• Published 23rd Mar 2015
  • 9,132 Views, 130 Comments

Kingdom Hearts: Friends of Harmony - indigohue

A new world, new people, new places, and new evil that plans on taking over the world. It is up to Sora and friends to band together and stop the evil from taking over Equestria.

  • ...

A Fair to Remember Part II

A Fair to Remember Part II

The Rainbow Falls Fair was at a standstill. The merriment that people had was gone. The feeling that a dark cloud was over them would just be putting the situation lightly, for the ominous feeling that surrounded the entire park would not go away. Everyone looked and saw then lightning roaring from the dark clouds, and then they all saw something falling from the clouds. It was coming at a high speed and as it made contact with the ground, a small crater was made in its place. A crowd of people started inching closer and closer towards the crater, and in it was something blue with red eyes. That was all that the crowd saw for the being jumped out of the crater and into the open, showing off its stick figure like body as it frantically peered its head in all directions. Nobody dared move or make a sound as the creature started wandering in the open space that it had. Out of nowhere, something resembling a chime erupted out of the crowd of people, and with it a small glare of light lit up in the hands of a young boy. He had two tone spiky light brown brown hair, reddish brown eyes, wearing a brown hoodie, blue jeans, and in his hand was a little portable game system that had suddenly turned on, and caught the attention of the unknown being. As it stared down the boy for what seemed life forever, it quickly launched itself forward towards the boy at a high speed. The boy, out of fear, dropped his video game and stood there frozen as the monster charged towards him. He thought that this was the end, until he saw a faint green glow trap the monster in mid movement. The boy looked around to see a girl with pink and purple hair who was around his age, hold the monster with her magic.

"Who is that girl," the boy asked as he was two other girls ran up to the one holding the monster.

"Sweetie Belle, what are you doing," the other girls asked.

"That thing was going to attack that guy, I felt that I could stop it," Sweetie Belle struggled to say as she was focusing on holding the being. Unfortunately, she couldn't hold the monster in any longer and passed out from exhaustion, letting the monster free. Enraged, the monster forgot about the boy and immediately went straight towards Sweetie Belle and her friends. At the very last moment, the monster reared its arm back, and as it did, a flash of light had flew by the center of its body. It stopped moving for a second, and dropped to its knees and dissipated into dark blue flames. The three girls looked up and immediately became happy as they shouted out, "SORA!"

Sora stood there with his key blade in his right hand over his left hand, showing that he was the one who struck down the monster.

"Sweetie Belle, AppleBloom, Scootaloo, are you alright, how did you even get here, you didn't ride the train with us," Sora said with a worrisome tone.

Sweetie Belle started to have a guilty expression on her face as Sora asked that question. "Well, we kinda snuck onto the train without anyone noticing.

"Why," Sora asked.

"Because we really wanted to go and Rarity and Applejack said that we couldn't because we weren't responsible enough to stay safe by ourselves, so we wanted to prove that we are so responsible to stay safe by ourselves," Applebloom confessed.

"And to prove that, you snuck onto a train, went somewhere that you weren't supposed to, and because you did that, you put yourselves in danger which is not being safe at all," Sora said to the girls.

"Well, when you put it that way," Scootaloo said.

"I'm not going to lecture to you about this, but there were better ways about doing this," Sora said. "I don't want you three putting yourselves in danger over something like this." "Just think about how Rarity, Applejack, or Rainbow would have felt if you were have gotten hurt."

The three girls hung their heads in shame as they started to realize what actually could have happened if Sora had not stopped that monster.

Sora saw them and felt guilty for making them feel this way, so he thought of a way to cheer them up.

"But, since you three are here, why not helping me make sure that everybody else is safe," Sora said with a grin.

"Really?!" The three girls said with a happy expression sprayed across their face.

"If you think you're up for it," Sora said.

"The Cutie Mark Crusaders are always up for anything!" The three girls shouted.

"Alright, so this is the plan, to find the rest of our friends, and help anyone along the way," Sora stated. "Understand?"

