• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 17,115 Views, 251 Comments

Sunset Shimmy - shortskirtsandexplosions

Sunset Shimmer's happy, so she starts acting like the pony that she was born as. This can only end in adoracute.

  • ...

Evening, She's Shimmyin'

"For the last time, Applejack!" Rainbow Dash frowned as she walked towards the Apple Family garage, carrying two guitar cases. "We're not a country band or an indie band..." She glared aside. "We're a rock band!"

"Nnnngh..." Applejack grunted, lugging an amplifier in the late afternoon sunset. "How do y'all figure?"

"Look, it's so simple even a bumpkin like you can figure it out." She smirked. "Are we smoking, drinking, and losing our spouses?"

"Uh... reckon we ain't."

"Then we're not a country band!"

"Then what about that 'indie' nonsense?"

"Are you wearing a shirt?"


"Am I wearing a shirt?"

"Er... yes?"

"You think the other gals are wearing shirts?"

"Well, of course they are!"

Rainbow smirked. "Well, there you have it!" She waved Applejack off as she stepped into the garage. "We're a rock band!"

"Hrmmm..." Applejack grumbled.

Clearing her throat, Rainbow dropped the two guitar cases and struck a pose. "Never fear, awesomeness is here—!"

"Shhhhhhhhhh!" Fluttershy hissed. She and Pinkie Pie motioned for silence, then pointed across the room.

"Guhh..." Applejack placed the amplifier down beside Rainbow Dash. Both girls craned their necks to see.

Atop the couch positioned along the edge of the garage, Rarity sat. But she wasn't alone. Sunset Shimmer lay across the full length of the sofa, asleep and on her back. She laid her head across Rarity's lap with a dumb smile plastered to her face. Her glasses lay crooked over twitching eyelids, and her arms were bent straight up, as were her lower legs and feet.

Applejack and Rainbow blinked before exchanging blank expressions.

Rarity cleared her throat quietly. She held a finger up. "Observe..." She reached down and stroked Sunset's hair, then scratched along the inner nape of her neck.

Sunset squirmed slightly. "Squee..." Her lips curved as she made a whinnying sound, and soon her legs and feet were making tiny little "hoofie-kicks" in the air of the garage. Her body settled down with a slight twitch to her pelvis, as if shaking a tail that wasn't there.

Fluttershy clutched her hands together while smiling warmly.

"Girls, I do believe I have made an observation," Rarity whispered, continuing to brush the teenager's red and yellow hair. "I think Sunset Shimmer might be adorable."

"Abso-doodle-lutely!" Pinkie chirped.

"Bleackkk." Rainbow's face twitched as she folded her arms. "If you say so."

"Oh Rainbow..." Fluttershy giggled lightly. "It's okay to admit that you find Sunset to be adoracute."

"So, what you're saying is..." Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "If I pranced around like an idiot on all fours and started eating fruit without using my hands made silly horse noises, then I would be adorable?"

"Don't be ridiculous." Applejack winked. "Yer already adorable."

"Ugh. I am not taking this from a bassist!"

"Hrmmmm..." Sunset nuzzled Rarity's palm as her left ear twitched, followed by her right.

Rainbow blinked. "Although..." She rubbed her chin, squinting at Sunset's face. "...with the way the light glints off her glasses while she lies there..."

"Give innnnnnn..." Pinkie leaned over, eyes swirling. "...give in to the cutenessssss."

"Ugh... c-can we just do our rehearsals already?"

"What's the rush, darling?" Rarity smiled. "We're all here. After more than one crisis, we're all in one piece. What's more, we're all happy."

"Most of all Sunset Shimmer," Fluttershy cooed, kneeling down to stroke the girl's cheek. "Think about it. For so long, she's struggled to get by the evil way. But now that she's found friendship, she's returned to her Equestrian roots. It's like... like arriving home after being terribly lost for so long."

"Hmmm... reckon I can't fault her for that," Applejack said. She smiled. "And, all things considered, she's mostly harmless nowadays."

"That's the best kind of Sunset Shimmer!" Pinkie said.

"Heh. Darn tootin'."

"As long as she doesn't start making horse noises when she steps up to the mic," Rainbow said, squatting beside Fluttershy.

"Of course not, Rainbow. She knows better than that." She smiled and leaned in, "nuzzling" the teenager. "But, for now, it's nice to know that she's forever our little pony."

The rest of the girls nodded and giggled lightly.


"So, tomorrow...!" Pinkie grinned. "Can I come to school as an alligator?!"

"NO." they all barked.

"Awwwwwwwww..." Pinkie hung her head.

Comments ( 164 )

Very sweet and silly fun. Nicely done Skirts.

I'm glad Csquared has demonstrated how great Sunset Shimmer is. Now I can fully appreciate this piece.

"Girls, I do believe I have made an observation," Rarity whispered, continuing to brush the teenager's red and yellow hair. "I think Sunset Shimmer might be adorable."

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner.


I can't help but think seeing a grown woman/teenager acting like that would be weird, permanently, though.

I think I speak for everyone when I sum up this story as such:



I have no idea what I just read.

All I know is that it was adorable.



This was bootiful

"And, all things considered, she's mostly harmless nowadays."

Was she blown up by Vogon bureaucrats to make room for a hyperspace bypass? No, she was not.


Is this the second time I've seen this from SS&E. Is it going to be a reoccurring thing? Because it should be.

I enjoyed this, and I adore Sunset, but it was still sooooooooooo weird...

...Well done.

Seriously. My current mental state is a mix of "I can't even", uproarious laughter, and squeeing (DEM HOOFIE-KICKS!!!:rainbowkiss:).

I love it.

Man that was so adorable, I can't even.

