• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 9,119 Views, 130 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friends of Harmony - indigohue

A new world, new people, new places, and new evil that plans on taking over the world. It is up to Sora and friends to band together and stop the evil from taking over Equestria.

  • ...

UnInvited Guests

Uninvited Guests

"Luna, what's going on," Riku said.

"I should ask you the same question," Luna said with a pinch of salt in her voice.

Riku, with no clue as to why Luna is upset is pretty much just trying to figure out what's wrong. "What do you mean?"

"I asked if you were going to the Garden party days ago, and you told me, 'probably not'," Luna said.

"Oh, well, certain things happen and I ended up coming after all," Riku said.

"That's all," Luna asked. "No other reason you wouldn't want to escort me?"

"No, that's the only reason Princess," Riku said. ".....What was the last part?"

"Nothing," Luna barked back.

"Did you say escort you?" Riku asked.

"It doesn't matter anymore," Luna quickly said so that the conversation could stop.

"Ok," Riku calmly said as he turned around. "I wouldn't mind, just so you know. Guess I'll just go back to Twilight and Ed."

Luna contemplated over what Riku said to her as he began to walk away. But, before he could get far, Luna out of impulse quickly teleported right next to him. "On second thought, if you say you don't mind, I guess I'll allow it."

"Whatever you say," Riku sarcastically said as they both made their way to the center of the party.


Pinkie Pie was seen walking over to where the band was set up. As she started getting closer and closer to the band, her eyes began to dart left and right to see if anyone was watching. She quickly dived into a bush, and pulled out a pair of binoculars and a walkie talkie from her hair. "PPG to Trumpet, PPG to Trumpet, do you copy?"

The walkie chimed back. "We hear you loud and clear Pinkie."

"No, PPG, I said we were using code names I made you guys," Pinkie said.

"Yeah, but I mean they're kind of redundant," the guy in the walkie talkie said. "Like my code name is trumpet but I already have trumpet in my stage name." The walkie talkie chimed in again as a different voice spoke. "Yeah, and like my code name is Rapper like just Rapper, and I already have 'the Rapper' in my name so....."

"Ok, ok fine we don't have to use the code names," Pinkie said. "Are you guys here?"

"Yeah, we're right behind the other band," The two guys said.

"All right, time to work my magic," Pinkie said. She started walking towards the one of the band members who was playing the cello. She had long black hair, purple eyes, and was wearing a white button down with a black skirt, shoes, but a pink bowtie which really popped out from her ensemble. "Hey aren't you Octavia? You live in Ponyville right?"

"Yes......that's right.....how do you know that," Octavia spoke with an English accent.

"Duh, I live there silly,I mean hello, It's Pinkie Pie here," Pinkie said.

"Oh yes, Pinkie Pie, it's so.......pleasant to see you here, again," Octavia nervously said as she laughed it off.

"Yeah, I know right, so anyway I got something that I need to tell you ," Pinkie said as she motioned Octavia to come closer.

"*sigh* Pinkie, I really don't have time right now," Octavia said. "I need to focus on playing."

"But, there was this guy that was asking about you," Pinkie said trying to find an excuse.

"I'm sure there was," Octavia sarcastically said.

"No, there really was a guy," Pinkie said. "He had on an uhhh.....white suit, blonde hair, and blue eyes?"

"........Do you mean Prince Blueblood," Octavia asked.

"YEAH, he asked about why is your cutie mark a treble clef when you play a cello," Pinkie told her. "And he's making a real big fuss about it."

"Ugh, I hate when people ask about that," Octavia said. "And out of all the people it would be that guy."

"I know right, so you might wanna go and defuse that before it gets out of hand," Pinkie said as she started pushing Octavia away from the band setup. "Don't worry about your cello or your band members I'll look after them just fine."

"Well, alright Pinkie, but I'll only be gone a few minutes," Octavia said. "Don't do anything crazy."

"Do you know who you're talking to," Pinkie playfully said. "I got it Octi."

Octavia wasn't to sure about how she should feel about all of this. "A few minutes."

