• Published 7th Sep 2014
  • 1,528 Views, 173 Comments

Blood and Ponies - GreyGuardPony

Everypony believes that the princesses have always ruled over Equestria. But that is wrong. For before there was a world of harmony....there was a World of Darkness.

  • ...


Sometimes, in the quiet moments between hunting for blood and the vampire politics that swirled around her, Sun considered just how natural the art of lying had become to her. Before being inflicted with the curse of Caine- even when dealing with her asshole of a father- Sun’s stomach would do backflips when she had to tell a fib. At least, above a certain level of severity. No one cared about little white lies. But “real” deception? That had been developed as a pure survival necessity.

But in all her life and unlife, Sun had never really pictured lying in this context.

She sat on a low stool across from a member of Manhattan's equivalent to the police. The guard- dressed in actual plate armor- seemed anachronistically out of place among the clean white tiles of the hospital’s lobby. His coat was a pastel blue, which was a somewhat ironic color, considering his job. The lingering scent of blueberries also clung to his body, which was an annoying distraction.

Deep Digger was somewhere upstairs, preparing for a blood transfusion. Considering that they had come here via a pony drawn carriage based ambulance, it was almost hard to believe that these ponies had that level of technology. Though Sun was quite glad that it did.


This was already going well. The few pony names she had been exposed to so far were these two name things like Deep Digger or Far Sight or….

“Sunny Days,” Sun blurted out.

She would have smacked herself in the forehead if the guard hadn't been sitting right there. Sesame Street had a lot to answer for. The guard raised an eyebrow and Sun pouted back. She had to think fast. But before she could come up with an excuse, the guard smirked.

“Parents expecting a pegasus?”

“Yes,” Sun nodded, just accepting her sudden bout of luck.

“Relation to Miss Digger?”

“Student. She’s been helping me with some private tutoring. I’m trying to break into the whole archaeology field.”

He nodded, before reaching down and scribbling some notes on a pad at his side. At first it was actually somewhat amusing to watch him write with his mouth, until she realized that would be how she’d be writing for the time being.

Damn it.

“So, can you describe this creature?”

At a thought, her new batlike wings wrapped around her body and she shuddered. “Well...it was like a nightmare. Ugly. Really ugly. It’s body was all black, twisted and rotten. And it’s legs! It stood on two of them. And it had these fangs! I was so, so scared.”

“What were you two doing when this thing attacked?”

“Well...we had been doing some studying. Going over some notes of previous findings of hers. But she seemed nervous. When I pressed her about it, she told me she thought she was being followed and that she thought it was this monster that had escaped. Then...she had this plan.”

She didn’t have many resources at her disposal right now, so she’d have to make good use of what little she did have. Which at the moment largely considered of a magic circle painted in an apartment kitchen.

“We...painted some kind of magic circle in her apartment. We were going to trap it if it attacked. But then...then….” She paused, whimpering for a moment and sinking a little more in her seat, vanishing a little more behind her wings. “It was just there!”

The fact that power belonged to a completely different line of vampires was, of course, besides the point. It was all about creating a shadowy boogey man for the pony police to go chasing after. Her interviewer frowned, made a few more notes and motioned for her to continue.

“Then it pounced on her. Bit right into the neck. Once she went limp it burst through the window and took off.”

“Anything else?”

“No...that’s pretty much all I can remember.”

“Alright. Can I have your address? In case we need to ask any follow up questions?”

Sun frowned. “I was actually staying with her.”

“...Do you have any relatives? Somepony else you can stay with?”

“Not really….”

He sighed, flipped to a fresh page on his note pad and jotted down what looked like an address, followed by directions. “Here. I know the pony that runs this shelter. Her name is Fluttering Posey. Just tell her that Quick Trot sent you.”

With that he ripped it off with his mouth and presented it to Sun. She hesitated for a moment, not entirely sure how to go about taking a piece of paper from someone- or in this case, somepony- without using her hands.

Just take it! Don’t overthink it!

