• Published 19th Oct 2014
  • 1,650 Views, 109 Comments

A Tale of Two Trixies - GreyGuardPony

Two Trixies in two different universes. One tasked with fighting corruption in Neigh Orleans. The other the Element of Magic. When circumstances switch them between universes they'll have to find a way home. A Lunaverse/Skitchverse crossover.

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Skitchverse Chapter 5

She wasn’t dead. Every inch of Trixie’s body felt sore, like she had just been beaten by the hooves of a hundred stampeding ponies. But she wasn’t dead. With a groan she rolled over, letting one foreleg drape across her eyes in an attempt to block out the light that filtered into....wherever she was. Wherever it was, the bed it had was insanely uncomfortable. The mattress felt like it was a thin blanket, at best.

Wait a minute. Shape shifters. Bug ponies. Greengrass!

She sat bolt upright. A failing tangle of limbs, spilling off the edge of a thin, rectangular bunk. Landing on her back, the impact- and the cold stone floor- did a lot to shock the rest of the confusion out of her system. Groaning and flopping over, she looked up at the room that she had found herself in. Three sturdy stone walls surrounded her from the left, right and behind. The cot she had tumbled off of was set on the back wall but otherwise the room was completely unadorned. And straight ahead was a row of sturdy looking bars.


She had been thrown in jail! Attacked by shapeshifters and she was the one being thrown in jail? Growling under her breath, Trixie pushed herself upright, a few silvery strands of her mane flopping over her eye. Patting her mane down, she could feel that it was disheveled and that her hat was now missing. And her cloak! Inconveniently, the loss of both items meant that the lockpicks she carried around for just such an emergency were also gone.

Winching at the aches that coursed through her body with every movement, Trixie shuffled towards the bars. Whatever those little stingy balls from the minotaur’s hand cannons were, they’d probably leave bruises.

“Definitely bruises,” she muttered reaching the bars and peering into the hallway beyond. To her right, it seemed that there was another cell. To the left was another cell and down at the very far end an opening into another room. There were clearly ponies moving around in that room. She could hear the clatter of hooves on wood and the low mumbling of voices.

“Hey!” she called, banging a hoof against the bars. “Guard! I demand to speak to whoever is in charge!”

The talking stopped, started then stopped again. The sound of hooves approached an earth pony mare stopping in front of the cell door a moment later. Taller than an average pony, sturdy looking muscle rippled under her dark brown coat, a cutie-mark of a spiky wooden barricade on her side. Her deep green eyes were intense, glaring at Trixie from under a short cut stone grey mane.

“Up and around I see,” she said, reaching for a keyring at her side. “I was wondering how long we’d be waiting.”

“Shapeshifters and corrupt ponies running around your town and you lock me up in here?” Trixie frowned.

“We intend to have a conversation with you about your friends,” the guard said, as the door slid open. She casually, almost dismissively motioned down the hall. “After you. Oh, and I’d suggest you don’t try to run or anything. You really don’t want to make my brother mad.”

Trixie followed the guard’s hoof. A large stallion, with similar colors to the mare in front of her, was blocking the end of the hall. Though, on second thought, large was something of an understatement. This pony was easily a match for Big Mac in the size department, though Trixie wasn’t sure which one would be the stronger of the two. He was also holding a door open, his gaze clearly telling Trixie that she was expected inside.

Opting to go with an explanation and hopefully get some answers herself, rather than running again Trixie stiffy walked into the room. A low table, and an uncomfortable looking stool to sit on. An interrogation chamber. Sinking onto it with a sigh she steepled her hooves and stared at the guards who filed in after her. But they weren’t alone. One of those bug things stalked in behind him and...a wolf.

The wolf was wearing a dark purple vest overtop a white dress shirt- which was a good look, Trixie did admit- and had a pair of glasses perched on the end of his snout. Trixie quite past the point of being surprised at the racial makeup of this Equestria. The large stallion guard sat down opposite her, the mare at his side, having collected a clipboard and pencil before entering. While they got situated, the wolf produced his own notebook and took a seat in the corner. And the bug creature thing? It...she...whatever, paced back and forth, eyes locked on Trixie. It was a tight fit in the room now, as the stallion cleared his throat.

“Ponyville Guard, interrogation record, one hundred thirty five,” the stallion began, his partner quickly scribbling away. “Subject ‘Trixie Lulamoon’. Interrogating officers, Bulwark and Barricade of the Ponyville Guard.”

