Bowser & Chrysalis: Journey through the Mushroom Kingdom

by RoyalStar709

First published

Instead of just getting sent to another part of Equestria the shield that Shining Armour and Cadence cast, it sends Queen Chrysalis and her minoins to another world. Now she has to team up with a unlikely ally, to rescue both of their minions.

Queen Chrysalis has just been blasted away with the shield that Shining Armor and Princes Cadence created to send all of the changelings out of Equestria, Chrysalis and her changelings find out that not only are they out of Equestria, but their also in a whole new world. But when a mad man named Fawful mind controls all of her changelings, she has to team up with some rather unlikely allies, to save her changelings.

Takes place during the beginning of Mario & Luigi: Bowser's Inside Story
Not all of the story's events will happen the same way has the game haves it, also expect the addition of other Mario characters.

The story is now being continued under a new author, XLR8 Fox

Ch.1- Prolouge

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"Where did I go wrong?" the black creature asked herself.

'I had all of Canterlot in my hoof and yet, I still lost.'

Chrysalis continued lay in the spot she had landed a little over an hour ago. She continued to replay the event in her mind over and over again. She had captured and trapped that fool Cadence with almost no effort. That fool Shinning Armor hadn't had any doubts she was the real Cadence, everything was going perfect. But those damn mares had to ruin everything. She had done everything she could to stop that wretched stallion Shinning Armor from inviting those mares but yet some part of him was able to resist. If they had never shown up, no creature would have ever found that pampered princess and my people would be feasting.

"Damn them!" she shrieked at the sky, gaining a small amount of joy as birds scattered in fear. However a sudden realization dawned on her and crushed that small piece of joy. That witch of a princess would send her guards out to hunt her and the rest of her children down.

'If I stay here I'm a sitting duck.'Chrysalis craned her head up and began to survey her surrounding Trees, Trees, Rock, Trees A dark forest was all that surrounded her. Staring back up at the sky through the hole she had torn through the tree Canopy the rays of sun shining through the hole as if to mock her.

'They won't find me' she told herself. 'By the time they get here I'll be long gone and once they've let their guard down, I'll strike again'.

Chrysalis was able to climb to her feet with surprisingly little effort. However it was only after she tried to walk when she discovered the full extent of her injuries. She dropped back to the ground as a sudden jolt of intense pain flooded her senses. She looked down and saw that one of her legs had a deep gash. "Damn, I guess I wasn't as lucky as I thought" she said aloud, grimacing at the pain.

"Okay, okay, we've got this, we've been through worse. All we have to do is get out this forest and then we can just fly away. There is no way those foalish ponies can keep up with me." Chrysalis continued to speak aloud, doing her best to motivate herself without giving away her position.

Once again, she began pulling herself up and once again she fell.

"Damn it" she swore, "If I don't find a way out, this will be nothing compared to what that foul Princess will do, if they find me."

Chrysalis began to run through her options in her mind. Flying out of the forest was out of the question. The canopy that hid her was far too thick, and any attempt to break through it would draw to much attention. Using her magic was out of the question. Everything had been drained when her spell was broken leaving her with just enough to move small objects.

The bushes begin to rustle. "Pssst my queen, are you here?" came the muffled voice from inside he bush.

Chrysalis was surprised she hadn't expected any of the changelings to find her, especially not so quickly after they had been scattered.

"My queen? Are you here?" rang the voice once again

Chrysalis let a small grin slip across her face; she might make it out of this yet.

"Yes my little changeling, now hurry and help me." she answered

A feeling of dread spread out through the changeling queen as the White Pegasus, his armor a clear indication of his position as a member of a royal guard, came out of the bushes.

"Figures that a royal guard, would be the first to find me." Growled the injured queen.

The guard looked at her confused for a few seconds. "My queen what are you talking about? It's me Lieutenant Dogma."

With that all her fears and worries were washed away. Her changelings had come back for her. Sadly for her though they had felt the need to send Dogma, sure he was as loyal as any other Changeling and one of the strongest. However, he wasn't the brightest insect in the hive.

"So my little Changeling you seemed to have found quite the disguise. Why don't you help your queen up."

