• Published 13th Feb 2015
  • 3,773 Views, 51 Comments

Allure - Thunderbug80

Rarity discovers, and is tempted by, a spellbook that promises eternal beauty, but at great cost.

  • ...


Real beauty is to be true to oneself


"Twilight, darling. Could you tell me what this one is about?"

A purplish glow enveloped several tall, swaying stacks of books and shifted to reveal Twilight Sparkle, her horn alight with magical energy. She glanced briefly at the book Rarity held in her hooves, frowned, then shrugged and went back to her work.

"I'm not sure," she said, rearranging another stack of books. "A lot of these are new arrivals. To be quite honest, I've received so many donations lately that I haven't really had the time to read them all." She levitated a small volume in front of her face and briskly flipped through its pages. “I was only able to recover a few books from the library.”

Rarity set down the book and offered Twilight a weak smile. "It is terrible, is it not?" She maneuvered around a small multicolored mountain of tomes to put a comforting hoof on Twilight's shoulder.

Twilight sighed. "I know.” She looked up at the towering bookshelves that adorned this particular room of her castle. "I really do want to read them all, but there's just so much work to do lately that I can't keep up!" She returned Rarity's smile, then turned her attention back to her work.

"I was referring to the loss of your former home, dear," Rarity clarified.

"Oh. Right," Twilight said.

Twilight’s home may have been destroyed, Rarity thought, but at least she had received a magnificent castle in exchange. Perhaps not being caught up in her reading was the greater tragedy after all.

A moment later Twilight all but confirmed that this wasn't the case when she said, "I guess I haven't really thought much about that."

Rarity knew a falsehood when she heard one, but she decided not to press the issue. Instead, she reached down and retrieved the book she had set aside. It was heavy for its size, bound in some kind of green leather that shimmered when held under the light from the windows above. She shuddered slightly at its texture; it was common knowledge that certain lost cultures once used such barbaric methods of book-binding, but that didn't make holding such a thing any less unsettling. Grotesque history aside, it was the title printed on the cover that originally caught her eye.


Printed in a soft, flowing script, it was the only thing to grace the cover save for a few of what appeared to be decorative symbols at the very top. The word drew her in like a moth to the flame, piquing her curiosity as to what treasures might be found hidden within the book. Rarity glanced up and saw that Twilight was busy rearranging a pile that she had just sorted through a moment ago. She looked back down at the little marvel in her hooves and opened it up to the first page.

Everything has beauty, but not everypony sees it. Some are blind to the subtle details that everything possesses which, if magnified, suddenly become obvious. Others have lived too long to give such things more than a cursory glance. They have grown old and do not appreciate that which is in plain sight. But youth... youth is happy because it has the capacity to see beauty, and those who hold onto this ability shall never grow old.

Rarity closed the book and studied its cover with newfound appreciation. It was just like what was printed on the page! To some ponies the book’s leather cover would be an abomination, but not to her. She saw the potential for beauty within, and oh had she discovered it! She opened it again and flipped through a few of the pages, confirming what she had suspected: it was a time-lost manual on beauty, from its preservation, to creating it where none might otherwise exist. She snapped the book shut and looked back up at Twilight.

"Twilight. You simply must allow me to borrow this! I cannot believe that it was just sitting around collecting dust!"

Twilight peeked her head around a stack of books and raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"

"This book!" Rarity said, clutching the old tome to her chest. She continued, her eyes glittering with intensity. "It's called Allure, and it's all about lost customs concerning youth and beauty. And look, it even has illustrated tutorials on antiquated makeup techniques. Can you imagine the kind of inspiration I could draw from such knowledge?" She held the book out and tapped its cover with a hoof. "This here is genuine, Twilight. The chance to learn from some of the first to even acknowledge beauty and fashion – you have to let me to borrow it!"

Her pleas were unnecessary, however. During Rarity's little speech, Twilight had listened silently, but a small smile appeared on her lips. "Rarity, if it means that much to you, why don't you just keep it?"

Rarity took a step back. "Oh no, dear. I couldn't!" But her grip had unconsciously tightened around the book, and she added, "Are you certain? I wouldn't want to be a bother, I just happened to come by this and–"

"Yes, Rarity," Twilight said. She giggled and pointed a hoof to her own chest. "I didn't even know it existed until you showed it to me. Besides, I don't really see myself having much use for such a text. You can take it with my blessing."

"Oh thank you, thank you, thank you!" Rarity squealed. She trotted over to Twilight and hugged her. "You really are too kind." She looked over at the piles of books on the floor. "And now, I do believe we have some sorting to do."