This demands to become headcanon and establish its own ShimmerPonyPerson universe. (though they could stand to nudge her towards using human terms and not headbutting food. Happiness is one thing, insane asylum is another)

Though her horsey rides seem like the most adorable thing that ever needed to be illustrated. Yes even more adorable than the Rarity couch scene. :heart:

5232827 One word: DDDAAAAAAWWWWWWWW!!! :pinkiehappy::pinkiehappy::heart::heart:

The cuteness! It BURRRRNNNNS!!!

For I Have No Mouth and I Must Wat

"So, what you're saying is..." Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "If I pranced around like an idiot on all fours and started eating fruit without using my hands made silly horse noises, then I would be adorable?"
"Don't be ridiculous." Applejack winked. "Yer already adorable."


Uhm... Okay then.

That was too cute... Yeah.

What the oblong balls of Oaty Oaterson is...

You know...nevermind. Don't even wanna know.


That was one of the weirdest things I've read in a while. Even the cute was a "weird" kind of cute. But thankfully it was a good kind of "weird", which, if you think about it, is a weird kind of "good". But any good is better than no good, so it all works out for the best.

"Girls, I do believe I have made an observation," Rarity whispered, continuing to brush the teenager's red and yellow hair. "I think Sunset Shimmer might be adorable."

I was surprised, too, when I found out.

Hmm. Seems that there were some unusual psychological side effects to Sunset growing horse ears. Well, as long as she's happy (and her friends can remind her that this is the universe with sapient primates every now and again,) then I'm happy for her. Though I do wonder if she's going to start thinking her horn's gone missing...

In any case, a very cute read. Thank you for it, Skirts. :twilightsmile:

(Hmm. That would actually be interesting. One of the other girls borrowing the journal and writing, "Dear Twilight, Sunset exhibiting equine behavior. Please advise.")

What the hay did I just read?!? My mind is just spinning from it all, and the crazy part is I understood it all. Oy vey

Albi #25 · Nov 6th, 2014 · · ·

I'm torn between "Yes!" and "Wat?"

5234001 that's almost exactly what I was thinking. :rainbowlaugh:

5234085 Well if anything, it helped me bust out some more episode ideas for my Power Rangers Megaligo series that I'm attempting to start filming soon.

This entire chapter raises so many shipping possibilities.

"Of course not, Rainbow. She knows better than that." She smiled and leaned in, "nuzzling" the teenager.

Aaawww. :rainbowkiss:

Cute as it may be, how does one nuzzle without a muzzle? Where on earth would one nuzzle a human? But hey I'm not gonna question it too hard. If I had an adorable mound of bacon curled up in my lap, I'd akwardly smush my face into it too.

Acne fo'days, but worth it.

P.S. Have you ever tried nuzzling something resting in your lap? It's akine to trying to suck your own dick. You kinda need to remove your rib cage and a couple vertebrae...or be a pornstar.

Then again, their heads are GIGANTIC. So perhaps Rarity could brush her nose agaunst Sunset's ear or something.

A very good description

all I can think is Sunset has suppressed all her natural pony tendencies for so long that they've built up too much and she can't help but act as ponyish as possible. Not trying to kill thew comedy, but Sunset does seem to be having a mental breakdown, as funny as it is there should be a reason.

This story is sooo sweet! :heart:

One typo: The phrase "Principle Celestia" in chapter one should be "Principal Celestia"

This is adorable and I love it!:twilightsmile:
More please!

Rick Ross reference in an mlp fic?....kudos

Not sure what this is, but it's adorable for sure!


Halp! I'm being attacked by CUTE!!!:pinkiehappy:

"NO." they all barked.

"As if I'd let that stop me. :pinkiesmile:"

Also, barking. It's not fair of them to say no to Pinkie when they're already dogs themselves. :pinkiecrazy:

This was so much fun to read, and so freaking adorable that I wasn't able to even :twilightsmile:

Huh. I never noticed until that cover art that Sunset Shimmer is actually quite cute. :rainbowderp:

5235168 oh shit, she's gonna take over the world... With CUTENESS!


There are worse ways to take over the world. Like becoming a raging demon that tries to turn everyone into zombies. :trollestia:

I have to agree with 5234517 here. This kind of behavior is not entirely implausible for Sunset Shimmer, but all you offer as an explanation is speculation on the part of the Rainbooms. That's simply not enough for me to buy this premise. Not that it's a bad premise; I actually like it a lot. I do find it strange that while Twilight has pony relapses even after adapting to her new body, Sunset doesn't. This kind of story is a good way to address that.

However, because you don't give that much explanation, I'm honestly torn. I want to like it, for it is adorable and humorous. But part of my brain keeps thinking that this makes no sense. It's like you're straining my suspension of disbelief to the breaking point without actually breaking it. All in all, this story is definitely something. I can't decide what it is, but it is something. :applejackunsure:


You win this round, Tchernobog! But I'll be back!
/leaps out the window and onto a waiting getaway truck


Typically? Rubbing cheeks together.


... This isn't the kind of story you seem to think it is, yet you are assuming it is and judging it based on criteria that doesn't apply to it. Just relax and enjoy the hoofie-kicks.

5235202 Yeah, but what if she succeeds this time?

5235285 So, we're not supposed to know the answer? We just accept that Sunset Shimmer is acting like this simply because it's being played for laughs and adorableness?


Okay, I can dig that. It might've helped if a Random tag was used to illustrate this point more clearly, but you're right. I'm probably taking this way too seriously. With that in mind, yeah. Sunset acting like this is just cute and adorable, and I can't not like it. You've earned a fave. :scootangel:

Cute. She has totally become waifu material.
A Equestria Girls setting story? This needs more "For realsies."

that was super cute

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