With a flash of green flame the white Pegasus was no more, in its place now stood a black changeling completely indistinguishable from any other. Quickly moving to where Chrysalis is the Changeling began to use his magic to try to heal the wound. After a few moments all the wounds had been healed and Chrysalis was once again free to move.

"Come my queen, I'll take you to the others."

"Where did I go wrong?"

Bowser was in a foul mood. What started out as a day going to Peach's castle to help with the blorbs , had turned out a complete failure when Mario had shone up, and he was sure that what he couldn't remember was worse- although the fact that he couldn't remember something was infuriating by itself. Then there was his latest 'house guest'... He didn't even want to think about her! With any luck, she was just a hallucination brought by.... Whatever happened to him. Smashing through some boulders, Bowser looked for a way out of this cave. The cave was a mine as far as he could tell, there where still some machinery littered around the cave.

Finally, he saw daylight filtering through the gloom and hurried around the corner. The exit was block by what appeared to be a giant cobweb, there wasn't any giant spiders, so he figured it was all clear. "Look at this flimsy little thing." He scoffed. "Time for some burnage!" But when he opened his mouth hot air was all that came out. Blinking in confusion he tried again, and again, but that came out was air. "Hey! What's going on!" Bowser was getting worried, as if his day wasn't bad enough, now he can't breath fire! Then a thought accrued to him, he looked down on his belly accusingly. "Hey! You in my belly! Wake up! You hear me!"

"What wrong?"

"I'll tell you what's wrong! My flames aren't working! You probably messed something up in there!"

"I didn't touch anything, don't blame me!"

Bowser was getting mad. "Hey jerk! I never had any trouble until you got in there! And now you BROKE ME! SO FIRE ME BACK UP!!!"

"Now just hang on for a sec, what could I possibly gain from disabling your flame system?"

"Do I look like I need logic!?" Bowser didn't care how it happened, he just needed it now! Without it, it made him feel.... vulnerable. "Listen I NEED to breath fire!"

"I'm sure you do, and I'm also sure I didn't disable it. Have fun fighting without your fire. YELLO GOOD-BYE!"

"Why you! GGGRRRAAAHHH!!!" Bowser couldn't believe this, who was she to talk to him like this! HIM! The king of the koopas. "This is complete garbage!" Bowser turned to the cobweb and sneered. "I'll get that punk someday."

Ch.2- The Partnership

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"This is it?"

Chrysalis looked around the small clearing that Dogma had taken her, in front of her was about 100 changelings and 30 other changelings injured. "This isn't even half of the invasion force!"

"This was all we could find my queen, and some of the other changelings we found, did not survive the impact." Dogma ended a bit solemnly.

Chrysalis's eyes widen at the piece of information she was just given. "Oh," 'Great job Chrysalis, you leave the hive with an army of a thousand changelings and this is all your left with, mother would be disappointed. "where they at least given a proper burial?" Dogma nodded.

Suddenly the bushes began to rustle and from it came out four changelings. "*Hiss*"

Chrysalis growls. "Great, seems we've landed in another hives territory."

"What is your surprised face? Is there forgetting about your minions" Above the four changelings stood another creature, who was beanish in appearance. The beanish creature wore blue glasses, red robes and was standing in a floating platform.

Chrysalis tilted her head in confusion. "What?"

The bean creature looks behind Chrysalis and gains a expression of happiness at the site of the changelings. "Oh joy for Fawful! More bug-horses to spread the delicious mustard of doom!"


Two floating saucers appear behind the grinning bean, from under the floating saucers came out a speaker like object. The speaker's fired a strange signal at the changelings. Instantly all of the changelings started to grab their heads in agony, doing anything they can to prevent the signals from entering their heads.

Chrysalis turned towards Fawful, a look of outrage on her face, "What do you think you are doing to my changelings!"

Fawful looked at Chrysalis still grinning. "The horse-bugs will help me spread the delicious mustard of doom onto the bread that is the mushroom kingdom, also the horse-bug are more tougher than any Goomba or Koopa."

Chrysalis was a bit confused by his words, 'Goombas?' 'Koopas?' and something about mustard and bread. "Look I don't know how you think you are! But I demand you to release my changelings!"