Letting the spell guide her subconscious, Sun leaned forward and grabbed the page with her own mouth. Satisfied with his interrogation, the guard nodded once and tucked his notepad into a pair of bags hanging over his back.

“We’ll be in touch. Stay safe out there miss.”

Hmmm. Sun thought to herself, as the pony trotted off. Honestly not sure if that reaction was too blase for a world with magic or not blase enough.

Hopping off the chair, Sun flexed her new wings a few times. While her new limbs felt intact enough, there was a dull throbbing sensation working its way through her insides, which probably meant her organs were still suffering from the effects of their sudden re-arrangement. She needed to assess the damage from Deep Digger’s spell.

Glancing about for a bathroom, she took a moment to appreciate the waiting room, now that she had the time. It was a stark contrast to the underfunded public hospitals she had seen Los Angeles struggle under. There were no flickering incandescent lights casting parts of the room in shadow, paint chipping from the walls, or the lingering smell of sick from spills that were never cleaned. No moans of pain came from a line of people sitting and waiting for an overworked hospital staff to try and squeeze them in.

Instead, the room was clean and well lit, a vague pine smell filling the air from whatever disinfectant these ponies used. Pale blue paint on the walls gave the impression of a bright, sunny day. That effect was added to by the fresh flowers on the receptionists desk and the chirpy, cheerful tune she hummed to herself as she worked. If there were other patients, they were currently being attended to, as the three rows of seats were currently empty.

It seemed unfair, in so many ways, that these little horses would have that much better luck than humanity. They had dodged nuclear annihilation, put a man on the moon, but were being beat out in providing adequate medical care by a race that didn’t even have opposable thumbs! ...But did have public acceptance of magic. Cheating, cheating magic. Rolling her eyes, Sun returned to her bathroom search.

Three hallways branched off from the waiting room; right, left and straight ahead and all of them had plenty of doors. It didn’t take long for Sun to spot a little sign jutting out from above one of those doors that hinted at being a bathroom. At least that’s what a little pony silhouette said to her. Walking (trotting?) over to it, Sun just pushed the door open with her head. Thankfully, her guess turned out to be correct. It was very much like any given ladies room she’d have found before her casket nap. A collection of stalls against the back wall, opposite some sinks and- most importantly for Sun- mirrors.

She slowly walked over to the sinks, taking care to place the page on the edge of one. She reared onto her hind legs, which felt almost like standing up. Almost. There was something about the way her hips and spine were arranged now that made the whole process feel...constrained for the lack of a better term.

Her hooves clicked against the porcelain of the basin, as they had against the tile of the hallway. The face in the mirror was undeniably adorable. Large, expressive goldenrod colored eyes with vertical slitted pupils stared back at her. Her mane was strange, a slight off white color in the back and middle, but rolling into a more rose petal red in the front. It looked like the spell had somehow incorporated her hair dye into the new color. Curious, she twisted her surprisingly flexible neck around to peer at her behind. The new tail followed a similar pattern with the red at the tip. She also noted the lack of one of those rump pictures every pony seemed to sport. What had Digger called them again? Cutie-Marks?

Looking back in the mirror, Sun noted that her coat was a pale shade of pink and tufted at the tops of her triangle shaped ears. Then there were the wings to consider. Leathery, batlike and slightly darker shade of pink as her coat, they almost seemed like a cosmic joke. Vampires were closely associated with bats, so- of course -she’d have bat like features when changed. Though, no ponies had reacted strangely to her appearance so far. Bat like ponies couldn’t be completely uncommon in Equestria then.

Curious now, Sun rang her tongue along her teeth. Her eyes went wide when it touched against sharp little fangs, about the size of her vampire ones. Now, a little bit of panic gripped her. Had her vampire nature somehow corrupted the enchantment? Or did bat ponies just naturally have these things? It seemed that another experiment was in order.