"Roger!" the CMC said.

"Then let's get started," Sora said as saw more of those blue beings fall from the sky. " And what a more perfect way than taking out these guys first."

"What are those things anyway?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"I really don't know, but whatever they are, they're nothing but trouble," Sora said as he started to charge in the direction of the monsters, and with the CMC right by his side, they started their mission to find the rest of their friends, and help anyone along the way. But still at the scene of where it all began, was the boy with his game system, still trying to take into affect of what just happened, from that girl saving his life, to that guy saving that girl's life. But the fact of how helpless he felt during all of this ringed through his mind. He looked up and saw Sora moving left and right taking down the rest of those monsters with those three girls cheering him on. As he saw this, he thought to himself, "What if I tried to be a hero in real life, instead of just in a video game?" And with that thought, the boy started to follow Sora, watching the hero in action.


As more and more of those beings started to fall from the sky, the dark clouds started to rage more and more, with the thunder roaring louder, the lightning striking more frequent, the wind becoming stronger, and the rain sprinkling through it all. The crowds of people were losing their minds. Not knowing what was going on, or who was responsible. One of the only people that had any sense though all of this was Twilight, and she was trying her best to calm everybody down, but no matter what she did, no one was listening.

"Everyone, please calm down, running around like chickens with their heads cut off won't solve anything, now if we can just....." Twilight said before somebody interrupted her.

"WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!" a random bystander said as he shoved Twilight out of the way and onto the ground.

"OW! was that even necessary, come on people!" Twilight shouted as Rarity and Spike helped her back up on her feet.

"Are you ok Twilight?" Spike asked.

"I say, some people are just plain rude when there is a catastrophic event happening right in front of their eyes," Rarity said.

"You guys, my Pinkie Sense is telling me something," Pinkie said.

"What's it saying," Spike asked.

"It's telling me that something big is on its way and that we need to stop it as soon as possible," Pinkie said. "This feels like a bigger doozy than the hydra."

"Then we have no time to lose, we need to figure out what's going on and fast," Twilight said to her friends. Twilight saw that her friends were focusing all their attention on something else besides what she had to say. "You guys, what are you all staring at?"

"Um, T-Twilight, l-look behind you," Spike quietly said. As Twilight turned around she saw a group of those blue monsters, but these looked different than the others. Instead of having just tendrils for hands and feet, these had actual limbs, and they were all wearing white gloves over their claws. They were walking closer and closer to the group of friends with their claws jutting out. Seeing this, Twilight had enveloped her hands with her magic getting ready for whatever might happen.

"Don't worry guys, I'll just use my magic to create a shield around us, then we'll be protected from whatever they try do," Twilight said as she turned around to her friends, but doing this proved to be a mistake, and as her friends yelled at her, "Twilight turn around!" it was too late, because when Twilight turned around to face the monsters, one was already close enough that she would be able to touch. Surprised by how fast that they moved, Twilight had no way of guarding herself, so the monster took advantage of this situation, and swung his claws at Twilight's hands and arms.

"AAAAAHHHHH!" Twilight shouted as her arms and hands were adorned in sizable cuts and slashes. Spike saw this, and despite being afraid, he was enraged at what those things were doing to Twilight, so he ran in front of Twilight and guarded her from those things.

"GET AWAY FROM HER!" Spike shouted as green flames started to spew from his mouth. As one of the monsters tried to attack again, spike shot a green fireball at it, causing it to fall to the ground leaving the monster temporarily dazed. Spike started shooting fireball after fireball to any one of those that was trying to get to him or Twilight. Despite his best effort, Spike was barely doing anything, besides knocking them down for them to get right back up. Spike, breathing heavily from repeatedly attacking those things, fell to the ground unable to move. He looked up as one of those monsters punched him down, picked him back up, and kicked him to the ground. They then started surrounding him with their claws out.

"Is this really how I'm going to go?" Spike thought.