“Roseluck,” the bug pony said with a buzz of its dragonfly wings, “of the Equestrian Intelligence Service.”

“You’re a spy?” Trixie practically shouted. The idea of Corona with her own group of shapeshifting spies was enough to make Trixie’s coat want to crawl right off her body. She didn’t care that Corona supposedly didn’t go mad in this world. What pony would be okay with their ruler having a group of shapeshifting spies under their hoof?

The wolf cleared his throat, peering at Trixie over his glasses. “Well, just so everything is official. I am Doctor Wolf, Ponyville’s resident therapist. I will be observing the proceedings and providing psychological advice if needed.”

“So, you’re here to see if I’m crazy?” Trixie said, frowning. She could read between the lines.

“I’m afraid that such color commentary would be unprofessional Miss Lulamoon.”

“Getting back on topic,” Bulwark interrupted. “Can you explain why you were in the residence of one Miss Skitch-Sketch?”

“Because I was hiding from her!” Trixie answered with an accusatory hoof jab at Roseluck. “She just changes into some kind of monster and the natural reaction anypony would have is somehow my fault?”

“What’s your fault, is that you are not Trixie Lulamoon!” Roseluck snapped, slamming her forehooves on the table. “Trixie knows that I’m a changeling! She wouldn’t even have reacted to me in my natural form!”

“Look, I’ll cut straight to the chase here,” Trixie hissed through gritted teeth. “I am Trixie Lulamoon, but one from another universe. I was in my home, minding my own business when I got dragged- magically- to your version of Neigh Orleans. I found out that your version of Trixie was fooling around with some magic item that swapped us somehow and I came here to speak to Twilight Sparkle for help. And that group that attacked me? They wanted it for some reason! Now, since Twilight and the Element Bearers aren’t in town I demand to speak with somepony that can actually help me get back home, if you please!”

The interrogation room was quiet, save for the rapid writing of Barricade. Bulwark looked over at Doctor Wolf who seemed...amused. He shrugged. “While I’d say that she sounds frustrated, rather than suffering from any mental issues, I can still conduct the interview if you wish.”

“Do it,” Roseluck said, eyes burning. “We came up with these procedures for a reason.”

“Oh, come on!” Trixie almost shouted.

Doctor Wolf adjusted his glasses again. “Don’t worry Miss Trixie. I’ll make this as painless as possible.”

- - - -

Trixie was starting to wonder if long, pointless interviews were the way the universe tried to mess with her. Back home, she had dealt with more than a few “interrogations” during her attempt to speak with Viceroy Night Light before the Grand Galloping Gala. All of them arranged by her political rivals.

Doctor Wolf was at least more pleasant to speak with than the Canterlot guards had been. Before anything he had shooed the guards and bug ponies out of the room, insisting that Trixie was entitled to privacy considering that they might be broaching personal matters.

While she wouldn’t admit it out loud, Trixie did appreciate it. It was what made this interview feel like less of an interrogation. Doctor Wolf asked his questions, nodding slowly to himself as he listened to the responses, before jotting down a note or two on Trixie’s responses.

The questions themselves ran the gamut, though a great deal of them centered around how Trixie was feeling and what she had been doing before arriving in this Equestria. But he also inquired about her family situation, her relationship with her friends, and other matters of her life.

Eventually though, he stopped. Whatever arcane truth he had attempted to glean from the questions answered to his satisfactions. Walking over to the door, he lightly knocked.

“You can come back in now. I have my diagnosis,” he said. The frown returned to Trixie’s face as the guards and spy filed back in.

It was Bulwark that spoke first, cutting straight to the chase. “Well doc? What do you think?”

“It is my opinion that Trixie is not suffering from any mental illness. While clearly...frustrated,” he said with a smile, “I see no evidence of outright delusions. And the fact that Miss Sketch’s device was stolen does add credibility to her story.”

Roseluck nodded. “Okay...everypony. I’m officially invoking the Mirror Mirror Protocols. Consider all of this officially classified.”

Barricade groaned, letting the pencil clatter out of her mouth. “Really Rose? Do we have to go full paranoia on this? Can’t we just write Canterlot? I’m sure they’d send somepony along to deal with the problem soon enough.”

“We have another case of a pony from another universe coming into ours! This one is almost a duplicate of a pony we all know and some other pony we have no clue about has ran off with The Collector’s universe jumping device! These are exactly the kind of situations that these protocols were written for.”

“Hey!” Trixie interrupted. “Don’t talk about me like I’m not here!”

