• Published 23rd Sep 2014
  • 4,460 Views, 131 Comments

Discord's Delightful Disharmony - GameJunkie7

Discord has many artifacts, and he decides to give his "Dear Friends" a taste of what his mischief was like back in his heyday. At least, indirectly.

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Crusader Maneframe

“Dissy that was mean! You really scared her!” Pinkie scolded the elder draconequus with a pout, her mismatched hands on her mismatched shapely hips. “You could've gone about that a LOT more gently!”

“Oh dear, I'm sorry Pinkie. If it made YOU upset, then it was too far. But I wanted to hurry things along; we're almost ready. Just one last thing, and then we can hatch our plan for dear Fluttershy.” Discord appeased the irate female, and he relaxed when she scoffed and then got back her cheery and bubbly persona.

“So~ one more?” Pinkie asked, all giddy as she tapped her bestial fingers together.

“Yep! Actually, it's a three-for-one.” Discord then held up a multicolored puzzle necklace, that had three triangular shards that locked together with triangle teeth, and each one had it's own woven soft rope on the outside corner. One piece was orange, the second yellow, the last a soft white. Indicating it's already chosen targets. “We're going to give a certain trio of trouble-making fillies a serious leg up on the average pony.”


“Ugh...my stomach....” Sweetie groaned from her bed, curled in on herself while recovering from her violent vomiting episode a couple hours ago. She was only slightly better thanks to her gorgeous sister getting her some really nice peppermint flavored medicine to ease her suffering. Sweetie then pouted in annoyance; of COURSE her sister would come out of this situation smelling like daisies, and more beautiful than a black rose. Meanwhile, poor, little, blank-flank Sweetie Belle laid in bed from eating too much of her name sake.

“When will I finally get a break?” Sweetie asked bitterly, before suddenly-.

*SLAM!* “Hey Sweetie!” A familiar voice practically screamed into her suddenly open door with clear excitement. “Did you get to enjoy all that awesome stuff going on outside?!” Sweetie was cringing, face in a bucket Rarity had so graciously left for her “just in case” and pulled her freshly bile-coated muzzle out of said bucket, and glared at the source of the jolt that agitated her poor system, making Scootaloo; the perpetrator, flinch back in embarrassment and guilt. “Heh, heh...sorry....”

“If the answer wasn't obvious; yes, I did. Too much honestly.” Sweetie swished her mouth and spit the rest of the lingering bile into the bucket, and sighed. “Wish I didn't.”

“Ah think it's best you get this experience outta the way, ta learn somethin' from this.” Sweetie's other best friend; Applebloom, supplied as she entered the room as well. “Seriously Scoots? Did ya have ta just barge in like that? Ya already know Sweetie don't like it when ya do that.”

The orange and purple pegasus filly blew a raspberry playfully. “Please; she knows I only do it because we're friends. Sorry about making you throw up again though Sweetie.”

“It's fine, I feel a bit better after purging most of that vast amount of high glucose content from my stomach.” Sweetie stated, and sighed at her friend's blank faces of “you've what your what?” that her more developed diction often brought about. “I feel better without all that sugar in me.”

“Why didn't ya just say so? Why ya always gotta be so fancy with words Sweetie?” Applebloom asked as she and Scootaloo both turned to exit the room, the slightly ill unicorn filly following her friends out and down the stairs towards the kitchen.

“Hey, it's something that Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon don't have! So someday, I can totally hold it over their entitled, prissy puerile minds.” Once again, they paused as she lost her friends and sighed. “I can lord my higher intelligence over their childish ways.”

“Geez, sometimes you sound like such a nerd Sweetie. Why don't you learn magic faster if you're so smart?” Scootaloo asked in pertaining to their personal classes with Princess Twilight.

“Hey! Magic is a lot more complicated than wordplay! You have to consider all kinds of things! Thaumaturgeical signatures, leylines, force of will, intent, feedback-.”

“ARGH! My ears! Make it stop!” Scootaloo sarcastically screamed in false terror. “You're trying to turn us into geeks!”

“Hey! At least I'm not the budding alchemist!” Sweetie shouted in return and pointed at Applebloom, who had already gotten out a few glasses, some milk, and a small jar of honey she brought with her from home to help sooth Sweetie's stomach again, as well as let them have a tasty treat.

“What about it? Alchemy ain't really that hard. Just gotta know the recipe, the conditions of the ingredients, the temperature it needs to cook at-if it needs cooked-and-.”

“UGH! I'm surrounded by nerds!” Scootaloo bemoaned, as she pretended to fall backwards with her forehooves held to her chest, as if holding a wound. “My friends have killed me...with their lameness....” The three fillies then burst into giggles, and promptly had some milk and honey. “So Sweetie, beings today was so hectic; think we could sleep over? I've got some good stories to tell.”

“Oh I don't know, that's up to Rarity. But considering I haven't heard from her since she left after giving me medicine, I think she might be too busy to keep an eye on us.” Sweetie stated, not knowing that her sister was in her bedroom, with male company, the room magically soundproofed and the door firmly locked. “Also...what are you girls doing here? I figured your family's would have you locked inside with all the chaos going on.”

“Pfft! Chaos? Please, the adults call this chaos; I call it fun! Sure things around here aren't really dull, but this sudden spree of randomness has been great!” Scootaloo stated as she took a sip of her milk. “But yeah; my parents tried to keep me home, but I left through the window as usual. Besides; Rainbow Dash will protect us if anything bad should really happen.” Scootaloo fangirled for a moment, not knowing just how accurate such a statement was now.

