• Published 22nd Apr 2012
  • 25,668 Views, 1,174 Comments

Transcend - Anonymous Pegasus

Alone and powerless, Chrysalis must turn to a last resort to regain her power.

  • ...


Chrysalis hummed to herself as she trotted back to the cottage dragging a sled piled high with wood.

As she began to stack the wood in the fire, she cast a warm glance towards the prone form of Evergreen, who was soundly asleep on the bed. She reflected on the past few days as she set the wood inside the fireplace to restart the fire.

Had it really been two weeks? Two entire weeks? But the days totalled up, and there was no denying that it had been quite some time since she had turned up almost dead on Evergreen’s doorstep.

Evergreen’s hoof had long since healed and he had grown closer to her as she tended to him. She had done everything for him: cooking, cleaning, and feeding him. She had coddled him like a small child and, despite his constant complaints and whining, she knew that he begrudgingly loved it. No doubt he had never had anyone look after him before.

Chrysalis had managed finally to get to the point where she could visit Ponyville without affecting the guise of a grief-stricken pony. It had grown wearying very quickly to act the part of a traumatized mare. And Evergreen liked her more than ever.

Her senses were slowly growing more in-tune and she was confident that she was garnering a large amount of energy from Evergreen. She could sense her limits now. She deemed small magics to be a viable option for her if she needed to use them.

And for the first time in many, many decades, Chrysalis was content. There was no masquerade to maintain, no one needing to be pleased, no duties to be done, and not even an army of changelings for her to look after. She just existed now.

And as Evergreen grew to like her more, she found her affection for him growing in turn. It was odd. She had never really liked the partners she stole energy from. And Evergreen was the furthest from what she would have thought she would go for. He was just a woodspony. He didn’t try to be anything more, or anything less. He was content with his flowers and his herbs and his existence, here in the cottage. And so was she.

But the ever-present worry nagged at Chrysalis’ mind; eventually, he would get sick. He would waste away in front of her and inevitably die. She had seen it happen once or twice; it usually took a month, and was preceded by headaches and odd twitches. The effect could be slowed by magic, like a leech injecting anaesthetic to keep the pain of a bite from registering, just so that it could steal more blood before being noticed. In the case of changelings, it was to keep their partner alive long enough to steal as much energy as possible.

As the fire got going, Chrysalis turned her attention back to Evergreen, creeping over to the bed and then worming her way up against his form. She pushed herself into the embrace of his hooves and gave a happy sigh, resting her cheek on his foreleg.

She would be truly sorry when she had to leave him. There was no longer any kind of animosity in her heart for him. She didn’t want to see him suffer, didn’t want to punish him when he did something wrong. Nothing. Of course, she still called him ‘oaf’, and ‘dolt’, but it was a playful insult. The same as him calling her ‘Princess’ whenever she complained about doing some act of physical labour.

After their first little make out session, Evergreen had been quite willing and eager to continue, and for the most part, she was happy to go along with it. A week ago, though, he had tried to initiate a more... intimate contact, and she had rebuked him. Hard.

Chrysalis liked him, liked him more than she had liked anyone else, but no one had ever, and likely no one ever would, touch her in that way. She would never be comfortable enough with her assumed forms ever to become intimate; the only time that kind of thing would happen was with another changeling, a purely physical act that had no enjoyment in it and was strictly for reproduction.

But even after she rebuked him, he held her no ill will. He merely accepted that it wouldn’t be happening and moved on. And he hadn’t whined about it, attempted to broker the proposition again, or made any mention of it. The perfect gentlecolt.

Chrysalis wormed in closer against the stallion, peering up at his sleeping face, smiling warmly for a moment and leaning up to kiss his nose gently. She sighed contentedly and rested her head down again, closing her eyes.

Who knew how long she had left with Evergreen; for now, she was content. And she was going to make as much of their time together as she could.

“Ah want ter take yer out tonight,” Evergreen said.

Chrysalis lifted her head after a moment, blinking slightly and peering back at him. She gave a sleepy, noncommittal sound. “Out?”

The stallion nodded in response, smiling. “Ah want ter show yer something, but it’s near the top of the mountain trail. We’ll have ter pack snacks.”

A soft sigh left the changeling and she lifted her head to peek at the window. Her ears splayed backwards as she complained, “But it’s almost dark.”

“That’s kinda the point,” Evergreen said with a slight grin.

“Why would you want to go traipsing through the Everfree at night?” Chrysalis queried, staring at him.

Evergreen shift his weight from side to side, as though thinking of the proper way to word his next sentence. “It’s a secret.”

