• Published 2nd Jan 2015
  • 2,593 Views, 16 Comments

Bowser & Chrysalis: Journey through the Mushroom Kingdom - RoyalStar709

Instead of just getting sent to another part of Equestria the shield that Shining Armour and Cadence cast, it sends Queen Chrysalis and her minoins to another world. Now she has to team up with a unlikely ally, to rescue both of their minions.

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Ch.1- Prolouge

"Where did I go wrong?" the black creature asked herself.

'I had all of Canterlot in my hoof and yet, I still lost.'

Chrysalis continued lay in the spot she had landed a little over an hour ago. She continued to replay the event in her mind over and over again. She had captured and trapped that fool Cadence with almost no effort. That fool Shinning Armor hadn't had any doubts she was the real Cadence, everything was going perfect. But those damn mares had to ruin everything. She had done everything she could to stop that wretched stallion Shinning Armor from inviting those mares but yet some part of him was able to resist. If they had never shown up, no creature would have ever found that pampered princess and my people would be feasting.

"Damn them!" she shrieked at the sky, gaining a small amount of joy as birds scattered in fear. However a sudden realization dawned on her and crushed that small piece of joy. That witch of a princess would send her guards out to hunt her and the rest of her children down.

'If I stay here I'm a sitting duck.'Chrysalis craned her head up and began to survey her surrounding Trees, Trees, Rock, Trees A dark forest was all that surrounded her. Staring back up at the sky through the hole she had torn through the tree Canopy the rays of sun shining through the hole as if to mock her.

'They won't find me' she told herself. 'By the time they get here I'll be long gone and once they've let their guard down, I'll strike again'.

Chrysalis was able to climb to her feet with surprisingly little effort. However it was only after she tried to walk when she discovered the full extent of her injuries. She dropped back to the ground as a sudden jolt of intense pain flooded her senses. She looked down and saw that one of her legs had a deep gash. "Damn, I guess I wasn't as lucky as I thought" she said aloud, grimacing at the pain.

"Okay, okay, we've got this, we've been through worse. All we have to do is get out this forest and then we can just fly away. There is no way those foalish ponies can keep up with me." Chrysalis continued to speak aloud, doing her best to motivate herself without giving away her position.

Once again, she began pulling herself up and once again she fell.

"Damn it" she swore, "If I don't find a way out, this will be nothing compared to what that foul Princess will do, if they find me."

Chrysalis began to run through her options in her mind. Flying out of the forest was out of the question. The canopy that hid her was far too thick, and any attempt to break through it would draw to much attention. Using her magic was out of the question. Everything had been drained when her spell was broken leaving her with just enough to move small objects.

The bushes begin to rustle. "Pssst my queen, are you here?" came the muffled voice from inside he bush.

Chrysalis was surprised she hadn't expected any of the changelings to find her, especially not so quickly after they had been scattered.

"My queen? Are you here?" rang the voice once again

Chrysalis let a small grin slip across her face; she might make it out of this yet.

"Yes my little changeling, now hurry and help me." she answered

A feeling of dread spread out through the changeling queen as the White Pegasus, his armor a clear indication of his position as a member of a royal guard, came out of the bushes.

"Figures that a royal guard, would be the first to find me." Growled the injured queen.

The guard looked at her confused for a few seconds. "My queen what are you talking about? It's me Lieutenant Dogma."

With that all her fears and worries were washed away. Her changelings had come back for her. Sadly for her though they had felt the need to send Dogma, sure he was as loyal as any other Changeling and one of the strongest. However, he wasn't the brightest insect in the hive.

"So my little Changeling you seemed to have found quite the disguise. Why don't you help your queen up."

With a flash of green flame the white Pegasus was no more, in its place now stood a black changeling completely indistinguishable from any other. Quickly moving to where Chrysalis is the Changeling began to use his magic to try to heal the wound. After a few moments all the wounds had been healed and Chrysalis was once again free to move.

"Come my queen, I'll take you to the others."

"Where did I go wrong?"

Bowser was in a foul mood. What started out as a day going to Peach's castle to help with the blorbs , had turned out a complete failure when Mario had shone up, and he was sure that what he couldn't remember was worse- although the fact that he couldn't remember something was infuriating by itself. Then there was his latest 'house guest'... He didn't even want to think about her! With any luck, she was just a hallucination brought by.... Whatever happened to him. Smashing through some boulders, Bowser looked for a way out of this cave. The cave was a mine as far as he could tell, there where still some machinery littered around the cave.

Finally, he saw daylight filtering through the gloom and hurried around the corner. The exit was block by what appeared to be a giant cobweb, there wasn't any giant spiders, so he figured it was all clear. "Look at this flimsy little thing." He scoffed. "Time for some burnage!" But when he opened his mouth hot air was all that came out. Blinking in confusion he tried again, and again, but that came out was air. "Hey! What's going on!" Bowser was getting worried, as if his day wasn't bad enough, now he can't breath fire! Then a thought accrued to him, he looked down on his belly accusingly. "Hey! You in my belly! Wake up! You hear me!"

"What wrong?"

"I'll tell you what's wrong! My flames aren't working! You probably messed something up in there!"

"I didn't touch anything, don't blame me!"

Bowser was getting mad. "Hey jerk! I never had any trouble until you got in there! And now you BROKE ME! SO FIRE ME BACK UP!!!"

"Now just hang on for a sec, what could I possibly gain from disabling your flame system?"

"Do I look like I need logic!?" Bowser didn't care how it happened, he just needed it now! Without it, it made him feel.... vulnerable. "Listen I NEED to breath fire!"

"I'm sure you do, and I'm also sure I didn't disable it. Have fun fighting without your fire. YELLO GOOD-BYE!"

"Why you! GGGRRRAAAHHH!!!" Bowser couldn't believe this, who was she to talk to him like this! HIM! The king of the koopas. "This is complete garbage!" Bowser turned to the cobweb and sneered. "I'll get that punk someday."

Author's Note:

The story takes place during the beginning of Bowser's inside story, if you haven't played the game or any other games of the Mario & Luigi RPG series, I seriously recommend playing it. The story however will only be told in Queen Chrysalis and Bowser's side of the story, so don't expect me to start writing on whatever happens inside Bowser's body, although there will be parts of the story where they are included, mentioned, or there will be just a scene with them being the main focus. (Although if you guys want, I guess I can write Mario, Luigi, and Starlow's side of the story). Also the story will be told a bit differently and not completely the same as how the video game had it, such as the addition of other Mario characters who are not in the game. Anyways let me know what you guys think in the comments, and if you dislike it tell me why, so I can improve.