Twilight grinned and levitated a book with her magic. "We certainly do," she said. She set the book on one of the piles, and together the two ponies got back to work.


The rest of Rarity's day played out just like any other. She had a late picnic lunch with the girls, spent some time with her little sister, Sweetie Belle, and put the finishing touches on her latest batch of fashion designs. Now she was at home in bed, tucked under the soft, embroidered duvet, ready for some relaxation. She reached over to the bedside table and picked Allure up.

"Time for a little inspiration!" she said. Her cat ignored her and began a thorough grooming session in the corner of the room.

Rarity opened the book to a random page and giggled. "Look at this, Opal. Can you believe these illustrations?" She held the book outwards to reveal a detailed sketch of an amaryllis belladonna flower. Opalescence paused her grooming long enough to look up, then went right back to where she had left off as if completely uninterested in anything the book might have to offer. Rarity rolled her eyes. "Well at least I can appreciate them," she mumbled, then turned her attention back to the book.

The page offered a wide variety of uses for the flower, from using it to accent one's mane, to making a dye out of its crushed petals that could either be used in clothing, or as a form of makeup if diluted using the methods and materials shown. While Rarity was already familiar with these particular tips, she was still impressed with their presentation. No detail was spared, yet each instruction was written in such a way that even a fashion novice would understand exactly how to make the most out of what they read.

Rarity flipped through the pages to another chapter. Here it provided information on a rare type of rose, from its description and location, to the use of its thorns as a way to eliminate wrinkles on an aging body. A few pages further on provided tutorials on various stitching methods, and details such as which methods held together the tightest, and which were used simply as fashionable accents. Rarity was surprised to find several she had never seen before.

She rolled onto her back and held the book in her hooves over her head to read. The shadows within the room grew deeper as time passed. Minutes turned to hours, and before she knew it Rarity found it difficult to keep her eyes open.

Perhaps one more passage, she thought.

Rarity turned the page and paused, frowning. She flipped forward to the next page, then back to the previous one.

Had there been a printing error? She stared at the blank pages, trying to make sense of them. Everything else about the book seemed fine; it was just this one small section that was missing.

She sighed. How could such a thing be overlooked? What kind of information or advice was meant to be there?

Then something caught her eye. She inhaled slightly as words formed where none had been before, materializing in an emerald green ink as if being written on the spot by an invisible quill. Her eyes followed each of them as they appeared.

Oh, great admirer of the elegant, seeker of the winsome ways. You truly are a rarity,– Rarity's eyes widened –for only one with the deepest appreciation for beauty and grace could find the true glamour hidden within this text. There is power in finding beauty where others turn a blind eye, and it can be yours, should it be your desire.

"What is this?" Rarity said quietly. She looked towards the corner of the room where Opal lay, but the cat was fast asleep. The appearance of the message was somewhat unnerving, but also exciting. A hidden passage meant only for those most devoted to beauty and fashion? How could she not be excited? She eagerly read on.

To hold onto that invigorating youth and allure that it may never fade, what cost might one deem fair? To extend one's natural beauty by even a year... ah, but one can, if one but offers in return an equal share of their most tired and aged years. Merely cast the spell below, as many times as you wish, and you shall extend your beauty and grace each time by one year–

"–in exchange for one year of your life!" Rarity's eyes widened as comprehension dawned on her. In that moment, she snapped the book shut hard enough to wake Opal, then practically tossed it onto the bedside table and swiftly extinguished the light, plunging the bedroom into darkness.

Rarity turned her body facing away from the book and pulled the duvet around her more tightly. What a ghastly thing! To think that anypony would be so wicked as to conjure up such a spell. It had been quite a lovely and useful guide, but now her entire experience with it was... was tainted by an offer that was absolutely sickening. Well, she wasn't having any part of it! She would take the wicked thing to Twilight Sparkle first thing in the morning and be rid of it.


Rarity stared into the candle's flame as it flickered and danced. She knew the truth, though. Sooner or later the flame, no matter how beautiful it might be, would extinguish. Her eyes wandered to the base of the candle, and she contemplated what difference it would make if it were but a fraction shorter.

Allure lay closed on the desk, its textured cover gently shimmering in the candlelight, inviting Rarity to come give it another chance. She found herself staring and was forced to look away.

Sleep had not come for Rarity. The secrets of the book beckoned, and she was uncertain if she could continue to resist their call. She had lain for hours before scrambling out of bed and clutching the book to her chest. A moment later she had hurled the book away, repelled by her own fragility, where it landed upon her desk and had not been touched since.