Pinkie waved by to Octavia as she went to go find Blueblood. As soon as she was out of sight, Pinkie went over to the rest of the band members. "Hey guys, it's cool take five I got this right now." They looked back at her with quizzical looks. "No seriously, if you guys can like scoot over?" The band members started to walk off the stage and away from Pinkie Pie. "Awesome, *pulls out walkie talkie*, you guys, it's all clear." Out of the bushes came the people that Pinkie had been talking to. You could tell it was an assortment of people coming from different backgrounds out of each of these people. There were three that stood out more than anyone. One of them was a young man with fair skin. His hair was wavy and full, a beard on his face. He also wore a button down, black chinos, and black loafers. The other one was a young man with brown skin. His hair was a small and nappy fro. His outfit consisted of a white button down, red varsity jacket, black jeans, and a pair of red canvas shoes. The last one was a brown skin girl with long and wavy hair. She wore a simple black shirt and black leggings fit.

"Go do your thing guys," Pinkie said excitedly.

"Alright guys, we running Rememory," the first guy said as he pulled out a trumpet.

"No problem," the second guy said.

"Let's do it," the girl said.

The trumpeter checked his mic as he began to talk. "Um, good evening everyone, and welcome to The Social Experiment."

"These animals are always so cute," Fluttershy cooed. "They have flamingos, toucans, prairie dogs and even sugar gliders!"

"I gotta say, they are pretty cute," Sunset agreed.

"They're the best!" Fluttershy exclaimed.

"Be careful how loud you say that," Sora jokingly said. "Simba might get jealous."

Roxas, with his hand on his head , was a little farther away from the group sitting down on a tree stump. "Man, what's going on with my head?" As Roxas began to close his calm his mind, he closed his eyes and breathed in and out to calm himself. As his mind began to calm down, he visualized something that he doesn't remember that well. It looked as if it was a samurai dressed in all white. "Wait....isn't that a nobody?! Don't tell me......." Roxas was knocked out of his thoughts as Sunset tapped in on his shoulder.

"Equestria to Roxas," Sunset said as she waved her hand in front of his face.

Roxas slightly jumped as he heard her voice. "Oh, hey Sunset."

"I just came to tell you that we're going to the main area to listen to the band play, but you look like you're busy in your own world," Sunset joked.

"Hmph yeah, but who wouldn't be," Roxas asked. "Think about it, a world of pure imagination where you can do things according to your time. Being in control. Having contact with my deepest dreams......why wouldn't I want that?"

"Well, maybe because it takes you out of reality," Sunset said.

"Why be in a reality where dangerous things plague your day," Roxas asked.

"It's better going through those things with the people that you call your friends, than to be by yourself alone with nothing but your thoughts forever," Sunset said.

"......I guess," Roxas mumbled.

"Where did that come from anyway," Sunset asked. As she said this she turned to notice that Sora and Fluttershy were already next to the crowd of party guests who wanted to listen to the band, but then she noticed the band members looked a little different. Um, good evening everyone, and welcome to The Social Experiment./i] "The Social Experiment?"

[Verse 1: Chance The Rapper]
Uh, uh, uh
Take a break when I break my leg
Save the day when I take her hand
Take a break when I break my leg
Save the day when I take her hand
And she break my heart
And she take an arm and leg and a car and the kids
And the court's taking course on me
And of course I'm remorseful
But more so for the kids forced to use morse code
Poor souls ain't got no voices
Take a disco nap when disco's dead
And the word goes live and I fix those heads
And the disc goes flop but the track don't skip
And the words don't jumble and the milk don't curdle
And the cookie don't crumble
And the one eyed man screams
"Marco, this no joke, this code red", too late
The blind townspeople finally found people
Kingdom came, freedom rang
See what I'm sayin? Took his name
Who got that hook up on that Peter Pan? The book is broke
He shook his hand

"*sigh* I don't know to tell you the truth," Roxas said. I'm at a lost for figuring out what to do next, or what's next to begin with. What's the point of going on to some place that you know nothing about?

Sunset hated seeing Roxas like this. But there was this feeling around her that she couldn't describe. Like, she knew that she could help Roxas. She then looked towards the band and started understanding that it was the song. ".....That song....."

