thinks get complicated.

  • ...

Chapter 5: Another Announcement

The six teens sprawled across Cap's newly made bed. Sweet Leaf whispered to Green Cycle. Starlight typed on her phone. Adagio's hands wrapped around Cap's sturdy chest. Cap absentmindedly traced circles along Adagio's arms.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Paisley broke the silence. Cap stopped drawing circles.

"Whose thoughts?"

"Anyone's thoughts."

"Well," Cap began, "Dagi and I were talking earlier, and I suggested that in my absence she should get to know you guys."

"Sounds like a good idea," Starlight said. "Hi Adagio, I'm Starlight, it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Charmed," Adagio replied dryly, shifting slightly.

"That's a great idea, Cap!" Sweet Leaf clapped her hands. "Adagio will have so much fun with us! Maybe she can even answer some questions for me! For example, I've been dying to know-"

"Hold your horses, Sweet!" Cap held up a halting hand. "Adagio's gonna run for the hills the first day ya'll hang out!" Adagio nodded.

"Adagio, wanna go to a yoga class with us?" Green Cycle asked. "It, like, totally cleans your chakras. My soul is so aligned afterwards."

"Chakras. Alignments. Yoga. Sounds great." Adagio grinned flatly.

Paisley piped up, "We're a quirky little group. I know our ideas and hobbies might scare heathens away, but, well, we're not that bad."

"I'm so quirky. I'm not like other girls," Sweet Leaf said. Everyone ignored her.

"Take yoga for example," Cap agreed, wrapping an arm around Adagio's shoulders. "Maybe you're not there for the spiritual aspect, but it can totally relax your muscles, it's a great way to exercise, and-" His voice dropped "-you can show off your curves."

Adagio snickered; her hand drifted down to her hip. "You sure know how to flatter a girl. I'll try out yoga."

"Our first group activity!" Sweet Leaf clapped her hands again. "Awesome!"

"How about the Monday after Cap leaves?" Starlight suggested.

"Wow." Cap punched Starlight's arm. "Way to exclude me!"

"We can FaceTime you, and you can follow along in the Amarezon," Sweet Leaf suggested.

Adagio kissed Cap's cheek. This wasn't a terrible idea. "I promise when you get back, I'll have some fun stories to tell you."

Later that afternoon, Adagio sauntered along the sidewalk. Cap had offered to act as a chauffeur, but Adagio had declined; she appreciated a good walk. As she approached the crosswalk that would take her to her street, Adagio's back pocket buzzed.

"Who could this be?" she muttered, drawing her phone out. The caller ID displayed a purple-haired menace. Wonderful. Adagio pressed 'Answer'. "Hello?"

"Where are you?" Aria demanded.

"About a block away from the house," Adagio crossed the street. "Didn't Sonata tell you I was out with Cap?"

"She told me that much. Can you hurry your divalicious butt over here? I have something I need to tell you guys. Well, Sonata kinda knows, so mostly I just need to tell you."

"Tell me now, then."

"No," Aria snapped. "It's something I'd rather tell you in person. Ugh. Just hurry up."


"What the heck?" Adagio pursed her lips and shook her head. "What in Equestria would she need to tell me in person instead of over the phone?" That was un-Aria behavior.

Adagio speed-walked back to the house and beelined to the kitchen, their usual meeting location. Sure enough, Sonata was sitting at the table, placidly munching on an apple.

Aria leaned against the far wall, a dour look on her face. "Finally."

"Aria, please explain yourself," Adagio snapped, sitting down next to Sonata. "Your call was so cryptic."

"Sorry." Aria rolled her eyes. "So I'm sure you know about my rock band, Blazin' and Bangin'."

"How could I forget?" Adagio wished she could. "Why you went and formed a band after we were defeated at a Battle of the Bands is beyond me."

"Shut up. You're the one who went and got herself a hippie boyfriend." Aria flipped her ponytails.

"Fine. So we've both made amends with the boys of Canterlot High. What's your point?"

"The point is, I pulled some strings, and guess what? I got Blazin' and Bangin' the opening act on Fall Out Colt's tour." A grin split across Aria's face.