"Spike?" Twilight worriedly said. Spike looked back at Twilight with tears in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Twilight, I can't be your number one assistant anymore," Spike said full of sorrow. "Pinkie, thanks for the baking tips that you gave me for the desserts I made." Thunder roared and rain started to fall down as the scene took place. "And Rarity, I'm sorry that I could never tell you about the way that I felt."

"Spike,no" Pinkie said as tears started to form in her eyes.

"Spikey-Wikey?" Rarity said with distraught.

The attacking monster raised his claws to spike's neck, and as the thunder roared and lightning flashed, all that could be heard was one.....



Rainbow and Applejack started running away from the monsters as they started to chase the two girls.

"Rainbow, what in tarnation was going through your mind when you decided to kick one in the face?" Applejack asked.

"That maybe they would be terrified at how awesome I was, and stop chasing people," Rainbow said.

"Well, they stopped chasing people, but now.... THEY'RE ALL CHASING US!!!" Applejack yelled as they kept running away from the horde of monsters. "Alright, here's the plan, all we have to do is make it past that corner, hide somewhere, and figure out what's going on."

"That's the plan?" Rainbow skeptically said.

"Do you have a better idea?" Applejack said.

"....Nevermind," Rainbow said.

Applejack ran around the corner

"Alright then follow meOWWW!!!!!!

"AJ!" Rainbow yelled as she ran around the corner a few seconds later just to see the cowgirl laying on the ground with someone laying on top of her. "GET OFF OF HER!"

As Rainbow grabbed the body that was sprawled on top of Applejack, she realized that it was Roxas that she was grabbing. Out of surprise, she accidentally dropped him back to the ground. "Roxas?! What are you doing?"

"Owwwwww, my head, what did I just crash into," Roxas said as he rubbed head.

"You ran into Applejack!" Rainbow shouted as she helped Applejack back on her feet.

"I'm sorry about that Applejack, but we have to put that aside for now, can't you see what's happening," Roxas said.

"Yeahyeahyeah, I've already heard it from Applejack," Rainbow said.

"Then what are we waitin' for, let's go find the others," AJ said. As she said this, one of those monsters that were chasing them had finally caught up to them and immediately tried to attack her, but before the attack could land, Roxas launched Oathkeeper and pierced the monster through its torso, and it collapsed into dark blue flames.

"I'm getting better at doing that," Roxas said as he rubbed his wrist.

"Roxas, what is goin' on, what are those things," Applejack worriedly asked him.

"Yeah, and how did you find us?" Rainbow asked.

"Look, everyone, calm down.....I don't know what's going on, I don't know what those things are, but they seem to be just as weak to the keyblades as the heartless are. And I just so happened to find you two...... I was looking for Sunset."

"Why, did something happen to her," Rainbow said.

"I don't know, the last time I saw her, we were chasing after Philomena," Roxas said.

"Philomena?!" Rainbow shouted.

"But why would Philomena be here, that don't make any sense at all," Applejack said.

"I gotta bad feeling about all of this," Roxas said.

"You think," Rainbow sarcastically said as she looked up towards the darkened sky.

"Then let's go, *summons keyblades*, the faster we find the problem, the sooner we can fix it," Roxas said.

"Roger!" Rainbow said.

"Right behind you," AJ said.

And with the end of the conversation, Roxas, Rainbow, and Applejack raced off to find the rest of their friends, and to figure out what's going on with Rainbow Falls.


Twilight and the rest of her friends did not want to see want the outcome of that sounds was. Rarity was holding Pinkie in her arms they had their eyes closed with tears forming form them. Twilight's curiosity got the better of her, as she slowly opened her eyes, but what she was not what she expected.

Over Spike was still the monster, but it had lowered its attacking arm and its head, and through it, she saw a familiar looking keyblade. As the keyblade was pulled out of the monster, it erupted into blue flames showing its defeat. Spike hyperventilating, thinking that he was going to draw his final breath, quickly turned around and saw the one who saved him, and he couldn't have been happier.