Roxas was still have a mental battle with himself. "I don't get it I mean, it's always one thing after the other, I don't get it, how are we supposed to figure this out, how am I-"

Roxas was cut off as Sunset put his head on her chest and sang with the corresponding verse (1:56). "

[Verse 2: Erykah Badu]
Young man lay, lay your head down
Tell me of your day (day)
Rememory you'll say
Chancelor baby you're uneasy, I can tell
But in your way you're on your way
Rememory, you're safe

That's something that my mother would sing to me when I was little. Well, with a few switched words in there. It always got me to calm down and tell her all about my problems. You can do the same thing. But, only if you want."

".....*sigh* Ok, let me see where to start," Roxas said.

"Ok, so you get it now," Edward said.

".......Where exactly did you get this information from," Twilight skeptically said.

"What do you mean, it came from my world," Ed plainly said.

"I don't know, it just sounds a bit off," Twilight quizzically said.

"Out of everything that's been happening to you during these past months and this is what you find that's 'off'," Ed annoyingly said. "Well, it doesn't matter because those are the rules to Alchemy. Well, at least a more simple version."

"Thanks for showing me that Ed," Twilight said.

"No problem," Ed said back.

Twilight Looked at Ed and noticed that his expression was a little down. "Ed, is everything ok?"

"Yeah, everything's fine it's just.....you know," Ed said lowly.

"I know that you must be worried about your brother," Twilight said to Edward. "But, you know that it's gonna be ok. I mean, we'll be able to find him quick. Even if we have to go all over Equestria and more."

"I know that he's gonna be ok," Ed calmly said back to Twilight. We were taught by the same masters, he can handle his own. It's just that it's not the same without my brother here. But, I know that we'll find each other here. Nothing can break the sibling bond that we share."

As Twilight listened, Edward's talk of his brother made her think about her own brother as well. "Trust me when I say I know how you feel." Twilight looked over and saw that Octavia was walking by herself looking a little annoyed. "Octavia, what are doing down here, why aren't you playing?

"It would seem that Pinkie Pie has played some sort of song and dance into getting me off the stage," Octavia said. "Which is odd, especially since I hear music being played right now." Octavia sped towards the music to figure out what was going on.

"Maybe we should follow her to make sure nothing too crazy happens," Twilight said.

"Yeah, I wonder what crazy thing an orchestra member will do," Edward sarcastically said as him and Twilight began walking towards the music as well.

When Octavia got close enough to see the band, she started to hear the music better, and it was something that she had never heard before. She tried to wrap her head around all of the different types of sounds and lyrics that were being said throughout the music. It stopped her in her tracks. As the band members began taking their break, she went up to the lead singer and called for his attention. "Excuse me sir."

"Oh hey, it's nice to meet you, how's it going," the young man said.

"It's going well, my name is Octavia, and I just wanted to ask what kind of music that you were playing just now," Octavia asked.

"Well, it was more of a blend of alot of different music styles all in one," the young man said. "From Jazz, Neo-Soul, Rhythm and Blues, and Hip Hop, one of my favorites."

"I'm sorry to say that I haven't heard from those types of music before," Octavia sheeply said. "I've just mostly focused on Classical."

"There ain't nothing wrong with that," said the young man. "I've been in the performing arts field since I was a kid, so I've pretty much been exposed to plenty of different styles of music."

"I see.....would you mind telling me more about them," Octavia curiously asked.

"Well, we don't have to play again for a minute so I don't see why not," the young man said.

"Splendid," Octavia shouted.

"Cool accent," the man said. "Also my name's Chancellor by the way, but you can just call me Chance for short, it's whatever."

"Ok then Chance, where should we begin," Octavia asked.

"We can start with my most favorite one; Hip Hop," Chance said.

"Huh, guess that's all she wanted," Twilight said. "That's kind of anti-climatic."

"What exactly were you expecting to happen," Edward asked.

"Oh, nothing important," Twilight quickly said.

"Yeah, right," Ed said with disbelief.

Twilight over here!"