"Seriously?" Sonata gasped. "Ohmigosh!"

Adagio called bs on Aria's monkeyshine. "Even if we might technically be hundreds of years old, we're listed as minors. And the kids in your band are probably under 18, too. Whoever's in charge wouldn't let you be an opening act. Try again, and next time make your little prank a tad more believable."

"Do you not understand the phrase 'pulled some strings', Dazzle? All three of us can pass for twenty-somethings. It's not too hard for me to convince some executives that the rest of the members are older than they really are." The corners of Aria's mouth turned up in a predatory smile. "I can recall one time where you 'pulled some strings' to-"

"Can you get me signed merchandise?" Sonata squealed. Her raspberry eyes sparkled. "Please please please please please?"

Adagio's mouth twisted. So maybe this was legit. "So you're going to open for Fall Out Colt, right. Sure. How long will you be gone?"

"Four weeks. We're mostly staying in on the coast. Afterwards another band takes over." Aria answered, shoving her hands into her pockets. "Oh, and I won't be able to babysit Sonata, sorry." She grinned smugly.

"You're really serious about this, aren't you?"


"Aria's gonna be famous again!" Sonata shrieked. "Oh my stars, can I come with you?"

"Yes, can she?" Adagio's eyebrow rose.

"I just said I couldn't babysit..." Aria paused. "But I suppose you could be a roadie." Once again, Aria grinned smugly. "But we can't just leave Adagio here all alone, can we? First Cap leaves, and then us..." She pouted. "Boo hoo!"

"Adagio can come with us!" Sonata suggested, ever the genius. "We'd be just like a real band again! Adoring fans screaming our names! Aria Blaze and her roadies! It's a dream!"

For a fleeting moment, Adagio saw what Sonata desired. Sometimes she wished for the same. However...

"Sorry girls, I already made plans here." Adagio smiled plainly and shrugged. "Besides, Sonata, Aria's probably gonna get thrown in jail by the end of her gig. If there even is a gig."

Sonata's mouth dropped open. "Please, Dagi! Just think how fun it would be!"

"We leave the 27th," Aria commented casually, examining her fingernails. "You have until then to make up your mind, Adagio. Four weeks of glory and a taste of the life we used to live."

Late nights at the bar. Drinking liquor. Disappearing into the shadows. Screaming fans and sexy guys lined up to try their luck. City skylines, each destination unique as a snowflake. Adagio envisioned all of that. It was a thought over which she drooled.

Wrapped in a boy's embrace. Watching the sunset with new friends. Mud masks and warm summer nights. Trips to Cinnamon Chai's with a quirky group of teenagers. Adagio envisioned all of this as well. It was a summer to which she had already agreed.

"I'm booked, Aria." Adagio stood up. "I'm sorry I can't accompany you. Have fun on your road trip." She walked to the edge of the room.

The smile dropped off Aria's face. "You ditched the Dazzlings for some hippies?"

Adagio didn't turn around. "Why are you making this into a problem, Blaze? I thought you'd be happy to get away from me."

Aria hhmpphed and turned away.

More irritated than before, Adagio marched up to her bedroom.

"Let's see," Adagio muttered, "Cap's leaving, Aria is leaving and Sonata is following her... Who else wants to leave poor Adagio Dazzle alone this summer? Sunset Shimmer?"

"Adagio?" Sonata barged right in. "Aria says that you don't like us anymore, and that you're gonna ditch us for your boyfriend's friends."

"Thanks for the rundown."

"But I don't think that's true," Sonata continued.

Sonata had an opinion? Adagio's nonexistent interest increased slightly.

Sonata kept going. "I think Aria just wants to spend time with you, Adagio. And so do I. But I know you're making new friends, and that's cool, too."

"Thanks, Sonata. I'm glad you don't think this is a problem," Adagio responded. "I'm sure you'll have fun as a roadie."

"Thanks!" Sonata giggled. "I'd better start working out!" She flexed her biceps. "See ya!" Sonata disappeared into her own room across the hallway.

Adagio was silent for a moment. Then she pulled out her phone and began texting the Eco Kids, who had initiated her into their group chat.

You're not going to believe what Aria and Sonata just told me.