"SORA!" Spike said as he jumped up from the ground.

"Hey, take it easy, you don't want to move around so much after what you did," Sora said.

Spike looked down in defeat when he said this. "But, I didn't do anything at all, if you hadn't come in, I would've been a goner. I'm no help."

"..... Really?" Sora asked.

"Huh," Spike asked.

"Are you kidding?" Twilight asked. "Spike, you came to my rescue. If you didn't do that, I wouldn't be here."

"Spike, that was AWESOME, I mean green flames spewed out of your mouth, that doesn't happen everyday, I mean, if you're delivering a letter, then yeah I guess it happens everyday, but not the way that you just used it!" Pinkie excitedly said as her hair poofed back up

"You were really courageous, jumping to the rescue, one could say heroic Spike," Rarity said.

"Really, I was all of that?" Spike said with wide eyes and a smile on his face.

"Spike, you gotta have more confidence in yourself, if you didn't protect everyone, I probably wouldn't have made it in time," Sora said. Spike, you're more important than you think you are, that's why if more of those things show up, I want you to help me fight them."

"Are you serious?" Spike asked with an open expression on his face. "But, I don't have a key blade."

Sora put his fist to Spike's chest as Sora gave him a smile. "You don't need a weapon, your friends are your power."

As Sora said this, Spike saw the determination that Sora had when he said those words. He looked up to Sora and said, "Well, when you put it that way, of course i'll help!"

"YEAH SPIKE THAT WAS AWESOME!", a high pitched voice screamed.

"Why, that sounded like.......SweetieBelle?" Rarity said as she turned around and saw the girl sticking out of a bush.

"Uh oh," Sweetie Belle said as realized that she was spotted.

"Busted," Scootaloo said as she popped up out of the bush.

"Really SweetieBelle, what possessed you to do that," Applebloom asked.

"Hey, it's not my fault," SweetieBelle said.

"It kind of is," Scootaloo said.

"What are you three doing her, Applejack and I clearly told you stay in Ponyville," Rarity said with a stern tone.

"But we really wanted to come here sis, and I wanted to spend some quality time with my sister," SweetieBelle said.

"Come on, Rarity, she wanted to spend time with her sister," Sora said.

"That's not the point Sora, the point is that she disobeyed," Rarity said.

"I'm sorry Rarity, I just thought that you would want to spend some time with me, but I understand if you don't want to," SweetieBelle said in a guilty tone. "We'll just leave here with those things out there, and maybe we'll get attacked, but it's ok, we'll live."

Rarity knew the game that SweetieBelle was playing, but she couldn't help but fall for it every....single....time.

"SweetieBelle wait," Rarity said.

"Bingo," SweetieBelle quietly said. "Yes?"

*sigh* "You three can stay here," Rarity said.

"YAYYYY!!!" the CMC said.

"But the moment we find a train, you're going back to Ponyville, but for now, stay close to me," Rarity strictly said.

"But, Rarityyyyy," SweetieBelle groaned.

"No buts, now stay close," Rarity said.

Pinkie then appeared between Sora and Spike as she wrapped her arms around their shoulders. "Oooooohhhhhh, this is so exciting, how about helping that person right there." Everyone turned their heads and saw a girl with two tone blue hair firing magic at the monsters to no avail.

"Oh, maybe we should help her," Sora said as he summoned his kingdom key. "You ready Spike?"

"Yeah," Spike said with a determined grin on his face. The two then ran off to go fight the horde of monsters.

Twilight started to question who that girl was that they were saving. "Hey, Pinkie, doesn't that girl look familiar?"

"Hmmmmm, hold that thought," Pinkie said as she pulled a pair of binoculars out of her hair.

"How did you......"

"One second Twilight," Pinkie said stopping Twilight's question. *GASP* "That's Trixie!"

"Trixie, she came to the fair?" Rarity asked.