"Who do I think I am!? I am Fawful!" Fawful flew straight up to Chrysalis. "The changelings belong to me!" Fawful started circling around her, while chanting me! me! me! Fawful came to all full stop in front of Chrysalis. "All mine!"

Chrysalis laughed. "Yours? Ha! The changelings obey me!" Chrysalis leered at Fawful, who was still grinning. "And want to know why? Because I'm their queen!" Chrysalis turned towards her small army. "Changelings attack him!"

They didn't move.

"What's the matter with you!? I said attack!"

Fawful suppressed a giggle at the pathetic attempt to get her changelings to obey her. "Changelings!" All of the changelings stood up looking at Fawful. "Eliminate your queen!"

Chrysalis looked on in shock and horror. All of her changelings where obeying him and not her. "Stay back! I order you!"


Bowser gazed out into the ocean beyond the cliffs, he briefly wondered if there was a volcano nearby that was causing the sun-redding haze, but he didn't care, he just wanted to gather his bearings enough so he can figure a way to his castle and have his fire-breathing problem looked at. Bowser was pretty high up on the cliffs - which made sense considering how much climbing he did in the cave. Turning away from the cliff, he started walking around seeing if he can find any landmarks,when a shadow flew over him, putting all of his thoughts on hold.

Fawful having already secured the two castle and his position as ruler of Bowser's castle, decided to go see if Bowser was awake. Fawful flew towards the edge of the cliff seeing Bowser running up to meet him.

"Hey! Hold up!" Bowser yelled as he neared Fawful. "Quit hovering!"

"What is your surprised face? Is there forgetting me?" Fawful grinned as he hover to the now stationary koopa.

Bowser thought for a moment, and his eyes snapped open. "Hey! I know you! Your that weirdo who tricked me into eating that mushroom!"

"You are the one who is correct!" Replied Fawful, continuing circling his prey. "Was it not full of deliciousness!? Such a special treat is called the Vacuum Shroom! I, Fawful invented it to make you inhale everything you see! "

The name rang a bell for Bowser, but he wasn't as good as remembering things as Kamek was on a good day, and he couldn't make the connection with the Beanbean Kingdom misadventure. He was still having trouble remembering what happened to him this morning, he did remember eating a mushroom, and then pain, nothing but pain.

Fawful caught the look on Bowser's face and had to suppress a giggle. "And I, Fawful, am betting that you remember nothing. You inhaled like a hungry syrup pig at a free pancake buffet. And then you had the sleepiness. And then I put you in a cave."

"WHAT!!!" Even if Bowser couldn't remember what happened, he was still angry. "What's your problem pal?" Bowser snarled. "What's your beef with me!?"

"Beef? I have no beef. Fawful is beefless, but I am having a goal!" Fawful flew higher, and cried out on the top of is lungs. "The Mushroom Kingdom...WILL BE MINE!!!"

Bowser blinked in stupefaction.

"All of Mushroom Kingdom will spread for Fawful like power punch!" chattered the young bean. "First the appetizer of making toads round with blorbs! Then a side order of Vacuum-shroomed Bowser! Fawful is gorging in his plan of win! And he still hungers!"

"You're nuts!!" Bowser growled.

"No hunger for nuts, just for the Mushroom Kingdom....First the clearing of Peach's Castle, AND THEN!!!" Fawful circled around Bowser. "ANDTHENANDTHENANDTHEN!" He came to a stop, looking at Bowser with his mad grin. "The castle of Bowser for myself! I will be upgrading it to the castle of Fawful!"

"Whoa! Hold up, chump! What's this about my castle!?" Bowser demanded.

Fawful chuckled. "I had the attacking of it, explosions of plenty. Koopa's had the flight like freighted sparrows, but Fawful's minion are like the sparrowhawk: he had captured Bowser's toadies. Now they sing the song of caged birds.... Or have the working for Fawful."

"I say it again, you're nuts! My minions will defend my castle with everything they got! There's a reason why toads tremble in their boots whenever the koopa troop makes a move! You're out of your league pal!"

"Hmm...We'll see." Fawful started to circle Bowser again, watching him from the corner of his eyes, he knew the Dragon-Koopa was rather stubborn. It was a miracle that he was still conscious considering what he had gone through. Fawful didn't like miracles. "Anyways." Fawful faced Bowser again. "I thought you would still be sleeping, like a lazy bear." He paused. He'd like to know why Bowser wasn't still asleep. But curiosity killed the cat. "And I think you should still be sleeping some more! COME MIDBUS!!!"