Twilight heard someone call her name as she began looking around to see who it was. After a few seconds, she noticed someone waving there hand in the, but the only problem was the person waving their hand was kind of hard to see, but what made him so noticeable was his spiky green hair. "Oh, it's Spike! That means Rarity is most likely with him.

"Twilight, Ed how's the party been treating you," Spike said.

"It's ok I guess," Ed said.

"I'm having a great time," Twilight said as she looked at Ed with a glare.

"As am I," Rarity said as she came back to the group. "This couldn't get any better than it already is..........except seeing Princess Luna holding on to Riku!?"

"What?!" Everyone shouted in surprise as they saw Riku and Luna together a few yards away.

"I was wrong, this has gotten better," Rarity squealed.

"Gimme a break," Edward quietly said. Suddenly, he felt the air shift around him. His danger intuition started to grow ever larger. "What, is something here? I thought that Vanitas said a month?" Ed started looking around to see if there was anything suspicious. He scanned high and low until he saw something dash right past him. Surprised by what he had seen, Edward was caught off guard as the being let itself be seen by everyone. It looked like a regular heartless except it was much bigger. It walked on its legs as its hands were basically just claws. It had long antenna reaching down past its back, and the trademark yellow beady eyes.

As the heartless saw that it had the advantage, it quickly tried to attack Ed. It would have made contact, if it wasn't for Twilight stopping the thing with her magic.

"Wh-what is that thing," Ed asked as he back away from the heartless.

"That's a heartless, a being of pure darkness and hate," Twilight said as she began struggling to bind the neoshadow. "And, that's what we're fighting against to save Equestria!" The heartless wasn't making Twilight's job any easier, for trying to control a pure essence of darkness is not an easy feat. As soon as the neoshadow felt the magical bind began to wear off, it ran towards Twilight with the intent to kill. Twilight, tired from using her magical bind on the heartless, could barely move her body. The heartless pounced, and in one fell swoop, was face to face with Twilight. Twilight closed her eyes and prepared for the worst, but all she heard was a metal clang. She looked up and saw that Edward was in front of her with his right arm up, holding the heartless in the air.

"So, you're a heartless huh," Ed said with curiosity. "Well, lets just see how you handle this." Ed put his left hand on his right arm, and lightning began to surge around it. In an instant, the heartless was pierced by a sword that seemed to be connected to Edward.The heartless quickly vanished into thin air, and Edward had noticed that the right sleeve of his suit was in shreds. "Oh man, this was a really good suit too."

Twilight was mesmerized at the sight of Edward's right arm. "Edward, your arm it's..."

"metal?" Ed finished.

"Um, yeah!" Twilight said in an obvious tone.

"Yeah, you should see my leg," Ed nonchalantly said. "But, it might have to wait because more of those things are coming again."

"Wait, what?" Twilight quickly said as another neoshadow crept up behind her. Sora quickly dispatched of the heartless with his keyblade as he began to see the problem. "Sora, where did you come from?"

"I was in the crowd listening to the band with Fluttershy, when all of a sudden, I started seeing neoshadows form out of nowhere," Sora said.

"Wait, where is Fluttershy," Twilight asked.

I told her and Simba to go find Roxas and Sunset and tell them to meet us back in the main area." Sora said.

"Well, let's hope they get here fast," Twilight said as more neoshadows began to form. "Because we're going to need help."


As Simba ran through the party to try and find Roxas and Sunset, he did not show mercy to any heartless that stood in his way. Charging through or slicing down any heartless that got too close to him and Fluttershy. Simba started slowing down as they headed towards the other side of the garden where the animals were.

"They have to be around here somewhere," Fluttershy said. 'We just need to listen." As Simba and Fluttershy began listening to the sounds of the garden, they heard a loud slash that was close to them. Simba quickly followed as it led to none other tan Roxas and Sunset fighting two neoshadows.

Roxas, with his keyblades in his hands and Incursio sheathed behind him on his lower waist, was dodging every attack that the two neoshadows were throwing out. "Um, Sunset, if you wouldn't mind to, oh I don't know, STOP THESE GUYS WITH YOUR MAGIC, that would be great."