"Huh, well I guess it was lucky that we had that heart to heart talk with Spike because if we didn't well, Trixie probably wouldn't be here," Pinkie casually said.

"Sweet Celestia, Pinkie," Twilight said surprised by her comment.

"Yeah, I think this weather is still messing with my Pinkie Sense," Pinkie said as she placed her hands on her heads.

After Sora and Spike took out the last one of those monsters they turned towards Trixie who was shaking in fear with her hands over her eyes.

"Ummmmm, excuse me, but everything's ok now," Sora said.

Trixie lifted her hands off her eyes as she saw Sora in front of her, with his blue eyes standing out above anything else. Trixie quickly turned around in embarrassment at how someone actually saved her from those monsters. ".....Trixie thanks you for saving her."

"Who's Trixie?" Sora asked.

"I'M TRIXIE," she said as she turned around and faced the boy once again except with annoyance in her face.

"But, why do you refer to yourself in the third person?" Sora nervously said.


"Oh, man, Trixie what are you doing here," Spike said.

"Trixie was enjoying the fair like everyone else, until those monster started to attack Trixie," she said. "But, my magic didn't seem to stop them."

"Sora, Spike!" Twilight shouted as she towards them with Rarity and Pinkie behind her.

"Trixie's here too," Trixie murmured as she started pouting.

"Are you two alright," Rarity asked.

"Yeah, not a scratch on us," Sora happily said.

"Hey, totally off topic, but not really, how did you find us Sora?" Pinkie asked.

"Well, actually, I just happened to find you four, I was looking for Fluttershy," Sora said. "She said that she saw Angel Bunny up here and we started to chase him, but I lost her in the crowd, and then after that, all of this started to happen."

"That's strange, Fluttershy wouldn't even think about bringing Angel to a place like this," Twilight said.

"Then right after that, this whole mess started with these monsters falling from the sky," Sora said.

"Wait, so you don't know what those things are?" Twilight asked. *Sora shakes his head no.* "But, aren't those things just heartless?"

"No, they look and act different than heartless, but they're still weak towards the key blade so they have to be connected in some way," Sora said. "But the question is, what are those things?"

"Those who were not well-versed in their own existences", said an unfamiliar voice. This made the entire group of friends look left and right to find who said that. "These beings are known as the Unversed......and they were made by me."

"Where are you, show yourself!" Sora demanded.

"heheheheheh, aren't we just confident today," the voice playfully said. "Fine, I guess it' s time to stop hiding in the shadows." As the voice said this, a large corridor of darkness opened in front of everyone. Everyone could see someone walking out of it. The figure was wearing a black and red organic-looking bodysuit, but his face is what startled everyone. He looked exactly like Sora! The only thing different was that he had black hair and yellow eyes instead of Sora's brown hair and blue eyes. Everyone stayed on their guard for anything sort of attack. But the mysterious figure just looked left and right at the party of people until he stopped at Sora. "So, that's your new body huh Ventus?"

"What?" Sora said looking plain confused.

"You thought that you finished me off when you destroyed the x-blade didn't you, well let me tell you something," the figure said as dark energy started charging in his hand. "Darkness.......never.....DIES!" With that, he shot a dark energy ball at Sora, which prompted Sora to deflect the attack with his key blade, sending the the dark ball flying into the side of a mountain.

"You, I remember seeing you....inside the cathedral," Sora said.

"Hmph, well that was more on the lines of a vision of me, but this, is the real me, and I'm going to plunge that heart of yours into a sea of darkness where no light is able to shine," The mysterious figure said as he summoned his own key blade and made his way into his battle stance. "Ventus........"

"He has a key blade....." Twilight said in disbelief.

"Did he just call you Ventus?" Pinkie asked.

"Rarity..." Sweetie Belle said as she held on to her sister.

"It's going to be ok Sweetie Belle," Rarity said. Rarity turned to Applebloom and Scootaloo, " Girls, get behind me." The three girls did as they were told and got behind Rarity.

"Is Sora gonna be ok?" Applebloom asked.