As Fawful flew, Bowser hurried to give chase. "Hey! HEY! COME BACK HERE! I'm not done with you!" However, he had barely taken two steps, when a pink blur came out of nowhere and tackled him.

"HRGH!!! You. No longer needed. Here, you taste defeat."

Bowser glared at the newcomer, he was big as a Dragon-koopa, only with smaller horns, and even had spiked wristbands on his wrist, but between his pig snout, armadillo shell, and pink skin, he was definitely no koopa. "Taste defeat? ya right. Your about to taste my fist, you little piglet!"

"Taste your fist? Ha. Ha. I think not, I have no taste!"

Bowser raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't even make any sense!" Pigs where supposed to have good sense, right? Or maybe that was just smell....

"Sense is for the weak." Midbus narrowed his eyes threating. " You listen. Peach gone. Fawful, new ruler. Now, no need for you. Fawful says you sleep. NOW YOU SLEEP!!!"

"GGGRRRAAAGGGHHH!!! WHAT'S WRONG WITH YOU!? Nothing you say makes any sense!" Bowser yelled. 'Peach gone....Fawful new ruler....And the way this guy speaks...Its almost as bad as Fawful.' Bowser swore he heard Fawful's broken english before, but he just can't remember. "And now you made me mad! And when I'm mad I just need to punch something! C'MERE!"

"I have battle!" As Bowser lunged at Midbus, Fawful returned, eager to see his minion take out the Koopa King. "Midbus! He is having a big punch!" Fawful knew Bowser was in no condition to fight, but he still couldn't help but to coach his loyal toady. "Midbus! Have readiness!" Despite Bowser's poor condition, he still managed to land a couple of punches. "BADNESS!!!" He shrieked. "The worst kind of bad badness! Do not have the naughtiness-"

Bowser rolled his eyes, what he wouldn't give to blast the little bean out of the sky-!

Suddenly as if his wish was granted a green fire ball blasted Fawful out of his platform. Both Bowser and Midbus turned towards the source of the attack, and saw a black bug like creature.


Chrysalis stomped towards Fawful, a look of rage on her face. "YOU ARE GOING TO PAY!!!"

Fawful began to experience an emotion he hadn't felt in a long time- Fear. "Midbus! Fawful is in need of your assistance!"

Midbus snapped out of his confusion and ran towards his master. "You leave master Fawful alone!"

Chrysalis turned towards Midbus, murder in her eyes. "Oh, you want to go!? Well come at me!" Green flames soon covered her body, and soon enough there stood a exact copy of Midbus in her place.

Midbus looked at the copy shocked, the shock however quickly changed into a look of pain as Chrysalis punched Midbus on the stomach, causing him to stagger backwards. Fawful seeing Chrysalis busy with Midbus, went back to his floating platform.

"Midbus! Now is the time for striking!" Fawful ordered, as Midbus curled into a ball and spun towards Chrysalis, but much to Fawful's chagrin, Bowser jumped in front of Chrysalis and punched Midbus, causing him to roll backwards. "NAUGHTY! That is danger! That punch is like a danger sandwich....Not guys are the handful. But my Midbus eats danger sandwiches like they where fun hoagies-!"

"SHUT UP!!!"

Fawful looked shocked as both Bowser and Chrysalis, charged at Midbus and punched his ball form straight towards him. Luckly for Fawful, Midbus had uncurled form his ball, and charged both Bowser and Chrysalis (Who by now reverted back to her Changeling form.), and doubled the intensity of his attacks.

Bowser started to feel even worse than he had in the morning when he fought Mario, but this time, he knew why he was having trouble countering the pig as he bounce around hit them both with a painful body slam. "Grah...hah...haah.." Bowser panted, smarting the blow as Midbus spun around in the air, ready and rearing to strike again. "What did that crummy mushroom do to me....I cant win like this.."

Chrysalis turned towards Bowser. "Don't you dare quit on me now! I can't beat him on my own."

Midbus smirked. "Muh. muh. muh. You are most weak. Yes you two are very weak."