It never took more than a thought for her fangs to come out under normal circumstances. In fact, most of the time they came out completely by instinct when she was angry or getting ready to feed. Now she watched as those oddly cute little things grew longer and longer in the mirror. Soon they were bone white hypodermic needles, maybe two and a half inches long as they gleamed in the bathroom light. She snapped her mouth closed, immediately resolving to never do that again.

So, still a vampire. Sun thought, smirking to herself. Well...it was worth a shot at least. At least now I actually blend in. Smile wherever you’re rotting you Camarilla fucks. The Masquerade exists for a little bit longer.

Now she considered this shelter. Another place to stay wouldn’t be a bad idea as Digger’s apartment just wasn’t safe without her there. Of course, she didn’t know if this shelter would be any better. If the place was large, open, shared rooms of identical bunkbeds then it wouldn’t do at all. One pony seeing her all corpse-like during the day or someone getting in her business to the point where she flipped out and frenzied would bring an end to her and quick. Then again, if the homeless shelters were anything like this hospital, maybe they’d have private rooms or something. The night was young and it couldn’t hurt to at least look....

Grabbing the address in her mouth, Sun walked back out to the waiting room and the receptionists desk. She dropped it on the counter and smiled. “Excuse me? Can you help me figure out how to get to this address from here?”

- - - -

Directions tucked firmly in the back of her mind and address under a wing, Sun trotted out of the hospital. But before she set off to the find homeless shelter, there was a more immediate need that had to be seen too.

It was- of course- blood.

Even after having nearly drained Deep Digger, Sun strangely still felt hungry, ravenous even. Maybe the transformation took more of a toll on her blood reserves than she'd realized, or maybe… she licked her lips remembering the powerful cinnamon-like taste of Deep Digger's blood.

Whatever the reason she needed more —Now!— and she felt as if the longer she put it off the greater the risks of flying into another frenzy, made only all the more dangerous by the passion and rage that were trademarks of Clan Brujah. That wasn't a risk Sun was willing to take, least of all not after almost killing the only friend she had in this alien world of delectable candy equines.

Sun wasn’t sure how many hospitals Manehattan had, but this one- Green Hill Hospital- took up a whole quarter of this block. With a wide, recessed entrance to allow the emergency carts plenty of room to pull up and offload their wounded equine cargo. Sun hooked a left, from there, heading down the street for a little bit, before slipping into another alleyway that ran between Green Hill and some office looking building. Working her way around to the back of the hospital, Sun found exactly what she was looking for. A group of dumpsters were clustered beside a pair of heavy steel doors. A maintenance entrance.

Sun slinked over to the doors, pressing an ear against the crack. She couldn’t make out any sounds of ponies, so at least no one was hanging out directly by the door. Now she checked the door to see if it was locked, slowly jiggling the handle.

“Huh. Locked,” Sun smiled. “It’s like an actual attempt at security. That’s adorable.”

She wrenched the handle, hard. It snapped like a twig, the door swinging open and the internal mechanisms tumbling to the ground. Smirking to herself, Sun crept inside, keeping low to the ground as she examined the immediate area beyond the doors.

It was what she could only describe as a combination storage area and staging room. Boxes and crates of cleaning supplies were stacked in neat piles, mops and brooms propped up amongst them, the whole lot sitting next to garbage cans waiting their turn to be carried outside to the dumpsters. The coppery smell of blood mixed with the antiseptic smell of cleaner and the unfortunately sickening reek of soiled linens and gore clotted bandages here, emanating particularly strongly from the garbage cans. This was where the unsanitary after effects of medicine were hidden from view of the public.

Another set of swinging double doors- mostly glass - were on the far wall, a hallway just beyond. Sun crept forward, slowly pushing one of the doors open and examining said hallway. It was a T shape, with short wings leading to staircases to the right and left, with the longer branch straight ahead leading to other rooms. Including those doors, there were a lot of directions to go, her target could be hiding behind any one of them, and the longer she wandered around, the greater the chance she’d be discovered. It was time to get her new hooves in gear.

