• Published 23rd Sep 2014
  • 4,460 Views, 131 Comments

Discord's Delightful Disharmony - GameJunkie7

Discord has many artifacts, and he decides to give his "Dear Friends" a taste of what his mischief was like back in his heyday. At least, indirectly.

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Endangered Species

“Ah, it is good to finally see the Diamond of Darkness used up, and as intended at that. Don't need yet another Nightmare running around.” The black diamond that transformed Rarity was one of Discord's more dangerous artifacts, beings simple exposure to it planted The Nightmare into Luna during their final confrontation prior to the sisters obtaining the Elements of Harmony. This metaphorically killed two birds with one precious stone; Rarity get's her gift of becoming gloriously beautiful with power to accompany it, whilst one of his most unpredictable artifacts is disposed of. “Now who next...I'm saving dear Fluttershy for last....”

“Discord.” Fluttershy gently called through the house, as Discord had melded himself into the ceiling to hide himself from the gentle mare. “Discord, please come out. I know you're here.” Fluttershy hovered into the air, and checked his cobweb hammock. “Oh mister spider, have you seen Discord lately?” Fluttershy leaned in so she could hear the arachnid's tiny clicks, hisses and screeches to decipher them. “Oh, he left? Then I guess I should go tell Twilight he isn't hiding here. Thank you mister spider, I'll get you some extra flies as thanks.”

Fluttershy landed and winced, as her wings twitched, and she bit her lip in quiet agony as a feather fell out of her left wing. “Oh no....” She looked around, and then up at the spider who was supposedly the only other living being in the room. “Please don't tell anyone mister spider.” Fluttershy then picked up the lost feather, which had fresh blood in the stem, and quickly trotted to the hidden sack, opened it, and deposited it with the large number of yellow feathers of similar state. “I can't let anypony know....” Fluttershy teared up slightly, before sniffing and then hiding the sack again and leaving.

Discord exited the ceiling, and looked at the door his friend had left through, his heart lancing in pain for his friend. “Don't worry Fluttershy...help is coming soon.”


“This is madness!” Spike stated as the group sans Dash and Pinkie gathered at the edge of Ponyville, AJ sitting facing the town and still eating from her horn, as although cured of her emaciating hunger, her new size demanded a proper intake of food to recover from her recently malnourished state. She was just lucky she didn't need to use the restroom yet.... “I mean; aside from Twilight and Fluttershy, everypony has been transformed! Applejack is a giantess, Pinkie's a draconequus, Rainbow Dash is an alicorn, and now Rarity's even more beau-uh-dazz-um...very...different.” Spike blushed as he attempted in vain from referring to his crush as gorgeous, of which everypony there already knew, especially Rarity who contained a titter.

“Oh go on and say it Spiky-wikey! I'm glamorous!” Rarity posed regally, and Spike's already obvious blush turned his purple scales red. “I must say, that while Discord and Pinkie's antics are rather disruptive; they've been very...intriguing in their “side-effects” if you will.” Rarity looked up at AJ. “For instance, Applejack has clearly become stronger, if she were able to use her new gift constructively, then farming would be a quick few hours rather than a day-long-chore. Pinkie Pie has clearly been using her new power to her benefit to spread joy, as although scared at first, everypony is starting to enjoy her antics. Rainbow Dash is now royalty, even if it is of lesser status, and has become the fastest thing ever; her greatest dream beyond the Wonderbolts. And I...well.” Rarity cast a spell, and suddenly the field around them for several hundred feet erupted as hundreds of gems of various types and qualities burst out of the ground. “I've become much more powerful as well as beautiful. Gathering gems and making dresses will be easier than ever for me.”

“And I now have a quill that is both nice to look at, a conversation piece, never runs out of ink, and is a fun little toy as I've learned. Feather, Rarity!” Twilight quickly stated, and the Funny Feather flew at Rarity from Twilight's saddlebags, and started briskly swishing at the nape of her neck, sending her into glorious giggles. “Quill.” It stopped, and Twilight returned it to her saddlebags with a grin. “Discord is doing this not just for Chaos, but hes doing it for us too. I guess this just proves once again that, Discord is our friend.” Everyone all smiled as they understood this wasn't just a series of unusual pranks.

“Oh dear...but that just leaves me and....” Fluttershy stated and then looked at Spike, who blinked in confusion.

“What?” At his question, suddenly a certain pair of Draconequus both popped into sight behind him from an invisible door that revealed the living room of Fluttershy's cottage.

“Surprise!” Pinkie shouted as she suddenly grabbed Spike's mouth from behind and held it open like the flip-top of a trash can, and Discord quickly stuffed a jade pony-like statue into his mouth, and then they both closed his mouth all within mere seconds before anypony could react. “Eat up!”

