• Published 2nd Dec 2014
  • 35,407 Views, 3,113 Comments

What I've Done - Knight Breeze

Though no longer plagued with a face that would give Slender nightmares, Alex continues to struggle against a monster far worse than the one he was...

  • ...

Chapter XIII

Chapter XIII

“Um... are you sure about this?” I asked as I examined what appeared to be a shiny metal salad bowl with blinking, multicolored lights. The whole setup was wired to what looked like a seismograph, which Moon's assistant had wheeled in as soon as I had said I was ready for magic testing.

“Why? You nervous so-” Moon started to say, but was interrupted by an urgent knock at the door. Moon answered it, though she appeared somewhat put off by the interruption if I was any judge on that sort of thing.

On the other side was one of those day-themed guards, rather than one of the more familiar night-themed ones. Okay, now I'm curious. What's with this whole night/day theme they've got going on here? I wondered as Moon quietly talked with the stallion at the door.

“I sorry, Alex, have leave. Important thing appeared, must go see,” Moon said, once she was finished talking to the guard. “Fast Thinker here continue test without.”

I nodded as she left, though I still felt a bit nervous at being left alone with the science pony I did not know. I didn't say anything, however, mainly due to the fact that the scientist she was leaving me with looked as nervous as I did, if not more so.

“Okay, we start by placing magical dispersal detector on head,” Fast said, quickly turning his attention back to his notepad, as if to cover up his nervousness.

“Okay, like this?” I said with a smile, hoping to ease his worry some.

Before he could answer, however, I suddenly felt a chill run down my spine, followed closely by a burst of sound somewhere behind me. I slowly turned my head towards the sound, only to see something that truly terrified me.

There, standing behind me, was Evening Twinkle, though she looked like she had seen better days. Her mane and tail were disheveled, and judging by the bags under her eyes, it looked like she hadn't slept for a while.

That wasn't what scared me, though.

It was the look in those eyes that made me fear for my life. I saw desperation, hope, and quite a bit of mania.

Mostly, though, I saw a deep, bottomless hunger.

As I slowly began to back away, she followed, matching my movement step for step. I saw her horn glow, followed closely by her levitating a stack of papers in front of her. “Hi Alex...” she said creepily.

“Um...” I said, not really sure how to handle what was happening. “Can I... help you?”

“Yes, actually,” she said as she got uncomfortably close. “I heard Pink Pastry tell interesting story. About how you work golems back home, can make complex golems.”

“Um... actually, I worked with computers, but if golem means what I think it means-” I started to say, but was interrupted as Evening continued talking.

“Yes, calculation device. She said it capable lots processing. Can do many things once, complex and fast,” she said. By this point, my back was pressed up against the wall, and I could feel sweat pour down my face.

“Um... Yeah, but wha-”

“Capable taking sensor information?” she continued, rolling over my attempts to interject some sanity into the current situation. “Capable looking anomaly? Can take instruction? Give feedback?

“Uh, yeah, computers are certainly capable... of...” I started to say, but stopped when the purple pony wrapped her front hooves around my right leg, a content smile on her lips.

“Oh, thank Sun!” she muttered quietly.

“Um, Lady Twinkle?” Fast Thinker said carefully. “I kind need run tests, so-”

However, before I could hear the rest of what Fast Thinker was going to say, Evening looked up at me, a pleading look in her eyes. “Could- could make me one?” she asked, desperation in her voice as she interrupted the poor stallion.

“Uh, yeah, I suppose. I mean, I would need the tools, as well as-” I started to say, but was stopped by the sudden feeling of my stomach being turned inside out, followed by my world becoming nothing but purple. It was so purple I could taste it.

It tasted like science.

As the world slowly came back into focus, I noticed that we had moved... somehow. We were now in some kind of lab, and while I recognized many of the tools and devices around us, there were quite a few that I had no clue what they were supposed to do.

I also noticed that we were not alone. I quickly spotted several ponies, all dressed in white lab coats, scattered around the room. There also were a couple of minotaurs, as well as a single griffon. The largest concentration of the staff were gathered around what appeared to be a smoking stone unicorn head, though why a statue was smoking was anyone's guess.

Everyone in the room looked like they were busy, but all of them stopped the instant we arrived. Some gave me looks of fear, while a few others shrugged and continued with their business, completely unfazed by our sudden appearance. Their focus snapped back to me, however, the instant Evening Twinkle started speaking. “Team! I found secret Star Twist's golem!” she shouted as she gestured towards me. “This Alex. He say can get working! He say can make device to process all information!”