Roseluck ignored Trixie, instead keeping her glare focused on Barricade. “Look, ‘Cade, I know you don’t want to fly off the handle here. But this is the second time now. And a pony we know is stuck in some other universe-”

“Which, isn’t Tartarus or anything!” Trixie shouted.

“Even so, we can’t just leave our Trixie there!” Roseluck almost snarled back. “You and I are going to go to Canterlot and resolve this.”

That was the first good news about her situation she had heard yet! But her elated mood came crashing right back down to earth when Bulwark spoke again.

“There is the matter of that lot that ran off with the device. What are we supposed to do about them?”

“Greengrass and Zizane are their names. I know them,” Trixie said, tapping a hoof on the table. “Or...well, these are your versions of them at any rate. They were talking about taking all the magic and technology they could from other universes to make Equestria a superpower or something.”

Roseluck’s wings buzzed the air a few times in thought. “Hmm. To do that, they’d have to have some kind of contact with the nobles in Canterlot. Can’t give that stuff to the government without the government being aware.” She then smiled, giving Trixie a calculating look. “Well, that just makes Canterlot a doubly good option, doesn’t it?”

“...Does that mean I’m not under arrest anymore?”

“Nope,” Roseluck answered. “Technically speaking, the law considers you a refugee of a sorts.”

“In that case, can I have my hat and cape back?” Trixie frowned. Her stomach chose that moment to growl, almost punctuating the question. “And maybe get something to eat? How long was I out, anyway?”

“Four hours or so. It’s a little bit past noon now,” Barricade answered. “You were pretty lucky that minotaur was using concussive runes on his guns. You’ll just walk away with some bruises.”

“Yeah. I worked that out,” Trixie glowered, motioning towards the bruises that were already pushing through her coat in some places. She felt a cool hoof on her back a moment later, Roseluck having come around to her side of the table. Despite her still rather frightening appearance, she was giving a friendly smile.

“Sorry that I freaked you out Trixie. I just realized that you weren’t the Trixie I knew and jumped to conclusions.”

The apology sounded genuine, even if she had admitted to being a spy not ten minutes ago. Still, when in Roam and all that.

“It’s alright Roseluck. I jumped to conclusions too. You can repay me by telling me where a pony can get a good sandwich in this town.”

Roseluck looked up at a clock hanging on the right wall. “Let’s go back to my place. It’s going to be about another forty five minutes before the next train to Canterlot and I could use a bite myself before we leave.”

Following Roseluck out of the guard station, Trixie had one large question dominating her mind.

What the hay does a bug pony thing eat anyway?

- - - -

The answer turned out to be tomato soup. Roseluck- who had returned to her pony form on the way over- stood at the stove, carefully stirring a great pot of the stuff while Trixie watched from a small table in the corner. Though with that question answered, other ones were already kicking around Trixie’s mind.

“Roseluck...if I’m not prying to much, can I ask you something?”

Leaving the soup to simmer for now, Roseluck turned to face her. “Let me guess. ‘Why do I walk around as a pony when everypony knows I’m a changeling?”

“Pretty much.”

“The long and the short of it is that independent changelings have only existed for around fifty years or so. And there are centuries of stories about how we kidnapped creatures to feed on their love before then.”

Suddenly, Trixie was wondering what was in the soup again. “You eat love?”

“Technically speaking we eat the ‘thaumaturgical energy created by the emotion of love’,” Roseluck said, rolling her eyes and twirling a hoof. “To quote every bestiary about us ever written at least.”

“So, the soup?”

“Love energy lasts longer when cut with normal food.”

Turning back to the stove and row of shelves above it, Roseluck popped one open and removed what appeared to Trixie to be a giant seed pod. Slightly larger than a foal’s hoofball, it was a pale green color, save for the pinkish light that seemed to swirl around within. Trixie realized she was essentially looking at bottled love.

With a flash of green light, Roseluck was a changeling again a pale green glow dancing around her horn as energy was pulled from the pod and fed slowly into the soup. Trixie watched this with a some apprehension a wrinkle in her snout.

“Is that going to be safe for me to eat?”

“Yes, now hush,” Roseluck chided, beginning to ladle some into a bowl.

Trixie was still skeptical as said bowl was placed before her. At the very least it needed a little something extra. “I don’t suppose you have some sprouts I could add to it? Maybe some sour cream or peanut butter?”

Roseluck gave Trixie a deadpan stare that she was quite familiar with at this point. “Eat the soup Trixie.”