"No problem," Sunset said she cracked her fingers. Her hands began to glow teal, as she began to use her magic. She stopped the two heartless in their tracks, and Roxas disposed of them in a flash.

"Sunset, Roxas, I'm glad you two are safe," Fluttershy said in a relieved tone.

"Same goes to you," Sunset replied. "So what's going on? Why are there heartless attacking?"

"We don't know, they just came out of nowhere," Fluttershy said.

"It has to be Vanitas behind this," Roxas said clenching his keyblades in anger. As he did this, his head started to pound again at a much more intense level. "And what is going on with my mind?"

"We need to get back to the others then if that's the case," Sunset said as she began to charge her magic. "I'll just teleport us all to the main area of the party, and we can regroup with the others." Sunset's magical aura began to surround everyone as they were teleported to the main area.

As Fluttershy, Sunset, Roxas and Simba made it back to the main area, they were quickly greeted by a group of neoshadows.

Roxas summoned his keyblades and got into his battle position. "Big mistake."

As the first heartless ran to attack Roxas, out of nowhere, a spear came and lodged the heartless into the ground. Then a wave of electricity was dispersed from the spear and shocked the heartless horde with intense volts of lightning, and they were all defeated. Roxas looked in surprise as to what did that? He looked ahead and noticed that Ed and Sora were standing with their weapons in hand.

"Well, took you guys long enough," Ed joked.

So, Fluttershy found you," Sora asked Roxas.

"Yeah, we were just a little deeper into the garden, Roxas said.

"So, what were you two doing in the garden by yourselves?" Sora asked with a quizzical tone.

".....Nothing," Roxas said as he turned away from Sora.

"That doesn't sound like a nothing," Sora teased.

"Anyway," Roxas said trying to change the subject. He saw Twilight run up and hug Sunset, checking to see if she was ok. This made Roxas grin a bit, but it was quickly taken away by his head pain once again. Every time he felt the pain, it kept getting worse and worse. It forced him to kneel down on the ground, as the pain was starting to be too much.

"Roxas, what's going on," Sora worriedly asked as he saw Roxas pupils started to form some kind of symbol. "But, that symbol is the-" Before Sora could finish his sentence, A scream from Sunset gathered everyone's attention as a soldier heartless had snuck up on them and tried to attack her. But, before he could even move his arm, something has already ended its life. The soldier heartless quietly fell, as it disappeared. What took its place is what the group was surprised the most about, especially Roxas. It was a being they had never seen before, besides Sora and Riku. It had a distinctive cylindrical head that was a darker shade of grey than the most of the rest of its body. It's head beared six diagonal slits on the front, three on each side. The majority of its body appeared to be covered in a grey jumpsuit with bell sleeves and a lighter grey seam going down the front. Each sleeve had a strange emblem printed on them, and only the being's black hands were visible. The creature's black, featureless, pointed feet sprouted out from the legs of its jumpsuit. The being just stood there in front of the group.

"What is that," Twilight asked.

It's a Nobody," Sora surprisingly said as he looked at Roxas.

"It's...a Samurai," Roxas said in shock. "I can control them again." With this newfound power, Roxas was able to fight fire with fire against these heartless. "I got a plan."


One after the other, Riku was taking down heartless with his keyblade. One tried attacking him on his side, but Riku just dodged its attack and sliced down the being. Riku was utilizing a barrage of moves to wipe out the attacking foes. Spike, Rarity, and Luna stood near Riku as they watched him guard all three of them from the heartless.

"Yeah, you get em Riku!" Spike shouted.

"Pardon me Princess Luna, but couldn't you help deal with some of these creature," Rarity asked.

"I- I'd rather not, I apologize," Luna quietly said.

"But why not," Rarity said.

"Because I'll just ruin everything," Luna said.

Rarity looked at Luna in shock. "What, Luna why would you say tha-" Before Rarity could finish what she was saying, a small rumble could be hear coming closer and closer to the group. The rumbling grew louder, and everyone saw what created it. There stood Roxas and the rest of the group in front, with a militia of Samurai nobodies to battle the heartless.

"This, is gonna be fun," Roxas said.

"Let's see how many you guys can take down," Ed said confidently to the rest of the group.