She could not understand her paranoia. It was only a book. That it had been written by some powerful practitioner of magic was of no consequence; he or she would be long gone and forgotten by now.

One year.

How much could she accomplish within a year? It would matter little if, during that year, she was struggling to hold onto the last vestiges of her life. What kind of life is there to live at the end of one's years, anyway? She would no longer be young and beautiful, but old and uncomely. Her prime would have long passed into her memories, and even those would be eroded by time. What value, then, could be placed upon the final year of her life?

Very little, she thought.

All the book asked of her was to remove what, in all likelihood, would be the very worst year of her life in exchange for another year of vibrance, youth, and luster. The more she thought about it, the more she realized that the deal actually worked out heavily in her favor.

Her eyes wandered back to the book. Surely there would be no harm in casting the spell just once. A single year would hardly be missed, especially if it meant less suffering toward the end of her life. Nopony else would ever need to know.

The candle's flame flickered just then and caught Rarity's attention. She stared at it for a moment, then closed her eyes.

It wasn't noticeable just by looking, but she knew that the candle was shorter now than it had been only moments ago. It could never again be as tall as it once was.

Rarity opened her eyes. She blew out the flame, turned around, and headed straight for her bed. The hour was late, and tomorrow was another day. She would have plenty of time to think about the book then.


It was still early morning when Rarity arrived at the pond by the forest's edge for a bit of relaxation. She came here often, especially on days which she knew were going to be more stressful than usual. She lowered herself into the cool water with a sigh.

Now this is life, she thought. There was something about the peace and solitude of this place that made her feel alive. She dipped her head beneath the surface of the water and exhaled slowly, watching the bubbles as they drifted upwards. There was a kind of beauty to them, but each of them lasted mere seconds before bursting into nothingness.

Did beauty always have to be so fleeting? A mere drop of elegance in the cauldron of life?

Rarity resurfaced and closed her eyes. This was who she was. She felt young, beautiful... perhaps a little naughty. She didn't want to be anything other than what she was at that very moment. Years from now, would she still feel this way? Can one truly feel alive if the remainder of their days are spent struggling to maintain a life that ended long ago?

Of course not.

She decided then that she would cast the spell. Just once, when she got home. It would do her no harm whatsoever, and the benefit would far outweigh the consequence...

...But why stop there? She could have another five, even ten more years of days like this; days where she was in the prime of her life, full of elegance and wonder to all who beheld her. They would ask what her secret was, but nopony would ever figure it out. The stallions would be lining up at her door, for who wouldn't want to court a mare who remained gorgeous and vibrant well into her later years?

Rarity's mind was on the many things she might teach those young stallions when another thought occurred to her. Just how many years would she be able to enjoy such a life? She opened her eyes and looked at the clouds floating overhead. If she extended her attractiveness by ten years, her life would be shortened by an equal amount. How long was she destined to live without magical interference?

The clouds became difficult to see through the tears that welled up in Rarity's eyes. Those clouds were yet another reminder of something that was beautiful, yet short-lived. She saw it, too, in the trees, whose leaves would become brilliant with color for a brief time before they gently drifted, dead, to the ground below.

Her tears flowed freely now. Was she truly so narcissistic as to actually want such a thing? What of her family, her friends? Her shoulders shook as she cried, and she raised her head up and shouted towards the sky, "Why should I be denied what I want just because it's considered selfish?"

A flock of birds took flight from a nearby tree, frightened by the sudden noise. She would find no answers here. As she struggled to bring her gentle whimpering under control, she knew that there was only one place to find them.

She would have to confront the book.


Allure lay on Rarity's desk where she had last left it. It occurred to her then, as she slowly approached, that it almost resembled a horrible green spider whose eyes were locked onto some unfortunate thing that had become entangled in its web. She knew the danger within its corrupted pages, and yet the beauty of its silken strands was captivating.

"Why did you come to me?" she asked quietly. She began to pace back and forth, never taking her eyes off the book. "You offer me everything I could ever wish for," she stopped suddenly, "but at what cost?"

The book offered no reply.

She sat down and stared at the floor. When she spoke, it could have been to herself or to the book. "I want to cast the spell. I want to cast it ten times. Twenty!" she hissed. She loathed her weakness as her eyes glistened with tears once again. Her voice became loud and strained. "I want to be beautiful until the end of my days, consequences be damned!"

Still, the book offered no reply.