Trixie rolled her eyes and took a big spoonful. The tomato flavor exploded across her tongue, rich and creamy but with a half dozen other flavors that Trixie was quite sure Roseluck hadn’t actually put in the soup running underneath that. Onion and sour cream and carrots and cheese….

“Okay...how did you do that?”

Roseluck winked. “It’s made with love.”

Trixie eagerly gulped down more of the soup, draining it as quickly as she could. Roseluck tore into her own just as quickly and soon enough pony and changeling were sitting over empty bowls.

“So...you’re a spy?” Trixie asked, not wanting things to lapse into an awkward silence. She was also feeling oddly more charged for some reason. Perhaps a good meal had been what she needed?

“...Retired, technically,” Roseluck shrugged. “I’ve been playing the game for a long time.”

“You don’t look that old,” Trixie said with a chuckle. “Though I imagine being a shapeshifter has something to do with that?”

“Pretty much,” Roseluck smiled. Returning to her pony form in another flash of green fire. She motioned towards the door. “Shall we?”

Trixie nodded, trotting after her, sticking close. “I have to admit, you seem rather laid back considering the circumstances. Aren’t you more worried about whatever that thing they took from the house is?”

Roseluck shook her head, “Not really. I know how many defenses Skitch put on that thing.”

“Just how many are there? I already saw the lightning gun and the illusionary threat.”

“Well, there are the keys for one. Seven, each divided up between her and the Element Bearers. Then the device itself is code locked.”

“What now?”

“It’s a fancy future technology term for the fact you need to input a number based code into its interface in order to access the device’s functions. The code in question is Skitch’s address...back in her home universe. Not exactly easy information to get. And even if you get past that, she worked out how to change the language settings on it, and set it to one that she speaks and that doesn’t seem to have an Equis analogue.”

Trixie raised an eyebrow as they wandered through the Ponyville streets. “Sounds like she’s got it set up so that she’s the only one who can use it.”

“Pretty much. The princesses seem to be okay with that, so I am too.”

After walking for a few minutes they came to the Ponyville train station, still a near complete mirror of the one in her own Ponyville. “You know,” she mused, “it’s kind of weird that the train station is one of the odd constants in the different Ponyville’s I’ve been to.”

“Maybe the different universes really like consistency with their trains?” Roseluck smirked.

“So, who are we going to talk to once we reach Canterlot?”

“I’m going to try to cut right to the chase and go right to Princess Celestia. I’ve done enough spying for her that I think she can give me one meeting.” Trixie shuddered a little bit at that. Something that Roseluck picked up on almost immediately. “You don’t like that, huh?”

“Sorry...I know that your Celestia isn’t the same as mine but...the idea of Celestia with shapeshifting spies still kind of creeps me out.”

Roseluck flinched away from that comment but to Trixie's surprise didn't press for more information on her Celestia. “Well...if it's any consolation, the Equestrian Intelligence Service does have strict rules about what they can and can’t do. They just aren’t running around, watching everypony all the time or something.”

Trixie shrugged as they clambered up the stairs to the platform. “If the way your Equestria is run works for you, then I’m glad. Things are just...weird...when you’re seeing new Equestrias.”

“If half the things I’ve heard about worlds outside mine are true, I never want to visit,” Roseluck said, giving Trixie a sympathetic smile. “No offense.”

“None taken.”

Soon enough, they were rattling along the rails towards Canterlot in a private cabin. As Roseluck settled down into one of the plush seats, she fixed Trixie with a stern gaze. “Alright Trixie. Run over what happened in Skitch’s place for me, and don’t leave out any details. Especially on the group that attacked you.”

Trixie nodded. “So, I had just dove into the building to get away from you and your friend….”

- - - -

It was late afternoon by the time the train pulled into Canterlot, Trixie having spent most of the trip going over her story with Roseluck. Trixie had to admit, the mare was very, very thorough. She constantly asked questions in the middle of Trixie’s descriptions of events, asking for more detail on the physical appearances of each of the players, what was specifically said, which directions they approached from and even what they were carrying.

“Well, I can say for sure that the camel you encountered back in Neigh Orleans was a member of the Pure Legion,” Roseluck sighed as they shuffled off the train in Canterlot.

“Those two words never go well together,” Trixie frowned, nervously fidgeting with her cloak.

“They don’t in this case either. The Pure Legion are the magic hunters and breakers of The Republic of Dromedus. If one of them was after the sextant it must have belonged to one of their ancient magi.”

“Is it going to be safe back in Ponyville?”