Tilting her head back slightly, Sun sucked a deep breath through her snout like nose. Why vampires maintained a sense of smell when so many other aspects of their body didn’t work unless fueled by blood was one of those mysteries about the curse that she had once tried to puzzle out before throwing up her hands and writing it off as “pseudo-mystical bullshit”. So she was equally surprised to find that same sense of smell was enhanced in her new pony body.

It was a practical smorgasbord of scents that tickled her nostrils, and while she could still make out the mundanities of the hospital in the background, she knew full well what most of the heady aromas were.


Be it in ponies or bags she could still detect it. All sweet and sour and spicy and mimicking every delicious bit of food that she hadn’t been able to eat in years, and-

Woah, calm down girl. Sun thought, shaking her head. Her fangs were already extended at the prospect of blood. Clearly, she really was hungrier than she realized. Still, the largest concentration of blood seemed to be down the right staircase, so that’s the direction she crept.

The lights grew dimmer as she trotted down the steps, the banks a little sparser in this stairwell, for reasons that were lost on her. Ambiance? Did even ponies enjoy the cliche of the creepy basement?

Another hallway waited at the base of the steps, this one with only three doors in it- two across from each other, one at the far end- two of which had the tell-tale condensation of active refrigeration clinging to their seals. They were also, inconveniently, unlabeled. Both heavy metal doors simply supported numbers. Sun rolled her eyes and took another sniff of the air.

Left side.

Shoving the unlocked door open, Sun was in the room in a flash, kicking it closed behind her. Examining the room, she smiled to herself at what she saw. Coolers and freezers. They were square, white box designs, a half dozen at least. The smell of blood clung to all of them like flies on a carcass. The amount that had to be here was enough to make Sun giddy with excitement! Her fangs slid into their ready position as Sun raced over to one of the coolers, rearing onto her hind legs to throw the lid open.

A feast of red lay before her.

The bags were almost bulging with the stuff, sitting in their neat little rows, sorted by blood type. It was all the encouragement Sun needed and she eagerly, hungrily, greedily plunged her hooves into the bounty. Fishing half a dozen blood bags from the chest, she picked one at random and plunged her fangs in.

The sweet, rich, intoxicating, heady nectar was gulped down with gusto. Sun shivered. What was it about this pony blood, that made it taste so good? As the sticky red liquid slid down her throat, emotions- long deadened by the rage of Clan Brujah- began to stir in her core, while memories flickered and danced through her mind.

She was a little girl again, chasing her younger sister across one of California’s sandy beaches. They were laughing, having fun, blissfully unaware of the cynical nature of the world.

Then she was back to an adult and a vampire, stalking through the rotting remains of a crack house. She was there on a mission, to stop a vampire cult leader from spreading plague around LA. Righteous purpose drove her onwards, axe in hand.

Hooves and mouth moved automatically, almost all sense of control lost as Sun tore into the next bag and the next, gorging herself on the contents. The rush of emotions and memories grew into a torrent. She wanted to laugh, cry, scream in fear and curse all at once. But with her mouth full, a strangled snicker was all she could manage. Faces of people long gone and places lost to time were carried along by the flood of emotions, mixing with song lyrics, pictures, clips of movies and TV shows, all of it flowing right into the core of her brain. It was, quite simply, the greatest rush she had experienced in her life.

Wings and tail twitching, Sun let herself fall backwards, the last of her plundered blood packs pinched tightly between those adorable pink hooves. Still flush from the high of this equine blood, she giggled at the sight. It was one of the most absurdly adorable things she had ever seen. Craning her neck up, she nipped at the edge of the bag ever so slightly, letting her fangs rip a hole in the plastic.

As the blood flowed out Sun just held the bag over her open mouth. Using her fangs just felt like far too much effort right now and she just didn’t want to move. She didn’t want to wreck this moment. She wanted to savor it. But, eventually the blood stopped flowing and the empty bag slipped from Sun’s grip. As the blood fueled haze began to loosen its grip on her mind, one thought floated to the surface.

She was full.