Rarity stared at it for a long moment, then looked away. "What kind of monster would you have me become," she said, her tone even, "that I should not even care about how anypony else feels about this?" Allure's continued silence brought to the surface the anger that had been simmering within her.

"Why are you doing this to me?" she screamed. "Why can't I just have this one thing?" Her hooves shot forward and snatched the book up. She had made up her mind. She would cast the spell, just this once. She turned around to go sit on her bed and chanced a look into her mirror.

Her mane, normally vibrant and luxurious, was dull and dishevelled. The whites of her eyes were flecked with red lines from lack of sleep, and her mascara had smudged and run down her cheeks where she had been crying. The sight gave her pause, and she dropped the book to the floor.

"I already was a monster," she breathed. She stood motionless, staring ahead at nothing, before finally closing her eyes. "I must do it," she said. She used her magic to pick Allure off the floor, then took it to her desk and found the blank pages.


Twilight Sparkle was just getting ready to settle into what was likely to be a thrilling text on the nuances of griffon body language when a green leatherbound tome dropped onto her desk from above.

"Take it," a voice said.

Twilight turned to see Rarity standing in the doorway. Her mane was a mess, her eyes downcast. "Rarity, what are–"


The tone of Rarity's voice gave Twilight pause. She looked at the book, then back to her friend. "Okay, I'll take it," she said. She raised her eyebrows. "Now, what happened?"

After some more prodding, Rarity finally told Twilight of what she found in the book. Twilight had listened with great interest, and soon found her concern turning to horror. Finally, she asked, "Rarity, you must tell me... did you cast the spell?"

Rarity stared at Allure for what seemed like eternity before she answered.

"I wanted to," she murmured. "I-I still do. I didn't care who it might hurt!"

Twilight studied Rarity's face, then put a reassuring hoof on her shoulder. "You do care," she soothed. "Or else you wouldn't be here right now, and you certainly wouldn't have given up the book!"

Rarity's eyes were intense as they held Twilight's gaze. "You don't understand. I would do anything to cast that spell." She looked beyond Twilight to Allure. "Every part of me wants to rush over there and cast it. Now." She trembled and sighed. "I am a monster, Twilight."

But Twilight Sparkle's attention was now on the book Rarity had brought her. She studied its cover for a moment before frowning. "Rarity..." She indicated the symbols at the top. "Rarity, this title has been mistranslated. These symbols are from an ancient draconian language. The actual title of the book is A Lure." Her eyes widened. "It's some kind of magical trap! Rarity, you must have been caught within the book's spell. That explains why you've been acting this way. We have to get this book to Princess Celestia. It is far too dangerous to leave where anypony else could stumble upon it."

Rarity sighed and shook her head. "That won't be necessary. I burned the pages that contained the magic. It's just a harmless book about beauty now." Twilight's mouth opened, but Rarity continued. "But the spell has nothing to do with it, Twilight. The magic is gone, and yet still I want to cast the spell. I-I think about it now and wish I hadn't burned those pages. Don't you see? It wasn't dark magic that buried these feelings within my heart."

"And yet you still didn't cast the spell," Twilight said. She reached out and pulled Rarity into a hug. "Should you shield the canyons from the windstorms you would never see the true beauty of their carvings. Yes, you're flawed. So am I! It's what makes us who we are." She looked Rarity in the eyes. "Real beauty is to be true to oneself, and that's exactly what you have done here. I couldn't be any more proud to have a friend as truly beautiful as you are."

Rarity smiled as her eyes began to glisten once more. "Did you find that quote in one of these dusty old books, the one about the canyons?"

Twilight blushed. "Actually, Big Macintosh said that to me once." She shrugged, then looked Rarity up and down. "You know, you really could use a good makeover right about now."

Rarity giggled and sighed. "I guess I could use a bit of a touchup..."

"Day spa?" Twilight asked.

Rarity's grin widened. She may as well enjoy it while it lasted.

"Day spa!" she cried.

The End

Author's Note:

For additional insights into the story, please click here.

If you enjoyed this story, perhaps you will also enjoy Imaginary.

Comments ( 50 )

I love this fic. It manages to teach a very good moral while having some excellent characterisation between Twilight and Rarity near the end - not to mention the immense struggle that we can empathise Rarity with as she gets caught into the book's grip.

Garez has done a bloody good job editing and helping Slorg with Allure, and it shows.