“Wait, I never said...” I started to say, but stopped when one of the minotaurs let out a huge, roaring laugh.

He said something in a flippant, dismissive tone, to which Evening puffed out her chest indignantly. “I'll have know, he know lots. May not magic, but smart. Real smart.”

“Wait, please, what are you getting me into?” I pleaded with the purple one.

The minotaur snorted at her words, then said something else that I couldn't understand. Evening stomped a hoof irritably at his derision. “Just because not understand language doesn't make savage,” she said irritably.

The minotaur laughed again, while inside I fumed at what he said. “Now see here, I'm not-” I started to say, but stopped when I remembered that he couldn't understand me.

The minotaur just continued to laugh, ignoring my attempts to interject as he pointed at my pants, as if to make a point.

Yeah, I knew he was just jealous of my Awesome Pants of Wonder. He couldn't hide it from me.

“Please, just-” Evening started to say, but stopped when I placed a hand on her withers.

“Evening. Could I talk to you for a second?” I asked as everybody continued to stare, though thankfully not at me. They were all staring at the minotaur, and I was happy to see that not all of their looks were friendly.

“What?” she asked as her eyes turned up towards me.

I knelt down in front of her, so that our eyes were level as I thought about what I wanted to say. “Look, I know you’re excited about this, and I’m flattered that you have that kind of faith in me, but they obviously don’t see the same thing that you see in me,” I told her bluntly. “The fact of the matter is, is that they don’t know me, and all they have is your word. So far, though, all they see is the monster that fell from space, and that’s all they’re ever going to see unless something happens.”

“What happen?” she asked quietly.

“I need to prove them wrong, and you right,” I said with a grimace, knowing full well what kind of position I was putting myself in. “However, I don’t even know what it is you want me to do. All I know right now, is that you want me to build some kind of computer. That's fine, though. I'd love to help, but you're going to have to give me some context here.”

Evening's ears fell flat against her head at my words. “Sorry, Alex, forget myself sometimes when problem get too great,” she apologized. She then glanced back at the group behind her, who had mostly gone back to what they were doing. “We trying make golem, can process lots information. But problems.”

“Yes, but why do you need this?” I asked, trying to find the source of the problem. “And what is a golem exactly?”

“We need golem for device to stop aliens,” she said simply, sending a shock down my spine.

“Wait, this is for that?” I asked quickly.

“Yes, it stop for good, but problems,” Evening said with a nod. “Golem doesn't work, without help, may never work.”

I nodded grimly as her words sank in. “I'll help, then. This is my fight, more than anyone else's, so how could I refuse?”

She smiled gratefully at that, though her smile fell again when I raised a hand in front of me, a frown on my face. “I don't make any promises, though. I still don't know what a golem is, or if we could even use a computer in its place.”

Evening took a deep breath, then exhaled. “Golem is magical construct, able do task. Task complex directly proportion to amount Magical Element used in construct. For this, with multiple tasks all needing overseen, amount Magical Element needed larger than size moon.”

I gave a low whistle, then looked around. “So, it performs tasks, eh?” I asked thoughtfully. As I said this, an idea came to me. “Evening, can golems be wired to talk to each other?”

“Well, yes, but without center golem, all get confused. Still need one golem oversee all task, but-” she started to say, but stopped when I shook my head.

“That's not important. What's important is how small we can make a golem,” I asked, unable to contain my grin.

Evening looked completely baffled at that. “Why make smaller? Less powerful, not able complex.”

As she said this, however, I heard another booming laugh, followed closely by more flippant minotaur muttering. “Just answer the question,” I told her, ignoring the jerk in the room.

Evening levitated a piece of paper towards herself, along with a quill and inkwell. “Well, it not do much, but...” she said, then placed a single dot on the page. “That small. But really, not do much.”

“That is perfect,” I said as I stood up. “Now, final questions. What can a golem that small do? Specifically, can it be turned on and off, and communicate its state to other golems?”

Evening shrugged at that. “Well, yeah, but not see how do anything...” she muttered.

I, however, was grinning like a loon at that point. They might not be silicone, but I doubt that I'd be able to get the ponies to understand what it is I want, or fabricate them properly in time, I thought to myself as I moved towards an empty desk.

“Wait, still not understand! Why need small golem? That opposite golem science!” she said as she cantered next to me.

“I know you don't understand, and trust me, a lot of people back home wouldn't either. But believe me when I say that I know what I'm doing, and soon, you will too,” I said as I took a deep, cleansing breath. “I'm going to need a lab coat, as well as your language spell cast on the other members of the team. I also need several sheets of paper, as well as plenty of ink, and a pen.”

