• Published 2nd Dec 2014
  • 35,407 Views, 3,113 Comments

What I've Done - Knight Breeze

Though no longer plagued with a face that would give Slender nightmares, Alex continues to struggle against a monster far worse than the one he was...

  • ...

Chapter IV

Chapter IV

“What should we expect when we meet it?” Silver Back asked quietly as they approached the hospital wing of the castle.

“He will only look marginally similar to the creatures that I have shown you in the photographs. Because of the severity of his injuries, we were forced to use regenerative magic to save his life,” Celestia said as she calmly led the way. “This forced his body to revert to his original form, though his arms and legs resisted the change. He is still very weak, so I suggest discretion in your questioning.”

Silver Back nodded at this, his wild mane flying every which way as he conveyed his understanding. “I understand, though I was actually wondering more on its personality, and how it would react to us.”

“Personality wise? He is not much different from any other sapient species. He is intelligent, resourceful, and has a collection of quirks and flaws,” Celestia said as she opened the door to the hospital wing. “I admit, that I do not know him as well as I would like. Recent events have forced me to play a less active role in this. My sister Luna would know more of his mental state, and how he reacts to certain situations.”

“Fascinating, however, I am wondering, why didn't its limbs respond to your treatment?” Gustaf asked as he quirked an eyebrow.

“Based on the evidence that we have gathered, we believe it is because his limbs are either partially or completely artificial. They didn't revert to their old form, simply because they had no old form,” Celestia said quietly.

“Are you telling me that they amputated its limbs, only to replace them with metallic fakes?” Gustaf asked in horror.

“Not quite. I'm not sure how it was done, but the limbs are organic in nature. They also appear to have been grafted onto his body, not grown in any way,” Celestia answered, shaking her head a little. “We eventually plan to amputate his limbs and regrow new ones, but he is too weak right now, and would not survive the procedure.”

“Why not leave the limbs unchanged? Surely he gains nothing from this exchange,” Lady Ebela asked curiously.

“Because his body doesn't recognize his limbs as his own anymore. Because of this, his immune system is actively trying to attack and kill both his arms and legs. If we were to leave them, as you suggest, then he would suffer an extremely painful death over the next several months. No, they need to come off, we just have to wait until his body is able to withstand the procedure,” Celestia said as she stopped in front of an unassuming door.

"I understand his terrible state, let us hope that we can save him from his fate,” Lady Ebela said as Celestia raised her hoof and knocked on the door.

The four did not have to wait long at the closed door, it being opened almost immediately to reveal Doctor Tender Care on the other side. “Princess Celestia! What brings you down here, Your Highness?” the doctor asked as she fell into a deep bow.

“Yes, what brings you here, sister? I thought you were apprising the delegates of the current sit- and I can see that they are here with you,” Luna said as she rounded into view, clearly surprised to see them.

“I apologize for the unexpected visit, but the delegates insisted that it was urgent that we speak with ~Alex~ before we decide on anything else,” Celestia told Luna quietly.

“I don't think that is wise, sister. He has only recently awakened, and is still very weak from surgery,” Luna said, a little bit of annoyance creeping into her voice as she spoke.

“Can you at least ask it if it can spare even a few minutes to speak with us?” Gustaf pleaded.

Luna fixed him with a withering look, then sighed in surrender. “I will, but on one condition.”

“What is that?”

“You are not to refer to him as an 'it' in his presence, or in mine. He is a thinking, intelligent individual, who has gone through quite enough without having to be degraded to the role of a mere monster. If you address him, you are to either address him by his name, or by our rough translation of his name, not as 'monster' or 'creature', am I understood?” Luna said, her gaze boring into the assembled diplomat's eyes.

Silver Back sputtered in indignation, clearly taken aback by Luna's bold words. “Princess, you cannot possibly be serious! This is an alien, it has no rights on this planet!”

“I'm afraid that she is quite serious, as am I. I was willing to let your previous faux pas slide, but from this point on, you must start treating him like an actual person. Especially if you want any answers out of him,” Celestia said pointedly.

Silver Back sputtered impotently a little more, but was quieted as Gustaf raised a single talon. “Of course, Your Highness. I apologize for my conduct earlier, it was unbecoming of a warrior and a diplomat,” Gustaf said pointedly with a bow, glancing back at Silver Back as he spoke. “Especially since he is the sole representative of his race, and therefor a kind of diplomat himself. Since he has committed no crime according to your laws or ours, we must treat him as such.

Silver Back opened his mouth a few more times, but then promptly closed it as what Gustaf said slowly sunk into his brain. “Y-yes, I apologize as well.”

“Now, before you go and ask him if we can see him, might I inquire of his name?” Gustaf asked as he rose from his bow.