Roseluck’s brow furrowed in thought. “I’m pretty sure,” she said after a minute. “The Pure Legion would have to be pretty desperate to wander that deep into Equestria. Princess Celestia has made her distaste for their goals and tactics clear. I’m more interested in the pony that was leading the other group.”

“Greengrass?” Trixie blinked, as they began to work their way through the crowded Canterlot streets. “Well...I can’t say that you’re exactly wrong. If yours is anything like mine, then he’s a scheming, conniving jerk.”

“Obviously. But there’s something else. It’s the name. I swear that I’ve heard that name somewhere before.”

“He’s a duke back home. Is he nobility of some kind?”

“Maybe? That sounds like it could be right. Then again, the fact that he was getting his own hooves dirty tells me that he doesn’t have noble resources....,” she trailed off before shaking her head. “It’ll come to me. I just need to think about it more.”

Trixie nodded, turning her attention to the city as they walked. Dominated by white and gold, it was the brilliant reflection of day to her Canterlot’s more mysterious night. The ponies seemed mostly the same though, the crowds perhaps a little more cosmopolitan than she was used to seeing. There were camels, goats and diamond dogs mixed amongst the ponies walking the streets without comment and as they drew closer to the castle, she caught glimpses of griffins and a few big cats. If one included the insect ponies like Roseluck, this was quite a diverse Equestria.

But before she could ask Roseluck about that, they were drawing close to the castle gates. Trixie hung back, deciding to let her guide lead the way and- perhaps more importantly- talk with the guards.

Roseluck strode right up to the guards flanking the gate, their golden armor glittering in the clear fall sun. Nodding to them, she flashed a warm smile “Good afternoon gentle stallions! My name is Roseluck. I need to speak with Princess Celestia about an urgent matter.”

One of the stone faced stallions raised an eyebrow. “What’s the nature of this...urgent matter?”

The disbelief was clear in his voice, verging on sarcasm. Trixie fumed. She really was getting fed up with delays at this point. But Roseluck simply smiled and gestured towards her. “We have a friend from out of town.”

“I don’t see-”

“Really, really, really out of town. We have ourselves a mirror, mirror situation. Understand?”

The guard looked to Trixie with a look of growing comprehension. “Ah. I see. Well, I believe that Princess Celestia is currently in a meeting with some of her advisors. You might have better luck talking with Princess Cadance or Baron Max.”

“Baron Max? Mounty Max?” Trixie asked. She had heard the name from Carrot Top and Cheerilee.

“Why...yes,” the guard blinked. “He’s been put in charge of the new department.”

Now it was Roseluck’s turn to blink. “What new department?”

- - - -

Thusly, Trixie and Roseluck found themselves walking through one of the castle’s many corridors in its east wing.

“So, you know Baron Mounty Max?” Roseluck asked.

“Only by reputation,” Trixie answered. “In my universe, he’s probably the newest member of the Night Court. Nuplar was only made an official province a little while ago. ...In terms of provinces at least.” She puffed out her chest, holding her head a little higher. “Not to boast, but I’m responsible for creating the province.”

Roseluck’s stare was perhaps the most deadpan one Trixie had seen in her life. “Uh huh.”

“I’m serious! Princess Luna assigned me to do something with a new bit of land we got. And since none of the other provinces wanted it, a new one got made and...I kind of named it.”

“What’s it called?”

“Nulpar. Kind of a shorted mashup of nulle part. Prench-”

“For nothing,” Roseluck smirked. “Cute. What’s your Baron Max like?”

“Really idealistic from what I’ve heard.”

“I hope that carries across universes. This is his office,” Roseluck said, motioning to one of the many doors lining the hallway. A pair of golden nameplates were set into its front, the first bearing the Baron’s name. The second, smaller one, read...A.R.M.O.R.

“A.R.M.O.R?” Trixie blinked.

Roseluck tilted her head at the nameplate. “...Well, it’s obviously an acronym. Not sure what for….”

“Won’t find out staying out here.”

Trixie strode forward and pushed the door open into a small office. Much like some of the offices that she had been in back in her Canterlot, it was a central room, with a door on either side wall, each leading to other rooms that were part of the office. A neatly maintained desk dominated the middle of the room, an elderly female goat sitting behind it. She peered at Trixie over a thin rimmed pair of glasses before smiling.

“Good afternoon dearies. How can I help you?”

“I’m here to see the Baron,” Trixie answered. “I’m from another universe and require assistance to get home.”