Evening still looked a bit skeptical, but shrugged anyway. “Well, you expert, so we do your way,” she said. She then turned towards one of the other ponies in the room. “Number Crunch! Go get minotaur lab coat Alex, small size possible.”

Number glanced up from what she was doing and gave Evening a skeptical look, but still took off to get the coat.

“Okay, now, while she's doing that, let me show you what I want you to do,” I said as I slid into a seat. Okay, we're going to have to work out how to make some logic gates. Shouldn't be too hard, I thought as I started making notes on the paper in front of me. If golems are able to do tasks, then I could probably get the ponies to make some that are slightly larger that interpret the logic from the others.

Now, I know what you're thinking: How could I just slip back into this so easily? I just got out of the hospital after getting blasted, not to mention the fact that I had spent the last six months running through an alien forest, while an undetermined time before that had been spent at the mercy of a group of insane aliens.

To tell you the truth, though, I didn't know the reason behind it either. It almost felt as if I was just a passenger in my body, my hands and mouth doing all the work while I merely watched.

I knew what I felt, though, and what I felt was a sense of familiarity. Sure, I might be using these golem things instead of transistors, but as long as they behaved the same way, they were something I could understand. I wasn't dealing with alien mutations, magical mumbo jumbo, or any of that malarkey that I've been running into since that terrible day that seemed like a lifetime ago.

No, this was good, old fashion logical thinking. It was something I was good at, something I knew how to do, and do well. As I sat there, explaining what the different symbols for a schematic meant to Evening, I couldn't help but feel something I hadn't felt in a long time.

I felt like I had come home.

* * *

Princess Celestia didn't have to wait for very long, as it only took a couple of minutes for her guard to locate her sister and tell her the news. That being said, she wasn't in the least bit surprised when Princess Luna simply teleported into the throne room, though she was certain that Carrot Top didn't feel the same way.

“Ah, sister, your messenger said that something involving the aliens has come up?” Luna asked, completely oblivious to the near heart attack she had given the poor mare a few feet behind her.

“Yes, Luna. It seems like our suspicions about them has been proven correct, seeing as how Miss Top and her husband has recently had a run in with them.”

Princess Luna quickly turned to look at the hyperventilating mare, her face filled with concern. “Really? How did you survive your en-” she started to ask, but stopped when she noticed the poor mare's condition. “Are you all right?”

“She was merely startled by your sudden appearance, Luna,” Celestia said with a grin.

“Ah, yes, I apologize, I have been known to have that effect on others from time to time,” Luna responded, though her expression did not change in the slightest. “Though unfinished, my question still stands. How did she survive? And more importantly, you said that both her and her husband encountered the monsters. Where is he?” she asked, her voice becoming extremely worried.

“Don't worry, Luna, he is waiting, unconscious, outside the throne room. I'm afraid poor Written Script had another panic attack before he even managed to make it into our throne room,” Celestia said, calming Luna's growing concern.

“I'm really sorry about that,” Carrot Top said, finally getting a handle on her breathing. “I've been meaning to get him to a therapist, but he keeps putting it off.”

“Not to worry, though I am sorry that he cannot be here to join us,” Luna said, waving off her apology. “Now, please, what happened? And how were you able to fend off the alien monsters?”

Carrot Top gave a grimace at that. “We didn't fend them off. They captured us, but let us go on the condition that we bring you that box,” she said, pointing towards the box that was being carried by a nearby soldier. “The creatures never spoke, though that box created some kind of illusionary duplicate of my husband and the creature, showing us what it wanted us to do.”

Luna nodded at that. “It is a missive then,” she said. “It is odd, though. If they have the power to infiltrate us, and to take our people as they see fit, why do they not attack?”

“I do not know, sister,” Celestia said with a frown. “This puzzles me just as much as it does you.”

“Can- can I go now?” Carrot Top asked carefully.

“You may, though I would ask that you and your husband remain in Canterlot for a period,” Celestia said as she got up from her throne. “If memory serves, your husband has a great deal of knowledge concerning different languages, correct?”

“That is correct, though his skills are more focused on written language,” Carrot Top answered honestly.

“That will do. I wish to extend a commission to him, to use his talents in a project that we are currently engaged in. As soon as he is up, I would like you to tell him about it,” Celestia said as she came to stand at her sister's side.

Carrot Top's face lit up at that as she sunk into a bow. “I'm sure he would be thrilled, Your Highness,” she said, then turned to leave.

Luna waited until she had left, then turned towards her sister. “What is this commission you spoke of?” she asked curiously.