Luna smiled at the griffon, then nodded her head. “Apology accepted, Chancellor Gustaf. I can see why the Emperor appointed you to be his voice here in Equestria,” Luna said, nodding her head in acknowledgement. “His name is ~Alex~. If you have trouble pronouncing that, his name translates into Equestrian as 'Defender of People', or Defender for short. He will respond to either, though more strongly to his given name.”

“Thank you Princess of the Moon,” Gustaf said with another bow.

* * *

I looked down at the wonderful meal that the ponies had brought to me, fork in one hand, and spoon in the other. It was... surprisingly similar to the kind of fare that I could expect back home. There were what appeared to be yellow lumps of something, which upon closer examination, turned out to have the exact taste and consistency of scrambled eggs. Next to the eggs were two slices of buttered toast, while a bowl of hot mush sat just above the plate.

The mush proved to be very similar to oatmeal in taste and consistency, though they seemed to have sweetened it in some manner. Yeah, you can call me a freak, but I've always kind of liked oatmeal. That being said, I quickly dove in and started spooning the delicious concoction into my mouth.

Sure, it was simple food. But to me, it was a feast worthy of any king.

“This is odd,” I said as I took another spoonful of the delightful meal in front of me.

“What not right?” Moon asked a little puzzled. “Food not to liking?”

“No, the food is delicious, I didn't mean that something was wrong. What I meant was that something didn't fit. Something was out of place,” I clarified.

A flash of understanding crossed Moon's features, and she nodded at that. “What not in right place?”

“Well, did you know that I'm... not exactly from this world?” I asked hesitantly.

She nodded at that, though she had a sad look in her eyes as she did so. “Yes, we talk about before this, when first wake up. We find ship. We find... remains... of Alex's brothers and sisters. We find those responsible as well, have many questions about happenings. Ask later,”

That stopped me in my tracks. I actually couldn't remember telling her about that before, though that was probably the drugs talking. That being said, I was floored by this information. They... they knew this whole time? I thought to myself in wonder. “If you knew that I was an alien, then why? Why did you give me the benefit of the doubt? I could have been an alien monster, bent on devouring all of you, why did you not capture or kill me?” I asked incredulously.

She just smiled at that, then shook her head. “It true, you scare us before. We not sure what think when see crash. It look one monster kill other monster, not know if any survive. We doubt you monster, though, because of how treat subject. You bring home Orange Vegetable Hair safe and sound, only run when we meet. Mind pure, intelligent. We doubt monster, because not act monster. Act willful, act good, act people,” she said as she sat down next to the bed. “But, not think that what meant when say thing not in right place.”

I shook my head at that as I tried to wrap my mind around what she had said. “No, I didn't mean that,” I said with a nervous chuckle. “What I meant was, that it is uncanny how much your world parallels my own.”

“What mean by line follow each other?” she asked me as she raised an eyebrow.

“No, I meant that things here are the same as things back home,” I explained to her. “For example, this food looks and tastes a lot like the kind of stuff that I would eat back home. I've noticed that about a lot of your foods, that many of them would fit right alongside the foods that I would eat back home. Not only that, but many of our facial expressions mirror each other. A nod means 'yes', a shake of the head from side to side means 'no'. And that's just touching the surface.”

She nodded at that, her eyes widening a bit at this revelation. “That strange, that thing become so same between worlds. Think talk more on same and different, once know language. Better explain thing, better explain word, better learn.”

I nodded at that. “I agree. However, for now, I think I would prefer to eat the first, real meal that I've had in a very long time,” I said, as I spooned another delicious bite into my mouth.

She smiled at that, and nodded as I quietly began to eat what was in front of me. As I made my way through the meal, however, I was interrupted by another knock on the door of the room. I ignored it, opting to continue eating, feeling pretty safe in my assumption that it was for Moon or one of the doctors. After all, Moon was clearly an important person, so it stood to reason that her time would be highly valued among the ruling class here. As for me, I was a guest and a patient, and I didn't really think that anyone would be looking for an audience from me, especially not so soon after surgery.

However, as I pointedly continued to ignore the conversation at the door, I couldn't help but overhear the slight annoyance in Moon's voice, nor could I ignore the fact that there seemed to be quite the crowd on the other side.

I perked up as Moon approached me, her demeanor was that of someone who would rather be doing anything else at the moment. It was also clear that she didn't want to involve me in whatever was happening.

“I am apology,” Moon said as she nodded her head solemnly. “But some here wish speak. No mean harm, represent other countries. Needed to know about outsiders like you, needed to know about ship.”

I nearly had a heart attack when she said that. If she means what I think she means, then... Oh dear. I thought nervously.

“Is there any chance we could get them to come back later?” I asked, though I already knew what the answer was going to be.