“In that case, why don’t you have a seat? The Baron is currently in a meeting….” A burst of angry shouting erupted from beyond the right hooved door. “...And will be a little bit,” she finished, as if nothing happened.

Trixie and Roseluck exchanged a look as the other office door burst open. A stern unicorn stallion with a pale green coat, dark green mane and bushy mustache stormed out. His cutie-mark was a sturdy looking hammer flanked by a pair of stars. The dark grey jacket that he wore was probably neatly pressed at one point, but was currently ruffled and disheveled. Trixie immediately recognized the pony with a sense of dread. Archduke Bobbing Fisher.

A grey coated, brown maned earth pony stallion was right on his hooves, his green vest still neatly pressed. The soaring mountain peak he had for a cutie-mark identified him as Baron Mounty Max.

“Fisher! Be reasonable!” he shouted.

“Me be reasonable? You and the princesses are the ones who are leaving one of the most powerful devices that ponykind has ever seen in the hooves of a civilian! Anything that powerful needs to be under the jurisdiction of the military!”

Mounty rolled his eyes. “So, are you going to nationalize the Element Bearers too? Or is this offer only good for former humans?”

“If it’s what it takes! And I do not appreciate the insinuation that I am tribest-” Fisher began, only to finally notice the presence of Trixie and Roseluck. “...I’m sorry...and you are?”

“Here to see the baron,” Trixie answered, leaving it at that. She had no desire to give a different version of Fisher any leverage.


“Archduke Fisher, if you don’t mind, I would like to discuss whatever business these mares have without you breathing down their necks!” Baron Max snapped, waving a hoof towards the door. “If you have a problem with how I decide to run this office, please take it up with the princesses.”

If looks could kill, Trixie was sure that Max would have instantly burst into flames from the glare that Fisher shot his way. But the archduke gave the stiffest of bows before storming out of the office.

Once he was gone, Baron Max sighed, almost visibly deflating. “I’m sorry you both had to see that. Fisher is...dedicated to Equestria in his own way I suppose.” He gave a quick bow. “Baron Mounty Max, at your service. Were you here for some government help or were you looking for assistance from A.R.M.O.R?”

“A.R.M.O.R.,” Trixie answered, pointing to the room Max had just left. “Can we?”

“Oh! Yes, of course! Mrs G, let me know if we get anymore visitors please.”

“Of course.”

Following Max into his inner office, Trixie and Roseluck were greeted by a room that looked like Discord had just blown through it. Files lay scattered across his desk and almost threatened to burst from the drawers of the many cabinets that lined the walls.

“Pardon the mess,” Max said, motioning to the pair of sitting pillows. “The side effects of running a new department out of an existing office. How can Alternate Reality Monitoring and Operational Response help you?”

“...Somehow I was expecting…more,” Roseluck muttered, taking in the mess with a raised eyebrow.

Max winced. “To be fair. We’re really new and as you saw, there is some debate over how much it’s needed.... Anyway, I’m guessing that since you need A.R.M.O.R’s assistance, you’ve found evidence that we’ve made contact with another universe?”

Roseluck nodded and motioned to Trixie. “I decided to make it easy and bring the evidence with me.”

Trixie waved slightly and quickly launched into her explanation. “Trixie Lulamoon, though I prefer you call me Trixie. I’m from another universe, got dragged here by accident and really, really need to get back as soon as I can. My Equestria will be in trouble without its Element of Magic-”

“Element of Magic?” Max perked up. “Ahh! You must be from the Lunaverse then.”

Trixie stared at Max. “...Luna is the ruler of my Equestria...but...what?”

Max winced again, suddenly realizing his mistake. “Well, it’s your universe’s informal name. It’s code name is P-002. We...uhh...have a file on it….”


Author's Note:

Before anyone asks, yes that A.R.M.O.R reference is quite an intentional one. As Skitch said when she suggested it "If we ever make contact with earth again, the right people will get it."

Baron Mounty Max is originally from the Lunaverse, having featured mostly in Talon and Thorn's Climbing the Mountain and Climbing the Mountain 2. Having to build up Equestria's newest province in that universe, in this one he has to build up a new government agency. Poor Max, always stuck having to climb some metaphorical mountain.

The code name for the Lunaverse follows a simple formatting. The P in it stands for "Pony", referring to it's largest group of sapients in it. Other dominant race universes have their own letters. H for humanoid, for example. The numbering refers to the order in which it was filed, with the Skitchverse itself being the 001. Nice and simple isn't it?