“Secrets, now?” Chrysalis asked, arching a brow at him. “Very well. But this had better be worth it.”

The stallion gave an earnest nod, grinning at her for a moment. “It’ll be worth it, Ah promise.”

With a faint sigh, the changeling rose to her hooves and began to stretch slightly. “Will we need clothes?”

Evergreen pondered on her question a moment, and shook his head. “Ah don’t think so. It’s warm this evening, and we’ll be fine once we start walking.”

“And you’re not going to tell me where we’re going?” Chrysalis asked suspiciously.

“It’s kinda hard ter explain,” Evergreen admitted, lifting himself to his hooves and moving over to the bed. The woodspony rummaged around underneath it for a few moments before coming up with a small wrapped package and furtively slipping it into a carry sack.

Chrysalis noticed his moving of the package, but said nothing. She instead focused on smoothing down her mane with one hoof.

Evergreen turned, selecting snacks from a fruit bowl on the shelf, and moved towards the front door. “Yer ready?”

“Ready,” Chrysalis replied, falling into step behind him. “I trust we’re not going too far?”

“Not far at all,” he said, smiling over his shoulder.

Chrysalis pondered for a moment, watching the stallion, “...You’re trying to be romantic, aren’t you, Sir Evergreen?”

“W-what? No!” Evergreen protested, his eyes wide, refusing to meet her gaze. Instead, he focused on the ground in front of him as he opened the door and led her outside, heading left, down a path that led away from the direction Ponyville was in.

Chrysalis could tell from Evergreen’s reactions that he was being untruthful. He really was a horrible liar.

It was a good half hour of walking before they reached their destination.

The trees of the Everfree Forest opened up into a wide meadow rife with bell-shaped blue flowers, closed for the evening, it seemed. They all stood, turned downwards, bobbing faintly in the warm breeze winding throughout the clearing. They looked strikingly similar to the flower that was Evergreen’s cutie mark.

The stallion led Chrysalis up to the crest of the hill, and dug in his pack for a moment. Coming up with a blanket, he threw it out over the grass so they had something to lay on. He plopped down on one side of it, smiling faintly at her.

Chrysalis stepped up to him, and then settled herself down beside him as he laid out the pack and dug around in it once more, tugging out the package he had tried to sneak into it. Unfolding it revealed a pair of candles in metal holders, which he began to set up.

Raising a brow, Chrysalis watched as he placed down the candles but didn’t say anything. He was trying to be romantic, and she was going to play along. She found it cute, and it was nice to have someone trying to win her favour with their actions.

Once the candles were set up, Evergreen lit them with the box of matches he produced from the sack. He raised a brow at her in expectation.

“They’re nice,” Chrysalis said with a faint smile. “But so much for you not trying to be romantic.”

“Ah’m not,” Evergreen protested. “They’re just there for extra light.”

The mare sniffed at the air a moment, and leaned in closer to one of the candles, inhaling the scent coming off it. It was a mildly acrid scent, strong and pervasive, and yet soothing. “You put herbs in the candle wax, didn’t you?”

A sly smile stretched the stallions lips. “Indeed Ah did. Same stuff I put in the fire the other night.”

“So why are you trying to get me all relaxed?” Chrysalis asked, a faint note of accusation in her tone.

“Ah just want yer to be relaxed,” he said with a shake of his head, looking up over the trees at the edge of the clearing. In the distance, the sun was creeping below a mountain range. “Not long now.”

“Not long until what?” Chrysalis inquired, shifting slightly to lean against him, peering over the horizon at the setting sun as well. She was genuinely curious as to what he was planning.

“Yer’ll see,” the stallion said with a secretive smile.

Rolling her eyes, Chrysalis resumed lounging against him, resting her cheek along the male’s shoulder and peering over the trees with him.

After a time the stallion leaned forward and blew out the candles, plunging the two ponies into almost complete darkness. The moon was in a full darkness phase, and Chrysalis could barely see her own hoof in front of her face. Chrysalis opened her mouth to speak, but was hushed by the stallion’s hoof. “Quiet. Just watch.”

Chrysalis stayed silent, rolling her eyes and just laying against him again, watching the horizon. It was a few moments before she realised that there was a growing light rising from the clearing.

The flowers around them, drooping and heavy, were beginning to bloom. As the petals spread, a soft blue glow began to emanate from the petals and the stalks at the centre of the flowers, growing in brightness the further the plants blossomed. All around the pair, glowing blue flowers bloomed into life, washing them in the soft blue radiance. And then, one after another, the flowers began to seemingly sneeze. Each flower jerked and swayed reflexively as a puff of blue powder shot from the centre, some kind of pollen, that had the same glowing properties as the flowers themselves.

