• Member Since 1st Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen 9 hours ago


Hi. I'm just some guy, you know.


This story is a sequel to Our Little Accident

Because of an accident, Good Fortune was born... extraordinary. He's still extraordinary, though he has a hard time convincing a young colt of this. They have a heart to heart talk, under the streets of Canterlot.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 15 )

This is a nifty little story. It's a nice analysis about that bothersome word "ordinary". Plus, I like your flair with dialog. It gets an upvote.

I'm glad to see Good Fortune again, especially since he's learned a lot from both his parents and his past experiences. I think he's going to go far.

Also, I can't help but feel that earth pony magic isn't undetectable. It's just that they haven't built the right detector.

In any case, thank you for this.

Oooh, more of Good Fortune. Hmm, I kinda wanna see where this leads...

“But look, they have the new lenses from the Crystal Empire! They’re sonoluminescent! Isn’t that cool?!”

Umm... sonoluminescent? Sonoluminescence is an effect that is only relevant to bubbles in a liquid. Not sure how to apply to lenses :rainbowderp:

Maybe it... uses ultrasound to brighten the image? Night vision lens powered by sound? :unsuresweetie:

But time had also transformed Goodie into something she was sure she would never get used to. Goodie was now a teenager.

The most dreadful transformation curse of all :rainbowlaugh:

“Sure, but that whole black coat and blood red mane thing is just kidstuff.”

Easy on the fourth wall there, Goodie :rainbowlaugh:

“You had everything! You could have become anything you wanted!”

“I have everything I want, and I am becoming exactly what I want to be.”

I love love love his attitude towards life :heart:

Goodie’s ears began to flutter. “Oh, that’s my mom. I better flag her down.”

There's an alicorn somewhere in Pinkie Pie's ancestry, isn't there? :rainbowlaugh:

“For instance, Cheese can tell when a party is going to happen before the ponies who want to throw the party know it. He calls it his ‘Cheese-sense.’”

Ohhh. I got it all wrong! Goodie's own 'pinkie sense' is the alicorn-powered version of earth pony magic! :pinkiehappy:

“Oh, yeah. Not big ones like this. Just some pipes under the boardwalks, to drain Main Street. But nopony wants to pay for them, or to dig up the streets. So Main Street keeps flooding every rainy season.”

They got a "Main Street" not ponified to "Mane". Interesting. Especially with how you keep needlessly ponifying "hey" :moustache:

“So, your dad is a potter, who’s a self-taught hydraulic engineer, and an amateur meteorologist,” said Goodie. “You know, he doesn’t sound ordinary at all.”

Magnificent :pinkiesmile:

“Either way, I don’t think they’re ordinary ponies.”

Hee :pinkiehappy:

Some remarks and corrections:
> Being married to an absent minded professor
"absentminded" is one word. Or at least has a dash in it.
> we could increase the energy of collisions ten fold!”
"tenfold" is one word.
> seems a bit counter productive
"counterproductive". Again, either one word or connected with a dash.
> then you it’s probably still home.
I think you got a missing word there, or a word too much. Not sure.

Cool. This was a nice sequel from the original.

5331978 Thank you. I'm glad you enjoy my dialogue - I had to forcefully remind myself that it was Goodie and Gully's story, because what I really wanted to do was just let Pensive and Careful banter away.

5333700 Unfortunately, it's canon that you can't detect earth pony magic; you either take in on faith or you don't. Building a detector would be like quantifying faith, and I'm not ready to do that. Much as I want Pensive and Careful to succeed in their research this is sometime I'll be putting off - for a while anyway.

5334636 Frankly, I don't know how converting sound into light can be applied to their research, but I'm with Goodie and Pensive, it's still really cool. Also, since it's a tuneable lense maybe the focused light is coherent - and lasers are ALWAYS cool!

I love Goodie's attitude as well, but it gives me trouble. His unsinkable good spirits could make him more of a Gary Sue even than being an alicorn, I have to tread lightly.

5335181 Thank you. What I like the most about this story is it's increased interest in "My Little Accident" and I grow to appreciate that story more every day.

A sweet little read! It doesn't take being an alicorn or knowing royalty to be extraordinary, that's for sure. Your life is what you make of it and things are how you look at them... half full or half empty... and it's nice that Goodie was able to help Gully open his eyes to that reality. I also enjoyed the subtle, not-over-the-top descriptions of his Goodie-senses. The tingling nose, the ear flutters - they were inserted casually and normally, as I imagine they feel to him.

As before, I adore Careful and Pensive! Haha! You characterize them so well that it's hard to not enjoy every scene the two are in. They're such loving parents, but they also stand on their own as interesting characters. I want to read a "how they met" story! :derpytongue2:

Good work, good read! :twilightsmile:

Besides, I still have the horn. It’s in a jar on my desk

I just realized this story is the exact opposite of "The Monster Below"

Finally got around to reading this. It was very sweet. Goodie is still a bit too good to be true, if in a different way, but the funny thing is that I know at least one person who's a bit like him. So I guess maybe reality is a bit too good to be true, sometimes. :twilightsmile:

5983487 Yeah, if I write more for Goodie I have to be careful. His total boy scout attitude makes him perhaps more of a Mary Sue than being an alicorn did. But I can't help that. It's how he is.

It's worth noting that in all probability, Goodie is proof positive that earth pony senses are magically enhanced in some way, considering the only thing he really retained from "alicorning" was what makes him such a goodie-four-shoes.

He sees the good in everything. Literally.

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