"" 'Why is this happening to me!?'

Midbus approached the two with murderous intent. But when he caught sight of Fawful, he stopped. Fawful shook his head, he still needed Bowser alive, besides the two proved to be more trouble than there worth. Fawful signaled Midbus to retreat. The pig had a bad feeling about leaving the two alive, but a part of him was glad, this will give him another chance to pummel the two into oblivion. Midbus turned to address the two. "This does not end here, work on your skills. Only then do you two have a chance." Midbus started to walk away, leaving a humiliated koopa and a enraged changeling.

Bowser had never been so insulted. Someone walking away in a middle of a fight! 'How dare that pig!' Bowser gritted his teeth, barely resisting the urge to call Midbus back so they can finish the fight. As much as he hated forfeiting, he hated losing more, maybe if he had his firebreath he risked it. Which reminded him. "Hey!" Chrysalis turned to Bowser. "Not that I'm ungrateful or anything, but why did you help me?"

Chrysalis turned back to the leaving forms of Fawful and Midbus. "That guy, Fawful." Chrysalis took a deep breath to calm herself. "He used some sort of device to mind control my changelings, even went as far as too use them against me, so when I saw you fighting against him, I couldn't resist the chance too try to get back at him." Chrysalis chuckled. "And with how strong you where, I thought I could actually get back at him."

Bowser went into deep thought, if Fawful was able to mind control her 'changelings', then who's too say he didn't do the same with his minions?

Chrysalis turned back towards Bowser and saw him gritting his teeth in rage. "Hey? Are you alright?"


Chrysalis startled from his reaction, backpedaled. "What's the matter with you!?"

Bowser turned towards Chrysalis, his eyes full of rage and determination. "Look lady, thanks for the help, but I got a nutjob to catch."

"Oh, no! I know that you know where that nutjob is don't you!?"

"And what if I do!?"

Chrysalis growled. "Well you!" Chrysalis poked Bowser in the stomach. " Are going to tell me where!"

Bowser scowled. "And just why, would I do that!"

"That maniac hypnotized my changelings!!!"

"Well that's not my problem is it!?"

Chrysalis sat down, and rubbed the bridge of her nose, already feeling a headache coming on. "Look how about we compromise ." Bowser tilted his head in confusion. "*Sigh* I mean we work together, to take this guy down."

Bowser laughed. "HAHAHA. Me? Work with you!? HA!"

"Look, we obviously will have a better chance at winning if we work as a team." Chrysalis grinned deviously. "Think about it, my magic and your strength, we'd be unstoppable, you saw how that hog couldn't handle the both of us!"

"Imagine me! Queen Chrysalis and you-" Chrysalis blushed at forgetting to get the koopa's name.

"Bowser, king of the koopa's." Bowser puffed out his chest in pride.

"Yes and you-" Chrysalis went to a full stop as what Bowser had said registered. "Your a king?"

Bowser snorted. "Ya? and?"

"um... Nothing, forget about it, so what do you say?"

Bowser thought about it for a bit, until a voice inside him rang out.

"I think you should do it."

Bowser looked at his gut, accusingly. "Oh ya!? And who asked you!?"

" I just think that you might have a better chance at beating Fawful if you had some help."

Bowser wanted to refuse, but the more he thought about, the more it made sense, especially since he had lost his firebreath. "*sigh* Fine..." Bowser turned to Chrysalis, ignoring the odd look she was giving him. "Alright Chrysalis right? You got yourself a deal."

Ch.3- A Koopa's Blues

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Ludwig stared at his opponent, determine to defend his father's castle till the very end, his opponent had already defeated the rest of the koopalings, and Junior, along with Larry and Roy had gone missing moments after Morton's defeat. Ludwig was the only one left to defend the castle.

"Muh. huh. huh. You are strong, both in magic and power." His opponent puffed out his chest. "But you are still weak compared to me!" Ludwig glared at his opponent, he was big as a Dragon-koopa, only with smaller horns, and even had spiked wristbands on his wrist, he also had a pig snout, armadillo shell, and pink skin, he was called Midbus.

Ludwig shakily pulled out his trusty wand out of his shell. "We'll see who's weak," he growled, swaying on his feet from his injuries.

