• Published 19th Oct 2014
  • 1,650 Views, 109 Comments

A Tale of Two Trixies - GreyGuardPony

Two Trixies in two different universes. One tasked with fighting corruption in Neigh Orleans. The other the Element of Magic. When circumstances switch them between universes they'll have to find a way home. A Lunaverse/Skitchverse crossover.

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Skitchverse Chapter 2

At least my home city is kind of familiar. Trixie thought, trotting through the cobblestone streets of Neigh Orleans. Though, there definitely weren’t so many electric lights about.

At least, that’s what she guessed all the metal posts topped with glass spheres on street corners were. She even trotted past a few boxy cars transporting ponies around, while connected to wires that ran above the streets, yet another sign that technology in this Equestria was more advanced. She spared a glance at the saddlebags she had found in the theater office. In one of the pockets was a book that she had also found. It was a book on the history of this Equestria, something that she had every intention of quickly skimming through over a quick breakfast.

The last time she had traveled between worlds, her lack of knowledge about the world she found herself in had caused problems. She would not make the same mistake this time. She had also come to the decision to tell her double’s team about herself...after they cased the ambassador's place this morning.

Thankfully, she found a corner cafe relatively quickly. Sweeping inside, Trixie quickly trotted for an isolated table in the back corner to read at. She had just barely finished sitting down when a waitress swooped over to her table.

“Mornin’ sugar!” She beamed. “What can I get for ya?”

“A pair of yeast muffins.” Trixie rattled off, flipping open the book as she talked. “With an egg on each, hay on top of that, and a collection of your breakfast jams and spreads. Oh! And some hot sauce if you have it.”

The waitress raised an eyebrow at that, but nodded and trotted off, leaving Trixie to her book.

The interior cover of the thick tome was marked with a world map that Trixie quickly turned her gaze upon, only to raise an eyebrow at what she saw. Equestria was bigger, seemingly having swallowed part Pferdreich at some point in its history. The rest of that nation, as well as the whole of Heststed and Paardveld were now part of Cavallia (on the wrong side of the continent, she noted), which was almost equal to Equestria itself if one factored in the states in its “sphere of influence”.

But Cavallia was hardly alone in its change in size. The scattered Griffin Kingdoms of her world seemed to be united here under the banner of the High Confederation of Wings. Elkhiem, having picked up an extra ien to become Elkienhiem, had gathered enough territory to be labeled an empire. Across the seas, two other empires rose. Tapiria- no longer part of Equestria’s continent- now strode across a landmass to the south like a colossus, while to the east, the Raj of Inj squatted on its sub continent with five nations in its sphere of control.

Just what kind of world have I walked into? Trixie wondered, quickly flipping onwards.

A scan of the history of this Equestria revealed that the unification of the three tribes had happened due to a celestial event rather than Hearth Warming story she was familiar with. Celestia and Luna had then revealed themselves after a disastrous conflict with the griffin tribes that had firmly set Equestria’s northern borders.

From there, the book mostly discussed the rule of the princesses, and their efforts to protect Equestria during a so called “Age of Nightmares”. There were some reflections from her own world’s history at this point. Names like Grogar and Tirek lept from the page. And in this world, as Trixie had guessed from some of what she had read already, Celestia had remained strong, while Luna had gone the dark route.

It was here that the biases of the writer began to bleed through into the text, with snide implications that the returned to her throne Luna was somehow undeserving of the position. After all, the text argued, Princess Cadance had been serving admirably as the leader of the Night Court for the last thousand years and “it remained to be seen” if Luna could overcome her fall.

Trixie bristled at that.

Sure, the Luna described here wasn’t her Luna, her mentor. But the fact that this was the second universe she had been to where Luna had gone evil just made her angry. It almost felt unfair, like the multiverse was somehow passing commentary and judgement on her home for being the odd universe out. With a frown, Trixie jumped ahead, to the back of the book and more modern events, searching for who received the Elements of Harmony.

“Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Applejack, Rarity and Pinkie Pie.” Trixie read the list, complete with pictures, (though she couldn’t help but note the three scars that Applejack sported across her snout) a slightly deadpan tone creeping into her words, “Again.”

She frowned remembering the, quite frankly, pain in the flank version of herself from that other Equestria. Suddenly, in light of that, and the fact that Twilight Sparkle and her friends were the Element Bearers in two universes….

“No.” She said firmly to herself, pushing the dark thoughts from her mind, “The me of this Equestria is trusted enough by its leadership to be recommended to another ruler to help fix his problem. And I am the Element of Magic, and Princess Luna’s personal student.”

The book was firmly snapped shut with a flick of her hoof.

“Trixie is not the punching bag of reality. My universe is just as legitimate as any of these ones.”

Flipping the cover closed with a sigh, she waited for her breakfast. She would need the energy for what she was going to today, after all.