“No, they need hear what have say. You complicate things, though you not mean to. Monsters may come back, need decide what do,” she said, shaking her head wearily.

I sighed at that, while inward I felt very guilty. I've put these people at risk, and here I am, selfishly thinking of how to get out of meeting with them. The least I could do is let them know what they're up against. I thought as I straightened up a little.

“Okay, go ahead and let them in,” I said as I readied myself for what was to come.

Moon nodded at that, then turned to the door. “You come please in. Sister, cast word know spell on guests, let know what we talk when speak to Alex,” she said to the open door.

The first one to enter was, surprisingly enough, another horned pegasus mare like Moon. Like Moon, she wore royal regalia, and had a mane and tail that seemed to flutter and wave in an unfelt breeze.

However, that was where the similarities ended.

She was taller, for starters, with a coat that was the purest white that I had ever seen. On either of her flanks was emblazoned a stylized version of the sun, while her regalia was made of what appeared to be pure gold. They didn't have her flank tattoo stamped on them, however. Instead, each bore a diamond shaped purple gem in their center. Her mane and tail resembled nothing short of the glowing Aurora Borealis of the north, what with its constantly moving pinks, greens and blues.

However, as striking as she was, that was nothing compared to her eyes.

They say that the eyes are the windows to the soul. Never before has that statement been more true then when I looked into the eyes of the Sun Goddess. Her magenta stare seemed to carry the weight of eons behind them, and with that weight was a strength beyond anything that I had ever seen before. However, as strong as that gaze was, it was also tempered with kindness and wisdom, almost like the gaze of a mother.

Almost unconsciously, I straightened up in my bed and swallowed uncomfortably.

“Greetings, Alex. I Sun Goddess. We come, need answer questions, you feeling ready answer?” the white mare asked kindly.

“Uh... sure, what did you want to know?” I asked uncertainly.

“Would hear for self, what thing alien do,” a male voice said from behind Sun.

The distinctly male voice made me realize very quickly that the Sun Goddess didn't enter the room alone. Behind her were three others, though their appearance made me quickly reevaluate the planet I was on, forcing me to seriously wonder if I wasn't just hallucinating living in a game of Dungeons and Dragons.

The tallest, and therefore most noticeable of the three, was easily the minotaur. He clearly stood about eight feet tall, if you included the rather impressive horns on either side of his head. His long, wild mane was a vibrant red, as was the shaggy fur on his lower half. The silver-gray fur on his upper half was much, much shorter, allowing me to clearly see his strong, powerful frame. His beady blue eyes had a guarded, almost apprehensive look to them, and were staring at me, almost as if he were daring me to make a wrong move.

At his side was a rather small zebra mare, whose mane was currently tied back into a pony tail. Her eyes were a rich, pink color, while on her flanks were a group of symbols that I could only guess the meaning of. Those symbols seemed to meld seamlessly with the stripped pattern of her fur, making them hard to notice, yet quite beautiful when they were. Her gaze was a curious one, but behind that demeanor was wisdom and intelligence beyond her years.

In front of the two of them, however, was the originator of the male voice. He was a rather stocky griffon, with a deep, black plumage, while his hind-quarters were a much lighter shade of gray. Across his right eye I could see a nasty looking scar, behind which his eye was covered in a milky white film. His other eye was clear and bright, its amber gaze locked with mine as he studied me intently, analyzing everything about me down to the smallest detail.

“Excuse me?” I asked, a little unsure at what he meant.

“We want know, what alien do to Alex. Need decide on course of action, hear for self, see for self, what do to you. What may do to all,” the griffon said slowly.

“Who are you?” I asked him politely.

“I am One Who Speaks, Staff of the Gods. I speak for Griffon Empire, need know danger of enemy. Need know depth of depravity. Need know you,” Staff said gravely.

I nodded at that, then gulped, well aware that I now had a full blown audience of creatures that, at one point, I had thought only existed in fairy tails. “Okay. I suppose the best place to start is the beginning...”

Author's Note:


Also, we're finally going to hear what Alex remembers of his captivity! Yay story!

Anyway, just a short little chapter to introduce Alex's little flashback. Trust me, that chapter is going to be long, involved, and a doozy to write. No, he won't be able to tell them everything, simply because he won't be able to remember everything himself. Also, he's going to try to sugar-coat things, but Gustaf isn't going to have any of that.

Also, there is a very legit reason why Silver Back is acting like a complete tool. You'll learn it later as the story progresses.

That being said, I did do a little bit of editing on this chapter and the ones previous, but not enough. If you guys have a problem with what I've written here, just speak up! Tell me what I've done wrong! I promise that I won't chew you out, and I promise not to be offended! Honest!

Anyway, have fun!