"Of course, Sora can handle this ruffian," Rarity said optimistically, but she knew that she had no idea if Sora could, just like the rest of the girls.

"Just who are you?!" Sora yelled.

"Heh, who am I..... I'm Vanitas, but you can call me your destroyer," Vanitas said with a deadly grin.

The air stood still as Sora and Vanitas got in their fighting stances. No one moved. No one said a thing. They both charged each other at the same time. As their key blades clashed against each other, the two keybladers were relying on brute force to push the other one into a vulnerable position. Unable to do so , they each take a step back. Vanitas started to immediately run towards Sora, without so much as a break in between the previous clash. Vanitas began attack Sora aggressively, with each swing of his key blade having an aftershock of force behind it, gave Sora an even rougher time than he thought. But Sora wasn't going to let that stop him. He had to think of a plan and quick. After a quick thought, Sora lit up with a determined expression on his face as he threw his key blade at Vanitas. Vanitas saw this and with just a flick of his wrist, deflected the key blade into the air.

"Really, did you think that was going to stop me?" Vanitas said as he laughed at the attempt. Sora payed no mind and instantly ran towards Vanitas . "I feel as if your'e giving up already Sora, this is barely a challenge to me!"

"Let's see if you can keep talking like that after I finish this," Sora said.

"You fool, this is the end of you," Vanitas said as he lunged his key blade towards the approaching Sora. Sora slid under the key blade with it an inch away from making contact with his face, and as he slid, he lifted his hand in the air, and in a flash, his key blade had returned to him. Sora did a 180 degree turn, and with all his might, struck Vanitas in his back. Vanitas did nothing but reel in the pain of the attack, in disbelief that Sora actually landed a hit on him.

"He........hit me," Vanitas said not believing what had just happened. He turned and saw Sora chuckling with a grin on his face.

"What's wrong Vanitas, you look scared," Sora taunted. Vanitas was enraged as he used his dark magic to push Sora into the wall of a nearby building with so much force that it left a crater. Sora couldn't move a muscle, and as Vanitas started walking towards him, Sora felt as if he was stuck fighting a battle that he could not win.

"You think everything will just go your way." Vanitas said. "Even in the face of death, you still found a way to smile and laugh about it. That's why I envy you, *dark magic starts to surround his key blade* and that's why I NEED TO DESTROY YOU!" Vanitas shot a ball of darkness at Sora wanting to end his life. Everyone stood frozen in place as the dark magic was reaching Sora. It was only inches away until something that fell from the sky had obscured the path of the attack. The magic attack slowly started to decrease in size until it was all but gone and everyone was able to get a view of the object that had stopped it. It was none other than the key blade, Oathkeeper.

"Another key blade, but how," Vanitas thought.

"Wait, isn't that........" Twilight stopped as she looked up and saw a strange sight.

"What did I tell you before Sora, I said that you make a good other."

"Wait, is that," Sora said. He struggled to look up and what he saw put a smile on his face. It was Roxas in the air being held by Rainbow, who was using her wings to keep them in the air.

"That means that we don't lose to punks like him," Roxas said as he pointed to Vanitas.

"Hey, can you hurry this up, you're not exactly the lightest person in Equestria," Rainbow complained.

"Please, you're always boasting about how great you're flying is and now you can't handle some extra weight," Roxas said.

"I could just drop you right here, right now," Rainbow speculated.

"No, no, you can just fly me to the ground please," Roxas said quietly. Rainbow brought him down next to Sora as she folded her wings back and got in a fighting position.

"So, how are we gonna take care of this guy," Rainbow asked cracking her knuckles.

"Sora and I are going to care of him, I need you to watch after everyone else," Roxas said.

"WHAT, are you saying that I can't handle this guy," Rainbow protested.

"I'm saying that there is a whole group of people over there that need to be protected, and out of everybody, you're the fastest and strongest," Roxas said.

"Well, when you put it that way," Rainbow said as her ego shot up tremendously.