- - - -

Approaching the ambassador’s manor, Trixie absentmindedly rubbed at her ear, and the amber colored oval that was carefully tucked within. A quick look at them when they had been dug out revealed to her that they were similar to both her communication earrings from the Grand Galloping Gala, and the mental communication spell that Princess Luna used sometimes.

It was a handy little magic device, really.

I wonder if the other me made these? She thought to herself.


She jumped at the sudden burst of mental communication, Northern Light’s voice ringing strong and clear in her head.

Where are you? We’re all here already!

I’m almost there. Trixie thought back, picking up the pace. Keep your coat on!

Breaking into a light canter, Trixie rounded the last corner and stepped onto the street that contained her destination. The ambassador’s manor was about what Trixie expected. Large, with well maintained grounds and a high likelihood that everything contained within ranged from “expensive” to “very expensive”. A tall stone wall and wrought iron bars kept it separate from the rest of the neighborhood.

But, what made her raise her eyebrow was “her” team. They had broken up after the meeting, each heading to grab their gear before meeting back up here and it was an...interesting look for the group.

Kassa had gone from dark mane to a light sandy color, a neatly trimmed mustache and goatee now on his muzzle. A small, round pair of glasses, a brown colored jacket and clipboard completed a very scholarly look. Northern Lights was similarly decked out with her own pair of glasses, and a light cream colored vest. She looked to be the assistant of Kassa’s character.

But what made her suppress a round of giggles was Iron Will. The minotaur was dressed like a chef, complete with the white jacket, and puffy hat balanced between his two curved horns. The disgruntled look on his face spoke to just what he thought about his role in the plan.

“Alright everypony,” Trixie smiled as she approached, “Ready?”

“Why do I have to be the chef?” Iron Will frowned.

“Because, Kassa is the party planner, and we need two pairs of eyes inside.” Trixie responded with an imperious wave of her hoof. “If you see anything, let each other know.”

Stepping forward, she tapped the electric buzzer that was set next to the gate. A minute ticked by before a nervous looking, buckwheat coated, yellow maned pegasus came trotting up to the bars. She wore the plain white apron of domestic staff.

“Yes?” She asked, a slight taprian accent evident in her speech, “Can I help you?”

“The Great and Powerful Trixie and her assistants. I understand that the ambassador’s daughter is having a birthday tomorrow. Has entertainment been procured yet?”


The sound of distant shouting floated from around the building.


“Then please, if you would lead the way, we’ll be more than happy to take care of all of your problems.”

The pony nervously bit her lip, but at an angry sounding roar tearing its way across the grounds seemed to convince her. “R-right this way!” She smiled, unlocking the gates with a large iron key plucked from her apron pocket. As they trotted across the grounds, Trixie could hear the mental echoes of her companions rapidly firing off their observations.

I can sneak somepony out along the left wall there. Those bushes are planted too close together.

Only works if ya can lift that key off the maid there.

Please! I wouldn’t be uncaught if I couldn’t lift a key.

I’m seeing some guards on the roof, but that’s about it. That’s either all they have, or the rest are hiding someplace. Iron Will added.

One at a time please. Trixie thought. You’re giving me a headache.

Breaking around the edge of the building, the site of a party, clearly still under construction came into view. A stage was being hastily erected next to one of the back doors, most likely the kitchen, if Trixie had to hazard a guess, while two groups of long tables were set up on either side of said stage.

In the empty space in front of the stage, a taparian family sat. The father, with his all brown coat and neatly trimmed beard, and the mother with her black head and white body, both looked exceptionally bored. As did the calf with her mottled coat that sat in between the two, who was flanked by a pair of nervous looking pony foals. It was easy to see why. There was magician on stage who was absolutely bombing. The light green stallion’s hooves were shaking like a leaf, as he tried to pull off a variation of the ball in a cup trick.

Of course, he was probably nervous because of the tiger.

As scary as Kassa had appeared when he first showed up in the theatre, he suddenly looked like the skinny dramatist he actually was in comparison to the beast hovering behind the magician. The muscles that rippled under his fur were massive, giving him the appearance of a living juggernaut, that was only enhanced by the jagged scar over one of his golden eyes. Even the black stripes in his fur pattern seemed almost dagger shaped.

It only took that glance for Trixie to realize that, like Kassa, he was sapient. The stance, the way he kept extending and retracting his claws. He was trying to intimidate the pony and doing a damn good job of it.

Oh. Iron Will deadpanned. There’s the rest of the security.

The calf looked up at her father, saying something in her native tongue, though the snotty attitude came through clear as day.

She’s decidedly not a fan of the show. Kassa supplied. Not sure why big, orange and angry there is trying to scare the fur off that stallion though.