Midbus rolled his eyes, "Magic can't hurt me! You are wasting time." Midbus curled into a ball and launched himself towards Ludwig. Ludwig waved his wand, attempting to conjure a shield around himself, but it was not enough and Midbus had smashed right through it.

"I told you. Magic weak. All that matters is strength." Midbus huffed. "And now you serve Fawful."

Ludwig scoffed, even though he was badly injured, he will not surrender. "I sooner die, than work for a vegetable. "

Midbus smirked. "And what about your siblings?" Ludwig froze. "What's to say we don't chose someone else to die?"

The doors to the throne room slammed open, and out came out two spiked armored Koopas.


Behind the two Koopatrols was Wendy, like Ludwig she was also a dragon koopa, only difference was that she was bald and her shell was pink. "AS SOON AS DADDY COMES BACK YOU'LL BE SORRY!!"

Midbus walked towards Wendy with malicious intent, "huh. huh. huh. So this is daddy's little princess?" Midbus continued to circle Wendy, "huh. huh. huh." Midbus snapped his fingers, and instantly a small flying saucer flew towards them, "well let's see how she handles being Master Fawful's servant." From under the floating saucers came out a speaker like object, the speaker fired a signal at the young princess. Instantly Wendy started to grab her head in agony, doing anything she can to prevent the signal from entering her head.



Ludwig stared at the scene in horror, as his little sister desperately fought against the signal. "STOP THIS NOW!!!"

Midbus smirked at seeing the prince's shocked expression, "huh. huh. You are not in any position to make demands here young prince."

The door opened again, this time the Koopatrols were holding four other members of the royal family as prisoners. In front, stood the second oldest of the Koopalings, trying his best to look brave, Lemmy although being the second oldest was also the shortest, he had a rainbow mohawk with a yellow ponytail, he also had a spiked orange shell.

Behind Lemmy were the infamous 'Pallet Trio', the Pallet Trio were in fact triplets and looked almost exactly the same, with some minor differences, the bravest of them was named Red Koopa, like his name implies, his head was completely red, his hair was a darker shade of red, his shell was also the color red, he wore red spiked collars and wristbands.

The second member of the 'Pallet Trio' was Blue Koopa, just like Red, his head was completely blue, his hair only being a darker shade of blue, also having a blue colored shell, he wore a blue spiked collar and wristbands.

The shyest and the final member of the trio was Green Koopa, like his siblings, his whole head, hair, and shell was the same color of what his name implies, he also wore a green spiked collar and wristband.

Unlike the Koopalings, the Pallet Trio didn't like fighting and preferred to play party games with their Uncle Bowser and youngest sibling Koopa Kid. Despite this however, the trio are able to create mechs that can be used for fighting or for playing games.

Red snapped his jaws at Midbus, "Hey! Let us go!"

"Or else!" Blue growled.

"Yea-Yeah! Our uncle is the great King Bowser, he'll mess you up! " Green tried to join in, threating Midbus.

Midbus watched the trio in amusement, 'do they really think they can intimidate me? HA! Too bad Fawful needs them alive, I would've loved to put them in their place,' Midbus turned away and snapped his fingers, "consider yourselves lucky. You'll get to become part of Lord Fawful's new army," four more saucers appeared behind them, "huh. huh. huh. And don't think your uncle will coming any time soon, after all with the beating I gave him, he wont be getting up anytime soon."

"Your lying!"

Midbus turned towards them grinning, "Then why isn't he coming down here to save you?" At the koopas silence, Midbus decided to end this. "I wasted enough time. Koopatrols, as soon as the mind altering process is complete, take them into the Fawful Theater. I hear a new show is about to start."


Bowser walked down the cliff's path, Chrysalis had went ahead to see if there was a place where they can camp for the night. He hated to admit it, but with Chrysalis's help they had actually made it towards the bottom of the cliff in less than an hour, even if they had been attacked by a swarm of Chuboombas, no doubt they had been sent by Fawful. It sickened him to have to rely on the help of others just to defeat a couple of fat goombas. He had just about have enough of it. His body screamed at him to lie down and rest, but he wouldn't have any of it, not until he beat Fawful and his pig. He was the king of the Koopas, he will not give up! Even if it kills him.