"Ahem, one of the strongest," Applejack said as she appeared right next to Rainbow.

"I need you two to watch out for everyone, I trust you to do that," Roxas said.

"Dontcha worry about a thing Roxas, *turns to the group*, we'll make sure that everyone is......." Applejack said until she saw someone that shouldn't have been there in the group. "Is that Applebloom?! I told her that she couldn't come!"

"Oh man, I'll go calm her down, you handle big,bad,and ugly over there," Rainbow said to Roxas.

"You got it," Roxas said as he turned to face Vanitas.

"Well, if it isn't the copy," Vanitas said. "You look just like him, and that makes me angry."

"You hurting my friend and attacking innocent people makes me a little angry as well," Roxas said as he pulled Oathkeeper out of the ground.

"You don't appear to be upset," Vanitas said.

"Showing your emotions during a battle is a good way for the enemy to predict your movements, but I have been trained on the concept of not having nor feeling any emotions," Roxas said as he summoned Oblivion in his right hand.

"Hmph, so what, you want to fight about it?" Vanitas taunted.

"Fight you, no, I want to end you," Roxas said with an emotionless expression.

You look like Ventus, but you're almost nothing like him, he would never say anything like that, but why does he look like him?" Vanitas thought. "What connection does he have with him?" Vanitas was brought out of his thoughts as Roxas ruthlessly started striking Vanitas not giving him a second to think. For every move Vanitas made , Roxas had an extra attack waiting for him. Roxas wasn't letting up as a flurry of attack were constantly appearing left and right.

"I've had enough of this ," Vanitas said as harnessed his dark magic and used it to push himself back a few feet away from Roxas. He then snapped his fingers, which caused the sky to roar with lightning and thunder once more. More unversed started to fall, but they only landed within the range of the fight, and were all focused on Roxas and not anyone else. Roxas spun Oblivion into the backhand fighting style while Oathkeeper was still in the normal style. Rows and rows of Unversed started to charge at Roxas, doing nothing but getting in the way of Roxas's actual target. The first Unversed tried striking at Roxas's face, but he quickly ducked the attack and sliced the Unversed in half. Roxas proceeded with a spin and launched two more into the air. Roxas was on a tear as he took down Unversed after Unversed, trying to make his way to Vanitas. As Vanitas saw this, he new that Roxas was a bigger problem than he thought, but he had one more ace up his sleeve that could end this right now. As Roxas finished off the last of the Unversed, loud cheering could be heard coming from the group of friends, and it turns out that it was Scootaloo screaming her lungs out.

"YEAH WAY TO GO ROXAS, YOU GOT THIS!" Scootaloo shouted. Roxas looked back and couldn't do anything but smile at her cheering. The rest of the group had a different reaction of confusion. "What, he's awesome."

"Isn't that just the cutest thing," Vanitas sarcastically said.

"It's over Vanitas, there's nothing else you can do," Roxas said as he prepared to attack Vanitas.

"Hmph, you know I wonder what happened to that red headed girl?" Vanitas asked. This caused Roxas to stop in his tracks as his face showed signs of distraught. "Hey, what happened to not showing emotion during a battle? "Now I know that the girl means something to you."

Roxas started to become enraged from the words of Vanitas. Sora, being able to conjure up enough strength since his battle with Vanitas, walked over to Roxas and tried calming him down. "Roxas, relax, he's just trying to get in your head."

"Oh Ventus, I wish that was the case, but if it was, then what about that pink haired angel of yours?" Vanitas said with a sinister grin.

Sora's entire attitude changed as turned towards Vanitas with an expression of anger that no one has ever witnessed before. "Where's Fluttershy?"

"So that's her name, and the other girl must be Sunset," Vanitas said.

"You're going to tell us where they are right now," Roxas demanded from Vanitas.

