• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 25,668 Views, 1,174 Comments

Transcend - Anonymous Pegasus

Alone and powerless, Chrysalis must turn to a last resort to regain her power.

  • ...


Cee walked through the cottage, stopping every now and again to peer at the photos on the mantle over the fireplace or on the shelves.

Evergreen lay on the bed, unmoving. Not even the steady rise and fall of his breath was there, his chest still and heart no longer beating. He had passed away sometime in the night, succumbing to the greatest enemy of all: time itself.

Sunlight streamed through the windows, lighting up the interior of the cottage. It was autumn, and the sunlight was still weak, barely granting warmth to the old mare’s body.

The years hadn’t been unkind, but they showed. Weathered lines of age crossed her face. Her mane and tail had long-since become silvery grey, and her mane was tucked up in a bun, foregoing aesthetics for the practicality of keeping her mane out of her eyes.

Cee was old now, and the photos showed it. They showed a progression of age; from a young pony couple smiling, growing older through the years, always together. She found it nice to place the photos in an orderly procession like this so she could remember where she came from, remember the years they’d spent together.

Cee had learned the alchemist’s trade and together with Evergreen the two had become a one-stop shop for rare ailments. They made enough coin to get by offering medicine for rare maladies, the kinds that Zecora was too busy to treat or had no knowledge of. But they were never wealthy. They had preferred it that way.

Gaze shifting over to the fireplace, Cee moved to observe the next set of photos. Soft tears fell down her cheeks as she looked over the memory-inducing scenes.

The first was from the Ponyville hospital, showing a much younger Cee an d Evergreen. The unicorn was lying in the hospital bed, the stallion beside her. Each of them cradled a cloth-wrapped bundle in their hooves. Two earth ponies; twins. A boy, and a girl.

The next photo showed four grinning faces sitting at the dinner table: Cee, Evergreen, and their two beautiful children.

Further down the line and the two parents were closer to their current age; their children were all grown up. The latest photos showed a family reunion with nine ponies all around a food-laden table, laughing and having a good time. Cee’s daughter had had a wonderful set of twin boys, and her son had a little filly.

Looking at the picture of her children, Cee felt her heart swelling with joy and warmth. Evergreen had lived up to his promise; he had made her final days the happiest of her life.

Sighing contentedly, the old unicorn moved over to the still form of her love. She gently brushed a lock of mane from his face to lean in and kiss his cheek. A faint smile lingered on his muzzle. She had no regrets. She was happier than she had ever been. And soon, she would join her beloved Evergreen in whatever place awaited them after this life.

But first, there was a small matter to attend to.

“Ah know yer there.” Cee said, as she lifted her head, not bothering to look towards the door.

The pony cleared her throat and pushed the door open, stepping into the cottage and regarding the unicorn.

“Chrysalis,” Celestia said by way of greeting.

“Yer daft. Yer know ah don’t go by that name anymore,” Cee said with a dismissive wave of a hoof.

“Very well then, Cee,” the princess corrected with a slight nod.

“Yer come to check up on me, huh? Always knew yer were keeping yer eyes out for me,” the unicorn stated, turning to face the princess, raising a brow. “Well? Don’t be shy now. Ah’m not gonna be here much longer.”

The alicorn perked a single ear. “Planning on going somewhere?”

A soft laugh rolled from Cee’s throat as she shook her head, and stamped a hoof firmly. “Ah plan on staying right here.”

Celestia took several moments to process what Cee meant. “You’re dying?”

“About time, too. Thought Ah’d be the first ter go, given how old Ah am. But life's funny like that, isn’t it?” Cee said conversationally.

“...Why? I saw you kill your changelings. I saw Evergreen with you. I saw him comforting you. And then you came to the castle like that... And after you just stood there, waiting for the girls to use the Elements of Harmony on you. I can guess that they changed you. But...why? Why did you give up your life for... this?” Celestia lifted a hoof to point around at the cottage and the desk stacked with alchemical tools, her expression one of confusion.

Cee gave a soft little chuckle and made her way over to the princess, lifting a hoof to gently touch at her cheek. Celestia flinched as though she were expecting a blow.

The former changeling stared up into the princess’ eyes. Cee gave her her most serious look, holding her gaze. “Celestia. When yer fall in love. Yer’ll know why.”

With nothing else to say, Cee turned around and hobbled her way over to the bed, pulling herself up then into her love’s hooves. She gently stroked a hoof against his cheek before leaning up and kissing his lifeless lips. She curled into his form and closed her eyes for the final time.

A conversation she had had with him a week previously filled her mind;

“Cee... Do yer regret anything?” Evergreen had asked, holding her in his hooves.

“Ah regret nothing,” she whispered, resting her nose against his chest and smiling.