“That’s quite enough.” Velenta frowned, holding up a hoof in response to his daughter’s comments. “We will not be using your services for the party.”

The stallion looked more relieved than anything else, as he scooped up the remains of his act and very quickly bolted from the stage, towards the front gate, the eyes of the tiger on him all the way. At least until he noticed Trixie and her team.

“HALT!” He barked, springing from the stage to the ground in one smooth motion. “Who are you to trespass on sovereign Tapirian soil!”

While the servant leading the way came to a stuttering halt, Trixie didn’t slow down, striding forward to meet him. She passed the disgraced magician on the way, who paused for a brief moment.

“From one magician to another,” He hissed. “This job is so not worth it.” And then he was gone, and Trixie was almost nose to nose with the tiger.

“I,” She evenly responded, looking up into those intense golden eyes. “Am Trixie. The Great and Powerful Trixie. And I’m here to solve all of your employer’s problems.”

“Trixie.” Velenta blinked as he trotted over to her. “Of the Lulamoon family? Regained control of your family theatre recently?”

“That would be me.” Trixie lied.

“Might I ask why you’d be interested in performing at a child’s party then?”

“Yes.” The tiger growled, leaning closer. “Very suspicious.”

“The rather...complex, nature of my theatre’s state has left its coffers rather drained.” Trixie explained, quickly cooking up an excuse that would get them in. “I will be the first to admit that performing for an ambassador would be good for my finances and reputation.”

“Hmm. Direct and to the point. I appreciate that.” He motioned to the rest of Trixie’s team. “And your friends there?”

“These are my assistants.” She motioned to Iron Will first. “This is Zinc Saucier, my chef, who can take care of all your food preparation needs. And then we have Mister Griser and his assistant Dazzler. Some of the best party planners I know.”

Zinc Saucier? You named me Zinc Saucier?

Your fault for not picking your own code name. Kassa chided.

“Well, I do appreciate the extra effort, but we’ve already set things-”

“Nein!” Kassa interrupted in a thick accent.


“Zis party you’ve created so far.” He waved a dismissive paw at the tables. “Would be appropriate for a normal kind. But she’s ze daughter of an ambassador! She deserves a truly amazing party!”

“Well, we aren’t done yet-”

“All ze more reason we should get involved now!” Kassa beamed, walking forward and throwing an arm around the ambassador. “Please. Allow my assistant und I to truly see what kind of magicks we can create for the kind.”

“Please daddy!” His child whined, switching over to Equestrian in an attempt to add a bit more leverage to her position of having an awesome party.

“Very well….” He sighed. “But only if my daughter approves of your act.”

Alright everypony. Trixie thought. Do your thing.

Kassa immediately began to lead Velenta away, launching into a tirade about design, color theory and how it related to proper child development. Iron Will intercepted his wife, Tesi , asking to be led to the kitchen. Northern Lights was just gone, having vanished like the thief in the night that she was. Ignoring the outraged sputter from the tiger security, Trixie kneeled down, smiling at the young tapir.

“So you’re the birthday girl?”

“Uh huh! I’m going to be eight years old!”

“Oh my! That’s a very important birthday.” She mock gasped. “How about I show you a few of the tricks I’ll be doing? Would you like that?”

The child's grin said it all.

- - - -

Iron Will couldn’t help but appreciate the size of the kitchen he found himself standing in. With its two wide countertops, a flat top stove, a burner stove, and two full ovens a half dozen chefs could work comfortably in the room by his guess.

Currently, however, there was only one creature in the room with him and his guide. A pegasus mare who was a pale peach color, darkening into a deeper red at the tips of her wing feathers. Her two toned light blue and dark blue mane, was done up in a neat bun. Her cutie-mark, a pair of hot peppers, spoke to some kind of connection with food or crops. She was pouring over a list of ingredients and dishes, slowly mouthing each line to herself.

“This is Cayenne.” Tesi explained, absentmindedly waving a hoof. “She’s in charge of the kitchen. Do...whatever you need to do. Just make sure that my little baby’s party is amazing tomorrow.”

“Of course.” He responded, sweeping into a bow.”Leave it all to us.”

Tesi swept back out the door, Iron Will turning his attention back to Cayenne. The pony was now aware of his presence, uncertainty clear in her eyes as she looked Will over. Kneeling down to look her straight in the eyes, he flashed his most comforting smile.

“Do you speak Equestrian?”

“Some.” She responded with a nervous shuffle of her hooves.

“Tesi.” He waved behind a hand towards the door. “And Velenta. Do they pay you?”

Her eyes immediately doubled in size as she took a few stumbling steps back. Rapidly shaking her head, she looked on the verge of panic.

“No! Good! They good!”

Undeterred, Iron Will took a step forward to follow her, this time placing his wide hands on the pony’s shoulders.