The remains of her binge lay scattered about her. Eight blood bags. Apparently, somewhere in that frenzy, she had grabbed another two from the stores. Groaning, she let a foreleg flop across her eyes. Apparently she had opted to go on a truly bacchanal feeding frenzy instead of just having a bag and saving the rest for later.

Sun groaned again, flopping onto her stomach. “This shit is worse than crack.” She guessed at least. Weed was one thing, but she had never delved into hard drugs before. At least until...now, maybe. Slowly, she pushed herself upright. “Hey you thought Blue Kush was good?" she muttered. "You’ve not experienced anything till you’ve tried yourself some goddamn pony blood! Shit...anyone could have walked in on me while I was doing that. ...How long was I down here anyway?”

Pony hospitals still had to have staff that checked everything. Blood storage might not be a high priority, but you’d still have to take inventory. Surely someone would have come down here at some point...right?

The sound of a metallic groan from across the hall made her jump. Someone had just opened the other door. Frowning, Sun crept across the room, doing her best to keep her hoof falls light. Slowly, ever so slowly, she pushed the door open and peeked into the hallway. The other room was indeed wide open, the walls lined with drawers, while two large tables dominated the center.

A morgue.

Well, Deep Digger had mentioned death magic. It clearly wasn’t an unheard of concept so things like morgues had to exist. ...Not that it made the presence of one any less surreal to associate with small colorful ponies. She could just make out a bit of a tan coated pony fiddling over a gurney, his back to the door. Best to go while the getting was good. Slinking down the hall, another creak reached her ear as the pony- presumably- pulled open one of the freezer drawers.

“Get up.”

Sun froze. No. That doctor hadn’t just told a body to get up. There was no way….

“Come on, we have work to do. Help me get him into the freezer.”

Sun’s shoulders sagged. Morgue freezer doors didn’t open from the inside, right? ...Either way, a drawer designed to keep bodies cold wouldn’t be good for a living pony. And whatever these two were planning couldn’t be good for the hospital and the other ponies inside, including Deep Digger.

“Shit,” she hissed under her breath, turning and slinking back towards the morgue.

Peeking around the half open door, she saw two ponies beginning to lift a third off a gurney. The unconscious pony was a stallion, an older one with a light orange coat and reddish mane, wearing a doctor’s jacket. But, bizarrely enough, he was being lifted by...himself, in addition to the first stallion. Their expressions were impassive, uncaring, like the pony in their grip was so much garbage to throw out. Something fucked up was going on here. But, whatever it was, unluckily for these poor bastards Sun was flush with blood.

She crouched down, undead muscle and sinew coiling to strike, waiting for the right moment. She waited until they had slid the sleeping doctor the drawer but before they closed the door, she stepped into the room. With a sea of vitae to call upon, she pulled another trick out of her bag.

“Hey fellas, whatcha doing?” she asked.

Both turned to face her and both hissed. Sun blinked, but called upon her blood stores, extended her fangs and hissed back. Her eyes took on an unearthly red glow and as she advanced upon the pair of ponies, her steps took on an unearthly, cobra like grace. Dread Gaze was the one truly offensive ability that came from the art of Presence and here it had its effect almost immediately. The two hissed again and bolted, smashing past Sun.

“Oh no you don’t!” she shouted, turning and running after them.

A little more blood for Celerity and Sun was a pink colored streak down the hallway. From her point of view, it took only three strides for her to be upon the two ponies at the base of the stairwell, propelled by her super speed and four legged stature. Slamming her body into the duplicate of the doctor, he was sent tumbling snout first into the steps. His fellow reacted almost immediately, launching himself at Sun with a snarl.

He was spry, Sun had to admit that. He swung neatly onto Sun’s back, wrapping his forehooves around her neck in an improvised choke hold. It was a tight grip, but pretty useless against someone who didn’t need to breathe anymore. Smirking to herself, Sun spun around, and threw herself backwards into the wall. The satisfying crunch sound that she heard at the impact and the loosing of the pony’s grip brought a smile to her face. Up she reached, grabbing her attacker by the head and throwing him off of her.