Oh, and this fic really gives off an Inspiration Manifestation vibe; just with a deeper and more mature plot line, and a moral with more potential and subtle implications. That gets you an A in my book. :raritywink:

5622839 Uh oh. Something derped (probably me) during the submission process. I was certain I'd marked this as complete, as it's a one-shot.

Sorry about any confusion!

I'll be sure to read once I get back within internet range. :twilightsmile:
See you at Seaponies Paradise! :pinkiehappy::yay:

5622891 I changed it the moment I saw your comment. The fault was mine.

Thank you for reading!

So what happens if a person casts the spell twenty times but only has ten years to live? Do they just fall over and die with empty promises? But in all reality, great story, Slorg. I really enjoyed the characterization and the end/lesson of the story overall. I hope to see more from you in the near future!

The best Aesop.
I shall have to check out the rest of your work for similar good stuff.

I'm guessing if she cast the spell, she would have cast it so many times she would have died then and there, since it's A Lure, it would be luring people in, then the mahic would cause them to cast5 it as much as they can.

5623387 I didn't understand what the spell really would do for her. So, it would give her ten years to live or something but she'd never age? What?

I'm a friggin' retard so I really don't understand the book.

Then again it's called A Lure, so maybe it's trying to lure me into a state of confusion.

Anyways good story.

5626558 It makes sense if you think about it. Rarity would still age, but she'd never lose her beauty. She'd stay forever young in her looks, but not in her actual age.

5627015 Ah okay then, that DOES make more sense.

I was expecting something a bit...darker. Especially since she was calling herself a monster and all that.

5627037 Well, in a way, it is rather dark. The dark magic would want her to cast it over and over and over again, so if she did it once, she'd probably do it again. In my personal theory, she'd do it so many times that she'd eventually just fall over and die due to her doing it so much. It'd be suicide.

5627071 Is it me, or does Rarity have serious vanity issues?

In the end, Rarity proved that she'd be truly beautiful for all eternity.

Well done.

Is the price worth it when you don't know exactly when your fate is sealed? Nope, not worth it at all. She showed good judgment avoiding that lure.

Really good fic! Reminds me of: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o_1aF54DO60
Just one little thing that kind of bugs me:

her eye shadow had smudged and run down her cheeks where she had been crying

Rarity's mascara would probably be the problem, not the eye shadow. Eye shadow tends to clump in your crease, it would not run down your cheek, as eye shadow is applied on your upper eyelid which is not affected by tears. Trust me on that one :raritystarry:

5633496 Ooh, thanks for the tip. Mascara was actually what I was going for but, wouldn't you know it, eye shadow ended up on the page.

Will change that right now. :raritystarry:

the one about the canyons

I had to read the line twice because for some reason I thought that said crayons on canyons and couldn't understand why she'd have a book about crayons. xD

5634391 That'd certainly give new context to the quote. :raritywink:

I love this. People spend so much time nowadays chasing fleeting things, such as beauty, when they should be focused on the long term.

Great read! :raritywink:

5627071 It's a perfect spell for removing those who express far too much vanity!

I'm sure similar spells exist for wrath, sloth, envy, greed, lust... you get the idea.

And after all those imperfect ponies have offed themselves, you are left with a world of perfect harmony!

You see, the most ethical traps allow the victims to kill themselves. After all, no one forced them to do it... >:}

(A rather devious method of achieving harmony, for those who are fond of such things, eh?)

5637551 Yeaaah. See, you got it. What kind of monster would come up with such a spell? One with good intentions.

5637566 It's akin to a story I wrote years ago called "The Peaceful Way", in which a pacifist alien race offers humanity all manner of wonders, lays out a few subtle clues of a superweapon they fear to ever construct, let the info 'accidentally' slip, beg humanity not to build it...

.. and of course it turns out to be a device that once constructed autoactivates and nullifies the gravitational force of the entire planet, causing it to instantly fly apart.

A sort of space-age cataclysmic Pandora's Box.

It's how the aliens get rid of aggressive advanced races without firing a shot.

I'm working on a prototype as we speak! :pinkiecrazy:

(Such a method is used either by those with the sinister ends of good intentions... or, as in Alondro's case, by someone who's just bat-shit nuts.) :raritywink:

5637593 That's actually pretty darn clever. :rainbowderp:

5637606 I can send you the story if you wish. It's a short-story, only about 1,000 words long. Hmmm... now I can't recall if that one made it into a convention magazine... I submitted 4 stories that year. Tons of inspiration back then and time to really focus on developing the concepts. Some of my little stories end up being re-written 6 times before I'm happy with them.