"Trust me, you'll guys will have less," Sora said as he transformed into his Master form and summoned his Kingdom Key and Star Keeper. As Sora dashed towards the heartless, sparks of yellow electricity was being left behind in the form of a trail.

"So, that's how he wants to play," Roxas said. "*unsheathes Incursio* I guess now is a good as time as any to get to know each other huh? Show me what you can do Incursio!" As Roxas said this the blade began to glow, and a white light was shining over Roxas. After a few seconds, a loud dragon roar was heard, as Roxas wore the Incursio armor. "Let's see who get's more now." Roxas raised his hand, and ordered the Samurai nobodies to charge at the heartless. Ed summoned his spear, and ran with the Samurai, taking out any heartless that was in his way.

As Sora moved in with his tremendous speed, he was able to defeat some of the heartless. In a flurry of slashes and swipes, the neoshadows barely stood a chance. As one tried to strike at Sora from his blind side, Roxas came and punched the heartless away with pure force. Sora and Roxas stood back to back as they looked at the remaining heartless in front of them. In one motion, Sora and Roxas began taking down the heartless as they tried to attack. Sora rolled over Roxas's back and immediately cut down a heartless that was in front of him. Heartless after heartless, their numbers were beginning to fade. As the last heartless stood in front of them, Sora and Roxas both nodded at each other as they threw Kingdom Key and Oathkeeper at the heartless, and they both hit it directly in its chest, causing it to disperse. As that was the last one, Sora and Roxas quickly reverted back to their original forms.

"*Huffs* We did it," Sora said as he was trying to catch his breath.

"Yeah, we took them out," Roxas said in a tired voice.

"I think you guys should check again!" Ed shouted as he pointed to the other direction.

The keybladers turned and saw that there were still more neoshadows in the garden. All of the party guests were scared out of their minds. They didn't know what to do. They were under the mercy of the heartless. Sora had peered towards the stage and saw that Pinkie Pie and a group of people being backed up by a heartless.

Sora started to drag his body even though he was suffering from fatigue.

"Sora, what are you doing," Ed said.

"Everyone's still in danger, we gotta help them!" Sora said as he tried to move his body just a little faster. Sora's body couldn't do it anymore, and he stopped dead in his tracks as fell to the floor. Unable to move, at the end, Sora couldn't save everyone. "No, this can't be happening right now!"


A godly voice rang all throughout the garden as it sounded as if thunder had just roared in that specific area. Everything inside the garden party appeared to be frozen in time, but only one person was not affected, and she was flying in the middle of the sky as her eyes glowed white.

Luna began creating dark magic in her hands. "You call yourselves creatures without hearts, something so dark, yet you do not sit under the Princess of the Night's blessing. Evil beings such as yourselves deserve to be erased. With her dark magic, Luna opened a portal to the Pit of Tartarus. "Say greetings to Cronos for me!" Luna started controlling the remaining heartless and forced them into the portal to Tartarus. The longer she used this dark magic, the more unstable it started to get. As the last of the heartless was sentenced to Tartarus, Luna closed the portal, and fell out of the sky. Before she could hit the ground, Riku caught her at the last second. Riku looked down as Luna slowly started to regain consciousness. ".....Riku, I'm sorry."

"Sorry about what?" Riku asked.

Wow, that was beautiful.

Everyone peered up when they heard that voice.

"It was you," Ed angrily said as he turned around to see Vanitas again.

"Was it that hard for you to figure out," Vanitas taunted. "Anyway, just like last time, this is just a hologram and nothing more. I just wanted to see how you would fair against the neoshadows. But, I guess if it wasn't for that demon Princess of yours, you all would be in the grave."

Luna's expression went to a disheartened one at Vanitas's words. Luna did not want to hear another word as she was able to teleport away to everyone's surprise.

"Wow, talk about dramatic," Vanitas said with grimace.

"Wait until we find you Vanitas, then we'll see what you'll be saying then," Roxas said.

"I can only imagine what that'll be like you fake," Vanitas said. "But until then, you better get ready. Vanitas started to disappear in shroud of shadows. "Oh, and before I leave, you guys missed one."