“I am not here to hurt you. I’m here to help you. Tell me the truth. Do they pay you?”

Cayenne’s eyes

Nao.” She shook her head. “They are…meus mestres.”

Kassa. Iron Will mentally reached out. What does meus mestres mean in tapirian?

My masters, last time I checked.

“Right.” He rumbled, “We’re going to get you out of here….”


The forcefulness of her objection made Iron Will take a step back. Her eyes were wide and crazed while she looked madly about the room, like she was expecting some creature to burst through the door.

Nao.” She insisted again. “T-the foals….”

“How many are there?” Iron Will frowned. “How many ponies like you and how many foals?”

“T-twelve and four.”

Trixie…we have a problem.

- - - -

Iron Will’s words echoed in Trixie’s skull. It took everything she had to maintain her smile and concentration as she plucked a bit from the ear of the calf. She laughed and clapped her hooves together, beaming at the trick. But the two foals looked maintained their sullen expressions.

They were slaves too.

And the way they seemed to stick to the side of the daughter like glue told Trixie that they were her slaves. No doubt the “good” ambassador had collected a few families so that he could give his child her first other beings to lord over. Not to mention, keeping them hostage would help keep the parents compliant. If it was good enough for Corona….

Northern Lights…have you found anything?

No records in his office. Looks like he’s too smart to leave a bill of sale around.

Then find us a way out. We’re getting everypony out today. Will, have your friend gather up any other slaves-

Trixie. Kassa interrupted. We aren’t prepared for this! We don’t have even the hair of a plan to get more than one pony out of here.

Then we come up with a plan Kassa! They won’t leave without their foals, and if we just grab them, then I guarantee their parents will be gone by the time the Guard gets here!

There was silence on the mental link.

The party. He responded after a moment. We actually do it. And we use yer show to sneak everypony out.

Trixie considered that. That could work. But there’s still the question of how we get them out once I make an illusion big enough.

The tree! Northern Lights practically shouted.

Trixie spared a quick glance to the large plant in the right corner of the yard. What about it? I can’t hide them in the thing.

There’s a hole in the wall behind it. I can see it from the office window. Kassa, see if you can get the grand high jerk to move the stage.

“Oh, ambassador!” The lion grinned, pouring on the charm. “I vas just thinking. About ze stage. It is just no good ver it is.”


“Vell, with ze building behind it, it just looks so stern and serious. But perhaps if we move it to under ze tree.”

“The tree?” He deadpanned. “Why?”

“Cause we will hang so many nice lanterns and decorations in ze branches!” Kassa grinned, clapping his paws together. “It shall be a festival of lights and joyous...magics!”

“Oh! Daddy, daddy! I want the magics!”

“But pumpkin-”


Kid’s got a set of lungs on her. Trixie thought, observing the way every creature flinched away from her pint sized rage.

“Okay, okay. Whatever you want my dear!” He looked to Kassa and Trixie with a very insistent glare. “Right?”

“Of course.” Trixie smiled back. “So, we have the job?”

Velenta looked at his daughter, who glared back up at him. With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, he nodded to Trixie.

“Yes. You got the job. Make sure you’re here at noon tomorrow.”

“Of course.” Trixie grinned all the wider. “I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

Author's Note:

Lunaverse Trixie certainly slipped into the role of being the mastermind pretty easily eh?

Slavery has been illegal in Equestria for as long as Celestia has been in charge of the country. So the good ambassador really is playing with fire here. But for some creatures, it's all about what they want, and damn the consequences.

I gave a little bit of the Skitchverse geography in this chapter, so now I'll add a little bit more in the notes for all the Lunaverse readers. Lions hail from the nation of Regula, which is far to the south and west of Equestria, but on the same continent. It's part of a larger political union known as The United Kingdoms along with the zebra nation of Zebrica and the elephant/rhino kingdom referred to as the Ivory Coast. Lions, while not well known to most Equestrians, still have a positive reputation due to the United Kingdoms being steadfast allies of Equestria. The flavor of Regula is largely based off of 1920's Ethiopia.

Tigers are from across the sea to the east, hailing from the Inj subcontinent. While it used to be defined by squabbling kingdoms it is currently ruled over by the Merkhan Empire, or as it's known to most the Raj of Inj. To most in Equestria, they picture a distant, exotic land of porcelain cities rising from the depths of rain chocked jungles, with a caste system that would make the most determined Canterlot bureaucrat go cross-eyed. Thusly, tigers are viewed as exotic and mysterious in Equestria. The Raj was largely inspired by the Mughal Empire of India.

The Empire of Tapira is the super power of the southern continent, and another one of Equestria's allies...nominally. While Celestia is personal friends with Emperor Placido the II, the nobility and military are decidedly not a fan of either one. There is some question on whether or not the jungle nation will be experiencing a military coup in the future.