Kinda why I'm going with silly stories. Less pressure to deliver a rock-solid plot, so long as it brings the laughs... and then I realize ho hard it is to carry a comedy long-term... :facehoof:

Anyway, back to my Doomsday Device! :pinkiecrazy:

5637593 I see someone out there besides me read Blue Beetle.

5637551 You, my friend, are a genius.

5641846 That's the purpose of communism after all.

We let the idiots who can't figure out it's the worst system imaginable destroy themselves with it.

Soon, our Master Plan shall be complete!

June is coming... (best conspiracy ever!)


A very short but profound look at existence, beauty and temptation. Thank you for writing it.

Admitting this tale into The Club


5659470 Honored, thank you. :raritystarry:

I wrote a review of this story. It can be found here.

I, too, gave this a review.
(Actually I did it first :ajsmug:)
It can be found here.

5703643 Much appreciated. I'm glad I didn't goof this one up. :raritystarry:

Site Blogger

Not bad. It didn't quite go how I expected; I really anticipated Rarity casting the spell at least once before deciding to do away with the book. I think most writers wouldn't have had her resist the temptation, so I applaud you for resisting temptation. It was certainly interesting to get Rarity's thoughts on the fleeting nature of beauty, although I find it curious to think that the fickle nature of the concept of beauty never came up.

5759826 Thank you!

It was tempting to have her give it a go at least once, but then that wouldn't really be Rarity. Or would it?

What if Rarity lied to Twilight about burning the pages containing the spell? I know how I personally interpret the ending, but it's intentionally open for speculation for anyone else.

In the end, it was a lot of fun to have a good, hard look at how Rarity might respond to something like Allure, and I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Site Blogger

I didn't see the ending as open-ended at all, but when you put it that way... why would Rarity just burn that one page? Why not the whole book, just to be safe? Curious.

This was one absolutely perfect Rarity story.
A true slice of life masterpiece.

You expertly explored how deep Rarity's understanding of beauty truly is. You showed in the most wonderful way that Rarity is anything BUT superficial in her search for beauty and her picture of herself as beautiful.
Again, a wonderful yet melancholic story.

Added to 'Golden Slice', Fav'd and liked.

5759826 Oh I join in into the applause. That was the cherry on the cake!

5769651 Thank you for the kind words. :raritywink: I'm glad you enjoyed it!

5802642 Thank you, good sir.

Site Blogger

You are more than welcome, sir.

Who the heck names a trapped book "A Lure"? It's like making a hidden floor trap tile and then posting a sign on top of it saying "Trap here!" with an arrow pointing straight down.

6074047 Someone who is targeting the species that the 'mistranslated' text is for.

Hmm. I'm not sure I buy the moral of this story. Suppose she'd cast it. Why is that so terrible?

"The flame that burns twice as bright burns half as long."

Is that so terrible? Is exchanging length of life for quality of life really so terrible? Will someday a wrinkled Rarity stare at the ceiling over her bed thinking back on this chance, wishing eagerly to trade another year of dreariness for even merely a day of her former beauty? Watching herself in the mirror as Twilight and Celestia remain ever youthful?

She made her choice. So be it. But had she decided the other way, it would be only her for to decide if it was the right choice.

6416716 It would be a very difficult choice to make, as we see through Rarity's eyes. What use are the final few years of life if they're just spent wishing you were young again?

The lure, however, was the fact that Rarity would be tempted to cast it far more than just once, or even twice. As some of the other readers worked out, she might end up casting it twenty times or more. If she only had twenty years left to live anyway, that means instant suicide.


She would have to be an idiot to cast them all at once though.

Using it 20 times isn't necessarily a problem. Let's say her natural lifespan is only 60 years, and she's 20 when she starts. She dies at age 40, but every year from 20 to 40 she remains equally young and beautiful as she is when she starts.

Or, take another case: that her natural lifespan is only to 40, and she's willing to cast it those same 20 times. So at age 20 she casts it once, and her lifespan is reduced to 39. In a year she casts again, lifespan reduced to 38. At age 30, still looking 20, she casts it again, that pushes her over and to her great surprise she dies immediately, having never even completed the full 20 spellcasts she ultimately would have been willing to perform.

But every year she get to make that decision.

There's no reason for her to cast all 20 times immediately.

6416808 There are tons of ways it could play out.

I think that's one of the reasons it was so fun to write. There isn't necessarily a right or wrong answer to what she should have done or not done. Some people will decide she should have gone through with it, others will decide it's too risky. It gets you thinking, and that's always a good thing.

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