"We missed one?" Sora asked.

"Rarity, look out!" Sunset shouted as a heartless was behind Rarity.

In the midst of all the chaos, one neoshadow was able to sneak up on Rarity and ambush her. There was no time for her to react, but as if it was reaction, Spike pushed Rarity out of the way, and faced the heartless head on. As the heartless finished it's attack, everyone looked up and was surprised and shocked about what had just happened. The heartless was gone, and no one was hurt, but there was just one thing different.

Spike....is that a KEYBLADE?!" Rarity shouted.
It was true, Spike was holding onto the old keyblade of Riku.

"What,me, ARE YOU SERIOUS," Spike said with excitement.

"Well, that's something you don't see everyday," Roxas said.

"At least we have another keyblader, and he's from a different world," Sora optimistically said. "The keyblade's chosen him, and the keyblade is never wrong about who it chooses to be a wielder."

"And since Spike's keyblade was my very own as well, I'll help him in his training," Riku said.

"This is gonna be a looonng month," Roxas said.

A few hours later

Riku, back in his black coat, was seen walking back towards the royal chambers during the late night. He wanted to check and see if the Princess was alright after what had happened. Riku knocked on the door before entering Luna's room. "Luna, are you in here?"

"Yes...I am," Luna said as she was standing in front of her balcony. She was wearing a nightgown made of the purest sapphire colored fabric.

"I was just making sure that you were ok," Riku calmly said.

"I'm fine," Luna bluntly answered.

"Are you sure," Riku said in a thoughtful tone.

".....Yes," Luna said. As she said this, she bit her tongue knowing that something was wrong.

Riku walked up towards Luna as she still kept her attention out on the balcony. "I know when you're lying Princess."

Luna had no choice but to tell the truth. "........And I know you are afraid of the darkness. Afraid of what it can do. But, I don't want you to be afraid of it Riku."

"I'm not afraid of the darkness," Riku said. "I only despise the darkness."

"......So do you despise me," Luna said. "The Princess of the Night, the mother of the ones who love the darkness. Do you hate me?"

Riku was at a loss for words when Luna said this.

"Don't let your hate for the darkness get in between of the people who care about you Riku," Luna said as silent tears began to form. "Because, I'm one of those people who care about you. More than you ever know. The day I found you floating in that sea of darkness,defeated by the darkness, I knew that you couldn't just leave you alone adrift. I wanted you to feel safe within the darkness, and that's why I brought you under my care of being a child of the night. ......Please don't hate something that's as beautiful and has the same color and energy as the night."

As Riku began replaying the Princesses's words over again in his mind, he decided to walk towards Luna. He gave Luna a reassuring hug, something that would stop her from crying. "I'm sorry.....I don't ever want to hear my Princess cry."

"....Your Princess," Luna said with a hint of blush on her face.

"You don't like that?" Riku said to Luna as they started getting closer together.

Luna got close enough to Riku where she was face to face with him, and a moment's notice, a kiss was shared between the two. "What do you think?" Luna looked at Riku's blindfold, and decided that it was time for it to go. She started untying his blindfold, and gently placed it in Riku's hands. "So, what do you think of the darkness now?"

Riku blinked his eyes so that he could focus his eyesight again, and when he did, he was able to see Luna in front of him. Who turned out to be shorter than he thought. "*chuckles* I think the darkness is something beautful."

"As do I," Luna said with confidence.

"Of course you do," Riku sarcastically said.

Pinkie was standing there with her band friends and Octavia as they were just hanging around in the Canterlot main area.

"So, guys and gals, do you think anyone is gonna get that cameo," Pinkie asked.

"I'm pretty sure someone's got to know that song right," Chance said. "It's a pretty good one if I say so myself."

"I wonder if there would be more times when something like that will happen," Octavia asked.

Everyone looked at each other as they all shrugged their shoulders and went back to enjoying their day.

Author's Note:

I'll say that this was a pretty unique chapter to write, but fun all the same. Tell me what you think. Also It's that time of the year again! Fall Season! Best Season! October. best month. nice cool winds. good atmosphere. it's pretty cool to me.