“It will be a very...fun turn of events.” Discord said before he and Pinkie laughed and walked through the invisible door that she opened behind him, and slammed it shut as everypony gaped at where they were, before looking to Spike to see he was moaning and writhing on the ground in ecstasy as he chewed his delicious meal.

“Oh! It's so good! It's so smooth and soft, but with a strong flavor!” Spike swallowed before they could stop him, and he sat up with a dumb look of satisfaction. “That...was the best thing I have ever eaten.”

“Spike! Are you ok? Do you feel unusual?” Twilight was by his side, examining him from all angles as she levitated him around in place.

“No, just slightly dizzy from you spinning me like this. I mean I feel a little-*BURP*!” Suddenly Spike burped and a shockingly huge swathe of emerald flames danced forth, encompassing him and hiding him from sight as Twilight dropped him with a shout of pain, as the magical dragonfire seared her horn through the spell. “Ah! What's happening! I can't see!”

“Spike!” Everypony shouted in worry as the flames condensed around him, and then started dissipating, but nopony could clearly make him out, and when it was finally gone, it took a few moments for the smoke and wavering air from the intense heat to see him clearly, making the mares all gape at him like the stallions were gaping at Rarity.

“What? Is there something on my face?” Spike's voice asked from the new being, but it was noticeably deeper, and suave. “What's with my voi-OH MY GOSH!” Spike raised what he expected to be a claw to his throat, but instead was met with a purple scaly hoof. “What happened? What am I?”

Spike had completely changed, but was still some sort of dragon, if a dragon was equine-shaped and had hooves instead of claws. He was about as tall as Celestia, but with far more masculine, muscular, yet lithe features to him as he was a stallion rather than a mare. He was still covered in his purple scales, and his ridge of green fins still extended from his head, down his neck, back, and all along to the tip of his long dragon tail in descending size from his mohawk head fin, to the tiny ending fin just before it ended with a spiky veiny fin like a fish but vertical like a shark fin at the tip.

His face was sharp and well defined, like a perfect mix between dragon and pony, his piercing slitted emerald eyes were captivating, and helped add a feral sort of predatory allure that was aided by his sharp fangs peeking from his muzzle. Most notable of all were his green horns which were reminiscent of Tirek's, yet smaller and angled back rather than up, and his green webbed dragon wings were flared, making him seem even bigger. On his new flanks, were cutie marks of an emerald inlaid quill writing on a nondescript scroll, portraying his talents of archiving, which only really Twilight knew of how capable he really was since she instilled it in him.

Overall; he was hot, very hot by pony standards. “What's going on?” Spike's new pony ears were angled back and touching his new horns in his worry. “What happened to my claws! How can I possibly write like this?” In his panic, Spike suddenly ran over to Twilight, who was busy rebooting her brain, and reached into her bags to try and grab the quill, which he could, and was now idly aware of Twilight's plight of how they could pick things up with hooves as it was now his own plight. “But my writing! It used to be so nice, how can I do that now?”

Spike finally looked back at the mares, seeing them all blushing, and in Rarity's case; drooling. “Um...girls?”

“Hush Spike, let us recover.” Rarity practically demanded, as she practically molested him with her sparkling eyes, making Spike's eyes widen, ears stand up, and his tail to undulate slightly like a serpent in instinctive response to a potential mate, and Rarity licked her lips to stop the drool such an unintentionally seductive action produced. “Boutique, bedroom, now.”

“Uh...Rarity...he is still Spike-.” Twilight managed to finally snap out of it at Rarity's obviously lecherous intent towards her adoptive little brother/son figure, only for her to reel back at Rarity's ecstatic face.

“Even better! Come hither my glorious gentlecolt stud!” She grabbed him in her velvet purple aura, and they both teleported away to somewhere private, leaving everypony to blush their coats red, while Twilight was trying to get dirty thoughts of her little brother/son figure out of her head.

“...He's a Kirin! Discord and Pinkie turned Spike into an extinct species of dragon-pony!” Twilight shouted upon fully managing to grasp the situation, making AJ and Fluttershy finally come to their senses, and AJ giggled at a dirty thought.

“Considering how good he looks, and what Rarity's likely doin' to him now...I don't think extinction is a worry here.” AJ smirked as Fluttershy buried her blushing face with her hooves and covered her head with her wings, and Twilight gaped at her giantess friend in shock. “What? We all know Rarity is going to totally-.”

“NO! NOT THINKING OF MY LITTLE BROTHER LIKE THAT!” Twilight quickly tried to erase the images one of her best friends and her little brother-gah! “DISCORD! PINKIE PIE! I'M GOING TO GET YOU FOR THIS!”