The pollen hung in the air in swirling tendrils, curling into fantastic shapes as the gentle wind disturbed and agitated the weightless pollen.

Chrysalis could only stare, gasping in wonder. It was beautiful in a completely alien way. She had never heard of, let alone seen something like this before.

“Ah’m not so good at the romance thing,” Evergreen said, and Chrysalis blinked once in surprise, having completely forgotten he was there in her raptured staring. “But ah hope I’m doing well.”

His tone was nervous and hopeful, and Chrysalis found it utterly endearing how uncertain he was in the art of seduction. Suddenly, his lips were pressed against her own in a warm kiss.

Giving a happy sound, Chrysalis threw her hooves around his neck and returned the kiss full-force. She closed her eyes for a moment, to enjoy the kiss, before opening them again.

Chrysalis’ eyes met Evergreen’s, his neutral green gaze showing reflected dancing blue motes of muted glowing brilliance, and she let herself get lost in his eyes for a time.

This was perfect. There was nothing better than this. If it came down to a choice between feeding from the energy of Shining Armour, living in a giant castle with all her needs catered to, or spending her time with this simple woodspony... She would choose Evergreen every time.

After several long moments, Evergreen pulled back, breaking the kiss. He smiled at her smugly. “Ah told yer that yer would like it.”

Chrysalis nodded earnestly, nuzzling her nose into his neck affectionately. She stared up at him as the blue glow of the flowers washed over them both.

Evergreen turned his gaze down to meet her own, smiling.

And it was in that moment, that Chrysalis came to a shocking realisation.

“I... I love you, Evergreen,” Chrysalis said softly, blinking once, expressionless.

“Yer what?” Evergreen queried, raising a brow and smiling faintly, as though she was joking.

“I love you,” Chrysalis repeated faintly, staring at him. Her expression turned thoughtful, as though she was just coming to terms with the fact herself. “It’s... the only explanation. I’ve never felt like this about anyone before...and there have been many others. But I never really liked any of them... not like this. Not like I like you, and-”

Evergreen smiled and leaned into kiss her again to stop her from babbling. The changeling fell silent, her cheeks flushing with warmth. Smiling at her, he gently rubbed his nose against her own.“Yer very cute when yer flustered,”

“I’m being serious, you oaf!” Chrysalis protested, smacking his shoulder with a hoof in rebuke.

“Ah’m being serious too,” Evergreen replied with a grin, kissing her nose once. “Ah love yer too.”

Chrysalis stared at Evergreen for a long moment, surprised. Of course she knew that; the bond between them was too strong for it to be anything else. But just hearing him say it out loud like that. It sent shivers down her spine. If she had wings with this form, she knew they’d be standing on end in excitement. Her heart fluttered like a butterfly as she stared up at him, feeling her breathing increase in speed.

“I love you,” Chrysalis repeated, seemingly awed at her own ability to say it.

“Ah know, Cee,” Evergreen said, lifting a hoof to wrap around her shoulders.

Chrysalis peered up at Evergreen for a long moment, watching the dancing blue motes reflected in his eyes. A faint whisper left her, “I’m ready.”

“Yer ready?” Evergreen asked blankly, not quite cottoning on to what she meant.

“I’m ready,” chrysalis confirmed with a shaky nod, feeling her heart flutter again as she said the words.

“What do yer- Ohhh...” Evergreen trailed off into a soft sound of realisation as Chrysalis pulled him close and pressed a fiery, passionate kiss against his lips, dragging him down with her onto the soft blanket.


Chrysalis’ gait was a little bit ‘funny’ as she walked beside Evergreen towards the cottage. He had proved to be both a gentle and a rough lover, in turn. He had been far too skilled at making her legs tremble for it to have been his first time. But she didn’t hold that against him; how could she?

She was pleasantly sore in a way that defied explanation. And she was content. It felt as though her heart had bloomed to twice its size and was radiating warmth throughout her form.

The two ponies were tired from their ‘exertions’ and so it wasn’t until they were fully inside the cottage that either of them noticed the pegasus sitting in the corner.

Chrysalis was in the midst of another kiss with Evergreen, a low, happy hum reverberating in her throat, when she noticed him. Stiffening, her eyes widened as she turned to stare at the pegasus. The pegasus calmly stared back.

Evergreen followed her gaze and his expression turned from confusion and surprise to anger as he demanded, “What yer doing in my home?!”

The Changeling Queen lifted a hoof to soothe him, but kept her gaze locked on the pegasus.

She sensed what Evergreen could not.

The pegasus was a changeling.