A black armored bug-pony hit the opposite wall of the stairwell. It slid down the wall, leaving a trail of green ichor in its wake.

“...Fucking seriously?”

The other doctor-pony-possibly bug got back to its hooves and in a burst of emerald green fire the disguise fell away. With an angry thrum of its wings the bug creature rose, hovering just above the steps, hissing all the while. The bug pony’s confidence immediately made Sun cautious. For all she knew that wispy gray tail could hide a wicked stinger. So, she simply turned her Dread Gaze on the thing again.

It spit in response.

Sun yelped, her vision going dark as a wad of sticky green goo splattered across her eyes. “Gah! Stupid…fucking,” she swore whipping her head back and forth like a dog. “Goddamn, alien pony bug!”

The goo didn’t do much but jiggle around thanks to Sun’s efforts. At least until it even stopped doing that, turning stiff and hard. She could feel herself getting more and more angry at the sound of insectile wings buzzing away and what she was quite sure was distant snickering. With a furious snarl, Sun tried to give chase. With the hardened gunk blocking out all vision, the charge became a half formed stumble, that ended with her crashing into the staircase.

“Fuck! This!” she roared, slamming her head against the steps with all her strength. Concrete and bug goo crumbled to dust from the impact, letting Sun scramble up the stairs after that bug. The swinging doors to the stairwell banged hard against the walls as Sun burst back into the first hallway. There was no sign of the bug pony deal. Where the hell did it go? Further up the stairwell? Into another room?


And there was a pair of nurses- those little white hats of their still looked silly- rushing her way, coming from around the corner of the intersection at the T. One of which could easily be that bug, assuming that the emerald fire trick could do more than just the one appearance. This was just going increasingly south.

“Red eyes take warning,” she hissed, letting her Dread Gaze drill into the pair.

Their charge halted, eyes going wide before they shrieked, spun around and bolted back the way they came as fast as they could. Sun ran as well, shooting straight for the back door and infused with Celerity still, she was out of the hospital and rushing through the streets before the nurses realized exactly what they had just seen.

Disappearing into the night, Sun galloped with supernatural speed for her next goal. Shelter.

- - - -

A little while later, maybe an hour by Sun’s estimation- she really needed some kind of watch- she found herself looking at the entrance to Tranquil Gardens Homeless Shelter. It was down a short flight of steps, apparently in the basement of this building.

For the love of all that is holy, please, please have separate rooms, Sun silently thought.

She was...tired. Not physically though. Her curse made that completely impossible. But mental exhaustion? The kind of tired, dragging sensation, that came from a day that had done its absolute best to kick you right in the teeth? That was another matter entirely. So it was with head drooping that Sun knocked on the door, hoping that someone was working the place tonight.

At first, it seemed like she was out of luck, the door remaining closed and locked. She was about to turn and leave when the sounds of locks being undone reached her ears. Six of them clicking open in sequence. Then the door creaked open just enough for the pony on the other side to peer out through the crack.

From what Sun could see, the pony on the other side had a minty green coat, while her short mane was an almost buttery yellow. Piercing blue eyes looked her over, before the door was opened just a little more allowing Sun a better look at this pony. She was clearly a pegasus, her wings just slightly flared. The cutie-mark on her side was a flower of some variety, though Sun wasn’t entirely sure what kind.

“Can I help you?” she asked.

“I...was looking for a place to stay,” Sun frowned, doing her best to look as pathetic as she felt right now. “Officer Swift Trot sent me.”

At the mention of the name, any remnants of fear drained away and the mare threw the door fully open with a wide smile. “Oh, you poor dear,” she cooed, throwing a foreleg over Sun’s back and quickly ushering her inside. “You must be in trouble if Swift Trot sent you my way.”

The entrance foyer was small, but cozy. A soft looking rug ran from the door, past a short flight of steps leading up, to another door at the end of the hall. The walls were marked with pictures of ponies, the pegasus that had greeted Sun in most of them, usually smiling proudly. The floral wallpaper certainly gave the room a certain amount of domestic charm.