“I thought that he might be of some use in translating some of the alien writings we have recovered,” Celestia said with a shrug.

Luna just gave her a knowing stare at that. “You know as well as I that that effort has proved fruitless. What is your real motivation here?”

Celestia sighed at that. “They know quite a bit about what's going on, and have had an enormous amount of luck so far in this matter. Not only were they the first to contact and talk with ~Alex,~ but they also met, and survived, a meeting with our alien enemies,” Celestia said, her gaze locked onto where Carrot Top had left the room. “At this point, I feel we could use any advantage that we can get. Even if it is blind luck.”

Luna nodded at her sister’s words. “So, they are to be read in?” she asked curiously.

“I already read her in before you arrived. Written Script will have to be read in by someone else, as he keeps fainting whenever he sees either of us,” Celestia said with a grin.

“Do you think we will break him when he learns of the ‘commission’ you have extended?” Luna asked, her grin just as wide as her sister’s.

“I imagine that will probably be the case,” Celestia said with an exaggerated sigh.

Luna giggled at that, then grew serious again. “Well, at any rate, let's take a look at that message,” Luna said, gesturing towards the guard holding the box.

The lieutenant in question levitated over the alien device, then saluted. “We've already scanned it for all known harmful substances. Other than the fact that it is in much better condition, it appears identical to those other black boxes recovered from the crash.”

“Thank you lieutenant,” Celestia said as she examined the box. It indeed was identical to those other boxes, except for the rather obvious red button on the side, as well as a picture of a hoof pressing said button engraved on the back.

“Have you talked with ~Alex~ yet about what these things are?” Celestia asked her sister.

“I have. It is apparently one of those 'calculation devices' that he spoke of earlier,” Luna said carefully. “Apparently, they have a large number of uses, not just enslaving the minds of others. He compared them to a multitool, though instead of a knife, its most prevalent feature is the storage and processing of information.”

Celestia hummed her understanding at that. “So, I guess we just press this button, then?” she asked uncertainly.

“I would assume so. However, I would stress that we exercise caution. Despite their peaceful interaction with Carrot Top and Written Script, this could very well be a trap,” Luna warned.

“Agreed. Let's not endanger anypony else but ourselves,” Celestia said as she formed a bubble shield around the two of them, much to their guard's dismay.

“No, Your Highnesses! Please reconsider,” Lieutenant Star said, taking a few steps forward.

“Now, lets see what we have here,” Celestia said, ignoring the lieutenant and pressing the button.

As soon as she pressed the button, the glass front lit up, startling Celestia and almost causing her to drop the thing. She still managed to keep her grip on it, though, even when an incredibly life like image of one of the alien monsters appeared in front of her.

The creature wore the now familiar grey uniform that they had seen on many of the recovered bodies, though Celestia immediately noticed some key differences. For starters, this one had blue trimming, rather than the red on the others. In addition, this one had a strange insignia positioned over its right breast, depicting a claw superimposed over a moon.

“What do you want?” Luna muttered thoughtfully. as she examined the image in front of them.

The creature didn’t answer, or even talk. Instead, it inclined its head towards the two sisters, bringing its top most hands up to its forehead while the lower arms made an open, sweeping gesture. The image then disappeared, only to be replaced by the image of a small, silver, egg-shaped thing landing on the Canterlot airship docks.

Both sisters then watched with some surprise as the craft opened, allowing a single alien out. It then walked up to the group who had come out to meet it, most notably consisting of several Night Sentinels, as well as ~Alex~ while he was still in his monstrous form. Then, to both sisters immense surprise, the alien bowed.

This wasn’t any kind of bow, either. All four legs folded in on themselves, while the upper half lowered itself until its face was practically kissing the earth beneath it, while all four arms were splayed out in all directions.

The image changed again, this time showing the same alien giving the box that the sisters were now holding to Written Script and Carrot Top. It then disappeared, and was quickly replaced by a still image of Canterlot Castle, though this image was strange, in the fact that it had three suns and two moons positioned behind it. The image then changed one more time, revealing the alien from before, bowing itself before the two sisters as it had to the people on the airship tarmac. It then faded away, leaving behind nothing but questions for the two rulers of Equestria.

Author's Note:

Well, here you go! The next chapter!

Now, I admit that I got a little impatient waiting for my editor to take a look at this. As I've said in my last blog post, my muse is a finicky, demanding one, and because of that, I'm posting this before my editor has had a chance to look at it.

No worries, though, I've already been through this several times and made several corrections and changes. However, if you see anything wrong, don't hesitate to let me know.