• Published 5th Nov 2014
  • 17,092 Views, 251 Comments

Sunset Shimmy - shortskirtsandexplosions

Sunset Shimmer's happy, so she starts acting like the pony that she was born as. This can only end in adoracute.

  • ...

Lunch, She's Shimmyin'

"Hey girls!" Sunset Shimmer smiled, waving a hand from where she sat in the cafeteria. "Come on down! I saved a seat for you!"

"Much appreciated, darling." Rarity and Fluttershy sat across the table from her. They placed their trays down, but suddenly blinked. "My my," Rarity stated. "I never knew you wore glasses."

"I know, right?" Sunset smirked as she adjusted the lenses over her turquoise eyes. "Truth be told, I can barely see a thing without 'em."

"Then how come you've never worn them before?"

"Because all this time I was trying to keep up a 'cool' and 'wicked' image. Y'know..." Sunset rolled her four-eyes while gesturing with a dainty hand. "Fall Formal Princess... Flash as my magazine cover beau... evil succubus extraordinaire... blah blah blah—" She suddenly gasped, yanking her forearms up with dangling wrists. "Oh. My. God. They're serving carrots today?!"

"Why... y-yes!" Rarity nodded with a smile. "They placed some out just as we arrived at the serving counter."

Fluttershy held up her tray. "Would you like some?"

"Squee!" Sunset lunged forward, headbutting the plate.

"Eeeep!" Fluttershy flinched. When she braved a glance, she saw Sunset leaning back with four orange "tusks" sticking out of her mouth.

"Mmmmmmmm!" Sunset munched and munched and munched. Slowly, the carrots receded into her mouth, spilling a few crumbs across the tabletop.

Other students across the cafeteria craned their necks, curious as to the source of the pleasant, hungry moaning.

Rarity winced, fanning herself as her shoulders hunched on either side.

At last, Sunset gobbled up the last of the stalks. Her ears twitched as she swallowed the morsels down. "Mmmmmm... blblblblbl." She blew out her lips and smiled. "Scrumptious." Her lens'd eyes blinked at the two girls' gawking expressions. "What?" She rubbed her cheek. "Is there something on my muzzle?"

"No, your..." Fluttershy bit her lip. "...muzzle is fine."

"Oh, that's good." Sunset tossed her hair back, nostrils flaring. "Because I haven't had a good brushing in months and I'd hate to not look my best."

"You... d-don't say!" Rarity chuckled nervously and smiled. "You know, darling, if you enjoy the carrots that much, there're plenty more over there at the food line."

"Oh, I couldn't. Three in the afternoon is enough for me." She stood up halfway and patted her skirt. "Don't wanna make the flanks any rounder, if you know what I mean."

"No." Fluttershy shuddered. "We d-don't."

"Well, you know how it is." Sunset chuckled delicately as she rolled her eyes. "You eat too much, you can't clear a fence, even with a running start. You eat too infrequently and you risk twisting your insides with colic. Not like I've got anything to worry about... heh... I haven't been sweating profusely each time I try going to the bathroom."


"But enough about me! Tell me how your day's been going!" She leaned forward, planting her chin on her bent wrists. "Seen any handsome stallions lately?"

"N-no, Sunset. I... c-can't say that we have."

"Bummer. Well..." Sunset winked. "Remember to be polite! Keep your tails down at all times, except for when they pass by. Then give it a little flick just to get their attention." She leaned back with a smug smile. "Works every time."

"... ... ...uh huh."

Rainbow Dash and Applejack strolled up.

"Hey guys! Mind if we sit here—?"

"APPLES! Squee!" And Sunset headbutted Applejack's tray.