“Ah regret nothing, too. Ah would do it all again, were ah given the chance. Ah’m not good at the sappy stuff, as yer know... but thanks, Cee. Thanks fer all the years together and thanks fer making me so happy,” Evergreen whispered, gently nuzzling against her.

She had stared up at him for the longest time, gazing into his eyes, feeling tears brimming in her own. She wanted to tell him how much he meant to her, how he had changed her life completely. But the words failed her.

Evergreen just nodded knowingly and kissed her gently, whispering soothingly, “Ah know, Love. Ah know.”

Cee’s face split into a grin and she kissed him back, smiling warmly. He knew her so well. And the only thing she could respond with was, “Stupid oaf. I love you.”

A thoughtful Celestia left the cottage, leaving the couple to lie on the bed in their final resting place.

Turning, her horn started to glow brightly, and the cottage began to turn to black marble. Every edifice of the home changed, hardening into impenetrable stone; a monument for the simple ponies inside.

Before she left, Celestia scratched an epitaph into the front door of the petrified cottage:

Here lie Evergreen and Cee

Whose unshaking love was destined to transcend all barriers


Comments ( 299 )

Damn, that was hurtfull to read. Beautifull, yet so hurtfull. Massive heartache incoming.

But still, increadibly well written and warm.

Ok, my fears were unfounded. But still... I must :fluttercry:. Well ended my friend, well ended. :pinkiesad2:




And it was good.

thats all that needs to be said

Crud. Now I need to find another amazing story to get hooked to.
........or I just read this again.


EDIT: Is it just me? Or is the clapping REEAAALLLLY slow?

ANOTHER EDIT!: Oh, never mind.

Epic ending to an awesome fic.

Oh SHIT! The motherbucking title drop! Loved it :pinkiehappy:

It's always sad to see a great series end; even if it is the perfect length. :raritycry:

EDIT: Decided to add more onto this since I feel it's not enough. I personally love the way you ended this. It makes me so sad to even think of this, but in a good way. The end tells an unspoken tale of a wonderful life that they lived together, and they were together until the very end.

"Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened." Don't know who said this but it fits in quite a few places.

Wow I never thought Celestia would be owned in the end.

Thank you this was magnificant.

This story goes well beyond the usual crop of what I consider "good." 5/5 stars, and I look forward to your next project.


I feel like crying, but not, you know what I mean?:fluttercry:

This is going to sound really lame, like, super lame, but one day I hope to find someone like this, one who will love me through all barriers no matter how rough and for me to love them too.

I think that's why I became a brony in the first place. The absolute purity of the characters.. something that cannot be found in the real world.

Offtopic, offtopic. Brilliant man. Absolutely brilliant.

Onions, onions everywhere! :fluttershbad:

Nicely done, thanks for the story.

how about a story on the kids?

and my need for a :twistnerd: is satisfied

AWESOME story man! That ending is really enough to make a grown pony cry! :fluttercry:

Why do I have no stars to give you? This site needs more stars so I can give you all of them. A lot of people tried to make Chrysalis fics after the finale aired, but you sir, wrote a story that is a cut above the rest. You have earned your place in my very short list of truly epic fan fics.

This was in only one word beautiful. Honestly it was the best I've read in my life short, but still filled with emotion, regret, death anything you could have wished for. Good job with this one.

*clap* *clap* *clap* *clap* phenomenal, absolutely phenomenal. This was a fantastic story my friend and I thank you for writing it.:twilightsmile:

Mindblowing. You make me :fluttercry: but it was very worth it.
Excellent job!

Why did my favorite Chrysalis fanfic have to end already? :raritydespair:

I demand a midquel! :raritywink:

I don't usually comment on stories, but I'm commenting on this one.



well done.

keep up the good work.

That was epic
Best Chrysalis fanfic i have read so far.

Holy… buck…

Children ever after! Though you'd think with their… closeness they'd have more than two. Whatever, it's still awesome! And they're all… well, if not half-Old-Changeling they're still blood related to the last of the Changelings, something to put on their CV at least.

I also love that Cee took up Evergreen's accent over the years, and that she died right after him, presumably of a finally-broken heart.

All my sadness :applecry::fluttershbad::fluttershyouch::fluttershysad::pinkiesad2::raritycry::raritydespair:
And yet, love the touch with Celestia making their home a mausoleum; reminds me of something out of the Metamorphosis where a faithful old couple were rewarded by having their humble home made into a grand temple. If only Evergreen and Cee had been turned into trees forever entwined. :heart:

Pretty nice. I had hoped it would've bee longer, and elaborated more on the ending. Too fast, I say. But the ending wasn't any less worse for it. Not any less touching. Nor any less satisfying.

It was great. You are a machine.


Sir evergreen cottage :pinkiegasp: It's kinda how I visioned it tbh.