“Well as fer me; Applejack said ah'd be fine coming over to visit you, especially after she mentioned that Rarity told her you was sick. Of course, that was before mah big sis's belly grumbled, and she blushed before runnin' fer the hills.” Applebloom giggled and snorted, as her friends looked sufficiently grossed out.

“Ew! Giant poop! I hope somepony can take care of that.” Sweetie tried to get the subject of giant poop out of her head, when there was a knock on the door. “Huh? But the sign should say closed.” Sweetie downed her stomach-soothing milk, and trotted to the front door, where when she opened it, nothing was there. “Huh?” Then, a trio of colored triangle necklaces fell onto the doormat, making her look up to see nothing as the source. “That's unusual.”

“What is?” Scootaloo asked as she and Applebloom both approached, and Sweetie used her recently obtained levitation magic to pick up the necklaces, and close the door.

“I don't know, somepony just left these necklaces on the doorstep.” Sweetie showed them to her friends, who both suddenly became interested in them, Scootaloo taking the orange one, and Applebloom the yellow one, while Sweetie was happy for some reason that they left her the white one.

“Golly, these things are oddly attracting. What's with the teeth and missing bits though?” Applebloom pointed out, making her friends also notice them.

“Oh! Hey, I remember this! These are friendship necklaces! They connect together to show that we're so close to each other.” Scootaloo informed her friends, who looked at her in surprise, and Scootaloo blushed and stuttered. “I-I mean, I r-remember this from what some of the other girls in class were talking about!”

“Well, let's see if they do connect, it'd be so cheesy, but sweet if they did.” Sweetie smiled as she held her piece up, Applebloom connected hers to Sweetie's, and Scootaloo took a moment to swallow her embarrassment before she did the same, completing a larger triangle. “This is pretty cool.”

Suddenly, the triangle began to glow slightly, the orange one became engraved with a pegasus wing, the white one a unicorn horn, and the yellow one with stomping hooves. The fillies gasped and tried to let go, but found they couldn't. “What's happenin'?!”

“I don't know!” After their panicked cries, they were blinded, and screamed as they felt a powerful tugging sensation along with a feeling as if they were hugging each other very closely, before suddenly it was over. “Ugh...my head.”

“Me too.”

“Me three....” It took a few seconds, but they each came to a sudden realization. “Hold on...why did mah mouth move when y'all spoke?”

“Your mouth? But it's my mouth that's moving!”

“No it's mine!” They opened their eyes, and looked around, and gasped at the sight they saw in one of the boutique's mirrors.

Instead of three fillies, there was a single alicorn mare. She was of average height, but of slim build, and seemed to be the amalgam of fillies she was. Her eyes were tri-colored, with one third of the iris being amber, purple, and emerald respectfully, and seemed to rotate slowly around the pupils. Her head and neck were white, her horn long and sharp. Her body was yellow, and strongly toned with muscle despite her lithe frame. Lastly her big, strong wings were an eye-catching contrasting orange. Her mane and tail were a fusion of all three fillies' usual colors and styles, being Sweetie's bobbing curls at the ends, Applebloom's straight fair hair in between, and Scootaloo's wild, untouched bangs and shaggy tail to finish off, and she also wore a bigger version of Applebloom's mane bow. On their neck, was the completed friendship necklace, only the original part was now made of jewels of their coat colors, and mounted on a golden band like the Elements of Harmony were before they were returned to the Tree of Harmony.

“What's going on?!” They all asked simultaneously, making the mare's voice sound like an ominous fusion of three voices. “Why're we all in one body?!”

“Because MY Alicorn Amulet cannot work unless it is utilized by three ponies of the three different tribes.” They spun around, and flared their wings instinctively at the familiar voice, and saw Discord and Pinkie emerge from another mirror. “Oh how precious! You're all so beautiful when you grow up.”

They blushed, and rubbed a hoof against the opposite leg in embarrassment. “Th-thank you....” They then blinked and snapped out of the moment. “H-hold on! This isn't permanent is it? We don't want to be stuck like this! We each have our own dreams.” The mare then looked down at the amulet, and tapped it. “Take this off! We love each other dearly, but...what?” They were suddenly scared, they realized it just now; they had each other's thoughts, feelings, memories. “No! We don't want to forget we're separate ponies!”

“Now, now; calm down dearies. This is, in a fashion; permanent, but only if you decide to remain fused forever, or take off the amulet and lose it. Separating is as easy as disconnecting the pieces of the amulet, but only if all of you want to be separated.” Discord explained, making them balk at him and the quiet Pinkie, who was restraining her excitement with a beaming smile.

“But we don't want to...be...what? Scoots? Why?” She asked a third of herself, who was all too happy at this turn of events, but needn’t have. “Yes...we know...well...yeah....” She blushed, and giggled. “This COULD be fun....” She looked back in the mirror, and smirked as she posed, one foreleg raised, wings flared and head held high. They didn't realize it yet; but their fused form was more or less their combined age, at least in alicorn years, making her mentally a mature mare, if not for the childish streak. “Oh~ we could definitely live with this. But what'll our parents say?” …. “Meh, don't care, let's do this!”

She then spun around, and playfully dragged a forehoof on the floor, and snorted. “Oh dear~! Pinkie! The mighty Crusader is after us~! We mus flee~!” Discord caught on and played along, as he grabbed Pinkie's leopard hand with his eagle talon, and ran out the door. Pinkie giggled mirthfully as the combined mare, now dubbed Crusader, sedately galloped after them with her tri-toned voice laughing.