Of greater note was the large dog sleeping in a wicker bed near the steps. Easily the size of a great dane, but with an appearance more reminiscent of a German Shepard. Soft, almost pained whines rose from its two heads as it huddled down on its pillows and blankets. It would almost have counted as weird if not for everything else Sun had experienced since waking up in this pony world.

“Uh...your cerberus is looking a little sick there, miss…”

“Fluttering Posey,” she smiled. “And Fang isn’t a cerberus. He’s an orthos. Cerberi have three heads.”

Ah, how foolish of me, Sun thought.

Fluttering walked over to the sleeping dog and gently stroked one of its massive heads. “My poor little baby. I just don’t know what’s wrong with him. And orthos are rare enough that most vets don’t know how to treat them. Still…,” she straightened up and smiled at Sun. “I’m rambling. You are?”

“Sunny Days,” Sun answered. Might as well stick with only one false name for now. “You...run this place, then?”

“I do. And if you’re here, I assume you need a place to stay until some trouble blows over.”

Sun raised an eyebrow. That was some suspicious wording. “I’m sorry. I thought this was a homeless shelter.”

“Well, it is.” Fluttering smiled, a little nervously this time. “I just...specialize. In homeless ponies that need help.”


“Help,” Fluttering nodded succinctly. “But if you don’t need help, then I’ll have to direct you to another shelter.”

Almost like a switch was flipped, a hard glare had settled across Fluttering’s face. It was clear that she wasn’t willing to budge on that and Sun saw no value in getting into a fight over this point.

“...Does having to leave the apartment I’m staying in due to monster attack count?”

And the switch was flipped again. “Oh! Of course! Let’s get you a room.”

With that, she lead the way up the stairs, Sun trudging after. The upstairs hall ended up being just as quaint looking as the downstairs. The floral wallpaper was still present and was now joined by different pastel shades that each bedroom door was painted. There were four of them. Pink, light green, sky blue and pale violet respectively. Fluttering walked over to the violet door and pushed it open.

The bedroom- continuing the theme of this place- was small but nice. The violet color of the door had been carried onto the walls, while a circular blue rug covered most of the floor. A comfortable looking bed was pressed up against the left wall, while a simple dresser and desk were on the right, under a small pair of windows that were blocked by thick dark purple curtains. There even seemed to be an attached bathroom.

“You can stay as long as you want. All that I ask if that you keep the room clean and help around with the chores just a little. Are you nocturnal? I understand that’s more of a lifestyle choice for bat ponies.”

“Quite nocturnal,” Sun nodded.

“Night chores then. Did you need anything else right now?”

“Nope. Just...please don’t disturb me during the day. Please.”

Fluttering nodded again. “Alright. Have a good night then. And remember,” she smiled. “You’re safe here.”

Sun watched her trot back downstairs, before closing the door. Then, using her enhanced strength, she pushed the desk in front of the door. Just in case miss Posey decided to try and come into the room during the day.

Mind still racing from the events of the night, Sun climbed into bed and squirmed under the covers, despite there still being hours till dawn. What she saw at the hospital remained seared into her memory. Shape shifting bugs, lurking amongst pony society. The parallels to vampires was unmistakable and made some of her previous suspicions seem all the more horribly possible now.

“So much to do,” she grumbled, mentally layout out her plans for tomorrow night. With the need for blood satisfied for now money, information and some other survival necessities were the new goal. Survival. One “day” at a time. In a world that seemed dead set in throwing curveball after curveball at her. But one thing she knew for sure. At the moment, in this fuzzy pony body, eventual freedom from the Curse of Caine seemed more distant than it ever had before.

That thought stayed with her until the eventual rising of the sun.

Author's Note:

And suddenly, changelings! Emotional vampires vs an actual vampire! Blood vs love! And...other stuff.

Not a whole lot else to add to this chapter. I can say that in the next one though, that Twilight and company will finally show up! And then things will really get crazy.