Also, this is a great story! It was worth the wait. Thank you Anonymous Pegasus for making such a great story.:raritycry:

A heart warming end to a heart warming story. Bravo

Great story! I hope to see more from you.

Simply wonderful. One of my all time favorites. Thank you. :twilightsmile:


You have just taken every feeling and wish I have for my future self and put them into one of the greatest literary works my eyes have ever had the grace of reading. Congratulation, you have just become one of the greatest people to walk this earth and are now my literary hero.:heart:

This... I... Manly tears, man, manly tears.

This has to be the best Chrysallis story to date. I just.... Words cannot describe how good I found this story.

you've achieved the impossible.
you have made a man that could'nt cry at his own grandfather's funeral bawl like a foal.
thank you
thank you very much.

The final line to Celestia is a little odd. Though, one can forgive Chrysalis for not knowing everything about her former foe, but when you think about it, Celestia's a friggin' rock. No doubt she's had love before, but unlike with the changelings where love is food and commodity, she has always had to give true and honest love, equally, at least in the open. Aside from her personal student of magic, which is only there because she made a long-lasting habit of it, to take an actual lover would probably inspire jealousy and chaos especially amongst th nobles. No, to love Celestia is to be forgotten by time itself, for she can never allow these dalliances to come to light! I would wager it is similar to how after Elizabeth I passed a certain age, her court actually tried to KEEP her from marrying anyone, fearing possible repercussions and scandal. Some nobles would likely feel snubbed if she picked some young colt to fool around with. "I've been in her service for 15 years, how dare she select that little brat as her consort!"

Even without the political side of things, there would also come a celebrity attachment, which would lead to a different sort of chaos, but might be far more irritating. Constant privacy invasion. Colts all over who got drunk and vanished for a few nights would come back claiming they shagged the princess. Reporters would hound her trying to find out the truth or not. It'd be a mad house! "Well, she does take mortals from time to time, so I guess it's probably true!" She'd quickly become the consensual version of Zeus. (except where JJ and MrPoniator are concerned)
Luna of course can get away with it, as well as Cadence, because they didn't set themselves up as "The Eternal Mother and Provider of All Life" so it doesn't have all the strange connotations and jealousies wrapped up with them. If Celestia took a lover in the open, ponykind'd be happy for her at first of course, but then would come the questionings. I figure she's always had to force them to swear an oath of secrecy upon threat of banishment. (of course she probably wouldn't, it would just be a looming threat overhead as extra incentive not to talk, because the damage would be one huge hassle to repair)

Essentially she has the harder path. She cannot see herself giving up ALL their love, for the love of one, for fear of causing her kingdom to splinter somewhere down the line. All the while seeing her sister able to partake of the joys she must give up, should she want to. (It is only Luna's personality keeping her from doing so.)
So she keeps herself sane by playing gags on them :trollestia: or showering her students with the affections she would normally heap upon a worthy stallion.
Chrysalis ruled like a normal queen, do what I say for I am your queen and all, probably with a couple "off wit thar heads" here and there, but Celestia is ruling through suggestion and yet getting the same level of absolute loyalty, and I think it's because of the fortress of aloof solitude and purity she's built around herself.

Having finished with that, Cee merely turned around, and then hobbled her way over to the bed, pulling herself up then into her loves hooves
Don't forget the apostrophe, or Twilight is gonna go Lesson Zero on ye! :twilightangry2:

537835 yes, this is the purest dream any person can have. to love and be loved. you have given me hope that in my bleak blood filled world there is hope for me to find happiness. thanks, thanks for the feeling behind your words.

...effing epic. you sir, earned an Epic Gentelman Slow Clap.

i eagerly await more from you.

Wow. Just... wow. Great story, Anonymous. Though, truth be told, I prefer Chrysalis as a villain, your characterization was so compelling. By the way, can we hope to see a story on Cee and Evergreen's offspring somewhere down the road?:yay:

I remember when this fic first appeared. My first thought was "Another chrysalis fic?"
Alls I can say is, masterful job. Italy played brilliantly, and found an outcome that was both unexpected and beautiful. Thank you for a wonderful fic. I'm happy how it turned out, but sad it's over.

Ah. That was lovely!

Thank you for writing this.


If you aren't being sarcastic, then no problem dude!

This story has given me hope, so I was just trying to reflect what I felt in my comment. All these feels.

Not bad love story, almost as good as Twilight.

The vampire story, not the unicorn.


I... I'm sorry. I really tried to resist my inner troll, but it surfaced roaring. :fluttershbad:
On the plus side, I always wanted to be the most hated user in this site. :trollestia:

I don't have much to say... I sent an e-mail to the author with all I had in mind. Guess I'll just do this then:


You deserve it my good sir

FANTASTIC! SIMPLY FANTASTIC! Wonderfully done and wonderfully written.

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