"A great beast slouches by."

Bowser stopped in his tracks, he quickly turned around trying to locate the source of the voice, he was sure that they had beaten all the Chuboombas back at the top of the cliff.

"It is you, who is he,"

There was no one around, Bowser scowled, "Great just what I need, another voice in my head!"

"Ah. search not, for I am not there." The voice said, confirming his suspicions. "How would one describe me?" the voice continued, "I... I am the voice within, I am your consciousness.... I am above, and all around. I am all that is you. A consciousness bound to you, as you are to me. Shall we travel together?"

Bowser had enough of this, at least the 'attitude girl' didn't try to pass herself as his inner voice. "Stop talking!" he snapped, quickly he turned to walk away from the area as fast as possible.

"Ah. So very unenlightened. Anger will get you nowhere. It matters not where you go, for I will speak my piece."

"GAH! SHUT UP!!" Bowser yelled, knocking his head in desperation.

"I bear you no ill will. Our minds have bonded. This is a rare thing, so rare, that I will teach you."

"Teach me what?" Bowser growled impatiently, "Hurry up!"

"Smash that bolder to see. Use your inner strength." The voice instructed.

Bowser looked around. The clearing he was in was pretty bare- except for a large hole in the ground, and true to the voice's words, one lone boulder. Bowser supposed he had nothing to lose- at least this voice wants to help him out, unlike that female voice from earlier. He walked over to the rock and smashed it in one punch, revealing a strange, swirling portal hidden beneath it.

"And so it springs to life," The voice spoke, "This is a Chakroad, a conduct for energy waves that bond earth and space."

Bowser snorted, "Hey buddy, you are making NO SENSE!!! Stop with the crazy talk!"

"Fret not with the details, touch the Chakroad."

Bowser hesitated. He had already gotten himself into trouble for accepting a gift today, but there was something inviting about the swirling vortex, he reached out towards the Chakroad and instantly he was sucked in.

"Now we travel....WITH OUR MINDS!!!"

The large koopa looked around his new surroundings, "HEY! I was just here!"

"Wondrous. Thrilling. Yes. Such is the power of the earth and space. We were taken to a place etched in your mind, do you understand? No. For you are unenlightened."

Bowser gritted his teeth, " Quit messing with me! TAKE ME BACK NOW!!!"

The voice sighed sadly, "Anger benefits you not. Touch the Chakroad again."

Chrysalis gritted her teeth in rage, "Where is he!?"

'If he ditched me here, then I am going to make sure he pays.'

Chrysalis continued lay in the spot she had agreed to meet the koopa in, for about 30 minutes. She continued to replay the event in her mind over and over again, in case she landed in the wrong spot. They both decided to split up, Bowser would search for food and she would look for shelter. Chrysalis snorted, "If he isn't here in 5 mintues-!"

Suddenly a large purple swirling vortex opened up, and out came out the very koopa she had been waiting for.

Bowser looked around the clearing he had appeared in approvingly, ignoring the shocked and angry changeling.

"How amusing... You are shocked yes?"

"Not to shabby brain guy," the koopa yelled, "Take me to the Darklands! and make it snappy!"

"That is beyond me, one can only travel to a place, when one has found a Chakroad," the voice said, "Besides, I do not think your companion would be very happy, if you suddenly left her here."

Bowser suddenly remembered about Chrysalis, and noticed her looking at him, with a angry yet confused expression. "Uhh... Hey can you teleport me out of here? Just for a few minutes?"

"I am sorry, but I am needed else where for now.... until we meet again."

"HEY WAIT!!!" Bowser waited for a few moments for the voice to return, but no such luck.

Suddenly Bowser's train of thought was interrupted when he heard a loud scream, "AND JUST WHERE WERE YOU!?"

"*Sigh* Forget about it, did you find any place were we can sleep?"

Chrysalis gritted her teeth, "Yes I did, did you find any food?"

Bowser took out a brown bag from his shell, "Found some hot drumsticks, and a mushroom."

"*Sigh* come on let's go." Chrysalis got up and started to stretch her wings, after a few failed attempts at flying, she decided to just stick to walking. 'Looks like me love energy is running a bit low, I need to find a new source of love fast!'