"Now now, I'm not looking for another fight, they're right here," Vanitus said as he summoned to corridors of darkness, and out of each corridor was a mass dark magic, but what they were holding, drove the young keybladers anger even more. Inside one was Sunset, and inside the other was Fluttershy, looking as if they were in a comatose-esque state while they were in the hands of the darkness. "Now, if you don't want these two lovely ladies to be hurt, you'll listen to what I have to say," Vanitas said as he brushed both of the girls faces.

Roxas started to charge after Vanitas, but Sora stopped him before he could get close to him.

"What do you want?" Sora asked.

"Give me your keyblades," Vanitas said as he engulfed his hand in dark magic. "Unless you want these two to die."

Before they could make a decision, something inside of Roxas made him kneel over in pain. No one knew what was going on with him, but they saw how his entire aura of energy was changing. Vanitas looked at Roxas and wondered what was going on until an epiphany was made. The reason he looks like him, fights like him, and has the same level of mastery with the backhand fighting style is because he also linked with Ventus. But, why can't he sense anything? How couldn't he see the link between them? Well, it's too late now because the energy that was dwelling inside of Roxas, had finally released. Roxas's aura had a hue of green as it coursed around him. His body began to be covered by pieces of armor. Twilight had summoned a shield of magic that was barely protecting them from the powerful force of energy that was emanating from Roxas. After the sudden surge of energy had calmed, everyone stood in awe of what took Roxas's place. There stood Roxas in a clad of armor decorated in steel blue, gold, black, with several red lines decorating it, and a long steel blue cape.

In his hands were his two key blades as he got into his fighting stance, and in a flash, made his way over to Vanitas in a second and kicked him in his sides, causing him to fly into a nearby carnival stand. As Vanitas stood back up he snapped his fingers together to bring more Unversed to the battle, but instead of fighting Roxas, they wet towards the wounded keyblader. Sora saw and summoned his key blade, but he could barely stand because of his injuries from Vanitas, and as the Unversed came to a striking distance, a blue blur could be seen attacking one Unversed after the other. Sora saw that it was Rainbow buying him time to get away.

"What are you waiting for, you need to get out of here!" Rainbow said.

"But, you can't beat them without the key-" Sora said as he was interrupted.

"We'll figure something out Sora just go!" Rainbow said. Then from behind Sora came Applejack as she launched a powerful kick into one of the Unversed. Sora, barely standing, saw how his friends were doing all that they could to protect him. They showed him courage in the face of danger, bravery, and.......Valor.

Once Sora realized this, something in him started to click as he stood back up, energy started to course around him. It began with a few sparks, until his entire body was enveloped with a red aura.

"He...... hurt..... my friends, he put them....... in danger, he hurt..... innocent people," Sora said in a very strained manner. "I won't.....let him....get away......with this!"

As Sora gained more energy, Rainbow and Applejack could be seen with the same color aura around them. The two girls started to get tired as their energy was being shared with Sora. Once he received their energy, a shining light was coming from Sora. Once the light diminished, Sora stood there with his clothes in a red and black color scheme with a fleur-de-lis on each sleeve and pants leg. Sora's hands glowed light red and flickered with red electricity. But the one thing that caught everyone's eyes was the fact that Sora had two key blades, Oathkeeper in his left hand, and his Kingdom key in his right, but this led Roxas with only one key blade. He opened with a burst of speed , and took out the remaining Unversed that surrounded Rainbow and Applejack with an array of slashes with his two key blades. He grabbed both of the girls and high jumped back to the rest of the group.

"Twilight, look after them," Sora said.

"Y-yeah," Twilight uttered as she hadn't seen Sora this serious sense the diamond dog incident. In a matter of a few seconds, Sora was right next to Roxas, ready to fight Vanitas.

"Vanitas, this is a fight that you are not going to win," Sora said as he got into his fighting stance. http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/kingdomhearts/images/0/06/Valor_Form.png/revision/latest?cb=20140610202410

Roxas said no words, but initially was in his stance ready to charge at his enemy.

"You fools, this will be your grave," Vanitas said as the three of them prepared for a duel of the keybladers.