• Member Since 11th Jul, 2013
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This story is a sequel to Eyes So Dark

In an attempt to relieve her boredom as a prisoner, Rarity convinces Empress Andromeda to let her tag along on a trip to an abandoned town–a town Rarity will discover is a graveyard in more ways than one.

Takes place in an AU by Maximasmac. Artwork is also by Maxima.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 20 )

That was great, and you did really well portraying the horror of seeing Ponyville in its destroyed state, along with Rarity’s mix of boredom and being resolved to her fate yet still trying find ways to fight back.

With this development at the end, I have to imagine things will start to change in Andromeda’s mind.

Andromeda is in for a rough time I wager as dusty memories and emotions start trickling back into her mind/heart/soul. It certainly won't just click, but there will be confusion and turmoil as she's spent so long forgetting that these memories will be like that of a complete stranger. Andromeda if she still retains Twilight's need to know, won't take confusion lying down. It will likely infuriate her these odd thoughts and slivers and fragments of memories long forgotten.

And then there's the unknown rebels...

I wonder if this will lead her down the path of remembering or at least asking rarity to explain, and perhaps she will listen.

It's written by the queen of RariTwi. This will end in RariTwi, and that means Twilight not "Andromeda".

Very atmospheric; it permeates throughout this story and largely provides the bulk of the narrative, even when words aren't being given. The only critique I would have is - as a sequel - this story feels somewhat unmoored. It feels like a transfer stage between a leading and subsequent story. I'm inclined to read those, based on this, but as a standalone it feels very isolated.

Read on the mono's site.

Fascinating au

Rarity almost feels bad for her, Andromeda isn't Twilight, she's this thing that came into being because Twilight deleted herself, Andromeda is the mind that reformed in her place. Maybe she feels this way about the castle because she deep down knows Twilight was responsible for all this

Sweet jesus this is amazing. I can't wait for what's next. That is, if there is anyother story planned after this?

I think this is suposed to be the 2nd in a trillogy.

I think I've read it first on mono site. Pretty good :twilightsmile:

what AU is this... and where can I find More~?

So glad you've put up another part of this story I'd almost forgotten about the first, but now I'm gonna be keeping an eye out for the possible 3rd part of this AU

This story will be the death of me I swear/pos

I love this story, I can't wait for the next story to be released, I don't know why you don't separate it into chapters though instead of stories.

So what I'm starting to understand here is Twilight couldn't handle the pain of her friends dying and rarity vanishing without a trace so Twilight destroyed everything at the castle and erased her own memories to remove the pain.

Made an account just to say something about this particular (series of) fic(s): it is insane the amount of character you manage to slip into this and its predecessor, and the AU it's running with is fantastic - both gloomy and heart-wrenching. In complete contrast to that, you make the interactions, what select few the protagonist and deuteragonist manage to have, feel so full of life and intrigue. There's a heart hiding behind all that cold-stone imagery, and it beats heavy.

I really hope there'll be more of these, more of this particular setting and pair; I've read a good several of your stories, and your Rarity is rarely (heh) up for comparison - she simply outshines the competition, darling.

I think about how this pair of fics made me feel every other week. I'll get over it, even if I don't want to. Good. Stuff.

Andromeda is best pony. She might have done some awful things, but she deserves her diamonds back.

I come back every once in a while.

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